Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF)                          E. Beili
Request for Comments: 6766                              Actelis Networks
Category: Standards Track                                  February 2013
ISSN: 2070-1721

                        xDSL Multi-Pair Bonding
       Using Time-Division Inverse Multiplexing (G.Bond/TDIM) MIB


   This document defines a Management Information Base (MIB) module for
   use with network management protocols in TCP/IP-based internets.
   This document proposes an extension to the GBOND-MIB module with a
   set of objects for managing multi-pair bonded xDSL interfaces using
   Time-Division Inverse Multiplexing (TDIM), as defined in ITU-T
   Recommendation G.998.3.

Status of This Memo

   This is an Internet Standards Track document.

   This document is a product of the Internet Engineering Task Force
   (IETF).  It represents the consensus of the IETF community.  It has
   received public review and has been approved for publication by the
   Internet Engineering Steering Group (IESG).  Further information on
   Internet Standards is available in Section 2 of RFC 5741.

   Information about the current status of this document, any errata,
   and how to provide feedback on it may be obtained at

Copyright Notice

   Copyright (c) 2013 IETF Trust and the persons identified as the
   document authors.  All rights reserved.

   This document is subject to BCP 78 and the IETF Trust's Legal
   Provisions Relating to IETF Documents
   ( in effect on the date of
   publication of this document.  Please review these documents
   carefully, as they describe your rights and restrictions with respect
   to this document.  Code Components extracted from this document must
   include Simplified BSD License text as described in Section 4.e of
   the Trust Legal Provisions and are provided without warranty as
   described in the Simplified BSD License.

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Table of Contents

   1. Introduction ....................................................2
   2. The Internet-Standard Management Framework ......................3
   3. The Broadband Forum Management Framework for xDSL Bonding .......3
   4. Relationship to Other MIB Modules ...............................3
      4.1. Relationship to the Interfaces Group MIB Module ............3
      4.2. Relationship to the G.Bond MIB Module ......................3
   5. MIB Structure ...................................................4
      5.1. Overview ...................................................4
      5.2. Link Protection Configuration ..............................4
      5.3. Service Configuration ......................................5
           5.3.1. Management of TDM Services and Service Drop
                  Priority during Bandwidth Degradation ...............6
           5.3.2. Service Notifications ...............................6
      5.4. Performance Monitoring .....................................7
      5.5. Mapping of Broadband Forum TR-159 and ITU-T G.998.3
           Managed Objects ............................................7
   6. G.Bond/TDIM MIB Definitions ....................................10
   7. Security Considerations ........................................51
   8. IANA Considerations ............................................53
   9. Acknowledgments ................................................53
   10. References ....................................................53
      10.1. Normative References .....................................53
      10.2. Informative References ...................................54

1.  Introduction

   Multi-pair bonding using Time-Division Inverse Multiplexing (TDIM),
   a.k.a. G.Bond/TDIM, is specified in ITU-T Recommendation G.998.3
   [G.998.3], which defines a method for bonding (or aggregating)
   multiple xDSL lines (or individual bearer channels in multiple xDSL
   lines) into a single bidirectional logical link carrying a mix of
   various traffic streams, e.g., Ethernet, Asynchronous Transfer Mode
   (ATM), Time-Division Multiplexing (TDM).

   The MIB module defined in this document provides G.Bond/TDIM-specific
   objects for the management of G.998.3 bonded interfaces, extending
   the common bonding objects specified in the GBOND-MIB [RFC6765]

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2.  The Internet-Standard Management Framework

   For a detailed overview of the documents that describe the current
   Internet-Standard Management Framework, please refer to section 7 of
   RFC 3410 [RFC3410].

   Managed objects are accessed via a virtual information store, termed
   the Management Information Base or MIB.  MIB objects are generally
   accessed through the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP).
   Objects in the MIB are defined using the mechanisms defined in the
   Structure of Management Information (SMI).  This memo specifies a MIB
   module that is compliant to the SMIv2, which is described in STD 58,
   RFC 2578 [RFC2578], STD 58, RFC 2579 [RFC2579] and STD 58, RFC 2580

   The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT",
   "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in
   BCP 14, RFC 2119 [RFC2119].

3.  The Broadband Forum Management Framework for xDSL Bonding

   This document makes use of the Broadband Forum technical report
   "Management Framework for xDSL Bonding" [TR-159], defining a
   management model and a hierarchy of management objects for the bonded
   xDSL interfaces.

4.  Relationship to Other MIB Modules

   This section outlines the relationship of the MIB modules defined in
   this document with other MIB modules described in the relevant RFCs.
   Specifically, the following MIB modules are discussed: the Interfaces
   Group MIB (IF-MIB) and the G.Bond MIB (GBOND-MIB).

4.1.  Relationship to the Interfaces Group MIB Module

   A G.Bond/TDIM port is a private case of a bonded multi-pair xDSL
   interface and as such is managed using generic interface management
   objects defined in the IF-MIB [RFC2863].  In particular, an interface
   index (ifIndex) is used to index instances of G.Bond/TDIM ports, as
   well as xDSL lines/channels, in a managed system.

4.2.  Relationship to the G.Bond MIB Module

   The GBOND-MIB module [RFC6765] defines management objects common for
   all bonded multi-pair xDSL interfaces.  In particular, it describes
   the bonding management, bonded port and channel configuration,
   initialization sequence, etc.

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   Both the GBOND-MIB and G9983-MIB modules are REQUIRED to manage a
   G.Bond/TDIM port.

5.  MIB Structure

5.1.  Overview

   All management objects defined in the G9983-MIB module are contained
   in a single group g9983Port.  This group is further split into 6
   sub-groups, structured as recommended by RFC 4181 [RFC4181]:

   o  g9983PortNotifications - containing notifications (TDIM Service

   o  g9983PortConfTable - containing objects for configuration of a
      G.Bond/TDIM port.

   o  g9983PortCapTable - containing objects reflecting capabilities of
      a G.Bond/TDIM port.

   o  g9983PortStatTable - containing objects providing overall status
      information of a G.Bond/TDIM port, complementing the generic
      status information from the ifTable of the IF-MIB and the
      gBondPortStatFltStatus of GBOND-MIB.

   o  g9983SvcTable - containing objects for configuration and status of
      the services in a G.Bond/TDIM port.

   o  g9983PM - containing objects for OPTIONAL historical Performance
      Monitoring (PM) of a G.Bond/TDIM port.

5.2.  Link Protection Configuration

   The G.Bond/TDIM specification allows an optional Forward Error
   Correction (FEC) and Interleaver block, which if supported and
   enabled provides a degree of protection against micro-interruptions,
   alien noise, and even individual Bonding Channel Entity (BCE)
   failures, a.k.a. cut-line protection.

   Management objects in the g9983PortConfTable can be used to configure
   and query the FEC and Interleaver function of the G.Bond/TDIM port.

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5.3.  Service Configuration

   Unlike the other two xDSL Multi-Pair Bonding schemes (G.Bond/ATM and
   G.Bond/Ethernet), which send the information required for reassembly
   of the fragmented data along with the data, G.Bond/TDIM is a
   synchronous scheme, requiring both ends to know the data distribution
   tables before any actual data transfer can happen.

   Management objects in the g9983PortConfTable
   (g9983PortConfAdminServices), g9983SvcTable, and g9983OperSvcTable
   can be used to configure and query the configuration of services
   transported via the G.Bond/TDIM link.  The services may be configured
   independently of the link state (i.e., in-service and out-of-
   service), as G.998.3 communicates changes in the service
   configuration via specific Bonding Communication Channel (BCC)
   messages, switching both ends of the link to the new configuration

   There can be up to 60 active services defined on a G.Bond/TDIM link.
   This MIB module provides an ability to define up to 255 services via
   the g9983SvcTable, with each row representing a possible service, and
   then set the actual service configuration using the
   g9983PortConfAdminServices object (a byte-vector of service indices),
   listing the active services in the order of their position in the
   G.Bond/TDIM frame.  This design allows one to easily modify service
   drop priority, which directly corresponds to the service position.

   The actual list of services is provided via the read-only
   g9983OperSvcTable, where each entry's index corresponds to the
   service position, starting from index 1 for the first entry, 2 for
   the second entry, etc., providing an easy service navigation for a
   management application using GET-NEXT (instead of counting bytes in
   the g9983PortConfAdminServices object).

   The service configuration can only be changed on a Bonding
   Terminating Unit at the Central Office (BTU-C).

   When configuring the services, please bear in mind that the sum of
   all the services' bandwidth SHOULD be less than or equal to the
   target data rate of the bonded link.  Note that G.Bond/TDIM links are
   symmetrical; i.e., their upstream data rate equals the downstream
   data rate.

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5.3.1.  Management of TDM Services and Service Drop Priority during
        Bandwidth Degradation

   The G.Bond/TDIM protocol provides an ability to map TDM services into
   the TDIM bonded link directly, without any additional overhead.  It
   addresses only structure-agnostic TDM transport, disregarding any
   structure that may be imposed on these streams, in particular, the
   structure imposed by the standard TDM framing [G.704].

   During bandwidth degradation, services with a lower priority are
   impaired or dropped first.  Synchronous services (fractional DS1/E1,
   clear channel E1/T1, T3/E3, clock) that are positioned in the
   beginning of the G.Bond/TDIM frame have higher priority than
   asynchronous services (Ethernet, ATM, Generic Framing Procedure (GFP)
   encapsulated) that are positioned farther away.  Within the services
   of the same type, those with a lower position (index) have higher

5.3.2.  Service Notifications

   This MIB module provides specific 'up'/'down' notifications
   (g9983SvcUp/g9983SvcDown) for each of the configured services.
   During bandwidth degradation, a number of services may be suspended
   (dropped) simultaneously, according to their drop priority (position
   in the service list).  Please note that it is possible for a higher-
   priority service to be dropped before a lower-priority one.  For
   example, suppose there are two services configured on a 2-Mbps
   G.Bond/TDIM link: a T1 service (g9983SvcType with a value of ds1,
   with a bandwidth requirement of 1.5 Mbps), and an Ethernet service
   with a size of 0.5 Mbps.  When the actual link bandwidth is reduced
   to 1.4 Mbps, the T1 service with a g9983OperSvcPosition value of 1
   would be dropped, while the Ethernet service with a
   g9983OperSvcPosition value of 2 would remain up.

   Notifications SHOULD be rate-limited (throttled) such that there is
   an implementation-specific gap between the generation of consecutive
   notifications of the same event.  This mechanism prevents
   "notification flooding" in cases where g9983OperSvcState oscillates
   between the 'up' and 'down' states.  When notifications are rate-
   limited, they are dropped and not queued for sending at a future
   time.  This is intended to be a general rate-limiting statement for
   notifications that otherwise have no explicit rate-limiting
   assertions in this document.

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5.4.  Performance Monitoring

   The OPTIONAL Performance Monitoring counters, thresholds, and history
   buckets (interval-counters), similar to those defined in [TR-159],
   are implemented using the textual conventions defined in the
   HC-PerfHist-TC-MIB [RFC3705].  The HC-PerfHist-TC-MIB defines 64-bit
   versions of the textual conventions found in the PerfHist-TC-MIB

   The agent SHOULD align the beginning of each interval to a fifteen-
   minute boundary of a wall clock.  Likewise, the beginning of each
   one-day interval SHOULD be aligned with the start of a day.

   Counters are not reset when a G.Bond TDIM port is re-initialized, but
   rather only when the agent is reset or re-initialized.

   Note that the accumulation of certain performance events for a
   monitored entity is inhibited (counting stops) during periods of
   service unavailability on that entity.  The DESCRIPTION clause of
   Performance Monitoring counters in this MIB module specifies which of
   the counters are inhibited during periods of service unavailability.

5.5.  Mapping of Broadband Forum TR-159 and ITU-T G.998.3 Managed

   This section contains the mapping between relevant managed objects
   (attributes) defined in [TR-159] and the managed objects defined in
   this document.  Note that all management objects defined in [G.998.3]
   have corresponding objects in [TR-159].

| TR-159 Managed Object        | Corresponding SNMP Object             |
| oBondTDIM - Basic Package    |                                       |
| (Mandatory)                  |                                       |
| aCRC4Errors                  | g9983PortStatCrc4Errors               |
| aCRC6Errors                  | g9983PortStatCrc6Errors               |
| aCRC8Errors                  | g9983PortStatCrc8Errors               |
| aFECSupported                | g9983PortCapFecSupported              |

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| oBondTDIM - FEC Package      |                                       |
| (Optional)                   |                                       |
| aFECAdminState               | g9983PortConfFecAdminState            |
| aFECOperState                | g9983PortStatFecOperState             |
| aFECWordSize                 | g9983PortConfFecWordSize              |
| aFECRedundancySize           | g9983PortConfFecRedundancySize        |
| aFECInterleaverType          | g9983PortConfFecInterleaverType       |
| aFECInterleaverDepth         | g9983PortConfFecInterleaverDepth      |
| aFECMaxWordSize              | g9983PortCapFecMaxWordSize            |
| aFECMaxRedundancySize        | g9983PortCapFecMaxRedundancySize      |
| aFECInterleaverTypesSupported|g9983PortCapFecInterleaverTypeSupported|
| aFECMaxInterleaverDepth      | g9983PortCapFecMaxInterleaverDepth    |
| oTDIMService - Basic         |                                       |
| Package (Mandatory)          |                                       |
| aServiceID                   | g9983OperSvcPosition                  |
| aServiceIfIdx                | g9983SvcIfIdx                         |
| aServiceType                 | g9983SvcType                          |
| aServiceSize                 | g9983SvcSize                          |
| aServiceOperState            | g9983OperSvcState                     |
| aServiceUpDownEnable         | g9983PortConfSvcUpDownEnable          |
| nServiceUp                   | g9983SvcUp                            |
| nServiceDown                 | g9983SvcDown                          |

                Table 1: Mapping of TR-159 Managed Objects

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RFC 6766                     G.Bond/TDIM MIB               February 2013

   Note that some of the mapping between the objects defined in TR-159
   and the ones defined in this MIB module is not one-to-one; for
   example, while TR-159 PM attributes aGroupPerf* map to the
   corresponding gBondPortPm* objects of the GBOND-MIB module, there are
   no dedicated PM attributes for the g9983PortPm* and g9983SvcPm*
   objects introduced in this MIB module.  However, since their
   definition is identical to the definition of gBondPortPm* objects of
   the GBOND-MIB module, we can map g9983PortPm* and g9983SvcPm* to the
   relevant aGroupPerf* attributes of TR-159 and use the term 'partial
   mapping' to denote the fact that this mapping is not one-to-one.

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6.  G.Bond/TDIM MIB Definitions

   The G9983-MIB module IMPORTS objects from SNMPv2-SMI [RFC2578],
   SNMPv2-TC [RFC2579], SNMPv2-CONF [RFC2580], IF-MIB [RFC2863], and
   HC-PerfHist-TC-MIB [RFC3705].  The module has been structured as
   recommended by [RFC4181].


      FROM SNMPv2-SMI          -- RFC 2578
      FROM SNMPv2-TC           -- RFC 2579
      FROM SNMPv2-CONF         -- RFC 2580
      FROM IF-MIB              -- RFC 2863
      FROM HC-PerfHist-TC-MIB  -- RFC 3705
    LAST-UPDATED "201302200000Z"  -- 20 February 2013
      "WG charter:

      Mailing Lists:
        General Discussion:
        To Subscribe:
        In Body: subscribe your_email_address

Beili                        Standards Track                   [Page 10]

RFC 6766                     G.Bond/TDIM MIB               February 2013

       Chair: Menachem Dodge
      Postal: ECI Telecom, Ltd.
              30 Hasivim St.
              Petach-Tikva  4951169
       Phone: +972-3-926-8421

      Editor: Edward Beili
      Postal: Actelis Networks, Inc.
              25 Bazel St., P.O.B. 10173
              Petach-Tikva  49103
       Phone: +972-3-924-3491

      "The objects in this MIB module are used to manage the
      multi-pair bonded xDSL interfaces using time-division inverse
      multiplexing (TDIM), as defined in ITU-T Recommendation G.998.3

      This MIB module MUST be used in conjunction with the GBOND-MIB
      module, common to all G.Bond technologies.

      The following references are used throughout this MIB module:

      [G.998.3] refers to:
        ITU-T Recommendation G.998.3: 'Multi-pair bonding using
        time-division inverse multiplexing', January 2005.

      [TR-159] refers to:
        Broadband Forum Technical Report: 'Management Framework for
        xDSL Bonding', December 2008.

      Naming Conventions:
        BCE    - Bonding Channel Entity
        BTU    - Bonding Terminating Unit
        BTU-C  - Bonding Terminating Unit, CO side
        BTU-R  - Bonding Terminating Unit, Remote Terminal (CPE) side
        CO     - Central Office
        CPE    - Customer Premises Equipment
        GBS    - Generic Bonding Sub-layer
        GBS-C  - Generic Bonding Sub-layer, CO side
        GBS-R  - Generic Bonding Sub-layer, Remote Terminal (CPE) side
        SNR    - Signal to Noise Ratio

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RFC 6766                     G.Bond/TDIM MIB               February 2013

     Copyright (c) 2013 IETF Trust and the persons identified as
     authors of the code.  All rights reserved.

     Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
     modification, is permitted pursuant to, and subject to the license
     terms contained in, the Simplified BSD License set forth in Section
     4.c of the IETF Trust's Legal Provisions Relating to IETF Documents

    REVISION    "201302200000Z"  -- 20 February 2013
    DESCRIPTION "Initial version, published as RFC 6766."

    ::= { mib-2 210 }

   -- Sections of the module
   -- Structured as recommended by RFC 4181, Appendix D

   g9983Objects     OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { g9983MIB 1 }

   g9983Conformance OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { g9983MIB 2 }

   -- Groups in the module

   g9983Port        OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { g9983Objects 1 }

   -- Textual Conventions

     STATUS      current
       "A unique value, greater than zero, for each service defined
       in the managed G.Bond/TDIM port.
       It is RECOMMENDED that values be assigned contiguously
       starting from 1.  The value for each service MUST remain
       constant at least from one re-initialization of the local
       management subsystem to the next re-initialization."
     SYNTAX      Unsigned32 (1..255)

   G9983SvcIndexList ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
     DISPLAY-HINT "1d:"
     STATUS      current
       "This textual convention represents a continuous ordered list of
       all the services defined for the managed G.Bond/TDIM port.
       The value of this object is a concatenation of zero or more (up
       to 60) octets, where each octet contains an 8-bit
       G9983SvcIndex value, identifying a particular service.

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       An octet's position reflects the associated service position
       and its priority in the G.Bond/TDIM frame, with the first octet
       being the first service of highest priority.

       A zero-length octet string is object-specific and MUST
       therefore be defined as part of the description of any object
       that uses this syntax.  Examples of the usage of a zero-length
       value might include situations where an object using this
       textual convention is irrelevant for a specific G.Bond/TDIM port
       type or where no services have been defined for this port."
     SYNTAX      OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..60))

   G9983SvcOrderIndex ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
     STATUS      current
       "A unique value, greater than zero, for each service defined
       in the managed G.Bond/TDIM port, showing its relative position
       inside the G.Bond/TDIM frame."
     SYNTAX      Unsigned32 (1..60)

  -- Port Notifications group

   g9983PortNotifications OBJECT IDENTIFIER
     ::= { g9983Port 0 }

     OBJECTS {
       -- ifIndex and g9983OperSvcPosition would be part of the trap OID
     STATUS      current
       "This notification indicates that a service, indicated by the
       g9983OperSvcIdx (mapped to a particular interface
       indicated by the g9983SvcIfIdx), in a particular
       G.Bond/TDIM port is passing traffic.

       This notification is generated (unless disabled or dropped by
       the rate-limiting mechanism) when the g9983OperSvcState
       object has left the 'down' state, while the G.Bond/TDIM port
       state (the ifOperStatus of the IF-MIB) is 'up'.

       Generation of this notification is controlled by the
       g9983PortConfSvcUpDownEnable object.

       This object maps to the TR-159 notification nServiceUp."

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       "[TR-159], Section"
     ::= { g9983PortNotifications 1 }

     OBJECTS {
       -- ifIndex and g9983OperSvcPosition would be part of the trap OID
     STATUS      current
       "This notification indicates that a service indicated by the
       g9983OperSvcIdx (mapped to a particular interface
       indicated by the g9983SvcIfIdx) in a particular
       G.Bond/TDIM port has stopped passing traffic.

       This notification is generated (unless disabled or dropped by
       the rate-limiting mechanism), when the g9983OperSvcState
       object has entered the 'down' state, while the G.Bond/TDIM port
       state (the ifOperStatus of the IF-MIB) is 'up'.

       Generation of this notification is controlled by the
       g9983PortConfSvcUpDownEnable object.

       This object maps to the TR-159 notification nServiceDown."
       "[TR-159], Section"
     ::= { g9983PortNotifications 2 }

   -- G.Bond/TDIM Port group

   g9983PortConfTable OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF G9983PortConfEntry
     MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
     STATUS      current
       "Table for configuration of G.Bond/TDIM ports.  Entries in
       this table MUST be maintained in a persistent manner."
     ::= { g9983Port 1 }

   g9983PortConfEntry OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX      G9983PortConfEntry
     MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
     STATUS      current
       "An entry in the G.Bond/TDIM Port Configuration table.
       Each entry represents a G.Bond/TDIM port indexed by the

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       ifIndex.  Additional configuration parameters are available
       via the gBondPortConfEntry of the GBOND-MIB.
       Note that a G.Bond/TDIM port runs on top of a single or
       multiple BCE port(s), which are also indexed by the ifIndex."
     INDEX  { ifIndex }
     ::= { g9983PortConfTable 1 }

   G9983PortConfEntry ::=
       g9983PortConfFecAdminState        TruthValue,
       g9983PortConfFecWordSize          Unsigned32,
       g9983PortConfFecRedundancySize    Unsigned32,
       g9983PortConfFecInterleaverType   INTEGER,
       g9983PortConfFecInterleaverDepth  Unsigned32,
       g9983PortConfAdminServices        G9983SvcIndexList,
       g9983PortConfSvcUpDownEnable      TruthValue

   g9983PortConfFecAdminState  OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX      TruthValue
     MAX-ACCESS  read-write
     STATUS      current
       "A desired state of the OPTIONAL Forward Error Correction
       (FEC) function of the G.Bond/TDIM port.

       A value of 'false' indicates that the FEC function SHALL be
       disabled.  A value of 'true' indicates that the FEC function
       SHALL be enabled, if supported by the G.Bond/TDIM port, as
       indicated by the g9983PortCapFecSupported object.
       The g9983PortStatFecOperState object indicates the current
       operational state of the FEC function.

       For the GBS-R ports, the value of this object cannot be changed
       directly.  This value may be changed as a result of a write
       operation on the g9983PortCapFecSupported object of a remote

       Modifications of this object MUST be performed when the link
       is 'down'.
       Attempts to change this object MUST be rejected if the link is
       'up' or initializing, or if it is a GBS-R.

       This object maps to the TR-159/G.998.3 attribute aFECAdminState."
       "[TR-159], Section; [G.998.3], Appendix II, B-X"
     ::= { g9983PortConfEntry 1 }

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   g9983PortConfFecWordSize  OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX      Unsigned32 (0|20..255)
     UNITS       "octets"
     MAX-ACCESS  read-write
     STATUS      current
       "A FEC code word size, in octets, for G.Bond/TDIM ports
       supporting the FEC function.

       This object is read-write for the GBS-C ports and read-only
       for the GBS-R.

       A value of zero SHALL be returned if the FEC function is
       disabled (via g9983PortConfFecAdminState) or not supported.

       Changing of the FEC code word size MUST be performed when the
       FEC-enabled link is 'down'.  Attempts to change this object MUST
       be rejected if the link is 'up' or initializing or if the
       FEC function is disabled/not supported.

       This object maps to the TR-159/G.998.3 attribute aFECWordSize."
       "[TR-159], Section; [G.998.3], Appendix II, B-XI"
     ::= { g9983PortConfEntry 2 }

   g9983PortConfFecRedundancySize  OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX      Unsigned32 (0|2|4|8|16|20)
     UNITS       "octets"
     MAX-ACCESS  read-write
     STATUS      current
       "A FEC redundancy word size, in octets, for G.Bond/TDIM
       ports supporting the FEC function.

       This object is read-write for the GBS-C ports and read-only
       for the GBS-R.

       A value of zero SHALL be returned if the FEC function is
       disabled (via g9983PortConfFecAdminState) or not supported.

       Changing of the FEC redundancy word size MUST be performed
       when the FEC-enabled link is 'down'.  Attempts to change this
       object MUST be rejected if the link is 'up' or initializing or
       if the FEC function is disabled/not supported.

       This object maps to the TR-159/G.998.3 attribute

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       "[TR-159], Section; [G.998.3], Appendix II, B-XII"
     ::= { g9983PortConfEntry 3 }

   g9983PortConfFecInterleaverType  OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX      INTEGER {
     MAX-ACCESS  read-write
     STATUS      current
       "An Interleaver type for G.Bond/TDIM ports supporting the
       FEC function.

       This object is read-write for the GBS-C ports and read-only
       for the GBS-R.

       A value of none(0) SHALL be returned if the FEC function is
       disabled (via g9983PortConfFecAdminState) or not supported.

       Changing of the Interleaver type MUST be performed when the
       FEC-enabled link is 'down'.  Attempts to change this object MUST
       be rejected if the link is 'up' or initializing or if the FEC
       function is disabled/not supported.

       This object maps to the TR-159/G.998.3 attribute
       "[TR-159], Section; [G.998.3], Appendix II, B-XIII"
     ::= { g9983PortConfEntry 4 }

   g9983PortConfFecInterleaverDepth  OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX      Unsigned32 (0|1|2|3|4|6|8|12|16|24|32|48|96)
     MAX-ACCESS  read-write
     STATUS      current
       "An Interleaver depth for G.Bond/TDIM ports supporting the
       FEC function.

       This object is read-write for the GBS-C ports and read-only
       for the GBS-R.

       A value of zero SHALL be returned if the FEC function is
       disabled (via g9983PortConfFecAdminState) or not supported.

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       Changing of the Interleaver depth MUST be performed when the
       FEC-enabled link is 'down'.  Attempts to change this object MUST
       be rejected if the link is 'up' or initializing or if the FEC
       function is disabled/not supported.

       This object maps to the TR-159/G.998.3 attribute
       "[TR-159], Section; [G.998.3], Appendix II, B-XIV"
     ::= { g9983PortConfEntry 5 }

   g9983PortConfAdminServices  OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX      G9983SvcIndexList
     MAX-ACCESS  read-write
     STATUS      current
       "Desired list of services for a G.Bond/TDIM port.  This object
       is a list of pointers to entries in the g9983SvcTable.

       The value of this object is a continuous ordered list of up to
       60 indices (g9983SvcIdx) of the active services carried
       via the G.Bond/TDIM link.  The position of a service in the
       list determines its relative priority in cases of bandwidth
       degradation -- the priority decreases towards the end of the
       list, which means that the last service in the list would be
       suspended first when the bandwidth degrades.

       This object is writable and readable for the GBS-C ports.
       It is irrelevant for the GBS-R ports -- a zero-length octet
       string SHALL be returned on an attempt to read this object, and
       an attempt to change this object MUST be rejected in this case.

       Note that the current operational service list is available
       via the g9983OperSvcTable object.

       This object for a GBS-C port MAY be modified independently of
       the link's state, i.e., in-service and out-of-service.
       Attempts to set this object to a list with a member value that
       is not the value of the index for an active entry in the
       corresponding g9983SvcTable table MUST be rejected."
       "[G.998.3], Sections 10.2.3,"
     ::= { g9983PortConfEntry 6 }

   g9983PortConfSvcUpDownEnable  OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX      TruthValue
     MAX-ACCESS  read-write
     STATUS      current

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       "Indicates whether g9983SvcUp and g9983SvcDown
       notifications should be generated for this interface.

       A value of true(1) indicates that the notifications are enabled.
       A value of false(2) indicates that the notifications are

       This object maps to the TR-159 attribute
       "[TR-159], Section"
     ::= { g9983PortConfEntry 7 }

   g9983PortCapTable OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF G9983PortCapEntry
     MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
     STATUS      current
       "Table for capabilities of G.Bond/TDIM ports.  Entries in this
       table MUST be maintained in a persistent manner."
     ::= { g9983Port 2 }

   g9983PortCapEntry OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX      G9983PortCapEntry
     MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
     STATUS      current
       "An entry in the G.Bond/TDIM Port Capability table.
       Each entry represents a G.Bond/TDIM port indexed by the
       ifIndex.  Additional capabilities are available via the
       gBondPortCapabilityEntry of the GBOND-MIB.
       Note that a G.Bond/TDIM port runs on top of a single
       or multiple BCE port(s), which are also indexed by the ifIndex."
     INDEX  { ifIndex }
     ::= { g9983PortCapTable 1 }

   G9983PortCapEntry ::=
       g9983PortCapFecSupported                TruthValue,
       g9983PortCapFecMaxWordSize              Unsigned32,
       g9983PortCapFecMaxRedundancySize        Unsigned32,
       g9983PortCapFecInterleaverTypeSupported INTEGER,
       g9983PortCapFecMaxInterleaverDepth      Unsigned32

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   g9983PortCapFecSupported  OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX      TruthValue
     MAX-ACCESS  read-only
     STATUS      current
       "FEC and Interleaver capability of the G.Bond/TDIM port.
       This object has a value of true(1) when the port supports the
       FEC and Interleaver function.
       A value of false(2) is returned when the port does not
       support the FEC and Interleaver function.

       This object maps to the TR-159/G.998.3 attribute
       "[TR-159], Section; [G.998.3], Appendix II, B-VI"
     ::= { g9983PortCapEntry 1 }

   g9983PortCapFecMaxWordSize  OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX      Unsigned32 (0|20..255)
     UNITS       "octets"
     MAX-ACCESS  read-only
     STATUS      current
       "A maximum supported FEC code word size, in octets, for
       G.Bond/TDIM ports supporting the FEC function.

       A value of zero SHALL be returned if the FEC function is not

       This object maps to the TR-159 attribute aFECWordSize."
       "[TR-159], Section; [G.998.3], Appendix II, B-XI"
     ::= { g9983PortCapEntry 2 }

   g9983PortCapFecMaxRedundancySize  OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX      Unsigned32 (0|2|4|8|16|20)
     UNITS       "octets"
     MAX-ACCESS  read-only
     STATUS      current
       "A maximum supported FEC redundancy word size, in octets, for
       G.Bond/TDIM ports supporting the FEC function.

       A value of zero SHALL be returned if the FEC function is not

       This object maps to the TR-159 attribute

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       "[TR-159], Section; [G.998.3], Appendix II, B-XII"
     ::= { g9983PortCapEntry 3 }

   g9983PortCapFecInterleaverTypeSupported  OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX      INTEGER {
     MAX-ACCESS  read-only
     STATUS      current
       "Supported Interleaver types for G.Bond/TDIM ports supporting
       the FEC function.

       Possible values are:
         none             - the port does not support interleaving
         block            - the port supports Block Interleaver
         convolution      - the port supports Convolution Interleaver
         blockConvolution - the port supports both Block Interleaver
                            and Convolution Interleaver

       This object maps to the TR-159 attribute
       "[TR-159], Section; [G.998.3], Appendix II, B-XIII"
     ::= { g9983PortCapEntry 4 }

   g9983PortCapFecMaxInterleaverDepth  OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX      Unsigned32 (0|1|2|3|4|6|8|12|16|24|32|48|96)
     MAX-ACCESS  read-only
     STATUS      current
       "A maximum Interleaver depth for G.Bond/TDIM ports supporting
       the FEC function.

       A value of zero SHALL be returned if the Interleaver is not

       This object maps to the TR-159 attribute
       "[TR-159], Section; [G.998.3], Appendix II, B-XIV"
     ::= { g9983PortCapEntry 5 }

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   g9983PortStatTable OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF G9983PortStatEntry
     MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
     STATUS      current
       "This table provides overall status information of G.Bond
       TDIM ports, complementing the generic status information from
       the ifTable of the IF-MIB and the gBondPortStatFltStatus of
       the GBOND-MIB.  Additional status information about connected
       BCEs is available from the relevant line MIBs.

       This table contains live data from the equipment.  As such,
       it is NOT persistent."
     ::= { g9983Port 3 }

   g9983PortStatEntry OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX      G9983PortStatEntry
     MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
     STATUS      current
       "An entry in the G.Bond/TDIM Port Status table.
       Each entry represents a G.Bond/TDIM port indexed by the
       Note that a G.Bond GBS port runs on top of a single
       or multiple BCE port(s), which are also indexed by the ifIndex."
     INDEX  { ifIndex }
     ::= { g9983PortStatTable 1 }

   G9983PortStatEntry ::=
       g9983PortStatFecOperState         TruthValue,
       g9983PortStatFltStatus            BITS,
       g9983PortStatCrc4Errors           Counter32,
       g9983PortStatCrc6Errors           Counter32,
       g9983PortStatCrc8Errors           Counter32

   g9983PortStatFecOperState  OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX      TruthValue
     MAX-ACCESS  read-only
     STATUS      current
       "A read-only value indicating the current operational state
       of the OPTIONAL Forward Error Correction (FEC) function for
       the G.998.3 port.
       A value of 'false' indicates that the FEC function is
       disabled.  A value of 'true' indicates that the FEC function
       is enabled (and supported).

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       This object maps to the TR-159 attribute aFECOperState."
       "[TR-159], Section"
     ::= { g9983PortStatEntry 1 }

   g9983PortStatFltStatus  OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX      BITS {
     MAX-ACCESS  read-only
     STATUS      current
       "G.Bond/TDIM port fault status.  This is a bitmap of possible
       conditions.  The various bit positions are:
         serviceDown         - at least one of the services defined
                               for this aggregation group is down
                               (due to low rate).
         wrongConfig         - at least one BCE at the remote GBS-R
                               is already connected to another GBS.

       This object is intended to supplement the ifOperStatus object
       in the IF-MIB and the gBondPortStatFltStatus object in the
       "[G.998.3], Section 6.3; RFC 2863, IF-MIB, ifOperStatus;
       RFC 6765, GBOND-MIB, gBondPortStatFltStatus"
     ::= { g9983PortStatEntry 2 }

   g9983PortStatCrc4Errors  OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX      Counter32
     MAX-ACCESS  read-only
     STATUS      current
       "The total number of CRC-4 errors (frame header errors) on all
       pairs in the G.Bond/TDIM port.  Simultaneous errors on M lines
       SHOULD be counted M times.

       Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at
       re-initialization of the management system, and at other times
       as indicated by the value of ifCounterDiscontinuityTime as
       defined in the IF-MIB.

       This object maps to the TR-159/G.998.3 attribute aCRC4Errors."
       "[TR-159], Section; [G.998.3], Appendix II, B-VII"
     ::= { g9983PortStatEntry 3 }

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   g9983PortStatCrc6Errors  OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX      Counter32
     MAX-ACCESS  read-only
     STATUS      current
       "The total number of CRC-6 errors (super-frame errors) on all
       pairs in the G.Bond/TDIM port.  Simultaneous errors on M lines
       SHOULD be counted 1 time.

       Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at
       re-initialization of the local management subsystem, and at
       other times as indicated by the value of
       ifCounterDiscontinuityTime as defined in the IF-MIB.

       This object maps to the TR-159/G.998.3 attribute aCRC6Errors."
       "[TR-159], Section; [G.998.3], Appendix II, B-VIII"
     ::= { g9983PortStatEntry 4 }

   g9983PortStatCrc8Errors  OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX      Counter32
     MAX-ACCESS  read-only
     STATUS      current
       "The total number of CRC-8 errors (event/message errors) on all
       pairs in the G.Bond/TDIM port.  Simultaneous errors on M lines
       SHOULD be counted M times.

       Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at
       re-initialization of the local management subsystem, and at
       other times as indicated by the value of
       ifCounterDiscontinuityTime as defined in the IF-MIB.

       This object maps to the TR-159/G.998.3 attribute aCRC8Errors."
       "[TR-159], Section; [G.998.3], Appendix II, B-IX"
     ::= { g9983PortStatEntry 5 }

   g9983OperSvcTable OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF G9983OperSvcEntry
     MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
     STATUS      current
       "Table of the operational services configured on a G.Bond/TDIM
       port.  This table reflects current actual service configuration,
       set by the g9983PortConfAdminServices object.  The number of
       entries (services) in this table therefore can vary between

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       0, when no services are configured, and 60, for the maximum
       number of services.
       This table contains live data from the equipment.  As such,
       it is NOT persistent."
     ::= { g9983Port 4 }

   g9983OperSvcEntry OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX      G9983OperSvcEntry
     MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
     STATUS      current
       "An entry in the G.Bond/TDIM Port Operational Service table,
       containing the index of an active service entry in the
       g9983SvcTable.  The entry is indexed by the ifIndex,
       indicating a corresponding G.Bond/TDIM port, and by
       g9983OperSvcPosition (1..60), indicating the
       corresponding service position in the G.Bond/TDIM frame."
     INDEX  { ifIndex, g9983OperSvcPosition }
     ::= { g9983OperSvcTable 1 }

   G9983OperSvcEntry ::=
       g9983OperSvcPosition          G9983SvcOrderIndex,
       g9983OperSvcIdx               G9983SvcIndex,
       g9983OperSvcState             INTEGER

   g9983OperSvcPosition OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX      G9983SvcOrderIndex
     MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
     STATUS      current
       "G.Bond/TDIM operational service position -- a unique index,
       indicating relative placement of the associated service
       pointed to by g9983OperSvcIdx, within the G.Bond/TDIM frame.

       There can be up to 60 services defined over a TDIM bonded
       facility.  Services with lower indices have higher priority in
       cases of bandwidth degradation.

       The value of g9983OperSvcPosition for the first
       g9983OperSvcEntry is always 1, incrementing sequentially
       for each consecutive entry, i.e., 2 for the second entry,
       3 for the third, etc.

       This objects maps to the TR-159/G.998.3 attribute aServiceID."

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       "[TR-159], Section; [G.998.3], Appendix II, C-I"
     ::= { g9983OperSvcEntry 1 }

   g9983OperSvcIdx OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX      G9983SvcIndex
     MAX-ACCESS  read-only
     STATUS      current
       "G.Bond/TDIM operational service index -- a read-only pointer
       to an existing entry in the g9983SvcTable (value of
       g9983SvcIdx) describing a particular service."
     ::= { g9983OperSvcEntry 2 }

   g9983OperSvcState  OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX      INTEGER {
     MAX-ACCESS  read-only
     STATUS      current
       "G.Bond/TDIM service operational state.

       Possible values are:
         up                  - Service is up and passing traffic.
         down                - Service is down, due to a variety of
                               reasons, e.g., G.Bond/TDIM port is
                               down, current link bandwidth is too
                               low to support a particular service,
       This objects maps to the TR-159 attribute aServiceOperState."
       "[TR-159], Section"
     ::= { g9983OperSvcEntry 3 }

   g9983SvcTable OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF G9983SvcEntry
     MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
     STATUS      current
       "Table of possible services for G.Bond/TDIM ports.
       Entries in this table MUST be maintained in a persistent
     ::= { g9983Port 5 }

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   g9983SvcEntry OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX      G9983SvcEntry
     MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
     STATUS      current
       "An entry in the G.Bond/TDIM Port Service table, containing
       the management information applicable to a particular service,
       indexed by the g9983SvcIdx, on a G.Bond/TDIM port,
       indexed by the ifIndex."
     INDEX  { ifIndex, g9983SvcIdx }
     ::= { g9983SvcTable 1 }

   G9983SvcEntry ::=
       g9983SvcIdx           G9983SvcIndex,
       g9983SvcIfIdx         InterfaceIndex,
       g9983SvcType          INTEGER,
       g9983SvcSize          Unsigned32,
       g9983SvcRowStatus     RowStatus

   g9983SvcIdx OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX      G9983SvcIndex
     MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
     STATUS      current
       "G.Bond/TDIM service index -- a unique index associated with
       a particular service entry."
     ::= { g9983SvcEntry 1 }

   g9983SvcIfIdx OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX      InterfaceIndex
     MAX-ACCESS  read-create
     STATUS      current
       "This is a unique index within the ifTable.  It represents
       the interface index of a service to be transmitted over the
       G.Bond/TDIM service instance.

       This objects maps to the TR-159 attribute aServiceIfIndex."
       "[TR-159], Section"
     ::= { g9983SvcEntry 2 }

   g9983SvcType  OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX      INTEGER {

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     MAX-ACCESS  read-create
     STATUS      current
       "G.Bond/TDIM service type.

       Possible values are:
         ds1            - Clear Channel DS1 (synchronous)
         e1             - Clear Channel E1 (synchronous)
         nxds0          - Fractional DS1 (synchronous)
         nxe0           - Fractional E1 (synchronous)
         ds3            - DS3 (synchronous)
         e3             - E3 (synchronous)
         clock          - Clock transfer (synchronous)
         ethernet       - Ethernet (asynchronous)
         atm            - ATM (asynchronous)
         gfpNoFCS       - GFP encapsulated without FCS (asynchronous)
         gfp            - GFP encapsulated with FCS (asynchronous)

       For the GBS-R ports, the value of this object cannot be
       changed directly.  This value may be changed as a result of a
       write operation on the g9983SvcType object of a remote GBS-C.

       Attempts to change this object MUST be rejected for the GBS-R

       This object maps to the TR-159/G.998.3 attribute aServiceType."
       "[TR-159], Section; [G.998.3], Appendix II, C-II"
     ::= { g9983SvcEntry 3 }

   g9983SvcSize  OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX      Unsigned32 (0|20..255)
     UNITS       "octets"
     MAX-ACCESS  read-create
     STATUS      current
       "Service size, in octets, per bonding sub-block for a specific
       service identified by g9983SvcIdx.

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       For TDM (synchronous) services with variable size
       (e.g., fractional DS1/E1), this object represents the number of
       DS0/E0 channels.
       For asynchronous services (Ethernet, ATM, GFPnoFCS, or GFP),
       this object represents the maximum number of octets.
       For non-fractional TDM services (i.e., DS1, E1, DS3, E3, and
       clock), the value of this object MUST be 0.

       A GET operation returns the current value.
       A SET operation, allowed on GBS-C ports, changes the service
       size to the indicated value.  If the service type is a
       fixed-rate synchronous service (g9983SvcType is nxds0, nxe0,
       ds1, e1, ds3, e3, or clock), the operation MUST be rejected.

       This object maps to the TR-159/G.998.3 attribute aServiceSize."
       "[TR-159], Section; [G.998.3], Appendix II, C-III"
     ::= { g9983SvcEntry 4 }

   g9983SvcRowStatus  OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX      RowStatus
     MAX-ACCESS  read-create
     STATUS      current
       "This object controls the creation, modification, or deletion
       of the associated entry in the g9983SvcTable per the
       semantics of RowStatus.

       If an 'active' entry is referenced via g9983OperSvcIdx
       or a g9983PortConfAdminServices instance, or indexes a
       g9983SvcPm*Entry, the entry MUST remain 'active'.

       An 'active' entry SHALL NOT be modified.  In order to modify an
       existing entry, it MUST be taken out of service (by setting
       this object to 'notInService'), modified, and set to 'active'
     ::= { g9983SvcEntry 5 }

   -- Performance Monitoring group

   g9983PM   OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { g9983Port 6 }

   g9983PortPmCurTable OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF G9983PortPmCurEntry
     MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible

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     STATUS      current
       "This table contains current Performance Monitoring information
       for a G.Bond/TDIM port.  This table contains live data from the
       equipment and as such is NOT persistent."
     ::= { g9983PM 1 }

   g9983PortPmCurEntry OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX      G9983PortPmCurEntry
     MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
     STATUS      current
       "An entry in the G.Bond/TDIM Port PM table.
       Each entry represents a G.Bond/TDIM port indexed by the
     INDEX  { ifIndex }
     ::= { g9983PortPmCurTable 1 }

   G9983PortPmCurEntry ::=
       g9983PortPmCur15MinValidIntervals   HCPerfValidIntervals,
       g9983PortPmCur15MinInvalidIntervals HCPerfInvalidIntervals,
       g9983PortPmCur15MinTimeElapsed      HCPerfTimeElapsed,
       g9983PortPmCur15MinCrc4s            HCPerfCurrentCount,
       g9983PortPmCur15MinCrc6s            HCPerfCurrentCount,
       g9983PortPmCur15MinCrc8s            HCPerfCurrentCount,
       g9983PortPmCur1DayValidIntervals    Unsigned32,
       g9983PortPmCur1DayInvalidIntervals  Unsigned32,
       g9983PortPmCur1DayTimeElapsed       HCPerfTimeElapsed,
       g9983PortPmCur1DayCrc4s             HCPerfCurrentCount,
       g9983PortPmCur1DayCrc6s             HCPerfCurrentCount,
       g9983PortPmCur1DayCrc8s             HCPerfCurrentCount

   g9983PortPmCur15MinValidIntervals  OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX      HCPerfValidIntervals
     MAX-ACCESS  read-only
     STATUS      current
       "A read-only number of 15-minute intervals for which the
       performance data was collected.  The value of this object will
       be 96 or the maximum number of 15-minute history intervals
       collected by the implementation, unless the measurement was
       (re)started recently, in which case the value will be the
       number of complete 15-minute intervals for which there are at
       least some data.

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       In certain cases, it is possible that some intervals are
       unavailable.  In this case, this object reports the maximum
       interval number for which data is available.

       This object partially maps to the TR-159 attribute
       "[TR-159], Section"
     ::= { g9983PortPmCurEntry 1 }

   g9983PortPmCur15MinInvalidIntervals  OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX      HCPerfInvalidIntervals
     MAX-ACCESS  read-only
     STATUS      current
       "A read-only number of 15-minute intervals for which the
       performance data was not always available.  The value will
       typically be zero, except in cases where the data for some
       intervals are not available.

       This object partially maps to the TR-159 attribute
       "[TR-159], Section"
     ::= { g9983PortPmCurEntry 2 }

   g9983PortPmCur15MinTimeElapsed  OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX      HCPerfTimeElapsed
     UNITS       "seconds"
     MAX-ACCESS  read-only
     STATUS      current
       "A read-only count of seconds that have elapsed since the
       beginning of the current 15-minute performance interval.

       This object partially maps to the TR-159 attribute
       "[TR-159], Section"
     ::= { g9983PortPmCurEntry 3 }

   g9983PortPmCur15MinCrc4s  OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX      HCPerfCurrentCount
     MAX-ACCESS  read-only
     STATUS      current
       "A read-only count of CRC-4 errors (frame header errors) on all
       active pairs in the G.Bond/TDIM port during the current

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RFC 6766                     G.Bond/TDIM MIB               February 2013

       15-minute performance interval.
       Simultaneous errors on M lines SHOULD be counted M times.

       Note that the total number of CRC-4 errors is indicated by the
       g9983PortStatCrc4Errors object.

       This object is inhibited during Severely Errored Seconds (SES)
       or Unavailable Seconds (UAS)."
       "[TR-159], Section"
     ::= { g9983PortPmCurEntry 4}

   g9983PortPmCur15MinCrc6s  OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX      HCPerfCurrentCount
     MAX-ACCESS  read-only
     STATUS      current
       "A read-only count of CRC-6 errors (super-frame errors) on all
       active pairs in the G.Bond/TDIM port during the current
       15-minute performance interval.
       Simultaneous errors on M lines SHOULD be counted 1 time.

       Note that the total number of CRC-6 errors is indicated by the
       g9983PortStatCrc6Errors object.

       This object is inhibited during Unavailable Seconds (UAS)."
       "[TR-159], Section"
     ::= { g9983PortPmCurEntry 5}

   g9983PortPmCur15MinCrc8s  OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX      HCPerfCurrentCount
     MAX-ACCESS  read-only
     STATUS      current
       "A read-only count of CRC-8 errors (event/message errors) on all
       active pairs in the G.Bond/TDIM port during the current
       15-minute performance interval.
       Simultaneous errors on M lines SHOULD be counted M times.

       Note that the total number of CRC-8 errors is indicated by the
       g9983PortStatCrc8Errors object.

       This object is inhibited during Unavailable Seconds (UAS)."
       "[TR-159], Section"
     ::= { g9983PortPmCurEntry 6}

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RFC 6766                     G.Bond/TDIM MIB               February 2013

   g9983PortPmCur1DayValidIntervals  OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX      Unsigned32 (0..7)
     MAX-ACCESS  read-only
     STATUS      current
       "A read-only number of 1-day intervals for which data was
       collected.  The value of this object will be 7 or the maximum
       number of 1-day history intervals collected by the
       implementation, unless the measurement was (re)started recently,
       in which case the value will be the number of complete 1-day
       intervals for which there are at least some data.
       In certain cases, it is possible that some intervals are
       unavailable.  In this case, this object reports the maximum
       interval number for which data is available."
       "[TR-159], Section"
     ::= { g9983PortPmCurEntry 7 }

   g9983PortPmCur1DayInvalidIntervals  OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX      Unsigned32 (0..7)
     MAX-ACCESS  read-only
     STATUS      current
       "A read-only number of 1-day intervals for which data was
       not always available.  The value will typically be zero, except
       in cases where the data for some intervals are not available."
       "[TR-159], Section"
     ::= { g9983PortPmCurEntry 8 }

   g9983PortPmCur1DayTimeElapsed  OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX      HCPerfTimeElapsed
     UNITS       "seconds"
     MAX-ACCESS  read-only
     STATUS      current
       "A read-only count of seconds that have elapsed since the
       beginning of the current 1-day performance interval."
       "[TR-159], Section"
     ::= { g9983PortPmCurEntry 9 }

   g9983PortPmCur1DayCrc4s  OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX      HCPerfCurrentCount
     MAX-ACCESS  read-only
     STATUS      current

Beili                        Standards Track                   [Page 33]

RFC 6766                     G.Bond/TDIM MIB               February 2013

       "A read-only count of CRC-4 errors on the G.Bond/TDIM port in
       the current 1-day performance interval.

       This object is inhibited during Severely Errored Seconds (SES)
       and Unavailable Seconds (UAS)."
     ::= { g9983PortPmCurEntry 10 }

   g9983PortPmCur1DayCrc6s  OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX      HCPerfCurrentCount
     MAX-ACCESS  read-only
     STATUS      current
       "A read-only count of CRC-6 errors on the G.Bond/TDIM port
       in the current 1-day performance interval.

       This object is inhibited during Unavailable Seconds (UAS)."
     ::= { g9983PortPmCurEntry 11 }

   g9983PortPmCur1DayCrc8s  OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX      HCPerfCurrentCount
     MAX-ACCESS  read-only
     STATUS      current
       "A read-only count of CRC-8 errors on the G.Bond/TDIM port in
       the current 1-day performance interval.

       This object is inhibited during Unavailable Seconds (UAS)."
     ::= { g9983PortPmCurEntry 12 }

   -- Port PM history: 15-min buckets

   g9983PortPm15MinTable OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF G9983PortPm15MinEntry
     MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
     STATUS      current
       "This table contains historical 15-minute buckets of Performance
       Monitoring information for a G.Bond/TDIM port (a row for each
       15-minute interval, up to 96 intervals).
       Entries in this table MUST be maintained in a persistent manner."
     ::= { g9983PM 2 }

   g9983PortPm15MinEntry OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX      G9983PortPm15MinEntry
     MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
     STATUS      current

Beili                        Standards Track                   [Page 34]

RFC 6766                     G.Bond/TDIM MIB               February 2013

       "An entry in the G.Bond/TDIM Port historical 15-minute PM table.
       Each entry represents Performance Monitoring data for a G.Bond
       TDIM port, indexed by the ifIndex, collected during a particular
       15-minute interval, indexed by the
     INDEX  { ifIndex, g9983PortPm15MinIntervalIndex }
     ::= { g9983PortPm15MinTable 1 }

   G9983PortPm15MinEntry ::=
       g9983PortPm15MinIntervalIndex      Unsigned32,
       g9983PortPm15MinIntervalMoniTime   HCPerfTimeElapsed,
       g9983PortPm15MinIntervalCrc4s      HCPerfIntervalCount,
       g9983PortPm15MinIntervalCrc6s      HCPerfIntervalCount,
       g9983PortPm15MinIntervalCrc8s      HCPerfIntervalCount,
       g9983PortPm15MinIntervalValid      TruthValue

   g9983PortPm15MinIntervalIndex  OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX      Unsigned32 (1..96)
     MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
     STATUS      current
       "Performance data interval number.  1 is the most recent
       previous interval; interval 96 is 24 hours ago.
       Intervals 2..96 are OPTIONAL.

       This object partially maps to the TR-159 attribute
       "[TR-159], Section"
     ::= { g9983PortPm15MinEntry 1 }

   g9983PortPm15MinIntervalMoniTime  OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX      HCPerfTimeElapsed
     UNITS       "seconds"
     MAX-ACCESS  read-only
     STATUS      current
       "A read-only count of seconds over which the performance data
       was actually monitored.  This value will be the same as the
       interval duration (900 seconds), except in a situation where
       performance data could not be collected for any reason."
     ::= { g9983PortPm15MinEntry 2 }

   g9983PortPm15MinIntervalCrc4s  OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX      HCPerfIntervalCount

Beili                        Standards Track                   [Page 35]

RFC 6766                     G.Bond/TDIM MIB               February 2013

     MAX-ACCESS  read-only
     STATUS      current
       "A read-only count of CRC-4 errors on the G.Bond/TDIM port
       during the 15-minute performance history interval.

       This object is inhibited during Severely Errored Seconds (SES)
       and Unavailable Seconds (UAS)."
     ::= { g9983PortPm15MinEntry 3 }

   g9983PortPm15MinIntervalCrc6s  OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX      HCPerfIntervalCount
     MAX-ACCESS  read-only
     STATUS      current
       "A read-only count of CRC-6 errors on the G.Bond/TDIM port
       during the 15-minute performance history interval.

       This object is inhibited during Unavailable Seconds (UAS)."
     ::= { g9983PortPm15MinEntry 4 }

   g9983PortPm15MinIntervalCrc8s  OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX      HCPerfIntervalCount
     MAX-ACCESS  read-only
     STATUS      current
       "A read-only count of CRC-8 errors on the G.Bond/TDIM port
       during the current 15-minute performance interval.

       This object is inhibited during Unavailable Seconds (UAS)."
     ::= { g9983PortPm15MinEntry 5 }

   g9983PortPm15MinIntervalValid  OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX      TruthValue
     MAX-ACCESS  read-only
     STATUS      current
       "A read-only object indicating whether or not this history
       bucket contains valid data.  A valid bucket is reported as
       true(1) and an invalid bucket as false(2).
       If this history bucket is invalid, the BTU-C MUST NOT produce
       notifications based upon the value of the counters in this
       Note that an implementation may decide not to store invalid
       history buckets in its database.  In such a case, this object
       is not required, as only valid history buckets are available
       while invalid history buckets are simply not in the database.

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RFC 6766                     G.Bond/TDIM MIB               February 2013

       This object partially maps to the TR-159 attribute
       "[TR-159], Section"
     ::= { g9983PortPm15MinEntry 6 }

   -- Port PM history: 1-day buckets

   g9983PortPm1DayTable OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF G9983PortPm1DayEntry
     MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
     STATUS      current
       "This table contains historical 1-day buckets of Performance
       Monitoring information for a G.Bond/TDIM port (a row for each
       1-day interval, up to 7 intervals).
       Entries in this table MUST be maintained in a persistent manner."
     ::= { g9983PM 3 }

   g9983PortPm1DayEntry OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX      G9983PortPm1DayEntry
     MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
     STATUS      current
       "An entry in the G.Bond/TDIM Port historical 1-day PM table.
       Each entry represents Performance Monitoring data for such a
       port, indexed by the ifIndex, collected during a particular
       1-day interval, indexed by the g9983PortPm1DayIntervalIndex."
     INDEX  { ifIndex, g9983PortPm1DayIntervalIndex }
     ::= { g9983PortPm1DayTable 1 }

   G9983PortPm1DayEntry ::=
       g9983PortPm1DayIntervalIndex      Unsigned32,
       g9983PortPm1DayIntervalMoniTime   HCPerfTimeElapsed,
       g9983PortPm1DayIntervalCrc4s      HCPerfIntervalCount,
       g9983PortPm1DayIntervalCrc6s      HCPerfIntervalCount,
       g9983PortPm1DayIntervalCrc8s      HCPerfIntervalCount,
       g9983PortPm1DayIntervalValid      TruthValue

   g9983PortPm1DayIntervalIndex  OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX      Unsigned32 (1..7)
     MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
     STATUS      current
       "Performance data interval number.  1 is the most recent
       previous interval; interval 7 is 7 days ago.

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RFC 6766                     G.Bond/TDIM MIB               February 2013

       Intervals 2..7 are OPTIONAL.

       This object partially maps to the TR-159 attribute
       "[TR-159], Section"
     ::= { g9983PortPm1DayEntry 1 }

   g9983PortPm1DayIntervalMoniTime  OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX      HCPerfTimeElapsed
     UNITS       "seconds"
     MAX-ACCESS  read-only
     STATUS      current
       "A read-only count of seconds over which the performance data
       was actually monitored.  This value will be the same as the
       interval duration (86400 seconds), except in a situation where
       performance data could not be collected for any reason.

       This object partially maps to the TR-159 attribute
       "[TR-159], Section"
     ::= { g9983PortPm1DayEntry 2 }

   g9983PortPm1DayIntervalCrc4s  OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX      HCPerfIntervalCount
     MAX-ACCESS  read-only
     STATUS      current
       "A read-only count of CRC-4 errors on the G.Bond/TDIM port
       during the 1-day performance history interval.

       This object is inhibited during Severely Errored Seconds (SES)
       and Unavailable Seconds (UAS)."
     ::= { g9983PortPm1DayEntry 3 }

   g9983PortPm1DayIntervalCrc6s  OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX      HCPerfIntervalCount
     MAX-ACCESS  read-only
     STATUS      current
       "A read-only count of CRC-6 errors on the G.Bond/TDIM port
       during the 1-day performance history interval.

       This object is inhibited during Unavailable Seconds (UAS)."
     ::= { g9983PortPm1DayEntry 4 }

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RFC 6766                     G.Bond/TDIM MIB               February 2013

   g9983PortPm1DayIntervalCrc8s  OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX      HCPerfIntervalCount
     MAX-ACCESS  read-only
     STATUS      current
       "A read-only count of CRC-8 errors on the G.Bond/TDIM port
       during the current 1-day performance interval.

       This object is inhibited during Unavailable Seconds (UAS)."
     ::= { g9983PortPm1DayEntry 5 }

   g9983PortPm1DayIntervalValid  OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX      TruthValue
     MAX-ACCESS  read-only
     STATUS      current
       "A read-only object indicating whether or not this history
       bucket contains valid data.  A valid bucket is reported as
       true(1) and an invalid bucket as false(2).
       If this history bucket is invalid, the BTU-C MUST NOT produce
       notifications based upon the value of the counters in this
       Note that an implementation may decide not to store invalid
       history buckets in its database.  In such a case, this object
       is not required, as only valid history buckets are available
       while invalid history buckets are simply not in the database.

       This object partially maps to the TR-159 attribute
       "[TR-159], Section"
     ::= { g9983PortPm1DayEntry 6 }

   -- Services PM

   g9983SvcPmCurTable OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF G9983SvcPmCurEntry
     MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
     STATUS      current
       "This table contains current Performance Monitoring information
       for the services of a G.Bond/TDIM port.
       This table contains live data from the equipment and as such is
       NOT persistent."
     ::= { g9983PM 4 }

   g9983SvcPmCurEntry OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX      G9983SvcPmCurEntry

Beili                        Standards Track                   [Page 39]

RFC 6766                     G.Bond/TDIM MIB               February 2013

     MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
     STATUS      current
       "An entry in the G.Bond/TDIM Services PM table.
       Each entry represents a service, indexed by the
       g9983SvcIdx, in a G.Bond/TDIM port, indexed by the
     INDEX  { ifIndex, g9983SvcIdx }
     ::= { g9983SvcPmCurTable 1 }

   G9983SvcPmCurEntry ::=
       g9983SvcPmCur15MinValidIntervals   HCPerfValidIntervals,
       g9983SvcPmCur15MinInvalidIntervals HCPerfInvalidIntervals,
       g9983SvcPmCur15MinTimeElapsed      HCPerfTimeElapsed,
       g9983SvcPmCur15MinDowns            HCPerfCurrentCount,
       g9983SvcPmCur1DayValidIntervals    Unsigned32,
       g9983SvcPmCur1DayInvalidIntervals  Unsigned32,
       g9983SvcPmCur1DayTimeElapsed       HCPerfTimeElapsed,
       g9983SvcPmCur1DayDowns             HCPerfCurrentCount

   g9983SvcPmCur15MinValidIntervals  OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX      HCPerfValidIntervals
     MAX-ACCESS  read-only
     STATUS      current
       "A read-only number of 15-minute intervals for which the
       performance data was collected.  The value of this object will
       be 96 or the maximum number of 15-minute history intervals
       collected by the implementation, unless the measurement was
       (re)started recently, in which case the value will be the
       number of complete 15-minute intervals for which there are at
       least some data.
       In certain cases, it is possible that some intervals are
       unavailable.  In this case, this object reports the maximum
       interval number for which data is available.

       This object partially maps to the TR-159 attribute
       "[TR-159], Section"
     ::= { g9983SvcPmCurEntry 1 }

   g9983SvcPmCur15MinInvalidIntervals  OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX      HCPerfInvalidIntervals
     MAX-ACCESS  read-only
     STATUS      current

Beili                        Standards Track                   [Page 40]

RFC 6766                     G.Bond/TDIM MIB               February 2013

       "A read-only number of 15-minute intervals for which the
       performance data was not always available.  The value will
       typically be zero, except in cases where the data for some
       intervals are not available.

       This object partially maps to the TR-159 attribute
       "[TR-159], Section"
     ::= { g9983SvcPmCurEntry 2 }

   g9983SvcPmCur15MinTimeElapsed  OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX      HCPerfTimeElapsed
     UNITS       "seconds"
     MAX-ACCESS  read-only
     STATUS      current
       "A read-only count of seconds that have elapsed since the
       beginning of the current 15-minute performance interval.

       This object partially maps to the TR-159 attribute
       "[TR-159], Section"
     ::= { g9983SvcPmCurEntry 3 }

   g9983SvcPmCur15MinDowns  OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX      HCPerfCurrentCount
     UNITS       "seconds"
     MAX-ACCESS  read-only
     STATUS      current
       "A read-only count of seconds in the current 15-minute
       performance interval during which a particular TDIM
       service was 'down', as indicated by the
       g9983OperSvcState object.

       This object is inhibited during Unavailable Seconds (UAS)."
     ::= { g9983SvcPmCurEntry 4}

   g9983SvcPmCur1DayValidIntervals  OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX      Unsigned32 (0..7)
     UNITS       "days"
     MAX-ACCESS  read-only
     STATUS      current

Beili                        Standards Track                   [Page 41]

RFC 6766                     G.Bond/TDIM MIB               February 2013

       "A read-only number of 1-day performance history intervals for
       which the data was collected.  The value of this object will be
       7 or the maximum number of 1-day history intervals collected by
       the implementation, unless the measurement was (re)started
       recently, in which case the value will be the number of complete
       1-day intervals for which there are at least some data.
       In certain cases, it is possible that some intervals are
       unavailable.  In this case, this object reports the maximum
       interval number for which data is available."
       "[TR-159], Section"
     ::= { g9983SvcPmCurEntry 5 }

   g9983SvcPmCur1DayInvalidIntervals  OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX      Unsigned32 (0..7)
     UNITS       "days"
     MAX-ACCESS  read-only
     STATUS      current
       "A read-only number of 1-day performance history intervals for
       which the performance data was not always available.  The value
       will typically be zero, except in cases where the data for some
       intervals are not available."
       "[TR-159], Section"
     ::= { g9983SvcPmCurEntry 6 }

   g9983SvcPmCur1DayTimeElapsed  OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX      HCPerfTimeElapsed
     UNITS       "seconds"
     MAX-ACCESS  read-only
     STATUS      current
       "A read-only count of seconds that have elapsed since the
       beginning of the current 1-day performance interval."
       "[TR-159], Section"
     ::= { g9983SvcPmCurEntry 7 }

   g9983SvcPmCur1DayDowns  OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX      HCPerfCurrentCount
     UNITS       "seconds"
     MAX-ACCESS  read-only
     STATUS      current

Beili                        Standards Track                   [Page 42]

RFC 6766                     G.Bond/TDIM MIB               February 2013

       "A read-only count of seconds in the current 1-day performance
       interval during which a particular TDIM service was
       'down', as indicated by the g9983OperSvcState object.

       This object is inhibited during Unavailable Seconds (UAS)."
     ::= { g9983SvcPmCurEntry 8 }

   -- Service PM history: 15-min buckets

   g9983SvcPm15MinTable OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF G9983SvcPm15MinEntry
     MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
     STATUS      current
       "This table contains historical 15-minute buckets of Performance
       Monitoring information for the services of a G.Bond/TDIM port
       (a multi-dimensional row for each 15-minute interval, up to 96

       Entries in this table MUST be maintained in a persistent manner."
     ::= { g9983PM 5 }

   g9983SvcPm15MinEntry OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX      G9983SvcPm15MinEntry
     MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
     STATUS      current
       "An entry in the G.Bond/TDIM Service historical 15-minute PM
       Each entry represents Performance Monitoring data for a
       particular service, indexed by the g9983SvcIdx, in a G.Bond
       TDIM port, indexed by the ifIndex, collected during a particular
       15-minute interval, indexed by the
     INDEX  { ifIndex, g9983SvcIdx,
              g9983SvcPm15MinIntervalIndex }
     ::= { g9983SvcPm15MinTable 1 }

   G9983SvcPm15MinEntry ::=
       g9983SvcPm15MinIntervalIndex      Unsigned32,
       g9983SvcPm15MinIntervalMoniTime   HCPerfTimeElapsed,
       g9983SvcPm15MinIntervalDowns      HCPerfIntervalCount,
       g9983SvcPm15MinIntervalValid      TruthValue

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RFC 6766                     G.Bond/TDIM MIB               February 2013

   g9983SvcPm15MinIntervalIndex  OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX      Unsigned32 (1..96)
     MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
     STATUS      current
       "Performance data interval number.  1 is the most recent
       previous interval; interval 96 is 24 hours ago.
       Intervals 2..96 are OPTIONAL.

       This object partially maps to the TR-159 attribute
       "[TR-159], Section"
     ::= { g9983SvcPm15MinEntry 1 }

   g9983SvcPm15MinIntervalMoniTime  OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX      HCPerfTimeElapsed
     UNITS       "seconds"
     MAX-ACCESS  read-only
     STATUS      current
       "A read-only count of seconds over which the performance data
       was actually monitored.  This value will be the same as the
       interval duration (900 seconds), except in a situation where
       performance data could not be collected for any reason."
     ::= { g9983SvcPm15MinEntry 2 }

   g9983SvcPm15MinIntervalDowns  OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX      HCPerfIntervalCount
     UNITS       "seconds"
     MAX-ACCESS  read-only
     STATUS      current
       "A read-only count of seconds in the 15-minute performance
       history interval during which a particular TDIM service was
       'down', as indicated by the g9983OperSvcState object.

       This object is inhibited during Unavailable Seconds (UAS)."
     ::= { g9983SvcPm15MinEntry 3 }

   g9983SvcPm15MinIntervalValid  OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX      TruthValue
     MAX-ACCESS  read-only
     STATUS      current
       "A read-only object indicating whether or not this history
       bucket contains valid data.  A valid bucket is reported as
       true(1) and an invalid bucket as false(2).

Beili                        Standards Track                   [Page 44]

RFC 6766                     G.Bond/TDIM MIB               February 2013

       If this history bucket is invalid, the BTU-C MUST NOT produce
       notifications based upon the value of the counters in this
       Note that an implementation may decide not to store invalid
       history buckets in its database.  In such a case, this object
       is not required, as only valid history buckets are available
       while invalid history buckets are simply not in the database.

       This object partially maps to the TR-159 attribute
       "[TR-159], Section"
     ::= { g9983SvcPm15MinEntry 4 }

   -- Service PM history: 1-day buckets

   g9983SvcPm1DayTable OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF G9983SvcPm1DayEntry
     MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
     STATUS      current
       "This table contains historical 1-day buckets of Performance
       Monitoring information for the services of a G.Bond/TDIM port
       (a multi-dimensional row for each 1-day interval, up to 7
       Entries in this table MUST be maintained in a persistent manner."
     ::= { g9983PM 6 }

   g9983SvcPm1DayEntry OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX      G9983SvcPm1DayEntry
     MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
     STATUS      current
       "An entry in the G.Bond/TDIM Service historical 1-day PM table.
       Each entry represents Performance Monitoring data for a
       particular service, indexed by the g9983SvcIdx, defined in a
       G.Bond/TDIM port, indexed by the ifIndex, collected during a
       particular 1-day interval, indexed by the
     INDEX  { ifIndex, g9983SvcIdx,
              g9983SvcPm1DayIntervalIndex }
     ::= { g9983SvcPm1DayTable 1 }

   G9983SvcPm1DayEntry ::=
       g9983SvcPm1DayIntervalIndex       Unsigned32,
       g9983SvcPm1DayIntervalMoniTime    HCPerfTimeElapsed,
       g9983SvcPm1DayIntervalDowns       HCPerfIntervalCount,

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RFC 6766                     G.Bond/TDIM MIB               February 2013

       g9983SvcPm1DayIntervalValid       TruthValue

   g9983SvcPm1DayIntervalIndex  OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX      Unsigned32 (1..7)
     MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
     STATUS      current
       "Performance data interval number.  1 is the most recent
       previous interval; interval 7 is 7 days ago.
       Intervals 2..7 are OPTIONAL.

       This object partially maps to the TR-159 attribute
       "[TR-159], Section"
     ::= { g9983SvcPm1DayEntry 1 }

   g9983SvcPm1DayIntervalMoniTime  OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX      HCPerfTimeElapsed
     UNITS       "seconds"
     MAX-ACCESS  read-only
     STATUS      current
       "A read-only count of seconds over which the performance data
       was actually monitored.  This value will be the same as the
       interval duration (86400 seconds), except in a situation where
       performance data could not be collected for any reason.

       This object partially maps to the TR-159 attribute
       "[TR-159], Section"
     ::= { g9983SvcPm1DayEntry 2 }

   g9983SvcPm1DayIntervalDowns  OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX      HCPerfIntervalCount
     UNITS       "seconds"
     MAX-ACCESS  read-only
     STATUS      current
       "A read-only count of seconds in the 1-day performance history
       interval during which a particular TDIM service was 'down',
       as indicated by the g9983OperSvcState object.

       This object is inhibited during Unavailable Seconds (UAS)."
     ::= { g9983SvcPm1DayEntry 3 }

Beili                        Standards Track                   [Page 46]

RFC 6766                     G.Bond/TDIM MIB               February 2013

   g9983SvcPm1DayIntervalValid  OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX      TruthValue
     MAX-ACCESS  read-only
     STATUS      current
       "A read-only object indicating whether or not this history
       bucket contains valid data.  A valid bucket is reported as
       true(1) and an invalid bucket as false(2).
       If this history bucket is invalid, the BTU-C MUST NOT produce
       notifications based upon the value of the counters in this
       Note that an implementation may decide not to store invalid
       history buckets in its database.  In such a case, this object
       is not required, as only valid history buckets are available
       while invalid history buckets are simply not in the database.

       This object partially maps to the TR-159 attribute
       "[TR-159], Section"
     ::= { g9983SvcPm1DayEntry 4 }

  -- Conformance Statements

   g9983Groups      OBJECT IDENTIFIER
     ::= { g9983Conformance 1 }

   g9983Compliances OBJECT IDENTIFIER
     ::= { g9983Conformance 2 }

   -- Object Groups

   g9983BasicGroup OBJECT-GROUP
     OBJECTS {

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     STATUS      current
       "A collection of objects representing management information
       for G.Bond/TDIM ports."
     ::= { g9983Groups 1 }

   g9983FecGroup OBJECT-GROUP
     OBJECTS {
     STATUS      current
       "A collection of objects supporting the OPTIONAL Forward Error
       Correction (FEC) and Interleaver function in G.Bond/TDIM
     ::= { g9983Groups 2 }

   g9983AlarmConfGroup OBJECT-GROUP
     OBJECTS {
     STATUS      current
       "A collection of objects required for configuration of alarm
       thresholds and notifications in G.Bond/TDIM ports."
     ::= { g9983Groups 3 }

   g9983NotificationGroup NOTIFICATION-GROUP
     STATUS      current

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RFC 6766                     G.Bond/TDIM MIB               February 2013

       "This group supports notifications of significant conditions
       associated with G.Bond/TDIM ports."
     ::= { g9983Groups 4 }

   g9983PerfCurrGroup OBJECT-GROUP
     OBJECTS {
     STATUS      current
       "A collection of objects supporting OPTIONAL current Performance
       Monitoring information for G.Bond/TDIM ports."
     ::= { g9983Groups 5 }

   g9983Perf15MinGroup OBJECT-GROUP
     OBJECTS {
     STATUS      current

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RFC 6766                     G.Bond/TDIM MIB               February 2013

       "A collection of objects supporting OPTIONAL historical
       Performance Monitoring information for G.Bond/TDIM ports, during
       previous 15-minute intervals."
     ::= { g9983Groups 6 }

   g9983Perf1DayGroup OBJECT-GROUP
     OBJECTS {
     STATUS      current
       "A collection of objects supporting OPTIONAL historical
       Performance Monitoring information for G.Bond/TDIM ports, during
       previous 1-day intervals."
     ::= { g9983Groups 7 }

  -- Compliance Statements

   g9983Compliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE
     STATUS      current
       "The compliance statement for G.Bond/TDIM interfaces.
       Compliance with the following external compliance statements
       is REQUIRED:

       MIB Module             Compliance Statement
       ----------             --------------------
       IF-MIB                 ifCompliance3
       GBOND-MIB              gBondCompliance"

     MODULE  -- this module

       GROUP       g9983FecGroup

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         "Support for this group is only required for implementations
         supporting the G.Bond/TDIM FEC and Interleaver function."

       GROUP       g9983PerfCurrGroup
         "Support for this group is only required for implementations
         supporting Performance Monitoring."

       GROUP       g9983Perf15MinGroup
         "Support for this group is only required for implementations
         supporting historical Performance Monitoring."

       GROUP       g9983Perf1DayGroup
         "Support for this group is only required for implementations
         supporting historical Performance Monitoring."

     ::= { g9983Compliances 1 }

7.  Security Considerations

   There are a number of managed objects defined in this MIB module with
   a MAX-ACCESS clause of read-write and/or read-create.  Such objects
   may be considered sensitive or vulnerable in some network
   environments.  The support for SET operations in a non-secure
   environment without proper protection can have a negative effect on
   network operations.  These are the tables and objects and their

   o  Changing of the g9983PortConfAdminServices object may lead to a
      potential service disruption, by changing a particular service's
      position (therefore changing its drop priority) or even removing
      the service from the link altogether.

   o  Changing of g9983SvcTable configuration parameters (e.g.,
      g9983SvcType or g9983SvcSize) may lead to a potential service
      impairment; for example, a TDM service would be dropped if there
      is not enough actual bandwidth on the bonded link to support this

   o  Changing of g9983PortConfTable configuration parameters (e.g.,
      g9983PortConfFecAdminState) may lead to anything from link quality
      and rate degradation to a complete link initialization failure.

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   Some of the readable objects in this MIB module (i.e., those with
   MAX-ACCESS other than not-accessible) may be considered sensitive or
   vulnerable in some network environments since, collectively, they
   provide information about the performance of network interfaces and
   can reveal some aspects of their configuration.

   In particular, since a bonded xDSL port can be comprised of multiple
   Unshielded Twisted Pair (UTP) voice-grade copper, located in the same
   bundle with other pairs belonging to another operator/customer, it is
   theoretically possible to eavesdrop on a G.Bond transmission, simply
   by "listening" to cross-talk from the bonded pairs, especially if the
   operating parameters of the G.Bond link in question are known.

   It is thus important to control even GET and/or NOTIFY access to
   these objects and possibly to even encrypt the values of these
   objects when sending them over the network via SNMP.  These are the
   tables and objects and their sensitivity/vulnerability:

   o  g9983PortStatFecOperState in the g9983PortStatTable indicates
      whether the FEC function is enabled, which may aid in deciphering
      the G.Bond/TDIM transmissions.

   o  The g9983OperSvcTable provides current operational service
      configuration, which may aid in deciphering the G.Bond/TDIM

   SNMP versions prior to SNMPv3 did not include adequate security.
   Even if the network itself is secure (for example by using IPsec),
   there is no control as to who on the secure network is allowed to
   access and GET/SET (read/change/create/delete) the objects in this
   MIB module.

   Implementations SHOULD provide the security features described by the
   SNMPv3 framework (see [RFC3410]), and implementations claiming
   compliance to the SNMPv3 standard MUST include full support for
   authentication and privacy via the User-based Security Model (USM)
   [RFC3414] with the AES cipher algorithm [RFC3826].  Implementations
   MAY also provide support for the Transport Security Model (TSM)
   [RFC5591] in combination with a secure transport such as SSH
   [RFC5592] or TLS/DTLS [RFC6353].

   Further, deployment of SNMP versions prior to SNMPv3 is NOT
   RECOMMENDED.  Instead, it is RECOMMENDED to deploy SNMPv3 and to
   enable cryptographic security.  It is then a customer/operator
   responsibility to ensure that the SNMP entity giving access to an
   instance of this MIB module is properly configured to give access to
   the objects only to those principals (users) that have legitimate
   rights to indeed GET or SET (change/create/delete) them.

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8.  IANA Considerations

   IANA has allocated value 210 as the Object identifier for g9983MIB
   MODULE-IDENTITY <> in the MIB-2 transmission

9.  Acknowledgments

   This document was produced by the [ADSLMIB] working group.

   Special thanks to Dan Romascanu for his meticulous review of this

10.  References

10.1.  Normative References

   [G.998.3]  ITU-T, "Multi-pair bonding using time-division inverse
              multiplexing", ITU-T Recommendation G.998.3, January 2005,

   [RFC2119]  Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate
              Requirement Levels", BCP 14, RFC 2119, March 1997.

   [RFC2578]  McCloghrie, K., Ed., Perkins, D., Ed., and J.
              Schoenwaelder, Ed., "Structure of Management Information
              Version 2 (SMIv2)", STD 58, RFC 2578, April 1999.

   [RFC2579]  McCloghrie, K., Ed., Perkins, D., Ed., and J.
              Schoenwaelder, Ed., "Textual Conventions for SMIv2",
              STD 58, RFC 2579, April 1999.

   [RFC2580]  McCloghrie, K., Perkins, D., and J. Schoenwaelder,
              "Conformance Statements for SMIv2", STD 58, RFC 2580,
              April 1999.

   [RFC2863]  McCloghrie, K. and F. Kastenholz, "The Interfaces Group
              MIB", RFC 2863, June 2000.

   [RFC3414]  Blumenthal, U. and B. Wijnen, "User-based Security Model
              (USM) for version 3 of the Simple Network Management
              Protocol (SNMPv3)", STD 62, RFC 3414, December 2002.

   [RFC3705]  Ray, B. and R. Abbi, "High Capacity Textual Conventions
              for MIB Modules Using Performance History Based on 15
              Minute Intervals", RFC 3705, February 2004.

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   [RFC3826]  Blumenthal, U., Maino, F., and K. McCloghrie, "The
              Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) Cipher Algorithm in the
              SNMP User-based Security Model", RFC 3826, June 2004.

   [RFC5591]  Harrington, D. and W. Hardaker, "Transport Security Model
              for the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP)",
              RFC 5591, June 2009.

   [RFC5592]  Harrington, D., Salowey, J., and W. Hardaker, "Secure
              Shell Transport Model for the Simple Network Management
              Protocol (SNMP)", RFC 5592, June 2009.

   [RFC6353]  Hardaker, W., "Transport Layer Security (TLS) Transport
              Model for the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP)",
              RFC 6353, July 2011.

   [RFC6765]  Beili, E. and M. Morgenstern, "xDSL Multi-Pair Bonding
              (G.Bond) MIB", RFC 6765, February 2013.

   [TR-159]   Beili, E. and M. Morgenstern, "Management Framework for
              xDSL Bonding", Broadband Forum Technical Report TR-159,
              December 2008, <

10.2.  Informative References

   [ADSLMIB]  IETF, "ADSL MIB (adslmib) Charter",

   [G.704]    ITU-T, "Synchronous frame structures used at 1544, 6312,
              2048, 8448 and 44 736 kbit/s hierarchical levels", ITU-T
              Recommendation G.704, October 1998,

   [RFC3410]  Case, J., Mundy, R., Partain, D., and B. Stewart,
              "Introduction and Applicability Statements for Internet-
              Standard Management Framework", RFC 3410, December 2002.

   [RFC3593]  Tesink, K., "Textual Conventions for MIB Modules Using
              Performance History Based on 15 Minute Intervals",
              RFC 3593, September 2003.

   [RFC4181]  Heard, C., "Guidelines for Authors and Reviewers of MIB
              Documents", BCP 111, RFC 4181, September 2005.

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Author's Address

   Edward Beili
   Actelis Networks
   25 Bazel St.
   Petach-Tikva  49103

   Phone: +972-3-924-3491

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