Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF)                       K. Wierenga
Request for Comments: 6595                           Cisco Systems, Inc.
Category: Standards Track                                        E. Lear
ISSN: 2070-1721                                       Cisco Systems GmbH
                                                            S. Josefsson
                                                                  SJD AB
                                                              April 2012

A Simple Authentication and Security Layer (SASL) and GSS-API Mechanism
           for the Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML)


   The Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML) has found its usage on
   the Internet for Web Single Sign-On.  The Simple Authentication and
   Security Layer (SASL) and the Generic Security Service Application
   Program Interface (GSS-API) are application frameworks to generalize
   authentication.  This memo specifies a SASL mechanism and a GSS-API
   mechanism for SAML 2.0 that allows the integration of existing SAML
   Identity Providers with applications using SASL and GSS-API.

Status of This Memo

   This is an Internet Standards Track document.

   This document is a product of the Internet Engineering Task Force
   (IETF).  It represents the consensus of the IETF community.  It has
   received public review and has been approved for publication by the
   Internet Engineering Steering Group (IESG).  Further information on
   Internet Standards is available in Section 2 of RFC 5741.

   Information about the current status of this document, any errata,
   and how to provide feedback on it may be obtained at

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RFC 6595          A SASL and GSS-API Mechanism for SAML       April 2012

Copyright Notice

   Copyright (c) 2012 IETF Trust and the persons identified as the
   document authors.  All rights reserved.

   This document is subject to BCP 78 and the IETF Trust's Legal
   Provisions Relating to IETF Documents
   ( in effect on the date of
   publication of this document.  Please review these documents
   carefully, as they describe your rights and restrictions with respect
   to this document.  Code Components extracted from this document must
   include Simplified BSD License text as described in Section 4.e of
   the Trust Legal Provisions and are provided without warranty as
   described in the Simplified BSD License.

Table of Contents

   1. Introduction ....................................................3
      1.1. Terminology ................................................4
      1.2. Applicability ..............................................4
   2. Authentication Flow .............................................5
   3. SAML SASL Mechanism Specification ...............................7
      3.1. Initial Response ...........................................8
      3.2. Authentication Request .....................................8
      3.3. Outcome and Parameters .....................................9
   4. SAML GSS-API Mechanism Specification ...........................10
      4.1. GSS-API Principal Name Types for SAML .....................11
   5. Examples .......................................................11
      5.1. XMPP ......................................................11
      5.2. IMAP ......................................................15
   6. Security Considerations ........................................17
      6.1. Man-in-the-Middle and Tunneling Attacks ...................17
      6.2. Binding SAML Subject Identifiers to Authorization
           Identities ................................................17
      6.3. User Privacy ..............................................18
      6.4. Collusion between RPs .....................................18
      6.5. Security Considerations Specific to GSS-API ...............18
   7. IANA Considerations ............................................18
      7.1. IANA Mech-Profile .........................................18
      7.2. IANA OID ..................................................19
   8. References .....................................................19
      8.1. Normative References ......................................19
      8.2. Informative References ....................................21
   Appendix A. Acknowledgments .......................................22

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1.  Introduction

   Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML) 2.0 [OASIS-SAMLv2-CORE] is
   a set of specifications that provide various means for a user to be
   identified to a Relying Party (RP) through the exchange of (typically
   signed) assertions issued by an Identity Provider (IdP).  It includes
   a number of protocols, protocol bindings [OASIS-SAMLv2-BIND], and
   interoperability profiles [OASIS-SAMLv2-PROF] designed for different
   use cases.

   The Simple Authentication and Security Layer (SASL) [RFC4422] is a
   generalized mechanism for identifying and authenticating a user and
   for optionally negotiating a security layer for subsequent protocol
   interactions.  SASL is used by application protocols like IMAP
   [RFC3501], the Post Office Protocol (POP) [RFC1939], and the
   Extensible Message and Presence Protocol (XMPP) [RFC6120].  The
   effect is to make modular authentication, so that newer
   authentication mechanisms can be added as needed.  This memo
   specifies just such a mechanism.

   The Generic Security Service Application Program Interface (GSS-API)
   [RFC2743] provides a framework for applications to support multiple
   authentication mechanisms through a unified programming interface.
   This document defines a pure SASL mechanism for SAML, but it conforms
   to the new bridge between SASL and the GSS-API called GS2 [RFC5801].
   This means that this document defines both a SASL mechanism and a
   GSS-API mechanism.  The GSS-API interface is OPTIONAL for SASL
   implementers, and the GSS-API considerations can be avoided in
   environments that use SASL directly without GSS-API.

   As currently envisioned, this mechanism enables interworking between
   SASL and SAML in order to assert the identity of the user and other
   attributes to RPs.  As such, while servers (as RPs) will advertise
   SASL mechanisms (including SAML), clients will select the SAML SASL
   mechanism as their SASL mechanism of choice.

   The SAML mechanism described in this memo aims to reuse the Web
   Browser Single Sign-On (SSO) profile defined in Section 4.1 of the
   SAML 2.0 profiles specification [OASIS-SAMLv2-PROF] to the maximum
   extent and therefore does not establish a separate authentication,
   integrity, and confidentiality mechanism.  The mechanism assumes that
   a security layer, such as Transport Layer Security (TLS) [RFC5246],
   will continue to be used.  This specification is appropriate for use
   when a browser instance is available.  In the absence of a browser
   instance, SAML profiles that don't require a browser, such as the
   Enhanced Client or Proxy profile (as defined in Section 4.2 of
   [OASIS-SAMLv2-PROF], may be used, but that is outside the scope of
   this specification.

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   Figure 1 describes the interworking between SAML and SASL: this
   document requires enhancements to the RP (the SASL server) and to the
   client, as the two SASL communication end points, but no changes to
   the SAML IdP are necessary.  To accomplish this goal, some indirect
   messaging is tunneled within SASL, and some use of external methods
   is made.

                                       |           |
                                      >|  Relying  |
                                     / |  Party    |
                                   //  |           |
                                 //    +-----------+
                      SAML/    //            ^
                      HTTPS  //           +--|--+
                           //             | S|  |
                          /             S | A|  |
                        //              A | M|  |
                      //                S | L|  |
                    //                  L |  |  |
                  //                      |  |  |
                </                        +--|--+
         +------------+                      v
         |            |                 +----------+
         |  SAML      |     HTTPS       |          |
         |  Identity  |<--------------->|  Client  |
         |  Provider  |                 |          |
         +------------+                 +----------+

                    Figure 1: Interworking Architecture

1.1.  Terminology

   The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT",
   document are to be interpreted as described in RFC 2119 [RFC2119].

   The reader is assumed to be familiar with the terms used in the
   SAML 2.0 core specification [OASIS-SAMLv2-CORE].

1.2.  Applicability

   Because this mechanism transports information that should not be
   controlled by an attacker, the SAML mechanism MUST only be used over
   channels protected by TLS, or over similar integrity-protected and
   authenticated channels.  In addition, when TLS is used, the client
   MUST successfully validate the server's certificate ([RFC5280],

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   Note: An Intranet does not constitute such an integrity-protected and
   authenticated channel!

2.  Authentication Flow

   While SAML itself is merely a markup language, its common use case
   these days is with HTTP [RFC2616] or HTTPS [RFC2818] and HTML
   [W3C-REC-HTML401].  What follows is a typical flow:

   1.  The browser requests a resource of an RP (via an HTTP request).

   2.  The RP redirects the browser via an HTTP redirect (as described
       in Section 10.3 of [RFC2616]) to the IdP or an IdP discovery
       service.  When it does so, it includes the following parameters:
       (1) an authentication request that contains the name of the
       resource being requested, (2) a browser cookie, and (3) a return
       URL as specified in Section 3.1 of [OASIS-SAMLv2-PROF].

   3.  The user authenticates to the IdP and perhaps authorizes the
       release of user attributes to the RP.

   4.  In its authentication response, the IdP redirects (via an HTTP
       redirect) the browser back to the RP with an authentication
       assertion (stating that the IdP vouches that the subject has
       successfully authenticated), optionally along with some
       additional attributes.

   5.  The RP now has sufficient identity information to approve access
       to the resource or not, and acts accordingly.  The authentication
       is concluded.

   When considering this flow in the context of SASL, we note that while
   the RP and the client both must change their code to implement this
   SASL mechanism, the IdP can remain untouched.  The RP already has
   some sort of session (probably a TCP connection) established with the
   client.  However, it may be necessary to redirect a SASL client to
   another application or handler.  The steps are as follows:

   1.  The SASL server (RP) advertises support for the SASL SAML20
       mechanism to the client.

   2.  The client initiates a SASL authentication with SAML20 and sends
       a domain name that allows the SASL server to determine the
       appropriate IdP.

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   3.  The SASL server transmits an authentication request encoded using
       a Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) as described in RFC 3986
       [RFC3986] and an HTTP redirect to the IdP corresponding to the

   4.  The SASL client now sends a response consisting of "=".
       Authentication continues via the normal SAML flow, and the SASL
       server will receive the answer to the challenge out of band from
       the SASL conversation.

   5.  At this point, the SASL client MUST construct a URL containing
       the content received in the previous message from the SASL
       server.  This URL is transmitted to the IdP either by the SASL
       client application or an appropriate handler, such as a browser.

   6.  Next, the user authenticates to the IdP.  The manner in which the
       end user is authenticated to the IdP, and any policies
       surrounding such authentication, are out of scope for SAML and
       hence for this document.  This step happens out of band from

   7.  The IdP will convey information about the success or failure of
       the authentication back to the SASL server (RP) in the form of an
       authentication statement or failure, using an indirect response
       via the client browser or the handler (and with an external
       browser, client control should be passed back to the SASL
       client).  This step happens out of band from SASL.

   8.  The SASL server sends an appropriate SASL response to the client.

   Please note: What is described here is the case in which the client
   has not previously authenticated.  It is possible that the client
   already holds a valid SAML authentication token so that the user does
   not need to be involved in the process anymore, but that would still
   be external to SASL.  This is classic Web Single Sign-On, in which
   the Web Browser client presents the authentication token (cookie) to
   the RP without renewed user authentication at the IdP.

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   With all of this in mind, the flow appears as follows in Figure 2:

            SASL Serv.       Client          IdP
               |>-----(1)----->|              | Advertisement
               |               |              |
               |<-----(2)-----<|              | Initiation
               |               |              |
               |>-----(3)----->|              | Authentication Request
               |               |              |
               |<-----(4)-----<|              | Response of "="
               |               |              |
               |               |<- -(5,6) - ->| Client<>IdP
               |               |              | Authentication
               |               |              |
               |<- - - - - - - - - - -(7)- - -| Authentication Statement
               |               |              |
               |>-----(8)----->|              | SASL Completion with
               |               |              | Status
               |               |              |

          ----- = SASL
          - - - = HTTP or HTTPS (external to SASL)

                       Figure 2: Authentication Flow

3.  SAML SASL Mechanism Specification

   This section specifies the details of the SAML SASL mechanism.  See
   Section 5 of [RFC4422] for additional details.

   The name of this mechanism is "SAML20".  The mechanism is capable of
   transferring an authorization identity (via the "gs2-header").  The
   mechanism does not offer a security layer.

   The mechanism is client-first.  The first mechanism message from the
   client to the server is the "initial-response".  As described in
   [RFC4422], if the application protocol does not support sending a
   client response together with the authentication request, the server
   will send an empty server challenge to let the client begin.  The
   second mechanism message is from the server to the client, containing
   the SAML "authentication-request".  The third mechanism message is
   from the client to the server and is the fixed message consisting of
   "=".  The fourth mechanism message is from the server to the client,
   indicating the SASL mechanism outcome.

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3.1.  Initial Response

   A client initiates a SAML20 authentication with SASL by sending the
   GS2 header followed by the Identity Provider identifier (message 2 in
   Figure 2) and is defined using ABNF [RFC5234] as follows:

        initial-response = gs2-header IdP-Identifier
        IdP-Identifier = domain ; domain name with corresponding IdP

   The gs2-header is used as follows:

   -  The "gs2-nonstd-flag" MUST NOT be present.

   -  The "gs2-cb-flag" MUST be set to "n" because channel-binding
      [RFC5056] data cannot be integrity protected by the SAML
      negotiation.  (Note: In theory, channel-binding data could be
      inserted in the SAML flow by the client and verified by the
      server, but that is currently not supported in SAML.)

   -  The "gs2-authzid" carries the optional authorization identity as
      specified in [RFC5801] (not to be confused with the

   A domain name is either a "traditional domain name" as described in
   [RFC1035] or an "internationalized domain name" as described in
   [RFC5890].  Clients and servers MUST treat the IdP-Identifier as a
   domain name slot [RFC5890].  They also SHOULD support
   internationalized domain names (IDNs) in the IdP-Identifier field; if
   they do so, all of the domain name's labels MUST be A-labels or
   NR-LDH labels [RFC5890].  If necessary, internationalized labels MUST
   be converted from U-labels to A-labels by using the Punycode encoding
   [RFC3492] for A-labels prior to sending them to the SASL server, as
   described in the protocol specification for Internationalized Domain
   Names in Applications [RFC5891].

3.2.  Authentication Request

   The SASL server transmits to the SASL client a URI that redirects the
   SAML client to the IdP (corresponding to the domain that the user
   provided), with a SAML authentication request as one of the
   parameters (message 3 in Figure 2) using the following ABNF:

        authentication-request = URI

   The URI is specified in [RFC3986] and is encoded according to
   Section 3.4 ("HTTP Redirect Binding") of the SAML 2.0 bindings
   specification [OASIS-SAMLv2-BIND].  The SAML authentication request
   is encoded according to Section 3.4 ("Authentication Request

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RFC 6595          A SASL and GSS-API Mechanism for SAML       April 2012

   Protocol") of [OASIS-SAMLv2-CORE].  Should the client support
   Internationalized Resource Identifiers (IRIs) [RFC3987], it MUST
   first map the IRI to a URI before transmitting it to the server, as
   defined in Section 3.1 of [RFC3987].

   Note: The SASL server may have a static mapping of domain to
   corresponding IdP or, alternatively, a DNS-lookup mechanism could be
   envisioned, but that is out of scope for this document.

   Note: While the SASL client MAY sanity-check the URI it received,
   ultimately it is the SAML IdP that will be validated by the SAML
   client; this topic is out of scope for this document.

   The client then sends the authentication request via an HTTP GET
   (sent over a server-authenticated TLS channel) to the IdP, as if
   redirected to do so from an HTTP server and in accordance with the
   Web Browser SSO profile, as described in Section 4.1 of
   [OASIS-SAMLv2-PROF] (messages 5 and 6 in Figure 2).

   The client handles both user authentication to the IdP and
   confirmation or rejection of the authentication of the RP (out of
   scope for this document).

   After all authentication has been completed by the IdP, the IdP will
   send a redirect message to the client in the form of a URI
   corresponding to the RP as specified in the authentication request
   ("AssertionConsumerServiceURL") and with the SAML response as one of
   the parameters (message 7 in Figure 2).

   Please note: This means that the SASL server needs to implement a
   SAML RP.  Also, the SASL server needs to correlate the session it has
   with the SASL client with the appropriate SAML authentication result.
   It can do so by comparing the ID of the SAML authentication request
   it has issued with the one it receives in the SAML authentication

3.3.  Outcome and Parameters

   The SASL server (in its capacity as a SAML RP) now validates the SAML
   authentication response it received from the SAML client via HTTP or

   The outcome of that validation by the SASL server constitutes a SASL
   mechanism outcome and therefore (as stated in [RFC4422]) SHALL be
   used to set state in the server accordingly, and it SHALL be used by
   the server to report that state to the SASL client, as described in
   [RFC4422], Section 3.6 (message 8 in Figure 2).

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4.  SAML GSS-API Mechanism Specification

   This section and its sub-sections are not required for SASL
   implementors, but this section MUST be observed to implement the
   GSS-API mechanism discussed below.

   This section specifies a GSS-API mechanism that, when used via the
   GS2 bridge to SASL, behaves like the SASL mechanism defined in this
   document.  Thus, it can loosely be said that the SAML SASL mechanism
   is also a GSS-API mechanism.  The SAML user takes the role of the
   GSS-API Initiator, and the SAML RP takes the role of the GSS-API
   Acceptor.  The SAML IdP does not have a role in GSS-API and is
   considered an internal matter for the SAML mechanism.  The messages
   are the same, but

   a)  the GS2 header on the client's first message and channel-binding
       data are excluded when SAML is used as a GSS-API mechanism, and

   b)  the initial context token header (Section 3.1 of [RFC2743]) is
       prefixed to the client's first authentication message (context

   The GSS-API mechanism OID for SAML is (see Section 7.2
   for more information).  The DER encoding of the OID is
   0x2b 0x06 0x01 0x05 0x05 0x11.

   SAML20 security contexts MUST have the mutual_state flag
   (GSS_C_MUTUAL_FLAG) set to TRUE.  SAML does not support credential
   delegation; therefore, SAML security contexts MUST have the
   deleg_state flag (GSS_C_DELEG_FLAG) set to FALSE.

   The mutual authentication property of this mechanism relies on
   successfully comparing the TLS server's identity with the negotiated
   target name.  Since the TLS channel is managed by the application
   outside of the GSS-API mechanism, the mechanism itself is unable to
   confirm the name, while the application is able to perform this
   comparison for the mechanism.  For this reason, applications MUST
   match the TLS server's identity with the target name, as discussed in
   [RFC6125].  More precisely, to pass identity validation, the client
   uses the securely negotiated targ_name as the reference identifier
   and matches it to the DNS-ID of the server's certificate, and it MUST
   reject the connection if there is a mismatch.  For compatibility with
   deployed certificate hierarchies, the client MAY also perform a
   comparison with the Common Name ID (CN-ID) when there is no DNS-ID
   present.  Wildcard matching is permitted.  The targ_name reference
   identifier is a "traditional domain names"; thus, the comparison is
   made using case-insensitive ASCII comparison.

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   The SAML mechanism does not support per-message tokens or the
   GSS_Pseudo_random() function [RFC4401].

4.1.  GSS-API Principal Name Types for SAML

   SAML supports standard generic name syntaxes for acceptors such as
   GSS_C_NT_HOSTBASED_SERVICE (see [RFC2743], Section 4.1).  SAML
   supports only a single name type for initiators: GSS_C_NT_USER_NAME.
   GSS_C_NT_USER_NAME is the default name type for SAML.  The query,
   display, and exported name syntaxes for SAML principal names are all
   the same.  There are no SAML-specific name syntaxes -- applications
   should use generic GSS-API name types, such as GSS_C_NT_USER_NAME and
   GSS_C_NT_HOSTBASED_SERVICE (see [RFC2743] Section 4).  The exported
   name token, of course, conforms to [RFC2743], Section 3.2.

5.  Examples

5.1.  XMPP

   Suppose the user has an identity at the SAML IdP and
   a Jabber Identifier (JID) "" and wishes to
   authenticate his XMPP [RFC6120] connection to  The
   authentication on the wire would then look something like the

   Step 1: Client initiates stream to server:

   <stream:stream xmlns='jabber:client'
   to='' version='1.0'>

   Step 2: Server responds with a stream tag sent to client:

   xmlns='jabber:client' xmlns:stream=''
   id='some_id' from='' version='1.0'>

   Step 3: Server informs client of available authentication mechanisms:

    <mechanisms xmlns='urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-sasl'>

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   Step 4: Client selects an authentication mechanism and provides the
   initial client response -- containing the gs2-header and domain --
   that has been encoded in base64 according to Section 4 of [RFC4648]:

    <auth xmlns='urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-sasl' mechanism='SAML20'>

   The decoded string is


   Step 5: Server sends a base64-encoded challenge to client in the form
   of an HTTP redirect to the SAML IdP corresponding to
   ( with the SAML authentication request as
   specified in the redirection URL:


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   The decoded challenge is as follows:

   Where the decoded SAMLRequest looks like the following:

 <samlp:AuthnRequest xmlns:samlp="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:protocol"
     ID="_bec424fa5103428909a30ff1e31168327f79474984" Version="2.0"
     IssueInstant="2007-12-10T11:39:34Z" ForceAuthn="false"
  <saml:Issuer xmlns:saml="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:assertion">
  <samlp:NameIDPolicy xmlns:samlp="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:protocol"
      SPNameQualifier="" AllowCreate="true" />

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   Note: The server can use the request ID
   ("_bec424fa5103428909a30ff1e31168327f79474984") to correlate the SASL
   session with the SAML authentication.

   Step 5 (alternative): Server returns error to client if no SAML
   authentication request can be constructed:

    <failure xmlns='urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-sasl'>

   Step 6: Client sends the "=" response (base64-encoded) to the

    <response xmlns='urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-sasl'>

   The following steps between brackets are out of scope for this
   document but are included to better illustrate the entire flow:

   [The client now sends the URL to a browser instance for processing.
   The browser engages in a normal SAML authentication flow (external to
   SASL), like redirection to the IdP (; the
   user logs into and agrees to authenticate to  A redirect is passed back to the client browser.
   The client browser in turn sends the AuthN response, which contains
   the subject-identifier as an attribute, to the server.  If the AuthN
   response doesn't contain the JID, the server maps the subject-
   identifier received from the IdP to a JID.]

   Step 7: Server informs client of successful authentication:

   <success xmlns='urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-sasl'/>

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   Step 7 (alternative): Server informs client of failed authentication:

   <failure xmlns='urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-sasl'>

   Please note: Line breaks were added to the base64 data for clarity.

5.2.  IMAP

   The following sequence describes an IMAP exchange.  Lines beginning
   with 'S:' indicate data sent by the server, and lines starting with
   'C:' indicate data sent by the client.  Long lines are wrapped for

   S: * OK IMAP4rev1
   S: . OK CAPABILITY Completed
   S: . OK Begin TLS negotiation now
   S: . OK CAPABILITY Completed
   S: +
   C: biwsZXhhbXBsZS5vcmc=
   S: + aHR0cHM6Ly9zYW1sLmV4YW1wbGUub3JnL1NBTUwvQnJvd3Nlcj9TQU1M

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   C: PQ==
   S: . OK Success (TLS protection)

   The decoded challenge is as follows:

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   Where the decoded SAMLRequest looks like the following:

 <samlp:AuthnRequest xmlns:samlp="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:protocol"
     ID="_bec424fa5103428909a30ff1e31168327f79474984" Version="2.0"
     IssueInstant="2007-12-10T11:39:34Z" ForceAuthn="false"
  <saml:Issuer xmlns:saml="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:assertion">
  <samlp:NameIDPolicy xmlns:samlp="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:protocol"
      SPNameQualifier="" AllowCreate="true" />

6.  Security Considerations

   This section addresses only security considerations associated with
   the use of SAML with SASL applications.  For considerations relating
   to SAML in general, and for general SASL security considerations, the
   reader is referred to the SAML specifications and to other

6.1.  Man-in-the-Middle and Tunneling Attacks

   This mechanism is vulnerable to man-in-the-middle and tunneling
   attacks unless a client always verifies the server's identity before
   proceeding with authentication (see [RFC6125]).  Typically, TLS is
   used to provide a secure channel with server authentication.

6.2.  Binding SAML Subject Identifiers to Authorization Identities

   As specified in [RFC4422], the server is responsible for binding
   credentials to a specific authorization identity.  It is therefore
   necessary that only specific trusted IdPs be allowed.  This is a
   typical part of SAML trust establishment between RPs and the IdP.

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6.3.  User Privacy

   The IdP is aware of each RP that a user logs into.  There is nothing
   in the protocol to hide this information from the IdP.  It is not a
   requirement to track the visits, but there is nothing that prohibits
   the collection of information.  SASL server implementers should be
   aware that SAML IdPs will be able to track -- to some extent -- user
   access to their services.

6.4.  Collusion between RPs

   It is possible for RPs to link data that they have collected on the
   users.  By using the same identifier to log into every RP, collusion
   between RPs is possible.  In SAML, targeted identity was introduced.
   Targeted identity allows the IdP to transform the identifier the user
   typed in to an RP-specific opaque identifier.  This way, the RP would
   never see the actual user identifier but instead would see a randomly
   generated identifier.

6.5.  Security Considerations Specific to GSS-API

   Security issues inherent in GSS-API [RFC2743] and GS2 [RFC5801] apply
   to the SAML GSS-API mechanism defined in this document.  Further, and
   as discussed in Section 4, proper TLS server identity verification is
   critical to the security of the mechanism.

7.  IANA Considerations

7.1.  IANA Mech-Profile

   The IANA has registered the following SASL profile:

   SASL mechanism profile: SAML20

   Security Considerations: See this document

   Published Specification: See this document

   For further information: Contact the authors of this document.

   Owner/Change controller: the IETF

   Intended usage: COMMON

   Note: None

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RFC 6595          A SASL and GSS-API Mechanism for SAML       April 2012

7.2.  IANA OID

   The IANA has also assigned a new entry for this GSS mechanism in the
   SMI Security for Mechanism Codes sub-registry, whose prefix is (, and
   referenced this specification in the registry.

8.  References

8.1.  Normative References

              Cantor, S., Ed., Hirsch, F., Ed., Kemp, J., Ed., Philpott,
              R., Ed., and E. Maler, Ed., "Bindings for the OASIS
              Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML) V2.0", OASIS
              Standard saml-bindings-2.0-os, March 2005, <http://

              Cantor, S., Ed., Kemp, J., Ed., Philpott, R., Ed., and E.
              Maler, Ed., "Assertions and Protocols for the OASIS
              Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML) V2.0", OASIS
              Standard saml-core-2.0-os, March 2005, <http://

              Hughes, J., Ed., Cantor, S., Ed., Hodges, J., Ed., Hirsch,
              F., Ed., Mishra, P., Ed., Philpott, R., Ed., and E. Maler,
              Ed., "Profiles for the OASIS Security Assertion Markup
              Language (SAML) V2.0", OASIS Standard OASIS.saml-profiles-
              2.0-os, March 2005, <

   [RFC1035]  Mockapetris, P., "Domain names - implementation and
              specification", STD 13, RFC 1035, November 1987.

   [RFC2119]  Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate
              Requirement Levels", BCP 14, RFC 2119, March 1997.

   [RFC2616]  Fielding, R., Gettys, J., Mogul, J., Frystyk, H.,
              Masinter, L., Leach, P., and T. Berners-Lee, "Hypertext
              Transfer Protocol -- HTTP/1.1", RFC 2616, June 1999.

   [RFC2743]  Linn, J., "Generic Security Service Application Program
              Interface Version 2, Update 1", RFC 2743, January 2000.

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   [RFC2818]  Rescorla, E., "HTTP Over TLS", RFC 2818, May 2000.

   [RFC3492]  Costello, A., "Punycode: A Bootstring encoding of Unicode
              for Internationalized Domain Names in Applications
              (IDNA)", RFC 3492, March 2003.

   [RFC3986]  Berners-Lee, T., Fielding, R., and L. Masinter, "Uniform
              Resource Identifier (URI): Generic Syntax", STD 66,
              RFC 3986, January 2005.

   [RFC3987]  Duerst, M. and M. Suignard, "Internationalized Resource
              Identifiers (IRIs)", RFC 3987, January 2005.

   [RFC4422]  Melnikov, A., Ed., and K. Zeilenga, Ed., "Simple
              Authentication and Security Layer (SASL)", RFC 4422,
              June 2006.

   [RFC5056]  Williams, N., "On the Use of Channel Bindings to Secure
              Channels", RFC 5056, November 2007.

   [RFC5234]  Crocker, D., Ed., and P. Overell, "Augmented BNF for
              Syntax Specifications: ABNF", STD 68, RFC 5234,
              January 2008.

   [RFC5246]  Dierks, T. and E. Rescorla, "The Transport Layer Security
              (TLS) Protocol Version 1.2", RFC 5246, August 2008.

   [RFC5280]  Cooper, D., Santesson, S., Farrell, S., Boeyen, S.,
              Housley, R., and W. Polk, "Internet X.509 Public Key
              Infrastructure Certificate and Certificate Revocation List
              (CRL) Profile", RFC 5280, May 2008.

   [RFC5801]  Josefsson, S. and N. Williams, "Using Generic Security
              Service Application Program Interface (GSS-API) Mechanisms
              in Simple Authentication and Security Layer (SASL): The
              GS2 Mechanism Family", RFC 5801, July 2010.

   [RFC5890]  Klensin, J., "Internationalized Domain Names for
              Applications (IDNA): Definitions and Document Framework",
              RFC 5890, August 2010.

   [RFC5891]  Klensin, J., "Internationalized Domain Names in
              Applications (IDNA): Protocol", RFC 5891, August 2010.

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   [RFC6125]  Saint-Andre, P. and J. Hodges, "Representation and
              Verification of Domain-Based Application Service Identity
              within Internet Public Key Infrastructure Using X.509
              (PKIX) Certificates in the Context of Transport Layer
              Security (TLS)", RFC 6125, March 2011.

              Le Hors, A., Ed., Raggett, D., Ed., and I. Jacobs, Ed.,
              "HTML 4.01 Specification", World Wide Web Consortium
              Recommendation REC-html401-19991224, December 1999,

8.2.  Informative References

   [RFC1939]  Myers, J. and M. Rose, "Post Office Protocol - Version 3",
              STD 53, RFC 1939, May 1996.

              VERSION 4rev1", RFC 3501, March 2003.

   [RFC4401]  Williams, N., "A Pseudo-Random Function (PRF) API
              Extension for the Generic Security Service Application
              Program Interface (GSS-API)", RFC 4401, February 2006.

   [RFC4648]  Josefsson, S., "The Base16, Base32, and Base64 Data
              Encodings", RFC 4648, October 2006.

   [RFC6120]  Saint-Andre, P., "Extensible Messaging and Presence
              Protocol (XMPP): Core", RFC 6120, March 2011.

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Appendix A.  Acknowledgments

   The authors would like to thank Scott Cantor, Joe Hildebrand, Josh
   Howlett, Leif Johansson, Thomas Lenggenhager, Diego Lopez, Hank
   Mauldin, RL "Bob" Morgan, Stefan Plug, and Hannes Tschofenig for
   their review and contributions.

Authors' Addresses

   Klaas Wierenga
   Cisco Systems, Inc.
   Haarlerbergweg 13-19
   1101 CH Amsterdam
   The Netherlands

   Phone: +31 20 357 1752

   Eliot Lear
   Cisco Systems GmbH
   Richtistrasse 7
   CH-8304 Wallisellen

   Phone: +41 44 878 9200

   Simon Josefsson
   Johan Olof Wallins vag 13
   Solna  171 64


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