Network Working Group                                        S. Lehtinen
Request for Comments: 4250              SSH Communications Security Corp
Category: Standards Track                                C. Lonvick, Ed.
                                                     Cisco Systems, Inc.
                                                            January 2006

            The Secure Shell (SSH) Protocol Assigned Numbers

Status of This Memo

   This document specifies an Internet standards track protocol for the
   Internet community, and requests discussion and suggestions for
   improvements.  Please refer to the current edition of the "Internet
   Official Protocol Standards" (STD 1) for the standardization state
   and status of this protocol.  Distribution of this memo is unlimited.

Copyright Notice

   Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2006).


   This document defines the instructions to the IANA and the initial
   state of the IANA assigned numbers for the Secure Shell (SSH)
   protocol.  It is intended only for the initialization of the IANA
   registries referenced in the set of SSH documents.

Table of Contents

   1. Introduction ....................................................2
   2. Contributors ....................................................3
   3. Conventions Used in This Document ...............................3
      3.1. RFC 2119 Keywords ..........................................3
      3.2. RFC 2434 Keywords ..........................................3
      3.3. Protocol Fields and Values .................................4
   4. IANA Considerations .............................................5
      4.1. Message Numbers ............................................5
           4.1.1. Conventions .........................................5
           4.1.2. Initial Assignments .................................6
           4.1.3. Future Assignments ..................................6
      4.2. Disconnection Messages Reason Codes and Descriptions .......7
           4.2.1. Conventions .........................................7
           4.2.2. Initial Assignments .................................7
           4.2.3. Future Assignments ..................................8
      4.3. Channel Connection Failure Reason Codes and Descriptions ...8
           4.3.1. Conventions .........................................8
           4.3.2. Initial Assignments .................................8

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           4.3.3. Future Assignments ..................................8
           4.3.4. Notes about the PRIVATE USE Range ...................9
      4.4. Extended Channel Data Transfer data_type_code and Data .....9
           4.4.1. Conventions .........................................9
           4.4.2. Initial Assignments ................................10
           4.4.3. Future Assignments .................................10
      4.5. Pseudo-Terminal Encoded Terminal Modes ....................10
           4.5.1. Conventions ........................................10
           4.5.2. Initial Assignments ................................10
           4.5.3. Future Assignments .................................12
      4.6. Names .....................................................12
           4.6.1. Conventions for Names ..............................13
           4.6.2. Future Assignments of Names ........................13
      4.7. Service Names .............................................13
      4.8. Authentication Method Names ...............................14
      4.9. Connection Protocol Assigned Names ........................14
           4.9.1. Connection Protocol Channel Types ..................14
           4.9.2. Connection Protocol Global Request Names ...........14
           4.9.3. Connection Protocol Channel Request Names ..........15
           4.9.4. Initial Assignment of Signal Names .................15
           4.9.5. Connection Protocol Subsystem Names ................15
      4.10. Key Exchange Method Names ................................16
      4.11. Assigned Algorithm Names .................................16
           4.11.1. Encryption Algorithm Names ........................16
           4.11.2. MAC Algorithm Names ...............................17
           4.11.3. Public Key Algorithm Names ........................17
           4.11.4. Compression Algorithm Names .......................17
   5. Security Considerations ........................................17
   6. References .....................................................18
      6.1. Normative References ......................................18
      6.2. Informative References ....................................18
   Authors' Addresses ................................................19
   Trademark Notice ..................................................19

1.  Introduction

   This document does not define any new protocols.  It is intended only
   to create the initial state of the IANA databases for the SSH
   protocol and also contains instructions for future assignments.
   Except for one HISTORIC algorithm generally regarded as obsolete,
   this document does not define any new protocols or number ranges not
   already defined in: [SSH-ARCH], [SSH-TRANS], [SSH-USERAUTH],

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2.  Contributors

   The major original contributors of this set of documents have been:
   Tatu Ylonen, Tero Kivinen, Timo J. Rinne, Sami Lehtinen (all of SSH
   Communications Security Corp), and Markku-Juhani O. Saarinen
   (University of Jyvaskyla).  Darren Moffat was the original editor of
   this set of documents and also made very substantial contributions.

   Many people contributed to the development of this document over the
   years.  People who should be acknowledged include Mats Andersson, Ben
   Harris, Bill Sommerfeld, Brent McClure, Niels Moller, Damien Miller,
   Derek Fawcus, Frank Cusack, Heikki Nousiainen, Jakob Schlyter, Jeff
   Van Dyke, Jeffrey Altman, Jeffrey Hutzelman, Jon Bright, Joseph
   Galbraith, Ken Hornstein, Markus Friedl, Martin Forssen, Nicolas
   Williams, Niels Provos, Perry Metzger, Peter Gutmann, Simon
   Josefsson, Simon Tatham, Wei Dai, Denis Bider, der Mouse, and
   Tadayoshi Kohno.  Listing their names here does not mean that they
   endorse this document, but that they have contributed to it.

3.  Conventions Used in This Document

3.1.  RFC 2119 Keywords

   All documents related to the SSH protocols shall use the keywords
   "SHOULD NOT", "RECOMMENDED", "MAY", and "OPTIONAL" to describe
   requirements.  These keywords are to be interpreted as described in

3.2.  RFC 2434 Keywords

   this document when used to describe namespace allocation are to be
   interpreted as described in [RFC2434].  These designations are
   repeated in this document for clarity.

   PRIVATE USE - For private or local use only, with the type and
   purpose defined by the local site.  No attempt is made to prevent
   multiple sites from using the same value in different (and
   incompatible) ways.  There is no need for IANA to review such
   assignments and assignments are not generally useful for

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   HIERARCHICAL ALLOCATION - Delegated managers can assign values
   provided they have been given control over that part of the name
   space.  IANA controls the higher levels of the namespace according to
   one of the other policies.

   FIRST COME FIRST SERVED - Anyone can obtain an assigned number, so
   long as they provide a point of contact and a brief description of
   what the value would be used for.  For numbers, the exact value is
   generally assigned by the IANA; with names, specific names are
   usually requested.

   EXPERT REVIEW - approval by a Designated Expert is required.

   SPECIFICATION REQUIRED - Values and their meaning must be documented
   in an RFC or other permanent and readily available reference, in
   sufficient detail so that interoperability between independent
   implementations is possible.

   IESG APPROVAL - New assignments must be approved by the IESG, but
   there is no requirement that the request be documented in an RFC
   (though the IESG has discretion to request documents or other
   supporting materials on a case-by-case basis).

   IETF CONSENSUS - New values are assigned through the IETF consensus
   process.  Specifically, new assignments are made via RFCs approved by
   the IESG.  Typically, the IESG will seek input on prospective
   assignments from appropriate persons (e.g., a relevant Working Group
   if one exists).

   STANDARDS ACTION - Values are assigned only for Standards Track RFCs
   approved by the IESG.

3.3.  Protocol Fields and Values

   Protocol fields and possible values to fill them are defined in this
   set of documents.  Protocol fields will be defined in the message
   definitions.  As an example, SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_DATA is defined as

      byte      SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_DATA
      uint32    recipient channel
      string    data

   Throughout these documents, when the fields are referenced, they will
   appear within single quotes.  When values to fill those fields are
   referenced, they will appear within double quotes.  Using the above
   example, possible values for 'data' are "foo" and "bar".

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4.  IANA Considerations

   This entire document is the IANA considerations for the SSH protocol,
   as defined in [SSH-ARCH], [SSH-TRANS], [SSH-USERAUTH], [SSH-CONNECT].
   This section contains conventions used in naming the namespaces, the
   initial state of the registry, and instructions for future

4.1.  Message Numbers

   The Message Number is a byte value that describes the payload of a

4.1.1.  Conventions

   Protocol packets have message numbers in the range 1 to 255.  These
   numbers are allocated as follows:

      Transport layer protocol:

        1 to 19    Transport layer generic (e.g., disconnect, ignore,
                   debug, etc.)
        20 to 29   Algorithm negotiation
        30 to 49   Key exchange method specific (numbers can be reused
                   for different authentication methods)

      User authentication protocol:

        50 to 59   User authentication generic
        60 to 79   User authentication method specific (numbers can be
                   reused for different authentication methods)

      Connection protocol:

        80 to 89   Connection protocol generic
        90 to 127  Channel related messages

      Reserved for client protocols:

        128 to 191 Reserved

      Local extensions:

        192 to 255 Local extensions

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4.1.2.  Initial Assignments

   The following table identifies the initial assignments of the Message
   ID values.

         Message ID                            Value    Reference
         -----------                           -----    ---------
         SSH_MSG_DISCONNECT                       1     [SSH-TRANS]
         SSH_MSG_IGNORE                           2     [SSH-TRANS]
         SSH_MSG_UNIMPLEMENTED                    3     [SSH-TRANS]
         SSH_MSG_DEBUG                            4     [SSH-TRANS]
         SSH_MSG_SERVICE_REQUEST                  5     [SSH-TRANS]
         SSH_MSG_SERVICE_ACCEPT                   6     [SSH-TRANS]
         SSH_MSG_KEXINIT                         20     [SSH-TRANS]
         SSH_MSG_NEWKEYS                         21     [SSH-TRANS]
         SSH_MSG_USERAUTH_REQUEST                50     [SSH-USERAUTH]
         SSH_MSG_USERAUTH_FAILURE                51     [SSH-USERAUTH]
         SSH_MSG_USERAUTH_SUCCESS                52     [SSH-USERAUTH]
         SSH_MSG_USERAUTH_BANNER                 53     [SSH-USERAUTH]
         SSH_MSG_GLOBAL_REQUEST                  80     [SSH-CONNECT]
         SSH_MSG_REQUEST_SUCCESS                 81     [SSH-CONNECT]
         SSH_MSG_REQUEST_FAILURE                 82     [SSH-CONNECT]
         SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_OPEN                    90     [SSH-CONNECT]
         SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_OPEN_FAILURE            92     [SSH-CONNECT]
         SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_DATA                    94     [SSH-CONNECT]
         SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_EOF                     96     [SSH-CONNECT]
         SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_CLOSE                   97     [SSH-CONNECT]
         SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_REQUEST                 98     [SSH-CONNECT]
         SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_SUCCESS                 99     [SSH-CONNECT]
         SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_FAILURE                100     [SSH-CONNECT]

4.1.3.  Future Assignments

   Requests for assignments of new message numbers in the range of 1 to
   29, 50 to 59, and 80 to 127 MUST be done through the STANDARDS ACTION
   method, as described in [RFC2434].

   The meanings of message numbers in the range of 30 to 49 are specific
   to the key exchange method in use, and their meaning will be
   specified by the definition of that method.

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   The meanings of message numbers in the range of 60 to 79 are specific
   to the user authentication method in use, and their meaning will be
   specified by the definition of that method.

   Requests for assignments of new message numbers in the range of 128
   to 191 MUST be done through the IETF CONSENSUS method, as described
   in [RFC2434].

   The IANA will not control the message numbers in the range of 192
   through 255.  This range will be left for PRIVATE USE.

4.2.  Disconnection Messages Reason Codes and Descriptions

   The Disconnection Message 'reason code' is a uint32 value.  The
   associated Disconnection Message 'description' is a human-readable
   message that describes the disconnect reason.

4.2.1.  Conventions

   Protocol packets containing the SSH_MSG_DISCONNECT message MUST have
   Disconnection Message 'reason code' values in the range of 0x00000001
   to 0xFFFFFFFF.  These are described in [SSH-TRANS].

4.2.2.  Initial Assignments

   The following table identifies the initial assignments of the
   SSH_MSG_DISCONNECT 'description' and 'reason code' values.

         Symbolic Name                                  reason code
         -------------                                  -----------
         SSH_DISCONNECT_PROTOCOL_ERROR                       2
         SSH_DISCONNECT_KEY_EXCHANGE_FAILED                  3
         SSH_DISCONNECT_RESERVED                             4
         SSH_DISCONNECT_MAC_ERROR                            5
         SSH_DISCONNECT_COMPRESSION_ERROR                    6
         SSH_DISCONNECT_CONNECTION_LOST                     10
         SSH_DISCONNECT_BY_APPLICATION                      11
         SSH_DISCONNECT_TOO_MANY_CONNECTIONS                12
         SSH_DISCONNECT_ILLEGAL_USER_NAME                   15

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4.2.3.  Future Assignments

   Disconnection Message 'reason code' values MUST be assigned
   sequentially.  Requests for assignments of new Disconnection Message
   'reason code' values, and their associated Disconnection Message
   'description' text, in the range of 0x00000010 through 0xFDFFFFFF,
   MUST be done through the IETF CONSENSUS method, as described in
   [RFC2434].  The IANA will not assign Disconnection Message 'reason
   code' values in the range of 0xFE000000 through 0xFFFFFFFF.
   Disconnection Message 'reason code' values in that range are left for
   PRIVATE USE, as described in [RFC2434].

4.3.  Channel Connection Failure Reason Codes and Descriptions

   The Channel Connection Failure 'reason code' is a uint32 value.  The
   associated Channel Connection Failure 'description' text is a human-
   readable message that describes the channel connection failure
   reason.  This is described in [SSH-CONNECT].

4.3.1.  Conventions

   Protocol packets containing the SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_OPEN_FAILURE message
   MUST have Channel Connection Failure 'reason code' values in the
   range of 0x00000001 to 0xFFFFFFFF.

4.3.2.  Initial Assignments

   The initial assignments for the 'reason code' values and
   'description' values are given in the table below.  Note that the
   values for the 'reason code' are given in decimal format for
   readability, but they are actually uint32 values.

         Symbolic Name                                  reason code
         -------------                                  -----------
         SSH_OPEN_CONNECT_FAILED                             2
         SSH_OPEN_UNKNOWN_CHANNEL_TYPE                       3
         SSH_OPEN_RESOURCE_SHORTAGE                          4

4.3.3.  Future Assignments

   Channel Connection Failure 'reason code' values MUST be assigned
   sequentially.  Requests for assignments of new Channel Connection
   Failure 'reason code' values, and their associated Channel Connection
   Failure 'description string', in the range of 0x00000005 to
   0xFDFFFFFF MUST be done through the IETF CONSENSUS method, as
   described in [RFC2434].  The IANA will not assign Channel Connection

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   Failure 'reason code' values in the range of 0xFE000000 to
   0xFFFFFFFF.  Channel Connection Failure 'reason code' values in that
   range are left for PRIVATE USE, as described in [RFC2434].

4.3.4.  Notes about the PRIVATE USE Range

   While it is understood that the IANA will have no control over the
   range of 0xFE000000 to 0xFFFFFFFF, this range will be split in two
   parts and administered by the following conventions.

   o  The range of 0xFE000000 to 0xFEFFFFFF is to be used in conjunction
      with locally assigned channels.  For example, if a channel is
      proposed with a 'channel type' of ""
      but fails, then the server will respond with either a 'reason
      code' assigned by the IANA (as listed above and in the range of
      0x00000001 to 0xFDFFFFFF), or with a locally assigned value in the
      range of 0xFE000000 to 0xFEFFFFFF.  Naturally, if the server does
      not understand the proposed 'channel type', even if it is a
      locally defined 'channel type', then the 'reason code' MUST be
      0x00000003, as described above.  If the server does understand the
      'channel type', but the channel still fails to open, then the
      server SHOULD respond with a locally assigned 'reason code' value
      that is consistent with the proposed local 'channel type'.  It is
      assumed that practitioners will first attempt to use the IANA-
      assigned 'reason code' values and then document their locally
      assigned 'reason code' values.

   o  There are no restrictions or suggestions for the range starting
      with 0xFF.  No interoperability is expected for anything used in
      this range.  Essentially, it is for experimentation.

4.4.  Extended Channel Data Transfer data_type_code and Data

   The Extended Channel Data Transfer 'data_type_code' is a uint32
   value.  The associated Extended Channel Data Transfer 'data' is a
   human-readable message that describes the type of data allowed to be
   transferred in the channel.

4.4.1.  Conventions

   Protocol packets containing the SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_EXTENDED_DATA message
   MUST have Extended Channel Data Transfer 'data_type_code' values in
   the range of 0x00000001 to 0xFFFFFFFF.  This is described in

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4.4.2.  Initial Assignments

   The initial assignments for the 'data_type_code' values and 'data'
   values are given in the table below.  Note that the value for the
   'data_type_code' is given in decimal format for readability, but the
   values are actually uint32 values.

         Symbolic name                        data_type_code
         -------------                        --------------
         SSH_EXTENDED_DATA_STDERR                   1

4.4.3.  Future Assignments

   Extended Channel Data Transfer 'data_type_code' values MUST be
   assigned sequentially.  Requests for assignments of new Extended
   Channel Data Transfer 'data_type_code' values, and their associated
   Extended Channel Data Transfer 'data' strings, in the range of
   0x00000002 to 0xFDFFFFFF, MUST be done through the IETF CONSENSUS
   method, as described in [RFC2434].  The IANA will not assign Extended
   Channel Data Transfer 'data_type_code' values in the range of
   0xFE000000 to 0xFFFFFFFF.  Extended Channel Data Transfer
   'data_type_code' values in that range are left for PRIVATE USE, as
   described in [RFC2434].

4.5.  Pseudo-Terminal Encoded Terminal Modes

   SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_REQUEST messages with a "pty-req" string MUST contain
   'encoded terminal modes'.  The 'encoded terminal modes' value is a
   byte stream of opcode-argument pairs.

4.5.1.  Conventions

   Protocol packets containing the SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_REQUEST message with
   a "pty-req" string MUST contain an 'encoded terminal modes' value.
   The opcode values consist of a single byte and are in the range of 1
   to 255.  Opcodes 1 to 159 have a uint32 argument.  Opcodes 160 to 255
   are not yet defined.

4.5.2.  Initial Assignments

   The following table identifies the initial assignments of the opcode
   values that are used in the 'encoded terminal modes' value.

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         opcode  mnemonic       description
         ------  --------       -----------
         0     TTY_OP_END  Indicates end of options.
         1     VINTR       Interrupt character; 255 if none.  Similarly
                            for the other characters.  Not all of these
                            characters are supported on all systems.
         2     VQUIT       The quit character (sends SIGQUIT signal on
                            POSIX systems).
         3     VERASE      Erase the character to left of the cursor.
         4     VKILL       Kill the current input line.
         5     VEOF        End-of-file character (sends EOF from the
         6     VEOL        End-of-line character in addition to
                            carriage return and/or linefeed.
         7     VEOL2       Additional end-of-line character.
         8     VSTART      Continues paused output (normally
         9     VSTOP       Pauses output (normally control-S).
         10    VSUSP       Suspends the current program.
         11    VDSUSP      Another suspend character.
         12    VREPRINT    Reprints the current input line.
         13    VWERASE     Erases a word left of cursor.
         14    VLNEXT      Enter the next character typed literally,
                            even if it is a special character
         15    VFLUSH      Character to flush output.
         16    VSWTCH      Switch to a different shell layer.
         17    VSTATUS     Prints system status line (load, command,
                            pid, etc).
         18    VDISCARD    Toggles the flushing of terminal output.
         30    IGNPAR      The ignore parity flag.  The parameter
                            SHOULD be 0 if this flag is FALSE,
                            and 1 if it is TRUE.
         31    PARMRK      Mark parity and framing errors.
         32    INPCK       Enable checking of parity errors.
         33    ISTRIP      Strip 8th bit off characters.
         34    INLCR       Map NL into CR on input.
         35    IGNCR       Ignore CR on input.
         36    ICRNL       Map CR to NL on input.
         37    IUCLC       Translate uppercase characters to
         38    IXON        Enable output flow control.
         39    IXANY       Any char will restart after stop.
         40    IXOFF       Enable input flow control.
         41    IMAXBEL     Ring bell on input queue full.
         50    ISIG        Enable signals INTR, QUIT, [D]SUSP.
         51    ICANON      Canonicalize input lines.

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         52    XCASE       Enable input and output of uppercase
                            characters by preceding their lowercase
                            equivalents with "\".
         53    ECHO        Enable echoing.
         54    ECHOE       Visually erase chars.
         55    ECHOK       Kill character discards current line.
         56    ECHONL      Echo NL even if ECHO is off.
         57    NOFLSH      Don't flush after interrupt.
         58    TOSTOP      Stop background jobs from output.
         59    IEXTEN      Enable extensions.
         60    ECHOCTL     Echo control characters as ^(Char).
         61    ECHOKE      Visual erase for line kill.
         62    PENDIN      Retype pending input.
         70    OPOST       Enable output processing.
         71    OLCUC       Convert lowercase to uppercase.
         72    ONLCR       Map NL to CR-NL.
         73    OCRNL       Translate carriage return to newline
         74    ONOCR       Translate newline to carriage
                            return-newline (output).
         75    ONLRET      Newline performs a carriage return
         90    CS7         7 bit mode.
         91    CS8         8 bit mode.
         92    PARENB      Parity enable.
         93    PARODD      Odd parity, else even.

         128 TTY_OP_ISPEED  Specifies the input baud rate in
                             bits per second.
         129 TTY_OP_OSPEED  Specifies the output baud rate in
                             bits per second.

4.5.3.  Future Assignments

   Requests for assignments of new opcodes and their associated
   arguments MUST be done through the IETF CONSENSUS method, as
   described in [RFC2434].

4.6.  Names

   In the following sections, the values for the name spaces are
   textual.  The conventions and instructions to the IANA for future
   assignments are given in this section.  The initial assignments are
   given in their respective sections.

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4.6.1.  Conventions for Names

   All names registered by the IANA in the following sections MUST be
   printable US-ASCII strings, and MUST NOT contain the characters at-
   sign ("@"), comma (","), whitespace, control characters (ASCII codes
   32 or less), or the ASCII code 127 (DEL).  Names are case-sensitive,
   and MUST NOT be longer than 64 characters.

   A provision is made here for locally extensible names.  The IANA will
   not register, and will not control, names with the at-sign in them.

   Names with the at-sign in them will have the format of
   "name@domainname" (without the double quotes) where the part
   preceding the at-sign is the name.  The format of the part preceding
   the at-sign is not specified; however, these names MUST be printable
   US-ASCII strings, and MUST NOT contain the comma character (","),
   whitespace, control characters (ASCII codes 32 or less), or the ASCII
   code 127 (DEL).  They MUST have only a single at-sign in them.  The
   part following the at-sign MUST be a valid, fully qualified internet
   domain name [RFC1034] controlled by the person or organization
   defining the name.  Names are case-sensitive, and MUST NOT be longer
   than 64 characters.  It is up to each domain how it manages its local
   namespace.  It has been noted that these names resemble STD 11
   [RFC0822] email addresses.  This is purely coincidental and has
   nothing to do with STD 11 [RFC0822].  An example of a locally defined
   name is "" (without the double quotes).

4.6.2.  Future Assignments of Names

   Requests for assignments of new names MUST be done through the IETF
   CONSENSUS method, as described in [RFC2434].

4.7.  Service Names

   The 'service name' is used to describe a protocol layer.  The
   following table lists the initial assignments of the 'service name'

         Service Name                  Reference
         -------------                 ---------
         ssh-userauth                  [SSH-USERAUTH]
         ssh-connection                [SSH-CONNECT]

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4.8.  Authentication Method Names

   The Authentication Method Name is used to describe an authentication
   method for the "ssh-userauth" service [SSH-USERAUTH].  The following
   table identifies the initial assignments of the Authentication Method

         Method Name                   Reference
         ------------                  ---------
         publickey                     [SSH-USERAUTH, Section 7]
         password                      [SSH-USERAUTH, Section 8]
         hostbased                     [SSH-USERAUTH, Section 9]
         none                          [SSH-USERAUTH, Section 5.2]

4.9.  Connection Protocol Assigned Names

   The following table lists the initial assignments to the Connection
   Protocol Type and Request names.

4.9.1.  Connection Protocol Channel Types

   The following table lists the initial assignments of the Connection
   Protocol Channel Types.

         Channel type                  Reference
         ------------                  ---------
         session                       [SSH-CONNECT, Section 6.1]
         x11                           [SSH-CONNECT, Section 6.3.2]
         forwarded-tcpip               [SSH-CONNECT, Section 7.2]
         direct-tcpip                  [SSH-CONNECT, Section 7.2]

4.9.2.  Connection Protocol Global Request Names

   The following table lists the initial assignments of the Connection
   Protocol Global Request Names.

         Request type                  Reference
         ------------                  ---------
         tcpip-forward                 [SSH-CONNECT, Section 7.1]
         cancel-tcpip-forward          [SSH-CONNECT, Section 7.1]

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4.9.3.  Connection Protocol Channel Request Names

   The following table lists the initial assignments of the Connection
   Protocol Channel Request Names.

         Request type                  Reference
         ------------                  ---------
         pty-req                       [SSH-CONNECT, Section 6.2]
         x11-req                       [SSH-CONNECT, Section 6.3.1]
         env                           [SSH-CONNECT, Section 6.4]
         shell                         [SSH-CONNECT, Section 6.5]
         exec                          [SSH-CONNECT, Section 6.5]
         subsystem                     [SSH-CONNECT, Section 6.5]
         window-change                 [SSH-CONNECT, Section 6.7]
         xon-xoff                      [SSH-CONNECT, Section 6.8]
         signal                        [SSH-CONNECT, Section 6.9]
         exit-status                   [SSH-CONNECT, Section 6.10]
         exit-signal                   [SSH-CONNECT, Section 6.10]

4.9.4.  Initial Assignment of Signal Names

   The following table lists the initial assignments of the Signal

         Signal                        Reference
         ------                        ---------
          ABRT                         [SSH-CONNECT]
          ALRM                         [SSH-CONNECT]
          FPE                          [SSH-CONNECT]
          HUP                          [SSH-CONNECT]
          ILL                          [SSH-CONNECT]
          INT                          [SSH-CONNECT]
          KILL                         [SSH-CONNECT]
          PIPE                         [SSH-CONNECT]
          QUIT                         [SSH-CONNECT]
          SEGV                         [SSH-CONNECT]
          TERM                         [SSH-CONNECT]
          USR1                         [SSH-CONNECT]
          USR2                         [SSH-CONNECT]

4.9.5.  Connection Protocol Subsystem Names

   There are no initial assignments of the Connection Protocol Subsystem

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RFC 4250             SSH Protocol Assigned Numbers          January 2006

4.10.  Key Exchange Method Names

   The name "diffie-hellman-group1-sha1" is used for a key exchange
   method using an Oakley group, as defined in [RFC2409].  SSH maintains
   its own group identifier space, which is logically distinct from
   Oakley [RFC2412] and IKE; however, for one additional group, the
   Working Group adopted the number assigned by [RFC3526], using
   "diffie-hellman-group14-sha1" for the name of the second defined
   group.  Implementations should treat these names as opaque
   identifiers and should not assume any relationship between the groups
   used by SSH and the groups defined for IKE.

   The following table identifies the initial assignments of the key
   exchange methods.

         Method name                          Reference
         ------------                         ---------
         diffie-hellman-group1-sha1     [SSH-TRANS, Section 8.1]
         diffie-hellman-group14-sha1    [SSH-TRANS, Section 8.2]

4.11.  Assigned Algorithm Names

4.11.1.  Encryption Algorithm Names

   The following table identifies the initial assignment of the
   Encryption Algorithm Names.

         Encryption Algorithm Name                   Reference
         -------------------------                   ---------
         3des-cbc                           [SSH-TRANS, Section 6.3]
         blowfish-cbc                       [SSH-TRANS, Section 6.3]
         twofish256-cbc                     [SSH-TRANS, Section 6.3]
         twofish-cbc                        [SSH-TRANS, Section 6.3]
         twofish192-cbc                     [SSH-TRANS, Section 6.3]
         twofish128-cbc                     [SSH-TRANS, Section 6.3]
         aes256-cbc                         [SSH-TRANS, Section 6.3]
         aes192-cbc                         [SSH-TRANS, Section 6.3]
         aes128-cbc                         [SSH-TRANS, Section 6.3]
         serpent256-cbc                     [SSH-TRANS, Section 6.3]
         serpent192-cbc                     [SSH-TRANS, Section 6.3]
         serpent128-cbc                     [SSH-TRANS, Section 6.3]
         arcfour                            [SSH-TRANS, Section 6.3]
         idea-cbc                           [SSH-TRANS, Section 6.3]
         cast128-cbc                        [SSH-TRANS, Section 6.3]
         none                               [SSH-TRANS, Section 6.3]
         des-cbc                            [FIPS-46-3] HISTORIC; See
                                              page 4 of [FIPS-46-3]

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RFC 4250             SSH Protocol Assigned Numbers          January 2006

4.11.2.  MAC Algorithm Names

   The following table identifies the initial assignments of the MAC
   Algorithm Names.

         MAC Algorithm Name                      Reference
         ------------------                      ---------
         hmac-sha1                         [SSH-TRANS, Section 6.4]
         hmac-sha1-96                      [SSH-TRANS, Section 6.4]
         hmac-md5                          [SSH-TRANS, Section 6.4]
         hmac-md5-96                       [SSH-TRANS, Section 6.4]
         none                              [SSH-TRANS, Section 6.4]

4.11.3.  Public Key Algorithm Names

   The following table identifies the initial assignments of the Public
   Key Algorithm names.

         Public Key Algorithm Name                 Reference
         -------------------------                 ---------
         ssh-dss                            [SSH-TRANS, Section 6.6]
         ssh-rsa                            [SSH-TRANS, Section 6.6]
         pgp-sign-rsa                       [SSH-TRANS, Section 6.6]
         pgp-sign-dss                       [SSH-TRANS, Section 6.6]

4.11.4.  Compression Algorithm Names

   The following table identifies the initial assignments of the
   Compression Algorithm names.

         Compression Algorithm Name                Reference
         --------------------------                ---------
         none                               [SSH-TRANS, Section 6.2]
         zlib                               [SSH-TRANS, Section 6.2]

5.  Security Considerations

   This protocol provides a secure encrypted channel over an insecure

   Full security considerations for this protocol are provided in

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RFC 4250             SSH Protocol Assigned Numbers          January 2006

6.  References

6.1.  Normative References

   [SSH-ARCH]     Ylonen, T. and C. Lonvick, Ed., "The Secure Shell
                  (SSH) Protocol Architecture", RFC 4251, January 2006.

   [SSH-TRANS]    Ylonen, T. and C. Lonvick, Ed., "The Secure Shell
                  (SSH) Transport Layer Protocol", RFC 4253, January

   [SSH-USERAUTH] Ylonen, T. and C. Lonvick, Ed., "The Secure Shell
                  (SSH) Authentication Protocol", RFC 4252, January

   [SSH-CONNECT]  Ylonen, T. and C. Lonvick, Ed., "The Secure Shell
                  (SSH) Connection Protocol", RFC 4254, January 2006.

   [RFC2119]      Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate
                  Requirement Levels", BCP 14, RFC 2119, March 1997.

   [RFC2409]      Harkins, D. and D. Carrel, "The Internet Key Exchange
                  (IKE)", RFC 2409, November 1998.

   [RFC2434]      Narten, T. and H. Alvestrand, "Guidelines for Writing
                  an IANA Considerations Section in RFCs", BCP 26, RFC
                  2434, October 1998.

   [RFC3526]      Kivinen, T. and M. Kojo, "More Modular Exponential
                  (MODP) Diffie-Hellman groups for Internet Key Exchange
                  (IKE)", RFC 3526, May 2003.

6.2.  Informative References

   [RFC0822]      Crocker, D., "Standard for the format of ARPA Internet
                  text messages", STD 11, RFC 822, August 1982.

   [RFC1034]      Mockapetris, P., "Domain names - concepts and
                  facilities", STD 13, RFC 1034, November 1987.

   [RFC2412]      Orman, H., "The OAKLEY Key Determination Protocol",
                  RFC 2412, November 1998.

   [FIPS-46-3]    US National Institute of Standards and Technology,
                  "Data Encryption Standard (DES)", Federal Information
                  Processing Standards Publication 46-3, October 1999.

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Authors' Addresses

   Sami Lehtinen
   SSH Communications Security Corp
   Valimotie 17
   00380 Helsinki


   Chris Lonvick (editor)
   Cisco Systems, Inc.
   12515 Research Blvd.
   Austin  78759


Trademark Notice

   "ssh" is a registered trademark in the United States and/or other

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RFC 4250             SSH Protocol Assigned Numbers          January 2006

Full Copyright Statement

   Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2006).

   This document is subject to the rights, licenses and restrictions
   contained in BCP 78, and except as set forth therein, the authors
   retain all their rights.

   This document and the information contained herein are provided on an

Intellectual Property

   The IETF takes no position regarding the validity or scope of any
   Intellectual Property Rights or other rights that might be claimed to
   pertain to the implementation or use of the technology described in
   this document or the extent to which any license under such rights
   might or might not be available; nor does it represent that it has
   made any independent effort to identify any such rights.  Information
   on the procedures with respect to rights in RFC documents can be
   found in BCP 78 and BCP 79.

   Copies of IPR disclosures made to the IETF Secretariat and any
   assurances of licenses to be made available, or the result of an
   attempt made to obtain a general license or permission for the use of
   such proprietary rights by implementers or users of this
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   The IETF invites any interested party to bring to its attention any
   copyrights, patents or patent applications, or other proprietary
   rights that may cover technology that may be required to implement
   this standard.  Please address the information to the IETF at


   Funding for the RFC Editor function is provided by the IETF
   Administrative Support Activity (IASA).

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