Internet Architecture Board (IAB)                              S. Ginoza
Request for Comments: 7101                                           AMS
Category: Informational                                    December 2013
ISSN: 2070-1721

             List of Internet Official Protocol Standards:
                         Replaced by a Web Page


   At one time, the RFC Editor published snapshots of the "Internet
   Official Protocol Standards".  These documents were known as xx00
   documents, the last of which was published in May 2008.  These
   snapshots have been replaced by a web page, so the RFC Editor will no
   longer be publishing these snapshots as RFCs.  As a result, the RFC
   Editor will classify unpublished RFC xx00 numbers through 7000 as
   never issued.  Starting with the RFC number 7100, xx00 numbers will
   be available for assignment.

Status of This Memo

   This document is not an Internet Standards Track specification; it is
   published for informational purposes.

   This document is a product of the Internet Architecture Board (IAB)
   and represents information that the IAB has deemed valuable to
   provide for permanent record.  It represents the consensus of the
   Internet Architecture Board (IAB).  Documents approved for
   publication by the IAB are not a candidate for any level of Internet
   Standard; see Section 2 of RFC 5741.

   Information about the current status of this document, any errata,
   and how to provide feedback on it may be obtained at

Copyright Notice

   Copyright (c) 2013 IETF Trust and the persons identified as the
   document authors.  All rights reserved.

   This document is subject to BCP 78 and the IETF Trust's Legal
   Provisions Relating to IETF Documents
   ( in effect on the date of
   publication of this document.  Please review these documents
   carefully, as they describe your rights and restrictions with respect
   to this document.

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RFC 7101               Official Protocol Standards         December 2013

1.  Introduction

   [RFC1083], published in December 1988, was the first document
   published in the RFC series that detailed a "list of documents that
   define the standards for the Internet protocol suite" and any ongoing
   experiments.  Snapshots were published from time to time.  [RFC1280]
   was the first of these publications to be published as STD 1.
   Starting with [RFC2200], RFC numbers ending with 00 were reserved for
   snapshots of the Official Protocol Standards.  [RFC5000], published
   in May 2008, was the last snapshot documented in an RFC.  This
   document notes that the xx00 documents are being replaced by the
   online resource provided by the RFC Editor, and the tradition of
   publishing snapshots is being discontinued.  RFC numbers typically
   reserved for these documents (i.e., those numbers ending with 00)
   will be available for assignment to other RFCs-to-be.

2.  Online List of Official Internet Protocol Standards

   In the past, publishing a snapshot of the current list of Standards
   Track and Experimental documents was helpful to the Internet
   community, as the information was not available otherwise.  In 1996,
   [RFC2026] documented the IETF's desire for the periodic publication
   of the "Internet Official Protocol Standards".  However, in 2000, the
   RFC Editor produced an online list that is dynamically updated and
   available to individuals with access to the public Internet
   [STDS-TRK].  As the list has been online for over 10 years, and the
   IETF has indicated that they no longer see a need for the snapshot
   document to be maintained [RFC7100], the official list of Standards
   Track documents will now be provided by the online list.

3.  STD 1

   STD 1 has been in an abnormal state since RFC 5000 was published.
   After consultation with the IAB, RFC 5000 was published as an
   Informational document, but it was still identified as STD 1 in the
   document header.  The status was listed as Informational because the
   document does not describe an implementable Standard.  However, it
   was associated with STD 1 to keep the document consistent with its
   historic connection to the subseries identifier.

   The IETF has decided to move RFC 5000 (and therefore STD 1) to
   Historic status [RFC7100].  Marking STD 1 as Historic will result in
   the identifier STD 1 not being available for future use.

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RFC 7101               Official Protocol Standards         December 2013

4.  Cleaning Up RFC Editor Data

   As part of the cleanup related to ending the series of RFC xx00
   documents titled "Internet Official Protocol Standards", the RFC
   Editor will mark a number of unused numbers ending in 00 through RFC
   7000 "never issued".  All RFC numbers ending in 00 from 7100 upwards
   will now be available to be assigned for any RFC.

5.  Security Considerations

   This document does not impact the security of the Internet.

6.  Informative References

   [RFC1083]  Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency and Internet
              Activities Board, "IAB official protocol standards", RFC
              1083, December 1988.

   [RFC1280]  Postel, J., "IAB Official Protocol Standards", RFC 1280,
              March 1992.

   [RFC2026]  Bradner, S., "The Internet Standards Process -- Revision
              3", BCP 9, RFC 2026, October 1996.

   [RFC2200]  Postel, J., "Internet Official Protocol Standards", RFC
              2200, June 1997.

   [RFC5000]  RFC Editor, "Internet Official Protocol Standards", STD 1,
              RFC 5000, May 2008.

   [RFC7100]  Resnick, P., "Retirement of the "Internet Official
              Protocol Standards" Summary Document", BCP 9, RFC 7100,
              December 2013.

   [STDS-TRK] RFC Editor, "Official Internet Protocol Standards",

7.  Acknowledgements

   We would like to thank Nevil Brownlee, Brian Carpenter, Heather
   Flanagan, and Alice Russo for their review and input on this
   document.  We would also like to thank Dongjin Son and Bob Braden for
   their efforts in writing the scripts that produce the "Official
   Internet Protocol Standards" page.

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RFC 7101               Official Protocol Standards         December 2013

Author's Address

   Sandy Ginoza
   Association Management Solutions
   48377 Fremont Blvd., Suite 117
   Fremont, CA 94538
   United States

   Phone: +1 (510) 492-4000

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