Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF)                          R. Asati
Request for Comments: 6201                                  C. Pignataro
Updates: 1242, 2544                                          F. Calabria
Category: Informational                                            Cisco
ISSN: 2070-1721                                                C. Olvera
                                                              March 2011

                     Device Reset Characterization


   An operational forwarding device may need to be restarted
   (automatically or manually) for a variety of reasons, an event called
   a "reset" in this document.  Since there may be an interruption in
   the forwarding operation during a reset, it is useful to know how
   long a device takes to resume the forwarding operation.

   This document specifies a methodology for characterizing reset (and
   reset time) during benchmarking of forwarding devices and provides
   clarity and consistency in reset test procedures beyond what is
   specified in RFC 2544.  Therefore, it updates RFC 2544.  This
   document also defines the benchmarking term "reset time" and, only in
   this, updates RFC 1242.

Status of This Memo

   This document is not an Internet Standards Track specification; it is
   published for informational purposes.

   This document is a product of the Internet Engineering Task Force
   (IETF).  It represents the consensus of the IETF community.  It has
   received public review and has been approved for publication by the
   Internet Engineering Steering Group (IESG).  Not all documents
   approved by the IESG are a candidate for any level of Internet
   Standard; see Section 2 of RFC 5741.

   Information about the current status of this document, any errata,
   and how to provide feedback on it may be obtained at

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RFC 6201                 Reset Characterization               March 2011

Copyright Notice

   Copyright (c) 2011 IETF Trust and the persons identified as the
   document authors.  All rights reserved.

   This document is subject to BCP 78 and the IETF Trust's Legal
   Provisions Relating to IETF Documents
   ( in effect on the date of
   publication of this document.  Please review these documents
   carefully, as they describe your rights and restrictions with respect
   to this document.  Code Components extracted from this document must
   include Simplified BSD License text as described in Section 4.e of
   the Trust Legal Provisions and are provided without warranty as
   described in the Simplified BSD License.

Table of Contents

   1. Introduction ....................................................3
      1.1. Scope ......................................................3
      1.2. Reset Time .................................................4
      1.3. Reset Time Measurement Methods .............................5
      1.4. Reporting Format ...........................................6
   2. Key Words to Reflect Requirements ...............................7
   3. Test Requirements ...............................................7
   4. Reset Tests .....................................................8
      4.1. Hardware Reset Tests .......................................9
           4.1.1. Routing Processor (RP) / Routing Engine Reset .......9
           4.1.2. Line Card (LC) Removal and Insertion (REQUIRED) ....11
      4.2. Software Reset Tests ......................................12
           4.2.1. Operating System (OS) Reset (REQUIRED) .............12
           4.2.2. Process Reset (OPTIONAL) ...........................13
      4.3. Power Interruption Test ...................................14
           4.3.1. Power Interruption (REQUIRED) ......................14
   5. Security Considerations ........................................15
   6. Acknowledgments ................................................16
   7. References .....................................................16
      7.1. Normative References ......................................16
      7.2. Informative References ....................................16

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1.  Introduction

   An operational forwarding device (or one of its components) may need
   to be restarted for a variety of reasons, an event called a "reset"
   in this document.  Since there may be an interruption in the
   forwarding operation during a reset, it is useful to know how long a
   device takes to resume the forwarding operation.  In other words, the
   duration of the recovery time following the reset (see Section 1.2,
   "Reset Time") is what is in question.

   However, the answer to this question is no longer simple and
   straightforward as the modern forwarding devices employ many hardware
   advancements (distributed forwarding, etc.) and software advancements
   (graceful restart, etc.) that influence the recovery time after the

1.1.  Scope

   This document specifies a methodology for characterizing reset (and
   reset time) during benchmarking of forwarding devices and provides
   clarity and consistency in reset procedures beyond what is specified
   in [RFC2544].  Software upgrades involve additional benchmarking
   complexities and are outside the scope of this document.

   These procedures may be used by other benchmarking documents such as
   [RFC2544], [RFC5180], [RFC5695], etc., and it is expected that other
   protocol-specific benchmarking documents will reference this document
   for reset recovery time characterization.  Specific Routing
   Information Base (RIB) and Forwarding Information Base (FIB) scaling
   considerations are outside the scope of this document and can be
   quite complex to characterize.  However, other documents can
   characterize specific dynamic protocols' scaling and interactions as
   well as leverage and augment the reset tests defined in this

   This document updates Section 26.6 of [RFC2544] and defines the
   benchmarking term "reset time", updating [RFC1242].

   This document focuses only on the reset criterion of benchmarking and
   presumes that it would be beneficial to [RFC5180], [RFC5695], and
   other IETF Benchmarking Methodology Working Group (BMWG) efforts.

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1.2.  Reset Time


      Reset time is the total time that a device is determined to be out
      of operation and includes the time to perform the reset and the
      time to recover from it.


      During a period of time after a reset or power up, network devices
      may not accept and forward frames.  The duration of this period of
      forwarding unavailability can be useful in evaluating devices.  In
      addition, some network devices require some form of reset when
      specific setup variables are modified.  If the reset period were
      long, it might discourage network managers from modifying these
      variables on production networks.

      The events characterized in this document are entire reset events.
      That is, the recovery period measured includes the time to perform
      the reset and the time to recover from it.  Some reset events will
      be atomic (such as pressing a reset button) while others (such as
      power cycling) may comprise multiple actions with a recognized
      interval between them.  In both cases, the duration considered is
      from the start of the event until full recovery of forwarding
      after the completion of the reset events.

   Measurement Units

      Time, in milliseconds, providing sufficient resolution to
      distinguish between different trials and different
      implementations.  See Section 1.4.


      There are various types of resets: hardware resets, software
      resets, and power interruptions.  See Section 4.

   See Also

      This definition updates [RFC1242].

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1.3.  Reset Time Measurement Methods

   The reset time is the time during which traffic forwarding is
   temporarily interrupted following a reset event.  Strictly speaking,
   this is the time over which one or more frames are lost.  This
   definition is similar to that of "Loss of Connectivity Period"
   defined in [IGPConv], Section 4.

   There are two accepted methods to measure the reset time:

   1.  Frame-Loss Method - This method requires test tool capability to
       monitor the number of lost frames.  In this method, the offered
       stream rate (frames per second) must be known.  The reset time is
       calculated per the equation below:

                                Frames_lost (packets)
          Reset_time = -------------------------------------
                         Offered_rate (packets per second)

   2.  Timestamp Method - This method requires test tool capability to
       timestamp each frame.  In this method, the test tool timestamps
       each transmitted frame and monitors the received frame's
       timestamp.  During the test, the test tool records the timestamp
       (Timestamp A) of the frame that was last received prior to the
       reset interruption and the timestamp of the first frame after the
       interruption stopped (Timestamp B).  The difference between
       Timestamp B and Timestamp A is the reset time.

   The tester/operator MAY use either method for reset time measurement
   depending on the test tool capability.  However, the Frame-Loss
   method SHOULD be used if the test tool is capable of (a) counting the
   number of lost frames per stream and (b) transmitting test frame
   despite the physical link status, whereas the Timestamp method SHOULD
   be used if the test tool is capable of (a) timestamping each frame,
   (b) monitoring received frame's timestamp, and (c) transmitting
   frames only if the physical link status is UP.  That is, specific
   test tool capabilities may dictate which method to use.  If the test
   tool supports both methods based on its capabilities, the
   tester/operator SHOULD use the one that provides more accuracy.

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1.4.  Reporting Format

   All reset results are reported in a simple statement including the
   frame loss (if measured) and reset times.

   For each test case, it is RECOMMENDED that the following parameters
   be reported in these units:

       Parameter                Units or Examples

       Throughput               Frames per second and bits per

       Loss (average)           Frames

       Reset Time (average)     Milliseconds

       Number of trials         Integer count

       Protocol                 IPv4, IPv6, MPLS, etc.

       Frame Size               Octets

       Port Media               Ethernet, Gigabit Ethernet (GbE),
                                Packet over SONET (POS), etc.

       Port Speed               10 Gbps, 1 Gbps, 100 Mbps, etc.

       Interface Encap.         Ethernet, Ethernet VLAN,
                                PPP, High-Level Data Link Control
                                (HDLC), etc.

   For mixed protocol environments, frames SHOULD be distributed between
   all the different protocols.  The distribution MAY approximate the
   network conditions of deployment.  In all cases, the details of the
   mixed protocol distribution MUST be included in the reporting.

   Additionally, the DUT (Device Under Test) or SUT (System Under Test)
   and test bed provisioning, port and line-card arrangement,
   configuration, and deployed methodologies that may influence the
   overall reset time MUST be listed.  (Refer to the additional factors
   listed in Section 3).

   The reporting of results MUST regard repeatability considerations
   from Section 4 of [RFC2544].  It is RECOMMENDED to perform multiple
   trials and report average results.

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2.  Key Words to Reflect Requirements

   The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT",
   document are to be interpreted as described in BCP 14, RFC 2119
   [RFC2119].  RFC 2119 defines the use of these key words to help make
   the intent of Standards-Track documents as clear as possible.  While
   this document uses these keywords, this document is not a Standards-
   Track document.

3.  Test Requirements

   Tests SHOULD first be performed such that the forwarding state
   re-establishment is independent from an external source (i.e., using
   static address resolution, routing and forwarding configuration, and
   not dynamic protocols).  However, tests MAY subsequently be performed
   using dynamic protocols that the forwarding state depends on (e.g.,
   dynamic Interior Gateway Protocols (IGP), Address Resolution Protocol
   (ARP), PPP Control Protocols, etc.).  The considerations in this
   section apply.

   In order to provide consistence and fairness while benchmarking a set
   of different DUTs, the Network tester/operator MUST (a) use identical
   control and data plane information during testing and (b) document
   and report any factors that may influence the overall time after

   Some of these factors include the following:

   1.  Type of reset - hardware (line-card crash, etc.) versus software
       (protocol reset, process crash, etc.) or even complete power

   2.  Manual versus automatic reset

   3.  Scheduled versus non-scheduled reset

   4.  Local versus remote reset

   5.  Scale - Number of line cards present versus in use

   6.  Scale - Number of physical and logical interfaces

   7.  Scale - Number of routing protocol instances

   8.  Scale - Number of routing table entries

   9.  Scale - Number of route processors available

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   10. Performance - Redundancy strategy deployed for route processors
       and line cards

   11. Performance - Interface encapsulation as well as achievable
       throughput [RFC2544]

   12. Any other internal or external factor that may influence reset
       time after a hardware or software reset

   The reset time is one of the key characterization results reported
   after each test run.  While the reset time during a reset test event
   may be zero, there may still be effects on traffic, such as transient
   delay variation or increased latency.  However, that is not covered
   and is deemed outside the scope of this document.  In this case, only
   "no loss" is reported.

4.  Reset Tests

   This section contains descriptions of the tests that are related to
   the characterization of the time needed for DUTs (Devices Under Test)
   or SUTs (Systems Under Test) to recover from a reset.  There are
   three types of resets considered in this document:

   1.  Hardware resets

   2.  Software resets

   3.  Power interruption

   Different types of resets potentially have a different impact on the
   forwarding behavior of the device.  As an example, a software reset
   (of a routing process) might not result in forwarding interruption,
   whereas a hardware reset (of a line card) most likely will.

   Section 4.1 describes various hardware resets, whereas Section 4.2
   describes various software resets.  Additionally, Section 4.3
   describes power interruption tests.  These sections define and
   characterize these resets.

   Additionally, since device-specific implementations may vary for
   hardware and software type resets, it is desirable to classify each
   test case as "REQUIRED" or "OPTIONAL".

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4.1.  Hardware Reset Tests

   A hardware reset test is a test designed to characterize the time it
   takes a DUT to recover from a hardware reset.

   A hardware reset generally involves the re-initialization of one or
   more physical components in the DUT, but not the entire DUT.

   A hardware reset is executed by the operator, for example, by
   physical removal of a hardware component, by pressing a reset button
   for the component, or by being triggered from the command line
   interface (CLI).

   Reset procedures that do not require the physical removal and
   insertion of a hardware component are RECOMMENDED.  These include
   using the command line interface (CLI) or a physical switch or
   button.  If such procedures cannot be performed (e.g., because of a
   lack of platform support or because the corresponding test case calls
   for them), human operation time SHOULD be minimized across different
   platforms and test cases as much as possible, and variation in human
   operator time SHOULD also be minimized across different vendors'
   products as much as practical by having the same person perform the
   operation and by practicing the operation.  Additionally, the time
   between removal and insertion SHOULD be recorded and reported.

   For routers that do not contain separate Routing Processor and Line
   Card modules, the hardware reset tests are not performed since they
   are not relevant; instead, the power interruption tests MUST be
   performed (see Section 4.3) in these cases.

4.1.1.  Routing Processor (RP) / Routing Engine Reset

   The Routing Processor (RP) is the DUT module that is primarily
   concerned with Control Plane functions.  RP Reset for a Single-RP Device (REQUIRED)


      To characterize the time needed for a DUT to recover from a Route
      Processor hardware reset in a single RP environment.


      First, ensure that the RP is in a permanent state to which it will
      return after the reset by performing some or all of the following
      operational tasks: save the current DUT configuration, specify

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      boot parameters, ensure the appropriate software files are
      available, or perform additional operating system or hardware-
      related tasks.

      Second, ensure that the DUT is able to forward the traffic for at
      least 15 seconds before any test activities are performed.  The
      traffic should use the minimum frame size possible on the media
      used in the testing, and the rate should be sufficient for the DUT
      to attain the maximum forwarding throughput.  This enables a finer
      granularity in the reset time measurement.

      Third, perform the Route Processor (RP) hardware reset at this
      point.  This entails, for example, physically removing the RP to
      later re-insert it or triggering a hardware reset by other means
      (e.g., command line interface, physical switch, etc.).

      Finally, complete the characterization by recording the frame loss
      or timestamps (as reported by the test tool) and calculating the
      reset time (as defined in Section 1.3).

   Reporting Format

      The reporting format is defined in Section 1.4.  RP Switchover for a Multiple-RP Device (OPTIONAL)


      To characterize the time needed for the "secondary" Route
      Processor (sometimes referred to as the "backup" RP) of a DUT to
      become active after a "primary" (or "active") Route Processor
      hardware reset.  This process is often referred to as "RP
      Switchover".  The characterization in this test should be done for
      the default DUT behavior and, if it exists, for the DUT's non-
      default configuration that minimizes frame loss.


      This test characterizes RP Switchover.  Many implementations allow
      for optimized switchover capabilities that minimize the downtime
      during the actual switchover.  This test consists of two sub-cases
      from a switchover characteristic's standpoint: first, a default
      behavior (with no switchover-specific configurations) and,
      potentially second, a non-default behavior with switchover
      configuration to minimize frame loss.  Therefore, the procedures
      hereby described are executed twice and reported separately.

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      First, ensure that the RPs are in a permanent state such that the
      secondary RP will be activated to the same state as the active RP
      by performing some or all of the following operational tasks: save
      the current DUT configuration, specify boot parameters, ensure the
      appropriate software files are available, or perform additional
      operating system or hardware-related tasks.

      Second, ensure that the DUT is able to forward the traffic for at
      least 15 seconds before any test activities are performed.  The
      traffic should use the minimum frame size possible on the media
      used in the testing, and the rate should be sufficient for the DUT
      to attain the maximum forwarding throughput.  This enables a finer
      granularity in the reset time measurement.

      Third, perform the primary Route Processor (RP) hardware reset at
      this point.  This entails, for example, physically removing the RP
      or triggering a hardware reset by other means (e.g., command line
      interface, physical switch, etc.).  It is up to the operator to
      decide whether or not the primary RP needs to be re-inserted after
      a grace period.

      Finally, complete the characterization by recording the frame loss
      or timestamps (as reported by the test tool) and calculating the
      reset time (as defined in Section 1.3).

   Reporting Format

      The reset results are potentially reported twice, one for the
      default switchover behavior (i.e., the DUT without any switchover-
      specific enhanced configuration) and the other for the switchover-
      specific behavior if it exists (i.e., the DUT configured for
      optimized switchover capabilities that minimize the downtime
      during the actual switchover).

      The reporting format is defined in Section 1.4 and also includes
      any specific redundancy scheme in place.

4.1.2.  Line Card (LC) Removal and Insertion (REQUIRED)

   The Line Card (LC) is the DUT component that is responsible for
   packet forwarding.


      To characterize the time needed for a DUT to recover from a line-
      card removal and insertion event.

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      For this test, the line card that is being hardware-reset MUST be
      on the forwarding path, and all destinations MUST be directly

      First, complete some or all of the following operational tasks:
      save the current DUT configuration, specify boot parameters,
      ensure the appropriate software files are available, or perform
      additional operating system or hardware-related tasks.

      Second, ensure that the DUT is able to forward the traffic for at
      least 15 seconds before any test activities are performed.  The
      traffic should use the minimum frame size possible on the media
      used in the testing, and the rate should be sufficient for the DUT
      to attain the maximum forwarding throughput.  This enables a finer
      granularity in the reset time measurement.

      Third, perform the Line Card (LC) hardware reset at this point.
      This entails, for example, physically removing the LC to later re-
      insert it or triggering a hardware reset by other means (e.g.,
      CLI, physical switch, etc.).

      Finally, complete the characterization by recording the frame loss
      or timestamps (as reported by the test tool) and calculating the
      reset time (as defined in Section 1.3).

   Reporting Format

      The reporting format is defined in Section 1.4.

4.2.  Software Reset Tests

   A software reset test characterizes the time needed for a DUT to
   recover from a software reset.

   In contrast to a hardware reset, a software reset involves only the
   re-initialization of the execution, data structures, and partial
   state within the software running on the DUT module(s).

   A software reset is initiated, for example, from the DUT's CLI.

4.2.1.  Operating System (OS) Reset (REQUIRED)


      To characterize the time needed for a DUT to recover from an
      operating system (OS) software reset.

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      First, complete some or all of the following operational tasks:
      save the current DUT configuration, specify software boot
      parameters, ensure the appropriate software files are available,
      or perform additional operating system tasks.

      Second, ensure that the DUT is able to forward the traffic for at
      least 15 seconds before any test activities are performed.  The
      traffic should use the minimum frame size possible on the media
      used in the testing, and the rate should be sufficient for the DUT
      to attain the maximum forwarding throughput.  This enables a finer
      granularity in the reset time measurement.

      Third, trigger an operating system re-initialization in the DUT by
      operational means such as use of the DUT's CLI or other management

      Finally, complete the characterization by recording the frame loss
      or timestamps (as reported by the test tool) and calculating the
      reset time (as defined in Section 1.3).

   Reporting Format

      The reporting format is defined in Section 1.4.

4.2.2.  Process Reset (OPTIONAL)


      To characterize the time needed for a DUT to recover from a
      software process reset.

      Such a time period may depend upon the number and types of
      processes running in the DUT and which ones are tested.  Different
      implementations of forwarding devices include various common
      processes.  A process reset should be performed only in the
      processes most relevant to the tester and most impactful to


      First, complete some or all of the following operational tasks:
      save the current DUT configuration, specify software parameters or
      environmental variables, or perform additional operating system

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RFC 6201                 Reset Characterization               March 2011

      Second, ensure that the DUT is able to forward the traffic for at
      least 15 seconds before any test activities are performed.  The
      traffic should use the minimum frame size possible on the media
      used in the testing, and the rate should be sufficient for the DUT
      to attain the maximum forwarding throughput.  This enables a finer
      granularity in the reset time measurement.

      Third, trigger a process reset for each process running in the DUT
      and considered for testing from a management interface (e.g., by
      means of the CLI, etc.).

      Finally, complete the characterization by recording the frame loss
      or timestamps (as reported by the test tool) and calculating the
      reset time (as defined in Section 1.3).

   Reporting Format

      The reporting format is defined in Section 1.4 and is used for
      each process running in the DUT and tested.  Given the
      implementation nature of this test, details of the actual process
      tested should be included along with the statement.

4.3.  Power Interruption Test

   "Power interruption" refers to the complete loss of power on the DUT.
   It can be viewed as a special case of a hardware reset, triggered by
   the loss of the power supply to the DUT or its components, and is
   characterized by the re-initialization of all hardware and software
   in the DUT.

4.3.1.  Power Interruption (REQUIRED)


      To characterize the time needed for a DUT to recover from a
      complete loss of electric power or complete power interruption.
      This test simulates a complete power failure or outage and should
      be indicative of the DUT/SUT's behavior during such event.


      First, ensure that the entire DUT is at a permanent state to which
      it will return after the power interruption by performing some or
      all of the following operational tasks: save the current DUT
      configuration, specify boot parameters, ensure the appropriate
      software files are available, or perform additional operating
      system or hardware-related tasks.

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RFC 6201                 Reset Characterization               March 2011

      Second, ensure that the DUT is able to forward the traffic for at
      least 15 seconds before any test activities are performed.  The
      traffic should use the minimum frame size possible on the media
      used in the testing, and the rate should be sufficient for the DUT
      to attain the maximum forwarding throughput.  This enables a finer
      granularity in the reset time measurement.

      Third, interrupt the power (AC or DC) that feeds the corresponding
      DUT's power supplies at this point.  This entails, for example,
      physically removing the power supplies in the DUT to later re-
      insert them or simply disconnecting or switching off their power
      feeds (AC or DC, as applicable).  The actual power interruption
      should last at least 15 seconds.

      Finally, complete the characterization by recording the frame loss
      or timestamps (as reported by the test tool) and calculating the
      reset time (as defined in Section 1.3).

      For easier comparison with other testing, 15 seconds are removed
      from the reported reset time.

   Reporting Format

      The reporting format is defined in Section 1.4.

5.  Security Considerations

   Benchmarking activities, as described in this document, are limited
   to technology characterization using controlled stimuli in a
   laboratory environment, with dedicated address space and the
   constraints specified in the sections above.

   The benchmarking network topology will be an independent test setup
   and MUST NOT be connected to devices that may forward the test
   traffic into a production network or misroute traffic to the test
   management network.

   Furthermore, benchmarking is performed on a "black-box" basis,
   relying solely on measurements observable externally to the DUT/SUT.

   Special capabilities SHOULD NOT exist in the DUT/SUT specifically for
   benchmarking purposes.  Any implications for network security arising
   from the DUT/SUT SHOULD be identical in the lab and in production

   There are no specific security considerations within the scope of
   this document.

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6.  Acknowledgments

   The authors would like to thank Ron Bonica, who motivated us to write
   this document.  The authors would also like to thank Al Morton,
   Andrew Yourtchenko, David Newman, John E. Dawson, Timmons C. Player,
   Jan Novak, Steve Maxwell, Ilya Varlashkin, and Sarah Banks for
   providing thorough review, useful suggestions, and valuable input.

7.  References

7.1.  Normative References

   [RFC1242] Bradner, S., "Benchmarking Terminology for Network
             Interconnection Devices", RFC 1242, July 1991.

   [RFC2119] Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate
             Requirement Levels", BCP 14, RFC 2119, March 1997.

   [RFC2544] Bradner, S. and J. McQuaid, "Benchmarking Methodology for
             Network Interconnect Devices", RFC 2544, March 1999.

7.2.  Informative References

   [IGPConv] Poretsky, S., Imhoff, B., and K. Michielsen, "Benchmarking
             Methodology for Link-State IGP Data Plane Route
             Convergence", Work in Progress, February 2011.

   [RFC5180] Popoviciu, C., Hamza, A., Van de Velde, G., and D.
             Dugatkin, "IPv6 Benchmarking Methodology for Network
             Interconnect Devices", RFC 5180, May 2008.

   [RFC5695] Akhter, A., Asati, R., and C. Pignataro, "MPLS Forwarding
             Benchmarking Methodology for IP Flows", RFC 5695, November

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RFC 6201                 Reset Characterization               March 2011

Authors' Addresses

   Rajiv Asati
   Cisco Systems
   7025-6 Kit Creek Road
   Research Triangle Park, NC 27709


   Carlos Pignataro
   Cisco Systems
   7200-12 Kit Creek Road
   Research Triangle Park, NC 27709


   Fernando Calabria
   Cisco Systems
   7200-12 Kit Creek Road
   Research Triangle Park, NC 27709


   Cesar Olvera Morales
   Joaquin Turina, 2
   Pozuelo de Alarcon, Madrid, E-28224


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mirror server hosted at Truenetwork, Russian Federation.