Network Working Group                                          R. Woundy
Request for Comments: 4639                                 Comcast Cable
Obsoletes: 2669                                                 K. Marez
Category: Standards Track                                       Motorola
                                                           December 2006

              Cable Device Management Information Base for
        Data-Over-Cable Service Interface Specification (DOCSIS)
       Compliant Cable Modems and Cable Modem Termination Systems

Status of This Memo

   This document specifies an Internet standards track protocol for the
   Internet community, and requests discussion and suggestions for
   improvements.  Please refer to the current edition of the "Internet
   Official Protocol Standards" (STD 1) for the standardization state
   and status of this protocol.  Distribution of this memo is unlimited.

Copyright Notice

   Copyright (C) The IETF Trust (2006).


   This memo defines a portion of the Management Information Base (MIB)
   for use with network management protocols in the Internet community.
   In particular, it defines a basic set of managed objects for Simple
   Network Management Protocol (SNMP)-based management of Data Over
   Cable Service Interface Specification (DOCSIS)-compliant Cable Modems
   and Cable Modem Termination Systems.

   This memo obsoletes RFC 2669.

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Table of Contents

   1. The Internet-Standard Management Framework ......................3
   2. Glossary ........................................................3
      2.1. CATV .......................................................3
      2.2. CM or Cable Modem ..........................................3
      2.3. CMTS or Cable Modem Termination System .....................3
      2.4. DOCSIS or Data-Over-Cable Service Interface Specification ..3
      2.5. Downstream .................................................4
      2.6. Head-End ...................................................4
      2.7. Media Access Control (MAC) Packet ..........................4
      2.8. RF .........................................................4
      2.9. Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) ..................4
      2.10. Upstream ..................................................4
   3. Introduction ....................................................4
      3.1. Structure of the MIB .......................................5
           3.1.1. IMPORTed MIB Modules and REFERENCE Clauses ..........6
           3.1.2. Persistence Model for Cable Modems ..................6
           3.1.3. IPv4 Compliance .....................................6
      3.2. Management Requirements ....................................7
           3.2.1. Handling of Software Upgrades .......................7
           3.2.2. Events and Notifications ............................8
           3.2.3. Notification Throttling .............................8
         Notification Rate Throttling ...............8
         Limiting the Notification Rate .............9
      3.3. Protocol Filters ...........................................9
           3.3.1. Inbound LLC Filters: docsDevFilterLLCTable .........10
           3.3.2. Special Filters ....................................11
         IP Spoofing Filters:
                           docsDevCpeTable, docsDevCpeInetTable ......11
         SNMP Access Filters:
                           docsDevNmAccessTable ......................11
           3.3.3. IP Filtering: docsDevFilterIpTable .................12
           3.3.4. Outbound LLC Filters ...............................13
   4. Definitions ....................................................13
   5. Acknowledgements ...............................................78
      5.1. Revision Descriptions .....................................78
   6. Security Considerations ........................................79
   7. IANA Considerations ............................................82
   8. References .....................................................83
      8.1. Normative References ......................................83
      8.2. Informative References ....................................85

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1.  The Internet-Standard Management Framework

   For a detailed overview of the documents that describe the current
   Internet-Standard Management Framework, please refer to section 7 of
   RFC 3410 [RFC3410].

   Managed objects are accessed via a virtual information store, termed
   the Management Information Base or MIB.  MIB objects are generally
   accessed through the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP).
   Objects in the MIB are defined using the mechanisms defined in the
   Structure of Management Information (SMI).  This memo specifies a MIB
   module that is compliant to the SMIv2, which is described in STD 58,
   RFC 2578 [RFC2578], STD 58, RFC 2579 [RFC2579] and STD 58, RFC 2580

2.  Glossary

   The terms in this document are derived either from normal cable
   system usage, or from the documents associated with the Data-Over-
   Cable Service Interface Specification (DOCSIS) process.

2.1.  CATV

   Originally "Community Antenna Television", now used to refer to any
   cable or hybrid fiber and cable system used to deliver video signals
   to a community.

2.2.  CM or Cable Modem

   A CM acts as a "slave" station in a DOCSIS-compliant cable data

2.3.  CMTS or Cable Modem Termination System

   A generic term covering a cable bridge or cable router in a head-end.
   A CMTS acts as the master station in a DOCSIS-compliant cable data
   system.  It is the only station that transmits downstream, and it
   controls the scheduling of upstream transmissions by its associated

2.4.  DOCSIS or Data-Over-Cable Service Interface Specification

   A term referring to the ITU-T Recommendation J.112 [ITU-T_J.112],
   Annex B, standard for cable modem systems.  [RFI1.0] [RFI1.1]

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2.5.  Downstream

   The direction from the head-end towards the subscriber.

2.6.  Head-End

   The origination point in most cable systems of the subscriber video
   signals.  Generally, also the location of the CMTS equipment.

2.7.  Media Access Control (MAC) Packet

   A DOCSIS Packet Data Unit.

2.8.  RF

   Radio Frequency.

2.9.  Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP)

   Protocol used for network access to Management Information Base (MIB)
   objects.  The three most commonly used versions are Version 1
   (SNMPv1), Version 2 (SNMPv2c), and Version 3 (SNMPv3).

2.10.  Upstream

   The direction from the subscriber towards the head-end.

3.  Introduction

   This MIB module provides a set of objects required for the management
   of DOCSIS-compliant Cable Modems (CM) and Cable Modem Termination
   Systems (CMTS).  The specification is derived from the DOCSIS Radio
   Frequency Interface specification [RFI1.0].  Please note that the
   DOCSIS 1.0 standard only required that Cable Modems implement SNMPv1
   and to process Internet Protocol Version 4 (IPv4) customer traffic.
   Design choices in the original version of this MIB module reflected
   those requirements.  DOCSIS 1.1 [RFI1.1] and DOCSIS 2.0 [RFI2.0]
   require support for SNMPv3, as well as for SNMPv1 and SNMPv2c, and
   the changes in this MIB module over the previous proposed standard
   version reflect those additional requirements.

   Future versions of DOCSIS, starting with DOCSIS 3.0 [MULPI3.0], are
   expected to require support for the Internet Protocol Version 6
   (IPv6) as both a Customer Premise Equipment (CPE) protocol and one
   supported by the network elements of the DOCSIS CMTS/CM system.

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   The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT",
   document are to be interpreted as described in [RFC2119].

3.1.  Structure of the MIB

   This MIB module is structured into seven components.  A component
   contains one or more MIB groups related by deprecation or logical

   o  The docsDevBaseGroup extends the MIB-II 'system' group of RFC3418
      [RFC3418] with objects needed for cable device system management.
      Related to this group is the docsDevBaseIgmpGroup (enabling
      Internet Group Management Protocol (IGMP) status and control) and
      the docsDevBaseMaxCpeGroup (managing the maximum number of CPEs
      permitted access through the cable modem).

   o  The docsDevNmAccessGroup and the docsDevNmAccessExtGroup provide a
      minimum level of SNMP access security (see Section 2.7 of
      [OSSI1.0], Section 2 of [OSSI1.1], and Section 5 of [OSSI2.0]).
      With the completion of the SNMP coexistence document, RFC 3584
      [RFC3584], these groups have been deprecated in this version of
      the MIB.

   o  The docsDevSoftwareGroup, updated by the docsDevSoftwareGroupV2,
      provides information for network-downloadable software upgrades.
      See "Handling of Software Upgrades", below.

   o  The docsDevServerGroup, updated by the docsDevServerGroupV2,
      provides information about the progress of the interaction between
      the CM or CMTS and various provisioning servers.

   o  The docsDevEventGroup, updated by the docsDevEventGroupV2,
      provides control and logging for event reporting.  With the
      addition of the SNMP Notification MIB, RFC 3413 [RFC3413], and
      Notification Log MIB, RFC 3014 [RFC3014], which cover event
      reporting, the objects in this MIB module have been modified to
      allow for the usage of these RFCs.

   o  The docsDevFilterGroup configures filters at the link layer and IP
      layer for bridged data traffic.  This group has been deprecated in
      this version of the MIB in favor of the docsDevFilterLLCGroup, and
      by groups from the Differentiated Services MIB [RFC3289] --
      specifically, the groups representing the Data Path, Classifier,
      and Actions tables from that MIB.

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   o  The docsDevCpeGroup, updated by the docsDevInetCpeGroup, provides
      control over which IP addresses may be used by CPEs (e.g., PCs)
      serviced by a given cable modem.  This provides anti-spoofing
      control at the point of origin for a large cable modem system.
      This group is separate from docsDevFilter, primarily as this group
      is only implemented on the Cable Modem (CM) and MUST NOT be
      implemented on the Cable Modem Termination System (CMTS).

3.1.1.  IMPORTed MIB Modules and REFERENCE Clauses

   This MIB module IMPORTs definitions normatively from the following
   MIB modules, beyond [RFC2578], [RFC2579], and [RFC2580]: INET-
   [RFC2863], RMON2-MIB [RFC4502], and DIFFSERV-MIB [RFC3289].

   This MIB module also includes DESCRIPTION and REFERENCE clauses that
   normatively refer to [RFC868], [RFC3617], [RFI1.0], [RFI1.1],
   [RFI2.0], [OSSI1.1], and [OSSI2.0].

3.1.2.  Persistence Model for Cable Modems

   Most of the tables in this MIB module (e.g., docsDevNmAccessTable,
   docsDevFilterLLCTable) are specified not to let objects persist
   across reboots.

   The expectation (and current operational practice) is that upon
   reboot, these tables are cleared and repopulated from the DOCSIS
   configuration file supplied by the cable operator.  This approach
   enables a cable modem to adapt to the current cable operator's
   environment, which in turn enables cable modem portability across
   different cable operators.

   A notable exception to the persistence model is docsDevEventTable,
   since it is useful to maintain a record of events across reboots for
   debugging purposes.

3.1.3.  IPv4 Compliance

   Please note that the compliance statements in this version of the MIB
   module require support only for IPv4 addresses.  That is because the
   current versions of the DOCSIS protocols (1.0, 1.1, and 2.0) are not
   IPv6 capable.  Although support for IPv6 will require changes to the
   DOCSIS protocols, it is expected that the only changes needed to the
   MIB module itself will be the addition of new compliance statements
   that mandate support for IPv6 addresses.

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3.2.  Management Requirements

3.2.1.  Handling of Software Upgrades

   The Cable Modem software upgrade process is documented in [RFI1.0].
   From a network management station, the operator

   o  sets docsDevSwServer to the address of the Trivial File Transfer
      Protocol (TFTP) server for software upgrades;

   o  sets docsDevSwFilename to the file pathname of the software
      upgrade image; and

   o  sets docsDevSwAdminStatus to upgrade-from-mgt.

   Although DOCSIS only specifies the implementation of the TFTP
   protocol [RFC1350] for file transfers, other functional entities
   embedded within the cable device (particularly a PacketCable
   Multimedia Terminal Adapter [MTA-PROV]) specify the optional
   implementation of the Hyper Text Transfer Protocol (HTTP) [RFC1945]
   and [RFC2616] for file transfers.  The value of the
   docsDevSwServerTransportProtocol object determines which protocol is
   used for SNMP-initiated software upgrade.

   One reason for the SNMP-initiated upgrade is to allow loading of a
   temporary software image (e.g., special diagnostic software) that
   differs from the software normally used on that device without
   changing the provisioning database.

   Note that software upgrades should not be accepted blindly by the
   cable device.  The cable device may refuse an upgrade if

   o  the download is incomplete;

   o  the file contents are incomplete or damaged; or

   o  the software is not intended for that hardware device (this may
      include the case of a feature set that has not been purchased for
      this device).

   A cable device that implements the code verification mechanisms of
   [BPIPLUS] verifies the source and integrity of the downloaded image
   by validating one or more Code Verification Signatures that are
   bundled within the software upgrade.

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3.2.2.  Events and Notifications

   This MIB module provides control facilities for reporting events
   through syslog [RFC3164], notifications (traps and informs), and
   non-volatile logging.  Additional controls allow the agent to use the
   SNMP Notification MIB [RFC3413] and Notification Log MIB [RFC3014]
   for event notification.

   The conventions for event reporting are outside the scope of this
   document.  The definition and coding of common DOCSIS notifications
   can be found in [RFC4547].

3.2.3.  Notification Throttling

   The CM and CMTS MUST provide support for notification message
   throttling as described below.  The network operator can employ
   notification rate throttling or notification limiting by manipulating
   the appropriate MIB variables.  Notification Rate Throttling

   Network operators may employ either of two rate control methods.  In
   the first method, the device ceases to send notifications when the
   rate exceeds the specified maximum message rate.  It resumes sending
   notifications only if reactivated by a network management station

   In the second method, the device resumes sending notifications when
   the rate falls below the specified maximum message rate.

   The network operator configures the specified maximum message rate by
   setting the measurement interval (in seconds), and the maximum number
   of notifications to be transmitted within the measurement interval.
   The operator can query the operational throttling state (to determine
   whether notifications are enabled or blocked by throttling) of the
   device, as well as query and set the administrative throttling state
   (to manage the rate control method) of the device.

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RFC 4639                DOCSIS Cable Device MIB            December 2006  Limiting the Notification Rate

   Network operators may wish to limit the number of notifications sent
   by a device over a specified time period.  The device ceases to send
   notifications when the number of notifications exceeds the specified
   threshold.  It resumes sending notifications only when the
   measurement interval has passed.

   The network operator defines the maximum number of notifications he
   is willing to handle and sets the measurement interval to a large
   number (in hundredths of a second).  For this case, the
   administrative throttling state is set to stop at a threshold that is
   the maximum number of notifications.

   See "Techniques for Managing Asynchronously Generated Alerts"
   [RFC1224] for additional technical motivations.

3.3.  Protocol Filters

   The Cable Device MIB provides objects for both Link Layer Control
   (LLC) and IP protocol filters.  The LLC protocol filter entries can
   be used to limit CM forwarding to a restricted set of network-layer
   protocols (such as IP, Internetwork Packet Exchange (IPX), Network
   Basic Input/Output System (NetBIOS), and Appletalk).

   The IP protocol filter entries can be used to restrict upstream or
   downstream traffic according to source and destination IP addresses,
   transport-layer protocols (such as Transport Control Protocol (TCP),
   User Datagram Protocol (UDP), and Internet Control Message Protocol
   (ICMP)), and source and destination TCP/UDP port numbers.

   In general, a cable modem applies filters (or, more properly,
   classifiers) in an order appropriate to the layering model.
   Specifically, the inbound MAC (or LLC) layer filters are applied
   first, then the "special" filters, then the IP layer inbound filters,
   then the IP layer outbound filters, and then any final LLC outbound

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                   * LLC Filter In *
                  * Special Filters *
                  *        |        *
                  *        V        *
                  *  ************   *
                  *  * IP Spoof *   *
                  *  ************   *
                  *        |        *
                  *        v        *
                  * *************** *
                  * * SNMP Access * *
                  * *************** *
                  *        |        *
                   * IP Filter In *
                   * IP Filter Out *
                   * LLC Filter Out *

3.3.1.  Inbound LLC Filters: docsDevFilterLLCTable

   The inbound LLC (or MAC or level-2) filters are contained in the
   docsDevFilterLLCTable and are applied to level-2 frames entering the
   cable modem from either the RF MAC interface or from one of the CPE
   interfaces (physical or logical).  These filters are used to prohibit
   the processing and forwarding of certain types of level-2 traffic
   that may be disruptive to the network.  The filters, as currently
   specified, can be set to cause the modem either to drop frames that
   match at least one filter, or to process a frame that matches at
   least one filter.  Some examples of possible configurations would be
   to permit only IP (and ARP) traffic, or to drop NetBIOS traffic.

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3.3.2.  Special Filters

   Special filters are applied after the packet is accepted from the MAC
   layer by the IP module, but before any other processing is done.
   They are filters that apply only to a very specific class of traffic.  IP Spoofing Filters: docsDevCpeTable, docsDevCpeInetTable

   IP spoofing filters are applied to packets entering the modem from
   one of the CPE interfaces and are intended to prevent a subscriber
   from stealing or misusing IP addresses that were not assigned to the
   subscriber.  If the filters are active (enabled), the source address
   of the IP packet must match at least one IP address in one of these
   two tables (docsDevCpeTable or docsDevCpeInetTable), or it is
   discarded without further processing.

   To prevent potential implementation ambiguity, the device consults
   the docsDevCpeTable for the IP packet source address before
   consulting the docsDevCpeInetTable.

   The table can be automatically populated where the first N different
   IP addresses seen from the CPE side of the cable modem are used to
   populate the table automatically.  The spoofing filters are specified
   in the docsDevCpeTable and the docsDevCpeInetTable, and the policy
   for automatically creating filters in those tables is controlled by
   docsDevCpeEnroll and docsDevMaxCpe, as well as by the network
   management agent.

   Similar IP spoofing filter controls are defined for CMTS
   implementation in the Subscriber Management MIB [RFC4036].  SNMP Access Filters: docsDevNmAccessTable

   The SNMP access filters are applied to SNMP packets entering from any
   interface and destined for the cable modem.  If the packets enter
   from a CPE interface, the SNMP filters are applied after the IP
   spoofing filters.  The filters only apply to SNMPv1 or SNMPv2c
   traffic and are not consulted for SNMPv3 traffic (and need not be
   implemented by a v3-only agent).  SNMPv3 access control is specified
   in the User Security Model MIB, in [RFC3414].

   With the completion of the SNMP coexistence document, RFC 3584
   [RFC3584], docsDevNmAccess table has been deprecated in this version
   of the MIB.  See the body of the MIB for the description of how
   agents should handle the interaction between RFC 3584 MIBs and this

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3.3.3.  IP Filtering: docsDevFilterIpTable

   The IP Filtering table acts as a classifier table.  Each row in the
   table describes a template against which IP packets are compared.
   The template includes source and destination addresses (and their
   associated masks), upper level protocol (e.g., TCP, UDP), source and
   destination port ranges, and Terms of Service (ToS) values.  A row
   also contains interface and traffic direction match values that have
   to be considered in combination.  All columns of a particular row
   must match the appropriate fields in the packet and must match the
   interface and direction items for the packet to result in a match to
   the packet.

   When classifying a packet, each table is scanned, beginning with the
   lowest number filter.  If the agent finds a match, it applies the
   group of policies specified.  If the matched filter has the continue
   bit set, the agent continues the scan possibly matching additional
   filters and applying additional policies.  For example, this allows
   the agent to take one set of actions for the 24.0.16/
   group and one set of actions for telnet packets to/from,
   and these sets of actions may not be mutually exclusive.

   Once a packet is matched, one of three actions happen according to
   the setting of docsDevFilterIpControl in the row.  The packet may be
   dropped, in which case no further processing is required.  The packet
   may be accepted, and processing of the packet continues.  Lastly, the
   packet may have a set of policy actions applied to it.  If
   docsDevFilterIpContinue is set to true, scanning of the table
   continues and additional matches may result.

   When a packet matches and docsDevFilterIpControl in the filter
   matched is set to 'policy', the value of docsDevFilterIpPolicyId is
   used as a selector into the docsDevFilterPolicyTable.  The first
   level of indirection may result in zero or more actions being taken
   according to the match.  The docsDevFilterPolicyTable is scanned in
   row order, and all rows where docsDevFilterPolicyId equals
   docsDevFilterIpPolicyId have the action specified by the
   docsDevFilterPolicyValue 'executed'.

   For an example of the use of these IP Filtering MIB tables, see

   The IP Filtering table and related tables have been deprecated in
   this version of the MIB in favor of the Data Path, Classifier, and
   Action tables from the Differentiated Services MIB [RFC3289].  See
   the body of the MIB for the description of how agents should handle
   the interaction between RFC 3289 MIBs and this MIB module.

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3.3.4.  Outbound LLC Filters

   Lastly, any outbound LLC filters are applied to the packet just prior
   to its being emitted on the appropriate interface.  This MIB module
   does not specify any outbound LLC filters, but section 3 of the
   DOCSIS Quality of Service (QoS) MIB, [RFC4323], includes outbound LLC
   filtering requirements.

4.  Definitions


                   FROM SNMPv2-SMI           -- RFC 2578
                   FROM SNMPv2-TC            -- RFC 2579
                   FROM INET-ADDRESS-MIB     -- RFC 4001
                   FROM SNMPv2-CONF          -- RFC 2580
                   FROM SNMP-FRAMEWORK-MIB   -- RFC 3411
                   FROM IF-MIB               -- RFC 2863
                   FROM RMON2-MIB            -- RFC 4502

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                   FROM DIFFSERV-MIB;        -- RFC 3289

           LAST-UPDATED    "200612200000Z" -- December 20, 2006
           ORGANIZATION    "IETF IP over Cable Data Network
                            Working Group"
               "        Rich Woundy
                Postal: Comcast Cable
                        27 Industrial Avenue
                        Chelmsford, MA 01824 U.S.A.
                Phone:  +1 978 244 4010

                        Kevin Marez
                Postal: Motorola Corporation
                        6450 Sequence Drive
                        San Diego, CA 92121 U.S.A.
                Phone:  +1 858 404 3785

                IETF IPCDN Working Group
                General Discussion:
                Co-chairs: Richard Woundy,
                           Jean-Francois Mule,

               "This is the MIB Module for DOCSIS-compliant cable modems

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RFC 4639                DOCSIS Cable Device MIB            December 2006

                and cable-modem termination systems.

                Copyright (C) The IETF Trust (2006).  This version
                of this MIB module was published in RFC 4639; for full
                legal notices see the RFC itself."

           REVISION "200612200000Z" -- December 20, 2006
               "Second version, published as RFC 4639.

                Modifications to this MIB module since RFC 2669 include:
                - Deprecation of the docsDevFilter group in favor of the
                  DiffServ MIB groups, to enable support for IPv6
                  filtering and DiffServ Code Point (DSCP) marking.
                - Deprecation of the docsDevCpeGroup in favor of the
                  docsDevCpeInetGroup, to enable support of IPv6.
                - Addition of various InetAddress objects to enable
                  support of IPv6.
                - Deprecation of docsDevNmAccessTable in favor of SNMP
                  Coexistence and SNMPv3 -- yet adding
                  docsDevNmAccessTrapVersion and clarifying
                  docsDevNmAccessIp for current use of this table,
                - Addition of docsDevIgmpModeControl for management and
                  control of the IGMP mode of operation,
                - Addition of docsDevMaxCpe for management of the
                  maxmium number of CPEs permitted access through a
                  cable modem,
                - Addition of docsDevSwServerTransportProtocol, and
                  modifications to docsDevSoftware object DESCRIPTIONS,
                  to enable software downloads via either TFTP or HTTP,
                - Replacement of docsDevEvThrottleInhibited with
                  docsDevEvThrottleThresholdExceeded to simplify
                  event threshold management,
                - Modification of docsDevEvReporting to enable local
                  logging to the internal volatile log, and not to the
                  internal non-volatile log,
                - Modification of the compliance statement to make the
                  docsDevCpe objects optional
                - Created placeholders for two OIDs in the
                  docsDevFilterPolicyTable that were never used
                - Modified the DESCRIPTION of
                  docsDevSwServerTransportProtocol and
                  docsDevSwServerAddressType to address the
                  dependence between each object
                - Added a reference to docsDevServerConfigTftpAddress
                - Clarified the scope of notifications that are covered
                  by docsDevEvThrottleThreshold
                - Clarified an error condition that could occur when

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RFC 4639                DOCSIS Cable Device MIB            December 2006

                  doing a SET to docsDevEvReporting
                - Defined each of the enumerated types for both
                  docsDevEvLevel and docsDevEvPriority
                - Added UNITS clause to docsDevFilterLLCMatches,
                  docsDevFilterIpMatches, docsDevMaxCpe,
                  docsDevEvThrottleThreshold and docsDevEvCounts.
                - Added REFERENCE clause to docsDevFilterIpProtocol
                - Modified DESCRIPTION of docsDevCpeInetAddr to be
                  more protocol-neutral
                - Removed the enumerated value (1) from both
                  docsDevCpeInetSource and docsDevCpeSource
                - Covered additional read-write and read-create objects
                  in the Security Considerations section
                - Modified the default value of docsDevNmAccessIpMask
                  to be consistent with OSSI specification
                - Modified the SYNTAX of docsDevNmAccessCommunity and
                  docsDevNmAccessInterfaces in the Conformance
                  Statement section
                - Added SYNTAX clause to docsDevEvReporting in the
                  Conformance Statement section
                - Modified SYNTAX clause of docsDevEvReporting to
                  move new enumerated type to byte boundary
                - Added references to DOCSIS 2.0 specifications to
                  multiple objects
                - Clarified non-persistency across reboots for
                  all tables
                - Clarified functionality of docsDevSw objects as
                  they relate to docsDevSwOperStatus
                - Clarified enumerated types (9) and (10) for
                - Defined the state of unknown(0) for the following
                  objects:  docsDevServerDhcpAddressType,
                  docsDevServerConfigTftpAddressType and
                - Modified the value in docsDevFilterIpDaddr to be
                  consistent with the SYNTAX
                - Specified which rows could be modified in an
                  active row for docsDevFilterPolicyStatus
                - Defined the term 'manually' in docsDevCpeEnroll
                - Clarified the description for
                - Covered the case of a non-existent row for
                - Added DEFVAL clauses for multiple objects
                - Replaced docsDevNotification OBJECT IDENTIFIER
                  with docsDevNotifications to address possible
                  compatibility issues

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RFC 4639                DOCSIS Cable Device MIB            December 2006

                - Added support for the usage of RFC 3413 and RFC 3014
                  as event notification mechanisms
                - Removed docsDevFilterPolicyObsoleteGroup
                - Added stdInterface(9) type to docsDevEvReporting to
                  support the usage of RFC3413 and RFC3014
                - Modified DESCRIPTION for docsDevMaxCpe"

           REVISION "199908190000Z"
               "Initial version, published as RFC 2669."

           ::= { mib-2 69 }

   docsDevMIBObjects  OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { docsDev 1 }

   docsDevBase OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { docsDevMIBObjects 1 }

   -- For the following object, there is no concept in the
   -- RFI specification corresponding to a backup CMTS.  The
   -- enumeration is provided here in case someone is able
   -- to define such a role or device.

   docsDevRole OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX INTEGER {
           MAX-ACCESS  read-only
           STATUS      current
               "Defines the current role of this device.  cm(1) is a
                Cable Modem, cmtsActive(2) is a Cable Modem Termination
                System that is controlling the system of cable modems,
                and cmtsBackup(3) is a CMTS that is currently connected
                but is not controlling the system (not currently used).

                In general, if this device is a 'cm', its role will not
                change during operation or between reboots.  If the
                device is a 'cmts' it may change between cmtsActive and
                cmtsBackup and back again during normal operation.  NB:
                At this time, the DOCSIS standards do not support the
                concept of a backup CMTS, but cmtsBackup is included for
           ::= { docsDevBase 1 }

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   docsDevDateTime OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX      DateAndTime
           MAX-ACCESS  read-write
           STATUS      current
               "The current date and time, with time zone information
                (if known).

                If the real data and time cannot be determined, this
                shall represent elapsed time from boot relative to
                the standard epoch '1970-1-1,0:0:0.0'.  In other
                words, if this agent has been up for 3 minutes and
                not been able to determine what the actual date and
                time are, this object will return the value
           ::= { docsDevBase 2 }

   docsDevResetNow OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX      TruthValue
           MAX-ACCESS  read-write
           STATUS      current
               "Setting this object to true(1) causes the device to
                reset.  Reading this object always returns false(2)."
           ::= { docsDevBase 3 }

   docsDevSerialNumber OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX      SnmpAdminString
           MAX-ACCESS  read-only
           STATUS      current
               "The manufacturer's serial number for this device."
           ::= { docsDevBase 4 }

   docsDevSTPControl OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX INTEGER {
           MAX-ACCESS  read-write
           STATUS      current
               "This object controls operation of the spanning tree
                protocol (as distinguished from transparent bridging).

                If set to stEnabled(1), then the spanning tree protocol
                is enabled, subject to bridging constraints.

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                If noStFilterBpdu(2), then spanning tree is not active,
                and Bridge PDUs received are discarded.

                If noStPassBpdu(3), then spanning tree is not active,
                and Bridge PDUs are transparently forwarded.

                Note that a device need not implement all of these
                options, but that noStFilterBpdu(2) is required."
           DEFVAL { noStFilterBpdu }
           ::= { docsDevBase 5 }

   docsDevIgmpModeControl OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX INTEGER {
           MAX-ACCESS  read-write
           STATUS      current
               "This object controls the IGMP mode of operation for
                the CM or CMTS.  In passive mode, the device forwards
                IGMP between interfaces as based on knowledge of
                Multicast Session activity on the subscriber side
                interface and the rules defined in the DOCSIS RFI
                specification.  In active mode, the device terminates
                at and initiates IGMP through its interfaces as based
                on the knowledge of Multicast Session activity on the
                subscriber side interface."
               "DOCSIS RFI 1.1 Specification, Section 3.3.1. and
                DOCSIS RFI 2.0 Specification, Section 5.3.1."
           DEFVAL { passive }
           ::= { docsDevBase 6 }

   docsDevMaxCpe OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX      Unsigned32 (0..255)
           UNITS       "CPEs"
           MAX-ACCESS  read-only
           STATUS      current
               "The maximum number of CPEs that can be granted access
                through a CM during a CM epoch.  This value can be
                obtained from the CM configuration file; however,
                it may be adjusted by the CM according to hardware or
                software limitations that have been imposed on the
               "DOCSIS RFI 1.0 Specification, Appendix C.7.20., and

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RFC 4639                DOCSIS Cable Device MIB            December 2006

                DOCSIS RFI 1.1 Specification, Appendix C.1.1.7. and
                DOCSIS RFI 2.0 Specification, Appendix C.1.1.7."
           ::= { docsDevBase 7 }

   -- The following table provides one level of security for access
   -- to the device by network management stations.
   -- Note that access is also constrained by the
   -- community strings and any vendor-specific security.

   docsDevNmAccessTable OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF DocsDevNmAccessEntry
           MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
           STATUS      deprecated
               "This table controls access to SNMP objects by network
                management stations.  If the table is empty, access to
                SNMP objects is unrestricted.  The objects in this table
                MUST NOT persist across reboots.  The objects in this
                table are only accessible from cable devices that are
                not capable of operating in SNMP Coexistence mode
                (RFC 3584) or in SNMPv3 mode (RFC 3410).
                See the conformance section for
                details.  Note that some devices are required by other
                specifications (e.g., the DOCSIS OSSIv1.1 specification)
                to support the legacy SNMPv1/v2c docsDevNmAccess mode
                for backward compatibility.

                This table is deprecated.  Instead, use the SNMP
                coexistence MIBs from RFC 3584, the TARGET and
                NOTIFICATION MIBs from RFC 3413, and
                the View-Based Access Control Model (VACM) MIBs for
                all SNMP protocol versions from RFC 3415."
           ::= { docsDevMIBObjects 2 }

   docsDevNmAccessEntry OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX      DocsDevNmAccessEntry
           MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
           STATUS      deprecated
               "An entry describing access to SNMP objects by a
                particular network management station.  An entry in
                this table is not readable unless the management station
                has read-write permission (either implicit if the table
                is empty, or explicit through an entry in this table).
                Entries are ordered by docsDevNmAccessIndex.  The first

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                matching entry (e.g., matching IP address and community
                string) is used to derive access."
           INDEX { docsDevNmAccessIndex }
           ::= {  docsDevNmAccessTable 1 }

   DocsDevNmAccessEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
               docsDevNmAccessIndex         Integer32,
               docsDevNmAccessIp            IpAddress,
               docsDevNmAccessIpMask        IpAddress,
               docsDevNmAccessCommunity     OCTET STRING,
               docsDevNmAccessControl       INTEGER,
               docsDevNmAccessInterfaces    OCTET STRING,
               docsDevNmAccessStatus        RowStatus,
               docsDevNmAccessTrapVersion   INTEGER

   docsDevNmAccessIndex OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX      Integer32 (1..2147483647)
           MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
           STATUS      deprecated
               "Index used to order the application of access
           ::= { docsDevNmAccessEntry 1 }

   docsDevNmAccessIp OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX      IpAddress
           MAX-ACCESS  read-create
           STATUS      deprecated
               "The IP address (or subnet) of the network management
                station.  The address is defined to mean
                any Network Management Station (NMS).  If traps are
                enabled for this entry, then the value must be the
                address of a specific device.  Implementations MAY
                recognize as equivalent to"
           DEFVAL { '00000000'h }
           ::= { docsDevNmAccessEntry 2 }

   docsDevNmAccessIpMask OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX      IpAddress
           MAX-ACCESS  read-create
           STATUS      deprecated
               "The IP subnet mask of the network management stations.
                If traps are enabled for this entry, then the value must
                be  Implementations MAY recognize
       as equivalent to"

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           DEFVAL { '00000000'h }
           ::= { docsDevNmAccessEntry 3 }

   docsDevNmAccessCommunity OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX      OCTET STRING
           MAX-ACCESS  read-create
           STATUS      deprecated
               "The community string to be matched for access by this
                entry.  If set to a zero-length string, then any
                community string will match.  When read, this object
                SHOULD return a zero-length string."
           DEFVAL { "public" }
           ::= { docsDevNmAccessEntry 4 }

   docsDevNmAccessControl OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX         INTEGER {
           MAX-ACCESS  read-create
           STATUS      deprecated
               "Specifies the type of access allowed to this NMS.
                Setting this object to none(1) causes the table entry
                to be destroyed.  Read(2) allows access by 'get' and
                'get-next' PDUs.  ReadWrite(3) allows access by 'set' as
                well.  RoWithtraps(4), rwWithTraps(5), and trapsOnly(6)
                control distribution of Trap PDUs transmitted by this
           DEFVAL { read }
           ::= { docsDevNmAccessEntry 5 }

   -- The syntax of the following object was copied from RFC 1493,
   -- dot1dStaticAllowedToGoTo.

   docsDevNmAccessInterfaces OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX      OCTET STRING (SIZE (1..32))
           MAX-ACCESS  read-create
           STATUS      deprecated
               "Specifies the set of interfaces from which requests from
                this NMS will be accepted.  Each octet within
                the value of this object specifies a set of eight

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                interfaces, the first octet specifying ports 1
                through 8, the second octet specifying interfaces 9
                through 16, etc.  Within each octet, the most
                significant bit represents the lowest numbered
                interface, and the least significant bit represents the
                highest numbered interface.  Thus, each interface is
                represented by a single bit within the value of this
                object.  If that bit has a value of '1' then that
                interface is included in the set.

                Note that entries in this table apply only to link-layer
                interfaces (e.g., Ethernet and CATV MAC).  Bits
                representing upstream and downstream channel interfaces
                MUST NOT be set to '1'.

                Note that if bits corresponding to non-existing
                interfaces are set, the result is implementation

                Note that according to the DOCSIS OSSIv1.1
                specification, when ifIndex '1' is included in the
                set, then this row applies to all CPE
                (customer-facing) interfaces.

                The size of this object is the minimum required to
                represent all configured interfaces for this device."
           ::= { docsDevNmAccessEntry 6 }

   docsDevNmAccessStatus OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX      RowStatus
           MAX-ACCESS  read-create
           STATUS      deprecated
               "Controls and reflects the status of rows in this
                table.  Rows in this table may be created by either the
                create-and-go or create-and-wait paradigm.  There is no
                restriction on changing values in a row of this table
                while the row is active.

                The following objects MUST have valid values before this
                object can be set to active: docsDevNmAccessIp,
                docsDevNmAccessStatus, docsDevNmAccessIpMask,
                docsDevNmAccessCommunity, docsDevNmAccessControl, and
           ::= { docsDevNmAccessEntry 7 }

   docsDevNmAccessTrapVersion OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX      INTEGER {

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           MAX-ACCESS  read-create
           STATUS      deprecated
               "Specifies the TRAP version that is sent to this NMS.
                Setting this object to disableSNMPv2trap (1) causes the
                trap in SNMPv1 format to be sent to a particular NMS.
                Setting this object to enableSNMPv2trap (2) causes the
                trap in SNMPv2 format be sent to a particular NMS."
           DEFVAL { disableSNMPv2trap }
           ::= { docsDevNmAccessEntry 8 }

   -- The following group describes control objects used for downloading
   -- firmware to a cable device.  Procedures for software download are
   -- described in Section 3.2.1 of the RFC containing this MIB module.

   docsDevSoftware OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { docsDevMIBObjects 3 }

   docsDevSwServer OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX      IpAddress
           MAX-ACCESS  read-write
           STATUS      deprecated
               "The address of the TFTP server used for software
                upgrades.  If the TFTP server is unknown or is a
                non-IPv4 address, return

                This object is deprecated.  See docsDevSwServerAddress
                for its replacement.  This object will have its value
                modified, given a valid SET to docsDevSwServerAddress."
           ::= { docsDevSoftware 1 }

   docsDevSwFilename OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX      SnmpAdminString (SIZE (0..64))
           MAX-ACCESS  read-write
           STATUS      current
               "The filename of the software image to be downloaded via
                TFTP, or the abs_path (as defined in RFC 2616) of the
                software image to be downloaded via HTTP.

                Unless set via SNMP, this is the filename or abs_path
                specified by the provisioning server during the boot
                process that corresponds to the software version that

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                is desired for this device.

                If unknown, the value of this object is the zero-length
           ::= { docsDevSoftware 2 }

   docsDevSwAdminStatus OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX INTEGER {
           MAX-ACCESS  read-write
           STATUS      current
               "If set to upgradeFromMgt(1), the device will initiate a
                TFTP or HTTP software image download.  After
                successfully receiving an image, the device will set
                its state to ignoreProvisioningUpgrade(3) and reboot.
                If the download process is interrupted (e.g., by a reset
                or power failure), the device will load the previous
                image and, after re-initialization, continue to attempt
                loading the image specified in docsDevSwFilename.

                If set to allowProvisioningUpgrade(2), the device will
                use the software version information supplied by the
                provisioning server when next rebooting (this does not
                cause a reboot).

                When set to ignoreProvisioningUpgrade(3), the device
                will disregard software image upgrade information
                from the provisioning server.

                Note that reading this object can return
                upgradeFromMgt(1).  This indicates that a software
                download is currently in progress, and that the device
                will reboot after successfully receiving an image."
           DEFVAL { allowProvisioningUpgrade }
           ::= { docsDevSoftware 3 }

   docsDevSwOperStatus OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX INTEGER {

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           MAX-ACCESS  read-only
           STATUS      current
               "InProgress(1) indicates that a TFTP or HTTP download is
                underway, either as a result of a version mismatch at
                provisioning or as a result of a upgradeFromMgt request.
                No other docsDevSw* objects can be modified in
                this state.

                CompleteFromProvisioning(2) indicates that the last
                software upgrade was a result of version mismatch at

                CompleteFromMgt(3) indicates that the last software
                upgrade was a result of setting docsDevSwAdminStatus to

                Failed(4) indicates that the last attempted download
                failed, ordinarily due to TFTP or HTTP timeout."
               "DOCSIS RFI 1.0 Specification, Section 8.2., and
                DOCSIS RFI 1.1 Specification, Section 10.1. and
                DOCSIS RFI 2.0 Specification, Section 12.1."
           ::= { docsDevSoftware 4 }

   docsDevSwCurrentVers OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX      SnmpAdminString
           MAX-ACCESS  read-only
           STATUS      current
               "The software version currently operating in this device.
                This string's syntax is that used by the
                individual vendor to identify software versions.
                For a CM, this string will describe the current
                software load.  For a CMTS, this object SHOULD contain
                a human-readable representation either of the vendor
                specific designation of the software for the chassis,
                or of the software for the control processor.  If
                neither of these is applicable, the value MUST be a
                zero-length string."
           ::= { docsDevSoftware 5 }

   docsDevSwServerAddressType OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX      InetAddressType
           MAX-ACCESS  read-write
           STATUS      current
               "The type of address of the TFTP or HTTP server used for

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                software upgrades.

                If docsDevSwServerTransportProtocol is currently set to
                tftp(1), attempting to set this object to dns(16) MUST
                result in an error."
           ::= { docsDevSoftware 6 }

   docsDevSwServerAddress OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX      InetAddress
           MAX-ACCESS  read-write
           STATUS      current
               "The address of the TFTP or HTTP server used for software

                If the TFTP/HTTP server is unknown, return the zero-
                length address string (see the TextualConvention).

                If docsDevSwServer is also implemented in this agent,
                this object is tied to it.  A set of this object to an
                IPv4 address will result in also setting the value of
                docsDevSwServer to that address.  If this object is set
                to an IPv6 address, docsDevSwServer is set to
                If docsDevSwServer is set, this object is also set to
                that value.  Note that if both are set in the same
                action, the order of which one sets the other is
           ::= { docsDevSoftware 7 }

   docsDevSwServerTransportProtocol OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX INTEGER {
           MAX-ACCESS  read-write
           STATUS      current
               "This object specifies the transport protocol (TFTP or
                HTTP) to be used for software upgrades.

                If the value of this object is tftp(1), then the cable
                device uses TFTP (RFC 1350) read request packets to
                download the docsDevSwFilename from the
                docsDevSwServerAddress in octet mode.

                If the value of this object is http(2), then the cable
                device uses HTTP 1.0 (RFC 1945) or HTTP 1.1 (RFC 2616)
                GET requests sent to host docsDevSwServerAddress to

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                download the software image from path docsDevSwFilename.

                If docsDevSwServerAddressType is currently set to
                dns(16), attempting to set this object to tftp(1) MUST
                result in an error."
           DEFVAL { tftp }
           ::= { docsDevSoftware 8 }

   -- The following group describes server access and parameters used
   -- for initial provisioning and bootstrapping.

   docsDevServer OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { docsDevMIBObjects 4 }

   docsDevServerBootState OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX INTEGER {
           MAX-ACCESS  read-only
           STATUS      current
               "If operational(1), the device has completed loading and
                processing of configuration parameters, and the CMTS has
                completed the Registration exchange.

                If disabled(2), then the device was administratively
                disabled, possibly by being refused network access in
                the configuration file.

                If waitingForDhcpOffer(3), then a Dynamic Host
                Configuration Protocol (DHCP) Discover has been
                transmitted, and no offer has yet been received.

                If waitingForDhcpResponse(4), then a DHCP Request has
                been transmitted, and no response has yet been received.

                If waitingForTimeServer(5), then a Time Request has been
                transmitted, and no response has yet been received.

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                If waitingForTftp(6), then a request to the TFTP
                parameter server has been made, and no response

                If refusedByCmts(7), then the Registration
                Request/Response exchange with the CMTS failed.

                If forwardingDenied(8), then the registration process
                was completed, but the network access option in the
                received configuration file prohibits forwarding.

                If other(9), then the registration process reached a
                point that does not fall into one of the above

                If unknown(10), then the device has not yet begun the
                registration process or is in some other indeterminate
               "DOCSIS RFI 1.0 Specification, Figure 7-1, and
                DOCSIS RFI 1.1 Specification, Figure 9-1 and
                DOCSIS RFI 2.0 Specification, Figure 11-1."
           ::= { docsDevServer 1 }

   docsDevServerDhcp OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX      IpAddress
           MAX-ACCESS  read-only
           STATUS      deprecated
               "The IP address of the DHCP server that assigned an IP
                address to this device.  Returns if DHCP is not
                used for IP address assignment, or if this agent is
                not assigned an IPv4 address.

                This object is deprecated and is replaced by
           ::= { docsDevServer 2 }

   docsDevServerTime OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX      IpAddress
           MAX-ACCESS  read-only
           STATUS      deprecated
               "The IP address of the Time server (RFC 0868).  Returns
       if the time server IP address is unknown, or if
                the time server is not an IPv4 server.

                This object is deprecated and is replaced by

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           ::= { docsDevServer 3 }

   docsDevServerTftp OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX      IpAddress
           MAX-ACCESS  read-only
           STATUS      deprecated
               "The IP address of the TFTP server responsible for
                downloading provisioning and configuration parameters
                to this device.  Returns if the TFTP server
                address is unknown or is not an IPv4 address.

                This object is deprecated and is replaced by
           ::= { docsDevServer 4 }

   docsDevServerConfigFile OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX      SnmpAdminString
           MAX-ACCESS  read-only
           STATUS      current
               "The name of the device configuration file read from
                the TFTP server.  Returns a zero-length string if
                the configuration file name is unknown."
           ::= { docsDevServer 5 }

   docsDevServerDhcpAddressType OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX      InetAddressType
           MAX-ACCESS  read-only
           STATUS      current
               "The type of address of docsDevServerDhcpAddress.  If
                DHCP was not used, this value should return
           ::= { docsDevServer 6 }

   docsDevServerDhcpAddress OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX      InetAddress
           MAX-ACCESS  read-only
           STATUS      current
               "The internet address of the DHCP server that assigned
                an IP address to this device.  Returns the zero length
                octet string if DHCP was not used for IP address
           ::= { docsDevServer 7 }

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   docsDevServerTimeAddressType OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX      InetAddressType
           MAX-ACCESS  read-only
           STATUS      current
               "The type of address of docsDevServerTimeAddress.  If
                no time server exists, this value should return
           ::= { docsDevServer 8 }

   docsDevServerTimeAddress OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX      InetAddress
           MAX-ACCESS  read-only
           STATUS      current
               "The Internet address of the RFC 868 Time server,
                as provided by DHCP option 4.

                Note that if multiple values are provided to the
                CM in DHCP option 4, the value of this MIB object
                MUST be the Time server address from which the Time
                of Day reference was acquired as based on the DOCSIS
                RFI specification.  During the period of time where
                the Time of Day have not been acquired, the Time
                server address reported by the CM may report the
                first address value in the DHCP option value or the
                last server address the CM attempted to get the Time
                of day value.

                Returns the zero-length octet string if the time server
                IP address is not provisioned."
               "DOCSIS RFI 1.1 Specification, Section 9.2.7. and
                DOCSIS RFI 2.0 Specification, Section 11.2.7."
           ::= { docsDevServer 9 }

   docsDevServerConfigTftpAddressType OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX      InetAddressType
           MAX-ACCESS  read-only
           STATUS      current
               "The type of address of docsDevServerConfigTftpAddress.
                If no TFTP server exists, this value should return
           ::= { docsDevServer 10 }

   docsDevServerConfigTftpAddress OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX      InetAddress

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           MAX-ACCESS  read-only
           STATUS      current
               "The internet address of the TFTP server responsible for
                downloading provisioning and configuration parameters
                to this device.  Returns the zero-length octet string if
                the config server address is unknown.  There are certain
                security risks that are involved with using TFTP."
               "RFC 3617, Section 5"
           ::= { docsDevServer 11 }

   -- Event Reporting

   docsDevEvent OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { docsDevMIBObjects 5 }

   docsDevEvControl OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX INTEGER {
           MAX-ACCESS  read-write
           STATUS      current
               "Setting this object to resetLog(1) empties the event
                log.  All data is deleted.  Setting it to
                useDefaultReporting(2) returns all event priorities to
                their factory-default reporting.  Reading this object
                always returns useDefaultReporting(2)."
           ::= { docsDevEvent 1 }

   docsDevEvSyslog OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX      IpAddress
           MAX-ACCESS  read-write
           STATUS      deprecated
               "The IP address of the Syslog server.  If, either
                syslog transmission is inhibited, or the Syslog server
                address is not an IPv4 address.

                This object is deprecated and is replaced by
           ::= { docsDevEvent 2 }

   docsDevEvThrottleAdminStatus OBJECT-TYPE

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           SYNTAX INTEGER {
           MAX-ACCESS  read-write
           STATUS      current
               "Controls the transmission of traps and syslog messages
                with respect to the trap pacing threshold.

                unconstrained(1) causes traps and syslog messages to be
                transmitted without regard to the threshold settings.

                maintainBelowThreshold(2) causes trap transmission and
                syslog messages to be suppressed if the number of traps
                would otherwise exceed the threshold.

                stopAtThreshold(3) causes trap transmission to cease at
                the threshold and not to resume until directed to do so.

                inhibited(4) causes all trap transmission and syslog
                messages to be suppressed.

                A single event is always treated as a single event for
                threshold counting.  That is, an event causing both a
                trap and a syslog message is still treated as a single

                Writing to this object resets the thresholding state."
           DEFVAL { unconstrained }
           ::= { docsDevEvent 3 }

   docsDevEvThrottleInhibited OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX      TruthValue
           MAX-ACCESS  read-only
           STATUS      deprecated
               "If true(1), trap and syslog transmission is currently
                inhibited due to thresholds and/or the current setting
                of docsDevEvThrottleAdminStatus.  In addition, this is
                true(1) when transmission is inhibited because no
                syslog (docsDevEvSyslog) or trap (docsDevNmAccessEntry)
                destinations have been set.

                This object is deprecated and is replaced by

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           ::= { docsDevEvent 4 }

   docsDevEvThrottleThreshold OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX      Unsigned32
           UNITS       "events"
           MAX-ACCESS  read-write
           STATUS      current
               "Number of events per docsDevEvThrottleInterval permitted
                before throttling is to occur.

                A single event, whether the notification could result in
                messages transmitted using syslog, SNMP, or both
                protocols, and regardless of the number of destinations,
                (including zero) is always treated as a single event for
                threshold counting.  For example, an event causing both
                a trap and a syslog message is still treated as a single

                All system notifications that occur within the device
                should be taken into consideration when calculating
                and monitoring the threshold."
           DEFVAL { 0 }
           ::= { docsDevEvent 5 }

   docsDevEvThrottleInterval OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX      Integer32 (1..2147483647)
           UNITS       "seconds"
           MAX-ACCESS  read-write
           STATUS      current
               "The interval over which docsDevEvThrottleThreshold
           DEFVAL { 1 }
           ::= { docsDevEvent 6 }

   -- The following table controls the reporting of the various classes
   -- of events.

   docsDevEvControlTable OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF DocsDevEvControlEntry
           MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
           STATUS      current
               "This table allows control of the reporting of event
                classes.  For each event priority, a combination of

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                logging and reporting mechanisms may be chosen.  The
                mapping of event types to priorities is
                vendor dependent.  Vendors may also choose to allow
                the user to control that mapping through proprietary
                means.  Table entries MUST persist across reboots for
                CMTS devices and MUST NOT persist across reboots for CM
           ::= {  docsDevEvent 7 }

   docsDevEvControlEntry OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX      DocsDevEvControlEntry
           MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
           STATUS      current
               "Allows configuration of the reporting mechanisms for a
                particular event priority."
           INDEX { docsDevEvPriority }
           ::= { docsDevEvControlTable 1 }

   DocsDevEvControlEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
               docsDevEvPriority        INTEGER,
               docsDevEvReporting       BITS

   docsDevEvPriority OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX INTEGER {
           MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
           STATUS      current
               "The priority level that is controlled by this
                entry.  These are ordered from most (emergency) to least
                (debug) critical.  Each event with a CM or CMTS has a
                particular priority level associated with it (as defined
                by the vendor).

                emergency(1) events indicate vendor-specific fatal
                hardware or software errors that prevent normal system

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                alert(2) events indicate a serious failure that causes
                the reporting system to reboot but is not caused by
                hardware or software malfunctioning.

                critical(3) events indicate a serious failure that
                requires attention and prevents the device from
                transmitting data but that could be recovered without
                rebooting the system.

                error(4) and warning(5) events indicate that a failure
                occurred that could interrupt the normal data flow but
                that does not cause the device to re-register.

                notice(6) and information(7) events indicate a
                milestone or checkpoint in normal operation that could
                be of particular importance for troubleshooting.

                debug(8) events are reserved for vendor-specific

                During normal operation, no event more
                critical than notice(6) should be generated.  Events
                between warning and emergency should be generated at
                appropriate levels of problems (e.g., emergency when the
                box is about to crash)."
           ::= { docsDevEvControlEntry 1 }

   docsDevEvReporting OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX BITS {
               -- The following are extensions to the original set of
               -- labels.  The extensions start at an octet boundary.
               -- So for bits 3 - 7, one MUST set them to zero on send
               -- and one MUST ignore them on receipt.
           MAX-ACCESS  read-write
           STATUS      current
               "Defines the action to be taken on occurrence of this
                event class.  Implementations may not necessarily
                support all options for all event classes but at
                minimum must allow traps and syslogging to be

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                If the local(0) bit is set, then log to the internal
                log and update non-volatile store, for backward
                compatibility with the original RFC 2669 definition.
                If the traps(1) bit is set, then generate
                an SNMP trap; if the syslog(2) bit is set, then
                send a syslog message (assuming that the syslog address
                is set).  If the localVolatile(8) bit is set, then
                log to the internal log without updating non-volatile
                store.  If the stdInterface(9) bit is set, then the
                agent ignores all other bits except the local(0),
                syslog(2), and localVolatile(8) bits.  Setting the
                stdInterface(9) bit indicates that RFC3413 and
                RFC3014 are being used to control event reporting
           ::= { docsDevEvControlEntry 2 }

   docsDevEventTable OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF DocsDevEventEntry
           MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
           STATUS      current
               "Contains a log of network and device events that may be
                of interest in fault isolation and troubleshooting.
                If the local(0) bit is set in docsDevEvReporting,
                entries in this table MUST persist across reboots."
           ::= {  docsDevEvent 8 }

   docsDevEventEntry OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX      DocsDevEventEntry
           MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
           STATUS      current
               "Describes a network or device event that may be of
                interest in fault isolation and troubleshooting.
                Multiple sequential identical events are represented by
                incrementing docsDevEvCounts and setting
                docsDevEvLastTime to the current time rather than
                creating multiple rows.

                Entries are created with the first occurrence of an
                event.  docsDevEvControl can be used to clear the
                table.  Individual events cannot be deleted."
           INDEX { docsDevEvIndex }
           ::= { docsDevEventTable 1 }

   DocsDevEventEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
               docsDevEvIndex           Integer32,
               docsDevEvFirstTime       DateAndTime,

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               docsDevEvLastTime        DateAndTime,
               docsDevEvCounts          Counter32,
               docsDevEvLevel           INTEGER,
               docsDevEvId              Unsigned32,
               docsDevEvText            SnmpAdminString

   docsDevEvIndex OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX      Integer32 (1..2147483647)
           MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
           STATUS      current
               "Provides relative ordering of the objects in the event
                log.  This object will always increase except when
                (a) the log is reset via docsDevEvControl,
                (b) the device reboots and does not implement
                non-volatile storage for this log, or (c) it reaches
                the value 2^31.  The next entry for all the above
                cases is 1."
           ::= { docsDevEventEntry 1 }

   docsDevEvFirstTime OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX      DateAndTime
           MAX-ACCESS  read-only
           STATUS      current
               "The value of docsDevDateTime at the time this entry was
           ::= { docsDevEventEntry 2 }

   docsDevEvLastTime OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX      DateAndTime
           MAX-ACCESS  read-only
           STATUS      current
               "When an entry reports only one event, this object will
                have the same value as the corresponding instance of
                docsDevEvFirstTime.  When an entry reports multiple
                events, this object will record the value that
                docsDevDateTime had when the most recent event for this
                entry occurred."
           ::= { docsDevEventEntry 3 }

   -- This object was renamed from docsDevEvCount to meet naming
   -- requirements for Counter32
   docsDevEvCounts OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX      Counter32
           UNITS       "events"

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           MAX-ACCESS  read-only
           STATUS      current
               "The number of consecutive event instances reported by
                this entry.  This starts at 1 with the creation of this
                row and increments by 1 for each subsequent duplicate
           ::= { docsDevEventEntry 4 }
   docsDevEvLevel OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX INTEGER {
           MAX-ACCESS  read-only
           STATUS      current
               "The priority level of this event, as defined by the
                vendor.  These are ordered from most serious (emergency)
                to least serious (debug).

                emergency(1) events indicate vendor-specific fatal
                hardware or software errors that prevent normal system

                alert(2) events indicate a serious failure that causes
                the reporting system to reboot but that is not caused by
                hardware or software malfunctioning.

                critical(3) events indicate a serious failure that
                requires attention and prevents the device from
                transmitting data but that could be recovered without
                rebooting the system.

                error(4) and warning(5) events indicate that a failure
                occurred that could interrupt the normal data flow but
                that does not cause the device to re-register.

                notice(6) and information(7) events indicate a
                milestone or checkpoint in normal operation that could
                be of particular importance for troubleshooting.

                debug(8) events are reserved for vendor-specific

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                During normal operation, no event more
                critical than notice(6) should be generated.  Events
                between warning and emergency should be generated at
                appropriate levels of problems (e.g., emergency when the
                box is about to crash)."
           ::= { docsDevEventEntry 5 }

   -- It is strongly recommended that implementors follow the CableLabs
   -- enumerations for docsDevEvId, per the DOCSIS OSSIv1.1 spec
   -- and follow-on specifications.

   docsDevEvId OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX      Unsigned32
           MAX-ACCESS  read-only
           STATUS      current
               "For this product, uniquely identifies the type of event
                that is reported by this entry."
               "DOCSIS OSSI 1.1 Specification, Appendix H and
                DOCSIS OSSI 2.0 Specification, Annex D."
           ::= { docsDevEventEntry 6 }

   docsDevEvText OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX      SnmpAdminString
           MAX-ACCESS  read-only
           STATUS      current
               "Provides a human-readable description of the event,
                including all relevant context (interface numbers,
           ::= { docsDevEventEntry 7 }

   docsDevEvSyslogAddressType OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX      InetAddressType
           MAX-ACCESS  read-write
           STATUS      current
               "The type of address of docsDevEvSyslogAddress.  If
                no syslog server exists, this value should return
           DEFVAL { unknown }
           ::= { docsDevEvent 9 }

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   docsDevEvSyslogAddress OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX      InetAddress
           MAX-ACCESS  read-write
           STATUS      current
               "The Internet address of the Syslog server, as provided
                by DHCP option 7 or set via SNMP management.  If the
                address of the server is set to the zero-length
                string, the IPv4 address, or the 0: IPv6
                address, Syslog transmission is inhibited.

                Note that if multiple values are provided to the CM in
                DHCP option 7, the value of this MIB object MUST be the
                first Syslog server address received.

                By default at agent boot, this object returns the zero
                length string."
           ::= { docsDevEvent 10 }

   docsDevEvThrottleThresholdExceeded OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX TruthValue
           MAX-ACCESS read-only
           STATUS current
               "If true(1), trap and syslog transmission is currently
                inhibited due to exceeding the trap/syslog event
                threshold in the current interval."
           ::= { docsDevEvent 11 }

   -- Link Level Control Filtering

   docsDevFilter OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { docsDevMIBObjects 6 }

   docsDevFilterLLCUnmatchedAction OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX INTEGER {
           MAX-ACCESS  read-write
           STATUS      current
               "LLC (Link Level Control) filters can be defined on an
                inclusive or exclusive basis: CMs can be configured to
                forward only packets matching a set of layer three
                protocols, or to drop packets matching a set of layer
                three protocols.  Typical use of these filters is to

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                filter out possibly harmful (given the context of a
                large metropolitan LAN) protocols.

                If set to discard(1), any L2 packet that does not match
                at least one filter in the docsDevFilterLLCTable will be
                discarded.  If set to accept(2), any L2 packet that
                does not match at least one filter in the
                docsDevFilterLLCTable will be accepted for further
                processing (e.g., bridging).  In other words, if the
                packet does not match an entry in the table, it takes
                this action; if it does match an entry in the table, it
                takes the opposite of this action."
           DEFVAL { accept }
           ::= { docsDevFilter 1 }

   docsDevFilterLLCTable OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF DocsDevFilterLLCEntry
           MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
           STATUS      current
               "A list of filters to apply to (bridged) LLC
                traffic.  The filters in this table are applied to
                incoming traffic on the appropriate interface(s)  prior
                to any further processing (e.g., before the packet
                is handed off for level 3 processing, or for bridging).
                The specific action taken when no filter is matched is
                controlled by docsDevFilterLLCUnmatchedAction.  Table
                entries MUST NOT persist across reboots for any device."
           ::= { docsDevFilter 2 }

   docsDevFilterLLCEntry OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX      DocsDevFilterLLCEntry
           MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
           STATUS      current
               "Describes a single filter to apply to (bridged) LLC
                traffic received on a specified interface. "
           INDEX { docsDevFilterLLCIndex }
           ::= { docsDevFilterLLCTable 1 }

   DocsDevFilterLLCEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
               docsDevFilterLLCIndex               Integer32,
               docsDevFilterLLCStatus              RowStatus,
               docsDevFilterLLCIfIndex             InterfaceIndexOrZero,
               docsDevFilterLLCProtocolType        INTEGER,
               docsDevFilterLLCProtocol            Integer32,
               docsDevFilterLLCMatches             Counter32

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   docsDevFilterLLCIndex OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX      Integer32 (1..2147483647)
           MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
           STATUS      current
               "Index used for the identification of filters (note that
                LLC filter order is irrelevant)."
           ::= { docsDevFilterLLCEntry 1 }
   docsDevFilterLLCStatus OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX      RowStatus
           MAX-ACCESS  read-create
           STATUS      current
               "Controls and reflects the status of rows in this
                table.  There is no restriction on changing any of the
                associated columns for this row while this object is set
                to active.

                Specifying only this object (with the
                appropriate index) on a CM is sufficient to create a
                filter row that matches all inbound packets on the
                ethernet interface and results in the packets being
                discarded.  docsDevFilterLLCIfIndex (at least) must be
                specified on a CMTS to create a row."
           ::= { docsDevFilterLLCEntry 2}

   docsDevFilterLLCIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX      InterfaceIndexOrZero
           MAX-ACCESS  read-create
           STATUS      current
               "The entry interface to which this filter applies.  The
                value corresponds to ifIndex for either a CATV MAC or
                another network interface.  If the value is zero, the
                filter applies to all interfaces.  In Cable Modems, the
                default value is the customer side interface(s).  In
                CMTSs, this object has to be specified to
                create a row in this table.

                Note that according to the DOCSIS OSSIv1.1
                specification, ifIndex '1' in the CM means that this
                row applies to all Cable Modem-to-CPE Interfaces
               "DOCSIS OSSI 1.1 Specification, Section and
                DOCSIS OSSI 2.0 Specification, Section"
           ::= { docsDevFilterLLCEntry 3 }

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   docsDevFilterLLCProtocolType OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX INTEGER {
           MAX-ACCESS  read-create
           STATUS      current
               "The format of the value in docsDevFilterLLCProtocol:
                either a two-byte Ethernet Ethertype, or a one-byte
                802.2 Service Access Point (SAP) value.  ethertype(1)
                also applies to Standard Network Access Protocol
                (SNAP) encapsulated frames."
           DEFVAL { ethertype }
           ::= { docsDevFilterLLCEntry 4 }

   docsDevFilterLLCProtocol OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX      Integer32 (0..65535)
           MAX-ACCESS  read-create
           STATUS      current
               "The layer-three protocol for which this filter applies.
                The protocol value format depends on
                docsDevFilterLLCProtocolType.  Note that for SNAP
                frames, ethertype filtering is performed rather than
                Destination Service Access Point (DSAP) =0xAA."
           DEFVAL { 0 }
           ::= { docsDevFilterLLCEntry 5 }

   docsDevFilterLLCMatches OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX      Counter32
           UNITS       "matches"
           MAX-ACCESS  read-only
           STATUS      current
               "Counts the number of times this filter was matched."
           ::= { docsDevFilterLLCEntry 6 }

   -- IPv4 Filtering

   docsDevFilterIpDefault OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX INTEGER {
           MAX-ACCESS  read-write

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           STATUS      deprecated
               "The default behavior for (bridged) packets that do not
                match IP filters (or Internet filters, if implemented)
                is defined by docsDevFilterIpDefault.

                If set to discard(1), all packets not matching an IP
                filter in docsDevFilterIpTable will be discarded.  If
                set to accept(2), all packets not matching an IP filter
                or an Internet filter will be accepted for further
                processing (e.g., bridging)."
           DEFVAL { accept }
           ::= { docsDevFilter 3 }

   docsDevFilterIpTable OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF DocsDevFilterIpEntry
           MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
           STATUS      deprecated
               "An ordered list of filters or classifiers to apply to
                IP traffic.  Filter application is ordered by the filter
                index, rather than by a best match algorithm (note that
                this implies that the filter table may have gaps in the
                index values).  Packets that match no filters will have
                policy 0 in the docsDevFilterPolicyTable applied to
                them, if it exists.  Otherwise, Packets that match no
                filters are discarded or forwarded according to the
                setting of docsDevFilterIpDefault.

                Any IP packet can theoretically match multiple rows of
                this table.  When considering a packet, the table is
                scanned in row index order (e.g., filter 10 is checked
                before filter 20).  If the packet matches that filter
                (which means that it matches ALL criteria for that row),
                actions appropriate to docsDevFilterIpControl and
                docsDevFilterPolicyId are taken.  If the packet was
                discarded processing is complete.  If
                docsDevFilterIpContinue is set to true, the filter
                comparison continues with the next row in the table,
                looking for additional matches.

                If the packet matches no filter in the table, the packet
                is accepted or dropped for further processing
                according to the setting of docsDevFilterIpDefault.
                If the packet is accepted, the actions specified by
                policy group 0 (e.g., the rows in
                docsDevFilterPolicyTable that have a value of 0 for
                docsDevFilterPolicyId) are taken, if that policy

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                group exists.

                Logically, this table is consulted twice during the
                processing of any IP packet: once upon its acceptance
                from the L2 entity, and once upon its transmission to
                the L2 entity.  In actuality, for cable modems, IP
                filtering is generally the only IP processing done for
                transit traffic.  This means that inbound and outbound
                filtering can generally be done at the same time with
                one pass through the filter table.

                The objects in this table are only accessible from cable
                devices that are not operating in DiffServ MIB mode
                (RFC 3289).  See the conformance section for details.

                Note that some devices are required by other
                specifications (e.g., the DOCSIS OSSIv1.1 specification)
                to support the legacy SNMPv1/v2c docsDevFilter mode
                for backward compatibility.

                Table entries MUST NOT persist across reboots for any

                This table is deprecated.  Instead, use the DiffServ MIB
                from RFC 3289."
           ::= { docsDevFilter 4 }

   docsDevFilterIpEntry OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX      DocsDevFilterIpEntry
           MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
           STATUS      deprecated
               "Describes a filter to apply to IP traffic received on a
                specified interface.  All identity objects in this table
                (e.g., source and destination address/mask, protocol,
                source/dest port, TOS/mask, interface and direction)
                must match their respective fields in the packet for
                any given filter to match.

                To create an entry in this table, docsDevFilterIpIfIndex
                must be specified."
           INDEX { docsDevFilterIpIndex }
           ::= { docsDevFilterIpTable 1 }

   DocsDevFilterIpEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
               docsDevFilterIpIndex             Integer32,
               docsDevFilterIpStatus            RowStatus,
               docsDevFilterIpControl           INTEGER,

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               docsDevFilterIpIfIndex           InterfaceIndexOrZero,
               docsDevFilterIpDirection         INTEGER,
               docsDevFilterIpBroadcast         TruthValue,
               docsDevFilterIpSaddr             IpAddress,
               docsDevFilterIpSmask             IpAddress,
               docsDevFilterIpDaddr             IpAddress,
               docsDevFilterIpDmask             IpAddress,
               docsDevFilterIpProtocol          Integer32,
               docsDevFilterIpSourcePortLow     Integer32,
               docsDevFilterIpSourcePortHigh    Integer32,
               docsDevFilterIpDestPortLow       Integer32,
               docsDevFilterIpDestPortHigh      Integer32,
               docsDevFilterIpMatches           ZeroBasedCounter32,
               docsDevFilterIpTos               OCTET STRING,
               docsDevFilterIpTosMask           OCTET STRING,
               docsDevFilterIpContinue          TruthValue,
               docsDevFilterIpPolicyId          Integer32

   docsDevFilterIpIndex OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX      Integer32 (1..2147483647)
           MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
           STATUS      deprecated
               "Index used to order the application of filters.
                The filter with the lowest index is always applied
           ::= { docsDevFilterIpEntry 1 }

   docsDevFilterIpStatus OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX      RowStatus
           MAX-ACCESS  read-create
           STATUS      deprecated
               "Controls and reflects the status of rows in this
                table.  Specifying only this object (with the
                appropriate index) on a CM is sufficient to create a
                filter row that matches all inbound packets on the
                ethernet interface and results in the packets being
                discarded.  docsDevFilterIpIfIndex (at least) must be
                specified on a CMTS to create a row.  Creation of the
                rows may be done via either create-and-wait or
                create-and-go, but the filter is not applied until this
                object is set to (or changes to) active.  There is no
                restriction in changing any object in a row while this
                object is set to active."
           ::= { docsDevFilterIpEntry 2 }

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   docsDevFilterIpControl OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX INTEGER {
           MAX-ACCESS  read-create
           STATUS      deprecated
               "If set to discard(1), all packets matching this filter
                will be discarded, and scanning of the remainder of the
                filter list will be aborted.  If set to accept(2), all
                packets matching this filter will be accepted for
                further processing (e.g., bridging).  If
                docsDevFilterIpContinue is set to true, see if there
                are other matches; otherwise, done.  If set to
                policy (3), execute the policy entries
                matched by docsDevFilterIpPolicyId in

                If docsDevFilterIpContinue is set to true, continue
                scanning the table for other matches; otherwise, done."
           DEFVAL { discard }
           ::= { docsDevFilterIpEntry 3 }

   docsDevFilterIpIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX      InterfaceIndexOrZero
           MAX-ACCESS  read-create
           STATUS      deprecated
               "The entry interface to which this filter applies.  The
                value corresponds to ifIndex for either a CATV MAC or
                another interface.  If the value is zero, the
                filter applies to all interfaces.  Default value in CMs
                is the index of the customer-side (e.g., ethernet)
                interface(s).  In CMTSes, this object MUST be
                specified to create a row in this table.

                Note that according to the DOCSIS OSSIv1.1
                specification, ifIndex '1' in the Cable Modem means
                that this row applies to all CMCI (customer-facing)
               "DOCSIS OSSI 1.1 Specification, Section and
                DOCSIS OSSI 2.0 Specification, Section"
           ::= { docsDevFilterIpEntry 4 }

   docsDevFilterIpDirection OBJECT-TYPE

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           SYNTAX INTEGER {
           MAX-ACCESS  read-create
           STATUS      deprecated
               "Determines whether the filter is applied to inbound(1)
                traffic, outbound(2) traffic, or traffic in both(3)
           DEFVAL { inbound }
           ::= { docsDevFilterIpEntry 5 }

   docsDevFilterIpBroadcast OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX      TruthValue
           MAX-ACCESS  read-create
           STATUS      deprecated
               "If set to true(1), the filter only applies to multicast
                and broadcast traffic.  If set to false(2), the filter
                applies to all traffic."
           DEFVAL { false }
           ::= { docsDevFilterIpEntry 6 }

   docsDevFilterIpSaddr OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX      IpAddress
           MAX-ACCESS  read-create
           STATUS      deprecated
               "The source IP address, or portion thereof, that is to be
                matched for this filter.  The source address is first
                masked (ANDed) against docsDevFilterIpSmask before
                being compared to this value.  A value of 0 for this
                object and 0 for the mask matches all IP addresses."
           DEFVAL { '00000000'h }
           ::= { docsDevFilterIpEntry 7 }

   docsDevFilterIpSmask OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX      IpAddress
           MAX-ACCESS  read-create
           STATUS      deprecated
               "A bit mask that is to be applied to the source address
                prior to matching.  This mask is not necessarily the
                same as a subnet mask, but 1s bits must be leftmost and
           DEFVAL { '00000000'h }

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           ::= { docsDevFilterIpEntry 8 }

   docsDevFilterIpDaddr OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX      IpAddress
           MAX-ACCESS  read-create
           STATUS      deprecated
               "The destination IP address, or portion thereof, that is
                to be matched for this filter.  The destination address
                is first masked (ANDed) against docsDevFilterIpDmask
                before being compared to this value.  A value of
                00000000 for this object and 00000000 for the mask
                matches all IP addresses."
           DEFVAL { '00000000'h }
           ::= { docsDevFilterIpEntry 9 }

   docsDevFilterIpDmask OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX      IpAddress
           MAX-ACCESS  read-create
           STATUS      deprecated
               "A bit mask that is to be applied to the destination
                address prior to matching.  This mask is not necessarily
                the same as a subnet mask, but 1s bits MUST be leftmost
                and contiguous."
           DEFVAL { '00000000'h }
           ::= { docsDevFilterIpEntry 10 }

   docsDevFilterIpProtocol OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX Integer32 (0..256)
           MAX-ACCESS  read-create
           STATUS      deprecated
               "The IP protocol value that is to be matched.  For
                example, icmp is 1, tcp is 6, and udp is 17.  A value of
                256 matches ANY protocol."
           REFERENCE ""
           DEFVAL { 256 }
           ::= { docsDevFilterIpEntry 11 }

   docsDevFilterIpSourcePortLow OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX      Integer32 (0..65535)
           MAX-ACCESS  read-create
           STATUS      deprecated
               "This is the inclusive lower bound of the transport-layer
                source port range that is to be matched.  If the IP
                protocol of the packet is neither UDP nor TCP, this

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                object is ignored during matching."
           REFERENCE ""
           DEFVAL { 0 }
           ::= { docsDevFilterIpEntry 12 }

   docsDevFilterIpSourcePortHigh OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX      Integer32 (0..65535)
           MAX-ACCESS  read-create
           STATUS      deprecated
               "This is the inclusive upper bound of the transport-layer
                source port range that is to be matched.  If the IP
                protocol of the packet is neither UDP nor TCP, this
                object is ignored during matching."
           REFERENCE ""
           DEFVAL { 65535 }
           ::= { docsDevFilterIpEntry 13 }

   docsDevFilterIpDestPortLow OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX      Integer32 (0..65535)
           MAX-ACCESS  read-create
           STATUS      deprecated
               "This is the inclusive lower bound of the transport-layer
                destination port range that is to be matched.  If the IP
                protocol of the packet is neither UDP nor TCP, this
                object is ignored during matching."
           REFERENCE ""
           DEFVAL { 0 }
           ::= { docsDevFilterIpEntry 14 }

   docsDevFilterIpDestPortHigh OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX      Integer32 (0..65535)
           MAX-ACCESS  read-create
           STATUS      deprecated
               "This is the inclusive upper bound of the transport-layer
                destination port range that is to be matched.  If the IP
                protocol of the packet is neither UDP nor TCP, this
                object is ignored during matching."
           REFERENCE ""
           DEFVAL { 65535 }
           ::= { docsDevFilterIpEntry 15 }

   docsDevFilterIpMatches OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX      ZeroBasedCounter32
           UNITS       "matches"
           MAX-ACCESS  read-only

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           STATUS      deprecated
               "Counts the number of times this filter was matched.
                This object is initialized to 0 at boot, or at row
                creation, and is reset only upon reboot."
           ::= { docsDevFilterIpEntry 16 }

   docsDevFilterIpTos  OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX      OCTET STRING (SIZE (1))
           MAX-ACCESS  read-create
           STATUS      deprecated
               "This is the value to be matched to the packet's
                TOS (Type of Service) value (after the TOS value
                is ANDed with docsDevFilterIpTosMask).  A value for this
                object of 0 and a mask of 0 matches all TOS values."
           DEFVAL { '00'h }
           ::= { docsDevFilterIpEntry 17 }

   docsDevFilterIpTosMask OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX      OCTET STRING (SIZE (1))
           MAX-ACCESS  read-create
           STATUS      deprecated
               "The mask to be applied to the packet's TOS value before
           DEFVAL { '00'h }
           ::= { docsDevFilterIpEntry 18 }

   docsDevFilterIpContinue OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX      TruthValue
           MAX-ACCESS  read-create
           STATUS      deprecated
               "If this value is set to true and docsDevFilterIpControl
                is anything but discard (1), continue scanning and
                applying policies.  See Section 3.3.3 for more
           DEFVAL { false }
           ::= { docsDevFilterIpEntry 19 }

   docsDevFilterIpPolicyId OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX      Integer32 (0..2147483647)
           MAX-ACCESS  read-create
           STATUS      deprecated
               "This object points to an entry in
                docsDevFilterPolicyTable.  If docsDevFilterIpControl

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                is set to policy (3), execute all matching policies
                in docsDevFilterPolicyTable.  If no matching policy
                exists, treat as if docsDevFilterIpControl were set
                to accept (1).  If this object is set to the value of
                0, there is no matching policy, and
                docsDevFilterPolicyTable MUST NOT be consulted."
           DEFVAL { 0 }
           ::= { docsDevFilterIpEntry 20 }

   -- Policy Mapping Table

   docsDevFilterPolicyTable OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF DocsDevFilterPolicyEntry
           MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
           STATUS      deprecated
               "A Table that maps between a policy group ID and a set
                of pointers to policies to be applied.  All rows with
                the same docsDevFilterPolicyId are part of the same
                group of policy pointers and are applied in the order
                in this table.  docsDevFilterPolicyTable exists to
                allow multiple policy actions (referenced by policy
                pointers) to be applied to any given classified packet.
                The policy actions are applied in index order.
                For example:

                Index   ID    Type    Action
                 1      1      TOS     1
                 9      5      TOS     1
                 12     1      IPSEC   3

                This says that a packet that matches a filter with
                policy id 1 first has TOS policy 1 applied (which might
                set the TOS bits to enable a higher priority) and next
                has the IPSEC policy 3 applied (which may result in the
                packets being dumped into a secure VPN to a remote

                Policy ID 0 is reserved for default actions and is
                applied only to packets that match no filters in

                Table entries MUST NOT persist across reboots for any

                This table is deprecated.  Instead, use the DiffServ MIB

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                from RFC 3289."
           ::= { docsDevFilter 5 }

   docsDevFilterPolicyEntry OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX      DocsDevFilterPolicyEntry
           MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
           STATUS      deprecated
               "An entry in the docsDevFilterPolicyTable.  Entries are
                created by Network Management.  To create an entry,
                docsDevFilterPolicyId MUST be specified."
           INDEX { docsDevFilterPolicyIndex }
           ::= { docsDevFilterPolicyTable 1 }

   DocsDevFilterPolicyEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
               docsDevFilterPolicyIndex   Integer32,
               docsDevFilterPolicyId      Integer32,
   --          docsDevFilterPolicyType    INTEGER,
   --          docsDevFilterPolicyAction  Integer32,
               docsDevFilterPolicyStatus  RowStatus,
               docsDevFilterPolicyPtr     RowPointer

   docsDevFilterPolicyIndex OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX      Integer32 (1..2147483647)
           MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
           STATUS      deprecated
           DESCRIPTION "Index value for the table."
           ::= { docsDevFilterPolicyEntry 1 }

   docsDevFilterPolicyId OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX      Integer32 (0..2147483647)
           MAX-ACCESS  read-create
           STATUS      deprecated
               "Policy ID for this entry.  If a policy ID can apply to
                multiple rows of this table, all relevant policies are
                executed.  Policy 0 (if populated) is applied to all
                packets that do not match any of the filters.  N.B. If
                docsDevFilterIpPolicyId is set to 0, it DOES NOT match
                policy 0 of this table."
           ::= { docsDevFilterPolicyEntry 2 }

   -- The following two objects were removed and never used; however,
   -- to preserve OID numbering, they are simply commented out to
   -- to ensure that they are not used again.
   -- docsDevFilterPolicyType ::= { docsDevFilterPolicyEntry 3 }
   -- docsDevFilterPolicyAction ::= { docsDevFilterPolicyEntry 4 }

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   docsDevFilterPolicyStatus OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX      RowStatus
           MAX-ACCESS  read-create
           STATUS      deprecated
               "Object used to create an entry in this table.  There is
                no restriction in changing any object in a row while
                this object is set to active.
                The following object MUST have a valid value before this
                object can be set to active:  docsDevFilterPolicyPtr."
           ::= { docsDevFilterPolicyEntry 5 }

   docsDevFilterPolicyPtr OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX      RowPointer
           MAX-ACCESS  read-create
           STATUS      deprecated
               "This object points to a row in an applicable filter
                policy table.  Currently, the only standard policy
                table is docsDevFilterTosTable.

                Per the textual convention, this object points to the
                first accessible object in the row; e.g., to point to a
                row in docsDevFilterTosTable with an index of 21, the
                value of this object would be the object identifier

                Vendors are recommended to adhere to the same convention
                when adding vendor-specific policy table extensions.

                If this pointer references an empty or non-existent
                row, then no policy action is taken.

                The default upon row creation is a null pointer that
                results in no policy action being taken."
           DEFVAL { zeroDotZero }
           ::= { docsDevFilterPolicyEntry 6 }

   -- TOS Policy action table

   docsDevFilterTosTable OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF DocsDevFilterTosEntry
           MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
           STATUS      deprecated
               "Table used to describe Type of Service (TOS) bits

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                This table is an adjunct to the docsDevFilterIpTable
                and the docsDevFilterPolicy table.  Entries in the
                latter table can point to specific rows in this (and
                other) tables and cause specific actions to be taken.
                This table permits the manipulation of the value of the
                Type of Service bits in the IP header of the matched
                packet as follows:

                Set the tosBits of the packet to
                   (tosBits & docsDevFilterTosAndMask) |

                This construct allows you to do a clear and set of all
                the TOS bits in a flexible manner.

                Table entries MUST NOT persist across reboots for any

                This table is deprecated.  Instead, use the DiffServ MIB
                from RFC 3289."
           ::= { docsDevFilter 6 }

   docsDevFilterTosEntry OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX      DocsDevFilterTosEntry
           MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
           STATUS      deprecated
               "A TOS policy entry."
           INDEX { docsDevFilterTosIndex }
           ::= { docsDevFilterTosTable 1 }

   DocsDevFilterTosEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
               docsDevFilterTosIndex   Integer32,
               docsDevFilterTosStatus  RowStatus,
               docsDevFilterTosAndMask OCTET STRING,
               docsDevFilterTosOrMask  OCTET STRING

   docsDevFilterTosIndex OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX      Integer32 (1..2147483647)
           MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
           STATUS      deprecated
               "The unique index for this row.  There are no ordering
                requirements for this table, and any valid index may be

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           ::= { docsDevFilterTosEntry 1 }

   docsDevFilterTosStatus OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX      RowStatus
           MAX-ACCESS  read-create
           STATUS      deprecated
               "The object used to create and delete entries in this
                table.  A row created by specifying just this object
                results in a row that specifies no change to the TOS
                bits.  A row may be created using either the
                create-and-go or create-and-wait paradigms.  There is
                no restriction on the ability to change values in this
                row while the row is active."
           ::= { docsDevFilterTosEntry 2 }

   docsDevFilterTosAndMask OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX      OCTET STRING (SIZE (1))
           MAX-ACCESS  read-create
           STATUS      deprecated
               "This value is bitwise ANDed with the matched packet's
                TOS bits."
           DEFVAL { 'ff'h }
           ::= { docsDevFilterTosEntry 3 }

   docsDevFilterTosOrMask OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX      OCTET STRING (SIZE (1))
           MAX-ACCESS  read-create
           STATUS      deprecated
               "This value is bitwise ORed with the result from the
                AND procedure (tosBits & docsDevFilterTosAndMask).
                The result then replaces the packet's TOS bits."
           DEFVAL { '00'h }
           ::= { docsDevFilterTosEntry 4 }

   -- CPE IP Management and anti-spoofing group.  Only implemented on
   -- Cable Modems.

   docsDevCpe OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { docsDevMIBObjects 7 }

   docsDevCpeEnroll OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX      INTEGER {

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           MAX-ACCESS  read-write
           STATUS      current
               "This object controls the population of
                If set to none, the filters must be set manually
                by a network management action (either configuration
                or SNMP set).
                If set to any, the CM wiretaps the packets originating
                from the ethernet and enrolls up to docsDevCpeIpMax
                addresses as based on the source IPv4 or v6 addresses of
                those packets."
           DEFVAL { any }
           ::= { docsDevCpe 1 }

   docsDevCpeIpMax OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX      Integer32 (-1..2147483647)
           MAX-ACCESS  read-write
           STATUS      current
               "This object controls the maximum number of CPEs allowed
                to be learned behind this device.  If set to zero, any
                number of CPEs may connect up to the maximum permitted
                for the device.
                If set to -1, no filtering is done on CPE source
                addresses, and no entries are made in the
                docsDevFilterCpeTable via learning.  If an attempt is
                made to set this to a number greater than that
                permitted for the device, it is set to that maximum."
           DEFVAL { -1 }
           ::= { docsDevCpe 2 }

   docsDevCpeTable OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF DocsDevCpeEntry
           MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
           STATUS      deprecated
               "This table lists the IPv4 addresses seen (or permitted)
                as source addresses in packets originating from the
                customer interface on this device.  In addition, this
                table can be provisioned with the specific addresses
                permitted for the CPEs via the normal row creation
                mechanisms.  Table entries MUST NOT persist across
                reboots for any device.

                N.B.  Management action can add entries in this table
                and in docsDevCpeIpTable past the value of

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                docsDevCpeIpMax.  docsDevCpeIpMax ONLY restricts the
                ability of the CM to add learned addresses

                This table is deprecated and is replaced by
           ::= { docsDevCpe 3 }

   docsDevCpeEntry OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX      DocsDevCpeEntry
           MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
           STATUS      deprecated
               "An entry in the docsDevFilterCpeTable.  There is one
                entry for each IPv4 CPE seen or provisioned.  If
                docsDevCpeIpMax is set to -1, this table is ignored;
                otherwise, upon receipt of an IP packet from the
                customer interface of the CM, the source IP address is
                checked against this table.  If the address is in the
                table, packet processing continues.  If the address is
                not in the table but docsDevCpeEnroll is set to any
                and the sum of the table sizes of docsDevCpeTable and
                docsDevCpeInetTable is less than docsDevCpeIpMax, the
                address is added to the table, and packet processing
                continues.  Otherwise, the packet is dropped.

                The filtering actions specified by this table occur
                after any LLC filtering (docsDevFilterLLCTable), but
                prior to any IP filtering (docsDevFilterIpTable,
           INDEX   { docsDevCpeIp }
           ::= {docsDevCpeTable 1 }

   DocsDevCpeEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
               docsDevCpeIp      IpAddress,
               docsDevCpeSource  INTEGER,
               docsDevCpeStatus  RowStatus

   docsDevCpeIp OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX      IpAddress
           MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
           STATUS      deprecated
               "The IPv4 address to which this entry applies.

                N.B.  Attempts to set all zeros or all ones address
                values MUST be rejected."

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           ::= { docsDevCpeEntry 1 }

   docsDevCpeSource OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX      INTEGER {

           MAX-ACCESS  read-only
           STATUS      deprecated
               "This object describes how this entry was created.  If
                the value is manual(2), this row was created by a
                network management action (either configuration or
                SNMP set).  If set to learned(3), then it was found via
                looking at the source IPv4 address of a received packet.
                The value other(1) is used for any entries that do not
                meet manual(2) or learned(3) criteria."
           ::= { docsDevCpeEntry 2 }

   docsDevCpeStatus OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX  RowStatus
           MAX-ACCESS  read-create
           STATUS  deprecated
               "Standard object to manipulate rows.  To create a row in
                this table, one only needs to specify this object.
                Management stations SHOULD use the create-and-go
                mechanism for creating rows in this table."
           ::= { docsDevCpeEntry 3 }

   -- Internet CPE Management and anti spoofing group, for support of
   -- non-IPv4 CPEs.

   docsDevCpeInetTable OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF DocsDevCpeInetEntry
           MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
           STATUS      current
               "This table lists the IP addresses seen (or permitted) as
                source addresses in packets originating from the
                customer interface on this device.  In addition, this
                table can be provisioned with the specific addresses
                permitted for the CPEs via the normal row creation

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                N.B.  Management action can add entries in this table
                and in docsDevCpeIpTable past the value of
                docsDevCpeIpMax.  docsDevCpeIpMax ONLY restricts the
                ability of the CM to add learned addresses

                Table entries MUST NOT persist across reboots for any

                This table exactly mirrors docsDevCpeTable and applies
                to IPv4 and IPv6 addresses."
           ::= { docsDevCpe 4 }

   docsDevCpeInetEntry OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX      DocsDevCpeInetEntry
           MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
           STATUS      current
               "An entry in the docsDevFilterCpeInetTable.  There is one
                entry for each IP CPE seen or provisioned.  If
                docsDevCpeIpMax is set to -1, this table is ignored;
                otherwise, upon receipt of an IP packet from the
                customer interface of the CM, the source IP address is
                checked against this table.  If the address is in the
                table, packet processing continues.  If the address is
                not in the table but docsDevCpeEnroll is set to any and
                the sum of the table sizes for docsDevCpeTable and
                docsDevCpeInetTable is less than docsDevCpeIpMax, the
                address is added to the table, and packet processing
                continues.  Otherwise, the packet is dropped.

                The filtering actions specified by this table occur
                after any LLC filtering (docsDevFilterLLCTable), but
                prior to any IP filtering (docsDevFilterIpTable,

                When an agent (cable modem) restarts, then all
                dynamically created rows are lost."
           INDEX   { docsDevCpeInetType, docsDevCpeInetAddr }
           ::= { docsDevCpeInetTable 1 }

   DocsDevCpeInetEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
               docsDevCpeInetType      InetAddressType,
               docsDevCpeInetAddr      InetAddress,
               docsDevCpeInetSource    INTEGER,
               docsDevCpeInetRowStatus RowStatus

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   docsDevCpeInetType OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX      InetAddressType
           MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
           STATUS      current
               "The type of internet address of docsDevCpeInetAddr."
            ::= { docsDevCpeInetEntry 1 }

   docsDevCpeInetAddr OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX      InetAddress
           MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
           STATUS      current
               "The Internet address to which this entry applies.

                Implementors need to be aware that if the size of
                docsDevCpeInetAddr exceeds 114 octets OIDs of
                instances of columns in this row will have more
                than 128 sub-identifiers and cannot be accessed
                using SNMPv1, SNMPv2c, or SNMPv3.  Only unicast
                address are allowed for this object."
           ::= { docsDevCpeInetEntry 2 }

   docsDevCpeInetSource OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX      INTEGER {
           MAX-ACCESS  read-only
           STATUS      current
               "This object describes how this entry was created.  If
                the value is manual(2), this row was created by a
                network management action (either configuration or
                SNMP set).  If set to learned(3), then it was found
                via looking at the source IP address of a received
           ::= { docsDevCpeInetEntry 3 }

   docsDevCpeInetRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX  RowStatus
           MAX-ACCESS  read-create
           STATUS  current
               "Standard object to manipulate rows.  To create a row in
                this table, one only needs to specify this object.
                Management stations SHOULD use the create-and-go
                mechanism for creating rows in this table."

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           ::= { docsDevCpeInetEntry 4 }

   -- Placeholder for notifications/traps.

   -- erroneous, DO NOT USE docsDevNotification
   docsDevNotification OBJECT IDENTIFIER   ::= { docsDev 2 }
   -- erroneous, DO NOT USE docsDevNotification

   docsDevNotifications OBJECT IDENTIFIER   ::= { docsDev 0 }

   -- RFC 2669 Conformance definitions

   docsDevConformance  OBJECT IDENTIFIER   ::= { docsDev 3 }
   docsDevGroups       OBJECT IDENTIFIER   ::= { docsDevConformance 1 }
   docsDevCompliances  OBJECT IDENTIFIER   ::= { docsDevConformance 2 }

   docsDevBasicCompliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE
           STATUS  deprecated
               "The RFC 2669 compliance statement for MCNS/DOCSIS
                Cable Modems and Cable Modem Termination Systems."

   MODULE  -- docsDev

   -- conditionally mandatory groups

   GROUP docsDevBaseGroup
               "Mandatory in Cable Modems, optional in Cable Modem
                Termination Systems."

   GROUP docsDevEventGroup
               "Mandatory in Cable Modems, optional in Cable Modem
                Termination Systems."

   GROUP docsDevFilterGroup
               "Mandatory in Cable Modems, optional in Cable Modem
                Termination Systems."

   GROUP docsDevNmAccessGroup

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               "This group is only implemented in devices that do not
                implement the SNMPv3 User Security Model.  It SHOULD NOT
                be implemented by devices that conform to SNMPv3.

                For devices that do not implement SNMPv3 or later, this
                group is Mandatory in Cable Modems and is optional
                in Cable Modem Termination Systems."

   GROUP docsDevServerGroup
               "This group is implemented only in Cable Modems, and is
                not implemented in Cable Modem Termination Systems."

   GROUP docsDevSoftwareGroup
               "This group is Mandatory in Cable Modems and optional in
                Cable Modem Termination Systems."

   GROUP docsDevCpeGroup
               "This group is Mandatory in Cable Modems, and is
                not implemented in Cable Modem Termination Systems."

   OBJECT docsDevSTPControl
           MIN-ACCESS read-only
               "It is compliant to implement this object as read-only.
                Devices need only support noStFilterBpdu(2)."

   OBJECT docsDevNmAccessIp
               "It is compliant to recognize the IP address
       as referring to any NMS."

   OBJECT docsDevEvReporting
            MIN-ACCESS read-only
                "It is compliant to implement this object as read-only.
                 Devices need only support local(0).  An agent need not
                 enforce that trap or syslog logging be accompanied
                 by local(0) or localVolatile(3) logging."
            ::= { docsDevCompliances 1 }

   docsDevBaseGroup OBJECT-GROUP
           OBJECTS {

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           STATUS      current
               "A collection of objects providing device status and
           ::= { docsDevGroups 1 }

   docsDevNmAccessGroup OBJECT-GROUP
           OBJECTS {
           STATUS      deprecated
               "A collection of objects for controlling access to SNMP
                objects on cable devices.

                This group has been deprecated because all the
                objects have been deprecated in favor of SNMPv3 and
                Coexistence MIBs."
           ::= { docsDevGroups 2 }

   docsDevSoftwareGroup OBJECT-GROUP
           OBJECTS {
           STATUS      deprecated
               "A collection of objects for controlling software

                This group has been deprecated and replaced by
                docsDevSoftwareGroupV2.  Object docsDevSwServer
                has been replaced by docsDevSwServerAddressType
                and docsDevSwServerAddress, and
                docsDevSwServerTransportProtocol has been added to
                support TFTP and HTTP firmware downloads."

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           ::= { docsDevGroups 3 }

   docsDevServerGroup OBJECT-GROUP
           OBJECTS {
           STATUS      deprecated
               "A collection of objects providing status about server

                This group has been deprecated and replaced by
                docsDevServerGroupV2.  The objects docsDevServerDhcp,
                docsDevServerTime, and docsDevServerTftp have
                been replaced by docsDevServerDhcpAddressType,
                docsDevServerDhcpAddress, docsDevServerTimeAddressType,
                docsDevServerConfigTftpAddressType, and
           ::= { docsDevGroups 4 }

   docsDevEventGroup OBJECT-GROUP
           OBJECTS {
           STATUS      deprecated
               "A collection of objects used to control and monitor

                This group has been deprecated and replaced by
                docsDevEventGroupV2.  The object docsDevEvSyslog has

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RFC 4639                DOCSIS Cable Device MIB            December 2006

                been replaced by docsDevEvSyslogAddressType and
                docsDevEvSyslogAddress, and docsDevEvThrottleInhibited
                has been replaced by
           ::= { docsDevGroups 5 }

   docsDevFilterGroup OBJECT-GROUP
           OBJECTS {
           STATUS      deprecated
               "A collection of objects to specify filters at the link
                layer and IPv4 layer.

                This group has been deprecated and replaced by various
                groups from the DiffServ MIB."

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           ::= { docsDevGroups 6 }

   docsDevCpeGroup OBJECT-GROUP
           OBJECTS {
           STATUS      deprecated
               "A collection of objects used to control the number
                and specific values of IPv4 addresses allowed for
                associated Customer Premises Equipment (CPE).

                This group has been deprecated and replaced by
                docsDevInetCpeGroup.  The object docsDevCpeSource has
                been replaced by docsDevCpeInetSource, and
                docsDevCpeStatus has been replaced by
           ::= { docsDevGroups 7 }

   -- RFC 4639 Conformance definitions

   docsDevGroupsV2       OBJECT IDENTIFIER  ::= { docsDevConformance 3 }
   docsDevCompliancesV2  OBJECT IDENTIFIER  ::= { docsDevConformance 4 }

   docsDevCmCompliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE
            STATUS  current
                "The compliance statement for DOCSIS Cable Modems.

                 This compliance statement applies to implementations
                 of DOCSIS versions that are not IPv6 capable."



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   OBJECT diffServDataPathStatus  -- same as RFC 3289
            SYNTAX RowStatus { active(1) }
            WRITE-SYNTAX RowStatus { createAndGo(4), destroy(6) }
                "Support for createAndWait and notInService is not

   OBJECT diffServClfrStatus  -- same as RFC 3289
            SYNTAX RowStatus { active(1) }
            WRITE-SYNTAX RowStatus { createAndGo(4), destroy(6) }
                "Support for createAndWait and notInService is not

   OBJECT diffServClfrElementStatus  -- same as RFC 3289
            SYNTAX RowStatus { active(1) }
            WRITE-SYNTAX RowStatus { createAndGo(4), destroy(6) }
                "Support for createAndWait and notInService is not

   OBJECT diffServMultiFieldClfrAddrType
            SYNTAX  InetAddressType { ipv4(1) }
                "An implementation is only required to support IPv4

   OBJECT diffServMultiFieldClfrSrcAddr
            SYNTAX  InetAddress (SIZE(4))
                "An implementation is only required to support IPv4

   OBJECT diffServMultiFieldClfrDstAddr
            SYNTAX  InetAddress (SIZE(4))
                "An implementation is only required to support IPv4

   OBJECT diffServAlgDropStatus  -- same as RFC 3289
            SYNTAX RowStatus { active(1) }
            WRITE-SYNTAX RowStatus { createAndGo(4), destroy(6) }
                "Support for createAndWait and notInService is not

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RFC 4639                DOCSIS Cable Device MIB            December 2006

   OBJECT diffServDataPathStorage
            SYNTAX StorageType { volatile(2) }
                "An implementation is only required to support
                 volatile storage."

   OBJECT diffServClfrStorage
            SYNTAX StorageType { volatile(2) }
                "An implementation is only required to support
                 volatile storage."

   OBJECT diffServClfrElementStorage
            SYNTAX StorageType { volatile(2) }
                "An implementation is only required to support
                 volatile storage."

   OBJECT diffServMultiFieldClfrStorage
            SYNTAX StorageType { volatile(2) }
                "An implementation is only required to support
                 volatile storage."

   OBJECT diffServActionStorage
            SYNTAX StorageType { volatile(2) }
                "An implementation is only required to support
                 volatile storage."

   OBJECT diffServCountActStorage
            SYNTAX StorageType { volatile(2) }
                "An implementation is only required to support
                 volatile storage."

   OBJECT diffServAlgDropStorage
            SYNTAX StorageType { volatile(2) }
                "An implementation is only required to support
                 volatile storage."

   OBJECT diffServAlgDropType
            SYNTAX  INTEGER { alwaysDrop(5) }
                "This object is only used to provide packet
                 filtering.  Implementations need not support other
                 values of this enumeration."

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RFC 4639                DOCSIS Cable Device MIB            December 2006

   MODULE  -- docsDev


   -- conditionally mandatory groups

   GROUP docsDevInetCpeGroup
               "This group is optional in Cable Modems."

   OBJECT docsDevDateTime
            MIN-ACCESS read-only
                "It is compliant to implement this object as read-only."

   OBJECT docsDevSTPControl
            SYNTAX INTEGER { noStFilterBpdu(2) }
            MIN-ACCESS read-only
                "It is compliant to implement this object as read-only.
                 Devices need only support noStFilterBpdu(2)."

   OBJECT docsDevIgmpModeControl
            SYNTAX INTEGER { passive(1) }
            MIN-ACCESS read-only
                "It is compliant to implement this object as read-only.
                 Devices need only support passive(1)."

   OBJECT docsDevSwServerAddressType
            SYNTAX InetAddressType { ipv4(1) }
                "An implementation is only required to support IPv4

   OBJECT docsDevSwServerAddress
            SYNTAX  InetAddress (SIZE(4))
                "An implementation is only required to support IPv4

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   OBJECT docsDevServerDhcpAddressType
            SYNTAX InetAddressType { ipv4(1) }
                "An implementation is only required to support IPv4

   OBJECT docsDevServerDhcpAddress
            SYNTAX  InetAddress (SIZE(4))
                "An implementation is only required to support IPv4

   OBJECT docsDevServerTimeAddressType
            SYNTAX InetAddressType { ipv4(1) }
                "An implementation is only required to support IPv4

   OBJECT docsDevServerTimeAddress
            SYNTAX  InetAddress (SIZE(4))
                "An implementation is only required to support IPv4

   OBJECT docsDevServerConfigTftpAddressType
            SYNTAX InetAddressType { ipv4(1) }
                "An implementation is only required to support IPv4

   OBJECT docsDevServerConfigTftpAddress
            SYNTAX  InetAddress (SIZE(4))
                "An implementation is only required to support IPv4

   OBJECT docsDevEvReporting
            MIN-ACCESS read-only
                "It is compliant to implement this object as read-only.
                 Devices need only support local(0)."

   OBJECT docsDevEvSyslogAddressType
            SYNTAX InetAddressType { ipv4(1) }
                "An implementation is only required to support IPv4

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   OBJECT docsDevEvSyslogAddress
            SYNTAX  InetAddress (SIZE(4))
                "An implementation is only required to support IPv4

   OBJECT docsDevSwServerTransportProtocol
            SYNTAX INTEGER { tftp(1) }
                "An implementation is only required to support TFTP
                 software image downloads."

            ::= { docsDevCompliancesV2 1 }

   docsDevCmtsCompliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE
            STATUS  current
                "The compliance statement for DOCSIS Cable Modem
                 Termination Systems.

                 This compliance statement applies to implementations
                 of DOCSIS versions that are not IPv6 capable."

   MODULE  -- docsDev

   -- conditionally mandatory groups

   GROUP docsDevBaseGroup
               "Optional in Cable Modem Termination Systems."

   GROUP docsDevBaseIgmpGroup
               "Optional in Cable Modem Termination Systems."

   GROUP docsDevBaseMaxCpeGroup
               "This group MUST NOT be implemented in Cable Modem
                Termination Systems."

   GROUP docsDevSoftwareGroupV2
               "Optional in Cable Modem Termination Systems."

   GROUP docsDevServerGroupV2
               "This group MUST NOT be implemented in Cable Modem
                Termination Systems."

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   GROUP docsDevEventGroupV2
               "Optional in Cable Modem Termination Systems."

   GROUP docsDevFilterLLCGroup
               "This group MUST NOT be implemented in Cable Modem
                Termination Systems.  See the Subscriber Management
                MIB for similar CMTS capability."

   GROUP docsDevInetCpeGroup
               "This group MUST NOT be implemented in Cable Modem
                Termination Systems.  See the Subscriber Management
                MIB for similar CMTS capability."

   OBJECT docsDevDateTime
            MIN-ACCESS read-only
                "It is compliant to implement this object as read-only."

   OBJECT docsDevSTPControl
            SYNTAX INTEGER { noStFilterBpdu(2) }
            MIN-ACCESS read-only
                "It is compliant to implement this object as read-only.
                 Devices need only support noStFilterBpdu(2)."

   OBJECT docsDevIgmpModeControl
            SYNTAX INTEGER { passive(1) }
            MIN-ACCESS read-only
                "It is compliant to implement this object as read-only.
                 Devices need only support passive(1)."

   OBJECT docsDevSwServerAddressType
            SYNTAX InetAddressType { ipv4(1) }
                "An implementation is only required to support IPv4

   OBJECT docsDevSwServerAddress
            SYNTAX  InetAddress (SIZE(4))
                "An implementation is only required to support IPv4

   OBJECT docsDevEvReporting

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RFC 4639                DOCSIS Cable Device MIB            December 2006

            MIN-ACCESS read-only
                "It is compliant to implement this object as read-only.
                 Devices need only support local(0)."

   OBJECT docsDevEvSyslogAddressType
            SYNTAX InetAddressType { ipv4(1) }
                "An implementation is only required to support IPv4

   OBJECT docsDevEvSyslogAddress
            SYNTAX  InetAddress (SIZE(4))
                "An implementation is only required to support IPv4

   OBJECT docsDevSwServerTransportProtocol
            SYNTAX INTEGER { tftp(1) }
                "An implementation is only required to support TFTP
                 software image downloads."

            ::= { docsDevCompliancesV2 2 }

   docsDevBaseIgmpGroup OBJECT-GROUP
           OBJECTS {
           STATUS      current
               "An object providing cable device IGMP status and
           ::= { docsDevGroupsV2 1 }

   docsDevBaseMaxCpeGroup OBJECT-GROUP
           OBJECTS {
           STATUS      current
               "An object providing management of the maximum number of
                CPEs permitted access through a cable modem."
           ::= { docsDevGroupsV2 2 }

   docsDevNmAccessExtGroup OBJECT-GROUP
           OBJECTS {

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RFC 4639                DOCSIS Cable Device MIB            December 2006

           STATUS      deprecated
               "An object, in addition to the objects in
                docsDevNmAccessGroup, for controlling access to
                SNMP objects on cable devices.

                This group is included in this MIB due to existing
                implementations of docsDevNmAccessTrapVersion in
                DOCSIS cable modems.

                This group has been deprecated because the object has
                been deprecated in favor of SNMPv3 and Coexistence
           ::= { docsDevGroupsV2 3 }

   docsDevSoftwareGroupV2 OBJECT-GROUP
           OBJECTS {
           STATUS      current
               "A collection of objects for controlling software
                downloads.  This group replaces docsDevSoftwareGroup."
           ::= { docsDevGroupsV2 4 }

   docsDevServerGroupV2 OBJECT-GROUP
           OBJECTS {
           STATUS      current
               "A collection of objects providing status about server
                provisioning.  This group replaces docsDevServerGroup."
           ::= { docsDevGroupsV2 5 }

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RFC 4639                DOCSIS Cable Device MIB            December 2006

   docsDevEventGroupV2 OBJECT-GROUP
           OBJECTS {
           STATUS      current
               "A collection of objects used to control and monitor
                events.  This group replaces docsDevEventGroup.
                The event reporting mechanism, and more specifically
                docsDevEvReporting, can be used to take advantage of
                the event reporting features of RFC3413 and RFC3014."
           ::= { docsDevGroupsV2 6 }

   docsDevFilterLLCGroup OBJECT-GROUP
           OBJECTS {
           STATUS      current
               "A collection of objects to specify link layer filters."
           ::= { docsDevGroupsV2 7 }

   docsDevInetCpeGroup OBJECT-GROUP
           OBJECTS {
           STATUS     current

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RFC 4639                DOCSIS Cable Device MIB            December 2006

               "A collection of objects used to control the number
                and specific values of Internet (e.g., IPv4 and IPv6)
                addresses allowed for associated Customer Premises
                Equipment (CPE)."
           ::= { docsDevGroupsV2 8 }


5.  Acknowledgements

   This document is a production of the IPCDN Working Group and is a
   revision of RFC 2669, "Cable Device Management Information Base for
   DOCSIS-Compliant Cable Modems and Cable Modem Termination Systems"
   [RFC2669].  Mike St. Johns and Guenter Roeck served well as the
   editors of previous versions of this MIB module.

   The editor specifically wishes to thank Howard Abramson, Eduardo
   Cardona, Andre Lejeune, Kevin Marez, Jean-Francois Mule, Greg
   Nakanishi, Pak Siripunkaw, Boris Tsekinovski, Randy Presuhn, Bert
   Wijnen, and Bill Yost for their contributions to this document.

5.1.  Revision Descriptions

   This document contains the following revisions over RFC 2669:

   o  All IPv4 address objects were either deprecated and replaced or
      mirrored with IPv6 objects, where appropriate, following the
      guidelines of RFC 4001 [RFC4001].  In particular,
      docsDevCpeInetTable was added, and the docsDevFilterGroup objects
      were deprecated in favor of the DiffServ MIB.

   o  Objects that were obviated by SNMPv3 and the SNMP Coexistence MIBs
      have been deprecated; e.g., docsDevNmAccessTable.

   o  A new object, docsDevIgmpModeControl, has been added to control
      passive versus active IGMP modem operation.

   o  A new object, docsDevMaxCpe, has been added to report the maximum
      number of CPEs granted network access across the CM.

   o  A new object, docsDevSwServerTransportProtocol, has been added to
      docsDevSoftware, and other object DESCRIPTIONs have been modified,
      to enable the use of either TFTP or HTTP for software downloads to
      the device.

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   o  A new object, docsDevEvThrottleThresholdExceeded, has been added
      to replace docsDevEvThrottleInhibited for simplification of event
      threshold management.

   o  The docsDevEvReporting object has been modified to enable local
      logging to the internal volatile log, and not to the internal
      non-volatile log.

   o  Minor updates to the description text have been made to a number
      of objects to clarify their meaning.

   o  The compliance statements were updated to reflect current
      requirements (including making the docsDevCpe objects optional)
      and split between CM and CMTS devices.

   o  Text was added to indicate support of the SNMP Notification MIB
      [RFC3413] and Notification Log MIB [RFC3014] modules.

6.  Security Considerations

   This MIB module relates to a system that will provide metropolitan
   public internet access.  As such, improper manipulation of the
   objects represented by this MIB module may result in denial of
   service to a large number of end-users.  In addition, manipulation of
   docsDevNmAccessTable, docsDevFilterLLCTable, docsDevFilterIpTable,
   docsDevFilterInetTable, and the elements of the docsDevCpe and
   docsDevCpeInetTable groups may allow an end-user to increase his or
   her service levels, spoof his or her IP addresses, change the
   permitted management stations, or affect other end-users in either a
   positive or negative manner.

   It is recommended that the implementors prevent the "tiny fragment"
   and "overlapping fragment" attacks for the IP filtering tables in
   this MIB module, as discussed in [RFC1858] and [RFC3128].  Prevention
   of these attacks can be implemented with the following rules, when
   TCP source and/or destination port filtering is enabled:

   o  Admit all packets with fragment offset >= 2.

   o  Discard all packets with fragment offset = 1, or with fragment
      offset = 0 AND fragment payload length < 16.

   o  Apply filtering rules to all packets with fragment offset = 0.

   This MIB module does not affect confidentiality of services on a
   cable modem system.  [BPI] and [BPIPLUS] specify the implementation
   of the DOCSIS Baseline Privacy and Baseline Privacy Plus mechanisms
   for data transmission confidentiality.

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   There are a number of management objects defined in this MIB module
   with a MAX-ACCESS clause of read-write and/or read-create.  Such
   objects may be considered sensitive or vulnerable in some network
   environments.  The support for SET operations in a non-secure
   environment without proper protection can have a negative effect on
   network operations.  These are the tables and objects and their

   o  The use of docsDevNmAccessTable to specify management stations is
      considered only limited protection and does not protect against
      attacks that spoof the management station's IP address.  The use
      of stronger mechanisms, such as SNMPv3 security, should be
      considered, where possible.  Specifically, SNMPv3 USM [RFC3414]
      and VACM [RFC3415] MUST be used with any v3 agent that implements
      this MIB module.

   o  The CM may have its software changed by the actions of the
      management system using a combination of the following objects:
      docsDevSwServer, docsDevSwFilename, docsDevSwAdminStatus,
      docsDevSwServerAddressType, docsDevSwServerAddress, and
      docsDevSwServerTransportProtocol.  An improper software download
      may result in substantial vulnerabilities and the loss of the
      ability of the management system to control the cable modem.  A
      cable device SHOULD implement the code verification mechanisms of
      [BPIPLUS] to verify the source and integrity of downloaded
      software images.

   o  The device may be reset by setting docsDevResetNow = true(1).
      This causes the device to reload its configuration files, as well
      as to eliminate all previous non-persistent network management
      settings.  As such, this may provide a vector for attacking the

   o  Setting docsDevEvThrottleAdminStatus = unconstrained(1) (which is
      also the DEFVAL) may cause flooding of traps, which can disrupt
      network service.  Additionally, docsDevThrottleThreshold and
      docsDevThrottleInterval could also be set to high values that may
      cause a disruption in service.

   o  Setting docsDevDateTime to an arbitrary (incorrect) value would
      merely cause the device to record incorrect timestamps on many
      events/actions that rely on this object for reporting.

   o  Setting docsDevEvControl to resetLog(1) will delete any event log
      history and could potentially impact debugging/troubleshooting

   o  Setting docsDevEvSyslog.

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RFC 4639                DOCSIS Cable Device MIB            December 2006

   o  Setting docsDevEvReporting to enable syslog reporting, along with
      a redirect of the syslog server could allow access to sensitive
      information on network devices.  Modifying docsDevEvSyslog,
      docsDevEvSyslogAddressType, or docsDevEvSyslogAddress could allow
      a redirect of sensitive information.

   o  Setting docsDevFilterLLCnmatchedAction or docsDevFilterIpDefault
      could cause significant changes to default traffic filtering on a

   o  Setting docsDevCpeEnroll to any(2) could cause the
      docsDevFilterCPETable to be populated, which may not be the
      intended functionality.

   o  Setting docsDevCpeIpMax to a value other than that intended by the
      MSO may allow a user to provision more devices than the MSO would

   o  Setting values in the docsDevNmAccess table can potentially
      introduce a mechanism for users to use a local NMS device and
      manipulate other settings in the CM or CMTS.

   o  Setting values in the docsDevFilterLLC and docsDevFilterIP tables
      can allow or deny access to certain devices that the MSO does not

   o  Setting docsDevCpeStatus and docsDevCpeInetRowStatus may allow
      users to provision more devices than were intended by the MSO, or
      to provision different ones.

   Some of the readable objects in this MIB module (i.e., objects with a
   MAX-ACCESS other than not-accessible) may be considered sensitive or
   vulnerable in some network environments.  It is thus important to
   control even GET access to these objects and possibly to even encrypt
   the values of these objects when sending them over the network via
   SNMP.  These are the tables and objects and their

   o  Rows from docsDevNmAccessTable may provide sufficient information
      for attackers to spoof management stations that have management
      access to the device.

   o  The docsDevSwCurrentVers object may provide hints as to the
      software vulnerabilities of the cable device.

   o  The docsDevFilterLLCTable and docsDevFilterLLCTable may provide
      clues for attacking the cable device and other subscriber devices.

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RFC 4639                DOCSIS Cable Device MIB            December 2006

      SNMP versions prior to SNMPv3 did not include adequate security.
      Even if the network itself is secure (for example by using IPsec),
      even then, there is no control as to who on the secure network is
      allowed to access and GET/SET (read/change/create/delete) the
      objects in this MIB module.

      It is RECOMMENDED that implementers consider the security features
      as provided by the SNMPv3 framework (see [RFC3410], section 8),
      including full support for the SNMPv3 cryptographic mechanisms
      (for authentication and privacy).

      Further, deployment of SNMP versions prior to SNMPv3 is NOT
      RECOMMENDED.  Instead, it is RECOMMENDED to deploy SNMPv3 and to
      enable cryptographic security.  It is then a customer/operator
      responsibility to ensure that the SNMP entity giving access to an
      instance of this MIB module, is properly configured to give access
      to the objects only to those principals (users) that have
      legitimate rights to indeed GET or SET (change/create/delete)

7.  IANA Considerations

      The MIB module defined in this document uses the following IANA-
      assigned OBJECT IDENTIFIER values, recorded in the SMI Numbers

      Descriptor OBJECT IDENTIFIER value
      ---------- -----------------------
      docsDevMIB { mib-2 69 }

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8.  References

8.1.  Normative References

   [BPI]         SCTE Data Standards Subcommittee, "Data-Over-Cable
                 Service Interface Specifications: DOCSIS 1.0 Baseline
                 Privacy Interface Specification SCTE 22-2 2002", 2002,

   [BPIPLUS]     CableLabs, "Data-Over-Cable Service Interface
                 Specifications: Baseline Privacy Plus Interface
                 Specification CM-SP-BPI+_I12-050812", August 2005,

   [ITU-T_J.112] ITU-T Recommendation J.112 (3/98), "Transmission
                 Systems for Interactive Cable Television Services,
                 J.112, International Telecommunications Union", March
                 1998, <>.

   [MTA-PROV]    CableLabs, "PacketCable(TM) 1.5 Specification: MTA
                 Device Provisioning PKT-SP-PROV1.5-I02-050812", August
                 2005, <>,

   [OSSI1.0]     SCTE Data Standards Subcommittee, "Data-Over-Cable
                 Service Interface Specification: DOCSIS 1.0 Operations
                 Support System Interface (OSSI), SCTE 22-3 2002", 2002,

   [OSSI1.1]     SCTE Data Standards Subcommittee, "DOCSIS 1.1 Part 3:
                 Operations Support System Interface ANSI/SCTE 23-3
                 2005", 2005, <>.

   [OSSI2.0]     CableLabs, "Data-Over-Cable Service Interface
                 Specifications: Operations Support System Interface
                 Specification SP-OSSIv2.0-I09-050812", August 2005,

   [RFC1350]     Sollins, K., "The TFTP Protocol (Revision 2)", STD 33,
                 RFC 1350, July 1992.

   [RFC4502]     Waldbusser, S., "Remote Network Monitoring Management
                 Information Base Version 2", RFC 4502, May 2006.

   [RFC2119]     Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate
                 Requirement Levels", BCP 14, RFC 2119, March 1997.

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RFC 4639                DOCSIS Cable Device MIB            December 2006

   [RFC2578]     McCloghrie, K., Perkins, D., Schoenwaelder J., Case,
                 J., Rose, M. and S. Waldbusser, "Structure of
                 Management Information Version 2 (SMIv2)", STD 58, RFC
                 2578, April 1999.

   [RFC2579]     McCloghrie, K., Perkins, D., Schoenwaelder, J., Case,
                 J., Rose, M. and S. Waldbusser , "Textual Conventions
                 for SMIv2", STD 58, RFC 2579, April 1999.

   [RFC2580]     McCloghrie, K., Perkins, D., Schoenwaelder, J., Case,
                 J., Rose, M. and S. Waldbusser, "Conformance Statements
                 for SMIv2", STD 58, RFC 2580, April 1999.

   [RFC2616]     Fielding, R., Gettys, J., Mogul, J., Frystyk, H.,
                 Masinter, L., Leach, P., and T. Berners-Lee, "Hypertext
                 Transfer Protocol -- HTTP/1.1", RFC 2616, June 1999.

   [RFC2669]     St. Johns, M., "DOCSIS Cable Device MIB Cable Device
                 Management Information Base for DOCSIS compliant Cable
                 Modems and Cable Modem Termination Systems", RFC 2669,
                 August 1999.

   [RFC2863]     McCloghrie, K. and F. Kastenholz, "The Interfaces Group
                 MIB", RFC 2863, June 2000.

   [RFC3014]     Kavasseri, R., "Notification Log MIB", RFC 3014,
                 November 2000.

   [RFC3289]     Baker, F., Chan, K., and A. Smith, "Management
                 Information Base for the Differentiated Services
                 Architecture", RFC 3289, May 2002.

   [RFC3411]     Harrington, D., Presuhn, R., and B. Wijnen, "An
                 Architecture for Describing Simple Network Management
                 Protocol (SNMP) Management Frameworks", STD 62, RFC
                 3411, December 2002.

   [RFC3413]     Levi, D., Meyer, P., and B. Stewart, "Simple Network
                 Management Protocol (SNMP) Applications", STD 62, RFC
                 3413, December 2002.

   [RFC3414]     Blumenthal, U. and B. Wijnen, "User-based Security
                 Model (USM) for version 3 of the Simple Network
                 Management Protocol (SNMPv3)", STD 62, RFC 3414,
                 December 2002.

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RFC 4639                DOCSIS Cable Device MIB            December 2006

   [RFC3415]     Wijnen, B., Presuhn, R., and K. McCloghrie, "View-based
                 Access Control Model (VACM) for the Simple Network
                 Management Protocol (SNMP)", STD 62, RFC 3415, December

   [RFC3418]     Presuhn, R., "Management Information Base (MIB) for the
                 Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP)", STD 62, RFC
                 3418, December 2002.

   [RFC3584]     Frye, R., Levi, D., Routhier, S., and B. Wijnen,
                 "Coexistence between Version 1, Version 2, and Version
                 3 of the Internet-standard Network Management
                 Framework", BCP 74, RFC 3584, August 2003.

   [RFC868]      Postel, J. and K. Harrenstien, "Time Protocol", STD 26,
                 RFC 868, May 1983.

   [RFC4001]     Daniele, M., Haberman, B., Routhier, S., and J.
                 Schoenwaelder, "Textual Conventions for Internet
                 Network Addresses", RFC 4001, February 2005.

   [RFI1.0]      SCTE Data Standards Subcommittee, "Data-Over-Cable
                 Service Interface Specifications: DOCSIS 1.0 Radio
                 Frequency Interface Specification SCTE 22-1 2002",
                 2002, <>.

   [RFI1.1]      SCTE Data Standards Subcommittee, "DOCSIS 1.1 Part 1:
                 Radio Frequency Interface ANSI/SCTE 23-1 2005", 2005,

   [RFI2.0]      CableLabs, "Data-Over-Cable Service Interface
                 Specifications: Radio Frequency Interface Specification
                 SP-RFI2.0-I11-060602", June 2006,

8.2.  Informative References

   [RFC1858]     Ziemba, G., Reed, D., and P. Traina, "Security
                 Considerations r IP Fragment Filtering", RFC 1858,
                 October 1995.

   [RFC1945]     Berners-Lee, T., Fielding, R., and H. Frystyk,
                 "Hypertext Traner Protocol -- HTTP/1.0", RFC 1945, May

   [RFC3128]     Miller, I., "Protection Against a Variant of the Tiny
                 Fragment Attack (RFC 1858)", RFC 3128, June 2001.

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RFC 4639                DOCSIS Cable Device MIB            December 2006

   [RFC3164]     Lonvick, C., "The BSD Syslog Protocol", RFC 3164,
                 August 2001.

   [RFC3617]     Lear, E., "Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) Scheme and
                 Applicbility Statement for the Trivial File Transfer
                 Protocol (TFTP)", RFC 3617, October 2003.

   [RFC4547]     Ahmad, A. and G. Nakanishi, "Event Notification
                 Management Information Base for Data over Cable Service
                 Interface Specifications (DOCSIS) Compliant Cable
                 Modems and Cable Modem Termination Systems", RFC 4547,
                 June 2006.

   [RFC1224]     Steinberg, L., "Techniques for managing asynchronously
                 generated alerts", RFC 1224, May 1991.

   [RFC3410]     Case, J., Mundy, R., Partain, D., and B. Stewart,
                 "Introduction and Applicability Statements for
                 Internet-Standard Management Framework", RFC 3410,
                 December 2002.

   [RFC4036]     Sawyer, W., "Management Information Base for Data Over
                 Cable Service Interface Specification (DOCSIS) Cable
                 Modem Termination Systems for Subscriber Management",
                 RFC 4036, April 2005.

   [RFC4323]     Patrick, M. and W. Murwin, "Data Over Cable System
                 Interface Specification Quality of Service Management
                 Information Base (DOCSIS-QoS MIB)", RFC 4323, January

   [MULPI3.0]    CableLabs, "Data-Over-Cable Service Interface
                 Specifications: DOCSIS 3.0 MAC and Upper Layer
                 Protocols Interface Specification CM-SP-MULPIv3.0-I01-
                 060804", August 2006,

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Authors' Addresses

   Richard Woundy
   Comcast Cable
   27 Industrial Avenue
   Chelmsford, MA  01824

   Phone: +1 978 244 4010

   Kevin Marez
   Motorola Corporation
   6450 Sequence Drive
   San Diego, CA  92121

   Phone: +1 858 404 3785

Woundy & Marez              Standards Track                    [Page 87]

RFC 4639                DOCSIS Cable Device MIB            December 2006

Full Copyright Statement

   Copyright (C) The IETF Trust (2006).

   This document is subject to the rights, licenses and restrictions
   contained in BCP 78, and except as set forth therein, the authors
   retain all their rights.

   This document and the information contained herein are provided on an

Intellectual Property

   The IETF takes no position regarding the validity or scope of any
   Intellectual Property Rights or other rights that might be claimed to
   pertain to the implementation or use of the technology described in
   this document or the extent to which any license under such rights
   might or might not be available; nor does it represent that it has
   made any independent effort to identify any such rights.  Information
   on the procedures with respect to rights in RFC documents can be
   found in BCP 78 and BCP 79.

   Copies of IPR disclosures made to the IETF Secretariat and any
   assurances of licenses to be made available, or the result of an
   attempt made to obtain a general license or permission for the use of
   such proprietary rights by implementers or users of this
   specification can be obtained from the IETF on-line IPR repository at

   The IETF invites any interested party to bring to its attention any
   copyrights, patents or patent applications, or other proprietary
   rights that may cover technology that may be required to implement
   this standard.  Please address the information to the IETF at


   Funding for the RFC Editor function is currently provided by the
   Internet Society.

Woundy & Marez              Standards Track                    [Page 88]

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