Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF)                       M. Miyazawa
Request for Comments: 6825                                 KDDI R&D Labs
Category: Standards Track                                       T. Otani
ISSN: 2070-1721                                                K. Kumaki
                                                        KDDI Corporation
                                                               T. Nadeau
                                                        Juniper Networks
                                                            January 2013

        Traffic Engineering Database Management Information Base
                      in Support of MPLS-TE/GMPLS


   This memo defines the Management Information Base (MIB) objects for
   managing the Traffic Engineering Database (TED) information with
   extensions in support of the Multiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS)
   with Traffic Engineering (TE) as well as Generalized MPLS (GMPLS) for
   use with network management protocols.

Status of This Memo

   This is an Internet Standards Track document.

   This document is a product of the Internet Engineering Task Force
   (IETF).  It represents the consensus of the IETF community.  It has
   received public review and has been approved for publication by the
   Internet Engineering Steering Group (IESG).  Further information on
   Internet Standards is available in Section 2 of RFC 5741.

   Information about the current status of this document, any errata,
   and how to provide feedback on it may be obtained at

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RFC 6825                TED MIB for MPLS-TE/GMPLS           January 2013

Copyright Notice

   Copyright (c) 2013 IETF Trust and the persons identified as the
   document authors.  All rights reserved.

   This document is subject to BCP 78 and the IETF Trust's Legal
   Provisions Relating to IETF Documents
   ( in effect on the date of
   publication of this document.  Please review these documents
   carefully, as they describe your rights and restrictions with respect
   to this document.  Code Components extracted from this document must
   include Simplified BSD License text as described in Section 4.e of
   the Trust Legal Provisions and are provided without warranty as
   described in the Simplified BSD License.

   This document may contain material from IETF Documents or IETF
   Contributions published or made publicly available before November
   10, 2008.  The person(s) controlling the copyright in some of this
   material may not have granted the IETF Trust the right to allow
   modifications of such material outside the IETF Standards Process.
   Without obtaining an adequate license from the person(s) controlling
   the copyright in such materials, this document may not be modified
   outside the IETF Standards Process, and derivative works of it may
   not be created outside the IETF Standards Process, except to format
   it for publication as an RFC or to translate it into languages other
   than English.

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RFC 6825                TED MIB for MPLS-TE/GMPLS           January 2013

Table of Contents

   1. The Internet-Standard Management Framework ......................3
   2. Introduction ....................................................3
   3. Overview ........................................................4
      3.1. Conventions Used in This Document ..........................4
      3.2. Terminology ................................................4
      3.3. Acronyms ...................................................5
   4. Motivations .....................................................5
   5. Brief Description of MIB Module .................................5
      5.1. tedTable ...................................................5
      5.2. tedLocalIfAddrTable ........................................5
      5.3. tedRemoteIfAddrTable .......................................5
      5.4. tedSwCapTable ..............................................6
      5.5. tedSrlgTable ...............................................6
   6. Example of the TED MIB Module Usage .............................6
   7. TED MIB Module Definitions in Support of GMPLS ..................9
   8. Security Considerations ........................................35
   9. IANA Considerations ............................................36
   10. References ....................................................36
      10.1. Normative References .....................................36
      10.2. Informative References ...................................37
   11. Acknowledgments ...............................................39

1.  The Internet-Standard Management Framework

   For a detailed overview of the documents that describe the current
   Internet-Standard Management Framework, please refer to section 7 of
   RFC 3410 [RFC3410].

   Managed objects are accessed via a virtual information store, termed
   the Management Information Base or MIB.  MIB objects are generally
   accessed through the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP).
   Objects in the MIB are defined using the mechanisms defined in the
   Structure of Management Information (SMI).  This memo specifies a MIB
   module that is compliant to the SMIv2, which is described in STD 58,
   RFC 2578 [RFC2578], STD 58, RFC 2579 [RFC2579] and STD 58, RFC 2580

2.  Introduction

   The OSPF MIB was originally defined for OSPF version 2 in support of
   IPv4 [RFC4750] and extended to support the Internet Protocol
   version 6 (IPv6) as OSPF version 3 MIB [RFC5643].  The IS-IS MIB is
   also defined in [RFC4444].  On the other side, MPLS-/GMPLS-based
   traffic engineering has so far extended the OSPF/IS-IS routing
   protocol with TE functionality [RFC4202] [RFC3630] [RFC5329]
   [RFC5307] [RFC5305].  To manage such MPLS-TE/GMPLS networks

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   effectively, routing information associated with MPLS/GMPLS TE
   parameters is preferred for network management; however, there is no
   clear definition of MPLS/GMPLS TE information in existing MIBs
   related to OSPF(v2 and v3)/IS-IS.

   This memo defines the MIB objects for managing TED in support of
   MPLS-TE/GMPLS for use with network management protocols.

   This MIB module should be used in conjunction with the OSPFv2 MIB,
   OSPF v3 MIB, and IS-IS MIB, as well as other MIBs defined in
   [RFC3812], [RFC3813], [RFC4802], and [RFC4803] for the management of
   MPLS-/GMPLS-based traffic engineering information.  By implementing
   such MIB modules, it is helpful to simultaneously understand the
   entire MPLS/GMPLS network, for example, understanding routing
   information as well as LSP information using a management system.
   However, note that this MIB module is able to be implemented and
   performed without implementation of other MIB modules when the
   management system, for example, only comprehends MPLS/GMPLS topology
   information such as TE link information.

3.  Overview

3.1.  Conventions Used in This Document

   The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT",
   "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in
   RFC 2119 [RFC2119].

3.2.  Terminology

   Definitions of key terms for MPLS Operations, Administration, and
   Maintenance (OAM) and GMPLS are found in [RFC4377] and [RFC3945], and
   the reader is assumed to be familiar with those definitions, which
   are not repeated here.

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3.3.  Acronyms

   GMPLS: Generalized Multiprotocol Label Switching
   IS-IS: Intermediate System to Intermediate System
   LSA:   Link State Advertisement
   LSP:   Label Switching Path
   LSR:   Label Switching Router
   MIB:   Management Information Base
   OSPF:  Open Shortest Path First
   PSC:   Packet Switch Capable
   SRLG:  Shared Risk Link Group
   TE:    Traffic Engineering
   TED:   Traffic Engineering Database
   TDM:   Time Division Multiplexing

4.  Motivations

   The existing OSPFv2, OSPFv3, IS-IS, MPLS, and GMPLS MIBs do not
   provide for the management interface to retrieve topology information
   of MPLS and GMPLS networks.

5.  Brief Description of MIB Module

   The objects described in this section support the management of TED
   as described in [RFC4202], [RFC4203], and [RFC5307] for GMPLS
   extensions as well as in [RFC3630] and [RFC5305] for MPLS/GMPLS.

5.1.  tedTable

   The TED table is basically used to indicate TED information of OSPF-
   TE or ISIS-TE.  However, this table does not contain information for
   the Local/Remote Interface IP Address, Interface Switching Capability
   Descriptor, or Shared Risk Link Group information within the sub-TLVs
   for the Link-TLV.

5.2.  tedLocalIfAddrTable

   The tedLocalIfAddrTable is identical to the Local Interface IP
   Address information in a sub-TLV for the Link-TLV.  This is
   independently defined, because the Interface IP Address sub-TLV may
   appear more than once with the same Link-TLV.

5.3.  tedRemoteIfAddrTable

   The tedRemoteIfAddrTable is identical to the Remote Interface IP
   Address information in a sub-TLV of the Link-TLV.  This is
   independently defined, because the Interface IP Address sub-TLV may
   appear more than once with the same Link-TLV.

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5.4.  tedSwCapTable

   The tedSwCapTable is identical to the Interface Switching Capability
   Descriptor information in a sub-TLV of the Link-TLV.  This is
   independently defined, because the Interface Switching Capability
   Descriptor sub-TLV may appear more than once with the same Link-TLV.

5.5.  tedSrlgTable

   The tedSrlgTable is identical to the Shared Risk Link Group
   information in a sub-TLV of the Link-TLV.  This table is
   independently defined because the Shared Risk Link Group sub-TLV may
   appear more than once with the same Link-TLV.

6.  Example of the TED MIB Module Usage

   In this section, we provide an example of the TED MIB module usage.
   The following indicates the information of a numbered TE link
   originated in a GMPLS-controlled node.  When TE link information is
   retrieved in an MPLS network, GMPLS-specific objects such as
   tedLocalIfAddrTable, tedRemoteIfAddrTable, tedSwCapTable, and
   tedSrlgTable are not supported.

   By retrieval of such information periodically, the management system
   can comprehend the detailed topology information related to
   MPLS/GMPLS networks.  In particular, the basic TED information can be
   collected by tedTable, and Local/Remote Interface IP Address
   information related to MPLS/GMPLS networks are collected by
   tedLocalIfAddrTable and tedRemoteIfAddrTable, and the attribute
   information related to GMPLS TE links can be retrieved by
   tedSwCapTable and tedSrlgTable.  Regarding fault management, there is
   no functionality to notify network failures in this MIB module.
   However, if network topologies are changed, the module can notify the
   management system of the change information by using tedStatusChange,
   tedEntryCreated, and tedEntryDeleted.

   Note that the TED MIB module is limited to "read-only" access except
   for tedCreatedDeletedNotificationMaxRate and
   tedStatusChangeNotificationMaxRate.  The TED MIB module is designed
   to be independent of OSPF or IS-IS MIBs; however, information for
   each TE link belongs to a node or a link that is managed by the
   routing protocol.

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   In tedTable:
   tedLinkInformationData.2.3232235777.3232235778.16777264  zeroDotZero
   tedLinkType.2.3232235777.3232235778.16777264         pointToPoint(1)
   tedLinkState.2.3232235777.3232235778.16777264                  up(1)
   tedAreaId.2.3232235777.3232235778.16777264                         0
   tedTeRouterIdAddrType.2.3232235777.3232235778.16777264       ipv4(1)
   tedLinkIdAddrType.2.3232235777.3232235778.16777264           ipv4(1)
   tedMetric.2.3232235777.3232235778.16777264                         1
   tedMaxBandwidth.2.3232235777.3232235778.16777264            4d9450c0
   tedMaxReservableBandwidth.2.3232235777.3232235778.16777264  4d9450c0
   tedUnreservedBandwidthPri0.2.3232235777.3232235778.16777264 4d9450c0
   tedUnreservedBandwidthPri1.2.3232235777.3232235778.16777264 4d9450c0
   tedUnreservedBandwidthPri2.2.3232235777.3232235778.16777264 4d9450c0
   tedUnreservedBandwidthPri3.2.3232235777.3232235778.16777264 4d9450c0
   tedUnreservedBandwidthPri4.2.3232235777.3232235778.16777264 4d9450c0
   tedUnreservedBandwidthPri5.2.3232235777.3232235778.16777264 4d9450c0
   tedUnreservedBandwidthPri6.2.3232235777.3232235778.16777264 4d9450c0
   tedUnreservedBandwidthPri7.2.3232235777.3232235778.16777264 4d9450c0
   tedAdministrativeGroup.2.3232235777.3232235778.16777264            0
   tedLocalId.2.3232235777.3232235778.16777264                        0
   tedRemoteId.2.3232235777.3232235778.16777264                       0
   tedLinkProtectionType.2.3232235777.3232235778.16777264 01 00 00 00 7

   In tedLocalIfAddrTable:
   tedLocalIfAddrType.16777264.       ipv4(1)

   In tedRemoteIfAddrTable:
   tedRemoteIfAddrType.16777264.      ipv4(1)

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   In tedSwCapTable:
   tedSwCapType.16777264.1                      lsc(150)
   tedSwCapEncoding.16777264.1               ethernet(2)
   tedSwCapMaxLspBandwidthPri0.16777264.1       4d9450c0
   tedSwCapMaxLspBandwidthPri1.16777264.1       4d9450c0
   tedSwCapMaxLspBandwidthPri2.16777264.1       4d9450c0
   tedSwCapMaxLspBandwidthPri3.16777264.1       4d9450c0
   tedSwCapMaxLspBandwidthPri4.16777264.1       4d9450c0
   tedSwCapMaxLspBandwidthPri5.16777264.1       4d9450c0
   tedSwCapMaxLspBandwidthPri6.16777264.1       4d9450c0
   tedSwCapMaxLspBandwidthPri7.16777264.1       4d9450c0
   tedSwCapMinLspBandwidth.16777264.1                  0
   tedSwCapIfMtu.16777264.1                            0
   tedSwCapIndication.16777264.1             standard(0)

   In tedSrlgTable:
   tedSrlg.16777264.1   0

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7.  TED MIB Module Definitions in Support of GMPLS

   This MIB module makes references to the following documents:

   [RFC2328], [RFC2578], [RFC2580], [RFC3630], [RFC4001], [RFC4203],
   [RFC4220], [RFC4444], [RFC4801], [RFC4802], [RFC5305], [RFC5307],
   [RFC5329], [RFC5340], [RFC6340], and [ISO10589].


      MODULE-IDENTITY, OBJECT-TYPE, Integer32, Unsigned32, transmission,
        FROM SNMPv2-SMI                            -- RFC 2578
        FROM SNMPv2-CONF                           -- RFC 2580
        FROM SNMPv2-TC                             -- RFC 2579
      IANAGmplsLSPEncodingTypeTC, IANAGmplsSwitchingTypeTC
        FROM IANA-GMPLS-TC-MIB                     -- RFC 4802
      InetAddress, InetAddressType
        FROM INET-ADDRESS-MIB                      -- RFC 4001
        FROM FLOAT-TC-MIB                          -- RFC 6340

      LAST-UPDATED "201212210000Z"  -- 21 Dec. 2012 00:00:00 GMT
      ORGANIZATION "IETF CCAMP Working Group."
         "          Tomohiro Otani

                    Masanori Miyazawa

                    Thomas D. Nadeau

                    Kenji Kumaki

                    Comments and discussion to"

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RFC 6825                TED MIB for MPLS-TE/GMPLS           January 2013

     "This MIB module contains managed object definitions for TED in
     support of MPLS/GMPLS TE Database.

     Copyright (c) 2013 IETF Trust and the persons identified as
     authors of the code.  All rights reserved.

     Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
     modification, is permitted pursuant to, and subject to the license
     terms contained in, the Simplified BSD License set forth in
     Section 4.c of the IETF Trust's Legal Provisions Relating to IETF
     Documents ("
   -- Revision history.
        "201212210000Z"  -- 21 Dec. 2012 00:00:00 GMT
        "Initial version.  Published as RFC 6825."
      ::= { transmission 273 }
   -- assigned by IANA; see Section 9 for details.

   -- Textual Conventions.

       STATUS       current
        "The area identifier of the IGP.  If OSPF is used to advertise
        LSA, this represents an ospfArea.  If IS-IS is used, this
        represents an area address."
       SYNTAX       OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..20))

      STATUS       current
        "The router identifier.  If OSPF is used to advertise LSA, this
        represents a Router ID.  If IS-IS is used, this represents a
        System ID."
       SYNTAX       OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..6))

      STATUS       current
        "The link identifier.  If OSPF is used, this represents an
        ospfLsdbID.  If IS-IS is used, this represents an isisLSPID.
        If a locally configured link is used, this object represents an
        arbitrary value, which is locally defined in a router."
       SYNTAX       OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..8))

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   -- Top-level components of this MIB module.

   tedNotifications OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tedMIB 0 }
   tedObjects       OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tedMIB 1 }
   tedConformance   OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tedMIB 2 }

   --  TED Table

   tedTable OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX       SEQUENCE OF TedEntry
      MAX-ACCESS   not-accessible
      STATUS       current
        "This table indicates multiple TED information, which has been
        supported by RFC 3630 and RFC 5305."
   ::= { tedObjects 1 }

   tedEntry OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX       TedEntry
       MAX-ACCESS   not-accessible
       STATUS       current
        "This entry contains TED information commonly utilized in both
        MPLS and GMPLS."
      INDEX { tedLocalRouterId, tedRemoteRouterId,
      tedLinkInformationSource, tedLinkIndex }

   ::= { tedTable 1 }

   TedEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
       tedLinkInformationSource     INTEGER,
       tedLocalRouterId             TedRouterIdTC,
       tedRemoteRouterId            TedRouterIdTC,
       tedLinkIndex                 TedLinkIndexTC,
       tedLinkInformationData       RowPointer,
       tedLinkState                 INTEGER,
       tedAreaId                    TedAreaIdTC,
       tedLinkType                  INTEGER,
       tedTeRouterIdAddrType        InetAddressType,
       tedTeRouterIdAddr            InetAddress,
       tedLinkIdAddrType            InetAddressType,
       tedLinkIdAddr                InetAddress,
       tedMetric                    Integer32,
       tedMaxBandwidth              Float32TC,
       tedMaxReservableBandwidth    Float32TC,
       tedUnreservedBandwidthPri0   Float32TC,
       tedUnreservedBandwidthPri1   Float32TC,
       tedUnreservedBandwidthPri2   Float32TC,

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       tedUnreservedBandwidthPri3   Float32TC,
       tedUnreservedBandwidthPri4   Float32TC,
       tedUnreservedBandwidthPri5   Float32TC,
       tedUnreservedBandwidthPri6   Float32TC,
       tedUnreservedBandwidthPri7   Float32TC,
       tedAdministrativeGroup       Integer32,
       tedLocalId                   Integer32,
       tedRemoteId                  Integer32,
       tedLinkProtectionType        BITS

   tedLinkInformationSource OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX       INTEGER {
       MAX-ACCESS   not-accessible
       STATUS       current
        "This object indicates the source of the information about the
        TE link."
     ::= { tedEntry 1 }

   tedLocalRouterId OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX       TedRouterIdTC
       MAX-ACCESS   not-accessible
       STATUS       current
        "This object represents the Router ID of the router originating
        the LSA.  If OSPF is used to advertise LSA, this represents a
        Router ID.  If IS-IS is used, this represents a System ID.
        Otherwise, this represents zero."
         "OSPF Version 2, RFC 2328, Appendix C.1
           OSPF for IPv6, RFC 5340, Appendix C.1
           ISO10589, Section 7.1"
   ::= { tedEntry 2 }

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   tedRemoteRouterId OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX       TedRouterIdTC
       MAX-ACCESS   not-accessible
       STATUS       current
        "This object indicates the router at the remote end of the link
        from the originating router.  If OSPF is used to advertise LSA,
        this represents a Link ID in the Link TLV.  If IS-IS is used,
        this represents a neighbor System ID defined in RFC 5305.
        Otherwise, this represents zero."
         "OSPF Version 2, RFC 2328, Appendix C.1
           OSPF for IPv6, RFC 5340, Appendix C.1
           ISO10589, Section 7.1"
   ::= { tedEntry 3 }

   tedLinkIndex OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX       TedLinkIndexTC
       MAX-ACCESS   not-accessible
       STATUS       current
        "This object indicates the link state identifier.  If OSPF is
        used, this represents an ospfLsdbID.  If IS-IS is used, this
        represents an isisLSPID.  Otherwise, this represents a unique
        identifier within a node."
         "OSPF Version 2, RFC 2328, Appendix A.4.1,
           OSPF for IPv6, RFC 5340, Appendix A.4.2
           ISO10589, Section 9.8 "
   ::= { tedEntry 4 }

   tedLinkInformationData OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX       RowPointer
       MAX-ACCESS   read-only
       STATUS       current
        "If tedLinkInformationSource has the value unknown(0), this
        object MUST contain a value of zeroDotZero.

        If tedLinkInformationSource has the value locallyConfigured(1),
        an implementation can use this object to supply the identifier
        of the corresponding row entry in the teLinkTable of TE-LINK-
        STD-MIB (RFC 4220), the identifier of the corresponding row in
        a local proprietary TE link MIB module, or the value of

        If tedLinkInformationSource has the value ospfv2(2) and
        ospfv3(3), an implementation can use this object to supply the

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        identifier of the corresponding row entry in the
        ospfLocalLsdbTable (OSPFv2-MIB) and the ospfv3AreaLsdbTable
        (OSPFv3-MIB), or the value of zeroDotZero.

        If tedLinkInformationSource has the value isis(4), an
        implementation can use this object to supply the identifier of
        the corresponding row entry in the isisAreaAddr of ISIS-MIB
        (RFC 4444), or the value of zeroDotZero.

        If tedLinkInformationSource has the value other(5), an
        implementation can use this object to supply the identifier of
        the corresponding row entry in the local proprietary MIB module,
        or the value of zeroDotZero."
   ::= { tedEntry 5 }

   tedLinkState OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX       INTEGER {
                     unknown (0),
                     up (1),
                     down (2)
        MAX-ACCESS   read-only
        STATUS       current
         "This object represents the actual operational state of this TE
         link.  For instance, if a row is created in the TED table, but
         the actual TE link is not available for some reason (e.g., when
         there is not yet a physical link or the link has been manually
         disabled), then the object would be down(2) state.
         In contrast, if a row is added and the TE link is available,
         this would be operationally up(1)."
   ::= { tedEntry 6 }

   tedAreaId OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX       TedAreaIdTC
       MAX-ACCESS   read-only
       STATUS       current
        "This object indicates the area identifier of the IGP.  If OSPF
        is used to advertise LSA, this represents an ospfArea.  If IS-IS
        is used, this represents an area address.  Otherwise, this
        represents zero."
         "OSPF Version 2, RFC 2328, Appendix C.2
           OSPF for IPv6, RFC 5340, Appendix C.2
           ISO10589, Section 9.8"
   ::= { tedEntry 7 }

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   tedLinkType OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX       INTEGER {
                    pointToPoint (1),
                    multiAccess (2)
       MAX-ACCESS   read-only
       STATUS       current
        "This indicates the type of the link, such as point to point or
        "Traffic Engineering (TE) Extensions to OSPF Version 2,
         RFC 3630, Section 2.5.1"
   ::= { tedEntry 8 }

   tedTeRouterIdAddrType OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX       InetAddressType
       MAX-ACCESS   read-only
       STATUS       current
        "This object indicates the TE-Router ID address type.  Only
        values unknown(0), ipv4(1), or ipv6(2) are supported."
   ::= { tedEntry 9 }

   tedTeRouterIdAddr OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX       InetAddress
       MAX-ACCESS   read-only
       STATUS       current
         "This object indicates the TE-Router ID."
        "Traffic Engineering (TE) Extensions to OSPF Version 2,
         RFC 3630, Section 2.4.1
          IS-IS extensions for TE, RFC 5305, Section 4.3"
   ::= { tedEntry 10 }

   tedLinkIdAddrType OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX       InetAddressType
       MAX-ACCESS   read-only
       STATUS       current
        "This object indicates the address type of the TE Link ID.  Only
        values unknown(0), ipv4(1), or ipv6(2) are supported."
   ::= { tedEntry 11 }

   tedLinkIdAddr OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX       InetAddress
       MAX-ACCESS   read-only

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       STATUS       current
        "This indicates the Router ID of the neighbor in the case of
        point-to-point links.  This also indicates the interface
        address of the designated router in the case of multi-access
        "Traffic Engineering (TE) Extensions to OSPF Version 2,
         RFC 3630, Section 2.5.2
          IS-IS extensions for TE, RFC 5305, Section 4.3"
   ::= { tedEntry 12 }

   tedMetric OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX       Integer32
       MAX-ACCESS   read-only
       STATUS       current
        "This indicates the traffic engineering metric value of the TE
        "Traffic Engineering (TE) Extensions to OSPF Version 2,
         RFC 3630, Section 2.5.5
          IS-IS extensions for TE, RFC 5305, Section 3.7"
   ::= { tedEntry 13 }

   tedMaxBandwidth OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX       Float32TC
       UNITS        "Byte per second"
       MAX-ACCESS   read-only
       STATUS       current
        "This indicates the maximum bandwidth that can be used on this
        link in this direction."
        "Traffic Engineering (TE) Extensions to OSPF Version 2,
         RFC 3630, Section 2.5.6
          IS-IS extensions for TE, RFC 5305, Section 3.4"
   ::= { tedEntry 14 }

   tedMaxReservableBandwidth OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX       Float32TC
       UNITS        "Byte per second"
       MAX-ACCESS   read-only
       STATUS       current
        "This indicates the maximum bandwidth that may be reserved on
        this link in this direction."

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RFC 6825                TED MIB for MPLS-TE/GMPLS           January 2013

        "Traffic Engineering (TE) Extensions to OSPF Version 2,
         RFC 3630, Section 2.5.7
          IS-IS extensions for TE, RFC 5305, Section 3.5"
   ::= { tedEntry 15 }

   tedUnreservedBandwidthPri0 OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX       Float32TC
       UNITS        "Byte per second"
       MAX-ACCESS   read-only
       STATUS       current
        "This indicates the amount of bandwidth not yet reserved at the
        priority 0."
        "Traffic Engineering (TE) Extensions to OSPF Version 2,
         RFC 3630, Section 2.5.8
          IS-IS extensions for TE, RFC 5305, Section 3.6"
   ::= { tedEntry 16 }

   tedUnreservedBandwidthPri1 OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX       Float32TC
       UNITS        "Byte per second"
       MAX-ACCESS   read-only
       STATUS       current
        "This indicates the amount of bandwidth not yet reserved at the
        priority 1."
        "Traffic Engineering (TE) Extensions to OSPF Version 2,
         RFC 3630, Section 2.5.8
          IS-IS extensions for TE, RFC 5305, Section 3.6"
   ::= { tedEntry 17 }

   tedUnreservedBandwidthPri2 OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX       Float32TC
       UNITS        "Byte per second"
       MAX-ACCESS   read-only
       STATUS       current
        "This indicates the amount of bandwidth not yet reserved at the
        priority 2."
        "Traffic Engineering (TE) Extensions to OSPF Version 2,
         RFC 3630, Section 2.5.8
          IS-IS extensions for TE, RFC 5305, Section 3.6"
   ::= { tedEntry 18 }

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RFC 6825                TED MIB for MPLS-TE/GMPLS           January 2013

   tedUnreservedBandwidthPri3 OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX       Float32TC
       UNITS        "Byte per second"
       MAX-ACCESS   read-only
       STATUS       current
        "This indicates the amount of bandwidth not yet reserved at the
        priority 3."
        "Traffic Engineering (TE) Extensions to OSPF Version 2,
         RFC 3630, Section 2.5.8
          IS-IS extensions for TE, RFC 5305, Section 3.6"
   ::= { tedEntry 19 }

   tedUnreservedBandwidthPri4 OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX       Float32TC
       UNITS        "Byte per second"
       MAX-ACCESS   read-only
       STATUS       current
        "This indicates the amount of bandwidth not yet reserved at the
        priority 4."
        "Traffic Engineering (TE) Extensions to OSPF Version 2,
         RFC 3630, Section 2.5.8
          IS-IS extensions for TE, RFC 5305, Section 3.6"
   ::= { tedEntry 20 }

   tedUnreservedBandwidthPri5 OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX       Float32TC
       UNITS        "Byte per second"
       MAX-ACCESS   read-only
       STATUS       current
        "This indicates the amount of bandwidth not yet reserved at the
        priority 5."
        "Traffic Engineering (TE) Extensions to OSPF Version 2,
         RFC 3630, Section 2.5.8
          IS-IS extensions for TE, RFC 5305, Section 3.6"
   ::= { tedEntry 21 }

   tedUnreservedBandwidthPri6 OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX       Float32TC
       UNITS        "Byte per second"
       MAX-ACCESS   read-only
       STATUS       current

Miyazawa, et al.             Standards Track                   [Page 18]

RFC 6825                TED MIB for MPLS-TE/GMPLS           January 2013

        "This indicates the amount of bandwidth not yet reserved at the
        priority 6."
        "Traffic Engineering (TE) Extensions to OSPF Version 2,
         RFC 3630, Section 2.5.8
          IS-IS extensions for TE, RFC 5305, 3.6"
   ::= { tedEntry 22 }

   tedUnreservedBandwidthPri7 OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX       Float32TC
       UNITS        "Byte per second"
       MAX-ACCESS   read-only
       STATUS       current
        "This indicates the amount of bandwidth not yet reserved at the
        priority 7."
        "Traffic Engineering (TE) Extensions to OSPF Version 2,
         RFC 3630, Section 2.5.8
          IS-IS extensions for TE, RFC 5305, Section 3.6"
   ::= { tedEntry 23 }

   tedAdministrativeGroup OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX       Integer32
       MAX-ACCESS   read-only
       STATUS       current
        "This indicates the Administrative Group to which the link
        belongs.  Since the value is a bit mask, the link can belong
        to multiple groups.  This is also called Resource Class/Color."
        "Traffic Engineering (TE) Extensions to OSPF Version 2,
         RFC 3630, Section 2.5.9
          IS-IS extensions for TE, RFC 5305, Section 3.1"
   ::= { tedEntry 24 }

   tedLocalId OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX       Integer32
       MAX-ACCESS   read-only
       STATUS       current
        "This indicates the Link Local Identifier of an unnumbered
         "OSPF Extensions in Support of GMPLS, RFC 4203, Section 1.1
           IS-IS Extensions in Support of GMPLS, RFC 5307, Section 1.1"
   ::= { tedEntry 25 }

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RFC 6825                TED MIB for MPLS-TE/GMPLS           January 2013

   tedRemoteId OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX       Integer32
       MAX-ACCESS   read-only
       STATUS       current
        "This indicates the Link Remote Identifier of an unnumbered
         "OSPF Extensions in Support of GMPLS, RFC 4203, Section 1.1
           IS-IS Extensions in Support of GMPLS, RFC 5307, Section 1.1"
   ::= { tedEntry 26 }

   tedLinkProtectionType OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX       BITS {
                    shared (2),
                    dedicatedOneToOne (3),
       MAX-ACCESS   read-only
       STATUS       current
         "This object indicates the protection type of the TE link."
         "OSPF Extensions in Support of GMPLS, RFC 4203, Section 1.2
           IS-IS Extensions in Support of GMPLS, RFC 5307, Section 1.2"
   ::= { tedEntry 27 }

   --  TED Local Interface IP Address Table

   tedLocalIfAddrTable OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX       SEQUENCE OF TedLocalIfAddrEntry
       MAX-ACCESS   not-accessible
       STATUS       current
        "This table contains the IP address information of a local TE
   ::= { tedObjects 2 }

   tedLocalIfAddrEntry OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX       TedLocalIfAddrEntry
       MAX-ACCESS   not-accessible
       STATUS       current
        "This entry contains the IP address information of the local TE

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RFC 6825                TED MIB for MPLS-TE/GMPLS           January 2013

       INDEX { tedLinkIndex, tedLocalIfAddr }
   ::= { tedLocalIfAddrTable 1 }

   TedLocalIfAddrEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
       tedLocalIfAddrType    InetAddressType,
       tedLocalIfAddr        InetAddress

   tedLocalIfAddrType OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX       InetAddressType
       MAX-ACCESS   read-only
       STATUS       current
        "This object indicates the address type of the local TE link.
        Only values unknown(0), ipv4(1), or ipv6(2) have to be
   ::= { tedLocalIfAddrEntry 1 }

   tedLocalIfAddr OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX       InetAddress (SIZE (1..20))
       MAX-ACCESS   not-accessible
       STATUS       current
        "This object indicates the address of the local TE link."
        "Traffic Engineering (TE) Extensions to OSPF Version 2,
         RFC 3630, Section 2.5.3,
         Traffic Engineering Extensions to OSPF Version 3, RFC 5329,
         Section 4.3
          IS-IS extensions for TE, RFC 5305, Section 3.4"
   ::= { tedLocalIfAddrEntry 2 }

   --  TED Remote Interface IP Address Table

   tedRemoteIfAddrTable OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX       SEQUENCE OF TedRemoteIfAddrEntry
       MAX-ACCESS   not-accessible
       STATUS       current
        "This table contains the IP address information of a remote TE
   ::= { tedObjects 3 }

   tedRemoteIfAddrEntry OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX       TedRemoteIfAddrEntry
       MAX-ACCESS   not-accessible
       STATUS       current

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RFC 6825                TED MIB for MPLS-TE/GMPLS           January 2013

        "This entry contains the IP address information of the remote
        TE link."
   INDEX { tedLinkIndex, tedRemoteIfAddr }
       ::= { tedRemoteIfAddrTable 1 }

   TedRemoteIfAddrEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
       tedRemoteIfAddrType    InetAddressType,
       tedRemoteIfAddr        InetAddress

   tedRemoteIfAddrType OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX       InetAddressType
       MAX-ACCESS   read-only
       STATUS       current
         "This object indicates the address type of the remote TE link."
   ::= { tedRemoteIfAddrEntry 1 }

   tedRemoteIfAddr OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX       InetAddress(SIZE (1..20))
       MAX-ACCESS   not-accessible
       STATUS       current
        "This object indicates the address of the remote TE link."
        "Traffic Engineering (TE) Extensions to OSPF Version 2,
         RFC 3630, Section 2.5.4,
         Traffic Engineering Extensions to OSPF Version3, RFC 5329,
         Section 4.4
          IS-IS extensions for TE, RFC 5305, Section 3.3"
   ::= { tedRemoteIfAddrEntry 2 }

   --  TED Switching Capability Table

   tedSwCapTable OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX       SEQUENCE OF TedSwCapEntry
       MAX-ACCESS   not-accessible
       STATUS       current
        "This table contains the GMPLS TED switching capability
   ::= { tedObjects 4 }

   tedSwCapEntry OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX       TedSwCapEntry
       MAX-ACCESS   not-accessible
       STATUS       current

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RFC 6825                TED MIB for MPLS-TE/GMPLS           January 2013

        "This entry relates each TE link with its GMPLS TE switching
        capability information.  If the MIB module deals with only OSPF-
        TE information, the value of each object related with GMPLS TE
        extensions should be null."
       INDEX { tedLinkIndex, tedSwCapIndex }
   ::= { tedSwCapTable 1 }

   TedSwCapEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
       tedSwCapIndex                 Unsigned32,
       tedSwCapType         IANAGmplsSwitchingTypeTC,
       tedSwCapEncoding              IANAGmplsLSPEncodingTypeTC,
       tedSwCapMaxLspBandwidthPri0   Float32TC,
       tedSwCapMaxLspBandwidthPri1   Float32TC,
       tedSwCapMaxLspBandwidthPri2   Float32TC,
       tedSwCapMaxLspBandwidthPri3   Float32TC,
       tedSwCapMaxLspBandwidthPri4   Float32TC,
       tedSwCapMaxLspBandwidthPri5   Float32TC,
       tedSwCapMaxLspBandwidthPri6   Float32TC,
       tedSwCapMaxLspBandwidthPri7   Float32TC,
       tedSwCapMinLspBandwidth       Float32TC,
       tedSwCapIfMtu                 Integer32,
       tedSwCapIndication            INTEGER

   tedSwCapIndex OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX       Unsigned32 (1..255)
       MAX-ACCESS   not-accessible
       STATUS       current
        "This index is utilized to identify multiple switching
        functions on a local or remote TE link according to definitions
        of textual conventions of GMPLS, RFC 4801."
   ::= { tedSwCapEntry 1 }

   tedSwCapType OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX       IANAGmplsSwitchingTypeTC
       MAX-ACCESS   read-only
       STATUS       current
        "This object indicates the GMPLS switching capability assigned
        to the TE link according to definitions of textual conventions
        of GMPLS, RFC 4801."
         "OSPF Extensions in Support of GMPLS, RFC 4203, Section 1.4
           IS-IS Extensions in Support of GMPLS, RFC 5307, Section 1.3"
   ::= { tedSwCapEntry 2 }

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RFC 6825                TED MIB for MPLS-TE/GMPLS           January 2013

   tedSwCapEncoding OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX       IANAGmplsLSPEncodingTypeTC
       MAX-ACCESS   read-only
       STATUS       current
        "This object indicates the GMPLS encoding type assigned to the
        TE link."
         "OSPF Extensions in Support of GMPLS, RFC 4203, Section 1.4
           IS-IS Extensions in Support of GMPLS, RFC 5307, Section 1.3"
   ::= { tedSwCapEntry 3 }

   tedSwCapMaxLspBandwidthPri0 OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX       Float32TC
       UNITS        "Byte per second"
       MAX-ACCESS   read-only
       STATUS       current
        "This object indicates the maximum bandwidth of the TE link at
        the priority 0 for GMPLS LSP creation."
         "OSPF Extensions in Support of GMPLS, RFC 4203, Section 1.4
           IS-IS Extensions in Support of GMPLS, RFC 5307, Section 1.3"
   ::= { tedSwCapEntry 4 }

   tedSwCapMaxLspBandwidthPri1 OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX       Float32TC
       UNITS        "Byte per second"
       MAX-ACCESS   read-only
       STATUS       current
        "This object indicates the maximum bandwidth of the TE link at
        the priority 1 for GMPLS LSP creation."
         "OSPF Extensions in Support of GMPLS, RFC 4203, Section 1.4
           IS-IS Extensions in Support of GMPLS, RFC 5307, Section 1.3"
   ::= { tedSwCapEntry 5 }

   tedSwCapMaxLspBandwidthPri2  OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX       Float32TC
       UNITS        "Byte per second"
       MAX-ACCESS   read-only
       STATUS       current
        "This object indicates the maximum bandwidth of the TE link at
        the priority 2 for GMPLS LSP creation."

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RFC 6825                TED MIB for MPLS-TE/GMPLS           January 2013

         "OSPF Extensions in Support of GMPLS, RFC 4203, Section 1.4
           IS-IS Extensions in Support of GMPLS, RFC 5307, Section 1.3"
   ::= { tedSwCapEntry 6 }

   tedSwCapMaxLspBandwidthPri3 OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX       Float32TC
       UNITS        "Byte per second"
       MAX-ACCESS   read-only
       STATUS       current
        "This object indicates the maximum bandwidth of the TE link at
        the priority 3 for GMPLS LSP creation."
         "OSPF Extensions in Support of GMPLS, RFC 4203, Section 1.4
           IS-IS Extensions in Support of GMPLS, RFC 5307, Section 1.3"
   ::= { tedSwCapEntry 7 }

   tedSwCapMaxLspBandwidthPri4 OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX       Float32TC
       UNITS        "Byte per second"
       MAX-ACCESS   read-only
       STATUS       current
        "This object indicates the maximum bandwidth of the TE link at
        the priority 4 for GMPLS LSP creation."
         "OSPF Extensions in Support of GMPLS, RFC 4203, Section 1.4
           IS-IS Extensions in Support of GMPLS, RFC 5307, Section 1.3"
   ::= { tedSwCapEntry 8 }

   tedSwCapMaxLspBandwidthPri5  OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX       Float32TC
       UNITS        "Byte per second"
       MAX-ACCESS   read-only
       STATUS       current
        "This object indicates the maximum bandwidth of the TE link at
        the priority 5 for GMPLS LSP creation."
         "OSPF Extensions in Support of GMPLS, RFC 4203, Section 1.4
           IS-IS Extensions in Support of GMPLS, RFC 5307, Section 1.3"
   ::= { tedSwCapEntry 9 }

   tedSwCapMaxLspBandwidthPri6 OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX       Float32TC
       UNITS        "Byte per second"
       MAX-ACCESS   read-only

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RFC 6825                TED MIB for MPLS-TE/GMPLS           January 2013

       STATUS       current
        "This object indicates the maximum bandwidth of the TE link at
        the priority 6 for GMPLS LSP creation."
         "OSPF Extensions in Support of GMPLS, RFC 4203, Section 1.4
           IS-IS Extensions in Support of GMPLS, RFC 5307, Section 1.3"
   ::= { tedSwCapEntry 10 }

   tedSwCapMaxLspBandwidthPri7 OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX       Float32TC
       UNITS        "Byte per second"
       MAX-ACCESS   read-only
       STATUS       current
        "This object indicates the maximum bandwidth of the TE link at
        the priority 7 for GMPLS LSP creation."
         "OSPF Extensions in Support of GMPLS, RFC 4203, Section 1.4
           IS-IS Extensions in Support of GMPLS, RFC 5307, Section 1.3"
   ::= { tedSwCapEntry 11 }

   tedSwCapMinLspBandwidth OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX       Float32TC
       UNITS        "Byte per second"
       MAX-ACCESS   read-only
       STATUS       current
        "This object indicates the minimum bandwidth of the TE link for
        GMPLS LSP creation if the switching capability field is TDM,
        PSC-1, PSC-2, PSC-3, or PSC-4."
         "OSPF Extensions in Support of GMPLS, RFC 4203, Section 1.4
           IS-IS Extensions in Support of GMPLS, RFC 5307, Section 1.3"
   ::= { tedSwCapEntry 12 }

   tedSwCapIfMtu OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX       Integer32
       MAX-ACCESS   read-only
       STATUS       current
         "This object indicates the MTU of the local or remote TE link."
         "OSPF Extensions in Support of GMPLS, RFC 4203, Section 1.4
           IS-IS Extensions in Support of GMPLS, RFC 5307, Section 1.3"
   ::= { tedSwCapEntry 13 }

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RFC 6825                TED MIB for MPLS-TE/GMPLS           January 2013

   tedSwCapIndication OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX       INTEGER {
                    standard (0),
                    arbitrary (1)
       MAX-ACCESS   read-only
       STATUS       current
        "This object indicates whether the interface supports Standard
        or Arbitrary SONET/SDH."
         "OSPF Extensions in Support of GMPLS, RFC 4203, Section 1.4
           IS-IS Extensions in Support of GMPLS, RFC 5307, Section 1.3"
   ::= { tedSwCapEntry 14 }

   --  TED SRLG Table

   tedSrlgTable OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX       SEQUENCE OF TedSrlgEntry
       MAX-ACCESS   not-accessible
       STATUS       current
         "This table contains the SRLG information of the TE link."
   ::= { tedObjects 5 }

   tedSrlgEntry OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX       TedSrlgEntry
       MAX-ACCESS   not-accessible
       STATUS       current
         "This entry relates each TE link with its SRLG information."
       INDEX { tedLinkIndex, tedSrlgIndex }
   ::= { tedSrlgTable 1 }

   TedSrlgEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
       tedSrlgIndex   Unsigned32,
       tedSrlg        Integer32

   tedSrlgIndex OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX       Unsigned32(1..255)
       MAX-ACCESS   not-accessible
       STATUS       current
        "This index is utilized to identify multiple SRLG values on a
        local or remote TE link.  This object represents an arbitrary
        value, which is locally defined in a router."

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RFC 6825                TED MIB for MPLS-TE/GMPLS           January 2013

        "OSPF Extensions in support of GMPLS, RFC 4203, Section 1.3
          IS-IS Extensions in Support of GMPLS, RFC 5307, Section 1.4"
   ::= { tedSrlgEntry 1 }

   tedSrlg OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX       Integer32
       MAX-ACCESS   read-only
       STATUS       current
        "This object indicates the SRLG value assigned to a local or
        remote TE link."
         "OSPF Extensions in Support of GMPLS, RFC 4203, Section 1.3
           IS-IS Extensions in Support of GMPLS, RFC 5307, Section 1.4"
   ::= { tedSrlgEntry 2 }

   -- Notification Configuration

   tedStatusChangeNotificationMaxRate OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX        Unsigned32
       MAX-ACCESS    read-write
       STATUS        current
        "A lot of notifications relating to the status change are
        expected to generate in a node, especially when a network
        failure occurs and might cause a performance degradation of the
        node itself.  To avoid such a defect, this object provides the
        maximum number of notifications generated per minute.  If
        events occur more rapidly, the implementation may simply fail
        to emit these notifications during that period, or may queue
        them until an appropriate time.  A value of 0 means no
        throttling is applied and events may be notified at the rate at
        which they occur."
       DEFVAL        {1}
   ::= { tedObjects 6 }

   tedCreatedDeletedNotificationMaxRate OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX        Unsigned32
       MAX-ACCESS    read-write
       STATUS        current
        "A lot of notifications relating to new registration in the TED
        table by receiving new TE link information or deletion of
        existing entries in the TED table are expected to generate in a
        node.  This object provides the maximum number of notifications
        generated per minute."

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RFC 6825                TED MIB for MPLS-TE/GMPLS           January 2013

       DEFVAL        {1}
   ::= { tedObjects 7 }

   -- Notifications

   tedStatusChange NOTIFICATION-TYPE
       OBJECTS  {
       STATUS   current
        "This notification signifies that there has been change in the
        TE information of tedTable, tedLocalIfAddrTable,
        tedRemoteIfAddrTable, tedSwCapTable, and/or tedSrlgTable.  For
        example, this should be generated when tedUnreservedBandwidth is
        changed to create or delete LSP using the registered TE link."
   ::= { tedNotifications 1 }

   tedEntryCreated NOTIFICATION-TYPE
       OBJECTS  {
       STATUS   current
        "This notification signifies that there has been new
        registration in the TED table by receiving new TE link
        information.  For example, this should be generated when a new
        index (tedLinkIndex) is registered in the TED table."
   ::= { tedNotifications 2 }

   tedEntryDeleted NOTIFICATION-TYPE
       OBJECTS  {
       STATUS      current
        "This notification signifies that there has been deletion of an
        entry in the TED table.  For example, this should be generated
        when one of the existing entries is deleted in the TED table."
   ::= { tedNotifications 3 }

   -- Conformance Statement

       OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tedConformance 1 }
       OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tedConformance 2 }

Miyazawa, et al.             Standards Track                   [Page 29]

RFC 6825                TED MIB for MPLS-TE/GMPLS           January 2013

   -- Module Compliance

   tedModuleFullCompliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE
       STATUS   current
         "Compliance statement for agents provides full support for the
         TED MIB."
       MODULE -- this module
       MANDATORY-GROUPS   { tedMainGroup,

   GROUP tedUnnumberedLinkGroup
        "This group is mandatory for TE links that support the
        unnumbered links."

   GROUP tedNumberedLinkGroup
        "This group is mandatory for TE links that support the
        numbered links."

   GROUP tedSwCapGroup
        "This group is mandatory for TE links that support GMPLS
        switching capability."

   GROUP tedSwCapMinLspBandwidthGroup
        "This group is mandatory for TE links if the switching
        capability field is TDM, PSC-1, PSC-2, PSC-3, or PSC-4."

   GROUP tedSwCapIfMtuGroup
        "This group is mandatory for TE links that support the MTU of
        the local or remote TE link."

   GROUP tedSwCapIndicationGroup
        "This group is mandatory for TE links that support Standard or
        Arbitrary SONET/SDH."

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RFC 6825                TED MIB for MPLS-TE/GMPLS           January 2013

   GROUP tedSrlgGroup
        "This group is mandatory for TE links that support SRLG

   ::= { tedCompliances 1 }

   -- ReadOnly Compliance

   tedModuleReadOnlyCompliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE
      STATUS current
        "Compliance requirement for implementations only provides read-
        only support for TED.  Such devices can then be monitored but
        cannot be configured using this MIB module."
       MODULE -- this module
       MANDATORY-GROUPS   { tedMainGroup

   GROUP tedUnnumberedLinkGroup
        "This group is mandatory for TE links that support the
        unnumbered links."

   GROUP tedNumberedLinkGroup
        "This group is mandatory for TE links that support the
        numbered links."

   GROUP tedSwCapGroup
        "This group is mandatory for TE links that support some GMPLS
        switching capabilities."

   GROUP tedSwCapMinLspBandwidthGroup
        "This group is mandatory for TE links if the switching
        capability field is TDM, PSC-1, PSC-2, PSC-3, or PSC-4."

   GROUP tedSwCapIfMtuGroup
        "This group is mandatory for TE links that support the MTU of
        the local or remote TE link."

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RFC 6825                TED MIB for MPLS-TE/GMPLS           January 2013

   GROUP tedSwCapIndicationGroup
        "This group is mandatory for TE links that support Standard or
        Arbitrary SONET/SDH."

   GROUP tedSrlgGroup
        "This group is mandatory for TE links that support SRLG

   ::= { tedCompliances 2 }

   -- Units of conformance

   tedMainGroup OBJECT-GROUP
       OBJECTS {
       STATUS   current
        "Collection of objects for TED management"
   ::= { tedGroups 1 }

   tedObjectsGroup OBJECT-GROUP
       OBJECTS {

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RFC 6825                TED MIB for MPLS-TE/GMPLS           January 2013

       STATUS  current
        "The objects needed to implement notification."
   ::= { tedGroups 2 }

   tedNotificationGroup NOTIFICATION-GROUP
       STATUS  current
        "This group is mandatory for those implementations that can
        implement the notifications contained in this group."
   ::= { tedGroups 3 }

   tedUnnumberedLinkGroup OBJECT-GROUP
       OBJECTS {
       STATUS  current
        "The objects needed to implement the unnumbered links."
   ::= { tedGroups 4 }

   tedNumberedLinkGroup OBJECT-GROUP
       OBJECTS {
       STATUS  current
        "The objects needed to implement the numbered links."
   ::= { tedGroups 5 }

   tedSwCapGroup OBJECT-GROUP
       OBJECTS {

Miyazawa, et al.             Standards Track                   [Page 33]

RFC 6825                TED MIB for MPLS-TE/GMPLS           January 2013

       STATUS  current
        "The objects needed to implement the TE links with GMPLS TE
        switching capability information."
   ::= { tedGroups 6 }

   tedSwCapMinLspBandwidthGroup OBJECT-GROUP
       OBJECTS {
       STATUS  current
        "The objects needed to implement the minimum bandwidth of the
        TE link for GMPLS LSP creation."
   ::= { tedGroups 7 }

   tedSwCapIfMtuGroup OBJECT-GROUP
       OBJECTS {
       STATUS  current
        "The objects needed to implement the MTU information of the
        local or remote TE link."
   ::= { tedGroups 8 }

   tedSwCapIndicationGroup OBJECT-GROUP
       OBJECTS {
       STATUS  current
        "The objects needed to implement the indication of whether the
        interface supports Standard or Arbitrary SONET/SDH."
   ::= { tedGroups 9 }

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   tedSrlgGroup OBJECT-GROUP
       OBJECTS {
       STATUS  current
         "The objects needed to implement multiple SRLG values with
         GMPLS TE information."
   ::= { tedGroups 10 }


8.  Security Considerations

   There are several objects defined in this MIB module that have a MAX-
   ACCESS clause of read-write.  Such objects may be considered
   sensitive or vulnerable in some network environments.  The support
   for SET operations in a non-secure environment without proper
   protection can have a negative effect on network operations.

   Some of the readable objects in this MIB module (i.e., objects with a
   MAX-ACCESS other than not-accessible) may be considered sensitive or
   vulnerable in some network environments.  It is thus important to
   control even GET and/or NOTIFY access to these objects and possibly
   to even encrypt the values of these objects when sending them over
   the network via SNMP.  These are the tables and objects and their
   sensitivity/vulnerability: tedTable, tedLocalIfAddrTable,
   tedRemoteIfAddrTable, tedSwCapTable, and tedSrlgTable contain
   topology information for the MPLS/GMPLS network.  If an administrator
   does not want to reveal this information, then these tables should be
   considered sensitive/vulnerable.

   There are only two write-access objects in this MIB module:
   tedStatusChangeNotificationMaxRate and
   tedCreatedDeletedNotificationMaxRate.  Malicious modification of
   these objects could cause the management agent, the network, or the
   router to become overloaded with notifications in cases of high churn
   within the network.

   SNMP versions prior to SNMPv3 did not include adequate security.
   Even if the network itself is secure (for example by using IPsec),
   even then, there is no control as to who on the secure network is
   allowed to access and GET/SET (read/change/create/delete) the objects
   in this MIB module.

   Implementations MUST provide the security features described by the
   SNMPv3 framework (see [RFC3410]), including full support for
   authentication and privacy via the User-based Security Model (USM)

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   [RFC3414] with the AES cipher algorithm [RFC3826].  Implementations
   MAY also provide support for the Transport Security Model (TSM)
   [RFC5591] in combination with a secure transport such as SSH
   [RFC5592] or TLS/DTLS [RFC6353].

   Further, deployment of SNMP versions prior to SNMPv3 is NOT
   RECOMMENDED.  Instead, it is RECOMMENDED to deploy SNMPv3 and to
   enable cryptographic security.  It is then a customer/operator
   responsibility to ensure that the SNMP entity giving access to an
   instance of this MIB module is properly configured to give access to
   the objects only to those principals (users) that have legitimate
   rights to indeed GET or SET (change/create/delete) them.

9.  IANA Considerations

   IANA has assigned 273 to the TED-MIB module specified in this
   document in the "Internet-standard MIB - Transmission Group"
   registry.  New assignments can only be made via Specification
   Required as specified in [RFC5226].

   In addition, the IANA has marked value 273 (the corresponding
   transmission value allocated according to this document) as
   "Reserved" in the "ifType definitions" registry.

10.  References

10.1.  Normative References

   [RFC2119]  Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate
              Requirement Levels", BCP 14, RFC 2119, March 1997.

   [RFC2328]  Moy, J., "OSPF Version 2", STD 54, RFC 2328, April 1998.

   [RFC2578]  McCloghrie, K., Ed., Perkins, D., Ed., and J.
              Schoenwaelder, Ed., "Structure of Management Information
              Version 2 (SMIv2)", STD 58, RFC 2578, April 1999.

   [RFC2579]  McCloghrie, K., Ed., Perkins, D., Ed., and J.
              Schoenwaelder, Ed., "Textual Conventions for SMIv2",
              STD 58, RFC 2579, April 1999.

   [RFC2580]  McCloghrie, K., Ed., Perkins, D., Ed., and J.
              Schoenwaelder, Ed., "Conformance Statements for SMIv2",
              STD 58, RFC 2580, April 1999.

   [RFC4001]  Daniele, M., Haberman, B., Routhier, S., and J.
              Schoenwaelder, "Textual Conventions for Internet Network
              Addresses", RFC 4001, February 2005.

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RFC 6825                TED MIB for MPLS-TE/GMPLS           January 2013

   [RFC3630]  Katz, D., Kompella, K., and D. Yeung, "Traffic Engineering
              (TE) Extensions to OSPF Version 2", RFC 3630,
              September 2003.

   [RFC4203]  Kompella, K., Ed., and Y. Rekhter, Ed., "OSPF Extensions
              in Support of Generalized Multi-Protocol Label Switching
              (GMPLS)", RFC 4203, October 2005.

   [RFC4750]  Joyal, D., Ed., Galecki, P., Ed., Giacalone, S., Ed.,
              Coltun, R., and F. Baker, "OSPF Version 2 Management
              Information Base", RFC 4750, December 2006.

   [RFC4801]  Nadeau, T., Ed., and A. Farrel, Ed., "Definitions of
              Textual Conventions for Generalized Multiprotocol Label
              Switching (GMPLS) Management", RFC 4801, February 2007.

   [RFC5329]  Ishiguro, K., Manral, V., Davey, A., and A. Lindem, Ed.,
              "Traffic Engineering Extensions to OSPF Version 3",
              RFC 5329, September 2008.

   [RFC5340]  Coltun, R., Ferguson, D., Moy, J., and A. Lindem, "OSPF
              for IPv6", RFC 5340, July 2008.

   [RFC5643]  Joyal, D., Ed., and V. Manral, Ed., "Management
              Information Base for OSPFv3", RFC 5643, August 2009.

   [RFC6340]  Presuhn, R., "Textual Conventions for the Representation
              of Floating-Point Numbers", RFC 6340, August 2011.

10.2.  Informative References

   [RFC3410]  Case, J., Mundy, R., Partain, D., and B. Stewart,
              "Introduction and Applicability Statements for
              Internet-Standard Management Framework", RFC 3410,
              December 2002.

   [RFC3414]  Blumenthal, U. and B. Wijnen, "User-based Security Model
              (USM) for version 3 of the Simple Network Management
              Protocol (SNMPv3)", STD 62, RFC 3414, December 2002.

   [RFC3812]  Srinivasan, C., Viswanathan, A., and T. Nadeau,
              "Multiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS) Traffic Engineering
              (TE) Management Information Base (MIB)", RFC 3812,
              June 2004.

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RFC 6825                TED MIB for MPLS-TE/GMPLS           January 2013

   [RFC3813]  Srinivasan, C., Viswanathan, A., and T. Nadeau,
              "Multiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS) Label Switching
              Router (LSR) Management Information Base (MIB)", RFC 3813,
              June 2004.

   [RFC3826]  Blumenthal, U., Maino, F., and K. McCloghrie, "The
              Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) Cipher Algorithm in the
              SNMP User-based Security Model", RFC 3826, June 2004.

   [RFC3945]  Mannie, E., Ed., "Generalized Multi-Protocol Label
              Switching (GMPLS) Architecture", RFC 3945, October 2004.

   [RFC4202]  Kompella, K., Ed., and Y. Rekhter, Ed., "Routing
              Extensions in Support of Generalized Multi-Protocol Label
              Switching (GMPLS)", RFC 4202, October 2005.

   [RFC4220]  Dubuc, M., Nadeau, T., and J. Lang, "Traffic Engineering
              Link Management Information Base", RFC 4220,
              November 2005.

   [RFC4377]  Nadeau, T., Morrow, M., Swallow, G., Allan, D., and S.
              Matsushima, "Operations and Management (OAM) Requirements
              for Multi-Protocol Label Switched (MPLS) Networks",
              RFC 4377, February 2006.

   [RFC4444]  Parker, J., Ed., "Management Information Base for
              Intermediate System to Intermediate System (IS-IS)",
              RFC 4444, April 2006.

   [RFC4802]  Nadeau, T., Ed., and A. Farrel, Ed., "Generalized
              Multiprotocol Label Switching (GMPLS) Traffic Engineering
              Management Information Base", RFC 4802, February 2007.

   [RFC4803]  Nadeau, T., Ed., and A. Farrel, Ed., "Generalized
              Multiprotocol Label Switching (GMPLS) Label Switching
              Router (LSR) Management Information Base", RFC 4803,
              February 2007.

   [RFC5305]  Li, T. and H. Smit, "IS-IS Extensions for Traffic
              Engineering", RFC 5305, October 2008.

   [RFC5307]  Kompella, K., Ed., and Y. Rekhter, Ed., "IS-IS Extensions
              in Support of Generalized Multi-Protocol Label Switching
              (GMPLS)", RFC 5307, October 2008.

   [RFC5226]  Narten, T. and H. Alvestrand, "Guidelines for Writing an
              IANA Considerations Section in RFCs", BCP 26, RFC 5226,
              May 2008.

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   [RFC5591]  Harrington, D. and W. Hardaker, "Transport Security Model
              for the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP)",
              RFC 5591, June 2009.

   [RFC5592]  Harrington, D., Salowey, J., and W. Hardaker, "Secure
              Shell Transport Model for the Simple Network Management
              Protocol (SNMP)", RFC 5592, June 2009.

   [RFC6353]  Hardaker, W., "Transport Layer Security (TLS) Transport
              Model for the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP)",
              RFC 6353, July 2011.

   [ISO10589] ISO 10589, "Intermediate System to Intermediate System
              intra-domain routeing information exchange protocol for
              use in conjunction with the protocol for providing the
              connectionless-mode network service (ISO 8473)",
              ISO/IEC 10589:2002.

11.  Acknowledgments

   The authors wish to acknowledge and thank the following individuals
   for their valuable comments to this document: Ken Nagami, Shuichi
   Okamoto, Adrian Farrel, Diego Caviglia, and Acee Lindem.

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Authors' Addresses

   Masanori Miyazawa
   KDDI R&D Laboratories, Inc.
   2-1-15 Ohara Fujimino
   Saitama, 356-8502


   Tomohiro Otani
   KDDI Corporation
   KDDI Bldg,
   2-3-2, Nishishinjuku, Shinjuku-ku
   Tokyo, 163-8003


   Kenji Kumaki
   KDDI Corporation
   Garden Air Tower
   Iidabashi, Chyoda-ku
   Tokyo, 102-8460


   Thomas D. Nadeau
   Juniper Networks
   10 Technology Park Drive
   Westford, MA


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