Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF)                        R. Housley
Request for Comments: 7299                                Vigil Security
Category: Informational                                        July 2014
ISSN: 2070-1721

         Object Identifier Registry for the PKIX Working Group


   When the Public-Key Infrastructure using X.509 (PKIX) Working Group
   was chartered, an object identifier arc was allocated by IANA for use
   by that working group.  This document describes the object
   identifiers that were assigned in that arc, returns control of that
   arc to IANA, and establishes IANA allocation policies for any future
   assignments within that arc.

Status of This Memo

   This document is not an Internet Standards Track specification; it is
   published for informational purposes.

   This document is a product of the Internet Engineering Task Force
   (IETF).  It represents the consensus of the IETF community.  It has
   received public review and has been approved for publication by the
   Internet Engineering Steering Group (IESG).  Not all documents
   approved by the IESG are a candidate for any level of Internet
   Standard; see Section 2 of RFC 5741.

   Information about the current status of this document, any errata,
   and how to provide feedback on it may be obtained at

Copyright Notice

   Copyright (c) 2014 IETF Trust and the persons identified as the
   document authors.  All rights reserved.

   This document is subject to BCP 78 and the IETF Trust's Legal
   Provisions Relating to IETF Documents
   ( in effect on the date of
   publication of this document.  Please review these documents
   carefully, as they describe your rights and restrictions with respect
   to this document.  Code Components extracted from this document must
   include Simplified BSD License text as described in Section 4.e of
   the Trust Legal Provisions and are provided without warranty as
   described in the Simplified BSD License.

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Table of Contents

   1. Introduction ....................................................3
   2. Subordinate Object Identifier Arcs ..............................3
   3. IANA Considerations .............................................6
      3.1. Update to "SMI Security for Mechanism Codes" Registry ......6
      3.2. "SMI Security for PKIX" Registry ...........................6
      3.3. "SMI Security for PKIX Module Identifier" Registry .........7
      3.4. "SMI Security for PKIX Certificate Extension" Registry .....9
      3.5. "SMI Security for PKIX Policy Qualifier" Registry .........10
      3.6. "SMI Security for PKIX Extended Key Purpose" Registry .....10
      3.7. "SMI Security for PKIX CMP Information Types" Registry ....11
      3.8. "SMI Security for PKIX CRMF Registration" Registry ........12
      3.9. "SMI Security for PKIX CRMF Registration Controls"
           Registry ..................................................12
      3.10. "SMI Security for PKIX CRMF Registration
            Information" Registry ....................................12
      3.11. "SMI Security for PKIX Algorithms" Registry ..............13
      3.12. "SMI Security for PKIX CMC Controls" Registry ............13
      3.13. "SMI Security for PKIX CMC GLA Requests and
            Responses" Registry ......................................14
      3.14. "SMI Security for PKIX Other Name Forms" Registry ........15
      3.15. "SMI Security for PKIX Personal Data Attributes"
            Registry .................................................15
      3.16. "SMI Security for PKIX Attribute Certificate
            Attributes" Registry .....................................16
      3.17. "SMI Security for PKIX Qualified Certificate
            Statements" Registry .....................................16
      3.18. "SMI Security for PKIX CMC Content Types" Registry .......16
      3.19. "SMI Security for PKIX OIDs Used Only for
            Testing" Registry ........................................17
      3.20. "SMI Security for PKIX Certificate Policies" Registry ....17
      3.21. "SMI Security for PKIX CMC Error Types" Registry .........17
      3.22. "SMI Security for PKIX Revocation Information
            Types" Registry ..........................................18
      3.23. "SMI Security for PKIX SCVP Check Types" Registry ........18
      3.24. "SMI Security for PKIX SCVP Want Back Types" Registry ....19
      3.25. "SMI Security for PKIX SCVP Validation Policies
            and Algorithms" Registry .................................20
      3.26. "SMI Security for PKIX SCVP Name Validation
            Policy Errors" Registry ..................................20
      3.27. "SMI Security for PKIX SCVP Basic Validation
            Policy Errors" Registry ..................................21
      3.28. "SMI Security for PKIX SCVP Distinguished Name
            Validation Policy Errors" Registry .......................21
      3.29. "SMI Security for PKIX Other Logotype
            Identifiers" Registry ....................................22

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      3.30. "SMI Security for PKIX Proxy Certificate Policy
            Languages" Registry ......................................22
      3.31. "SMI Security for PKIX Proxy Matching Rules" Registry ....22
      3.32. "SMI Security for PKIX Subject Key Identifier
            Semantics" Registry ......................................23
      3.33. "SMI Security for PKIX Access Descriptor" Registry .......23
      3.34. "SMI Security for PKIX Online Certificate Status
            Protocol (OCSP)" Registry ................................24
   4. Security Considerations ........................................24
   5. References .....................................................25
      5.1. Normative References ......................................25
      5.2. Informative References ....................................25
   Acknowledgements ..................................................30

1.  Introduction

   When the Public-Key Infrastructure using X.509 (PKIX) Working Group
   was chartered, an object identifier arc was allocated by IANA for use
   by that working group.  These object identifiers are primarily used
   with Abstract Syntax Notation One (ASN.1) [ASN1-88] [ASN1-97]
   [ASN1-08].  The ASN.1 specifications continue to evolve, but object
   identifiers can be used with any and all versions of ASN.1.

   The PKIX object identifier arc is:

      id-pkix OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { iso(1) identified-organization(3)
                 dod(6) internet(1) security(5) mechanisms(5) pkix(7) }

   This document describes the object identifiers that were assigned in
   the PKIX arc, returns control of the PKIX arc to IANA, and
   establishes IANA allocation policies for any future assignments
   within the PKIX arc.

2.  Subordinate Object Identifier Arcs

   Twenty-five subordinate object identifier arcs were used, numbered
   from 0 to 23 and 48.  In addition, there are seven subordinate arcs.
   They were assigned as follows:

      -- Module identifiers
      id-mod  OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { id-pkix 0 }

      -- PKIX certificate extensions
      id-pe   OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { id-pkix 1 }

      -- Policy qualifier types
      id-qt   OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { id-pkix 2 }

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      -- Extended key purpose identifiers
      id-kp   OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { id-pkix 3 }

      -- CMP information types
      id-it   OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { id-pkix 4 }

      -- CRMF registration
      id-pkip OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { id-pkix 5 }

      -- CRMF registration controls
      id-regCtrl OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { id-pkix 5 1 }

      -- CRMF registration information
      id-regInfo OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { id-pkix 5 2 }

      -- Algorithms
      id-alg  OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { id-pkix 6 }

      -- CMC controls
      id-cmc  OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { id-pkix 7 }

      -- CMC GLA Requests and Responses
      id-cmc-glaRR OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { id-pkix 7 99 }

      -- Other name forms
      id-on   OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { id-pkix 8 }

      -- Personal data attribute
      id-pda  OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { id-pkix 9 }

      -- Attribute certificate attributes
      id-aca  OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { id-pkix 10 }

      -- Qualified certificate statements
      id-qcs  OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { id-pkix 11 }

      -- CMC content types
      id-cct  OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { id-pkix 12 }

      -- OIDs for TESTING ONLY
      id-TEST OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { id-pkix 13 }

      -- Certificate policies
      id-cp   OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { id-pkix 14 }

      -- CMC error types
      id-cet  OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { id-pkix 15 }

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      -- Revocation information types
      id-ri   OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { id-pkix 16 }

      -- SCVP check type
      id-sct  OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { id-pkix 17 }

      -- SCVP want back types
      id-swb  OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { id-pkix 18 }

      -- SCVP validation policies
      id-svp  OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { id-pkix 19 }

      -- SCVP name validation policy errors
      id-nvae  OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { id-pkix 19 2 }

      -- SCVP basic validation policy errors
      id-bvae  OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { id-pkix 19 3 }

      -- SCVP distinguished name validation policy errors
      id-dnvae OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { id-pkix 19 4 }

      -- Other logotype identifiers
      id-logo OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { id-pkix 20 }

      -- Proxy certificate policy languages
      id-ppl  OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { id-pkix 21 }

      -- Matching rules
      id-mr   OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { id-pkix 22 }

      -- Subject key identifier semantics
      id-skis OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { id-pkix 23 }

      -- Access descriptors
      id-ad   OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { id-pkix 48 }

      -- Online Certificate Status Protocol
      id-pkix-ocsp  OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { id-pkix 48 1 }

   The values assigned in each of these subordinate object identifier
   arcs are discussed in the next section.

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3.  IANA Considerations

   IANA has updated one registry table and created 33 additional tables.

   Updates to the new tables are to be made according to the
   Specification Required policy as defined in [RFC5226].  The expert is
   expected to ensure that any new values are strongly related to the
   work that was done by the PKIX Working Group.  That is, additional
   object identifiers are to be related to X.509 certificates, X.509
   attribute certificates, X.509 certificate revocation lists (CRLs), or
   protocols associated with them.  Object identifiers for other
   purposes should not be assigned in this arc.

3.1.  Update to "SMI Security for Mechanism Codes" Registry

   The reference for the Public Key Infrastructure using X.509 (PKIX)
   entry (decimal value 7) has been updated to point to this document.

3.2.  "SMI Security for PKIX" Registry

   Within the SMI-numbers registry, a "PKIX (" table with
   three columns has been added:

      Decimal  Description                             References
      -------  --------------------------------------  ----------
      0        Module identifiers                      [RFC7299]
      1        PKIX certificate extensions             [RFC7299]
      2        Policy qualifier types                  [RFC7299]
      3        Extended key purpose identifiers        [RFC7299]
      4        CMP information types                   [RFC7299]
      5        CRMF registration                       [RFC7299]
      6        Algorithms                              [RFC7299]
      7        CMC controls                            [RFC7299]
      8        Other name forms                        [RFC7299]
      9        Personal data attribute                 [RFC7299]
      10       Attribute certificate attributes        [RFC7299]
      11       Qualified certificate statements        [RFC7299]
      12       CMC content types                       [RFC7299]
      13       OIDs for TESTING ONLY                   [RFC7299]
      14       Certificate policies                    [RFC7299]
      15       CMC error types                         [RFC7299]
      16       Revocation information types            [RFC7299]
      17       SCVP check type                         [RFC7299]
      18       SCVP want back types                    [RFC7299]
      19       SCVP validation policies                [RFC7299]
      20       Other logotype identifiers              [RFC7299]

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      21       Proxy certificate policy languages      [RFC7299]
      22       Matching rules                          [RFC7299]
      23       Subject key identifier semantics        [RFC7299]
      48       Access descriptors                      [RFC7299]

   Future updates to this table are to be made according to the
   Specification Required policy as defined in [RFC5226].

3.3.  "SMI Security for PKIX Module Identifier" Registry

   Within the SMI-numbers registry, an "SMI Security for PKIX Module
   Identifier (" table with three columns has been

      Decimal  Description                      References
      -------  -------------------------------  ---------------------
      1        id-pkix1-explicit-88             [RFC2459]
      2        id-pkix1-implicit-88             [RFC2459]
      3        id-pkix1-explicit-93             [RFC2459]
      4        id-pkix1-implicit-93             [RFC2459]
      5        id-mod-crmf                      [RFC2511]
      6        id-mod-cmc                       [RFC2797]
      7        id-mod-kea-profile-88            [RFC2528]
      8        id-mod-kea-profile-93            [RFC2528]
      9        id-mod-cmp                       [RFC2510]
      10       id-mod-qualified-cert-88         [RFC3039]
      11       id-mod-qualified-cert-93         [RFC3039]
      12       id-mod-attribute-cert            [RFC3281]
      13       id-mod-tsp                       [RFC3161]
      14       id-mod-ocsp                      [RFC3029]
      15       id-mod-dvcs                      [RFC3029]
      16       id-mod-cmp2000                   [RFC4210]
      17       id-mod-pkix1-algorithms          [RFC3279]
      18       id-mod-pkix1-explicit            [RFC3280]
      19       id-mod-pkix1-implicit            [RFC3280]
      20       id-mod-user-group                Reserved and Obsolete
      21       id-mod-scvp                      [RFC5055]
      22       id-mod-logotype                  [RFC3709]
      23       id-mod-cmc2002                   [RFC5272]
      24       id-mod-wlan-extns                [RFC3770]
      25       id-mod-proxy-cert-extns          [RFC3820]
      26       id-mod-ac-policies               [RFC4476]
      27       id-mod-warranty-extn             [RFC4059]
      28       id-mod-perm-id-88                [RFC4043]
      29       id-mod-perm-id-93                [RFC4043]
      30       id-mod-ip-addr-and-as-ident      [RFC3779]
      31       id-mod-qualified-cert            [RFC3739]
      32       id-mod-crmf2003                  Reserved and Obsolete

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      33       id-mod-pkix1-rsa-pkalgs          [RFC4055]
      34       id-mod-cert-bundle               [RFC4306]
      35       id-mod-qualified-cert-97         [RFC3739]
      36       id-mod-crmf2005                  [RFC4210]
      37       id-mod-wlan-extns2005            [RFC4334]
      38       id-mod-sim2005                   [RFC4683]
      39       id-mod-dns-srv-name-88           [RFC4985]
      40       id-mod-dns-srv-name-93           [RFC4985]
      41       id-mod-cmsContentConstr-88       [RFC6010]
      42       id-mod-cmsContentConstr-93       [RFC6010]
      43       id-mod-pkixCommon                Reserved and Obsolete
      44       id-mod-pkixOtherCerts            [RFC5697]
      45       id-mod-pkix1-algorithms2008      [RFC5480]
      46       id-mod-clearanceConstraints      [RFC5913]
      47       id-mod-attribute-cert-02         [RFC5912]
      48       id-mod-ocsp-02                   [RFC5912]
      49       id-mod-v1AttrCert-02             [RFC5912]
      50       id-mod-cmp2000-02                [RFC5912]
      51       id-mod-pkix1-explicit-02         [RFC5912]
      52       id-mod-scvp-02                   [RFC5912]
      53       id-mod-cmc2002-02                [RFC5912]
      54       id-mod-pkix1-rsa-pkalgs-02       [RFC5912]
      55       id-mod-crmf2005-02               [RFC5912]
      56       id-mod-pkix1-algorithms2008-02   [RFC5912]
      57       id-mod-pkixCommon-02             [RFC5912]
      58       id-mod-algorithmInformation-02   [RFC5912]
      59       id-mod-pkix1-implicit-02         [RFC5912]
      60       id-mod-pkix1-x400address-02      [RFC5912]
      61       id-mod-attribute-cert-v2         [RFC5755]
      62       id-mod-sip-domain-extns2007      [RFC5924]
      63       id-mod-cms-otherRIs-2009-88      [RFC5940]
      64       id-mod-cms-otherRIs-2009-93      [RFC5940]
      65       id-mod-ecprivatekey              [RFC5915]
      66       id-mod-ocsp-agility-2009-93      [RFC6277]
      67       id-mod-ocsp-agility-2009-88      [RFC6277]
      68       id-mod-logotype-certimage        [RFC6170]
      69       id-mod-pkcs10-2009               [RFC5912]
      70       id-mod-dns-resource-record       [Abley]
      71       id-mod-send-cert-extns           [RFC6494]
      72       id-mod-ip-addr-and-as-ident-2    [RFC6268]
      73       id-mod-wlan-extns-2              [RFC6268]
      74       id-mod-hmac                      [RFC6268]
      75       id-mod-enrollMsgSyntax-2011-88   [RFC6402] [Err3860]
      76       id-mod-enrollMsgSyntax-2011-08   [RFC6402]
      77       id-mod-pubKeySMIMECaps-88        [RFC6664]
      78       id-mod-pubKeySMIMECaps-08        [RFC6664]
      79       id-mod-dhSign-2012-88            [RFC6955]
      80       id-mod-dhSign-2012-08            [RFC6955]

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      81       id-mod-ocsp-2013-88              [RFC6960]
      82       id-mod-ocsp-2013-08              [RFC6960]
      83       id-mod-TEST-certPolicies         [RFC7229]
      84       id-mod-bgpsec-eku                [BGPSEC]

   Future updates to this table are to be made according to the
   Specification Required policy as defined in [RFC5226].

3.4.  "SMI Security for PKIX Certificate Extension" Registry

   Within the SMI-numbers registry, an "SMI Security for PKIX
   Certificate Extension (" table with three columns has
   been added:

      Decimal  Description                     References
      -------  ------------------------------  ---------------------
      1        id-pe-authorityInfoAccess       [RFC2459]
      2        id-pe-biometricInfo             [RFC3039]
      3        id-pe-qcStatements              [RFC3039]
      4        id-pe-ac-auditIdentity          [RFC3281]
      5        id-pe-ac-targeting              Reserved and Obsolete
      6        id-pe-aaControls                [RFC3281]
      7        id-pe-ipAddrBlocks              [RFC3779]
      8        id-pe-autonomousSysIds          [RFC3779]
      9        id-pe-sbgp-routerIdentifier     Reserved and Obsolete
      10       id-pe-ac-proxying               [RFC3281]
      11       id-pe-subjectInfoAccess         [RFC3280]
      12       id-pe-logotype                  [RFC3709]
      13       id-pe-wlanSSID                  [RFC4334]
      14       id-pe-proxyCertInfo             [RFC3820]
      15       id-pe-acPolicies                [RFC4476]
      16       id-pe-warranty                  [RFC4059]
      17       id-pe-sim                       Reserved and Obsolete
      18       id-pe-cmsContentConstraints     [RFC6010]
      19       id-pe-otherCerts                [RFC5697]
      20       id-pe-wrappedApexContinKey      [RFC5934]
      21       id-pe-clearanceConstraints      [RFC5913]
      22       id-pe-skiSemantics              Reserved and Obsolete
      23       id-pe-nsa                       [RFC7169]

   Future updates to this table are to be made according to the
   Specification Required policy as defined in [RFC5226].

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3.5.  "SMI Security for PKIX Policy Qualifier" Registry

   Within the SMI-numbers registry, an "SMI Security for PKIX Policy
   Qualifier Identifiers (" table with three columns has
   been added:

      Decimal  Description                     References
      -------  ------------------------------  ---------------------
      1        id-qt-cps                       [RFC2459]
      2        id-qt-unotice                   [RFC2459]
      3        id-qt-textNotice                Reserved and Obsolete
      4        id-qt-acps                      [RFC4476]
      5        id-qt-acunotice                 [RFC4476]

   Future updates to this table are to be made according to the
   Specification Required policy as defined in [RFC5226].

3.6.  "SMI Security for PKIX Extended Key Purpose" Registry

   Within the SMI-numbers registry, an "SMI Security for PKIX Extended
   Key Purpose Identifiers (" table with three columns
   has been added:

      Decimal  Description                     References
      -------  ------------------------------  ---------------------
      1        id-kp-serverAuth                [RFC2459]
      2        id-kp-clientAuth                [RFC2459]
      3        id-kp-codeSigning               [RFC2459]
      4        id-kp-emailProtection           [RFC2459]
      5        id-kp-ipsecEndSystem            Reserved and Obsolete
      6        id-kp-ipsecTunnel               Reserved and Obsolete
      7        id-kp-ipsecUser                 Reserved and Obsolete
      8        id-kp-timeStamping              [RFC2459]
      9        id-kp-OCSPSigning               [RFC2560]
      10       id-kp-dvcs                      [RFC3029]
      11       id-kp-sbgpCertAAServerAuth      Reserved and Obsolete
      12       id-kp-scvp-responder            Reserved and Obsolete
      13       id-kp-eapOverPPP                [RFC4334]
      14       id-kp-eapOverLAN                [RFC4334]
      15       id-kp-scvpServer                [RFC5055]
      16       id-kp-scvpClient                [RFC5055]
      17       id-kp-ipsecIKE                  [RFC4945]
      18       id-kp-capwapAC                  [RFC5415]
      19       id-kp-capwapWTP                 [RFC5415]
      20       id-kp-sipDomain                 [RFC5924]
      21       id-kp-secureShellClient         [RFC6187]
      22       id-kp-secureShellServer         [RFC6187]
      23       id-kp-sendRouter                [RFC6494]

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      24       id-kp-sendProxiedRouter         [RFC6494]
      25       id-kp-sendOwner                 [RFC6494]
      26       id-kp-sendProxiedOwner          [RFC6494]
      27       id-kp-cmcCA                     [RFC6402]
      28       id-kp-cmcRA                     [RFC6402]
      29       id-kp-cmcArchive                [RFC6402]
      30       id-kp-bgpsec-router             [BGPSEC]

   Future updates to this table are to be made according to the
   Specification Required policy as defined in [RFC5226].

3.7.  "SMI Security for PKIX CMP Information Types" Registry

   Within the SMI-numbers registry, an "SMI Security for PKIX CMP
   Information Types (" table with three columns has
   been added:

      Decimal  Description                     References
      -------  ------------------------------  ---------------------
      1        id-it-caProtEncCert             [RFC2510]
      2        id-it-signKeyPairTypes          [RFC2510]
      3        id-it-encKeyPairTypes           [RFC2510]
      4        id-it-preferredSymmAlg          [RFC2510]
      5        id-it-caKeyUpdateInfo           [RFC2510]
      6        id-it-currentCRL                [RFC2510]
      7        id-it-unsupportedOIDs           [RFC4210]
      8        id-it-subscriptionRequest       Reserved and Obsolete
      9        id-it-subscriptionResponse      Reserved and Obsolete
      10       id-it-keyPairParamReq           [RFC4210]
      11       id-it-keyPairParamRep           [RFC4210]
      12       id-it-revPassphrase             [RFC4210]
      13       id-it-implicitConfirm           [RFC4210]
      14       id-it-confirmWaitTime           [RFC4210]
      15       id-it-origPKIMessage            [RFC4210]
      16       id-it-suppLangTags              [RFC4210]

   Future updates to this table are to be made according to the
   Specification Required policy as defined in [RFC5226].

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3.8.  "SMI Security for PKIX CRMF Registration" Registry

   Within the SMI-numbers registry, an "SMI Security for PKIX CRMF
   Registration (" table with three columns has been

      Decimal  Description                     References
      -------  ------------------------------  ----------
      1        id-regCtrl                      [RFC2511]
      2        id-regInfo                      [RFC2511]
      3        id-regEPEPSI                    [RFC4683]

   Future updates to this table are to be made according to the
   Specification Required policy as defined in [RFC5226].

3.9.  "SMI Security for PKIX CRMF Registration Controls" Registry

   Within the SMI-numbers registry, an "SMI Security for PKIX CRMF
   Registration Controls (" table with three columns
   has been added:

      Decimal  Description                     References
      -------  ------------------------------  ---------------------
      1        id-regCtrl-regToken             [RFC2511]
      2        id-regCtrl-authenticator        [RFC2511]
      3        id-regCtrl-pkiPublicationInfo   [RFC2511]
      4        id-regCtrl-pkiArchiveOptions    [RFC2511]
      5        id-regCtrl-oldCertID            [RFC2511]
      6        id-regCtrl-protocolEncrKey      [RFC2511]
      7        id-regCtrl-altCertTemplate      [RFC4210]
      8        id-regCtrl-wtlsTemplate         Reserved and Obsolete
      9        id-regCtrl-regTokenUTF8         Reserved and Obsolete
      10       id-regCtrl-authenticatorUTF8    Reserved and Obsolete

   Future updates to this table are to be made according to the
   Specification Required policy as defined in [RFC5226].

3.10.  "SMI Security for PKIX CRMF Registration Information" Registry

   Within the SMI-numbers registry, add an "SMI Security for PKIX CRMF
   Registration Information (" table with three

      Decimal  Description                     References
      -------  ------------------------------  ----------
      1        id-regInfo-utf8Pairs            [RFC2511]
      2        id-regInfo-certReq              [RFC2511]

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   Future updates to this table are to be made according to the
   Specification Required policy as defined in [RFC5226].

3.11.  "SMI Security for PKIX Algorithms" Registry

   Within the SMI-numbers registry, an "SMI Security for PKIX Algorithms
   (" table with three columns has been added:

      Decimal  Description                     References
      -------  ------------------------------  ---------------------
      1        id-alg-des40                    Reserved and Obsolete
      2        id-alg-noSignature                          [RFC2797]
      3        id-alg-dh-sig-hmac-sha1                     [RFC2875]
      4        id-alg-dhPop-sha1                           [RFC2875]
      5        id-alg-dhPop-sha224                         [RFC6955]
      6        id-alg-dhPop-sha256                         [RFC6955]
      7        id-alg-dhPop-sha384                         [RFC6955]
      8        id-alg-dhPop-sha512                         [RFC6955]
      15       id-alg-dhPop-static-sha224-hmac-sha224      [RFC6955]
      16       id-alg-dhPop-static-sha256-hmac-sha256      [RFC6955]
      17       id-alg-dhPop-static-sha384-hmac-sha384      [RFC6955]
      18       id-alg-dhPop-static-sha512-hmac-sha512      [RFC6955]
      25       id-alg-ecdhPop-static-sha224-hmac-sha224    [RFC6955]
      26       id-alg-ecdhPop-static-sha256-hmac-sha256    [RFC6955]
      27       id-alg-ecdhPop-static-sha384-hmac-sha384    [RFC6955]
      28       id-alg-ecdhPop-static-sha512-hmac-sha512    [RFC6955]

   Note: id-alg-dhPop-sha1 is also known as id-alg-dh-pop.

   Note: id-alg-dh-sig-hmac-sha1 is also known as
         id-alg-dhPop-static-sha1-hmac-sha1 and

   Future updates to this table are to be made according to the
   Specification Required policy as defined in [RFC5226].

3.12.  "SMI Security for PKIX CMC Controls" Registry

   Within the SMI-numbers registry, an "SMI Security for PKIX CMC
   Controls (" table with three columns has been added:

      Decimal  Description                     References
      -------  ------------------------------  ----------
      1        id-cmc-statusInfo               [RFC2797]
      2        id-cmc-identification           [RFC2797]
      3        id-cmc-identityProof            [RFC2797]
      4        id-cmc-dataReturn               [RFC2797]
      5        id-cmc-transactionId            [RFC2797]

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RFC 7299                    PKIX OID Registry                  July 2014

      6        id-cmc-senderNonce              [RFC2797]
      7        id-cmc-recipientNonce           [RFC2797]
      8        id-cmc-addExtensions            [RFC2797]
      9        id-cmc-encryptedPOP             [RFC2797]
      10       id-cmc-decryptedPOP             [RFC2797]
      11       id-cmc-lraPOPWitness            [RFC2797]
      15       id-cmc-getCert                  [RFC2797]
      16       id-cmc-getCRL                   [RFC2797]
      17       id-cmc-revokeRequest            [RFC2797]
      18       id-cmc-regInfo                  [RFC2797]
      19       id-cmc-responseInfo             [RFC2797]
      21       id-cmc-queryPending             [RFC2797]
      22       id-cmc-popLinkRandom            [RFC2797]
      23       id-cmc-popLinkWitness           [RFC2797]
      24       id-cmc-confirmCertAcceptance    [RFC2797]
      25       id-cmc-statusInfoV2             [RFC5272]
      26       id-cmc-trustedAnchors           [RFC5272]
      27       id-cmc-authData                 [RFC5272]
      28       id-cmc-batchRequests            [RFC5272]
      29       id-cmc-batchResponses           [RFC5272]
      30       id-cmc-publishCert              [RFC5272]
      31       id-cmc-modCertTemplate          [RFC5272]
      32       id-cmc-controlProcessed         [RFC5272]
      33       id-cmc-popLinkWitnessV2         [RFC5272]
      34       id-cmc-identityProofV2          [RFC5272]
      35       id-cmc-raIdentityWitness        [RFC6402]
      36       id-cmc-changeSubjectName        [RFC6402]
      37       id-cmc-responseBody             [RFC6402]
      99       id-cmc-glaRR                    [RFC5275]

   Note: id-cmc-statusInfo is also known as id-cmc-cMCStatusInfo.

   Future updates to this table are to be made according to the
   Specification Required policy as defined in [RFC5226].

3.13.  "SMI Security for PKIX CMC GLA Requests and Responses" Registry

   Within the SMI-numbers registry, an "SMI Security for PKIX CMC GLA
   Requests and Responses (" table with three columns
   has been added:

      Decimal  Description                     References
      -------  ------------------------------  ----------
      1        id-cmc-gla-skdAlgRequest        [RFC5275]
      2        id-cmc-gla-skdAlgResponse       [RFC5275]

   Future updates to this table are to be made according to the
   Specification Required policy as defined in [RFC5226].

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RFC 7299                    PKIX OID Registry                  July 2014

3.14.  "SMI Security for PKIX Other Name Forms" Registry

   Within the SMI-numbers registry, an "SMI Security for PKIX Other Name
   Forms (" table with three columns has been added:

      Decimal  Description                     References
      -------  ------------------------------  ---------------------
      1        id-on-personalData              Reserved and Obsolete
      2        id-on-userGroup                 Reserved and Obsolete
      3        id-on-permanentIdentifier       [RFC4043]
      4        id-on-hardwareModuleName        [RFC4108]
      5        id-on-xmppAddr                  [RFC3920]
      6        id-on-SIM                       [RFC4683]
      7        id-on-dnsSRV                    [RFC4985]

   Future updates to this table are to be made according to the
   Specification Required policy as defined in [RFC5226].

3.15.  "SMI Security for PKIX Personal Data Attributes" Registry

   Within the SMI-numbers registry, an "SMI Security for PKIX Personal
   Data Attributes (" table with three columns has been

      Decimal  Description                     References
      -------  ------------------------------  ----------
      1        id-pda-dateOfBirth              [RFC3039]
      2        id-pda-placeOfBirth             [RFC3039]
      3        id-pda-gender                   [RFC3039]
      4        id-pda-countryOfCitizenship     [RFC3039]
      5        id-pda-countryOfResidence       [RFC3039]

   Future updates to this table are to be made according to the
   Specification Required policy as defined in [RFC5226].

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RFC 7299                    PKIX OID Registry                  July 2014

3.16.  "SMI Security for PKIX Attribute Certificate Attributes" Registry

   Within the SMI-numbers registry, an "SMI Security for PKIX Attribute
   Certificate Attributes (" table with three columns
   has been added:

      Decimal  Description                     References
      -------  ------------------------------  ---------------------
      1        id-aca-authenticationInfo       [RFC3281]
      2        id-aca-accessIdentity           [RFC3281]
      3        id-aca-chargingIdentity         [RFC3281]
      4        id-aca-group                    [RFC3281]
      5        id-aca-role                     Reserved and Obsolete
      6        id-aca-encAttrs                 [RFC3281]
      7        id-aca-wlanSSID                 [RFC4334]

   Future updates to this table are to be made according to the
   Specification Required policy as defined in [RFC5226].

3.17.  "SMI Security for PKIX Qualified Certificate Statements" Registry

   Within the SMI-numbers registry, an "SMI Security for PKIX Qualified
   Certificate Statements (" table with three columns
   has been added:

      Decimal  Description                     References
      -------  ------------------------------  ----------
      1        id-qcs-pkixQCSyntax-v1          [RFC3039]
      2        id-qcs-pkixQCSyntax-v2          [RFC3739]

   Future updates to this table are to be made according to the
   Specification Required policy as defined in [RFC5226].

3.18.  "SMI Security for PKIX CMC Content Types" Registry

   Within the SMI-numbers registry, an "SMI Security for PKIX CMC
   Content Types (" table with three columns has been

      Decimal  Description                     References
      -------  ------------------------------  ---------------------
      1        id-cct-crs                      Reserved and Obsolete
      2        id-cct-PKIData                  [RFC2797]
      3        id-cct-PKIResponse              [RFC2797]

   Future updates to this table are to be made according to the
   Specification Required policy as defined in [RFC5226].

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RFC 7299                    PKIX OID Registry                  July 2014

3.19.  "SMI Security for PKIX OIDs Used Only for Testing" Registry

   Within the SMI-numbers registry, an "SMI Security for PKIX OIDs used
   Only for Testing (" table with three columns has
   been added:

      Decimal  Description                     References
      -------  ------------------------------  ----------
      1        id-TEST-certPolicyOne           [RFC7229]
      2        id-TEST-certPolicyTwo           [RFC7229]
      3        id-TEST-certPolicyThree         [RFC7229]
      4        id-TEST-certPolicyFour          [RFC7229]
      5        id-TEST-certPolicyFive          [RFC7229]
      6        id-TEST-certPolicySix           [RFC7229]
      7        id-TEST-certPolicySeven         [RFC7229]
      8        id-TEST-certPolicyEight         [RFC7229]

   Note: The object identifiers in this table should not appear on the
         public Internet.  These object identifiers are ONLY for

   Future updates to this table are to be made according to the
   Specification Required policy as defined in [RFC5226].

3.20.  "SMI Security for PKIX Certificate Policies" Registry

   Within the SMI-numbers registry, an "SMI Security for PKIX
   Certificate Policies (" table with three columns has
   been added:

      Decimal  Description                     References
      -------  ------------------------------  ---------------------
      1        id-cp-sbgpCertificatePolicy     Reserved and Obsolete
      2        id-cp-ipAddr-asNumber           [RFC6484]

   Future updates to this table are to be made according to the
   Specification Required policy as defined in [RFC5226].

3.21.  "SMI Security for PKIX CMC Error Types" Registry

   Within the SMI-numbers registry, an "SMI Security for PKIX CMC Error
   Types (" table with three columns has been added:

      Decimal  Description                     References
      -------  ------------------------------  ----------
      1        id-cet-skdFailInfo              [RFC5275]

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RFC 7299                    PKIX OID Registry                  July 2014

   Future updates to this table are to be made according to the
   Specification Required policy as defined in [RFC5226].

3.22.  "SMI Security for PKIX Revocation Information Types" Registry

   Within the SMI-numbers registry, an "SMI Security for PKIX Revocation
   Information Types (" table with three columns has
   been added:

      Decimal  Description                     References
      -------  ------------------------------  ----------
      1        id-ri-crl                       [RFC5940]
      2        id-ri-ocsp-response             [RFC5940]
      3        id-ri-delta-crl                 [RFC5940]
      4        id-ri-scvp                      [RFC5940]

   Future updates to this table are to be made according to the
   Specification Required policy as defined in [RFC5226].

3.23.  "SMI Security for PKIX SCVP Check Types" Registry

   Within the SMI-numbers registry, an "SMI Security for PKIX SCVP Check
   Types (" table with three columns has been added:

   Decimal  Description                                       References
   -------  ------------------------------------------------  ----------
   1        id-stc-build-pkc-path                             [RFC5055]
   2        id-stc-build-valid-pkc-path                       [RFC5055]
   3        id-stc-build-status-checked-pkc-path              [RFC5055]
   4        id-stc-build-aa-path                              [RFC5055]
   5        id-stc-build-valid-aa-path                        [RFC5055]
   6        id-stc-build-status-checked-aa-path               [RFC5055]
   7        id-stc-status-check-ac-and-build-status-checked-aa-path

   Future updates to this table are to be made according to the
   Specification Required policy as defined in [RFC5226].

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RFC 7299                    PKIX OID Registry                  July 2014

3.24.  "SMI Security for PKIX SCVP Want Back Types" Registry

   Within the SMI-numbers registry, an "SMI Security for PKIX SCVP Want
   Back Types (" table with three columns has been

      Decimal  Description                     References
      -------  ------------------------------  ---------------------
      1        id-swb-pkc-best-cert-path       [RFC5055]
      2        id-swb-pkc-revocation-info      [RFC5055]
      3        id-swb-pkc-cert-status          Reserved and Obsolete
      4        id-swb-pkc-public-key-info      [RFC5055]
      5        id-swb-aa-cert-path             [RFC5055]
      6        id-swb-aa-revocation-info       [RFC5055]
      7        id-swb-ac-revocation-info       [RFC5055]
      8        id-swb-ac-cert-status           Reserved and Obsolete
      9        id-swb-relayed-responses        [RFC5055]
      10       id-swb-pkc-cert                 [RFC5055]
      11       id-swb-ac-cert                  [RFC5055]
      12       id-swb-pkc-all-cert-paths       [RFC5055]
      13       id-swb-pkc-ee-revocation-info   [RFC5055]
      14       id-swb-pkc-CAs-revocation-info  [RFC5055]
      15       id-swb-partial-cert-path        [RFC5276]
      16       id-swb-ers-pkc-cert             [RFC5276]
      17       id-swb-ers-best-cert-path       [RFC5276]
      18       id-swb-ers-partial-cert-path    [RFC5276]
      19       id-swb-ers-revocation-info      [RFC5276]
      20       id-swb-ers-all                  [RFC5276]

   Future updates to this table are to be made according to the
   Specification Required policy as defined in [RFC5226].

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RFC 7299                    PKIX OID Registry                  July 2014

3.25.  "SMI Security for PKIX SCVP Validation Policies and Algorithms"

   Within the SMI-numbers registry, an "SMI Security for PKIX SCVP
   Validation Policies and Algorithms (" table with
   three columns has been added:

      Decimal  Description                     References
      -------  ------------------------------  ----------
      1        id-svp-defaultValPolicy         [RFC5055]
      2        id-svp-nameValAlg               [RFC5055]
      3        id-svp-basicValAlg              [RFC5055]
      4        id-svp-dnValAlg                 [RFC5055]

   Note: id-svp-nameValAlg is also known as id-nvae.

   Note: id-svp-basicValAlg is also known as id-bvae.

   Note: id-svp-dnValAlg is also known as id-dnvae and id-nva-dnCompAlg.

   Future updates to this table are to be made according to the
   Specification Required policy as defined in [RFC5226].

3.26.  "SMI Security for PKIX SCVP Name Validation Policy Errors"

   Within the SMI-numbers registry, an "SMI Security for PKIX SCVP Name
   Validation Policy Errors (" table with three
   columns has been added:

      Decimal  Description                     References
      -------  ------------------------------  ----------
      1        id-nvae-name-mismatch           [RFC5055]
      2        id-nvae-no-name                 [RFC5055]
      3        id-nvae-unknown-alg             [RFC5055]
      4        id-nvae-bad-name                [RFC5055]
      5        id-nvae-bad-name-type           [RFC5055]
      6        id-nvae-mixed-names             [RFC5055]

   Future updates to this table are to be made according to the
   Specification Required policy as defined in [RFC5226].

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RFC 7299                    PKIX OID Registry                  July 2014

3.27.  "SMI Security for PKIX SCVP Basic Validation Policy Errors"

   Within the SMI-numbers registry, an "SMI Security for PKIX SCVP Basic
   Validation Policy Errors (" table with three
   columns has been added:

      Decimal  Description                     References
      -------  ------------------------------  ---------------------
      1        id-bvae-expired                 [RFC5055]
      2        id-bvae-not-yet-valid           [RFC5055]
      3        id-bvae-wrongTrustAnchor        [RFC5055]
      4        id-bvae-noValidCertPath         [RFC5055]
      5        id-bvae-revoked                 [RFC5055]
      9        id-bvae-invalidKeyPurpose       [RFC5055]
      10       id-bvae-invalidKeyUsage         [RFC5055]
      11       id-bvae-invalidCertPolicy       [RFC5055]
      12       id-bvae-invalidName             Reserved and Obsolete
      13       id-bvae-invalidEntity           Reserved and Obsolete
      14       id-bvae-invalidPathDepth        Reserved and Obsolete

   Future updates to this table are to be made according to the
   Specification Required policy as defined in [RFC5226].

3.28.  "SMI Security for PKIX SCVP Distinguished Name Validation Policy
       Errors" Registry

   Within the SMI-numbers registry, an "SMI Security for PKIX SCVP
   Distinguished Name Validation Policy Errors ("
   table with three columns has been added:

      Decimal  Description                     References
      -------  ------------------------------  ----------

   Note: This table is currently empty.

   Future updates to this table are to be made according to the
   Specification Required policy as defined in [RFC5226].

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RFC 7299                    PKIX OID Registry                  July 2014

3.29.  "SMI Security for PKIX Other Logotype Identifiers" Registry

   Within the SMI-numbers registry, an "SMI Security for PKIX Other
   Logotype Identifiers (" table with three columns has
   been added:

      Decimal  Description                     References
      -------  ------------------------------  ----------
      1        id-logo-loyalty                 [RFC3709]
      2        id-logo-background              [RFC3709]
      3        id-logo-certImage               [RFC6170]

   Future updates to this table are to be made according to the
   Specification Required policy as defined in [RFC5226].

3.30.  "SMI Security for PKIX Proxy Certificate Policy Languages"

   Within the SMI-numbers registry, an "SMI Security for PKIX Proxy
   Certificate Policy Languages (" table with three
   columns has been added:

      Decimal  Description                     References
      -------  ------------------------------  ----------
      0        id-ppl-anyLanguage              [RFC3820]
      1        id-ppl-inheritAll               [RFC3820]
      2        id-ppl-independent              [RFC3820]

   Future updates to this table are to be made according to the
   Specification Required policy as defined in [RFC5226].

3.31.  "SMI Security for PKIX Proxy Matching Rules" Registry

   Within the SMI-numbers registry, an "SMI Security for PKIX Proxy
   Matching Rules (" table with three columns has been

      Decimal  Description                     References
      -------  ------------------------------  ---------------------
      1        id-mr-pkix-alphanum-ids         Reserved and Obsolete

   Future updates to this table are to be made according to the
   Specification Required policy as defined in [RFC5226].

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RFC 7299                    PKIX OID Registry                  July 2014

3.32.  "SMI Security for PKIX Subject Key Identifier Semantics" Registry

   Within the SMI-numbers registry, an "SMI Security for PKIX Subject
   Key Identifier Semantics (" table with three columns
   has been added:

      Decimal  Description                     References
      -------  ------------------------------  ---------------------
      1        id-skis-keyHash                 Reserved and Obsolete
      2        id-skis-4BitKeyHash             Reserved and Obsolete
      3        id-skis-keyInfoHash             Reserved and Obsolete

   Future updates to this table are to be made according to the
   Specification Required policy as defined in [RFC5226].

3.33.  "SMI Security for PKIX Access Descriptor" Registry

   Within the SMI-numbers registry, an "SMI Security for PKIX Access
   Descriptor (" table with three columns has been

      Decimal  Description                     References
      -------  ------------------------------  ---------------------
      1        id-ad-ocsp                      [RFC2459]
      2        id-ad-caIssuers                 [RFC2459]
      3        id-ad-timestamping              [RFC3161]
      4        id-ad-dvcs                      [RFC3029]
      5        id-ad-caRepository              [RFC3280]
      6        id-ad-http-certs                [RFC4387]
      7        id-ad-http-crls                 [RFC4387]
      8        id-ad-xkms                      Reserved and Obsolete
      9        id-ad-signedObjectRepository    Reserved and Obsolete
      10       id-ad-rpkiManifest              [RFC6487]
      11       id-ad-signedObject              [RFC6487]
      12       id-ad-cmc                       [RFC6402]

   Note: id-ad-ocsp is also known as id-pkix-ocsp.

   Future updates to this table are to be made according to the
   Specification Required policy as defined in [RFC5226].

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RFC 7299                    PKIX OID Registry                  July 2014

3.34.  "SMI Security for PKIX Online Certificate Status Protocol (OCSP)"

   Within the SMI-numbers registry, an "SMI Security for PKIX Online
   Certificate Status Protocol (OCSP) (" table with
   three columns has been added:

      Decimal  Description                     References
      -------  ------------------------------  ----------
      1        id-pkix-ocsp-basic              [RFC2560]
      2        id-pkix-ocsp-nonce              [RFC2560]
      3        id-pkix-ocsp-crl                [RFC2560]
      4        id-pkix-ocsp-response           [RFC2560]
      5        id-pkix-ocsp-nocheck            [RFC2560]
      6        id-pkix-ocsp-archive-cutoff     [RFC2560]
      7        id-pkix-ocsp-service-locator    [RFC2560]
      8        id-pkix-ocsp-pref-sig-algs      [RFC6277]
      9        id-pkix-ocsp-extended-revoke    [RFC6960]

   Future updates to this table are to be made according to the
   Specification Required policy as defined in [RFC5226].

4.  Security Considerations

   This document populates an IANA registry, and it raises no new
   security considerations.  The protocols that specify these values
   include the security considerations associated with their usage.

   The id-pe-nsa certificate extension should not appear in any
   certificate that is used on the public Internet.

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RFC 7299                    PKIX OID Registry                  July 2014

5.  References

5.1.  Normative References

   [ASN1-08]  International Telecommunication Union, "Abstract Syntax
              Notation One (ASN.1): Specification of basic notation",
              ITU-T Recommendation X.680, November 2008.

   [ASN1-88]   International Telephone and Telegraph Consultative
              Committee, "Specification of Abstract Syntax Notation One
              (ASN.1)", CCITT Recommendation X.208, 1988.

   [ASN1-97]  International Telecommunication Union, "Abstract Syntax
              Notation One (ASN.1): Specification of basic notation",
              ITU-T Recommendation X.680, 1997.

   [RFC5226]  Narten, T. and H. Alvestrand, "Guidelines for Writing an
              IANA Considerations Section in RFCs", BCP 26, RFC 5226,
              May 2008.

5.2.  Informative References

   [Err3860]  RFC Errata, Errata ID 3860, RFC 6402,

   [Abley]    Abley, J., Schlyter, J., and G. Bailey, "DNSSEC Trust
              Anchor Publication for the Root Zone", Work in Progress,
              June 2014.

   [BGPSEC]   Reynolds, M., Turner, S., and S. Kent, "A Profile for
              BGPSEC Router Certificates, Certificate Revocation Lists,
              and Certification Requests", Work in Progress, March 2014.

   [RFC2459]  Housley, R., Ford, W., Polk, W., and D. Solo, "Internet
              X.509 Public Key Infrastructure Certificate and CRL
              Profile", RFC 2459, January 1999.

   [RFC2510]  Adams, C. and S. Farrell, "Internet X.509 Public Key
              Infrastructure Certificate Management Protocols",
              RFC 2510, March 1999.

   [RFC2511]  Myers, M., Adams, C., Solo, D., and D. Kemp, "Internet
              X.509 Certificate Request Message Format", RFC 2511,
              March 1999.

Housley                       Informational                    [Page 25]

RFC 7299                    PKIX OID Registry                  July 2014

   [RFC2528]  Housley, R. and W. Polk, "Internet X.509 Public Key
              Infrastructure Representation of Key Exchange Algorithm
              (KEA) Keys in Internet X.509 Public Key Infrastructure
              Certificates", RFC 2528, March 1999.

   [RFC2560]  Myers, M., Ankney, R., Malpani, A., Galperin, S., and C.
              Adams, "X.509 Internet Public Key Infrastructure Online
              Certificate Status Protocol - OCSP", RFC 2560, June 1999.

   [RFC2797]  Myers, M., Liu, X., Schaad, J., and J. Weinstein,
              "Certificate Management Messages over CMS", RFC 2797,
              April 2000.

   [RFC2875]  Prafullchandra, H. and J. Schaad, "Diffie-Hellman
              Proof-of-Possession Algorithms", RFC 2875, July 2000.

   [RFC3029]  Adams, C., Sylvester, P., Zolotarev, M., and R.
              Zuccherato, "Internet X.509 Public Key Infrastructure Data
              Validation and Certification Server Protocols", RFC 3029,
              February 2001.

   [RFC3039]  Santesson, S., Polk, W., Barzin, P., and M. Nystrom,
              "Internet X.509 Public Key Infrastructure Qualified
              Certificates Profile", RFC 3039, January 2001.

   [RFC3161]  Adams, C., Cain, P., Pinkas, D., and R. Zuccherato,
              "Internet X.509 Public Key Infrastructure Time-Stamp
              Protocol (TSP)", RFC 3161, August 2001.

   [RFC3279]  Bassham, L., Polk, W., and R. Housley, "Algorithms and
              Identifiers for the Internet X.509 Public Key
              Infrastructure Certificate and Certificate Revocation List
              (CRL) Profile", RFC 3279, April 2002.

   [RFC3280]  Housley, R., Polk, W., Ford, W., and D. Solo, "Internet
              X.509 Public Key Infrastructure Certificate and
              Certificate Revocation List (CRL) Profile", RFC 3280,
              April 2002.

   [RFC3281]  Farrell, S. and R. Housley, "An Internet Attribute
              Certificate Profile for Authorization", RFC 3281,
              April 2002.

   [RFC3709]  Santesson, S., Housley, R., and T. Freeman, "Internet
              X.509 Public Key Infrastructure: Logotypes in X.509
              Certificates", RFC 3709, February 2004.

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RFC 7299                    PKIX OID Registry                  July 2014

   [RFC3739]  Santesson, S., Nystrom, M., and T. Polk, "Internet X.509
              Public Key Infrastructure: Qualified Certificates
              Profile", RFC 3739, March 2004.

   [RFC3770]  Housley, R. and T. Moore, "Certificate Extensions and
              Attributes Supporting Authentication in Point-to-Point
              Protocol (PPP) and Wireless Local Area Networks (WLAN)",
              RFC 3770, May 2004.

   [RFC3779]  Lynn, C., Kent, S., and K. Seo, "X.509 Extensions for IP
              Addresses and AS Identifiers", RFC 3779, June 2004.

   [RFC3820]  Tuecke, S., Welch, V., Engert, D., Pearlman, L., and M.
              Thompson, "Internet X.509 Public Key Infrastructure (PKI)
              Proxy Certificate Profile", RFC 3820, June 2004.

   [RFC3920]  Saint-Andre, P., Ed., "Extensible Messaging and Presence
              Protocol (XMPP): Core", RFC 3920, October 2004.

   [RFC4043]  Pinkas, D. and T. Gindin, "Internet X.509 Public Key
              Infrastructure Permanent Identifier", RFC 4043, May 2005.

   [RFC4055]  Schaad, J., Kaliski, B., and R. Housley, "Additional
              Algorithms and Identifiers for RSA Cryptography for use in
              the Internet X.509 Public Key Infrastructure Certificate
              and Certificate Revocation List (CRL) Profile", RFC 4055,
              June 2005.

   [RFC4059]  Linsenbardt, D., Pontius, S., and A. Sturgeon, "Internet
              X.509 Public Key Infrastructure Warranty Certificate
              Extension", RFC 4059, May 2005.

   [RFC4108]  Housley, R., "Using Cryptographic Message Syntax (CMS) to
              Protect Firmware Packages", RFC 4108, August 2005.

   [RFC4210]  Adams, C., Farrell, S., Kause, T., and T. Mononen,
              "Internet X.509 Public Key Infrastructure Certificate
              Management Protocol (CMP)", RFC 4210, September 2005.

   [RFC4306]  Kaufman, C., Ed., "Internet Key Exchange (IKEv2)
              Protocol", RFC 4306, December 2005.

   [RFC4334]  Housley, R. and T. Moore, "Certificate Extensions and
              Attributes Supporting Authentication in Point-to-Point
              Protocol (PPP) and Wireless Local Area Networks (WLAN)",
              RFC 4334, February 2006.

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   [RFC4387]  Gutmann, P., Ed., "Internet X.509 Public Key
              Infrastructure Operational Protocols: Certificate Store
              Access via HTTP", RFC 4387, February 2006.

   [RFC4476]  Francis, C. and D. Pinkas, "Attribute Certificate (AC)
              Policies Extension", RFC 4476, May 2006.

   [RFC4683]  Park, J., Lee, J., . Lee, H., Park, S., and T. Polk,
              "Internet X.509 Public Key Infrastructure Subject
              Identification Method (SIM)", RFC 4683, October 2006.

   [RFC4945]  Korver, B., "The Internet IP Security PKI Profile of
              IKEv1/ISAKMP, IKEv2, and PKIX", RFC 4945, August 2007.

   [RFC4985]  Santesson, S., "Internet X.509 Public Key Infrastructure
              Subject Alternative Name for Expression of Service Name",
              RFC 4985, August 2007.

   [RFC5055]  Freeman, T., Housley, R., Malpani, A., Cooper, D., and W.
              Polk, "Server-Based Certificate Validation Protocol
              (SCVP)", RFC 5055, December 2007.

   [RFC5272]  Schaad, J. and M. Myers, "Certificate Management over CMS
              (CMC)", RFC 5272, June 2008.

   [RFC5275]  Turner, S., "CMS Symmetric Key Management and
              Distribution", RFC 5275, June 2008.

   [RFC5276]  Wallace, C., "Using the Server-Based Certificate
              Validation Protocol (SCVP) to Convey Long-Term Evidence
              Records", RFC 5276, August 2008.

   [RFC5415]  Calhoun, P., Ed., Montemurro, M., Ed., and D. Stanley,
              Ed., "Control And Provisioning of Wireless Access Points
              (CAPWAP) Protocol Specification", RFC 5415, March 2009.

   [RFC5480]  Turner, S., Brown, D., Yiu, K., Housley, R., and T. Polk,
              "Elliptic Curve Cryptography Subject Public Key
              Information", RFC 5480, March 2009.

   [RFC5697]  Farrell, S., "Other Certificates Extension", RFC 5697,
              November 2009.

   [RFC5755]  Farrell, S., Housley, R., and S. Turner, "An Internet
              Attribute Certificate Profile for Authorization",
              RFC 5755, January 2010.

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   [RFC5912]  Hoffman, P. and J. Schaad, "New ASN.1 Modules for the
              Public Key Infrastructure Using X.509 (PKIX)", RFC 5912,
              June 2010.

   [RFC5913]  Turner, S. and S. Chokhani, "Clearance Attribute and
              Authority Clearance Constraints Certificate Extension",
              RFC 5913, June 2010.

   [RFC5915]  Turner, S. and D. Brown, "Elliptic Curve Private Key
              Structure", RFC 5915, June 2010.

   [RFC5924]  Lawrence, S. and V. Gurbani, "Extended Key Usage (EKU) for
              Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) X.509 Certificates",
              RFC 5924, June 2010.

   [RFC5934]  Housley, R., Ashmore, S., and C. Wallace, "Trust Anchor
              Management Protocol (TAMP)", RFC 5934, August 2010.

   [RFC5940]  Turner, S. and R. Housley, "Additional Cryptographic
              Message Syntax (CMS) Revocation Information Choices",
              RFC 5940, August 2010.

   [RFC6010]  Housley, R., Ashmore, S., and C. Wallace, "Cryptographic
              Message Syntax (CMS) Content Constraints Extension",
              RFC 6010, September 2010.

   [RFC6170]  Santesson, S., Housley, R., Bajaj, S., and L. Rosenthol,
              "Internet X.509 Public Key Infrastructure -- Certificate
              Image", RFC 6170, May 2011.

   [RFC6187]  Igoe, K. and D. Stebila, "X.509v3 Certificates for Secure
              Shell Authentication", RFC 6187, March 2011.

   [RFC6268]  Schaad, J. and S. Turner, "Additional New ASN.1 Modules
              for the Cryptographic Message Syntax (CMS) and the Public
              Key Infrastructure Using X.509 (PKIX)", RFC 6268,
              July 2011.

   [RFC6277]  Santesson, S. and P. Hallam-Baker, "Online Certificate
              Status Protocol Algorithm Agility", RFC 6277, June 2011.

   [RFC6402]  Schaad, J., "Certificate Management over CMS (CMC)
              Updates", RFC 6402, November 2011.

   [RFC6484]  Kent, S., Kong, D., Seo, K., and R. Watro, "Certificate
              Policy (CP) for the Resource Public Key Infrastructure
              (RPKI)", BCP 173, RFC 6484, February 2012.

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   [RFC6487]  Huston, G., Michaelson, G., and R. Loomans, "A Profile for
              X.509 PKIX Resource Certificates", RFC 6487,
              February 2012.

   [RFC6494]  Gagliano, R., Krishnan, S., and A. Kukec, "Certificate
              Profile and Certificate Management for SEcure Neighbor
              Discovery (SEND)", RFC 6494, February 2012.

   [RFC6664]  Schaad, J., "S/MIME Capabilities for Public Key
              Definitions", RFC 6664, July 2012.

   [RFC6955]  Schaad, J. and H. Prafullchandra, "Diffie-Hellman
              Proof-of-Possession Algorithms", RFC 6955, May 2013.

   [RFC6960]  Santesson, S., Myers, M., Ankney, R., Malpani, A.,
              Galperin, S., and C. Adams, "X.509 Internet Public Key
              Infrastructure Online Certificate Status Protocol - OCSP",
              RFC 6960, June 2013.

   [RFC7169]  Turner, S., "The NSA (No Secrecy Afforded) Certificate
              Extension", RFC 7169, April 1 2014.

   [RFC7229]  Housley, R., "Object Identifiers for Test Certificate
              Policies", RFC 7229, May 2014.


   Many thanks to Lynne Bartholomew, David Cooper, Jim Schaad, and Sean
   Turner for their careful review and comments.

Author's Address

   Russ Housley
   918 Spring Knoll Drive
   Herndon, VA  20170


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