Independent Submission                                      M. Boucadair
Request for Comments: 6947                                France Telecom
Category: Informational                                        H. Kaplan
ISSN: 2070-1721                                              Acme Packet
                                                               R. Gilman
                                                         S. Veikkolainen
                                                                May 2013

                 The Session Description Protocol (SDP)
                Alternate Connectivity (ALTC) Attribute


   This document proposes a mechanism that allows the same SDP offer to
   carry multiple IP addresses of different address families (e.g., IPv4
   and IPv6).  The proposed attribute, the "altc" attribute, solves the
   backward-compatibility problem that plagued Alternative Network
   Address Types (ANAT) due to their syntax.

   The proposed solution is applicable to scenarios where connectivity
   checks are not required.  If connectivity checks are required,
   Interactive Connectivity Establishment (ICE), as specified in RFC
   5245, provides such a solution.

Status of This Memo

   This document is not an Internet Standards Track specification; it is
   published for informational purposes.

   This is a contribution to the RFC Series, independently of any other
   RFC stream.  The RFC Editor has chosen to publish this document at
   its discretion and makes no statement about its value for
   implementation or deployment.  Documents approved for publication by
   the RFC Editor are not a candidate for any level of Internet
   Standard; see Section 2 of RFC 5741.

   Information about the current status of this document, any errata,
   and how to provide feedback on it may be obtained at

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Copyright Notice

   Copyright (c) 2013 IETF Trust and the persons identified as the
   document authors.  All rights reserved.

   This document is subject to BCP 78 and the IETF Trust's Legal
   Provisions Relating to IETF Documents
   ( in effect on the date of
   publication of this document.  Please review these documents
   carefully, as they describe your rights and restrictions with respect
   to this document.

Table of Contents

   1.  Introduction  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   3
     1.1.  Overall Context . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   3
     1.2.  Purpose . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   4
     1.3.  Scope . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   5
     1.4.  Requirements Language . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   5
   2.  Use Cases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   5
   3.  Overview of the ALTC Mechanism  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   6
     3.1.  Overview  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   6
     3.2.  Rationale for the Chosen Syntax . . . . . . . . . . . . .   7
   4.  Alternate Connectivity Attribute  . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   8
     4.1.  ALTC Syntax . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   8
     4.2.  Usage and Interaction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   9
       4.2.1.  Usage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   9
       4.2.2.  Usage of ALTC in an SDP Answer  . . . . . . . . . . .  11
       4.2.3.  Interaction with ICE  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  11
       4.2.4.  Interaction with SDP-Cap-Neg  . . . . . . . . . . . .  11
   5.  IANA Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  11
   6.  Security Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  12
   7.  Acknowledgements  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  12
   8.  References  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  12
     8.1.  Normative References  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  12
     8.2.  Informative References  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  12
   Appendix A.  ALTC Use Cases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  15
     A.1.  Terminology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  15
     A.2.  Multicast Use Case  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  16
     A.3.  Introducing IPv6 into SIP-Based Architectures . . . . . .  17
       A.3.1.  Avoiding Crossing CGN Devices . . . . . . . . . . . .  17
       A.3.2.  Basic Scenario for IPv6 SIP Service Delivery  . . . .  17
       A.3.3.  Avoiding IPv4/IPv6 Interworking . . . . . . . . . . .  18
       A.3.4.  DBE Bypass Procedure  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  20
       A.3.5.  Direct Communications between IPv6-Enabled User
               Agents  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  22

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1.  Introduction

1.1.  Overall Context

   Due to the IPv4 address exhaustion problem, IPv6 deployment is
   becoming an urgent need, along with the need to properly handle the
   coexistence of IPv6 and IPv4.  The reality of IPv4-IPv6 coexistence
   introduces heterogeneous scenarios with combinations of IPv4 and IPv6
   nodes, some of which are capable of supporting both IPv4 and IPv6
   dual-stack (DS) and some of which are capable of supporting only IPv4
   or only IPv6.  In this context, Session Initiation Protocol (SIP)
   [RFC3261] User Agents (UAs) need to be able to indicate their
   available IP capabilities in order to increase the ability to
   establish successful SIP sessions, to avoid invocation of adaptation
   functions such as Application Layer Gateways (ALGs) and IPv4-IPv6
   interconnection functions (e.g., NAT64 [RFC6146]), and to avoid using
   private IPv4 addresses through consumer NATs or Carrier-Grade NATs
   (CGNs) [RFC6888].

   In the meantime, service providers are investigating scenarios to
   upgrade their service offering to be IPv6 capable.  The current
   strategies involve either offering IPv6 only, for example, to mobile
   devices, or providing both IPv4 and IPv6, but with private IPv4
   addresses that are NATed by CGNs.  In the latter case, the end device
   may be using "normal" IPv4 and IPv6 stacks and interfaces, or it may
   tunnel the IPv4 packets though a Dual-Stack Lite (DS-Lite) stack that
   is integrated into the host [RFC6333].  In either case, the device
   has both address families available from a SIP and media perspective.

   Regardless of the IPv6 transition strategy being used, it is obvious
   that there will be a need for dual-stack SIP devices to communicate
   with IPv4-only legacy UAs, IPv6-only UAs, and other dual-stack UAs.
   It may not be possible, for example, for a dual-stack UA to
   communicate with an IPv6-only UA unless the dual-stack UA has a means
   of providing the IPv6-only UA with an IPv6 address, while clearly it
   needs to provide a legacy IPv4-only device an IPv4 address.  The
   communication must be possible in a backward-compatible fashion, such
   that IPv4-only SIP devices need not support the new mechanism to
   communicate with dual-stack UAs.

   The current means by which multiple address families can be
   communicated are through ANAT [RFC4091] or ICE [RFC5245].  ANAT has
   serious backward-compatibility problems, as described in [RFC4092],
   which effectively make it unusable, and it has been deprecated by the
   IETF [RFC5245].  ICE at least allows interoperability with legacy
   devices.  But, ICE is a complicated and processing-intensive
   mechanism and has seen limited deployment and implementation in SIP

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   ALTC has been implemented as reported in [NAT64-EXP].  No issues have
   been reported in that document.

1.2.  Purpose

   This document proposes a new alternative: a backward-compatible
   syntax for indicating multiple media connection addresses and ports
   in an SDP offer, which can immediately be selected from and used in
   an SDP answer.

   The proposed mechanism is independent of the model described in
   [RFC5939] and does not require implementation of SDP Capability
   Negotiations (a.k.a., SDPCapNeg) to function.

   It should be noted that "backward-compatible" in this document
   generally refers to working with legacy IPv4-only devices.  The
   choice has to be made, one way or the other, because to interoperate
   with legacy devices requires constructing SDP bodies that they would
   understand and support, such that they detect their local address
   family in the SDP connection line.  It is not possible to support
   interworking with both legacy IPv4-only and legacy IPv6-only devices
   with the same SDP offer.  Clearly, there are far more legacy
   IPv4-only devices in existence, and thus those are the ones assumed
   in this document.  However, the syntax allows for a UA to choose
   which address family to be backward-compatible with, in case it has
   some means of determining it.

   Furthermore, even for cases where both sides support the same address
   family, there should be a means by which the "best" address family
   transport is used, based on what the UAs decide.  The address family
   that is "best" for a particular session cannot always be known a
   priori.  For example, in some cases the IPv4 transport may be better,
   even if both UAs support IPv6.

   The proposed solution provides the following benefits:

   o  Allows a UA to signal more than one IP address (type) in the same
      SDP offer.

   o  Is backward compatible.  No parsing or semantic errors will be
      experienced by a legacy UA or by intermediary SIP nodes that do
      not understand this new mechanism.

   o  Is as lightweight as possible to achieve the goal, while still
      allowing and interoperating with nodes that support other similar
      or related mechanisms.

   o  Is easily deployable in managed networks.

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   o  Requires minimal increase of the length of the SDP offer (i.e.,
      minimizes fragmentation risks).

   ALTC may also be useful for the multicast context (e.g., Section 3.4
   of [MULTRANS-FW] or Section 3.3 of [ADDR-ACQ]).

   More detailed information about ALTC use cases is provided in
   Appendix A.

1.3.  Scope

   This document proposes an alternative scheme, as a replacement to the
   ANAT procedure [RFC4091], to carry several IP address types in the
   same SDP offer while preserving backward compatibility.

   While two UAs communicating directly at a SIP layer clearly need to
   be able to support the same address family for SIP itself, current
   SIP deployments almost always have proxy servers or back-to-back user
   agents (B2BUAs) in the SIP signaling path, which can provide the
   necessary interworking of the IP address family at the SIP layer
   (e.g., [RFC6157]).  SIP-layer address family interworking is out of
   scope of this document.  Instead, this document focuses on the
   problem of communicating media address family capabilities in a
   backward-compatible fashion.  Because media can go directly between
   two UAs, without a priori knowledge by the User Agent Client (UAC) of
   which address family the far-end User Agent Server (UAS) supports, it
   has to offer both, in a backward-compatible fashion.

1.4.  Requirements Language

   The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT",
   document are to be interpreted as described in RFC 2119 [RFC2119].

2.  Use Cases

   The ALTC mechanism defined in this document is primarily meant for
   managed networks.  In particular, the following use cases were
   explicitly considered:

   o  A dual-stack UAC that initiates a SIP session without knowing the
      address family of the ultimate target UAS.

   o  A UA that receives a SIP session request with SDP offer and that
      wishes to avoid using IPv4 or IPv6.

   o  An IPv6-only UA that wishes to avoid using a NAT64 [RFC6146].

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   o  A SIP UA behind a DS-Lite CGN [RFC6333].

   o  A SIP service provider or enterprise domain of an IPv4-only and/or
      IPv6-only UA that provides interworking by invoking IPv4-IPv6
      media relays and that wishes to avoid invoking such functions and
      to let media go end to end as much as possible.

   o  A SIP service provider or enterprise domain of a UA that
      communicates with other domains and that wishes either to avoid
      invoking IPv4-IPv6 interworking or to let media go end to end as
      much as possible.

   o  A SIP service provider that provides transit peering services for
      SIP sessions that may need to modify SDP in order to provide
      IPv4-IPv6 interworking, but would prefer to avoid such
      interworking or to avoid relaying media in general, as much as

   o  SIP sessions that use the new mechanism when crossing legacy SDP-
      aware middleboxes, but that may not understand this new mechanism.

3.  Overview of the ALTC Mechanism

3.1.  Overview

   The ALTC mechanism relies solely on the SDP offer/answer mechanism,
   with specific syntax to indicate alternative connection addresses.
   The basic concept is to use a new SDP attribute, "altc", to indicate
   the IP addresses for potential alternative connection addresses.  The
   address that is most likely to get chosen for the session is in the
   normal "c=" line.  Typically, in current operational networks, this
   would be an IPv4 address.  The "a=altc" lines contain the alternative
   addresses offered for this session.  This way, a dual-stack UA might
   encode its IPv4 address in the "c=" line, while possibly preferring
   to use an IPv6 address by explicitly indicating the preference order
   in the corresponding "a=altc" line.  One of the "a=altc" lines
   duplicates the address contained in the "c=" line, for reasons
   explained in Section 3.2.  The SDP answerer would indicate its chosen
   address by simply using that address family in the "c=" line of its

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   An example of an SDP offer using this mechanism is as follows when
   IPv4 is considered most likely to be used for the session, but IPv6
   is preferred:

   o=- 25678 753849 IN IP4
   c=IN IP4
   t=0 0
   m=audio 12340 RTP/AVP 0 8
   a=altc:1 IP6 2001:db8::1 45678
   a=altc:2 IP4 12340

   If IPv6 were considered more likely to be used for the session, the
   SDP offer would be as follows:

   o=- 25678 753849 IN IP6 2001:db8::1
   c=IN IP6 2001:db8::1
   t=0 0
   m=audio 45678 RTP/AVP 0 8
   a=altc:1 IP6 2001:db8::1 45678
   a=altc:2 IP4 12340

   Since an alternative address is likely to require an alternative
   TCP/UDP port number as well, the new "altc" attribute includes both
   an IP address and a transport port number (or multiple port numbers).
   The ALTC mechanism does not itself support offering a different
   transport type (i.e., UDP vs.  TCP), codec, or any other attribute.
   It is intended only for offering an alternative IP address and port

3.2.  Rationale for the Chosen Syntax

   The use of an "a=" attribute line is, according to [RFC4566], the
   primary means for extending SDP and tailoring it to particular
   applications or media.  A compliant SDP parser will ignore the
   unsupported attribute lines.

   The rationale for encoding the same address and port in the "a=altc"
   line as in the "m=" and "c=" lines is to provide detection of legacy
   SDP-changing middleboxes.  Such systems may change the connection
   address and media transport port numbers, but not support this new
   mechanism, and thus two UAs supporting this mechanism would try to
   connect to the wrong addresses.  Therefore, this document requires
   the SDP processor to proceed to the matching rules defined in Section

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4.  Alternate Connectivity Attribute

4.1.  ALTC Syntax

   The "altc" attribute adheres to the [RFC4566] "attribute" production.
   The ABNF syntax [RFC5234] of altc is provided below.

      altc-attr = "altc" ":" att-value
      att-value = altc-num SP addrtype SP connection-address SP port
                  ["/" rtcp-port]
      altc-num  = 1*DIGIT
      rtcp-port = port

             Figure 1: Connectivity Capability Attribute ABNF

   The meaning of the fields are as follows:

   o  altc-num: digit to uniquely refer to an address alternative.  It
      indicates the preference order, with "1" indicated the most
      preferred address.

   o  addrtype: the addrtype field as defined in [RFC4566] for
      connection data.

   o  connection-address: a network address as defined in [RFC4566]
      corresponding to the address type specified by addrtype.

   o  port: the port number to be used, as defined in [RFC4566].
      Distinct port numbers may be used for each IP address type.  If
      the specified address type does not require a port number, a value
      defined for that address type should be used.

   o  rtcp-port: including an RTP Control Protocol (RTCP) port is
      optional.  An RTCP port may be indicated in the alternative "c="
      line when the RTCP port cannot be derived from the RTP port.

   The "altc" attribute is applicable only in an SDP offer.  The "altc"
   attribute is a media-level-only attribute and MUST NOT appear at the
   SDP session level.  (Because it defines a port number, it is
   inherently tied to the media level.)  There MUST NOT be more than one
   "altc" attribute per addrtype within each media description.  This
   restriction is necessary so that the addrtype of the reply may be
   used by the offerer to determine which alternative was accepted.

   The "addrtype"s of the altc MUST correspond to the "nettype" of the
   current connection ("c=") line.

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   A media description MUST contain two "altc" attributes: the
   alternative address and an alternative port.  It must also contain an
   address and a port that "duplicate" the address/port information from
   the current "c=" and "m=" lines.  Each media level MUST contain at
   least one such duplicate "altc" attribute, of the same IP address
   family, address, and transport port number as those in the SDP
   connection and media lines of its level.  In particular, if a "c="
   line appears within a media description, the addrtype and connection-
   address from that "c=" line MUST be used in the duplicate "altc"
   attribute for that media description.  If a "c=" line appears only at
   the session level and a given media description does not have its own
   connection line, then the duplicate "altc" attribute for that media
   description MUST be the same as the session-level address

   The "altc" attributes appearing within a media description MUST be
   prioritized.  The explicit preference order is indicated in each line
   ("1" indicates the address with the highest priority).  Given this
   rule, and the requirement that the address information provided in
   the "m=" line and "o=" line must be provided in an "altc" attribute
   as well, it is possible that the addresses in the "m=" line and "o="
   line are not the preferred choice.

   If the addrtype of an "altc" attribute is not compatible with the
   transport protocol or media format specified in the media
   description, that "altc" attribute MUST be ignored.

   Note that "a=altc" lines describe alternative connection addresses,
   NOT addresses for parallel connections.  When several "altc" lines
   are present, establishing multiple sessions MUST be avoided.  Only
   one session is to be maintained with the remote party for the
   associated media description.

4.2.  Usage and Interaction

4.2.1.  Usage

   In an SDP offer/answer model, the SDP offer includes "altc"
   attributes to indicate alternative connection information (i.e.,
   address type, address and port numbers), including the "duplicate"
   connection information already identified in the "c=" and "m=" lines.

   Additional, subsequent offers MAY include "altc" attributes again,
   and they may change the IP address, port numbers, and order of
   preference, but they MUST include a duplicate "altc" attribute for
   the connection and media lines in that specific subsequent offer.  In
   other words, every offered SDP media description with an alternative
   address offer with an "altc" attribute has two "altc" attributes:

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      - one duplicating the "c=" and "m=" line information for that
        media description

      - one for the alternative

   These need not be the same as the original SDP offer.

   The purpose of encoding a duplicate "altc" attribute is to allow
   receivers of the SDP offer to detect if a legacy SDP-changing
   middlebox has modified the "c=" and/or "m=" line address/port
   information.  If the SDP answerer does not find a duplicate "altc"
   attribute value for which the address and port exactly match those in
   the "c=" line and "m=" line, the SDP answerer MUST ignore the "altc"
   attributes and use the "c=" and "m=" offered address/ports for the
   entire SDP instead, as if no "altc" attributes were present.  The
   rationale for this is that many SDP-changing middleboxes will end the
   media sessions if they do not detect media flowing through them.  If
   a middlebox modified the SDP addresses, media MUST be sent using the
   modified information.

   Note that for RTCP, if applicable for the given media types, each
   side would act as if the chosen "altc" attribute's port number was in
   the "m=" media line.  Typically, this would mean that RTCP is sent to
   the port number equal to "RTP port + 1", unless some other attribute
   determines otherwise.  For example, the RTP/RTCP multiplexing
   mechanism defined in [RFC5761] can still be used with ALTC, such that
   if both sides support multiplexing, they will indicate so using the
   "a=rtcp-mux" attribute, as defined in [RFC5761], but the IP
   connection address and port they use may be chosen using the ALTC

   If the SDP offerer wishes to use the RTCP attribute defined in
   [RFC3605], a complication can arise, since it may not be clear which
   address choice the "a=rtcp" attribute applies to, relative to the
   choices offered by ALTC.  Technically, RFC 3605 allows the address
   for RTCP to be indicated explicitly in the "a=rtcp" attribute itself,
   but this is optional and rarely used.  For this reason, this document
   recommends using the "a=rtcp" attribute for the address choice
   encoded in the "m=" line and including an alternate RTCP port in the
   "a=altc" attribute corresponding to the alternative address.  In
   other words, if the "a=rtcp" attribute explicitly encodes an address
   in its attribute, that address applies for ALTC, as per [RFC3605].
   If it does not, then ALTC assumes that the "a=rtcp" attribute is for
   the address in the "m=" line, and the alternative "altc" attribute
   includes an RTCP alternate port number.

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4.2.2.  Usage of ALTC in an SDP Answer

   The SDP answer SHOULD NOT contain "altc" attributes, because the
   answer's "c=" line implicitly and definitively chooses the address
   family from the offer and includes it in "c=" and "m=" lines of the
   answer.  Furthermore, this avoids establishing several sessions
   simultaneously between the participating peers.

   Any solution requiring the use of ALTC in the SDP answer SHOULD
   document its usage, in particular how sessions are established
   between the participating peers.

4.2.3.  Interaction with ICE

   Since ICE [RFC5245] also includes address and port number information
   in its candidate attributes, a potential problem arises: which one
   wins.  Since ICE also includes specific ICE attributes in the SDP
   answer, the problem is easily avoided: if the SDP offerer supports
   both ALTC and ICE, it may include both sets of attributes in the same
   SDP offer.  A legacy ICE-only answerer will simply ignore the "altc"
   attributes and use ICE.  An ALTC-only answerer will ignore the ICE
   attributes and reply without them.  An answerer that supports both
   MUST choose one and only one of the mechanisms to use: either ICE or
   ALTC.  However, if the "m=" or "c=" line was changed by a middlebox,
   the rules for both ALTC and ICE would make the answerer revert to
   basic SDP semantics.

4.2.4.  Interaction with SDP-Cap-Neg

   The ALTC mechanism is orthogonal to SDPCapNeg [RFC5939].  If the
   offerer supports both ALTC and SDPCapNeg, it may offer both.

5.  IANA Considerations

   Per this document, the following new SDP attribute has been assigned.

      SDP Attribute ("att-field"):

         Attribute name      altc
         Long form           Alternate Connectivity
         Type of name        att-field
         Type of attribute   Media level only
         Subject to charset  No
         Purpose             See Sections 1.2 and 3
         Specification       Section 4

   The contact person for this registration is Mohamed Boucadair (email:; phone: +33 2 99 12 43 71).

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6.  Security Considerations

   The security implications for ALTC are effectively the same as they
   are for SDP in general [RFC4566].

7.  Acknowledgements

   Many thanks to T. Taylor, F. Andreasen, and G. Camarillo for their
   review and comments.

8.  References

8.1.  Normative References

   [RFC2119]  Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate
              Requirement Levels", BCP 14, RFC 2119, March 1997.

   [RFC3261]  Rosenberg, J., Schulzrinne, H., Camarillo, G., Johnston,
              A., Peterson, J., Sparks, R., Handley, M., and E.
              Schooler, "SIP: Session Initiation Protocol", RFC 3261,
              June 2002.

   [RFC3605]  Huitema, C., "Real Time Control Protocol (RTCP) attribute
              in Session Description Protocol (SDP)", RFC 3605, October

   [RFC4566]  Handley, M., Jacobson, V., and C. Perkins, "SDP: Session
              Description Protocol", RFC 4566, July 2006.

   [RFC5234]  Crocker, D. and P. Overell, "Augmented BNF for Syntax
              Specifications: ABNF", STD 68, RFC 5234, January 2008.

   [RFC5761]  Perkins, C. and M. Westerlund, "Multiplexing RTP Data and
              Control Packets on a Single Port", RFC 5761, April 2010.

8.2.  Informative References

              Tsou, T., Clauberg, A., Boucadair, M., Venaas, S., and Q.
              Sun, "Address Acquisition For Multicast Content When
              Source and Receiver Support Differing IP Versions", Work
              in Progress, January 2013.

              Boucadair, M., Ed., Qin, J., Lee, Y., Venaas, S., Li, X.,
              and M. Xu, "IPv6 Multicast Address With Embedded IPv4
              Multicast Address", Work in Progress, April 2013.

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              Venaas, S., Li, X., and C. Bao, "Framework for IPv4/IPv6
              Multicast Translation", Work in Progress, June 2011.

              Jacquenet, C., Boucadair, M., Lee, Y., Qin, J., Tsou, T.,
              and Q. Sun, "IPv4-IPv6 Multicast: Problem Statement and
              Use Cases", Work in Progress, March 2013.

              Abdesselam, M., Boucadair, M., Hasnaoui, A., and J.
              Queiroz, "PCP NAT64 Experiments", Work in Progress,
              September 2012.

   [RFC2871]  Rosenberg, J. and H. Schulzrinne, "A Framework for
              Telephony Routing over IP", RFC 2871, June 2000.

   [RFC4091]  Camarillo, G. and J. Rosenberg, "The Alternative Network
              Address Types (ANAT) Semantics for the Session Description
              Protocol (SDP) Grouping Framework", RFC 4091, June 2005.

   [RFC4092]  Camarillo, G. and J. Rosenberg, "Usage of the Session
              Description Protocol (SDP) Alternative Network Address
              Types (ANAT) Semantics in the Session Initiation Protocol
              (SIP)", RFC 4092, June 2005.

   [RFC5245]  Rosenberg, J., "Interactive Connectivity Establishment
              (ICE): A Protocol for Network Address Translator (NAT)
              Traversal for Offer/Answer Protocols", RFC 5245, April

   [RFC5853]  Hautakorpi, J., Camarillo, G., Penfield, R., Hawrylyshen,
              A., and M. Bhatia, "Requirements from Session Initiation
              Protocol (SIP) Session Border Control (SBC) Deployments",
              RFC 5853, April 2010.

   [RFC5939]  Andreasen, F., "Session Description Protocol (SDP)
              Capability Negotiation", RFC 5939, September 2010.

   [RFC6146]  Bagnulo, M., Matthews, P., and I. van Beijnum, "Stateful
              NAT64: Network Address and Protocol Translation from IPv6
              Clients to IPv4 Servers", RFC 6146, April 2011.

   [RFC6157]  Camarillo, G., El Malki, K., and V. Gurbani, "IPv6
              Transition in the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP)", RFC
              6157, April 2011.

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   [RFC6333]  Durand, A., Droms, R., Woodyatt, J., and Y. Lee, "Dual-
              Stack Lite Broadband Deployments Following IPv4
              Exhaustion", RFC 6333, August 2011.

   [RFC6406]  Malas, D. and J. Livingood, "Session PEERing for
              Multimedia INTerconnect (SPEERMINT) Architecture", RFC
              6406, November 2011.

   [RFC6888]  Perreault, S., Yamagata, I., Miyakawa, S., Nakagawa, A.,
              and H. Ashida, "Common Requirements for Carrier-Grade NATs
              (CGNs)", BCP 127, RFC 6888, April 2013.

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RFC 6947          SDP Alternate Connectivity Attribute          May 2013

Appendix A.  ALTC Use Cases

A.1.  Terminology

   The following terms are used when discussing the ALTC use cases:

   o  SBE (Signaling Path Border Element) denotes a functional element,
      located at the boundaries of an ITAD (IP Telephony Administrative
      Domain) [RFC2871], that is responsible for intercepting signaling
      flows received from UAs and relaying them to the core service
      platform.  An SBE may be located at the access segment (i.e., be
      the service contact point for UAs), or be located at the
      interconnection with adjacent domains [RFC6406].  An SBE controls
      one or more DBEs.  The SBE and DBE may be located in the same
      device (e.g., the SBC [RFC5853]) or be separated.

   o  DBE (Data Path Border Element) denotes a functional element,
      located at the boundaries of an ITAD, that is responsible for
      intercepting media/data flows received from UAs and relaying them
      to another DBE (or media servers, e.g., an announcement server or
      IVR).  An example of a DBE is a media gateway that intercepts RTP
      flows.  An SBE may be located at the access segment (i.e., be the
      service contact point for UAs) or be located at the
      interconnection with adjacent domains ([RFC6406]).

   o  Core service platform ("core SPF") is a macro functional block
      including session routing, interfaces to advanced services, and
      access control.

   Figure 2 provides an overview of the overall architecture, including
   the SBE, DBE, and core service platform.

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                                  | Core SIP |
                       +--------->|    SPF   |<---------+
                       |  SIP     +----------+     SIP  |
                       v                                v
                 +-----------+                   +-----------+
   +-----+  SIP  |    SBE    |                   |    SBE    |  SIP
   |  S  |<----->|           |                   |           |<----->
   |  I  |       +-----------+                   +-----------+
   |  P  |             ||                              ||
   |     |       +-----------+                   +-----------+
   |  U  |  RTP  |    DBE    |       RTP         |    DBE    |   RTP
   |  A  |<----->|           |<----------------->|           | <----->
   +-----+       +-----------+                   +-----------+

   SIP UA can be embedded in the CPE or in a host behind the CPE

                  Figure 2: Service Architecture Overview

A.2.  Multicast Use Case

   Recently, a significant effort has been undertaken within the IETF to
   specify new mechanisms to interconnect IPv6-only hosts to IPv4-only
   servers (e.g., [RFC6146]).  This effort exclusively covered unicast
   transfer mode.  An ongoing initiative, called "multrans", has been
   launched to cover multicast issues that are encountered during IPv6
   transition.  The overall problem statement is documented in

   A particular issue encountered in the context of IPv4/IPv6
   coexistence and IPv6 transition of multicast services is the
   discovery of the multicast group and source (refer to Section 3.4 of

   o  For an IPv6-only receiver requesting multicast content generated
      by an IPv4-only source:

      *  An ALG is required to help the IPv6 receiver select the
         appropriate IP address when only the IPv4 address is advertised
         (e.g., using SDP).  Otherwise, access to the IPv4 multicast
         content cannot be offered to the IPv6 receiver.  The ALG may be
         located downstream of the receiver.  As such, the ALG does not
         know in advance whether the receiver is dual-stack or
         IPv6-only.  The ALG may be tuned to insert both the original
         IPv4 address and the corresponding IPv6 multicast address
         using, for instance, the ALTC SDP attribute.

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      *  To avoid involving an ALG in the path, an IPv4-only source can
         advertise both its IPv4 address and its IPv4-embedded IPv6
         multicast address [ADDR-FORMAT] using, for instance, the ALTC
         SDP attribute.

   o  For a dual-stack source sending its multicast content over IPv4
      and IPv6, both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses need to be inserted in the
      SDP part.  A means (e.g., ALTC) is needed for this purpose.

A.3.  Introducing IPv6 into SIP-Based Architectures

A.3.1.  Avoiding Crossing CGN Devices

   Some service providers are in the process of enabling DS-Lite
   [RFC6333] as a means to continue delivering IPv4 services to their
   customers.  To avoiding crossing four levels of NAT when establishing
   a media session (two NATs in the DS-Lite Address Family Transition
   Router (AFTR) and two NATs in the DBE), it is recommended to enable
   IPv6 functions in some SBEs/DBEs.  Then, DS-Lite AFTRs will not be
   crossed for DS-Lite serviced customers if their UA is IPv6-enabled:

   o  For a SIP UA embedded in the CPE, this is easy to implement since
      the SIP UA [RFC3261] can be tuned to behave as an IPv6-only UA
      when DS-Lite is enabled.  No ALTC is required for this use case.
   o  For SIP UAs located behind the CPE, a solution to indicate both
      IPv4 and IPv6 (e.g., ALTC) is required in order to avoid crossing
      the DS-Lite CGN.

A.3.2.  Basic Scenario for IPv6 SIP Service Delivery

   A basic solution to deliver SIP-based services using an IPv4-only
   core service platform to an IPv6-enabled UA is to enable the
   IPv4/IPv6 interworking function in the SBE/DBE.  Signaling and media
   between two SBEs and DBEs is maintained over IPv4.  IPv6 is used
   between an IPv6-enabled UA and an SBE/DBE.

   Figure 3 shows the results of session establishment between UAs.  In
   this scenario, the IPv4/IPv6 interworking function is invoked even
   when both involved UAs are IPv6-enabled.

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                                 | Core SIP |
                            +--->|SPF (IPv4)|<---+
                   IPv4 SIP |    +----------+    |IPv4 SIP
                            v                    v
                      +-----------+        +-----------+
                      |    SBE    |        |    SBE    |  SIP
             +------->|IPv4/v6 IWF|        |           |<-------+
             |IPv6    +-----------+        +-----------+    IPv4|
             | SIP                                           SIP|
      +----+ |        +-----------+        +-----------+        | +----+
      |IPv6|-+IPv6 RTP|    DBE    |IPv4 RTP|    DBE    |IPv4 RTP+-|IPv4|
      | UA |<-------->|IPv4/v6 IWF|<------>|           |<-------->| UA |
      +----+          +-----------+        +-----------+          +----+

                                 | Core SIP |
                            +--->|SPF (IPv4)|<---+
                   IPv4 SIP |    +----------+    |IPv4 SIP
                            v                    v
                      +-----------+        +-----------+
                      |    SBE    |        |    SBE    |  SIP
             +------->|IPv4/v6 IWF|        |IPv4/v6 IWF|<-------+
             |IPv6    +-----------+        +-----------+    IPv6|
             | SIP                                           SIP|
      +----+ |        +-----------+        +-----------+        | +----+
      |IPv6|-+IPv6 RTP|    DBE    |IPv4 RTP|    DBE    |IPv6 RTP+-|IPv6|
      | UA |<-------->|IPv4/v6 IWF|<------>|IPv4/v6 IWF|<-------->| UA |
      +----+          +-----------+        +-----------+          +----+

                         Figure 3: Basic Scenario

   It may be valuable for service providers to consider solutions that
   avoid redundant IPv4/IPv6 NATs and that avoid involving several DBEs.

A.3.3.  Avoiding IPv4/IPv6 Interworking

   A solution to indicate both IPv4 and IPv4 addresses is required for
   service providers that want the following:

   1.  A means to promote the invocation of IPv6 transfer capabilities
       that can be enabled, while no parsing errors are experienced by
       core service legacy nodes.
   2.  To optimize the cost related to IPv4-IPv6 translation licenses.
   3.  To reduce the dual-stack lifetime.
   4.  To maintain an IPv4-only core.
   5.  To have a set of SBEs/DBEs that are IPv6-enabled.

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RFC 6947          SDP Alternate Connectivity Attribute          May 2013

   This section provides an overview of the procedure to avoid IPv4/IPv6

   When an SBE receives an INVITE, it instantiates in its DBE an
   IPv6-IPv6 context and an IPv6-IPv4 context.  Both an IPv6 address and
   an IPv4 address are returned, together with other information such as
   port numbers.  The SBE builds an SDP offer, including both the IPv4
   and IPv6-related information using the "altc" attribute.  IPv6 is
   indicated as the preferred connectivity type; see Figure 4.

                     o=- 25678 753849 IN IP4
                     c=IN IP4
                     m=audio 12340 RTP/AVP 0 8
                     a=altc:1 IP6 2001:db8::2 6000
                     a=altc:2 IP4 12340

                  Figure 4: SDP Offer Updated by the SBE

   The request is then forwarded to the core SPF, which, in turn,
   forwards it to the terminating SBE.

   o  If this SBE is a legacy one, then it will ignore "altc" attributes
      and use the "c=" line.

   o  If the terminating SBE is IPv6-enabled:

      *  If the called UA is IPv4 only, then an IPv6-IPv4 context is
         created in the corresponding DBE.

      *  If the called UA is IPv6-enabled, then an IPv6-IPv6 context is
         created in the corresponding DBE.

   Figure 5 shows the results of the procedure when placing a session
   between an IPv4 and IPv6 UAs, while Figure 6 shows the results of
   establishing a session between two IPv6-enabled UAs.  The result is
   still not optimal since redundant NAT66 is required (Appendix A.3.4).

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RFC 6947          SDP Alternate Connectivity Attribute          May 2013

                                 | Core SIP |
                            +--->|SPF (IPv4)|<---+
                   IPv4 SIP |    +----------+    |IPv4 SIP
                            v                    v
                      +-----------+        +-----------+
                      |    SBE    |        |    SBE    |  SIP
             +------->|IPv4/v6 IWF|        |IPv4/v6 IWF|<-------+
             |IPv6    +-----------+        +-----------+    IPv4|
             | SIP                                           SIP|
      +----+ |        +-----------+        +-----------+        | +----+
      |IPv6|-+IPv6 RTP|    DBE    |IPv6 RTP|    DBE    |IPv4 RTP+-|IPv4|
      | UA |<-------->|   NAT66   |<------>|IPv4/v6 IWF|<-------->| UA |
      +----+          +-----------+        +-----------+          +----+

         Figure 5: Session Establishment between IPv4 and IPv6 UAs

                                 | Core SIP |
                            +--->|SPF (IPv4)|<---+
                   IPv4 SIP |    +----------+    |IPv4 SIP
                            v                    v
                      +-----------+        +-----------+
                      |    SBE    |        |    SBE    |  SIP
             +------->|IPv4/v6 IWF|        |IPv4/v6 IWF|<-------+
             |IPv6    +-----------+        +-----------+    IPv6|
             | SIP                                           SIP|
      +----+ |        +-----------+        +-----------+        | +----+
      |IPv6|-+IPv6 RTP|    DBE    |IPv6 RTP|    DBE    |IPv6 RTP+-|IPv6|
      | UA |<-------->|   NAT66   |<------>|   NAT66   |<-------->| UA |
      +----+          +-----------+        +-----------+          +----+

             Figure 6: Session Establishment between IPv6 UAs

A.3.4.  DBE Bypass Procedure

   For service providers wanting to involve only one DBE in the media
   path when not all SBEs/DBEs and UAs are IPv6-enabled, a means to
   indicate both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses without inducing session
   failures is required.  This section proposes an example procedure
   using the "altc" attribute.

   When the originating SBE receives an INVITE from an IPv6-enabled UA,
   it instantiates in its DBE an IPv6-IPv6 context and an IPv6-IPv4
   context.  Both an IPv6 address and an IPv4 address are returned,
   together with other information, such as port numbers.  The SBE

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RFC 6947          SDP Alternate Connectivity Attribute          May 2013

   builds an SDP offer, including both IPv4 and IPv6-related information
   using the "altc" attribute (Figure 7).  IPv6 is indicated as
   preferred connectivity type.

                     o=- 25678 753849 IN IP4
                     c=IN IP4
                     m=audio 12340 RTP/AVP 0 8
                     a=altc:1 IP6 2001:db8::2 6000
                     a=altc:2 IP4 12340

                  Figure 7: SDP Offer Updated by the SBE

   The request is then forwarded to the core SPF, which, in turn,
   forwards it to the terminating SBE:

   o  If the destination UA is IPv6 or reachable with a public IPv4
      address, the SBEs only forwards the request without altering the
      SDP offer.  No parsing error is experienced by core service nodes
      since ALTC is backward compatible.

   o  If the terminating SBE does not support ALTC, it will ignore this
      attribute and use the legacy procedure.

   As a consequence, only one DBE is maintained in the path when one of
   the involved parties is IPv6-enabled.  Figure 8 shows the overall
   procedure when the involved UAs are IPv6-enabled.

                                 | Core SIP |
                            +--->|SPF (IPv4)|<---+
                   IPv4 SIP |    +----------+    |IPv4 SIP
                            v                    v
                      +-----------+        +-----------+
                      |    SBE    |        |    SBE    |  SIP
             +------->|IPv4/v6 IWF|        |IPv4/v6 IWF|<-------+
             |IPv6    +-----------+        +-----------+    IPv6|
             | SIP                                           SIP|
      +----+ |        +-----------+                             | +----+
      |IPv6|-+IPv6 RTP|    DBE    |          IPv6 RTP           +-|IPv6|
      | UA |<-------->|   NAT66   |<----------------------------->| UA |
      +----+          +-----------+                               +----+
   2001:db8::1        2001:db8::2

                       Figure 8: DBE Bypass Overview

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RFC 6947          SDP Alternate Connectivity Attribute          May 2013

   The main advantages of such a solution are as follows:

   o  DBE resources are optimized.
   o  No redundant NAT is maintained in the path when IPv6-enabled UAs
      are involved.
   o  End-to-end delay is optimized.
   o  The robustness of the service is optimized since the delivery of
      the service relies on fewer nodes.
   o  The signaling path is also optimized since no communication
      between the SBE and DBE at the terminating side is required for
      some sessions.  (That communication would be through the Service
      Policy Decision Function (SPDF) in a Telecoms and Internet
      converged Services and Protocols for Advanced Networks/IP
      Multimedia Subsystem (TISPAN/IMS) context.)

A.3.5.  Direct Communications between IPv6-Enabled User Agents

   For service providers wanting to allow direct IPv6 communications
   between IPv6-enabled UAs, when not all SBEs/DBEs and UAs are
   IPv6-enabled, a means to indicate both the IPv4 and IPv6 addresses
   without inducing session failures is required.  Below is an example
   of a proposed procedure using the "altc" attribute.

   At the SBE originating side, when the SBE receives an INVITE from the
   calling IPv6 UA (Figure 9), it uses ALTC to indicate two IP

   1.  An IPv4 address belonging to its controlled DBE.
   2.  The same IPv6 address and port as received in the initial offer
       made by the calling IPv6.

   Figure 9 shows an excerpted example of the SDP offer of the calling
   UA, and Figure 10 shows an excerpted example of the updated SDP offer
   generated by the originating SBE.

                    o=- 25678 753849 IN IP6 2001:db8::1
                    c=IN IP6 2001:db8::1
                    m=audio 6000 RTP/AVP 0 8

                   Figure 9: SDP Offer of the Calling UA

                     o=- 25678 753849 IN IP4
                     c=IN IP4
                     m=audio 12340 RTP/AVP 0 8
                     a=altc:1 IP6 2001:db8::1 6000
                     a=altc:2 IP4 12340

                  Figure 10: SDP Offer Updated by the SBE

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   The INVITE message will be routed appropriately to the destination

   1.  If the SBE is a legacy device (i.e., IPv4-only), it will ignore
       IPv6 addresses and will contact its DBE to instantiate an
       IPv4-IPv4 context.
   2.  If the SBE is IPv6-enabled, it will only forward the INVITE to
       the address of contact of the called party:

       a.  If the called party is IPv6-enabled, the communication will
           be placed using IPv6.  As such, no DBE is involved in the
           data path, as illustrated in Figure 11.
       b.  Otherwise, IPv4 will be used between the originating DBE and
           the called UA.

                                 | Core SIP |
                            +--->|SPF (IPv4)|<---+
                   IPv4 SIP |    +----------+    |IPv4 SIP
                            v                    v
                      +-----------+        +-----------+
                      |    SBE    |        |    SBE    |  SIP
             +------->|IPv4/v6 IWF|        |IPv4/v6 IWF|<-------+
             |IPv6    +-----------+        +-----------+    IPv6|
             | SIP                                           SIP|
      +----+ |                                                  | +----+
      |IPv6|-+                         IPv6 RTP                 +-|IPv6|
      | UA |<---------------------------------------------------->| UA |
      +----+                                                      +----+

                   Figure 11: Direct IPv6 Communication

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RFC 6947          SDP Alternate Connectivity Attribute          May 2013

Authors' Addresses

   Mohamed Boucadair
   France Telecom
   Rennes  35000


   Hadriel Kaplan
   Acme Packet
   71 Third Ave.
   Burlington, MA  01803


   Robert R Gilman


   Simo Veikkolainen


Boucadair, et al.             Informational                    [Page 24]

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