Network Working Group                                        O. Nicklass
Request for Comments: 5604                                RADVISION Ltd.
Category: Standards Track                                      July 2009

         Managed Objects for Time Division Multiplexing (TDM)
                  over Packet Switched Networks (PSNs)


   This memo defines a portion of the Management Information Base (MIB)
   for use with network management protocols in the Internet community.
   In particular, it describes managed objects for pseudowire
   encapsulation for structured or unstructured Time-Division
   Multiplexing (TDM) (T1, E1, T3, E3) circuits over a Packet Switched
   Network (PSN).

Status of This Memo

   This document specifies an Internet standards track protocol for the
   Internet community, and requests discussion and suggestions for
   improvements.  Please refer to the current edition of the "Internet
   Official Protocol Standards" (STD 1) for the standardization state
   and status of this protocol.  Distribution of this memo is unlimited.

Copyright Notice

   Copyright (c) 2009 IETF Trust and the persons identified as the
   document authors.  All rights reserved.

   This document is subject to BCP 78 and the IETF Trust's Legal
   Provisions Relating to IETF Documents in effect on the date of
   publication of this document (
   Please review these documents carefully, as they describe your rights
   and restrictions with respect to this document.

   This document may contain material from IETF Documents or IETF
   Contributions published or made publicly available before November
   10, 2008.  The person(s) controlling the copyright in some of this
   material may not have granted the IETF Trust the right to allow
   modifications of such material outside the IETF Standards Process.
   Without obtaining an adequate license from the person(s) controlling
   the copyright in such materials, this document may not be modified
   outside the IETF Standards Process, and derivative works of it may
   not be created outside the IETF Standards Process, except to format
   it for publication as an RFC or to translate it into languages other
   than English.

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RFC 5604                  Manage TDM over PSN                  July 2009

Table of Contents

   1. Introduction ....................................................2
   2. Conventions .....................................................3
   3. Terminology .....................................................3
   4. The Internet-Standard Management Framework ......................4
   5. Overview ........................................................4
   6. TDM MIB Module Usage ............................................4
      6.1. Structure of TDM MIB .......................................4
      6.2. TDM Connection Configuration Procedure .....................5
      6.3. TDM PW Monitoring ..........................................6
   7. Example of Actual TDM PW Setup ..................................6
   8. Object Definition ...............................................9
   9. Security Considerations ........................................37
   10. IANA Considerations ...........................................39
   11. References ....................................................39
      11.1. Normative References .....................................39
      11.2. Informative References ...................................40
   12. Acknowledgements ..............................................41

1.  Introduction

   This document describes a model for managing TDM pseudowires, i.e.,
   TDM data encapsulated for transmission over a Packet Switched Network
   (PSN).  The term TDM in this document is limited to the scope of
   Plesiochronous Digital Hierarchy (PDH).  It is currently specified to
   carry any TDM Signals in either Structure Agnostic Transport mode
   (E1, T1, E3, and T3) or in Structure Aware Transport mode (E1, T1,
   and NxDS0) as defined in the Pseudowire Emulation Edge-to-Edge (PWE3)
   TDM Requirements document [RFC4197].

   This document is closely related to [SATOP], [TDMOIP], and [CESOPSN],
   which describe the encapsulation of TDM signals and provide the
   Circuit Emulation Service over a PSN.

   The TDM management model consists of several MIB modules, following
   the layering model described in the PWE3 Architecture document
   [RFC3985].  The TDM MIB module described in this document works
   closely with the MIB modules described in [DS3MIB], [DS1MIB],
   [DS0MIB], [IFMIB], [PWMIB], and with the textual conventions defined
   in [PWTC].  The conceptual layering and relationship among all those
   is described in Figure 1 below.  A TDM connection will be a
   pseudowire (PW) connection.  It will not be treated as an interface
   and will therefore not be represented in the ifTable.

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                     Figure 1: Conceptual Layering

                          |     TDM MIB       |  DS1MIB, DS3MIB,
                          +-------------------+  DS0MIB
                          +-------------------+  PW-TDM-MIB,
             Service      |    TDM PW MIB     |  PW-CESOPSN-MIB,
              Layer       +-------------------+  PW-TDMOIP-MIB

            - - - - - - - - - - -  | - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
             Generic      +-------------------+
               PW         | Generic PW MIBS   |  PW-TC-MIB,
              Layer       +-------------------+  PW-MIB
            - - - - - - - - - - - -| - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
              PSN VC      |   MPLS VC MIBS    |  PW-MPLS-MIB
              Layer       +-------------------+
            - - - - - - - - - - - -| - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
               PSN        |    MPLS MIBs      |  MPLS-TE-STD-MIB,
              Layer       +-------------------+  MPLS-LSR-STD-MIB

2.   Conventions

   The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT",
   document are to be interpreted as described in RFC 2119 [BCP14].

3.  Terminology

   The basic terminology used to refer to transmission direction in this
   document is taken from [SATOP], which describes a mechanism for
   transporting Structure-Agnostic (TDM) bit-streams over a packet-
   oriented network.  To simplify this document, the terminology is used
   for structured and unstructured TDM as well.

   "PSN-bound" references the traffic direction where TDM data is
   received, adapted to the packet based on the number of payload bytes
   per packet, assigned a relevant TDM header (sequence numbers, flags,
   and timestamps (if the RTP header is used)), prepended multiplexing
   layer and PSN headers, and sent into the PSN.

   Conversely, the "CE-bound" references the traffic direction where
   packets are received from the PSN, packet payloads are reassembled by
   including a jitter buffer where payload of the received TDM packets

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   is stored prior to play out to the TDM line.  The size of this buffer
   SHOULD be locally configurable to allow accommodation to the PSN-
   specific packet delay variation.

   The CE-bound TDM interworking function (IWF) SHOULD use the sequence
   number in the control word for the detection of lost (Loss of Packet
   State (LOPS)) and mis-ordered packets.  If the RTP header is used,
   the RTP sequence numbers MAY be used for the same purposes.

4.  The Internet-Standard Management Framework

   For a detailed overview of the documents that describe the current
   Internet-Standard Management Framework, please refer to section 7 of
   RFC 3410 [RFC3410].

   Managed objects are accessed via a virtual information store, termed
   the Management Information Base or MIB.  MIB objects are generally
   accessed through the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP).

   Objects in the MIB are defined using the mechanisms defined in the
   Structure of Management Information (SMI).  This memo specifies a MIB
   module that is compliant to the SMIv2, which is described in STD 58,
   RFC 2578 [RFC2578], STD 58, RFC 2579 [RFC2579] and STD 58, RFC 2580

5.  Overview

   This MIB module is designed to satisfy the following requirements and

   1.  Fit within the architecture defined by [RFC3985] and [PWMIB].

   2.  Support edge-to-edge emulation of any TDM connections.

   3.  Configure the connection.  The connection-specific behavior is
       provided via the supplement MIB modules.

   4.  Report various alarms, counters, and status objects.

6.  TDM MIB Module Usage

6.1.  Structure of TDM MIB

   The MIB consists of five tables;

   - The TDM PW Table (pwTDMTable) contains generic TDM information
     regarding the PW connection.  It contains the ifIndex of the TDM
     interface, an index to an entry in the generic configuration table

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     (pwTDMCfgTable), an index to an entry in the specific configuration
     table (pwCXXXCfgTable, where XXX can be TDMoIP (TDM over IP) or
     CESoPSN (Circuit Emulation Service over PSN)), config error
     indications, and various status indications.  The two indices of
     the two configuration tables are providing the connection
     parameters.  The TDM interface can be a full link of any TDM type
     like E1 or DS3, for example, or the interface of the bundle holding
     the collection of time slots to be transmitted.  Based on the TDM
     PW type, the relevant pwXXXCfgTable from the relevant MIB module
     will be used.  The specific types are:

      o  17 Structure-agnostic E1 over Packet

      o  18 Structure-agnostic T1 (DS1) over Packet

      o  19 Structure-agnostic E3 over Packet

      o  20 Structure-agnostic T3 (DS3) over Packet

      o  21 CESoPSN basic mode (XXX=CESoPSN)

      o  22 TDMoIP AAL1mode (XXX=TDMoIP)

      o  23 CESoPSN TDM with CAS (XXX=CESoPSN)

      o  24 TDMoIP AAL2 Mode (XXX=TDMoIP)

   - The TDM Generic Parameter Table (pwTDMCfgTable) contains TDM
     generic configurable parameters for any TDM type.

   - The TDM Performance Current Table (pwTDMPerfCurrentTable) contains
     TDM statistics for the current 15-minute period.

   - The TDM Performance Interval Table (pwTDMPerfIntervalTable)
     contains TDM statistics for historical intervals (usually 96 15-
     minute entries to cover a 24 hour period).

   - The TDM Performance One-Day Interval Table
     (pwTDMPerf1DayIntervalTable) contains TDM statistics for historical
     intervals accumulated per day.  Usually 30 one-day entries to cover
     a monthly period.

6.2.  TDM Connection Configuration Procedure

   Configuring a TDM PW involves the following steps:

   First, configure the parameters of the interface-specific layer using
   the DS1-MIB and or the DS3-MIB.

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   Next, if applicable, create a bundle of time slots using the DS0
   Bundle MIB [DS0MIB].

   Next, create an entry in the pwTable and configure the PSN tunnels:

   - Follow steps as defined in [PWMIB].

   NOTE: The agent should create an entry in the pwTDMTable for any
   entry created in the pwTable with pwType equal to a value between
   (17) and (24).

   Next complete the TDM PW configuration:

   - If necessary, create an entry in the relevant pwXXXCfgTable and in
     the pwTDMTable (suitable entries may already exist in both tables).

   - Set the index of the relevant pwXXXCfgTable entry and of the
     relevant pwTDMCfgTable entry in the pwTDMTable.

6.3.  TDM PW Monitoring

   Upon making the TDM PW operational, the pwTDMPerfCurrentTable,
   pwTDMPerfIntervalTable, and PwTDMPerf1DayIntervalTable can be used to
   monitor the various counters, indicators, and conditions of the PW.
   All performance parameters are accumulated in daily intervals and in
   15-minute intervals.  The number of daily intervals kept by the agent
   is based on the specific implementation.  The 15-minute intervals, up
   to 96 intervals (24 hours worth), are all kept by the agent.  Fewer
   than 96 intervals of data will be available if the agent has been
   restarted within the last 24 hours.  Performance parameters continue
   to be collected when the interface is down.  There is no requirement
   for an agent to ensure a fixed relationship between the start of a
   15-minute interval and any wall clock; however, some agents may align
   the 15-minute intervals with quarter hours.  Performance parameters
   are of types PerfCurrentCount and PerfIntervalCount.  These textual
   conventions are all Gauge32, and they are used because it is possible
   for these objects to decrease.

7.  Example of Actual TDM PW Setup

   This section provides an example of using the various MIB objects
   described in the following section to set up a TDM PW connection.

   The first example is setting a connection of DS1 type.  The second
   example is setting a connection with a bandwidth of 3 DS0 (time

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   While those examples are not meant to illustrate all options of the
   MIB, they are intended as an aid to understanding some of the key
   concepts.  See [PWMIB] for an example of setting up PSN tunnels.

   First example:

   1.  Configure the DS1 interface using DS1-MIB.

   2.  If needed, create an entry in the pwTDMCfgTable (assuming index =
       10); verify that there are no errors in the configuration using
       the relevant object.

   3.  Get a new pwIndexNext [PWMIB] and create a new pwTable entry
       using the value of pwIndexNext (assume here, the PW index = 20).

   4.  Set the pwType [PWMIB] of the new entry to the relevant value
       (17) or (18).  This should create a new entry in the pwTDMTable.

   5.  Configure the newly created TDM PW with the required pointers,
       indices, and the relevant entry in pwTDMCfgTable (index 10).

   In [DS1MIB] dsx1IfIndex (ifIndex = 5)

      In pwTDMCfgTable entry: Set the connection characteristic


      pwTDMCfgPayloadSize     = 43 -- payload bytes
      pwTDMCfgPktReorder      = FALSE
      pwTDMCfgRtpHdrUsed      = FALSE
      pwTDMCfgJtrBfrDepth     = 30000 -- micro-seconds


      In pwTDMTable entry: Set the relevant ifIndex, the generic TDM
      index, and the specific TDM index to complete creation:

        pwTDMIfIndex          = 5    -- IfIndex of associated entry
                                       -- in DS1 table
        pwGenTDMCfgIndex      = 10   -- Index of associated entry
                                       -- in pwTDMCfgTable.
        pwRelTDMCfgIndex      = 0    -- No Index in associated entry
                                       -- in pwXXXCfgTable.

   Verify that there are no error bits set in pwTDMConfigError.

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   Second example:

   1.  Configure the DS1 interface using DS1-MIB.

   2.  Set up a bundle and get its dsx0BundleIfIndex.  Setting up the
       bundle should involve using IFMIB properly.

   3.  Since structured TDMoIP circuit is defined, the next MIB module
       to be used is TDMoIP-MIB.

   4.  If needed, create an entry in the pwTDMCfgTable (assuming index =

   5.  If needed, create an entry in the pwXXXCfgTable (index = 11).
       XXX can be TDMoIP or CESoPSN.

   6.  Verify that there are no errors in the configuration using the
       relevant object when signaling is in use.

   7.  Get a new pwIndexNext [PWMIB] and create a new pwTable entry
       using the value of pwIndexNext.

   8.  Set the pwType [PWMIB] of the new entry to (24).  This should
       create a new entry in the pwTDMTable.

   9.  Configure the newly created TDM PW with the required pointers,
       indices, and the relevant entries in pwTDMCfgTable and in
       pwXXXCfgTable (assuming indices 7 and 11).

      In [DS1MIB] dsx1IfIndex (ifIndex)   = 5
      In [DS0MIB] dsx0BundleIfIndex       = 8

      In pwTDMTable entry: Set the relevant ifIndex, the generic
      TDM index, and the specific TDM index to complete creation:

        pwTDMIfIndex          =  8   -- IfIndex of associated entry
                                     -- in DS0 table
        pwGenTDMCfgIndex     =  7   -- Index of associated entry
                                     -- in pwTDMCfgTable.
        pwRelTDMCfgIndex     = 11   -- Index of associated entry
                                     -- in pwXXXCfgTable.
        -- pwXXXCfgTable might be an implementation specific table too.

   Verify that there are no error bits set in pwTDMConfigError.

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8.   Object Definition


     Integer32, Counter32, Unsigned32, mib-2
        FROM SNMPv2-SMI

        FROM SNMPv2-CONF

     TEXTUAL-CONVENTION, TruthValue,  RowStatus, StorageType,
        FROM SNMPv2-TC

        FROM IF-MIB                 -- [IFMIB]

        FROM SNMP-FRAMEWORK-MIB     -- [RFC3411]

     PerfCurrentCount, PerfIntervalCount
        FROM PerfHist-TC-MIB



   -- The TDM MIB


     LAST-UPDATED "200906150000Z"
     ORGANIZATION "Pseudo-Wire Emulation Edge-to-Edge (PWE3)
                   Working Group"
         "        Orly Nicklass
          Postal: RADVISION Ltd.
                  24Raul Wallenberg St.
                  Tel Aviv, Israel

          The PWE3 Working Group (email distribution,


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RFC 5604                  Manage TDM over PSN                  July 2009

         "This MIB contains managed object definitions for
          encapsulating TDM (T1,E1, T3, E3, NxDS0) as
          pseudo-wires over packet-switching networks (PSN).

          This MIB supplements the PW-STD-MIB as in: Zelig, D.,
          Nadeau, T. 'Pseudowire (PW) Management Information Base'.
          The PW-STD-MIB contains structures and MIB associations
          generic to pseudowire (PW) emulation.  PW-specific
          MIBs (such as this) contain config and stats for specific
          PW types.

          Copyright (c) 2009 IETF Trust and the persons identified as
          authors of the code.  All rights reserved.

          Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or
          without modification, are permitted provided that the
          following conditions are met:

          - Redistributions of source code must retain the above
            copyright notice, this list of conditions and the
            following disclaimer.

          - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
            copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following
            disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials
            provided with the distribution.

          - Neither the name of Internet Society, IETF or IETF Trust,
            nor the names of specific contributors, may be used to
            endorse or promote products derived from this software
            without specific prior written permission.


          This version of this MIB module is part of RFC 5604;

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          see the RFC itself for full legal notices.

     REVISION  "200906150000Z"
         "Initial version published as part of RFC 5604."
     ::= { mib-2 186 }

   -- Local Textual conventions

        STATUS      current
             "Index into the relevant pwXXXCfgTable."
        SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..4294967295)

   -- Notifications
                                ::= { pwTDMMIB 0 }
   -- Tables, Scalars
                                ::= { pwTDMMIB 1 }
   -- Conformance
                                ::= { pwTDMMIB 2 }

   -- TDM PW table

     MAX-ACCESS    not-accessible
     STATUS        current
         "This table contains basic information including the
          ifIndex and pointers to entries in the relevant TDM
          config tables for this TDM PW."
     ::= { pwTDMObjects 1 }

     SYNTAX        PwTDMEntry
     MAX-ACCESS    not-accessible
     STATUS        current
         "This table is indexed by the same index that was
          created for the associated entry in the PW Table
          (in the PW-STD-MIB).

            - The PwIndex.

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          An entry is created in this table by the agent for every
          entry in the pwTable with a pwType equal to one of the
          e1Satop(17), t1Satop(18), e3Satop(19), t3Satop(20),
          basicCesPsn(21), basicTdmIp(22), tdmCasCesPsn(23),
          or tdmCasTdmIp(24).
          Unless otherwise specified, all writeable objects in this
          table MUST NOT be changed after row activation in the
          generic pwTable (see [PWMIB]) and values must persist
          after reboot."

     INDEX  { pwIndex }

        ::= { pwTDMTable 1 }

   PwTDMEntry ::= SEQUENCE {

        pwTDMRate                      Integer32,
        pwTDMIfIndex                   InterfaceIndexOrZero,
        pwGenTDMCfgIndex               PwCfgIndexOrzero,
        pwRelTDMCfgIndex               PwCfgIndexOrzero,

        pwTDMConfigError               BITS,
        pwTDMTimeElapsed               Integer32,
        pwTDMValidIntervals            Integer32,
        pwTDMValidDayIntervals         Integer32,
        pwTDMLastEsTimeStamp           TimeStamp

     SYNTAX     Integer32
     MAX-ACCESS    read-write
     STATUS        current
         "The parameter represents the bit-rate of the TDM service
          in multiples of the 'basic' 64 Kbit/s rate [TDMCP-EXT].
          It complements the definition of pwType used in
          For structure-agnostic mode, the following should be used:
          a) (Structure-Agnostic TDM over Packet) Satop E1 - 32
          b) Satop T1 emulation:
             i)   MUST be set to 24 in the basic emulation mode
             ii)  MUST be set to 25 for the 'Octet-aligned T1'
                  emulation mode
          c) Satop E3 - 535
          d) Satop T3 - 699
          For all kinds of structure-aware emulation, this parameter
          MUST be set to N where N is the number of DS0 channels

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          in the corresponding attachment circuit."
     DEFVAL { 32 }
     ::= { pwTDMEntry 1 }

     SYNTAX        InterfaceIndexOrZero
     MAX-ACCESS    read-write
     STATUS        current
         "This is a unique index within the ifTable.  It represents
          the interface index of the full link or the interface
          index for the bundle holding the group of
          time slots to be transmitted via this PW connection.

          A value of zero indicates an interface index that has yet
          to be determined.
          Once set, if the TDM ifIndex is (for some reason) later
          removed, the agent SHOULD delete the associated PW rows
          (e.g., this pwTDMTable entry).  If the agent does not
          delete the rows, the agent MUST set this object to
     ::= { pwTDMEntry 2 }

     SYNTAX        PwCfgIndexOrzero
     MAX-ACCESS    read-write
     STATUS        current
         "Index to the generic parameters in the TDM configuration
          table that appears in this MIB module.  It is likely that
          multiple TDM PWs of the same characteristic will share
          a single TDM Cfg entry."
     ::= { pwTDMEntry 3 }

     SYNTAX        PwCfgIndexOrzero
     MAX-ACCESS    read-write
     STATUS        current
         "Index to the relevant TDM configuration table entry
          that appears in one of the related MIB modules
          such as TDMoIP or CESoPSN.  It is likely that
          multiple TDM PWs of the same characteristic will share
          a single configuration entry of the relevant type.
          The value 0 implies no entry in other related MIBs."
     ::= { pwTDMEntry 4 }

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   pwTDMConfigError OBJECT-TYPE
           notApplicable                 ( 0),
           tdmTypeIncompatible           ( 1),
           peerRtpIncompatible           ( 2),
           peerPayloadSizeIncompatible   ( 3)
     MAX-ACCESS    read-only
     STATUS        current
         "Any of the bits are set if the local configuration is
          not compatible with the peer configuration as available
          from the various parameters options.  Setting is done based
          on signaling, or else value (0) will be set.

          -tdmTypeIncompatible bit is set if the local configuration
          is not carrying the same TDM type as the peer configuration.

          -peerRtpIncompatible bit is set if the local configuration
          is configured to send RTP packets for this PW, and the
          remote is not capable of accepting RTP packets.

          -peerPayloadSizeIncompatible bit is set if the local
          configuration is not carrying the same Payload Size as the
          peer configuration."
     ::= { pwTDMEntry 5}

   pwTDMTimeElapsed OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX  Integer32 (1..900)
      MAX-ACCESS  read-only
      STATUS  current
          "The number of seconds, including partial seconds,
           that have elapsed since the beginning of the current
           measurement period.  If, for some reason, such as an
           adjustment in the system's time-of-day clock, the
           current interval exceeds the maximum value, the
           agent will return the maximum value."
      ::= { pwTDMEntry 6}

   pwTDMValidIntervals OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX  Integer32 (0..96)
      MAX-ACCESS  read-only
      STATUS  current

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          "The number of previous 15-minute intervals for which data
           was collected.
           An agent with TDM capability must be capable of supporting
           at least n intervals.  The minimum value of n is 4.  The
           default of n is 32 and the maximum value of n is 96.
           The value will be n unless the measurement was (re-)
           started within the last (n*15) minutes, in which case,
           the value will be the number of complete 15-minute
           intervals for which the agent has at least some data.
           In certain cases (e.g., in the case where the agent is
           a proxy), it is possible that some intervals are unavailable.
           In this case, this interval is the maximum interval number
           for which data is available."
      ::= { pwTDMEntry 7}

   pwTDMValidDayIntervals OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX  Integer32 (0..30)
      MAX-ACCESS  read-only
      STATUS  current
          "The number of previous days for which data
           was collected.
           An agent with TDM capability must be capable of supporting
           at least n intervals.  The minimum value of n is 1.  The
           default of n is 1 and the maximum value of n is 30."
      ::= { pwTDMEntry 8}

   pwTDMLastEsTimeStamp OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX      TimeStamp
     MAX-ACCESS  read-only
     STATUS      current
         "The value of sysUpTime at the most recent occasion at
          which the TDM PW entered the ES or SES state."
     ::= { pwTDMEntry 11}

   -- End of TDM PW table

   -- PW Generic TDM PW Configuration Table

   pwTDMCfgIndexNext OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX            Unsigned32
     MAX-ACCESS        read-only
     STATUS            current

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         "This object contains the value to be used for
          pwTDMCfgIndex when creating entries in the
          pwTDMCfgTable.  The value 0 indicates that no
          unassigned entries are available.  To obtain the
          value of pwTDMCfgIndexNext for a new entry in the
          pwTDMCfgTable, the manager issues a management
          protocol retrieval operation.  The agent will
          determine through its local policy when this
          index value will be made available for reuse."
     ::= { pwTDMObjects 2 }

   pwTDMCfgTable   OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX                  SEQUENCE OF PwTDMCfgEntry
     MAX-ACCESS              not-accessible
     STATUS                  current
         "This table contains a set of parameters that may be
          referenced by one or more TDM PWs in pwTDMTable."
     ::= { pwTDMObjects 3 }

       SYNTAX            PwTDMCfgEntry
       MAX-ACCESS        not-accessible
       STATUS            current
           "These parameters define the characteristics of a
            TDM PW.  They are grouped here to ease NMS burden.
            Once an entry is created here it may be re-used
            by many PWs.
            Unless otherwise specified, all objects in this table
            MUST NOT be changed after row activation (see [PWMIB])."

     INDEX  { pwTDMCfgIndex }

        ::= { pwTDMCfgTable 1 }

   PwTDMCfgEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
        pwTDMCfgIndex                    PwTDMCfgIndex,
        pwTDMCfgRowStatus                RowStatus,
        pwTDMCfgPayloadSize              Unsigned32,
        pwTDMCfgPktReorder               TruthValue,
        pwTDMCfgRtpHdrUsed               TruthValue,
        pwTDMCfgJtrBfrDepth              Unsigned32,
        pwTDMCfgPayloadSuppression       INTEGER,

        pwTDMCfgConsecPktsInSynch        Unsigned32,
        pwTDMCfgConsecMissPktsOutSynch   Unsigned32,

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        pwTDMCfgSetUp2SynchTimeOut       Unsigned32,

        pwTDMCfgPktReplacePolicy         INTEGER,

        pwTDMCfgAvePktLossTimeWindow     Integer32,
        pwTDMCfgExcessivePktLossThreshold   Unsigned32,

        pwTDMCfgAlarmThreshold           Unsigned32,
        pwTDMCfgClearAlarmThreshold      Unsigned32,
        pwTDMCfgMissingPktsToSes         Unsigned32,

        pwTDMCfgTimestampMode            INTEGER,
        pwTDMCfgStorageType              StorageType,
        pwTDMCfgPktFiller                Unsigned32,
        pwTDMCfgName                     SnmpAdminString

   pwTDMCfgIndex   OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX        PwTDMCfgIndex
     MAX-ACCESS    not-accessible
     STATUS        current
         "Index to an entry in this table.  When an NMS creates
          a new entry/row in this table, it best makes use of
          the value of the pwTDMCfgIndexNext object in order to
          find a free or available index value."
     ::= { pwTDMCfgEntry 1 }

   pwTDMCfgRowStatus    OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX               RowStatus
     MAX-ACCESS           read-create
     STATUS               current
         "Object used for creating, modifying, and deleting
          a row from this table.  The following objects cannot be
          modified if the entry is in use and the status is active:
          pwTDMCfgPayloadSize, pwTDMCfgRtpHdrUsed,
          pwTDMCfgJtrBfrDepth, and pwTDMCfgPayloadSuppression.
          The row cannot be deleted if the entry is in use."
     ::= { pwTDMCfgEntry 2 }

   pwTDMCfgPayloadSize OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX        Unsigned32
     MAX-ACCESS    read-create
     STATUS        current

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         "The value of this object indicates the PayLoad Size (in bytes)
          to be defined during the PW setUp.  Upon TX, implementation
          must be capable of carrying that amount of bytes.
          Upon RX, when the Low Entry Networking (LEN) field is set
          to 0, the payload of packet MUST assume this size, and if
          the actual packet size is inconsistent with this length,
          the packet MUST be considered to be malformed."
     ::= { pwTDMCfgEntry 4 }

   pwTDMCfgPktReorder OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX        TruthValue
     MAX-ACCESS    read-create
     STATUS        current
         "If set to True: as CE-bound packets are queued in the
          jitter buffer, out of order packets are re-ordered.  The
          maximum sequence number differential (i.e., the range in
          which re-sequencing can occur) is dependant on the depth
          of the jitter buffer.  See pwTDMCfgJtrBfrDepth.

          NOTE: Some implementations may not support this feature.
          The agent should then reject a SET request for true."
     ::= { pwTDMCfgEntry 5 }

     SYNTAX        TruthValue
     MAX-ACCESS    read-create
     STATUS        current
         "If set to False: an RTP header is not pre-pended to the
          TDM packet."
     DEFVAL { false }
     ::= { pwTDMCfgEntry 6 }

   pwTDMCfgJtrBfrDepth OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX        Unsigned32
     UNITS         "microsecond"
     MAX-ACCESS    read-create
     STATUS        current
         "The size of this buffer SHOULD be locally
          configured to allow accommodation to the PSN-specific packet
          delay variation.

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          If configured to a value not supported by the
          implementation, the agent MUST return an error code
          'jtrBfrDepth' in 'pwTDMConfigError'.

          NOTE: jitter buffers are a limited resource to
          be managed.  The actual size should be at least twice as big
          as the value of pwTDMCfgJtrBfrDepth."
     DEFVAL { 3000 }
     ::= { pwTDMCfgEntry 7 }

   pwTDMCfgPayloadSuppression  OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX        INTEGER
                       enable  ( 1),
                       disable ( 2)
     MAX-ACCESS    read-create
     STATUS        current
         "Selecting 'enable' means: Payload suppression is allowed.
          Payload MAY be omitted in order to conserve bandwidth.
          Selecting 'disable' means: No suppression under any
          Object MAY be changed at any time."
    DEFVAL { disable }
     ::= { pwTDMCfgEntry 8 }

   pwTDMCfgConsecPktsInSynch          OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX        Unsigned32 (1..10)
     MAX-ACCESS    read-create
     STATUS        current
         "The number of consecutive packets with sequential
          sequence numbers that are required to exit the
          Object MAY be changed only when the related PW is
          defined as not active."
     DEFVAL { 2 }
     ::= { pwTDMCfgEntry 9 }

   pwTDMCfgConsecMissPktsOutSynch  OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX        Unsigned32 (1..15)
     MAX-ACCESS    read-create
     STATUS        current
         "The number of consecutive missing packets that are

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          required to enter the LOPS.
          Object MAY be changed only when the related PW is
          defined as not active."
     DEFVAL { 10 }
     ::= { pwTDMCfgEntry 10 }

   pwTDMCfgSetUp2SynchTimeOut OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX        Unsigned32
     UNITS         "millisecond"
     MAX-ACCESS    read-create
     STATUS        current
         "The amount of time the host should wait before declaring the
          pseudowire in a down state, if the number of consecutive
          TDM packets that have been received after changing the
          administrative status to up and after finalization of
          signaling (if supported) between the two PEs is smaller
          than pwTDMCfgConsecPktsInSynch.  Once the PW has
          OperStatus of 'up', this parameter is no longer valid.  This
          parameter is defined to ensure that the host does not
          prematurely inform failure of the PW.  In particular, PW
          'down' notifications should not be sent before expiration
          of this timer.  This parameter is valid only after
          administrative changes of the status of the PW.  If the PW
          fails due to network impairments, a 'down' notification
          should be sent.
          Object MAY be changed only when the related PW is
          defined as not active."
     DEFVAL {5000}
     ::= { pwTDMCfgEntry 11 }

   pwTDMCfgPktReplacePolicy OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX        INTEGER
                          allOnes (1),
                          filler (3)  --user defined
     MAX-ACCESS    read-create
     STATUS        current
         "This parameter determines the value to be played when CE bound
          packets over/underflow the jitter buffer, or are missing
          for any reason.  This byte pattern is sent (played) on
          the TDM line.  Selecting implementationSpecific(2) implies an
          agent-specific algorithm.  Selecting filler(3) requires

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          the setting of pwTDMCfgPktFiller.
          Object MAY be changed only when the related PW is
          defined as not active."
     DEFVAL { allOnes } -- Play AIS
     ::= { pwTDMCfgEntry 12 }

   pwTDMCfgAvePktLossTimeWindow OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX        Integer32
     UNITS         "millisecond"
     MAX-ACCESS    read-create
     STATUS        current
         "The length of time over which the average packet
          loss rate should be computed to detect excessive packet
          loss rate.
          Object MAY be changed only when the related PW is
          defined as not active."
     ::= { pwTDMCfgEntry 13}

   pwTDMCfgExcessivePktLossThreshold OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX        Unsigned32
     UNITS         "Percent"
     MAX-ACCESS    read-create
     STATUS        current
         "Excessive packet loss rate is detected by computing the
          average packet-loss rate over a pwTDMCfgAvePktLossTimeWindow
          amount of time and comparing it with this threshold value.
          The rate is expressed in percentage.
          Object MAY be changed only when the related PW is
          defined as not active."
     ::= { pwTDMCfgEntry 14 }

   pwTDMCfgAlarmThreshold OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX        Unsigned32
     UNITS         "milisec"
     MAX-ACCESS    read-create
     STATUS        current
         "Alarms are only reported when the defect state persists
          for the length of time specified by this object.
          Object MAY be changed only when the related PW is
          defined as not active."
     DEFVAL { 2500 }
     ::= { pwTDMCfgEntry 15 }

   pwTDMCfgClearAlarmThreshold OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX        Unsigned32

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     UNITS         "milisec"
     MAX-ACCESS    read-create
     STATUS        current
         "Alarm MUST be cleared after the corresponding defect is
          undetected for the amount of time specified by this object.
          Object MAY be changed only when the related PW is
          defined as not active."
     DEFVAL { 10000 }
     ::= { pwTDMCfgEntry 16 }

   pwTDMCfgMissingPktsToSes OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX        Unsigned32
     UNITS         "Percent"
     MAX-ACCESS    read-create
     STATUS        current
         "Percent of missing packets detected (consecutive or not)
          within a 1-second window to cause a Severely Error
          Second (SES) to be counted.
          Object MAY be changed only when the related PW is
          defined as not active."
     DEFVAL { 30 }
     ::= { pwTDMCfgEntry 17 }

   pwTDMCfgTimestampMode  OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX        INTEGER
                     notApplicable (1),
                     absolute      (2),
                     differential  (3)

     MAX-ACCESS    read-create
     STATUS        current
         "Timestamp generation MAY be used in one of the following
          1. Absolute mode: The PSN-bound IWF sets timestamps
           using the clock recovered from the incoming TDM attachment
           circuit.  As a consequence, the timestamps are closely
           correlated with the sequence numbers.  All TDM
           implementations that support usage of the RTP header MUST
           support this mode.
          2. Differential mode: Both IWFs have access to a common high-
           quality timing source, and this source is used for timestamp
           generation.  Support of this mode is OPTIONAL.
           Object MAY be changed only when the related PW is

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           defined as not active."
     ::= { pwTDMCfgEntry 18 }

   pwTDMCfgStorageType  OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX            StorageType
     MAX-ACCESS        read-create
     STATUS            current
         "This variable indicates the storage type for this
          row.  Conceptual rows having the value permanent(4) must
          allow write-access to all columnar objects."
     ::= { pwTDMCfgEntry 19 }

   pwTDMCfgPktFiller OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX        Unsigned32 (0..255)
      MAX-ACCESS    read-create
      STATUS        current
          "Filler byte pattern played out on the TDM
          interface if pwTDMCfgPktReplacePolicy
          was set to filler(3).
          Object MAY be changed only when the related PW is
          defined as not active."
          { 255 } -- Play all ones, equal to AIS indications.
      ::= { pwTDMCfgEntry 20 }

     SYNTAX        SnmpAdminString
     MAX-ACCESS    read-create
     STATUS        current
         "A descriptive string, preferably a unique name, to an entry
         in this table.
         Object MAY be changed at any time."
     ::= { pwTDMCfgEntry 21 }

   -- End of Table

   -- The following counters work together to integrate
   -- errors and the lack of errors on the TDM PW.  An error is
   -- caused by a missing packet.  A missing packet can be a result
   -- of: packet loss in the network, (uncorrectable) packet out
   -- of sequence, packet length error, jitter buffer overflow,
   -- and jitter buffer underflow.  The result is declaring whether
   -- or not the TDM PW is in Loss of Packet State (LOPS).

   -- TDM PW Performance Current Table

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   pwTDMPerfCurrentTable OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX        SEQUENCE OF PwTDMPerfCurrentEntry
     MAX-ACCESS    not-accessible
     STATUS        current
         "The current 15-minute interval counts are in
          this table.

          This table provides per TDM PW performance information."

     ::= { pwTDMObjects 5 }

   pwTDMPerfCurrentEntry OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX        PwTDMPerfCurrentEntry
     MAX-ACCESS    not-accessible
     STATUS        current
         "An entry in this table is created by the agent for every
          pwTDMTable entry.  After 15 minutes, the contents of this
          table entry are copied to a new entry in the
          pwTDMPerfInterval table, and the counts in this entry
          are reset to zero."

     INDEX  { pwIndex }

     ::= { pwTDMPerfCurrentTable 1 }

   PwTDMPerfCurrentEntry ::= SEQUENCE {

        pwTDMPerfCurrentMissingPkts         PerfCurrentCount,
        pwTDMPerfCurrentPktsReOrder         PerfCurrentCount,
        pwTDMPerfCurrentJtrBfrUnderruns     PerfCurrentCount,
        pwTDMPerfCurrentMisOrderDropped     PerfCurrentCount,
        pwTDMPerfCurrentMalformedPkt        PerfCurrentCount,

        pwTDMPerfCurrentESs                 PerfCurrentCount,
        pwTDMPerfCurrentSESs                PerfCurrentCount,
        pwTDMPerfCurrentUASs                PerfCurrentCount,
        pwTDMPerfCurrentFC                  PerfCurrentCount

   pwTDMPerfCurrentMissingPkts OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX        PerfCurrentCount
     MAX-ACCESS    read-only
     STATUS       current
         "Number of missing packets (as detected via control word
          sequence number gaps)."

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     ::= { pwTDMPerfCurrentEntry 1 }

   pwTDMPerfCurrentPktsReOrder OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX        PerfCurrentCount
     MAX-ACCESS    read-only
     STATUS        current
         "Number of packets detected out of sequence (via control
          word sequence number) but successfully re-ordered.
          Note: some implementations may not support this feature."
     ::= { pwTDMPerfCurrentEntry 2 }

   pwTDMPerfCurrentJtrBfrUnderruns OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX        PerfCurrentCount
     MAX-ACCESS    read-only
     STATUS        current
         "Number of times a packet needed to be played
          out and the jitter buffer was empty."
     ::= { pwTDMPerfCurrentEntry 3 }

   pwTDMPerfCurrentMisOrderDropped OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX        PerfCurrentCount
     MAX-ACCESS    read-only
     STATUS        current
         "Number of packets detected out of order (via control word
          sequence numbers) that could not be re-ordered or could
          not fit in the jitter buffer."
      ::= { pwTDMPerfCurrentEntry 4 }

   pwTDMPerfCurrentMalformedPkt OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX        PerfCurrentCount
     MAX-ACCESS    read-only
     STATUS        current
         "Number of packets detected with unexpected size or
          bad headers' stack."
     ::= { pwTDMPerfCurrentEntry 5 }

   pwTDMPerfCurrentESs OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX       PerfCurrentCount
      MAX-ACCESS   read-only
      STATUS       current
          "The counter associated with the number of Error
           Seconds encountered.  Any malformed packet, sequence error,
           LOPS, and the like are considered as Error Seconds."

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      ::= { pwTDMPerfCurrentEntry 6 }

      SYNTAX        PerfCurrentCount
      MAX-ACCESS    read-only
      STATUS        current
          "The counter associated with the number of
           Severely Error Seconds encountered."
      ::= { pwTDMPerfCurrentEntry 7 }

      SYNTAX        PerfCurrentCount
      MAX-ACCESS    read-only
      STATUS        current
          "The counter associated with the number of
           Unavailable Seconds encountered.  Any consecutive
           ten seconds of SES are counted as one Unavailable
           Seconds (UAS)."
      ::= { pwTDMPerfCurrentEntry 8 }

      SYNTAX        PerfCurrentCount
      MAX-ACCESS    read-only
      STATUS        current
          "TDM Failure Counts (FC-TDM).  The number of TDM failure
           events.  A failure event begins when the LOPS failure
           is declared, and it ends when the failure is cleared.  A
           failure event that begins in one period and ends in
           another period is counted only in the period in which
           it begins."
      ::= { pwTDMPerfCurrentEntry 9 }

   -- End TDM PW Performance Current Interval Table

   -- TDM PW Performance Interval Table

   pwTDMPerfIntervalTable OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX        SEQUENCE OF PwTDMPerfIntervalEntry
     MAX-ACCESS    not-accessible
     STATUS        current

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         "This table provides performance information per TDM PW
          similar to the pwTDMPerfCurrentTable above.  However,
          these counts represent historical 15-minute intervals.
          Typically, this table will have a maximum of 96 entries
          for a 24 hour period, but is not limited to this."
     ::= { pwTDMObjects 6 }

   pwTDMPerfIntervalEntry OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX        PwTDMPerfIntervalEntry
     MAX-ACCESS    not-accessible
     STATUS        current
         "An entry in this table is created by the agent for
          every pwTDMPerfCurrentEntry that is 15 minutes old.
          The contents of the Current entry are copied to the new
          entry here.  The Current entry then resets its counts
          to zero for the next current 15-minute interval."

     INDEX  { pwIndex, pwTDMPerfIntervalNumber }

     ::= { pwTDMPerfIntervalTable 1 }

   PwTDMPerfIntervalEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
        pwTDMPerfIntervalNumber           Unsigned32,
        pwTDMPerfIntervalValidData        TruthValue,
        pwTDMPerfIntervalDuration         Unsigned32,

        pwTDMPerfIntervalMissingPkts      PerfIntervalCount,
        pwTDMPerfIntervalPktsReOrder      PerfIntervalCount,
        pwTDMPerfIntervalJtrBfrUnderruns  PerfIntervalCount,
        pwTDMPerfIntervalMisOrderDropped  PerfIntervalCount,
        pwTDMPerfIntervalMalformedPkt     PerfIntervalCount,

        pwTDMPerfIntervalESs              PerfIntervalCount,
        pwTDMPerfIntervalSESs             PerfIntervalCount,
        pwTDMPerfIntervalUASs             PerfIntervalCount,
        pwTDMPerfIntervalFC               PerfIntervalCount

   pwTDMPerfIntervalNumber OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX        Unsigned32 (1..96)
     MAX-ACCESS    not-accessible
     STATUS        current
         "A number (normally between 1 and 96 to cover a 24 hour
          period) that identifies the interval for which the set
          of statistics is available.  The interval identified by 1

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          is the most recently completed 15-minute interval, and
          the interval identified by N is the interval immediately
          preceding the one identified by N-1.  The minimum range of
          N is 1 through 4.  The default range is 1 through 32.  The
          maximum value of N is 1 through 96."
     ::= { pwTDMPerfIntervalEntry 1 }

   pwTDMPerfIntervalValidData OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX        TruthValue
     MAX-ACCESS    read-only
     STATUS        current
         "This variable indicates if the data for this interval
          is valid."
     ::= { pwTDMPerfIntervalEntry 2 }

   pwTDMPerfIntervalDuration OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX      Unsigned32
      UNITS       "seconds"
      MAX-ACCESS  read-only
      STATUS      current
        "The duration of a particular interval in seconds.
         Adjustments in the system's time-of-day clock may
         cause the interval to be greater or less than the
         normal value.  Therefore, this actual interval value
         is provided."
      ::= { pwTDMPerfIntervalEntry 3 }

   pwTDMPerfIntervalMissingPkts OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX        PerfIntervalCount
     MAX-ACCESS    read-only
     STATUS        current
         "Number of missing packets (as detected via control
          word sequence number gaps)."
     ::= { pwTDMPerfIntervalEntry 4 }

   pwTDMPerfIntervalPktsReOrder OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX        PerfIntervalCount
     MAX-ACCESS    read-only
     STATUS        current
         "Number of packets detected out of sequence (via control
          word sequence number) but successfully re-ordered.
          Note: some implementations may not support this
     ::= { pwTDMPerfIntervalEntry 5 }

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   pwTDMPerfIntervalJtrBfrUnderruns OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX        PerfIntervalCount
     MAX-ACCESS    read-only
     STATUS        current
         "Number of times a packet needed to be played
          out and the jitter buffer was empty."
     ::= { pwTDMPerfIntervalEntry 6 }

   pwTDMPerfIntervalMisOrderDropped OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX        PerfIntervalCount
     MAX-ACCESS    read-only
     STATUS        current
         "Number of packets detected out of order (via control word
          sequence numbers) that could not be re-ordered or could
          not fit in the jitter buffer."
     ::= { pwTDMPerfIntervalEntry 7 }

   pwTDMPerfIntervalMalformedPkt OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX        PerfIntervalCount
     MAX-ACCESS    read-only
     STATUS        current
         "Number of packets detected with unexpected size, or
          bad headers' stack"
     ::= { pwTDMPerfIntervalEntry 8 }

   pwTDMPerfIntervalESs OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX       PerfIntervalCount
     MAX-ACCESS   read-only
     STATUS       current
         "The counter associated with the number of Error
          Seconds encountered."
     ::= { pwTDMPerfIntervalEntry 9 }

   pwTDMPerfIntervalSESs OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX        PerfIntervalCount
     MAX-ACCESS    read-only
     STATUS        current
         "The counter associated with the number of
          Severely Error Seconds encountered."
     ::= { pwTDMPerfIntervalEntry 10 }

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   pwTDMPerfIntervalUASs OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX        PerfIntervalCount
     MAX-ACCESS    read-only
     STATUS        current
         "The counter associated with the number of
          Unavailable Seconds encountered."
     ::= { pwTDMPerfIntervalEntry 11 }

   pwTDMPerfIntervalFC OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX        PerfIntervalCount
     MAX-ACCESS    read-only
     STATUS        current
         "TDM Failure Counts (FC-TDM).  The number of TDM failure
          events.  A failure event begins when the LOPS failure
          is declared, and it ends when the failure is cleared.  A
          failure event that begins in one period and ends in
          another period is counted only in the period in which
          it begins."
     ::= { pwTDMPerfIntervalEntry 12 }

   -- End TDM PW Performance Interval Table

   -- TDM PW 1day Performance Table

   pwTDMPerf1DayIntervalTable OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX        SEQUENCE OF PwTDMPerf1DayIntervalEntry
     MAX-ACCESS    not-accessible
     STATUS        current
         "This table provides performance information per TDM PW
          similar to the pwTDMPerfIntervalTable above.  However,
          these counters represent historical one-day intervals up to
          one full month.  The table consists of real-time data, as
          such it is not persistence across re-boot."
     ::= { pwTDMObjects 7 }

   pwTDMPerf1DayIntervalEntry OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX        PwTDMPerf1DayIntervalEntry
     MAX-ACCESS    not-accessible
     STATUS        current
         "An entry is created in this table by the agent
          for every entry in the pwTDMTable table."

     INDEX  { pwIndex,pwTDMPerf1DayIntervalNumber }

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        ::= { pwTDMPerf1DayIntervalTable 1 }

   PwTDMPerf1DayIntervalEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
        pwTDMPerf1DayIntervalNumber                Unsigned32,
        pwTDMPerf1DayIntervalValidData             TruthValue,
        pwTDMPerf1DayIntervalDuration              Unsigned32,
        pwTDMPerf1DayIntervalMissingPkts           Counter32,
        pwTDMPerf1DayIntervalPktsReOrder           Counter32,
        pwTDMPerf1DayIntervalJtrBfrUnderruns       Counter32,
        pwTDMPerf1DayIntervalMisOrderDropped       Counter32,
        pwTDMPerf1DayIntervalMalformedPkt          Counter32,

        pwTDMPerf1DayIntervalESs                   Counter32,
        pwTDMPerf1DayIntervalSESs                  Counter32,
        pwTDMPerf1DayIntervalUASs                  Counter32,
        pwTDMPerf1DayIntervalFC                    Counter32

   pwTDMPerf1DayIntervalNumber OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX        Unsigned32 (1..30)
     MAX-ACCESS    not-accessible
     STATUS        current
         "The number of intervals where 1 indicates the current day
          measured period and 2 and above indicate previous days,
     ::= { pwTDMPerf1DayIntervalEntry 1 }

   pwTDMPerf1DayIntervalValidData OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX        TruthValue
     MAX-ACCESS    read-only
     STATUS        current
         "This variable indicates if the data for this interval
          is valid."
     ::= { pwTDMPerf1DayIntervalEntry 2 }

   pwTDMPerf1DayIntervalDuration OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX      Unsigned32
     UNITS       "seconds"
     MAX-ACCESS  read-only
     STATUS      current
       "The duration of a particular interval in seconds.
        Adjustments in the system's time-of-day clock may
        cause the interval to be greater or less than the
        normal value.  Therefore, this actual interval value
        is provided."

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     ::= { pwTDMPerf1DayIntervalEntry 3 }

   pwTDMPerf1DayIntervalMissingPkts OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX        Counter32
     MAX-ACCESS    read-only
     STATUS        current
       "Number of missing packets (as detected via control word
        sequence number gaps)."
     ::= { pwTDMPerf1DayIntervalEntry 4 }

   pwTDMPerf1DayIntervalPktsReOrder OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX        Counter32
     MAX-ACCESS    read-only
     STATUS        current
         "Number of packets detected out of sequence (via control
          word sequence number) but successfully re-ordered.
          Note: some implementations may not support this
     ::= { pwTDMPerf1DayIntervalEntry 5 }

   pwTDMPerf1DayIntervalJtrBfrUnderruns OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX        Counter32
     MAX-ACCESS    read-only
     STATUS        current
         "Number of times a packet needed to be played
          out and the jitter buffer was empty."
     ::= { pwTDMPerf1DayIntervalEntry 6 }

   pwTDMPerf1DayIntervalMisOrderDropped OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX        Counter32
     MAX-ACCESS    read-only
     STATUS        current
         "Number of packets detected out of order (via control word
          sequence numbers) that could not be re-ordered or could
          not fit in the jitter buffer."
     ::= { pwTDMPerf1DayIntervalEntry 7 }

   pwTDMPerf1DayIntervalMalformedPkt OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX        Counter32
     MAX-ACCESS    read-only
     STATUS        current
         "Number of packets detected with unexpected size or
          bad headers' stack."

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     ::= { pwTDMPerf1DayIntervalEntry 8 }

   pwTDMPerf1DayIntervalESs OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX       Counter32
     MAX-ACCESS   read-only
     STATUS       current
         "The counter associated with the number of Error
          Seconds encountered."
     ::= { pwTDMPerf1DayIntervalEntry 9 }

   pwTDMPerf1DayIntervalSESs OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX        Counter32
     MAX-ACCESS    read-only
     STATUS        current
         "The counter associated with the number of Severely
          Error Seconds."
     ::= { pwTDMPerf1DayIntervalEntry 10 }

   pwTDMPerf1DayIntervalUASs OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX        Counter32
     MAX-ACCESS    read-only
     STATUS        current
         "The counter associated with the number of
          UnAvailable Seconds.

          NOTE: When first entering the UAS state, the number
          of SES to UAS is added to this object, then as each
          additional UAS occurs, this object increments by one."

     ::= { pwTDMPerf1DayIntervalEntry 11 }

   pwTDMPerf1DayIntervalFC OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX        Counter32
     MAX-ACCESS    read-only
     STATUS        current
         "TDM Failure Counts (FC-TDM).  The number of TDM failure
          events.  A failure event begins when the LOPS failure
          is declared, and it ends when the failure is cleared."
     ::= { pwTDMPerf1DayIntervalEntry 12 }

   -- End of PW TDM Performance table

   -- Conformance Information

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   pwTDMCompliances OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { pwTDMConformance 1 }
   pwTDMGroups      OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { pwTDMConformance 2 }

   pwTDMModuleCompliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE
      STATUS  current
          "The compliance statement for agent that support TDM PW
           over PSN operation."

      MODULE  -- this module
          MANDATORY-GROUPS { pwTDMGroup,

                     OBJECT pwGenTDMCfgIndex
                     MIN-ACCESS read-only
                         "The ability to set an index pointer
                         is not required."

                     OBJECT pwRelTDMCfgIndex
                     MIN-ACCESS read-only
                         "The ability to set an index pointer
                         is not required."

                     OBJECT pwTDMCfgPktReorder
                     MIN-ACCESS read-only
                         "The ability to set the packet reordering
                         is not required.  If the feature is not
                         supported, the value set by the agent MUST
                         be FALSE."

                     OBJECT pwTDMCfgRtpHdrUsed
                     MIN-ACCESS read-only
                         "The ability to set whether or not to use the
                          RTP header is not required."

                     OBJECT pwTDMCfgPayloadSuppression
                     MIN-ACCESS read-only
                         "The ability to set this object is not

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                     OBJECT pwTDMCfgPktReplacePolicy
                     MIN-ACCESS read-only
                         "The ability to set the replace policy
                         is not required."

                     OBJECT pwTDMCfgStorageType
                     MIN-ACCESS read-only
                         "The ability to set the storage type is
                         not required."

                     OBJECT pwTDMCfgPktFiller
                     MIN-ACCESS read-only
                         "The ability to set the filler pattern
                         is not required."
                     OBJECT pwTDMCfgName
                     MIN-ACCESS read-only
                         "The ability to set an alias
                         is not required."

      ::= { pwTDMCompliances 1 }

   -- Units of conformance

     OBJECTS {





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              pwTDMCfgAvePktLossTimeWindow ,

              pwTDMCfgAlarmThreshold ,

     STATUS  current
         "Collection of objects for basic TDM PW config and
     ::= { pwTDMGroups 1 }

   pwTDMPerfCurrentGroup OBJECT-GROUP
     OBJECTS {

     STATUS  current
         "Collection of current statistics objects for TDM PWs."
     ::= { pwTDMGroups 2 }

   pwTDMPerfIntervalGroup OBJECT-GROUP
     OBJECTS {

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     STATUS  current
            "Collection of Interval statistics objects for TDM PWs."
     ::= { pwTDMGroups 3 }

   pwTDMPerf1DayIntervalGroup OBJECT-GROUP
     OBJECTS {

     STATUS  current
            "Collection of Daily statistics objects for TDM PWs."
     ::= { pwTDMGroups 4 }


9.  Security Considerations

   It is clear that this MIB module is potentially useful for monitoring
   of TDM PWs.  This MIB can also be used for configuration of certain
   objects, and anything that can be configured can be incorrectly
   configured, with potentially disastrous results.

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   There are a number of management objects defined in this MIB module
   with a MAX-ACCESS clause of read-write and/or read-create.  Such
   objects may be considered sensitive or vulnerable in some network
   environments.  The support for SET operations in a non-secure
   environment without proper protection can have a negative effect on
   network operations.  These are the tables and objects and their

   The pwTDMTable and pwTDMCfgTable contain objects of TDM PW parameters
   on a Provider Edge (PE) device.  Unauthorized access to objects in
   these tables could result in disruption of traffic on the network.

   The use of stronger mechanisms such as SNMPv3 security should be
   considered where possible.  Specifically, SNMPv3 VACM and USM MUST be
   used with any SNMPV3 agent, which implements this MIB module.

   Administrators should consider whether read access to these objects
   should be allowed, since read access may be undesirable under certain

   Some of the readable objects in this MIB module (i.e., objects with a
   MAX-ACCESS other than not-accessible) may be considered sensitive or
   vulnerable in some network environments.  It is thus important to
   control even GET and/or NOTIFY access to these objects and possibly
   to even encrypt the values of these objects when sending them over
   the network via SNMP.  These are the tables and objects and their

   The pwTDMTable, pwTDMPerfCurrentTable, pwTDMPerfIntervalTable, and
   pwTDMPerf1DayIntervalTable collectively show the TDM pseudowire
   connectivity topology and its performance characteristics.

   If an Administrator does not want to reveal this information, then
   these tables should be considered sensitive/vulnerable.

   SNMP versions prior to SNMPv3 did not include adequate security.
   Even if the network itself is secure (for example by using IPsec),
   even then, there is no control as to who on the secure network is
   allowed to access and GET/SET (read/change/create/delete) the objects
   in this MIB module.

   It is RECOMMENDED that implementers consider the security features as
   provided by the SNMPv3 framework (see [RFC3410], section 8),
   including full support for the SNMPv3 cryptographic mechanisms (for
   authentication and privacy).

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   Further, deployment of SNMP versions prior to SNMPv3 is NOT
   RECOMMENDED.  Instead, it is RECOMMENDED to deploy SNMPv3 and to
   enable cryptographic security.  It is then a customer/operator
   responsibility to ensure that the SNMP entity giving access to an
   instance of this MIB module is properly configured to give access to
   the objects only to those principals (users) that have legitimate
   rights to indeed GET or SET (change/create/delete) them.

10.  IANA Considerations

   The MIB module in this document uses the following IANA-assigned
   OBJECT IDENTIFIER values recorded in the SMI Numbers registry:

   Descriptor OBJECT IDENTIFIER value
   ---------- -----------------------

   pwTDMMIB   { mib-2 186 }

11.  References

11.1.  Normative References

   [SATOP]      Vainshtein, A., Ed., and YJ. Stein, Ed., "Structure-
                Agnostic Time Division Multiplexing (TDM) over Packet
                (SAToP)", RFC 4553, June 2006.

   [TDMCP-EXT]  Vainshtein, A. and Y(J). Stein, "Control Protocol
                Extensions for the Setup of Time-Division Multiplexing
                (TDM) Pseudowires in MPLS Networks", RFC 5287, August

   [PWMIB]      Nadeau, T., Ed., and D. Zelig, Ed., "Pseudowire (PW)
                Management Information Base", RFC 5601, July 2009.

   [PWTC]       Nadeau, T., Ed., Zelig, D., Ed., and O. Nicklass, Ed.,
                "Definitions for Textual Conventions for Pseudowire (PW)
                Management", RFC 5542, May 2009.

   [DS1MIB]     Nicklass, O., Ed., "Definitions of Managed Objects for
                the DS1, J1, E1, DS2, and E2 Interface Types", RFC 4805,
                March 2007.

   [DS3MIB]     Nicklass, O., Ed., "Definitions of Managed Objects for
                the DS3/E3 Interface Type", RFC 3896, September 2004.

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   [DS0MIB]     Fowler, D., Ed., "Definitions of Managed Objects for the
                DS0 and DS0 Bundle Interface Type", RFC 2494, January

   [IFMIB]      McCloghrie, K. and F. Kastenholz, "The Interfaces Group
                MIB", RFC 2863, June 2000.

   [RFC2578]    McCloghrie, K., Perkins, D., and J. Schoenwaelder,
                "Structure of Management Information Version 2 (SMIv2)",
                STD 58, RFC 2578, April 1999.

   [RFC2579]    McCloghrie, K., Perkins, D., and J. Schoenwaelder,
                "Textual Conventions for SMIv2", STD 58, RFC 2579, April

   [RFC2580]    McCloghrie, K., Perkins, D., and J. Schoenwaelder,
                "Conformance Statements for SMIv2", STD 58, RFC 2580,
                April 1999.

   [RFC3411]    Harrington, D., Presuhn, R., and B. Wijnen, "An
                Architecture for Describing Simple Network Management
                Protocol (SNMP) Management Frameworks", STD 62, RFC
                3411, December 2002.

   [BCP14]      Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate
                Requirement Levels", BCP 14, RFC 2119, March 1997.

11.2.  Informative References

   [RFC4197]    Riegel, M., Ed., "Requirements for Edge-to-Edge
                Emulation of Time Division Multiplexed (TDM) Circuits
                over Packet Switching Networks", RFC 4197, October 2005.

   [RFC3985]    Bryant, S., Ed., and P. Pate, Ed., "Pseudo Wire
                Emulation Edge-to-Edge (PWE3) Architecture", RFC 3985,
                March 2005.

   [TDMOIP]     Y(J). Stein, Shashoua, R., Insler, R., and M. Anavi,
                "Time Division Multiplexing over IP (TDMoIP)", RFC 5087,
                December 2007.

   [CESOPSN]    Vainshtein A., Sasson, I., Sadovski, A., Metz, E.,
                Frost, T., and P. Pate "Structured TDM Circuit Emulation
                Service over Packet Switched Network (CESoPSN)", Work in
                Progress, October 2003.

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   [RFC3410]    Case, J., Mundy, R., Partain, D., and B. Stewart,
                "Introduction and Applicability Statements for
                Internet-Standard Management Framework", RFC 3410,
                December 2002.

12.  Acknowledgements

   This document was produced by the PWE3 Working Group.  Special thanks
   to Yaakov Stein, Doron Tzur, Sasha Vainshtein, and Ron Cohen for
   close review and good suggestions.

Author's Address

   Orly Nicklass
   24 Raul Wallenberg St.
   Tel Aviv

   Phone: +972 3 7679444

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