Internet Research Task Force (IRTF)                             K. Scott
Request for Comments: 7116                         The MITRE Corporation
Category: Informational                                      M. Blanchet
ISSN: 2070-1721                                                 Viagenie
                                                           February 2014

                 Licklider Transmission Protocol (LTP),
               Compressed Bundle Header Encoding (CBHE),
                  and Bundle Protocol IANA Registries


   The DTNRG Research Group has defined the experimental Licklider
   Transmission Protocol (LTP) and the Compressed Bundle Header Encoding
   (CBHE) mechanism for the InterPlanetary Network ('ipn' URI scheme).
   Moreover, RFC 5050 defines values for the Bundle Protocol
   administrative record type.  All of these fields are subject to a
   registry.  For the purpose of its research work, the group has
   created ad hoc registries.  As the specifications are stable and have
   multiple interoperable implementations, the group would like to hand
   off the registries to IANA for official management.  This document
   describes the necessary IANA actions.

Status of This Memo

   This document is not an Internet Standards Track specification; it is
   published for informational purposes.

   This document is a product of the Internet Research Task Force
   (IRTF).  The IRTF publishes the results of Internet-related research
   and development activities.  These results might not be suitable for
   deployment.  This RFC represents the consensus of the Delay-Tolerant
   Networking (DTNRG) Research Group of the Internet Research Task Force
   (IRTF).  Documents approved for publication by the IRSG are not a
   candidate for any level of Internet Standard; see Section 2 of RFC

   Information about the current status of this document, any errata,
   and how to provide feedback on it may be obtained at

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RFC 7116            LTP, CBHE, and BP IANA Registries      February 2014

Copyright Notice

   Copyright (c) 2014 IETF Trust and the persons identified as the
   document authors.  All rights reserved.

   This document is subject to BCP 78 and the IETF Trust's Legal
   Provisions Relating to IETF Documents
   ( in effect on the date of
   publication of this document.  Please review these documents
   carefully, as they describe your rights and restrictions with respect
   to this document.

Table of Contents

   1. Introduction ....................................................2
   2. Security Considerations .........................................3
   3. IANA Considerations .............................................3
      3.1. Licklider Transmission Protocol ............................3
           3.1.1. LTP Cancel Segment Reason Codes .....................3
           3.1.2. LTP Engine ID .......................................4
           3.1.3. LTP Client Service ID ...............................5
      3.2. Compressed Bundle Header Encoding ..........................6
           3.2.1. CBHE Node Numbers ...................................6
           3.2.2. CBHE Service Numbers ................................7
      3.3. Bundle Administrative Record Types .........................8
   4. Acknowledgements ................................................8
   5. References ......................................................9
      5.1. Normative References .......................................9
      5.2. Informative References .....................................9

1.  Introduction

   The DTNRG Research Group has defined the Licklider Transmission
   Protocol (LTP) [RFC5326].  LTP contains certain fields that are
   subject to a registry.  For the purpose of its research work, the
   group has created ad hoc registries.  As the specifications are
   stable and have multiple interoperable implementations, the group
   would like to hand off the registries to IANA for official
   management.  This document describes the actions that IANA needs to
   take and uses the well-known IANA policy definitions as described in
   Section 4.1 of [RFC5226].

   The Compressed Bundle Header Encoding (CBHE) [RFC6260] specification
   defines the concepts of 'Node Number' and 'Service Number' in the
   'ipn' URI scheme.  In this document, we request formation of IANA
   registries for these fields.

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   Because of its association with space communication and the
   Consultative Committee for Space Data Systems [CCSDS], portions of
   the "CBHE Node Numbers", "CBHE Service Numbers", and "LTP Engine
   Numbers" spaces are delegated by this document to the CCSDS Space
   Assigned Numbers Authority [SANA].  SANA functions similarly to IANA
   in that it maintains registries of managed values, with a focus on
   values used by protocols used by CCSDS member agencies.

   This document represents the consensus of the DTNRG.  It has been
   discussed and reviewed by the research group and interested parties.

2.  Security Considerations

   This document requests the creation of registries managed by IANA.
   There are no security issues involved.  Refer to the Security
   Considerations section of [RFC5326] for security issues with LTP.

3.  IANA Considerations

   IANA has created the registries described in this section.

3.1.  Licklider Transmission Protocol

   The Licklider Transmission Protocol has fields requiring registries
   managed by IANA.  This document requests the creation of the three
   registries in this section and requests that they be associated with
   the other LTP registries.

3.1.1.  LTP Cancel Segment Reason Codes

   Section 3.2.4 of [RFC5326] defines the reason codes that may be
   present in Cancel Segments in LTP.  IANA has set up a registry to
   manage the cancel reason codes.  This registry, titled "LTP Cancel
   Segment Reason Codes", has been added to the list of registries
   associated with the Licklider Transmission Protocol.

   The registration policy for this registry is Specification Required.

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   The initial values (as defined by RFC 5326) for the "LTP Cancel
   Segment Reason Codes" are:

      | Value | Description                     | Reference     |
      |   0   | Client service canceled session | [RFC5326]     |
      |   1   | Unreachable client service      | [RFC5326]     |
      |   2   | Retransmission limit exceeded   | [RFC5326]     |
      |   3   | Miscolored data received        | [RFC5326]     |
      |   4   | System error caused termination | [RFC5326]     |
      |   5   | Retransmission limit exceeded   | [RFC5326]     |
      | 6-255 | Unassigned                      | This document |

3.1.2.  LTP Engine ID

   The Licklider Transmission Protocol has an LTP Engine ID field
   (Section 2 of [RFC5326]).  IANA has set up a registry to manage the
   Engine IDs.  This registry, titled "LTP Engine Numbers", has been
   added to the list of registries associated with the Licklider
   Transmission Protocol.

   The registration policy for this registry is:

   1 -- (2**14)-1  Expert Review required.

   (2**14) -- (2**21)-1  Allocated to the Space Assigned Numbers
      Authority ([SANA]) for use by Consultative Committee for Space
      Data Systems (CCSDS) missions.

   (2**21) -- (2**28)-1  Private or Experimental Use.

   (2**28) -- (2**42)-1  First Come First Served basis for requests for
      less than or equal to 2**14 values to a single entity or
      organization.  Expert Review is required for requests of more than
      2**14 values to a single entity or organization.

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   The LTP Engine ID is expressed as a Self-Delimiting Numeric Value
   (SDNV) in LTP, and no maximum is specified in the protocol
   definition.  SDNVs are described in Section 4.1 of the Bundle
   Protocol specification [RFC5050] and in [RFC6256].  The initial
   values for the "LTP Engine Numbers" registry are:

    |              Value | Description               | Reference     |
    |                  0 | Reserved                  | This document |
    |       1--(2**14)-1 | Unassigned                | This document |
    | (2**14)--(2**21)-1 | Allocated to CCSDS (SANA) | This document |
    | (2**21)--(2**28)-1 | Private/Experimental Use  | This document |
    | (2**28)--(2**42)-1 | Unassigned                | This document |
    |          >=(2**42) | Reserved                  | This document |

3.1.3.  LTP Client Service ID

   The Licklider Transmission Protocol has a client service ID number
   field (Section 3.2.1 of [RFC5326]).  IANA has set up a registry to
   manage LTP Client Service IDs.  This registry, titled "LTP Client
   Service Identifiers", has been added to the list of registries
   associated with the Licklider Transmission Protocol.

   The registration policy for this registry is:

   4 -- (2**14)-1  Allocated to the Space Assigned Numbers Authority
      ([SANA]) for use by Consultative Committee for Space Data Systems
      (CCSDS) missions.

   2**14 -- 32,767  Private or Experimental Use.

   >= 32,768  Specification Required.

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   The LTP Client Service ID is expressed as a Self-Delimiting Numeric
   Value (SDNV) in LTP, and no maximum value is specified in the
   protocol definition.  The initial values for the "LTP Client Service
   Identifiers" are:

    |           Value | Description                  | Reference     |
    |               0 | Reserved                     | [RFC5326]     |
    |               1 | Bundle Protocol              | This document |
    |               2 | LTP Service Data Aggregation | This document |
    |               3 | CCSDS File Delivery Service  | This document |
    |    4--(2**14)-1 | Allocated to CCSDS (SANA)    | This document |
    | (2**14)--32,767 | Private/Experimental Use     | This document |
    |        >=32,768 | Unassigned                   | This document |

3.2.  Compressed Bundle Header Encoding

   The CBHE specification [RFC6260] defines concepts of 'Node Number'
   and 'Service Number' that require registries managed by IANA.

3.2.1.  CBHE Node Numbers

   The CBHE specification defines a Node Number (node-nbr) field
   (Section 2.1 of [RFC6260]).  IANA has set up a registry to manage
   CBHE Node Numbers.  This registry, titled "CBHE Node Numbers", has
   been added to the list of registries associated with the Bundle

   The registration policy for this registry is:

   1 -- (2**14)-1  Expert Review required.

   (2**14) -- (2**21)-1  Allocated to the Space Assigned Numbers
      Authority ([SANA]) for use by Consultative Committee for Space
      Data Systems (CCSDS) missions.

   (2**21) -- (2**28)-1  Private or Experimental Use.

   (2**28) -- (2**42)-1  First Come First Served basis for requests for
      less than or equal to 2**14 values to a single entity or
      organization.  Expert Review is required for requests of more than
      2**14 values to a single entity or organization.

   >= (2**42)  Reserved.

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   The CBHE Node Number is expressed as a Self-Delimiting Numeric Value
   (SDNV) in the CBHE specification.  Allowable values for the Node
   Number range from 1 -- (2**64)-1.  The initial values for the "CBHE
   Node Number" registry shall be:

    |              Value | Description               | Reference     |
    |                  0 | Reserved                  | This document |
    |       1--(2**14)-1 | Unassigned                | This document |
    | (2**14)--(2**21)-1 | Allocated to CCSDS (SANA) | This document |
    | (2**21)--(2**28)-1 | Private/Experimental Use  | This document |
    | (2**28)--(2**42)-1 | Unassigned                | This document |
    |          >=(2**42) | Reserved                  | This document |

3.2.2.  CBHE Service Numbers

   The Compressed Bundle Header Encoding specification defines a Service
   Number (service-nbr) field (Section 2.1 of [RFC6260]).  IANA has set
   up a registry to manage CBHE Service Numbers.  This registry, titled
   "CBHE Service Numbers", has been added to the list of registries
   associated with the Bundle Protocol.

   The registration policy for this registry is:

   0-63  Specification Required.

   64-1023  Allocated to the Space Assigned Numbers Authority ([SANA])
      for use by Consultative Committee for Space Data Systems (CCSDS)

   1024 - 2**16-1  Specification Required.

   >= 2**16  Private/Experimental Use.

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RFC 7116            LTP, CBHE, and BP IANA Registries      February 2014

   The CBHE Service Number is expressed as a Self-Delimiting Numeric
   Value (SDNV) in the CBHE specification.  Allowable values for the
   Service Number range from 1 -- (2**64)-1.  The initial values for the
   "CBHE Service Number" registry are:

   |          Value | Description                    | Reference     |
   |              0 | Bundle Protocol Administrative | [RFC6260]     |
   |                |   Record                       |               |
   |              1 | CCSDS File Delivery Service    | [CFDP]        |
   |              2 | Reserved                       | This document |
   |           3-63 | Unassigned                     | This document |
   |        64-1023 | Allocated to CCSDS (SANA)      | This document |
   | 1024 - 2**16-1 | Unassigned                     | This document |
   |        >=2**16 | Private/Experimental Use       | This document |

3.3.  Bundle Administrative Record Types

   Section 6.1 of the Bundle Protocol specification [RFC5050] specifies
   a 4-bit Administrative Record type code.  IANA has set up a registry
   to manage these record types.  This registry, titled "Bundle
   Administrative Record Types", has been added to the list of
   registries associated with the Bundle Protocol.

   The registration policy for this registry is Specification Required.

   The initial values for the "Bundle Administrative Record Type"
   registry are:

           | Value | Description          | Reference     |
           |     0 | Reserved             | This document |
           |     1 | Bundle status report | [RFC5050]     |
           |     2 | Custody signal       | [RFC5050]     |
           |  3-15 | Unassigned           | This document |

4.  Acknowledgements

   The authors would like to thank the following people, in no specific
   order: Scott Burleigh, Stephen Farrell, and John Buford.

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5.  References

5.1.  Normative References

   [CFDP]     Consultative Committee for Space Data Systems, "CCSDS File
              Delivery Protocol Version 4 (CCSDS 727.0-B-4)",
              January 2007, <>.

   [RFC5050]  Scott, K. and S. Burleigh, "Bundle Protocol
              Specification", RFC 5050, November 2007.

   [RFC5226]  Narten, T. and H. Alvestrand, "Guidelines for Writing an
              IANA Considerations Section in RFCs", BCP 26, RFC 5226,
              May 2008.

   [RFC5326]  Ramadas, M., Burleigh, S., and S. Farrell, "Licklider
              Transmission Protocol - Specification", RFC 5326,
              September 2008.

   [RFC6256]  Eddy, W. and E. Davies, "Using Self-Delimiting Numeric
              Values in Protocols", RFC 6256, May 2011.

   [RFC6260]  Burleigh, S., "Compressed Bundle Header Encoding (CBHE)",
              RFC 6260, May 2011.

5.2.  Informative References

   [CCSDS]    CCSDS, "The Consultative Committee for Space Data
              Systems", <>.

   [SANA]     SANA, "The CCSDS SANA Registry page",

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RFC 7116            LTP, CBHE, and BP IANA Registries      February 2014

Authors' Addresses

   Keith Scott
   The MITRE Corporation
   7515 Colshire Drive
   McLean, VA  22102

   Phone: +1-703-983-6547
   Fax:   +1-703-983-7142

   Marc Blanchet
   246 Aberdeen
   Quebec  G1R 2E1

   Phone: +1-418-656-9254

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