Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF)                          M. Bakke
Request for Comments: 7147                                          Dell
Obsoletes: 4544                                            P. Venkatesen
Category: Standards Track                               HCL Technologies
ISSN: 2070-1721                                               April 2014

                     Definitions of Managed Objects
        for the Internet Small Computer System Interface (iSCSI)


   This document defines a portion of the Management Information Base
   (MIB) for use with network management protocols.  In particular, it
   defines objects for managing a client using the Internet Small
   Computer System Interface (iSCSI) protocol (SCSI over TCP).

   This document obsoletes RFC 4544.

Status of This Memo

   This is an Internet Standards Track document.

   This document is a product of the Internet Engineering Task Force
   (IETF).  It represents the consensus of the IETF community.  It has
   received public review and has been approved for publication by
   the Internet Engineering Steering Group (IESG).  Further
   information on Internet Standards is available in Section 2 of
   RFC 5741.

   Information about the current status of this document, any
   errata, and how to provide feedback on it may be obtained at

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RFC 7147                        iSCSI MIB                     April 2014

Copyright Notice

   Copyright (c) 2014 IETF Trust and the persons identified as the
   document authors.  All rights reserved.

   This document is subject to BCP 78 and the IETF Trust's Legal
   Provisions Relating to IETF Documents
   ( in effect on the date of
   publication of this document.  Please review these documents
   carefully, as they describe your rights and restrictions with respect
   to this document.  Code Components extracted from this document must
   include Simplified BSD License text as described in Section 4.e of
   the Trust Legal Provisions and are provided without warranty as
   described in the Simplified BSD License.

   This document may contain material from IETF Documents or IETF
   Contributions published or made publicly available before November
   10, 2008.  The person(s) controlling the copyright in some of this
   material may not have granted the IETF Trust the right to allow
   modifications of such material outside the IETF Standards Process.
   Without obtaining an adequate license from the person(s) controlling
   the copyright in such materials, this document may not be modified
   outside the IETF Standards Process, and derivative works of it may
   not be created outside the IETF Standards Process, except to format
   it for publication as an RFC or to translate it into languages other
   than English.

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RFC 7147                        iSCSI MIB                     April 2014

Table of Contents

   1. The Internet-Standard Management Framework ......................4
   2. Introduction ....................................................4
   3. Relationship to Other MIB Modules ...............................4
   4. Relationship to SNMP Contexts ...................................5
   5. Differences from RFC 4544 .......................................5
   6. Discussion ......................................................6
      6.1. iSCSI MIB Object Model .....................................7
      6.2. iSCSI MIB Table Structure ..................................8
      6.3. iscsiInstance ..............................................9
      6.4. iscsiPortal ................................................9
      6.5. iscsiTargetPortal .........................................10
      6.6. iscsiInitiatorPortal ......................................11
      6.7. iscsiNode .................................................12
      6.8. iscsiTarget ...............................................12
      6.9. iscsiTgtAuthorization .....................................12
      6.10. iscsiInitiator ...........................................13
      6.11. iscsiIntrAuthorization ...................................13
      6.12. iscsiSession .............................................13
      6.13. iscsiConnection ..........................................14
      6.14. IP Addresses and TCP Port Numbers ........................14
      6.15. Descriptors: Using OIDs in Place of Enumerated Types .....15
      6.16. Notifications ............................................15
   7. MIB Definition .................................................16
   8. Security Considerations ........................................88
   9. IANA Considerations ............................................89
   10. References ....................................................89
      10.1. Normative References .....................................89
      10.2. Informative References ...................................91
   11. Acknowledgments ...............................................91

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1.  The Internet-Standard Management Framework

   For a detailed overview of the documents that describe the current
   Internet-Standard Management Framework, please refer to section 7 of
   RFC 3410 [RFC3410].

   Managed objects are accessed via a virtual information store, termed
   the Management Information Base or MIB.  MIB objects are generally
   accessed through the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP).
   Objects in the MIB are defined using the mechanisms defined in the
   Structure of Management Information (SMI).  This memo specifies a MIB
   module that is compliant to the SMIv2, which is described in STD 58,
   RFC 2578 [RFC2578], STD 58, RFC 2579 [RFC2579] and STD 58, RFC 2580

2.  Introduction

   This document defines a MIB module for iSCSI [RFC7143], used to
   manage devices that implement the iSCSI protocol.  It obsoletes RFC
   4544 [RFC4544].

   The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT",
   "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in

3.  Relationship to Other MIB Modules

   The iSCSI MIB module is normally layered between the SCSI MIB module
   [RFC4455] and the TCP MIB module [RFC4022], and it makes use of the
   IP Storage (IPS) Identity Authentication MIB module [RFC4545].  Here
   is how these modules are related:

   SCSI MIB    Within systems where a SCSI layer is present, each
               iscsiNode, whether it has an initiator role, target role,
               or both, is related to one SCSI device within the SCSI
               MIB module.  In this case, the iscsiNodeTransportType
               attribute points to the SCSI transport object within the
               SCSI MIB module, which in turn contains an attribute that
               points back to the iscsiNode.  In this way, a management
               station can navigate between the two MIB modules.  In
               systems where a SCSI layer is not present, such as within
               an iSCSI proxy device, the iscsiNodeTransportType
               attribute points to the appropriate corresponding object
               within the appropriate MIB or is left blank.

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   TCP MIB     Each iSCSI connection is related to one transport-level
               connection.  Currently, iSCSI uses only TCP; the iSCSI
               connection is related to a TCP connection using its
               normal (protocol, source address, source port,
               destination address, destination port) 5-tuple.

   AUTH MIB    Each iSCSI node that serves a target role can have a list
               of authorized initiators.  Each of the entries in this
               list points to an identity within the IPS Identity
               Authentication MIB module that will be allowed to access
               the target.  iSCSI nodes that serve in an initiator role
               can also have a list of authorized targets.  Each of the
               entries in this list points to an identity within the
               IPS-AUTH MIB module to which the initiator should attempt
               to establish sessions.  The IPS-AUTH MIB module includes
               information used to identify initiators and targets by
               their iSCSI name, IP address, and/or credentials.

   This MIB module imports objects from RFCs 2578 [RFC2578], 2579
   [RFC2579], 2580 [RFC2580], and 3411 [RFC3411].  It also imports
   textual conventions from the INET-ADDRESS-MIB [RFC4001].

4.  Relationship to SNMP Contexts

   Each non-scalar object in the iSCSI MIB module is indexed first by an
   iSCSI instance.  Each instance is a collection of nodes, portals,
   sessions, etc., that can define a physical or virtual partitioning of
   an iSCSI-capable device.  The use of an instance works well with
   partitionable or hierarchical storage devices and fits in logically
   with other management schemes.  Instances do not replace SNMP
   contexts; however, they do provide a very simple way to assign a
   virtual or physical partition of a device to one or more SNMP
   contexts, without having to do so for each individual node, portal,
   and session row.

5.  Differences from RFC 4544

   [RFC7143] updates several RFCs, including [RFC3720].  This document
   updates the iSCSI MIB correspondingly.  The document uses
   iSCSIProtocolLevel as defined in [RFC7144].  It obsoletes [RFC4544].
   Below is a brief description of the changes.

   -  Added iscsiInstXNodeArchitecture to InstanceAttributes.
   -  Added iscsiSsnTaskReporting of type BITS to SessionAttributes.
   -  Added iscsiSsnProtocolLevel to SessionAttributes.
   -  Deprecated the marker objects.
   -  Fixed the errata to [RFC4544].

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   -  Added NOP counters at iSCSI session scope for heartbeat tracking.
   -  Added port number to the iscsiTgtLoginFailure and
      iscsiIntrLoginFailure notifications, and to the last failure info
      in iscsiInitiatorAttributesEntry.
   -  Added description string to the iSCSI portal.
   -  Added iscsiInstSsnTgtUnmappedErrors to support "Target Unmapped"
      session failure reporting in the iscsiInstSessionFailure
   -  Added iscsiTgtLogoutCxnClosed and iscsiTgtLogoutCxnRemoved, which
      maintain the count of Logout Command PDUs received by the target
      with reason codes 1 and 2, respectively.
   -  Changed the conformance statements to match the above.

6.  Discussion

   This MIB module structure supplies configuration, fault, and
   statistics information for iSCSI devices [RFC7143].  It is structured
   around the well-known iSCSI objects, such as targets, initiators,
   sessions, connections, and the like.

   This MIB module may also be used to configure access to iSCSI
   targets, by creating iSCSI portals and authorization list entries.

   It is worthwhile to note that this is an iSCSI MIB module and as such
   reflects only iSCSI objects.  This module does not contain
   information about the SCSI-layer attributes of a device.  If a SCSI
   layer is present, the SCSI MIB module [RFC4455] may be used to manage
   SCSI information for a device.

   The iSCSI MIB module consists of several "objects", each of which is
   represented by one or more tables.  This section contains a brief
   description of the object hierarchy and a description of each object,
   followed by a discussion of the actual table structure within the

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6.1.  iSCSI MIB Object Model

   The top-level object in this structure is the iSCSI instance, which
   "contains" all of the other objects.

         -- A distinct iSCSI entity within the managed system.
            -- An IP address used by this instance.
               -- Contains portal information relevant when the portal
               -- is used to listen for connections to its targets.
               -- Contains portal information relevant when the portal
               -- is used to initiate connections to other targets.
            -- An iSCSI node can act as an initiator, a target, or both.
            -- Contains generic (non-role-specific) information.
               -- Target-specific iSCSI node information.
                  -- A list of initiator identities that are allowed
                  -- access to this target.
               -- Initiator-specific iSCSI node information.
                  -- A list of target identities to which this initiator
                  -- is configured to establish sessions.
               -- An active iSCSI session between an initiator and
               -- target.  The session's direction may be Inbound
               -- (an outside initiator to the target represented by
               -- this node) or Outbound (the initiator represented by
               -- this node to an outside target).
                  -- An active TCP connection within an iSCSI session.

   An iSCSI node can be an initiator, a target, or both.  The iSCSI
   node's portals may be used to initiate connections (initiator) or
   listen for connections (target), depending on whether the iSCSI node
   is acting as an initiator or target.  The iSCSI MIB module assumes
   that any target may be accessed via any portal that can take on a
   target role, although other access controls not reflected in the
   module might limit this.

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6.2.  iSCSI MIB Table Structure

   Each iSCSI object exports one or more tables: an attributes table,
   and zero or more statistics tables, which augment the attributes
   table.  Since iSCSI is an evolving standard, it is much cleaner to
   provide statistics and attributes as separate tables, allowing
   attributes and statistics to be added independently.  In a few cases,
   there are multiple categories of statistics that will likely grow; in
   this case, an object will contain multiple statistics tables.

            -- Counts abnormal session terminations
            -- Counts successful and unsuccessful logins
            -- Counts normal and abnormal logouts
            -- Counts successful and unsuccessful logins
            -- Counts normal and abnormal logouts
            -- Performance-related counts (requests, responses, bytes)
            -- Counts digest errors, connection errors, etc.

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   Note that this module does not attempt to count everything that could
   be counted; it is designed to include only those counters that would
   be useful for identifying performance, security, and fault problems
   from a management station.

6.3.  iscsiInstance

   The iscsiInstanceAttributesTable is the primary table of the iSCSI
   MIB module.  Every table entry in this module is "owned" by exactly
   one iSCSI instance; all other table entries in the module include
   this table's index as their primary index.

   Most implementations will include just one iSCSI instance row in this
   table.  However, this table exists to allow for multiple virtual
   instances.  For example, many IP routing products now allow multiple
   virtual routers.  The iSCSI MIB module has the same premise; a large
   system could be "partitioned" into multiple, distinct virtual

   This also allows a single SNMP agent to proxy for multiple
   subsystems, perhaps a set of stackable devices, each of which has one
   or even more instances.

   The instance attributes include the iSCSI vendor and version, as well
   as information on the last target or initiator at the other end of a
   session that caused a session failure.

   The iscsiInstanceSsnErrorStatsTable augments the attributes table and
   provides statistics on session failures due to digest, connection, or
   iSCSI format errors.

6.4.  iscsiPortal

   The iscsiPortalAttributesTable lists iSCSI portals that can be used
   to listen for connections to targets, to initiate connections to
   other targets, or to do both.

   Each row in the table includes an IP address (either v4 or v6), and a
   transport protocol (currently only TCP is defined).  Each portal may
   have additional attributes, depending on whether it is an initiator
   portal, a target portal, or both.  Initiator portals also have portal
   tags; these are placed in corresponding rows in the
   iscsiIntrPortalAttributesTable.  Target portals have both portal tags
   and ports (e.g., TCP listen ports if the transport protocol is TCP);
   these are placed in rows in the iscsiTgtPortalAttributesTable.

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   Portal rows, along with their initiator and target portal
   counterparts, may be created and destroyed through this MIB module by
   a management station.  Rows in the initiator and target portal tables
   are created and destroyed automatically by the agent when a row is
   created or destroyed in the iscsiPortalAttributesTable or when the
   value of iscsiPortalRoles changes.  Attributes in these tables may
   then be modified by the management station if the agent
   implementation allows.

   When created by a management station, the iscsiPortalRoles attribute
   is used to control row creation in the initiator and target portal
   tables.  Creating a row with the targetTypePortal bit set in
   iscsiPortalRoles will cause the implementation to start listening for
   iSCSI connections on the portal.  Creating a row with the
   initiatorTypePortal bit set in iscsiPortalRoles will not necessarily
   cause connections to be established; it is left to the implementation
   whether and when to make use of the portal.  Both bits may be set if
   the portal is to be used by both initiator and target nodes.

   When deleting a row in the iscsiPortalAttibutesTable, all connections
   associated with that row are terminated.  The implementation may
   either terminate the connection immediately or request a clean
   shutdown as specified in [RFC7143].  An outbound connection (when an
   iscsiInitiatorPortal is deleted) matches the portal if its
   iscsiCxnLocalAddr matches the iscsiPortalAddr.  An inbound connection
   (when an iscsiTargetPortal is deleted) matches the portal if its
   iscsiCxnLocalAddr matches the iscsiPortalAddr and if its
   iscsiCxnLocalPort matches the iscsiTargetPortalPort.

   Individual objects within a row in this table may not be modified
   while the row is active.  For instance, changing the IP address of a
   portal requires that the rows associated with the old IP address be
   deleted and that new rows be created (in either order).

6.5.  iscsiTargetPortal

   The iscsiTgtPortalAttributesTable contains target-specific attributes
   for iSCSI portals.  Rows in this table use the same indices as their
   corresponding rows in the iscsiPortalAttributesTable, with the
   addition of iscsiNodeIndex.

   Rows in this table are created when the targetTypePortal bit is set
   in the iscsiPortalRoles attribute of the corresponding
   iscsiPortalAttributesEntry; they are destroyed when this bit is

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   This table contains the TCP (or other protocol) port on which the
   socket is listening for incoming connections.  It also includes a
   portal group aggregation tag; iSCSI target portals that are within
   this instance and share the same tag can contain connections within
   the same session.

   This table will be empty for iSCSI instances that contain only
   initiators (such as iSCSI host driver implementations).

   Many implementations use the same Target Portal Group Tag and
   protocol port for all nodes accessed via a portal.  These
   implementations will create a single row in the
   iscsiTgtPortalAttributeTable, with an iscsiNodeIndex of zero.

   Other implementations do not use the same tag and/or port for all
   nodes; these implementations will create a row in this table for each
   (portal, node) tuple, using iscsiNodeIndex to designate the node for
   this portal tag and port.

6.6.  iscsiInitiatorPortal

   The iscsiIntrPortalAttributesTable contains initiator-specific
   objects for iSCSI portals.  Rows in this table use the same indices
   as their corresponding entries in the iscsiPortalAttributesTable.  A
   row in this table is created when the initiatorTypePortal bit is set
   in the iscsiPortalRoles attribute; it is destroyed when this bit is

   Each row in this table contains a portal group aggregation tag,
   indicating which portals an initiator may use together within a
   multiple-connection session.

   This table will be empty for iSCSI instances that contain only
   targets (such as most iSCSI devices).

   Many implementations use the same initiator tag for all nodes
   accessing targets via a given portal.  These implementations will
   create a single row in iscsiIntrPortalAttributeTable, with an
   iscsiNodeIndex of zero.

   Other implementations do not use the same tag and/or port for all
   nodes; these implementations will create a row in this table for each
   (portal, node) tuple, using iscsiNodeIndex to designate the node for
   this portal tag and port.

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6.7.  iscsiNode

   The iscsiNodeAttributesTable contains a list of iSCSI nodes, each of
   which may have an initiator role, a target role, or both.

   This table contains the node's attributes that are common to both
   roles, such as its iSCSI name and alias string.  Attributes specific
   to initiators or targets are available in the iscsiTarget and
   iscsiInitiator objects.  Each row in this table that can fulfill a
   target role has a corresponding row in the iscsiTarget table; each
   entry that fulfills an initiator role has a row in the iscsiInitiator
   table.  Nodes such as copy managers that can take on both roles have
   a corresponding row in each table.

   This table also contains the login negotiations preferences for this
   node.  These objects indicate the values this node will offer or
   prefer in the operational negotiation phase of the login process.

   For most implementations, each entry in the table also contains a
   RowPointer to the transport table entry in the SCSI MIB module that
   this iSCSI node represents.  For implementations without a standard
   SCSI layer above iSCSI, such as an iSCSI proxy or gateway, this
   RowPointer can point to a row in an implementation-specific table
   that this iSCSI node represents.

6.8.  iscsiTarget

   The iscsiTargetAttributesTable contains target-specific attributes
   for iSCSI nodes.  Each entry in this table uses the same index values
   as its corresponding iscsiNode entry.

   This table contains attributes used to indicate the last failure that
   was (or should have been) sent as a notification.

   This table is augmented by the iscsiTargetLoginStatsTable and the
   iscsiTargetLogoutStatsTable, which count the numbers of normal and
   abnormal logins and logouts to this target.

6.9.  iscsiTgtAuthorization

   The iscsiTgtAuthAttributesTable contains an entry for each initiator
   identifier that will be allowed to access the target under which it
   appears.  Each entry contains a RowPointer to a user identity in the
   IPS Authorization MIB module, which contains the name, address, and
   credential information necessary to authenticate the initiator.

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6.10.  iscsiInitiator

   The iscsiInitiatorAttributesTable contains a list of initiator-
   specific attributes for iSCSI nodes.  Each entry in this table uses
   the same index values as its corresponding iscsiNode entry.

   Most implementations will include a single entry in this table,
   regardless of the number of physical interfaces the initiator may

   This table is augmented by the iscsiInitiatorLoginStatsTable and the
   iscsiInitiatorLogoutStatsTable, which count the numbers of normal and
   abnormal logins and logouts from this initiator.

6.11.  iscsiIntrAuthorization

   The iscsiIntrAuthAttributesTable contains an entry for each target
   identifier to which the initiator is configured to establish a

   Each entry contains a RowPointer to a user identity in the IPS
   Authorization MIB module, which contains the name, address, and
   credential information necessary to identify (for discovery purposes)
   and authenticate the target.

6.12.  iscsiSession

   The iscsiSessionAttributesTable contains a set of rows that list the
   sessions known to exist locally for each node in each iSCSI instance.

   The session type for each session indicates whether the session is
   used for normal SCSI commands or for discovery using the SendTargets
   text command.  Discovery sessions that do not belong to any
   particular node have a node index attribute of zero.

   The session direction for each session indicates whether it is an
   Inbound session or an Outbound session.  Inbound sessions are from
   some other initiator to the target node under which the session
   appears.  Outbound sessions are from the initiator node under which
   the session appears to a target outside this iSCSI instance.

   Many attributes may be negotiated when starting an iSCSI session.
   Most of these attributes are included in the session object.

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   Some attributes, such as the integrity and authentication schemes,
   have some standard values that can be extended by vendors to include
   their own schemes.  These contain an object identifier, rather than
   the expected enumerated type, to allow these values to be extended by
   other MIB modules, such as an enterprise MIB module.

   The iscsiSessionStatsTable includes statistics related to
   performance; it counts iSCSI data bytes and PDUs.

   For implementations that support error recovery without terminating a
   session, the iscsiSessionCxnErrorStatsTable contains counters for the
   numbers of digest and connection errors that have occurred within the

6.13.  iscsiConnection

   The iscsiConnectionAttributesTable contains a list of active
   connections within each session.  It contains the IP addresses and
   TCP (or other protocol) ports of both the local and remote sides of
   the connection.  These may be used to locate other connection-related
   information and statistics in the TCP MIB module [RFC4022].

   The attributes table also contains a connection state.  This state is
   not meant to directly map to the state tables included within the
   iSCSI specification; they are meant to be simplified, higher-level
   definitions of connection state that provide information more useful
   to a user or network manager.

   No statistics are kept for connections.

6.14.  IP Addresses and TCP Port Numbers

   The IP addresses in this module are represented by two attributes,
   one of type InetAddressType, and the other of type InetAddress.
   These are taken from [RFC4001], which specifies how to support
   addresses that may be either IPv4 or IPv6.

   The TCP port numbers that appear in a few of the structures are
   described as simply port numbers, with a protocol attribute
   indicating whether they are TCP ports or something else.  This will
   allow the module to be compatible with iSCSI over transports other
   than TCP in the future.

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6.15.  Descriptors: Using OIDs in Place of Enumerated Types

   The iSCSI MIB module has a few attributes, namely, the digest method
   attributes, where an enumerated type would work well, except that an
   implementation may need to extend the attribute and add types of its
   own.  To make this work, this MIB module defines a set of object
   identities within the iscsiDescriptors subtree.  Each of these object
   identities is basically an enumerated type.

   Attributes that make use of these object identities have a value that
   is an Object Identifier (OID) instead of an enumerated type.  These
   OIDs can indicate either the object identities defined in this module
   or object identities defined elsewhere, such as in an enterprise MIB
   module.  Those implementations that add their own digest methods
   should also define a corresponding object identity for each of these
   methods within their own enterprise MIB module, and return its OID
   whenever one of these attributes is using that method.

6.16.  Notifications

   Three notifications are provided.  One is sent by an initiator
   detecting a critical login failure, another is sent by a target
   detecting a critical login failure, and the third is sent upon a
   session being terminated due to an abnormal connection or digest
   failure.  Critical failures are defined as those that may expose
   security-related problems that may require immediate action, such as
   failures due to authentication, authorization, or negotiation
   problems.  Attributes in the initiator, target, and instance objects
   provide the information necessary to send in the notification, such
   as the initiator or target name and IP address at the other end that
   may have caused the failure.

   To avoid sending an excessive number of notifications due to multiple
   errors counted, an SNMP agent implementing the iSCSI MIB module
   SHOULD NOT send more than three iSCSI notifications in any 10-second

   The 3-in-10 rule was chosen because one notification every three
   seconds was deemed often enough, but should two or three different
   notifications happen at the same time, it would not be desirable to
   suppress them.  Three notifications in 10 seconds is a happy medium,
   where a short burst of notifications is allowed, without inundating
   the network and/or notification host with a large number of

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7.  MIB Definition


    Unsigned32, Counter32, Counter64, Gauge32,

    TEXTUAL-CONVENTION, TruthValue, RowPointer, TimeStamp, RowStatus,
    AutonomousType, StorageType



    InetAddressType, InetAddress, InetPortNumber

    LAST-UPDATED "201402180000Z" -- February 18, 2014
    ORGANIZATION "IETF STORage Maintenance (STORM) Working Group"

        Working Group Email:
        Attn: Mark Bakke

              Prakash Venkatesen
              HCL Technologies

        "This module defines management information specific
         to the iSCSI protocol.

         Copyright (c) 2014 IETF Trust and the persons identified as
         authors of the code.  All rights reserved.

         Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or
         without modification, is permitted pursuant to, and subject
         to the license terms contained in, the Simplified BSD

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RFC 7147                        iSCSI MIB                     April 2014

         License set forth in Section 4.c of the IETF Trust's Legal
         Provisions Relating to IETF Documents
    REVISION    "201402180000Z"
        "Second version of the iSCSI Protocol MIB Module.
         RFC 7143 makes several updates to [RFC3720].  This
         version makes corresponding updates to the MIB module.
         This MIB module published as RFC 7147."
    REVISION "200605220000Z"
        "Initial version of the iSCSI Protocol MIB module.
         This MIB module published as RFC 4544."

::= { mib-2 142 }

iscsiNotifications OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { iscsiMibModule 0 }
iscsiObjects       OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { iscsiMibModule 1 }
iscsiConformance   OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { iscsiMibModule 2 }
iscsiAdmin         OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { iscsiMibModule 3 }

-- Textual Conventions

IscsiTransportProtocol ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION

    STATUS        current
        "This data type is used to define the transport
        protocols that will carry iSCSI PDUs.
        Protocol numbers are assigned by IANA.  A
        current list of all assignments is available from
    SYNTAX        Unsigned32 (0..255)

IscsiDigestMethod ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
    STATUS        current
        "This data type represents the methods possible
        for digest negotiation.
        none     - a placeholder for a secondary digest method
                   that means only the primary method can be
        other    - a digest method other than those defined below.
        noDigest - does not support digests (will operate without
                   a digest (Note: implementations must support
                   digests to be compliant with RFC 7143).
        CRC32c   - require a CRC32C digest."

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RFC 7147                        iSCSI MIB                     April 2014

        "RFC 7143, Section 13.1, HeaderDigest and DataDigest"
    SYNTAX        INTEGER {

    DISPLAY-HINT  "223t"
    STATUS        current
        "This data type is used for objects whose value is an
        iSCSI name with the properties described in RFC 7143,
        Section, and encoded as specified in RFC 7143,
        Section  A zero-length string indicates the
        absence of an iSCSI name."
        "RFC 7143, Section 4.2.7, iSCSI Names."
    SYNTAX        OCTET STRING (SIZE(0 | 16..223))


iscsiDescriptors OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { iscsiAdmin 1 }

iscsiHeaderIntegrityTypes OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { iscsiDescriptors 1 }

iscsiHdrIntegrityNone OBJECT-IDENTITY
    STATUS      current
        "The authoritative identifier when no integrity
        scheme for the header is being used."
        "RFC 7143, Section 13.1, HeaderDigest and DataDigest"
::= { iscsiHeaderIntegrityTypes 1 }

iscsiHdrIntegrityCrc32c OBJECT-IDENTITY
    STATUS      current
        "The authoritative identifier when the integrity
        scheme for the header is CRC32c."
        "RFC 7143, Section 13.1, HeaderDigest and DataDigest"
::= { iscsiHeaderIntegrityTypes 2 }

iscsiDataIntegrityTypes OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { iscsiDescriptors 2 }

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iscsiDataIntegrityNone OBJECT-IDENTITY
    STATUS      current
        "The authoritative identifier when no integrity
        scheme for the data is being used."
        "RFC 7143, Section 13.1, HeaderDigest and DataDigest"
::= { iscsiDataIntegrityTypes 1 }

iscsiDataIntegrityCrc32c OBJECT-IDENTITY
    STATUS      current
        "The authoritative identifier when the integrity
        scheme for the data is CRC32c."
        "RFC 7143, Section 13.1, HeaderDigest and DataDigest"
::= { iscsiDataIntegrityTypes 2 }


iscsiInstance OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { iscsiObjects 1 }

-- Instance Attributes Table

iscsiInstanceAttributesTable OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX        SEQUENCE OF IscsiInstanceAttributesEntry
    MAX-ACCESS    not-accessible
    STATUS        current
        "A list of iSCSI instances present on the system."
::= { iscsiInstance 1 }

iscsiInstanceAttributesEntry OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX        IscsiInstanceAttributesEntry
    MAX-ACCESS    not-accessible
    STATUS        current
        "An entry (row) containing management information applicable
        to a particular iSCSI instance."
    INDEX { iscsiInstIndex }
::= { iscsiInstanceAttributesTable 1 }

IscsiInstanceAttributesEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
    iscsiInstIndex                 Unsigned32,
    iscsiInstDescr                 SnmpAdminString,
    iscsiInstVersionMin            Unsigned32,
    iscsiInstVersionMax            Unsigned32,
    iscsiInstVendorID              SnmpAdminString,

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    iscsiInstVendorVersion         SnmpAdminString,
    iscsiInstPortalNumber          Unsigned32,
    iscsiInstNodeNumber            Unsigned32,
    iscsiInstSessionNumber         Unsigned32,
    iscsiInstSsnFailures           Counter32,
    iscsiInstLastSsnFailureType    AutonomousType,
    iscsiInstLastSsnRmtNodeName    IscsiName,
    iscsiInstDiscontinuityTime     TimeStamp,
    iscsiInstXNodeArchitecture     SnmpAdminString

iscsiInstIndex OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX        Unsigned32 (1..4294967295)
    MAX-ACCESS    not-accessible
    STATUS        current
        "An arbitrary integer used to uniquely identify a particular
        iSCSI instance.  This index value must not be modified or
        reused by an agent unless a reboot has occurred.  An agent
        should attempt to keep this value persistent across reboots."
::= { iscsiInstanceAttributesEntry 1 }

iscsiInstDescr OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX        SnmpAdminString
    MAX-ACCESS    read-only
    STATUS        current
        "A UTF-8 string, determined by the implementation to
        describe the iSCSI instance.  When only a single instance
        is present, this object may be set to the zero-length
        string; with multiple iSCSI instances, it may be used in
        an implementation-dependent manner to describe the purpose
        of the respective instance."

::= { iscsiInstanceAttributesEntry 2 }

iscsiInstVersionMin OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX        Unsigned32 (0..255)
    MAX-ACCESS    read-only
    STATUS        current
        "The minimum version number of the iSCSI specification
        such that this iSCSI instance supports this minimum
        value, the maximum value indicated by the corresponding
        instance in iscsiInstVersionMax, and all versions in
        "RFC 7143, Section 11.12, Login Request"

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::= { iscsiInstanceAttributesEntry 3 }

iscsiInstVersionMax OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX        Unsigned32 (0..255)
    MAX-ACCESS    read-only
    STATUS        current
        "The maximum version number of the iSCSI specification
        such that this iSCSI instance supports this maximum
        value, the minimum value indicated by the corresponding
        instance in iscsiInstVersionMin, and all versions in
        "RFC 7143, Section 11.12, Login Request"
::= { iscsiInstanceAttributesEntry 4 }

iscsiInstVendorID OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX        SnmpAdminString
    MAX-ACCESS    read-only
    STATUS        current
        "A UTF-8 string describing the manufacturer of the
        implementation of this instance."
::= { iscsiInstanceAttributesEntry 5 }

iscsiInstVendorVersion OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX        SnmpAdminString
    MAX-ACCESS    read-only
    STATUS        current
        "A UTF-8 string set by the manufacturer describing the
        version of the implementation of this instance.  The
        format of this string is determined solely by the
        manufacturer; the string is for informational purposes only.
        It is unrelated to the iSCSI specification version numbers."
::= { iscsiInstanceAttributesEntry 6 }

iscsiInstPortalNumber OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX        Unsigned32
    UNITS         "transport endpoints"
    MAX-ACCESS    read-only
    STATUS        current
        "The number of rows in the iscsiPortalAttributesTable
        that are currently associated with this iSCSI instance."
::= { iscsiInstanceAttributesEntry 7 }

iscsiInstNodeNumber OBJECT-TYPE

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    SYNTAX        Unsigned32
    UNITS         "iSCSI nodes"
    MAX-ACCESS    read-only
    STATUS        current
        "The number of rows in the iscsiNodeAttributesTable
        that are currently associated with this iSCSI instance."
::= { iscsiInstanceAttributesEntry 8 }

iscsiInstSessionNumber OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX        Unsigned32
    UNITS         "sessions"
    MAX-ACCESS    read-only
    STATUS        current
        "The number of rows in the iscsiSessionAttributesTable
        that are currently associated with this iSCSI instance."
::= { iscsiInstanceAttributesEntry 9 }

iscsiInstSsnFailures  OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX        Counter32
    UNITS         "sessions"
    MAX-ACCESS    read-only
    STATUS        current
        "This object counts the number of times a session belonging
        to this instance has failed.  If this counter has
        suffered a discontinuity, the time of the last discontinuity
        is indicated in iscsiInstDiscontinuityTime."
        "RFC 7143, Section 13.1, HeaderDigest and DataDigest"
::= { iscsiInstanceAttributesEntry 10 }

iscsiInstLastSsnFailureType  OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX        AutonomousType
    MAX-ACCESS    read-only
    STATUS        current
        "The counter object in the iscsiInstanceSsnErrorStatsTable
        that was incremented when the last session failure occurred.

        If the reason for failure is not found in the
        iscsiInstanceSsnErrorStatsTable, the value { 0.0 } is
        used instead."
::= { iscsiInstanceAttributesEntry 11 }

iscsiInstLastSsnRmtNodeName  OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX        IscsiName

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    MAX-ACCESS    read-only
    STATUS        current
        "The iSCSI name of the remote node from the failed
::= { iscsiInstanceAttributesEntry 12 }

iscsiInstDiscontinuityTime  OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX        TimeStamp
    MAX-ACCESS    read-only
    STATUS        current
        "The value of SysUpTime on the most recent occasion
        at which any one or more of this instance's counters
        suffered a discontinuity.

        If no such discontinuities have occurred since the last
        re-initialization of the local management subsystem,
        then this object contains a zero value."
::= { iscsiInstanceAttributesEntry 13 }

iscsiInstXNodeArchitecture OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX        SnmpAdminString
    MAX-ACCESS    read-only
    STATUS        current
        "A UTF-8 string set by the manufacturer declaring the
        details of its iSCSI node architecture to the remote
        endpoint.  These details may include, but are not limited
        to, iSCSI vendor software, firmware, or hardware versions,
        the OS version, or hardware architecture.
        The format of this string is determined solely by the
        manufacturer; the string is for informational purposes only.
        It is unrelated to the iSCSI specification version numbers."
        "RFC 7143, Section 13.26, X#NodeArchitecture"
::= { iscsiInstanceAttributesEntry 14 }

-- Instance Session Failure Stats Table

iscsiInstanceSsnErrorStatsTable OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX        SEQUENCE OF IscsiInstanceSsnErrorStatsEntry
    MAX-ACCESS    not-accessible
    STATUS        current
        "Statistics regarding the occurrences of error types
        that result in a session failure."
::= { iscsiInstance 2 }

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iscsiInstanceSsnErrorStatsEntry OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX        IscsiInstanceSsnErrorStatsEntry
    MAX-ACCESS    not-accessible
    STATUS        current
        "An entry (row) containing management information applicable
        to a particular iSCSI instance."
    AUGMENTS { iscsiInstanceAttributesEntry }
::= { iscsiInstanceSsnErrorStatsTable 1 }

IscsiInstanceSsnErrorStatsEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
    iscsiInstSsnDigestErrors       Counter32,
    iscsiInstSsnCxnTimeoutErrors   Counter32,
    iscsiInstSsnFormatErrors       Counter32,
    iscsiInstSsnTgtUnmappedErrors  Counter32

iscsiInstSsnDigestErrors OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX        Counter32
    UNITS         "sessions"
    MAX-ACCESS    read-only
    STATUS        current
        "The count of sessions that failed due to receipt of
        a PDU containing header or data digest errors.  If this
        counter has suffered a discontinuity, the time of the last
        discontinuity is indicated in iscsiInstDiscontinuityTime."
        "RFC 7143, Section 7.8, Digest Errors"
::= { iscsiInstanceSsnErrorStatsEntry 1 }

iscsiInstSsnCxnTimeoutErrors OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX        Counter32
    UNITS         "sessions"
    MAX-ACCESS    read-only
    STATUS        current
        "The count of sessions that failed due to a sequence
        exceeding a time limit.  If this counter has suffered a
        discontinuity, the time of the last discontinuity
        is indicated in iscsiInstDiscontinuityTime."
        "RFC 7143, Section 7.5, Connection Timeout Management"
::= { iscsiInstanceSsnErrorStatsEntry 2 }

iscsiInstSsnFormatErrors OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX        Counter32
    UNITS         "sessions"

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    MAX-ACCESS    read-only
    STATUS        current
        "The count of sessions that failed due to receipt of
        a PDU that contained a format error.  If this counter has
        suffered a discontinuity, the time of the last discontinuity
        is indicated in iscsiInstDiscontinuityTime."
        "RFC 7143 Section 7.7, Format Errors"
::= { iscsiInstanceSsnErrorStatsEntry 3 }

iscsiInstSsnTgtUnmappedErrors OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX        Counter32
    UNITS         "sessions"
    MAX-ACCESS    read-only
    STATUS        current
        "The count of sessions that failed due to the target
        becoming unmapped.  If this counter has
        suffered a discontinuity, the time of the last discontinuity
        is indicated in iscsiInstDiscontinuityTime."
::= { iscsiInstanceSsnErrorStatsEntry 4 }

iscsiPortal OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { iscsiObjects 2 }

-- Portal Attributes Table

iscsiPortalAttributesTable OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX        SEQUENCE OF IscsiPortalAttributesEntry
    MAX-ACCESS    not-accessible
    STATUS        current
        "A list of transport endpoints (using TCP or another transport
        protocol) used by this iSCSI instance.  An iSCSI instance may
        use a portal to listen for incoming connections to its targets,
        to initiate connections to other targets, or both."
::= { iscsiPortal 1 }

iscsiPortalAttributesEntry OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX        IscsiPortalAttributesEntry
    MAX-ACCESS    not-accessible
    STATUS        current
        "An entry (row) containing management information applicable
        to a particular portal instance."
    INDEX { iscsiInstIndex, iscsiPortalIndex  }
::= { iscsiPortalAttributesTable 1 }

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IscsiPortalAttributesEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
    iscsiPortalIndex                 Unsigned32,
    iscsiPortalRowStatus             RowStatus,
    iscsiPortalRoles                 BITS,
    iscsiPortalAddrType              InetAddressType,
    iscsiPortalAddr                  InetAddress,
    iscsiPortalProtocol              IscsiTransportProtocol,
    iscsiPortalMaxRecvDataSegLength  Unsigned32,
    iscsiPortalPrimaryHdrDigest      IscsiDigestMethod,
    iscsiPortalPrimaryDataDigest     IscsiDigestMethod,
    iscsiPortalSecondaryHdrDigest    IscsiDigestMethod,
    iscsiPortalSecondaryDataDigest   IscsiDigestMethod,
    iscsiPortalRecvMarker            TruthValue,
    iscsiPortalStorageType           StorageType,
    iscsiPortalDescr                 SnmpAdminString

iscsiPortalIndex OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX        Unsigned32 (1..4294967295)
    MAX-ACCESS    not-accessible
    STATUS        current
        "An arbitrary integer used to uniquely identify a particular
        transport endpoint within this iSCSI instance.  This index
        value must not be modified or reused by an agent unless a
        reboot has occurred.  An agent should attempt to keep this
        value persistent across reboots."
::= { iscsiPortalAttributesEntry 1 }

iscsiPortalRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX        RowStatus
    MAX-ACCESS    read-create
    STATUS        current
        "This field allows entries to be dynamically added and
        removed from this table via SNMP.  When adding a row to
        this table, all non-Index/RowStatus objects must be set.
        When the value of this object is 'active', the values of
        the other objects in this table cannot be changed.
        Rows may be discarded using RowStatus.

        Note that creating a row in this table will typically
        cause the agent to create one or more rows in the
        iscsiTgtPortalAttributesTable and/or the
::= { iscsiPortalAttributesEntry 2 }

iscsiPortalRoles OBJECT-TYPE

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    SYNTAX        BITS {
    MAX-ACCESS    read-create
    STATUS        current
        "A portal can operate in one or both of two roles:
        as a target portal and/or an initiator portal.  If
        the portal will operate in both roles, both bits
        must be set.

        This object will define a corresponding row that
        will exist or must be created in the
        iscsiTgtPortalAttributesTable, the
        iscsiIntrPortalAttributesTable, or both.  If the
        targetTypePortal bit is set, one or more corresponding
        iscsiTgtPortalAttributesEntry rows will be found or
        created.  If the initiatorTypePortal bit is set,
        one or more corresponding iscsiIntrPortalAttributesEntry
        rows will be found or created.  If both bits are set, one
        or more corresponding rows will be found or created in
        one of the above tables."
::= { iscsiPortalAttributesEntry 3 }

iscsiPortalAddrType OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX        InetAddressType
    MAX-ACCESS    read-create
    STATUS        current
        "The type of Internet Network Address contained in the
        corresponding instance of the iscsiPortalAddr."
    DEFVAL        { ipv4 }
::= { iscsiPortalAttributesEntry 4 }

iscsiPortalAddr OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX        InetAddress
    MAX-ACCESS    read-create
    STATUS        current
        "The portal's Internet Network Address, of the type
        specified by the object iscsiPortalAddrType.  If
        iscsiPortalAddrType has the value 'dns', this address
        gets resolved to an IP address whenever a new iSCSI
        connection is established using this portal."
::= { iscsiPortalAttributesEntry 5 }

iscsiPortalProtocol OBJECT-TYPE

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    SYNTAX        IscsiTransportProtocol
    MAX-ACCESS    read-create
    STATUS        current
        "The portal's transport protocol."
    DEFVAL        { 6 } -- TCP
::= { iscsiPortalAttributesEntry 6 }

iscsiPortalMaxRecvDataSegLength OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX        Unsigned32 (512..16777215)
    UNITS         "bytes"
    MAX-ACCESS    read-create
    STATUS        current
        "The maximum PDU length this portal can receive.
        This may be constrained by hardware characteristics,
        and individual implementations may choose not to
        allow this object to be changed."
        "RFC 7143, Section 13.12, MaxRecvDataSegmentLength"
    DEFVAL { 8192 }
::= { iscsiPortalAttributesEntry 7 }

iscsiPortalPrimaryHdrDigest OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX        IscsiDigestMethod
    MAX-ACCESS    read-create
    STATUS        current
        "The preferred header digest for this portal."
    DEFVAL        { crc32c }
::= { iscsiPortalAttributesEntry 8 }

iscsiPortalPrimaryDataDigest OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX        IscsiDigestMethod
    MAX-ACCESS    read-create
    STATUS        current
        "The preferred data digest method for this portal."
    DEFVAL        { crc32c }
::= { iscsiPortalAttributesEntry 9 }

iscsiPortalSecondaryHdrDigest OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX        IscsiDigestMethod
    MAX-ACCESS    read-create
    STATUS        current
        "An alternate header digest preference for this portal."
    DEFVAL        { noDigest }

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::= { iscsiPortalAttributesEntry 10 }

iscsiPortalSecondaryDataDigest OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX        IscsiDigestMethod
    MAX-ACCESS    read-create
    STATUS        current
        "An alternate data digest preference for this portal."
    DEFVAL        { noDigest }
::= { iscsiPortalAttributesEntry 11 }

iscsiPortalRecvMarker OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX        TruthValue
    MAX-ACCESS    read-create
    STATUS        deprecated
        "This object indicates whether or not this portal will
        request markers in its incoming data stream."
        "RFC 7143, Section 13.25, Obsoleted Keys."
    DEFVAL        { false }
::= { iscsiPortalAttributesEntry 12 }

iscsiPortalStorageType OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX        StorageType
    MAX-ACCESS    read-create
    STATUS        current
        "The storage type for this row.  Rows in this table that were
         created through an external process (e.g., not created via
         this MIB) may have a storage type of readOnly or permanent.

         Conceptual rows having the value 'permanent' need not
         allow write access to any columnar objects in the row."
    DEFVAL        { nonVolatile }
::= { iscsiPortalAttributesEntry 13 }

iscsiPortalDescr OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX        SnmpAdminString
    MAX-ACCESS    read-only
    STATUS        current
        "A UTF-8 string, determined by the implementation to
        describe the iSCSI portal.  When only a single instance
        is present, this object may be set to the zero-length
        string; with multiple iSCSI portals, it may be used in
        an implementation-dependent manner to describe the
        respective portal, and could include information such as

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        Host Bus Adapter (HBA) model, description, and version, or
        software driver and version."
::= { iscsiPortalAttributesEntry 14 }

iscsiTargetPortal OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { iscsiObjects 3 }

-- Target Portal Attributes Table

iscsiTgtPortalAttributesTable OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX        SEQUENCE OF IscsiTgtPortalAttributesEntry
    MAX-ACCESS    not-accessible
    STATUS        current
        "A list of transport endpoints (using TCP or another transport
        protocol) on which this iSCSI instance listens for incoming
        connections to its targets."
::= { iscsiTargetPortal 1 }

iscsiTgtPortalAttributesEntry OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX        IscsiTgtPortalAttributesEntry
    MAX-ACCESS    not-accessible
    STATUS        current
        "An entry (row) containing management information applicable
        to a particular portal instance that is used to listen for
        incoming connections to local targets.  One or more rows in
        this table is populated by the agent for each
        iscsiPortalAttributesEntry row that has the bit
        targetTypePortal set in its iscsiPortalRoles column."
    INDEX { iscsiInstIndex, iscsiPortalIndex,
            iscsiTgtPortalNodeIndexOrZero  }
::= { iscsiTgtPortalAttributesTable 1 }

IscsiTgtPortalAttributesEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
    iscsiTgtPortalNodeIndexOrZero  Unsigned32,
    iscsiTgtPortalPort             InetPortNumber,
    iscsiTgtPortalTag              Unsigned32

iscsiTgtPortalNodeIndexOrZero OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX        Unsigned32 (0..4294967295)
    MAX-ACCESS    not-accessible
    STATUS        current
        "An arbitrary integer used to uniquely identify a
        particular node within an iSCSI instance present
        on the local system.

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        For implementations where each {portal, node} tuple
        can have a different portal tag, this value will
        map to the iscsiNodeIndex.

        For implementations where the portal tag is the
        same for a given portal regardless of which node
        is using the portal, the value 0 (zero) is used."
::= { iscsiTgtPortalAttributesEntry 1 }

iscsiTgtPortalPort OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX        InetPortNumber (1..65535)
    MAX-ACCESS    read-write
    STATUS        current
        "The portal's transport protocol port number on which the
        portal listens for incoming iSCSI connections when the
        portal is used as a target portal.  This object's storage
        type is specified in iscsiPortalStorageType."
::= { iscsiTgtPortalAttributesEntry 2 }

iscsiTgtPortalTag OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX        Unsigned32 (1..65535)
    MAX-ACCESS    read-write
    STATUS        current
        "The portal's aggregation tag when the portal is used as
        a target portal.  Multiple-connection sessions may
        be aggregated over portals sharing an identical
        aggregation tag.  This object's storage type is
        specified in iscsiPortalStorageType."
        "RFC 7143, Section 4.4.1, iSCSI Architecture Model"
::= { iscsiTgtPortalAttributesEntry 3 }


iscsiInitiatorPortal OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { iscsiObjects 4 }

-- Initiator Portal Attributes Table

iscsiIntrPortalAttributesTable OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX        SEQUENCE OF IscsiIntrPortalAttributesEntry
    MAX-ACCESS    not-accessible
    STATUS        current
        "A list of Internet Network Addresses (using TCP or another
        transport protocol) from which this iSCSI instance may
        initiate connections to other targets."

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::= { iscsiInitiatorPortal 1 }

iscsiIntrPortalAttributesEntry OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX        IscsiIntrPortalAttributesEntry
    MAX-ACCESS    not-accessible
    STATUS        current
        "An entry (row) containing management information applicable
        to a particular portal instance that is used to initiate
        connections to iSCSI targets.  One or more rows in
        this table is populated by the agent for each
        iscsiPortalAttributesEntry row that has the bit
        initiatorTypePortal set in its iscsiPortalRoles column."
    INDEX { iscsiInstIndex, iscsiPortalIndex,
            iscsiIntrPortalNodeIndexOrZero  }
::= { iscsiIntrPortalAttributesTable 1 }

IscsiIntrPortalAttributesEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
    iscsiIntrPortalNodeIndexOrZero Unsigned32,
    iscsiIntrPortalTag             Unsigned32

iscsiIntrPortalNodeIndexOrZero OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX        Unsigned32 (0..4294967295)
    MAX-ACCESS    not-accessible
    STATUS        current
        "An arbitrary integer used to uniquely identify a
        particular node within an iSCSI instance present
        on the local system.

        For implementations where each {portal, node} tuple
        can have a different portal tag, this value will
        map to the iscsiNodeIndex.

        For implementations where the portal tag is the
        same for a given portal regardless of which node
        is using the portal, the value 0 (zero) is used."
::= { iscsiIntrPortalAttributesEntry 1 }

iscsiIntrPortalTag OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX        Unsigned32 (1..65535)
    MAX-ACCESS    read-write
    STATUS        current
        "The portal's aggregation tag when the portal is used as
        an initiator portal.  Multiple-connection sessions may
        be aggregated over portals sharing an identical

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RFC 7147                        iSCSI MIB                     April 2014

        aggregation tag.  This object's storage type is
        specified in iscsiPortalStorageType."
        "RFC 7143, Section 4.4.1, iSCSI Architecture Model"
::= { iscsiIntrPortalAttributesEntry 2 }


iscsiNode OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { iscsiObjects 5 }

-- Node Attributes Table

iscsiNodeAttributesTable OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX        SEQUENCE OF IscsiNodeAttributesEntry
    MAX-ACCESS    not-accessible
    STATUS        current
        "A list of iSCSI nodes belonging to each iSCSI instance
        present on the local system.  An iSCSI node can act as
        an initiator, a target, or both."
::= { iscsiNode 1 }

iscsiNodeAttributesEntry OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX        IscsiNodeAttributesEntry
    MAX-ACCESS    not-accessible
    STATUS        current
        "A conceptual row containing management information
        applicable to a particular iSCSI node."
    INDEX { iscsiInstIndex, iscsiNodeIndex }
::= { iscsiNodeAttributesTable 1 }

IscsiNodeAttributesEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
    iscsiNodeIndex                  Unsigned32,
    iscsiNodeName                   IscsiName,
    iscsiNodeAlias                  SnmpAdminString,
    iscsiNodeRoles                  BITS,
    iscsiNodeTransportType          RowPointer,
    iscsiNodeInitialR2T             TruthValue,
    iscsiNodeImmediateData          TruthValue,
    iscsiNodeMaxOutstandingR2T      Unsigned32,
    iscsiNodeFirstBurstLength       Unsigned32,
    iscsiNodeMaxBurstLength         Unsigned32,
    iscsiNodeMaxConnections         Unsigned32,
    iscsiNodeDataSequenceInOrder    TruthValue,
    iscsiNodeDataPDUInOrder         TruthValue,
    iscsiNodeDefaultTime2Wait       Unsigned32,
    iscsiNodeDefaultTime2Retain     Unsigned32,

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    iscsiNodeErrorRecoveryLevel     Unsigned32,
    iscsiNodeDiscontinuityTime      TimeStamp,
    iscsiNodeStorageType            StorageType

iscsiNodeIndex OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX        Unsigned32 (1..4294967295)
    MAX-ACCESS    not-accessible
    STATUS        current
        "An arbitrary integer used to uniquely identify a particular
        node within an iSCSI instance.  This index value must not be
        modified or reused by an agent unless a reboot has occurred.
        An agent should attempt to keep this value persistent across
::= { iscsiNodeAttributesEntry 1 }

iscsiNodeName OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX        IscsiName
    MAX-ACCESS    read-only
    STATUS        current
        "This node's iSCSI name, which is independent of the location
        of the node, and can be resolved into a set of addresses
        through various discovery services."
::= { iscsiNodeAttributesEntry 2 }

iscsiNodeAlias OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX        SnmpAdminString
    MAX-ACCESS    read-only
    STATUS        current
        "A character string that is a human-readable name or
        description of the iSCSI node.  If configured, this alias
        may be communicated to the initiator or target node at
        the remote end of the connection during a Login Request
        or Response message.  This string is not used as an
        identifier, but it can be displayed by the system's user
        interface in a list of initiators and/or targets to
        which it is connected.

        If no alias exists, the value is a zero-length string."
        "RFC 7143, Sections 13.6 (TargetAlias) and 13.7
::= { iscsiNodeAttributesEntry 3 }

iscsiNodeRoles OBJECT-TYPE

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    SYNTAX        BITS {
    MAX-ACCESS    read-only
    STATUS        current
        "A node can operate in one or both of two roles:
        a target role and/or an initiator role.  If the node
        will operate in both roles, both bits must be set.

        This object will also define the corresponding rows that
        will exist in the iscsiTargetAttributesTable, the
        iscsiInitiatorAttributesTable, or both.  If the
        targetTypeNode bit is set, there will be a corresponding
        iscsiTargetAttributesEntry.  If the initiatorTypeNode bit
        is set, there will be a corresponding
        iscsiInitiatorAttributesEntry.  If both bits are set,
        there will be a corresponding iscsiTgtPortalAttributesEntry
        and iscsiPortalAttributesEntry."
::= { iscsiNodeAttributesEntry 4 }

iscsiNodeTransportType OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX        RowPointer
    MAX-ACCESS    read-only
    STATUS        current
        "A pointer to the corresponding row in the appropriate
        table for this SCSI transport, thereby allowing management
        stations to locate the SCSI-level device that is represented
        by this iscsiNode.  For example, it will usually point to the
        corresponding scsiTrnspt object in the SCSI MIB module.
        If no corresponding row exists, the value 0.0 must be
        used to indicate this."
        "SCSI-MIB, RFC 4455, Section 9, Object Definitions,
::= { iscsiNodeAttributesEntry 5 }

iscsiNodeInitialR2T OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX        TruthValue
    MAX-ACCESS    read-only
    STATUS        current
        "This object indicates the InitialR2T preference for this
        true = YES,
        false = will try to negotiate NO, will accept YES "

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        "RFC 7143, Section 13.10, InitialR2T"
::= { iscsiNodeAttributesEntry 6 }

iscsiNodeImmediateData OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX        TruthValue
    MAX-ACCESS    read-write
    STATUS        current
        "This object indicates ImmediateData preference for this
        true = YES (but will accept NO),
        false = NO "
        "RFC 7143, Section 13.11, ImmediateData"
    DEFVAL        { true }
::= { iscsiNodeAttributesEntry 7 }

iscsiNodeMaxOutstandingR2T OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX        Unsigned32 (1..65535)
    UNITS         "R2Ts"
    MAX-ACCESS    read-write
    STATUS        current
        "Maximum number of outstanding requests-to-transmit (R2Ts)
        allowed per iSCSI task."
        "RFC 7143, Section 13.17, MaxOutstandingR2T"
    DEFVAL        { 1 }
::= { iscsiNodeAttributesEntry 8 }

iscsiNodeFirstBurstLength OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX        Unsigned32 (512..16777215)
    UNITS         "bytes"
    MAX-ACCESS    read-write
    STATUS        current
        "The maximum length (bytes) supported for unsolicited data
        to/from this node."
        "RFC 7143, Section 13.14, FirstBurstLength"
    DEFVAL        { 65536 }
::= { iscsiNodeAttributesEntry 9 }

iscsiNodeMaxBurstLength OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX        Unsigned32 (512..16777215)
    UNITS         "bytes"
    MAX-ACCESS    read-write

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    STATUS        current
     "The maximum number of bytes that can be sent within
     a single sequence of Data-In or Data-Out PDUs."
        "RFC 7143, Section 13.13, MaxBurstLength"
    DEFVAL        { 262144 }
::= { iscsiNodeAttributesEntry 10 }

iscsiNodeMaxConnections OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX        Unsigned32 (1..65535)
    UNITS         "connections"
    MAX-ACCESS    read-write
    STATUS        current
        "The maximum number of connections allowed in each
        session to and/or from this node."
        "RFC 7143, Section 13.2, MaxConnections"
    DEFVAL        { 1 }
::= { iscsiNodeAttributesEntry 11 }

iscsiNodeDataSequenceInOrder OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX        TruthValue
    MAX-ACCESS    read-write
    STATUS        current
        "The DataSequenceInOrder preference of this node.
        False (=No) indicates that iSCSI data PDU sequences may
        be transferred in any order.  True (=Yes) indicates that
        data PDU sequences must be transferred using
        continuously increasing offsets, except during
        error recovery."
        "RFC 7143, Section 13.19, DataSequenceInOrder"
    DEFVAL        { true }
::= { iscsiNodeAttributesEntry 12 }

iscsiNodeDataPDUInOrder OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX        TruthValue
    MAX-ACCESS    read-write
    STATUS        current
        "The DataPDUInOrder preference of this node.
        False (=No) indicates that iSCSI data PDUs within sequences
        may be in any order.  True (=Yes) indicates that data PDUs
        within sequences must be at continuously increasing
        addresses, with no gaps or overlay between PDUs."

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        "RFC 7143, Section 13.18, DataPDUInOrder"
    DEFVAL        { true }
::= { iscsiNodeAttributesEntry 13 }

iscsiNodeDefaultTime2Wait OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX        Unsigned32 (0..3600)
    UNITS         "seconds"
    MAX-ACCESS    read-write
    STATUS        current
        "The DefaultTime2Wait preference of this node.  This is the
        minimum time, in seconds, to wait before attempting an
        explicit/implicit logout or active iSCSI task reassignment
        after an unexpected connection termination or a connection
        "RFC 7143, Section 13.15, DefaultTime2Wait"
    DEFVAL        { 2 }
::= { iscsiNodeAttributesEntry 14 }

iscsiNodeDefaultTime2Retain OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX        Unsigned32 (0..3600)
    UNITS         "seconds"
    MAX-ACCESS    read-write
    STATUS        current
        "The DefaultTime2Retain preference of this node.  This is
        the maximum time, in seconds after an initial wait
        (Time2Wait), before which an active iSCSI task reassignment
        is still possible after an unexpected connection termination
        or a connection reset."
        "RFC 7143, Section 13.16, DefaultTime2Retain"
    DEFVAL        { 20 }
::= { iscsiNodeAttributesEntry 15 }

iscsiNodeErrorRecoveryLevel OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX        Unsigned32 (0..255)
    MAX-ACCESS    read-write
    STATUS        current
        "The ErrorRecoveryLevel preference of this node.
        Currently, only 0-2 are valid.

        This object is designed to accommodate future error-recovery

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        Higher error-recovery levels imply support in addition to
        support for the lower error level functions.  In other words,
        error level 2 implies support for levels 0-1, since those
        functions are subsets of error level 2."
        "RFC 7143, Section 13.20, ErrorRecoveryLevel"
    DEFVAL        { 0 }
::= { iscsiNodeAttributesEntry 16 }

iscsiNodeDiscontinuityTime  OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX        TimeStamp
    MAX-ACCESS    read-only
    STATUS        current
        "The value of SysUpTime on the most recent occasion
        at which any one or more of this node's counters
        suffered a discontinuity.

        If no such discontinuities have occurred since the last
        re-initialization of the local management subsystem,
        then this object contains a zero value."
::= { iscsiNodeAttributesEntry 17 }

iscsiNodeStorageType OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX        StorageType
    MAX-ACCESS    read-write
    STATUS        current
        "The storage type for all read-write objects within this
        row.  Rows in this table are always created via an
        external process (e.g., not created via this MIB module).
        Conceptual rows having the value 'permanent' need not allow
        Write access to any columnar objects in the row.

        If this object has the value 'volatile', modifications
        to read-write objects in this row are not persistent
        across reboots.  If this object has the value
        'nonVolatile', modifications to objects in this row
        are persistent.

        An implementation may choose to allow this object
        to be set to either 'nonVolatile' or 'volatile',
        allowing the management application to choose this
    DEFVAL        { volatile }
::= { iscsiNodeAttributesEntry 18 }


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iscsiTarget OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { iscsiObjects 6 }

-- Target Attributes Table

iscsiTargetAttributesTable OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX        SEQUENCE OF IscsiTargetAttributesEntry
    MAX-ACCESS    not-accessible
    STATUS        current
        "A list of iSCSI nodes that can take on a target role,
        belonging to each iSCSI instance present on the local
::= { iscsiTarget 1 }

iscsiTargetAttributesEntry OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX        IscsiTargetAttributesEntry
    MAX-ACCESS    not-accessible
    STATUS        current
        "An entry (row) containing management information applicable
        to a particular node that can take on a target role."
    INDEX { iscsiInstIndex, iscsiNodeIndex }
::= { iscsiTargetAttributesTable 1 }

IscsiTargetAttributesEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
    iscsiTgtLoginFailures           Counter32,
    iscsiTgtLastFailureTime         TimeStamp,
    iscsiTgtLastFailureType         AutonomousType,
    iscsiTgtLastIntrFailureName     IscsiName,
    iscsiTgtLastIntrFailureAddrType InetAddressType,
    iscsiTgtLastIntrFailureAddr     InetAddress,
    iscsiTgtLastIntrFailurePort     InetPortNumber

iscsiTgtLoginFailures OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX        Counter32
    UNITS         "failed login attempts"
    MAX-ACCESS    read-only
    STATUS        current
        "This object counts the number of times a login attempt to this
        local target has failed.
        If this counter has suffered a discontinuity, the time of the
        last discontinuity is indicated in iscsiNodeDiscontinuityTime."
        "RFC 7143, Section 11.13.5, Status-Class and Status-Detail"
::= { iscsiTargetAttributesEntry 1 }

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iscsiTgtLastFailureTime OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX        TimeStamp
    MAX-ACCESS    read-only
    STATUS        current
        "The timestamp of the most recent failure of a login attempt
        to this target.  A value of zero indicates that no such
        failures have occurred since the last system boot."
::= { iscsiTargetAttributesEntry 2 }

iscsiTgtLastFailureType  OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX        AutonomousType
    MAX-ACCESS    read-only
    STATUS        current
        "The type of the most recent failure of a login attempt
        to this target, represented as the OID of the counter
        object in iscsiTargetLoginStatsTable for which the
        relevant instance was incremented.  If no such failures
        have occurred since the last system boot, this attribute
        will have the value 0.0.  A value of 0.0 may also be used
        to indicate a type that is not represented by any of
        the counters in iscsiTargetLoginStatsTable."
::= { iscsiTargetAttributesEntry 3 }

iscsiTgtLastIntrFailureName  OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX        IscsiName
    MAX-ACCESS    read-only
    STATUS        current
        "The iSCSI name of the initiator that failed the last
        login attempt.  If no such failures have occurred since
        the last system boot, this value is a zero-length string."
::= { iscsiTargetAttributesEntry 4 }

iscsiTgtLastIntrFailureAddrType OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX        InetAddressType
    MAX-ACCESS    read-only
    STATUS        current
        "The type of Internet Network Address contained in the
        corresponding instance of the iscsiTgtLastIntrFailureAddr.
        The value 'dns' is not allowed.  If no such failures have
        occurred since the last system boot, this value is zero."
::= { iscsiTargetAttributesEntry 5 }

iscsiTgtLastIntrFailureAddr OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX        InetAddress

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    MAX-ACCESS    read-only
    STATUS        current
        "An Internet Network Address, of the type specified by
        the object iscsiTgtLastIntrFailureAddrType, giving the
        host address of the initiator that failed the last login
        attempt.  If no such failures have occurred since the last
        system boot, this value is a zero-length string."
::= { iscsiTargetAttributesEntry 6 }

iscsiTgtLastIntrFailurePort OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX        InetPortNumber
    MAX-ACCESS    read-only
    STATUS        current
        "The transport protocol port number used by the initiator
        that failed the last login attempt.  If no such failures
        have occurred since the last system boot, this value is a
        zero-length string."
::= { iscsiTargetAttributesEntry 7 }

-- Target Login Stats Table

iscsiTargetLoginStatsTable OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX        SEQUENCE OF IscsiTargetLoginStatsEntry
    MAX-ACCESS    not-accessible
    STATUS        current
        "A table of counters that keep a record of the results
        of initiators' login attempts to this target."
::= { iscsiTarget 2 }

iscsiTargetLoginStatsEntry OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX        IscsiTargetLoginStatsEntry
    MAX-ACCESS    not-accessible
    STATUS        current
        "An entry (row) containing counters for each result of
        a login attempt to this target."
    AUGMENTS { iscsiTargetAttributesEntry }
::= { iscsiTargetLoginStatsTable 1 }

IscsiTargetLoginStatsEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
    iscsiTgtLoginAccepts           Counter32,
    iscsiTgtLoginOtherFails        Counter32,
    iscsiTgtLoginRedirects         Counter32,
    iscsiTgtLoginAuthorizeFails    Counter32,
    iscsiTgtLoginAuthenticateFails Counter32,

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    iscsiTgtLoginNegotiateFails    Counter32

iscsiTgtLoginAccepts OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX        Counter32
    UNITS         "successful logins"
    MAX-ACCESS    read-only
    STATUS        current
        "The count of Login Response PDUs with status
        0x0000, Accept Login, transmitted by this
        If this counter has suffered a discontinuity, the time of the
        last discontinuity is indicated in iscsiNodeDiscontinuityTime."
        "RFC 7143, Section 11.13.5, Status-Class and Status-Detail"
::= { iscsiTargetLoginStatsEntry 1 }

iscsiTgtLoginOtherFails OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX        Counter32
    UNITS         "failed logins"
    MAX-ACCESS    read-only
    STATUS        current
        "The number of Login Response PDUs that were transmitted
        by this target and that were not counted by any other
        object in the row.
        If this counter has suffered a discontinuity, the time of the
        last discontinuity is indicated in iscsiNodeDiscontinuityTime."
        "RFC 7143, Section 11.13.5, Status-Class and Status-Detail"
::= { iscsiTargetLoginStatsEntry 2 }

iscsiTgtLoginRedirects OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX        Counter32
    UNITS         "redirected logins"
    MAX-ACCESS    read-only
    STATUS        current
        "The count of Login Response PDUs with status class 0x01,
        Redirection, transmitted by this target.
        If this counter has suffered a discontinuity, the time of the
        last discontinuity is indicated in iscsiNodeDiscontinuityTime."
        "RFC 7143, Section 11.13.5, Status-Class and Status-Detail"
::= { iscsiTargetLoginStatsEntry 3 }

iscsiTgtLoginAuthorizeFails OBJECT-TYPE

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    SYNTAX        Counter32
    UNITS         "failed logins"
    MAX-ACCESS    read-only
    STATUS        current
        "The count of Login Response PDUs with status 0x0202,
        Forbidden Target, transmitted by this target.

        If this counter is incremented, an iscsiTgtLoginFailure
        notification should be generated.
        If this counter has suffered a discontinuity, the time of the
        last discontinuity is indicated in iscsiNodeDiscontinuityTime."
        "RFC 7143, Section 11.13.5, Status-Class and Status-Detail"
::= { iscsiTargetLoginStatsEntry 4 }

iscsiTgtLoginAuthenticateFails OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX        Counter32
    UNITS         "failed logins"
    MAX-ACCESS    read-only
    STATUS        current
        "The count of Login Response PDUs with status 0x0201,
        Authentication Failed, transmitted by this target.

        If this counter is incremented, an iscsiTgtLoginFailure
        notification should be generated.

        If this counter has suffered a discontinuity, the time of the
        last discontinuity is indicated in iscsiNodeDiscontinuityTime."
        "RFC 7143, Section 11.13.5, Status-Class and Status-Detail"
::= { iscsiTargetLoginStatsEntry 5 }

iscsiTgtLoginNegotiateFails OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX        Counter32
    UNITS         "failed logins"
    MAX-ACCESS    read-only
    STATUS        current
        "The number of times a target has effectively refused a
        login because the parameter negotiation failed.
        If this counter is incremented, an iscsiTgtLoginFailure
        notification should be generated.
        If this counter has suffered a discontinuity, the time of the
        last discontinuity is indicated in iscsiNodeDiscontinuityTime."
::= { iscsiTargetLoginStatsEntry 6 }

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-- Target Logout Stats Table

iscsiTargetLogoutStatsTable OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX        SEQUENCE OF IscsiTargetLogoutStatsEntry
    MAX-ACCESS    not-accessible
    STATUS        current
        "When a target receives a Logout command, it responds
        with a Logout Response that carries a status code.
        This table contains counters for both normal and
        abnormal Logout Requests received by this target."
::= { iscsiTarget 3 }

iscsiTargetLogoutStatsEntry OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX        IscsiTargetLogoutStatsEntry
    MAX-ACCESS    not-accessible
    STATUS        current
        "An entry (row) containing counters of Logout Response
        PDUs that were received by this target."
    AUGMENTS { iscsiTargetAttributesEntry }
::= { iscsiTargetLogoutStatsTable 1 }

IscsiTargetLogoutStatsEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
    iscsiTgtLogoutNormals          Counter32,
    iscsiTgtLogoutOthers           Counter32,
    iscsiTgtLogoutCxnClosed        Counter32,
    iscsiTgtLogoutCxnRemoved       Counter32

iscsiTgtLogoutNormals OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX        Counter32
    UNITS         "normal logouts"
    MAX-ACCESS    read-only
    STATUS        current
        "The count of Logout Command PDUs received by this target,
        with reason code 0 (closes the session).
        If this counter has suffered a discontinuity, the time of the
        last discontinuity is indicated in iscsiNodeDiscontinuityTime."
        "RFC 7143, Section 11.14.1, Reason Code"
::= { iscsiTargetLogoutStatsEntry 1 }

iscsiTgtLogoutOthers OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX        Counter32
    UNITS         "abnormal logouts"
    MAX-ACCESS    read-only

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    STATUS        current
        "The count of Logout Command PDUs received by this target,
        with any reason code other than 0.
        If this counter has suffered a discontinuity, the time of the
        last discontinuity is indicated in iscsiNodeDiscontinuityTime."
        "RFC 7143, Section 11.14.1, Reason Code"
::= { iscsiTargetLogoutStatsEntry 2 }

iscsiTgtLogoutCxnClosed OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX        Counter32
    UNITS         "abnormal logouts"
    MAX-ACCESS    read-only
    STATUS        current
        "The count of Logout Command PDUs received by this target,
        with reason code 1 (closes the connection).
        If this counter has suffered a discontinuity, the time of the
        last discontinuity is indicated in iscsiNodeDiscontinuityTime."
        "RFC 7143, Section 11.14.1, Reason Code"
::= { iscsiTargetLogoutStatsEntry 3 }

iscsiTgtLogoutCxnRemoved OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX        Counter32
    UNITS         "abnormal logouts"
    MAX-ACCESS    read-only
    STATUS        current
        "The count of Logout Command PDUs received by this target,
        with reason code 2 (removes the connection).
        If this counter has suffered a discontinuity, the time of the
        last discontinuity is indicated in iscsiNodeDiscontinuityTime."
        "RFC 7143, Section 11.14.1, Reason Code"
::= { iscsiTargetLogoutStatsEntry 4 }


iscsiTgtAuthorization OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { iscsiObjects 7 }

-- Target Authorization Attributes Table

iscsiTgtAuthAttributesTable OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX        SEQUENCE OF IscsiTgtAuthAttributesEntry
    MAX-ACCESS    not-accessible
    STATUS        current

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        "A list of initiator identities that are authorized to
        access each target node within each iSCSI instance
        present on the local system."
::= { iscsiTgtAuthorization 1 }

iscsiTgtAuthAttributesEntry OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX        IscsiTgtAuthAttributesEntry
    MAX-ACCESS    not-accessible
    STATUS        current
        "An entry (row) containing management information
        applicable to a particular target node's authorized
        initiator identity."
    INDEX { iscsiInstIndex, iscsiNodeIndex, iscsiTgtAuthIndex }
::= { iscsiTgtAuthAttributesTable 1 }

IscsiTgtAuthAttributesEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
    iscsiTgtAuthIndex              Unsigned32,
    iscsiTgtAuthRowStatus          RowStatus,
    iscsiTgtAuthIdentity           RowPointer,
    iscsiTgtAuthStorageType        StorageType

iscsiTgtAuthIndex OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX        Unsigned32 (1..4294967295)
    MAX-ACCESS    not-accessible
    STATUS        current
        "An arbitrary integer used to uniquely identify a particular
        target's authorized initiator identity within an iSCSI
        instance present on the local system.  This index value must
        not be modified or reused by an agent unless a reboot has
        occurred.  An agent should attempt to keep this value
        persistent across reboots."
::= { iscsiTgtAuthAttributesEntry 1 }

iscsiTgtAuthRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX        RowStatus
    MAX-ACCESS    read-create
    STATUS        current
        "This field allows entries to be dynamically added and
        removed from this table via SNMP.  When adding a row to
        this table, all non-Index/RowStatus objects must be set.
        When the value of this object is 'active', the values of
        the other objects in this table cannot be changed.
        Rows may be discarded using RowStatus."

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::= { iscsiTgtAuthAttributesEntry 2 }

iscsiTgtAuthIdentity OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX        RowPointer
    MAX-ACCESS    read-create
    STATUS        current
        "A pointer to the corresponding user entry in the IPS-AUTH
        MIB module that will be allowed to access this iSCSI target."
        "IPS-AUTH MIB, RFC 4545, Section 7.3, ipsAuthIdentity"
::= { iscsiTgtAuthAttributesEntry 3 }

iscsiTgtAuthStorageType OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX        StorageType
    MAX-ACCESS    read-create
    STATUS        current
        "The storage type for this row.  Rows in this table that were
         created through an external process (e.g., not created via
         this MIB) may have a storage type of readOnly or permanent.

         Conceptual rows having the value 'permanent' need not
         allow write access to any columnar objects in the row."
    DEFVAL        { nonVolatile }
::= { iscsiTgtAuthAttributesEntry 4 }


iscsiInitiator OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { iscsiObjects 8 }

-- Initiator Attributes Table

iscsiInitiatorAttributesTable OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX        SEQUENCE OF IscsiInitiatorAttributesEntry
    MAX-ACCESS    not-accessible
    STATUS        current
        "A list of iSCSI nodes that can take on an initiator
        role, belonging to each iSCSI instance present on
        the local system."
::= { iscsiInitiator 1 }

iscsiInitiatorAttributesEntry OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX        IscsiInitiatorAttributesEntry
    MAX-ACCESS    not-accessible
    STATUS        current

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        "An entry (row) containing management information
        applicable to a particular iSCSI node that has
        initiator capabilities."
    INDEX  { iscsiInstIndex, iscsiNodeIndex }
::= { iscsiInitiatorAttributesTable 1 }

IscsiInitiatorAttributesEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
    iscsiIntrLoginFailures           Counter32,
    iscsiIntrLastFailureTime         TimeStamp,
    iscsiIntrLastFailureType         AutonomousType,
    iscsiIntrLastTgtFailureName      IscsiName,
    iscsiIntrLastTgtFailureAddrType  InetAddressType,
    iscsiIntrLastTgtFailureAddr      InetAddress,
    iscsiIntrLastTgtFailurePort      InetPortNumber

iscsiIntrLoginFailures OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX        Counter32
    UNITS         "failed logins"
    MAX-ACCESS    read-only
    STATUS        current
        "This object counts the number of times a login attempt from
        this local initiator has failed.
        If this counter has suffered a discontinuity, the time of the
        last discontinuity is indicated in iscsiNodeDiscontinuityTime."
        "RFC 7143, Section 11.13.5, Status-Class and Status-Detail"
::= { iscsiInitiatorAttributesEntry 1 }

iscsiIntrLastFailureTime OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX        TimeStamp
    MAX-ACCESS    read-only
    STATUS        current
        "The timestamp of the most recent failure of a login attempt
        from this initiator.  A value of zero indicates that no such
        failures have occurred since the last system boot."
::= { iscsiInitiatorAttributesEntry 2 }

iscsiIntrLastFailureType  OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX        AutonomousType
    MAX-ACCESS    read-only
    STATUS        current
        "The type of the most recent failure of a login attempt
        from this initiator, represented as the OID of the counter
        object in iscsiInitiatorLoginStatsTable for which the

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        relevant instance was incremented.  If no such failures have
        occurred since the last system boot, this attribute will
        have the value 0.0.  A value of 0.0 may also be used to
        indicate a type that is not represented by any of
        the counters in iscsiInitiatorLoginStatsTable."
::= { iscsiInitiatorAttributesEntry 3 }

iscsiIntrLastTgtFailureName  OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX        IscsiName
    MAX-ACCESS    read-only
    STATUS        current
        "A UTF-8 string giving the name of the target that failed
        the last login attempt.  If no such failures have occurred
        since the last system boot, this value is a zero-length string."
::= { iscsiInitiatorAttributesEntry 4 }

iscsiIntrLastTgtFailureAddrType OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX        InetAddressType
    MAX-ACCESS    read-only
    STATUS        current
        "The type of Internet Network Address contained in the
        corresponding instance of the iscsiIntrLastTgtFailureAddr.
        The value 'dns' is not allowed.  If no such failures have
        occurred since the last system boot, this value is zero."
::= { iscsiInitiatorAttributesEntry 5 }

iscsiIntrLastTgtFailureAddr OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX        InetAddress
    MAX-ACCESS    read-only
    STATUS        current
        "An Internet Network Address, of the type specified by the
        object iscsiIntrLastTgtFailureAddrType, giving the host
        address of the target that failed the last login attempt.
        If no such failures have occurred since the last system boot,
        this value is a zero-length string."
::= { iscsiInitiatorAttributesEntry 6 }

iscsiIntrLastTgtFailurePort OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX        InetPortNumber
    MAX-ACCESS    read-only
    STATUS        current
        "The transport protocol port number used by the target
        that failed the last login attempt.
        If no such failures have occurred since the last system boot,

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        this value is a zero-length string."
::= { iscsiInitiatorAttributesEntry 7 }

-- Initiator Login Stats Table

iscsiInitiatorLoginStatsTable OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX        SEQUENCE OF IscsiInitiatorLoginStatsEntry
    MAX-ACCESS    not-accessible
    STATUS        current
        "A table of counters that keep track of the results of
        this initiator's login attempts."
::= { iscsiInitiator 2 }

iscsiInitiatorLoginStatsEntry OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX        IscsiInitiatorLoginStatsEntry
    MAX-ACCESS    not-accessible
    STATUS        current
        "An entry (row) containing counters of each result
        of this initiator's login attempts."
    AUGMENTS { iscsiInitiatorAttributesEntry }
::= { iscsiInitiatorLoginStatsTable 1 }

IscsiInitiatorLoginStatsEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
    iscsiIntrLoginAcceptRsps         Counter32,
    iscsiIntrLoginOtherFailRsps      Counter32,
    iscsiIntrLoginRedirectRsps       Counter32,
    iscsiIntrLoginAuthFailRsps       Counter32,
    iscsiIntrLoginAuthenticateFails  Counter32,
    iscsiIntrLoginNegotiateFails     Counter32,
    iscsiIntrLoginAuthorizeFails     Counter32

iscsiIntrLoginAcceptRsps OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX        Counter32
    UNITS         "successful logins"
    MAX-ACCESS    read-only
    STATUS        current
        "The count of Login Response PDUs with status
        0x0000, Accept Login, received by this initiator.
        If this counter has suffered a discontinuity, the time of the
        last discontinuity is indicated in iscsiNodeDiscontinuityTime."
        "RFC 7143, Section 11.13.5, Status-Class and Status-Detail"
::= { iscsiInitiatorLoginStatsEntry 1 }

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iscsiIntrLoginOtherFailRsps OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX        Counter32
    UNITS         "failed logins"
    MAX-ACCESS    read-only
    STATUS        current
        "The count of Login Response PDUs received by this
        initiator with any status code not counted in the
        objects below.
        If this counter has suffered a discontinuity, the time of the
        last discontinuity is indicated in iscsiNodeDiscontinuityTime."
        "RFC 7143, Section 11.13.5, Status-Class and Status-Detail"
::= { iscsiInitiatorLoginStatsEntry 2 }

iscsiIntrLoginRedirectRsps OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX        Counter32
    UNITS         "failed logins"
    MAX-ACCESS    read-only
    STATUS        current
        "The count of Login Response PDUs with status class 0x01,
        Redirection, received by this initiator.
        If this counter has suffered a discontinuity, the time of the
        last discontinuity is indicated in iscsiNodeDiscontinuityTime."
        "RFC 7143, Section 11.13.5, Status-Class and Status-Detail"
::= { iscsiInitiatorLoginStatsEntry 3 }

iscsiIntrLoginAuthFailRsps OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX        Counter32
    UNITS         "failed logins"
    MAX-ACCESS    read-only
    STATUS        current
        "The count of Login Response PDUs with status class 0x201,
        Authentication Failed, received by this initiator.
        If this counter has suffered a discontinuity, the time of the
        last discontinuity is indicated in iscsiNodeDiscontinuityTime."
        "RFC 7143, Section 11.13.5, Status-Class and Status-Detail"
::= { iscsiInitiatorLoginStatsEntry 4 }

iscsiIntrLoginAuthenticateFails OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX        Counter32
    UNITS         "failed logins"
    MAX-ACCESS    read-only
    STATUS        current

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        "The number of times the initiator has aborted a
        login because the target could not be authenticated.

        No response is generated.

        If this counter is incremented, an iscsiIntrLoginFailure
        notification should be generated.
        If this counter has suffered a discontinuity, the time of the
        last discontinuity is indicated in iscsiNodeDiscontinuityTime."
        "RFC 7143, Section 11.13.5, Status-Class and Status-Detail"
::= { iscsiInitiatorLoginStatsEntry 5 }

iscsiIntrLoginNegotiateFails OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX        Counter32
    UNITS         "failed logins"
    MAX-ACCESS    read-only
    STATUS        current
        "The number of times the initiator has aborted a
        login because parameter negotiation with the target

        No response is generated.

        If this counter is incremented, an iscsiIntrLoginFailure
        notification should be generated.
        If this counter has suffered a discontinuity, the time of the
        last discontinuity is indicated in iscsiNodeDiscontinuityTime."
        "RFC 7143, Section 7.12, Negotiation Failures"
::= { iscsiInitiatorLoginStatsEntry 6 }

iscsiIntrLoginAuthorizeFails OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX        Counter32
    UNITS         "failed logins"
    MAX-ACCESS    read-only
    STATUS        current
        "The count of Login Response PDUs with status 0x0202,
        Forbidden Target, received by this initiator.

        If this counter is incremented, an iscsiIntrLoginFailure
        notification should be generated.
        If this counter has suffered a discontinuity, the time of the
        last discontinuity is indicated in iscsiNodeDiscontinuityTime."

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        "RFC 7143, Section 11.13.5, Status-Class and Status-Detail"
::= { iscsiInitiatorLoginStatsEntry 7 }

-- Initiator Logout Stats Table

iscsiInitiatorLogoutStatsTable OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX        SEQUENCE OF IscsiInitiatorLogoutStatsEntry
    MAX-ACCESS    not-accessible
    STATUS        current
        "When an initiator attempts to send a Logout command, the target
        responds with a Logout Response that carries a status code.
        This table contains a list of counters of Logout Response
        PDUs of each status code that was received by each
        initiator belonging to this iSCSI instance present on this
::= { iscsiInitiator 3 }

iscsiInitiatorLogoutStatsEntry OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX        IscsiInitiatorLogoutStatsEntry
    MAX-ACCESS    not-accessible
    STATUS        current
        "An entry (row) containing counters of Logout Response
        PDUs of each status code that was generated by this
    AUGMENTS { iscsiInitiatorAttributesEntry }
::= { iscsiInitiatorLogoutStatsTable 1 }

IscsiInitiatorLogoutStatsEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
    iscsiIntrLogoutNormals         Counter32,
    iscsiIntrLogoutOthers          Counter32

iscsiIntrLogoutNormals OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX        Counter32
    UNITS         "normal logouts"
    MAX-ACCESS    read-only
    STATUS        current
        "The count of Logout Command PDUs generated by this initiator
        with reason code 0 (closes the session).
        If this counter has suffered a discontinuity, the time of the
        last discontinuity is indicated in iscsiNodeDiscontinuityTime."
        "RFC 7143, Section 11.14.1, Reason Code"
::= { iscsiInitiatorLogoutStatsEntry 1 }

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iscsiIntrLogoutOthers OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX        Counter32
    UNITS         "abnormal logouts"
    MAX-ACCESS    read-only
    STATUS        current
        "The count of Logout Command PDUs generated by this initiator
        with any status code other than 0.
        If this counter has suffered a discontinuity, the time of the
        last discontinuity is indicated in iscsiNodeDiscontinuityTime."
        "RFC 7143, Section 11.14.1, Reason Code"

::= { iscsiInitiatorLogoutStatsEntry 2 }


iscsiIntrAuthorization OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { iscsiObjects 9 }

-- Initiator Authorization Attributes Table

iscsiIntrAuthAttributesTable OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX        SEQUENCE OF IscsiIntrAuthAttributesEntry
    MAX-ACCESS    not-accessible
    STATUS        current
        "A list of target identities that each initiator
        on the local system may access."
::= { iscsiIntrAuthorization 1 }

iscsiIntrAuthAttributesEntry OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX        IscsiIntrAuthAttributesEntry
    MAX-ACCESS    not-accessible
    STATUS        current
        "An entry (row) containing management information applicable
        to a particular initiator node's authorized target identity."
    INDEX { iscsiInstIndex, iscsiNodeIndex, iscsiIntrAuthIndex }
::= { iscsiIntrAuthAttributesTable 1 }

IscsiIntrAuthAttributesEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
    iscsiIntrAuthIndex              Unsigned32,
    iscsiIntrAuthRowStatus          RowStatus,
    iscsiIntrAuthIdentity           RowPointer,
    iscsiIntrAuthStorageType        StorageType

iscsiIntrAuthIndex OBJECT-TYPE

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    SYNTAX        Unsigned32 (1..4294967295)
    MAX-ACCESS    not-accessible
    STATUS        current
        "An arbitrary integer used to uniquely identify a
        particular initiator node's authorized target
        identity within an iSCSI instance present on the
        local system.  This index value must not be modified
        or reused by an agent unless a reboot has occurred.
        An agent should attempt to keep this value persistent
        across reboots."
::= { iscsiIntrAuthAttributesEntry 1 }

iscsiIntrAuthRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX        RowStatus
    MAX-ACCESS    read-create
    STATUS        current
        "This field allows entries to be dynamically added and
        removed from this table via SNMP.  When adding a row to
        this table, all non-Index/RowStatus objects must be set.
        When the value of this object is 'active', the values of
        the other objects in this table cannot be changed.
        Rows may be discarded using RowStatus."
::= { iscsiIntrAuthAttributesEntry 2 }

iscsiIntrAuthIdentity OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX        RowPointer
    MAX-ACCESS    read-create
    STATUS        current
        "A pointer to the corresponding user entry in the IPS-AUTH
        MIB module to which this initiator node should attempt to
        establish an iSCSI session."
        "IPS-AUTH MIB, RFC 4545, Section 7.3, ipsAuthIdentity"
::= { iscsiIntrAuthAttributesEntry 3 }

iscsiIntrAuthStorageType OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX        StorageType
    MAX-ACCESS    read-create
    STATUS        current
        "The storage type for this row.  Rows in this table that were
        created through an external process (e.g., not created via
        this MIB) may have a storage type of readOnly or permanent.

        Conceptual rows having the value 'permanent' need not

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        allow write access to any columnar objects in the row."
    DEFVAL        { nonVolatile }
::= { iscsiIntrAuthAttributesEntry 4 }


iscsiSession OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { iscsiObjects 10 }

-- Session Attributes Table

iscsiSessionAttributesTable OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX        SEQUENCE OF IscsiSessionAttributesEntry
    MAX-ACCESS    not-accessible
    STATUS        current
        "A list of sessions belonging to each iSCSI instance
        present on the system."
::= { iscsiSession 1 }

iscsiSessionAttributesEntry OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX        IscsiSessionAttributesEntry
    MAX-ACCESS    not-accessible
    STATUS        current
        "An entry (row) containing management information applicable
        to a particular session.

        If this session is a discovery session that is not attached
        to any particular node, the iscsiSsnNodeIndex will be zero.
        Otherwise, the iscsiSsnNodeIndex will have the same value as
    INDEX  { iscsiInstIndex, iscsiSsnNodeIndex, iscsiSsnIndex }
::= { iscsiSessionAttributesTable 1 }

IscsiSessionAttributesEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
    iscsiSsnNodeIndex              Unsigned32,
    iscsiSsnIndex                  Unsigned32,
    iscsiSsnDirection              INTEGER,
    iscsiSsnInitiatorName          IscsiName,
    iscsiSsnTargetName             IscsiName,
    iscsiSsnTSIH                   Unsigned32,
    iscsiSsnISID                   OCTET STRING,
    iscsiSsnInitiatorAlias         SnmpAdminString,
    iscsiSsnTargetAlias            SnmpAdminString,
    iscsiSsnInitialR2T             TruthValue,
    iscsiSsnImmediateData          TruthValue,
    iscsiSsnType                   INTEGER,
    iscsiSsnMaxOutstandingR2T      Unsigned32,

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    iscsiSsnFirstBurstLength       Unsigned32,
    iscsiSsnMaxBurstLength         Unsigned32,
    iscsiSsnConnectionNumber       Gauge32,
    iscsiSsnAuthIdentity           RowPointer,
    iscsiSsnDataSequenceInOrder    TruthValue,
    iscsiSsnDataPDUInOrder         TruthValue,
    iscsiSsnErrorRecoveryLevel     Unsigned32,
    iscsiSsnDiscontinuityTime      TimeStamp,
    iscsiSsnProtocolLevel          Unsigned32,
    iscsiSsnTaskReporting          BITS

iscsiSsnNodeIndex OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX        Unsigned32 (0..4294967295)
    MAX-ACCESS    not-accessible
    STATUS        current
        "An arbitrary integer used to uniquely identify a
        particular node within an iSCSI instance present
        on the local system.  For normal, non-discovery
        sessions, this value will map to the iscsiNodeIndex.
        For discovery sessions that do not have a node
        associated, the value 0 (zero) is used."
::= { iscsiSessionAttributesEntry 1 }

iscsiSsnIndex OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX        Unsigned32 (1..4294967295)
    MAX-ACCESS    not-accessible
    STATUS        current
        "An arbitrary integer used to uniquely identify a
        particular session within an iSCSI instance present
        on the local system.  An agent should attempt to
        not reuse index values unless a reboot has occurred.
        iSCSI sessions are destroyed during a reboot; rows
        in this table are not persistent across reboots."
::= { iscsiSessionAttributesEntry 2 }

iscsiSsnDirection OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX        INTEGER {
    MAX-ACCESS    read-only
    STATUS        current
        "Direction of iSCSI session:
        inboundSession  - session is established from an external

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                          initiator to a target within this iSCSI
        outboundSession - session is established from an initiator
                          within this iSCSI instance to an external
::= { iscsiSessionAttributesEntry 3 }

iscsiSsnInitiatorName OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX        IscsiName
    MAX-ACCESS    read-only
    STATUS        current
        "If iscsiSsnDirection is Inbound, this object is a
        UTF-8 string that will contain the name of the remote
        initiator.  If this session is a discovery session that
        does not specify a particular initiator, this object
        will contain a zero-length string.

        If iscsiSsnDirection is Outbound, this object will
        contain a zero-length string."
::= { iscsiSessionAttributesEntry 4 }

iscsiSsnTargetName OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX        IscsiName
    MAX-ACCESS    read-only
    STATUS        current
        "If iscsiSsnDirection is Outbound, this object is a
        UTF-8 string that will contain the name of the remote
        target.  If this session is a discovery session that
        does not specify a particular target, this object will
        contain a zero-length string.

        If iscsiSsnDirection is Inbound, this object will
        contain a zero-length string."
::= { iscsiSessionAttributesEntry 5 }

    SYNTAX        Unsigned32 (1..65535)
    MAX-ACCESS    read-only
    STATUS        current
        "The target-defined identification handle for this session."
        "RFC 7143, Section 11.12.6, TSIH"
::= { iscsiSessionAttributesEntry 6 }


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    MAX-ACCESS    read-only
    STATUS        current
        "The initiator-defined portion of the iSCSI Session ID."
        "RFC 7143, Section 11.12.5, ISID"
::= { iscsiSessionAttributesEntry 7 }

iscsiSsnInitiatorAlias OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX        SnmpAdminString
    MAX-ACCESS    read-only
    STATUS        current
        "A UTF-8 string that gives the alias communicated by the
        initiator end of the session during the login phase.

        If no alias exists, the value is a zero-length string."
        "RFC 7143, Section 13.7, InitiatorAlias"
::= { iscsiSessionAttributesEntry 8 }

iscsiSsnTargetAlias OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX        SnmpAdminString
    MAX-ACCESS    read-only
    STATUS        current
        "A UTF-8 string that gives the alias communicated by the
        target end of the session during the login phase.

        If no alias exists, the value is a zero-length string."
        "RFC 7143, Section 13.6, TargetAlias"
::= { iscsiSessionAttributesEntry 9 }

iscsiSsnInitialR2T OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX        TruthValue
    MAX-ACCESS    read-only
    STATUS        current
        "If set to true, indicates that the initiator must wait
        for an R2T before sending to the target.  If set to false,
        the initiator may send data immediately, within limits set
        by iscsiSsnFirstBurstLength and the expected data transfer
        length of the request."
        "RFC 7143, Section 13.10, InitialR2T"
::= { iscsiSessionAttributesEntry 10 }

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iscsiSsnImmediateData OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX        TruthValue
    MAX-ACCESS    read-only
    STATUS        current
        "Indicates whether the initiator and target have agreed to
        support immediate data on this session."
        "RFC 7143, Section 13.11, ImmediateData"
::= { iscsiSessionAttributesEntry 11 }

iscsiSsnType OBJECT-TYPE

    SYNTAX        INTEGER {
    MAX-ACCESS    read-only
    STATUS        current
        "Type of iSCSI session:
        normalSession    - session is a normal iSCSI session
        discoverySession - session is being used only for discovery."
        "RFC 7143, Section 13.21, SessionType"
::= { iscsiSessionAttributesEntry 12 }

iscsiSsnMaxOutstandingR2T OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX        Unsigned32 (1..65535)
    UNITS         "R2Ts"
    MAX-ACCESS    read-only
    STATUS        current
        "The maximum number of outstanding requests-to-transmit
        (R2Ts) per iSCSI task within this session."
        "RFC 7143, Section 13.17, MaxOutstandingR2T"
::= { iscsiSessionAttributesEntry 13 }

iscsiSsnFirstBurstLength OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX        Unsigned32 (512..16777215)
    UNITS         "bytes"
    MAX-ACCESS    read-only
    STATUS        current
        "The maximum length supported for unsolicited data sent
        within this session."

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        "RFC 7143, Section 13.14, FirstBurstLength"
::= { iscsiSessionAttributesEntry 14 }

iscsiSsnMaxBurstLength OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX        Unsigned32 (512..16777215)
    UNITS         "bytes"
    MAX-ACCESS    read-only
    STATUS        current
        "The maximum number of bytes that can be sent within
        a single sequence of Data-In or Data-Out PDUs."
        "RFC 7143, Section 13.13, MaxBurstLength"
::= { iscsiSessionAttributesEntry 15 }

iscsiSsnConnectionNumber OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX        Gauge32 (1..65535)
    UNITS         "connections"
    MAX-ACCESS    read-only
    STATUS        current
        "The number of transport protocol connections that currently
        belong to this session."
::= { iscsiSessionAttributesEntry 16 }

iscsiSsnAuthIdentity OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX        RowPointer
    MAX-ACCESS    read-only
    STATUS        current
        "This object contains a pointer to a row in the
        IPS-AUTH MIB module that identifies the authentication
        identity being used on this session, as communicated
        during the login phase."
        "IPS-AUTH MIB, RFC 4545, Section 7.3, ipsAuthIdentity"
::= { iscsiSessionAttributesEntry 17 }

 iscsiSsnDataSequenceInOrder OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX        TruthValue
    MAX-ACCESS    read-only
    STATUS        current
        "False indicates that iSCSI data PDU sequences may
        be transferred in any order.  True indicates that
        data PDU sequences must be transferred using
        continuously increasing offsets, except during
        error recovery."

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        "RFC 7143, Section 13.19, DataSequenceInOrder"
::= { iscsiSessionAttributesEntry 18 }

iscsiSsnDataPDUInOrder OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX        TruthValue
    MAX-ACCESS    read-only
    STATUS        current
        "False indicates that iSCSI data PDUs within sequences
        may be in any order.  True indicates that data PDUs
        within sequences must be at continuously increasing
        addresses, with no gaps or overlay between PDUs.
        Default is true."
        "RFC 7143, Section 13.18, DataPDUInOrder"
::= { iscsiSessionAttributesEntry 19 }

iscsiSsnErrorRecoveryLevel OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX        Unsigned32 (0..255)
    MAX-ACCESS    read-only
    STATUS        current
        "The level of error recovery negotiated between
        the initiator and the target.  Higher numbers
        represent more detailed recovery schemes."
        "RFC 7143, Section 13.20, ErrorRecoveryLevel"
::= { iscsiSessionAttributesEntry 20 }

iscsiSsnDiscontinuityTime  OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX        TimeStamp
    MAX-ACCESS    read-only
    STATUS        current
        "The value of SysUpTime on the most recent occasion
        at which any one or more of this session's counters
        suffered a discontinuity.
        When a session is established, and this object is
        created, it is initialized to the current value
        of SysUpTime."
::= { iscsiSessionAttributesEntry 21 }

iscsiSsnProtocolLevel OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX        Unsigned32 (0..31)
    MAX-ACCESS    read-only
    STATUS        current

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        "The iSCSI protocol level negotiated for this session."
        "RFC 7144, Section 7.1.1, iSCSIProtocolLevel"
    DEFVAL        { 1 }
::= { iscsiSessionAttributesEntry 22 }

iscsiSsnTaskReporting OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX        BITS {

    MAX-ACCESS    read-only
    STATUS        current
        "This key is used to negotiate the task completion reporting
        semantics from the SCSI target.

        Default value is taskReportingRfc3720."
        "RFC 7143, Section 13.23, TaskReporting"
::= { iscsiSessionAttributesEntry 23 }

-- Session Stats Table

iscsiSessionStatsTable OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX        SEQUENCE OF IscsiSessionStatsEntry
    MAX-ACCESS    not-accessible
    STATUS        current
        "A list of general iSCSI traffic counters for each of the
        sessions present on the system."
::= { iscsiSession 2 }

iscsiSessionStatsEntry OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX        IscsiSessionStatsEntry
    MAX-ACCESS    not-accessible
    STATUS        current
        "An entry (row) containing general iSCSI traffic counters
        for a particular session."
    AUGMENTS { iscsiSessionAttributesEntry }

::= { iscsiSessionStatsTable 1 }

IscsiSessionStatsEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
    iscsiSsnCmdPDUs                Counter32,

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    iscsiSsnRspPDUs                Counter32,
    iscsiSsnTxDataOctets           Counter64,
    iscsiSsnRxDataOctets           Counter64,
    iscsiSsnLCTxDataOctets         Counter32,
    iscsiSsnLCRxDataOctets         Counter32,
    iscsiSsnNopReceivedPDUs        Counter32,
    iscsiSsnNopSentPDUs            Counter32

    SYNTAX        Counter32
    UNITS         "PDUs"
    MAX-ACCESS    read-only
    STATUS        current
        "The count of Command PDUs transferred on this session.
        If this counter has suffered a discontinuity, the time of the
        last discontinuity is indicated in iscsiSsnDiscontinuityTime."
::= { iscsiSessionStatsEntry 1 }

    SYNTAX        Counter32
    UNITS         "PDUs"
    MAX-ACCESS    read-only
    STATUS        current
        "The count of Response PDUs transferred on this session.
        If this counter has suffered a discontinuity, the time of the
        last discontinuity is indicated in iscsiSsnDiscontinuityTime."
::= { iscsiSessionStatsEntry 2 }

iscsiSsnTxDataOctets OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX        Counter64
    UNITS         "octets"
    MAX-ACCESS    read-only
    STATUS        current
        "The count of data octets that were transmitted by
        the local iSCSI node on this session.
        If this counter has suffered a discontinuity, the time of the
        last discontinuity is indicated in iscsiSsnDiscontinuityTime."
::= { iscsiSessionStatsEntry 3 }

iscsiSsnRxDataOctets OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX        Counter64
    UNITS         "octets"
    MAX-ACCESS    read-only
    STATUS        current

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        "The count of data octets that were received by
        the local iSCSI node on this session.
        If this counter has suffered a discontinuity, the time of the
        last discontinuity is indicated in iscsiSsnDiscontinuityTime."
::= { iscsiSessionStatsEntry 4 }

iscsiSsnLCTxDataOctets OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX        Counter32
    UNITS         "octets"
    MAX-ACCESS    read-only
    STATUS        current
        "A Low-Capacity shadow object of iscsiSsnTxDataOctets
        for those systems that are accessible via SNMPv1 only.
        If this counter has suffered a discontinuity, the time of the
        last discontinuity is indicated in iscsiSsnDiscontinuityTime."
::= { iscsiSessionStatsEntry 5 }

iscsiSsnLCRxDataOctets OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX        Counter32
    UNITS         "octets"
    MAX-ACCESS    read-only
    STATUS        current
        "A Low-Capacity shadow object of iscsiSsnRxDataOctets
        for those systems which are accessible via SNMPv1 only.
        If this counter has suffered a discontinuity, the time of the
        last discontinuity is indicated in iscsiSsnDiscontinuityTime."
::= { iscsiSessionStatsEntry 6 }

iscsiSsnNopReceivedPDUs OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX        Counter32
    UNITS         "PDUs"
    MAX-ACCESS    read-only
    STATUS        current
        "The count of NOP-In or NOP-Out PDUs received on this session.
        If this counter has suffered a discontinuity, the time of the
        last discontinuity is indicated in iscsiSsnDiscontinuityTime."
::= { iscsiSessionStatsEntry 7 }

    SYNTAX        Counter32
    UNITS         "PDUs"
    MAX-ACCESS    read-only
    STATUS        current

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        "The count of NOP-In or NOP-Out PDUs sent on this session.
        If this counter has suffered a discontinuity, the time of the
        last discontinuity is indicated in iscsiSsnDiscontinuityTime."
::= { iscsiSessionStatsEntry 8 }

-- Session Connection Error Stats Table

iscsiSessionCxnErrorStatsTable OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX        SEQUENCE OF IscsiSessionCxnErrorStatsEntry
    MAX-ACCESS    not-accessible
    STATUS        current
        "A list of error counters for each of the sessions
        present on this system."
::= { iscsiSession 3 }

iscsiSessionCxnErrorStatsEntry OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX        IscsiSessionCxnErrorStatsEntry
    MAX-ACCESS    not-accessible
    STATUS        current
        "An entry (row) containing error counters for
        a particular session."
    AUGMENTS { iscsiSessionAttributesEntry }
::= { iscsiSessionCxnErrorStatsTable 1 }

IscsiSessionCxnErrorStatsEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
    iscsiSsnCxnDigestErrors        Counter32,
    iscsiSsnCxnTimeoutErrors       Counter32

iscsiSsnCxnDigestErrors OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX        Counter32
    UNITS         "PDUs"
    MAX-ACCESS    read-only
    STATUS        current
        "The count of PDUs that were received on the session and
        contained header or data digest errors.
        If this counter has suffered a discontinuity, the time of the
        last discontinuity is indicated in iscsiSsnDiscontinuityTime.
        This counter is most likely provided when the error-recovery
        level is 1 or 2"
        "RFC 7143, Section 7.8, Digest Errors"
::= { iscsiSessionCxnErrorStatsEntry 1 }

iscsiSsnCxnTimeoutErrors OBJECT-TYPE

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    SYNTAX        Counter32
    UNITS         "connections"
    MAX-ACCESS    read-only
    STATUS        current
        "The count of connections within this session
        that have been terminated due to timeout.
        If this counter has suffered a discontinuity, the time of the
        last discontinuity is indicated in iscsiSsnDiscontinuityTime.
        This counter is most likely provided when the error-recovery
        level is 2"
        "RFC 7143, Section 7.5, Connection Timeout Management"
::= { iscsiSessionCxnErrorStatsEntry 2 }


iscsiConnection OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { iscsiObjects 11 }

-- Connection Attributes Table

iscsiConnectionAttributesTable OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX        SEQUENCE OF IscsiConnectionAttributesEntry
    MAX-ACCESS    not-accessible
    STATUS        current
        "A list of connections belonging to each iSCSI instance
        present on the system."
::= { iscsiConnection 1 }

iscsiConnectionAttributesEntry OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX        IscsiConnectionAttributesEntry
    MAX-ACCESS    not-accessible
    STATUS        current
        "An entry (row) containing management information applicable
        to a particular connection."
    INDEX  { iscsiInstIndex, iscsiSsnNodeIndex, iscsiSsnIndex,
             iscsiCxnIndex }
::= { iscsiConnectionAttributesTable 1 }

IscsiConnectionAttributesEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
    iscsiCxnIndex                  Unsigned32,
    iscsiCxnCid                    Unsigned32,
    iscsiCxnState                  INTEGER,
    iscsiCxnAddrType               InetAddressType,
    iscsiCxnLocalAddr              InetAddress,
    iscsiCxnProtocol               IscsiTransportProtocol,

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    iscsiCxnLocalPort              InetPortNumber,
    iscsiCxnRemoteAddr             InetAddress,
    iscsiCxnRemotePort             InetPortNumber,
    iscsiCxnMaxRecvDataSegLength   Unsigned32,
    iscsiCxnMaxXmitDataSegLength   Unsigned32,
    iscsiCxnHeaderIntegrity        IscsiDigestMethod,
    iscsiCxnDataIntegrity          IscsiDigestMethod,
    iscsiCxnRecvMarker             TruthValue,
    iscsiCxnSendMarker             TruthValue,
    iscsiCxnVersionActive          Unsigned32

iscsiCxnIndex OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX        Unsigned32 (1..4294967295)
    MAX-ACCESS    not-accessible
    STATUS        current
        "An arbitrary integer used to uniquely identify a
        particular connection of a particular session within
        an iSCSI instance present on the local system.  An
        agent should attempt to not reuse index values unless
        a reboot has occurred.  iSCSI connections are destroyed
        during a reboot; rows in this table are not persistent
        across reboots."
::= { iscsiConnectionAttributesEntry 1 }

    SYNTAX        Unsigned32 (1..65535)
    MAX-ACCESS    read-only
    STATUS        current
        "The iSCSI Connection ID for this connection."
::= { iscsiConnectionAttributesEntry 2 }

iscsiCxnState OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX        INTEGER {
    MAX-ACCESS    read-only
    STATUS        current
        "The current state of this connection, from an iSCSI negotiation
        point of view.  Here are the states:

        login  - The transport protocol connection has been established,
                 but a valid iSCSI login response with the final bit set

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                 has not been sent or received.
        full   - A valid iSCSI login response with the final bit set
                 has been sent or received.
        logout - A valid iSCSI logout command has been sent or
                 received, but the transport protocol connection has
                 not yet been closed."
::= { iscsiConnectionAttributesEntry 3 }

iscsiCxnAddrType OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX        InetAddressType
    MAX-ACCESS    read-only
    STATUS        current
        "The type of Internet Network Addresses contained in the
        corresponding instances of iscsiCxnLocalAddr and
        The value 'dns' is not allowed."
::= { iscsiConnectionAttributesEntry 4 }

iscsiCxnLocalAddr OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX        InetAddress
    MAX-ACCESS    read-only
    STATUS        current
        "The local Internet Network Address, of the type specified
        by iscsiCxnAddrType, used by this connection."
::= { iscsiConnectionAttributesEntry 5 }

iscsiCxnProtocol OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX        IscsiTransportProtocol
    MAX-ACCESS    read-only
    STATUS        current
        "The transport protocol over which this connection is
::= { iscsiConnectionAttributesEntry 6 }

iscsiCxnLocalPort OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX        InetPortNumber
    MAX-ACCESS    read-only
    STATUS        current
        "The local transport protocol port used by this connection.
        This object cannot have the value zero, since it represents
        an established connection."
::= { iscsiConnectionAttributesEntry 7 }

iscsiCxnRemoteAddr OBJECT-TYPE

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    SYNTAX        InetAddress
    MAX-ACCESS    read-only
    STATUS        current
        "The remote Internet Network Address, of the type specified
        by iscsiCxnAddrType, used by this connection."
::= { iscsiConnectionAttributesEntry 8 }

iscsiCxnRemotePort OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX        InetPortNumber
    MAX-ACCESS    read-only
    STATUS        current
        "The remote transport protocol port used by this connection.
        This object cannot have the value zero, since it represents
        an established connection."
::= { iscsiConnectionAttributesEntry 9 }

iscsiCxnMaxRecvDataSegLength OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX        Unsigned32 (512..16777215)
    UNITS         "bytes"
    MAX-ACCESS    read-only
    STATUS        current
        "The maximum data payload size supported for command
        or data PDUs able to be received on this connection."
        "RFC 7143, Section 13.12, MaxRecvDataSegmentLength"
::= { iscsiConnectionAttributesEntry 10 }

iscsiCxnMaxXmitDataSegLength OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX        Unsigned32 (512..16777215)
    UNITS         "bytes"
    MAX-ACCESS    read-only
    STATUS        current
        "The maximum data payload size supported for command
        or data PDUs to be sent on this connection."
        "RFC 7143, Section 13.12, MaxRecvDataSegmentLength"
::= { iscsiConnectionAttributesEntry 11 }

iscsiCxnHeaderIntegrity OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX        IscsiDigestMethod
    MAX-ACCESS    read-only
    STATUS        current
        "This object identifies the iSCSI header

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        digest scheme in use within this connection."
::= { iscsiConnectionAttributesEntry 12 }

iscsiCxnDataIntegrity OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX        IscsiDigestMethod
    MAX-ACCESS    read-only
    STATUS        current
        "This object identifies the iSCSI data
        digest scheme in use within this connection."
::= { iscsiConnectionAttributesEntry 13 }

iscsiCxnRecvMarker OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX        TruthValue
    MAX-ACCESS    read-only
    STATUS        deprecated
        "This object indicates whether or not this connection
        is receiving markers in its incoming data stream."
        "RFC 7143, Section 13.25, Obsoleted Keys."
::= { iscsiConnectionAttributesEntry 14 }

iscsiCxnSendMarker OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX        TruthValue
    MAX-ACCESS    read-only
    STATUS        deprecated
        "This object indicates whether or not this connection
        is inserting markers in its outgoing data stream."
        "RFC 7143, Section 13.25, Obsoleted Keys."
::= { iscsiConnectionAttributesEntry 15 }

iscsiCxnVersionActive OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX        Unsigned32 (0..255)
    MAX-ACCESS    read-only
    STATUS        current
        "Active version number of the iSCSI specification negotiated
        on this connection."
        "RFC 7143, Section 11.12, Login Request"
::= { iscsiConnectionAttributesEntry 16 }

-- Notifications

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iscsiTgtLoginFailure NOTIFICATION-TYPE
    STATUS current
        "Sent when a login is failed by a target.

        To avoid sending an excessive number of notifications due
        to multiple errors counted, an SNMP agent implementing this
        notification SHOULD NOT send more than 3 notifications of
        this type in any 10-second time period."
::= { iscsiNotifications 1 }

iscsiIntrLoginFailure NOTIFICATION-TYPE
    STATUS current
        "Sent when a login is failed by an initiator.

        To avoid sending an excessive number of notifications due
        to multiple errors counted, an SNMP agent implementing this
        notification SHOULD NOT send more than 3 notifications of
        this type in any 10-second time period."
::= { iscsiNotifications 2 }

iscsiInstSessionFailure NOTIFICATION-TYPE
    STATUS current
        "Sent when an active session is failed by either the initiator
        or the target.

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        To avoid sending an excessive number of notifications due
        to multiple errors counted, an SNMP agent implementing this
        notification SHOULD NOT send more than 3 notifications of
        this type in any 10-second time period."
::= { iscsiNotifications 3 }


-- Conformance Statements

iscsiCompliances OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { iscsiConformance 1 }
iscsiGroups      OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { iscsiConformance 2 }

iscsiInstanceAttributesGroup OBJECT-GROUP
    STATUS current
        "A collection of objects providing information about iSCSI
::= { iscsiGroups 1 }

iscsiInstanceSsnErrorStatsGroup OBJECT-GROUP
    STATUS current
        "A collection of objects providing information about
        errors that have caused a session failure for an
        iSCSI instance."
::= { iscsiGroups 2 }

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iscsiPortalAttributesGroup OBJECT-GROUP
    STATUS deprecated
        "A collection of objects providing information about
        the transport protocol endpoints of the local targets.
        This object group is deprecated because the marker key
        is obsolete."
        "RFC 7143, Section 13.25, Obsoleted Keys."
::= { iscsiGroups 3 }

iscsiTgtPortalAttributesGroup OBJECT-GROUP
    STATUS current
        "A collection of objects providing information about
        the transport protocol endpoints of the local targets."
::= { iscsiGroups 4 }

iscsiIntrPortalAttributesGroup OBJECT-GROUP
    STATUS current
        "An object providing information about
        the portal tags used by the local initiators."
::= { iscsiGroups 5 }

iscsiNodeAttributesGroup OBJECT-GROUP

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    STATUS current
        "A collection of objects providing information about all
        local targets."
::= { iscsiGroups 6 }

iscsiTargetAttributesGroup OBJECT-GROUP
    STATUS current
        "A collection of objects providing information about all
        local targets."
::= { iscsiGroups 7 }

iscsiTargetLoginStatsGroup OBJECT-GROUP

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    STATUS current
        "A collection of objects providing information about all
        login attempts by remote initiators to local targets."
::= { iscsiGroups 8 }

iscsiTargetLogoutStatsGroup OBJECT-GROUP
    STATUS current
        "A collection of objects providing information about all
        logout events between remote initiators and local targets."
::= { iscsiGroups 9 }

iscsiTargetAuthGroup OBJECT-GROUP
    STATUS current
        "A collection of objects providing information about all
        remote initiators that are authorized to connect to local
::= { iscsiGroups 10 }

iscsiInitiatorAttributesGroup OBJECT-GROUP
    STATUS current
        "A collection of objects providing information about
        all local initiators."
::= { iscsiGroups 11 }

iscsiInitiatorLoginStatsGroup OBJECT-GROUP

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    STATUS current
        "A collection of objects providing information about all
        login attempts by local initiators to remote targets."
::= { iscsiGroups 12 }

iscsiInitiatorLogoutStatsGroup OBJECT-GROUP
    STATUS current
        "A collection of objects providing information about all
        logout events between local initiators and remote targets."
::= { iscsiGroups 13 }

iscsiInitiatorAuthGroup OBJECT-GROUP
    STATUS current
        "A collection of objects providing information about all
        remote targets that are initiators of the local system
        that they are authorized to access."
::= { iscsiGroups 14 }

iscsiSessionAttributesGroup OBJECT-GROUP

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    STATUS current
        "A collection of objects providing information applicable to
        all sessions."
::= { iscsiGroups 15 }

iscsiSessionPDUStatsGroup OBJECT-GROUP
    STATUS current
        "A collection of objects providing information about PDU
        traffic for each session."
::= { iscsiGroups 16 }

iscsiSessionOctetStatsGroup OBJECT-GROUP
    STATUS current
        "A collection of objects providing information about octet
        traffic for each session using a Counter64 data type."
::= { iscsiGroups 17 }

iscsiSessionLCOctetStatsGroup OBJECT-GROUP
    STATUS current

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        "A collection of objects providing information about octet
        traffic for each session using a Counter32 data type."
::= { iscsiGroups 18 }

iscsiSessionCxnErrorStatsGroup OBJECT-GROUP
    STATUS current
        "A collection of objects providing information about connection
        errors for all sessions."
::= { iscsiGroups 19 }

iscsiConnectionAttributesGroup OBJECT-GROUP
    STATUS deprecated
        "A collection of objects providing information about all
        connections used by all sessions.
        This object group is deprecated because the marker key
        is obsolete."
        "RFC 7143, Section 13.25, Obsoleted Keys."
::= { iscsiGroups 20 }

iscsiTgtLgnNotificationsGroup NOTIFICATION-GROUP
    STATUS current

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        "A collection of notifications that indicate a login
        failure from a remote initiator to a local target."
::= { iscsiGroups 21 }

iscsiIntrLgnNotificationsGroup NOTIFICATION-GROUP
    STATUS current
        "A collection of notifications that indicate a login
        failure from a local initiator to a remote target."
::= { iscsiGroups 22 }

iscsiSsnFlrNotificationsGroup NOTIFICATION-GROUP
    STATUS current
        "A collection of notifications that indicate session
        failures occurring after login."
::= { iscsiGroups 23 }

iscsiPortalAttributesGroupV2 OBJECT-GROUP
    STATUS current
        "A collection of objects providing information about
        the transport protocol endpoints of the local targets."
::= { iscsiGroups 24 }

iscsiConnectionAttributesGroupV2 OBJECT-GROUP

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    STATUS current
        "A collection of objects providing information about all
        connections used by all sessions."
::= { iscsiGroups 25 }

iscsiNewObjectsV2 OBJECT-GROUP

    STATUS current
        "A collection of objects added in the second version of the
        iSCSI MIB."
::= { iscsiGroups 26 }


    STATUS deprecated
        "Initial version of compliance statement.

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RFC 7147                        iSCSI MIB                     April 2014

        If an implementation can be both a target and an
        initiator, all groups are mandatory.
        This module compliance is deprecated because the
        marker keys are obsolete."
        "RFC 7143, Section 13.25, Obsoleted Keys."
    MODULE       -- this module

    -- Conditionally mandatory groups depending on the ability
    -- to support Counter64 data types and/or to provide counter
    -- information to SNMPv1 applications.

    GROUP iscsiSessionOctetStatsGroup
        "This group is mandatory for all iSCSI implementations
        that can support Counter64 data types."

    GROUP iscsiSessionLCOctetStatsGroup
        "This group is mandatory for all iSCSI implementations
        that provide information to SNMPv1-only applications;
        this includes agents that cannot support Counter64
        data types."

    -- Conditionally mandatory groups to be included with
    -- the mandatory groups when the implementation has
    -- iSCSI target facilities.

    GROUP iscsiTgtPortalAttributesGroup
        "This group is mandatory for all iSCSI implementations
        that have iSCSI target facilities."

    OBJECT iscsiPortalMaxRecvDataSegLength
    MIN-ACCESS read-only
        "Write access is not required."

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    OBJECT iscsiNodeStorageType
    MIN-ACCESS read-only
        "Write access is not required; an implementation may
         choose to allow this object to be set to 'volatile'
         or 'nonVolatile'."
    GROUP iscsiTargetAttributesGroup
        "This group is mandatory for all iSCSI implementations
        that have iSCSI target facilities."

    GROUP iscsiTargetLoginStatsGroup
        "This group is mandatory for all iSCSI implementations
        that have iSCSI target facilities."

    GROUP iscsiTargetLogoutStatsGroup
        "This group is mandatory for all iSCSI implementations
        that have iSCSI target facilities."

    GROUP iscsiTgtLgnNotificationsGroup
        "This group is mandatory for all iSCSI implementations
        that have iSCSI target facilities."

    GROUP iscsiTargetAuthGroup
        "This group is mandatory for all iSCSI implementations
        that have iSCSI target facilities."

    -- Conditionally mandatory groups to be included with
    -- the mandatory groups when the implementation has
    -- iSCSI initiator facilities.

    GROUP iscsiIntrPortalAttributesGroup
        "This group is mandatory for all iSCSI implementations
        that have iSCSI initiator facilities."

    GROUP iscsiInitiatorAttributesGroup
        "This group is mandatory for all iSCSI implementations
        that have iSCSI initiator facilities."

    GROUP iscsiInitiatorLoginStatsGroup
        "This group is mandatory for all iSCSI implementations

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        that have iSCSI initiator facilities."

    GROUP iscsiInitiatorLogoutStatsGroup
        "This group is mandatory for all iSCSI implementations
        that have iSCSI initiator facilities."

    GROUP iscsiIntrLgnNotificationsGroup
        "This group is mandatory for all iSCSI implementations
        that have iSCSI initiator facilities."

    GROUP iscsiInitiatorAuthGroup
        "This group is mandatory for all iSCSI implementations
        that have iSCSI initiator facilities."

    OBJECT       iscsiNodeErrorRecoveryLevel
    SYNTAX       Unsigned32 (0..2)
        "Only values 0-2 are defined at present."

::= { iscsiCompliances 1 }

    STATUS current
        "Version 2 of compliance statement based on
        this revised version of the MIB module.

        If an implementation can be both a target and an
        initiator, all groups are mandatory."
    MODULE       -- this module

    -- Conditionally mandatory groups depending on the ability
    -- to support Counter64 data types and/or to provide counter
    -- information to SNMPv1 applications.

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    GROUP iscsiSessionOctetStatsGroup
        "This group is mandatory for all iSCSI implementations
        that can support Counter64 data types."

    GROUP iscsiSessionLCOctetStatsGroup
        "This group is mandatory for all iSCSI implementations
        that provide information to SNMPv1-only applications;
        this includes agents that cannot support Counter64
        data types."

    -- Conditionally mandatory groups to be included with
    -- the mandatory groups when the implementation has
    -- iSCSI target facilities.

    GROUP iscsiTgtPortalAttributesGroup
        "This group is mandatory for all iSCSI implementations
        that have iSCSI target facilities."

    OBJECT iscsiPortalMaxRecvDataSegLength
    MIN-ACCESS read-only
        "Write access is not required."

    OBJECT iscsiNodeStorageType
    MIN-ACCESS read-only
        "Write access is not required; an implementation may
         choose to allow this object to be set to 'volatile'
         or 'nonVolatile'."

    GROUP iscsiTargetAttributesGroup
        "This group is mandatory for all iSCSI implementations
        that have iSCSI target facilities."

    GROUP iscsiTargetLoginStatsGroup
        "This group is mandatory for all iSCSI implementations
        that have iSCSI target facilities."

    GROUP iscsiTargetLogoutStatsGroup
        "This group is mandatory for all iSCSI implementations
        that have iSCSI target facilities."

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    GROUP iscsiTgtLgnNotificationsGroup
        "This group is mandatory for all iSCSI implementations
        that have iSCSI target facilities."

    GROUP iscsiTargetAuthGroup
        "This group is mandatory for all iSCSI implementations
        that have iSCSI target facilities."

    -- Conditionally mandatory groups to be included with
    -- the mandatory groups when the implementation has
    -- iSCSI initiator facilities.

    GROUP iscsiIntrPortalAttributesGroup
        "This group is mandatory for all iSCSI implementations
        that have iSCSI initiator facilities."

    GROUP iscsiInitiatorAttributesGroup
        "This group is mandatory for all iSCSI implementations
        that have iSCSI initiator facilities."

    GROUP iscsiInitiatorLoginStatsGroup
        "This group is mandatory for all iSCSI implementations
        that have iSCSI initiator facilities."

    GROUP iscsiInitiatorLogoutStatsGroup
        "This group is mandatory for all iSCSI implementations
        that have iSCSI initiator facilities."

    GROUP iscsiIntrLgnNotificationsGroup
        "This group is mandatory for all iSCSI implementations
        that have iSCSI initiator facilities."

    GROUP iscsiInitiatorAuthGroup
        "This group is mandatory for all iSCSI implementations
        that have iSCSI initiator facilities."

    OBJECT       iscsiNodeErrorRecoveryLevel
    SYNTAX       Unsigned32 (0..2)
        "Only values 0-2 are defined at present."

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    GROUP iscsiNewObjectsV2
        "This group is mandatory for all iSCSI implementations
        that support a value of the iSCSIProtocolLevel key of
        2 or greater."

::= { iscsiCompliances 2 }


8.  Security Considerations

   There are a number of management objects defined in this MIB module
   with a MAX-ACCESS clause of read-write and/or read-create.  Such
   objects may be considered sensitive or vulnerable in some network
   environments.  The support for SET operations in a non-secure
   environment without proper protection can have a negative effect on
   network operations.  These are the tables and objects and their

      iscsiPortalAttributesTable, iscsiTgtPortalAttributesTable, and
      iscsiIntrPortalAttributesTable can be used to add or remove IP
      addresses to be used by iSCSI.

      iscsiTgtAuthAttributesTable entries can be added or removed, to
      allow or disallow access to a target by an initiator.

   Some of the readable objects in this MIB module (i.e., objects with a
   MAX-ACCESS other than not-accessible) may be considered sensitive or
   vulnerable in some network environments.  It is thus important to
   control even GET and/or NOTIFY access to these objects and possibly
   to even encrypt the values of these objects when sending them over
   the network via SNMP.  These are the tables and objects and their

      iscsiNodeAttributesTable, iscsiTargetAttributesTable, and
      iscsiTgtAuthorization can be used to glean information needed to
      make connections to the iSCSI targets this module represents.
      However, it is the responsibility of the initiators and targets
      involved to authenticate each other to ensure that an
      inappropriately advertised or discovered initiator or target does
      not compromise their security.  These issues are discussed in

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RFC 7147                        iSCSI MIB                     April 2014

   SNMP versions prior to SNMPv3 did not include adequate security.
   Even if the network itself is secure (for example by using IPsec),
   even then, there is no control as to who on the secure network is
   allowed to access and GET/SET (read/change/create/delete) the objects
   in this MIB module.

   Implementations SHOULD provide the security features described by the
   SNMPv3 framework (see [RFC3410]), and implementations claiming
   compliance to the SNMPv3 standard MUST include full support for
   authentication and privacy via the User-based Security Model (USM)
   [RFC3414] with the AES cipher algorithm [RFC3826].  Implementations
   MAY also provide support for the Transport Security Model (TSM)
   [RFC5591] in combination with a secure transport such as SSH
   [RFC5592] or TLS/DTLS [RFC6353].

   Further, deployment of SNMP versions prior to SNMPv3 is NOT
   RECOMMENDED.  Instead, it is RECOMMENDED to deploy SNMPv3 and to
   enable cryptographic security.  It is then a customer/operator
   responsibility to ensure that the SNMP entity giving access to an
   instance of this MIB module is properly configured to give access to
   the objects only to those principals (users) that have legitimate
   rights to indeed GET or SET (change/create/delete) them.

9.  IANA Considerations

   The MIB module in this document uses the following IANA-assigned
   OBJECT IDENTIFIER value recorded in the "SMI Network Management MGMT
   Codes Internet-standard MIB" registry:

   Descriptor        OBJECT IDENTIFIER value
   ----------        -----------------------

   iscsiMibModule       { mib-2 142 }

   IANA has updated the reference for the mib-2 142 identifier to refer
   to this document.

10.  References

10.1.  Normative References

   [RFC2119]  Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate
              Requirement Levels", BCP 14, RFC 2119, March 1997.

   [RFC2578]  McCloghrie, K., Ed., Perkins, D., Ed., and J.
              Schoenwaelder, Ed., "Structure of Management Information
              Version 2 (SMIv2)", STD 58, RFC 2578, April 1999.

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   [RFC2579]  McCloghrie, K., Ed., Perkins, D., Ed., and J.
              Schoenwaelder, Ed., "Textual Conventions for SMIv2", STD
              58, RFC 2579, April 1999.

   [RFC2580]  McCloghrie, K., Ed., Perkins, D., Ed., and J.
              Schoenwaelder, Ed., "Conformance Statements for SMIv2",
              STD 58, RFC 2580, April 1999.

   [RFC3411]  Harrington, D., Presuhn, R., and B. Wijnen, "An
              Architecture for Describing Simple Network Management
              Protocol (SNMP) Management Frameworks", STD 62, RFC 3411,
              December 2002.

   [RFC3414]  Blumenthal, U. and B. Wijnen, "User-based Security Model
              (USM) for version 3 of the Simple Network Management
              Protocol (SNMPv3)", STD 62, RFC 3414, December 2002.

   [RFC3720]  Satran, J., Meth, K., Sapuntzakis, C., Chadalapaka, M.,
              and E. Zeidner, "Internet Small Computer Systems Interface
              (iSCSI)", RFC 3720, April 2004.

   [RFC3826]  Blumenthal, U., Maino, F., and K. McCloghrie, "The
              Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) Cipher Algorithm in the
              SNMP User-based Security Model", RFC 3826, June 2004.

   [RFC4001]  Daniele, M., Haberman, B., Routhier, S., and J.
              Schoenwaelder, "Textual Conventions for Internet Network
              Addresses", RFC 4001, February 2005.

   [RFC4545]  Bakke, M. and J. Muchow, "Definitions of Managed Objects
              for IP Storage User Identity Authorization", RFC 4545, May

   [RFC5591]  Harrington, D. and W. Hardaker, "Transport Security Model
              for the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP)", RFC
              5591, June 2009.

   [RFC5592]  Harrington, D., Salowey, J., and W. Hardaker, "Secure
              Shell Transport Model for the Simple Network Management
              Protocol (SNMP)", RFC 5592, June 2009.

   [RFC6353]  Hardaker, W., "Transport Layer Security (TLS) Transport
              Model for the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP)",
              RFC 6353, July 2011.

   [RFC7143]  Chadalapaka, M., Satran, J., Meth, K., and D. Black,
              "Internet Small Computer System Interface (iSCSI) Protocol
              (Consolidated)", RFC 7143, April 2014.

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   [RFC7144]  Knight, F. and M. Chadalapaka, "Internet Small Computer
              System Interface (iSCSI) SCSI Features Update", RFC 7144,
              April 2014.

10.2.  Informative References

   [RFC3410]  Case, J., Mundy, R., Partain, D., and B. Stewart,
              "Introduction and Applicability Statements for Internet-
              Standard Management Framework", RFC 3410, December 2002.

   [RFC4022]  Raghunarayan, R., Ed., "Management Information Base for
              the Transmission Control Protocol (TCP)", RFC 4022, March

   [RFC4455]  Hallak-Stamler, M., Bakke, M., Lederman, Y., Krueger, M.,
              and K. McCloghrie, "Definition of Managed Objects for
              Small Computer System Interface (SCSI) Entities", RFC
              4455, April 2006.

   [RFC4544]  Bakke, M., Krueger, M., McSweeney, T., and J. Muchow,
              "Definitions of Managed Objects for Internet Small
              Computer System Interface (iSCSI)", RFC 4544, May 2006.

11.  Acknowledgments

   The contents of this document were largely written as RFC 4544 by
   Mark Bakke (Cisco), Marjorie Krueger (Hewlett-Packard), Tom McSweeney
   (IBM), and James Muchow (QLogic).  A special thank you to Marjorie,
   Tom, and James for their hard work and especially to James for his
   attention to detail on this work.

   In addition to the authors, several people contributed to the
   development of this MIB module.  Thanks especially to those who took
   the time to participate in our weekly conference calls to build our
   requirements, object models, table structures, and attributes: John
   Hufferd, Tom McSweeney (IBM), Kevin Gibbons (Nishan Systems), Chad
   Gregory (Intel), Jack Harwood (EMC), Hari Mudaliar (Adaptec), Ie Wei
   Njoo (Agilent), Lawrence Lamers (SAN Valley), Satish Mali (Stonefly
   Networks), and William Terrell (Troika).

   Special thanks to Tom McSweeney, Ie Wei Njoo, and Kevin Gibbons, who
   wrote the descriptions for many of the tables and attributes in this
   MIB module, to Ayman Ghanem for finding and suggesting changes for
   many problems in this module, and to Keith McCloghrie for serving as
   advisor to the team.

   Thanks to Mike MacFaden (VMWare), David Black (EMC), and Tom Talpey
   (Microsoft) for their valuable inputs.

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Authors' Addresses

   Mark Bakke
   7625 Smetana Lane
   Eden Prairie, MN  55344


   Prakash Venkatesen
   HCL Technologies Ltd.
   50-53, Greams Road,
   Chennai - 600006


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