Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF)                     M. Venkatesan
Request for Comments: 7453                                     Dell Inc.
Category: Standards Track                                     K. Sampath
ISSN: 2070-1721                                                   Redeem
                                                               S. Aldrin
                                                     Huawei Technologies
                                                               T. Nadeau
                                                           February 2015

       MPLS Transport Profile (MPLS-TP) Traffic Engineering (TE)
                   Management Information Base (MIB)


   This memo defines a portion of the Management Information Base (MIB)
   for use with network management protocols in the Internet community.
   In particular, it describes additional managed objects and textual
   conventions for tunnels, identifiers, and Label Switching Routers to
   support Multiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS) MIB modules for
   transport networks.

Status of This Memo

   This is an Internet Standards Track document.

   This document is a product of the Internet Engineering Task Force
   (IETF).  It represents the consensus of the IETF community.  It has
   received public review and has been approved for publication by the
   Internet Engineering Steering Group (IESG).  Further information on
   Internet Standards is available in Section 2 of RFC 5741.

   Information about the current status of this document, any errata,
   and how to provide feedback on it may be obtained at

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RFC 7453                       MPLS-TP MIB                 February 2015

Copyright Notice

   Copyright (c) 2015 IETF Trust and the persons identified as the
   document authors.  All rights reserved.

   This document is subject to BCP 78 and the IETF Trust's Legal
   Provisions Relating to IETF Documents
   ( in effect on the date of
   publication of this document.  Please review these documents
   carefully, as they describe your rights and restrictions with respect
   to this document.  Code Components extracted from this document must
   include Simplified BSD License text as described in Section 4.e of
   the Trust Legal Provisions and are provided without warranty as
   described in the Simplified BSD License.

Table of Contents

   1. Introduction ....................................................4
   2. The Internet-Standard Management Framework ......................5
   3. Overview ........................................................5
      3.1. Conventions Used in This Document ..........................5
      3.2. Terminology ................................................6
      3.3. Acronyms ...................................................6
   4. Motivations .....................................................6
   5. Feature List ....................................................7
   6. Outline .........................................................7
      6.1. MIB Module Extensions ......................................8
           6.1.1. Summary of MIB Module Changes .......................8
      6.2. MPLS-TE-EXT-STD-MIB ........................................9
           6.2.1. mplsTunnelExtNodeConfigTable ........................9
           6.2.2. mplsTunnelExtNodeIpMapTable .........................9
           6.2.3. mplsTunnelExtNodeIccMapTable .......................10
           6.2.4. mplsTunnelExtTable .................................10
      6.3. MPLS-TC-EXT-STD-MIB .......................................10
      6.4. MPLS-ID-STD-MIB ...........................................10
      6.5. MPLS-LSR-EXT-STD-MIB ......................................11
      6.6. The Use of RowPointer .....................................11
   7. MIB Modules' Interdependencies .................................11
   8. Dependencies between MIB Module Tables .........................13
   9. Example of MPLS-TP Tunnel Setup ................................13
      9.1. Example of MPLS-TP Static Co-routed Bidirectional
           Tunnel Setup ..............................................15
           9.1.1. mplsTunnelEntry ....................................15
           9.1.2. mplsTunnelExtEntry .................................16
           9.1.3. Forward-Direction mplsOutSegmentEntry ..............16
           9.1.4. Reverse-Direction mplsInSegmentEntry ...............16
           9.1.5. Forward-Direction mplsXCEntry ......................17
           9.1.6. Reverse-Direction mplsXCEntry ......................17

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           9.1.7. Forward-Direction mplsXCExtEntry ...................18
           9.1.8. Reverse-Direction mplsXCExtEntry ...................18
      9.2. Example of MPLS-TP Static Associated Bidirectional
           Tunnel Setup ..............................................18
           9.2.1. Forward-Direction mplsTunnelEntry ..................18
           9.2.2. Forward-Direction mplsTunnelExtEntry ...............19
           9.2.3. Forward-Direction mplsOutSegmentTable ..............20
           9.2.4. Forward-Direction mplsXCEntry ......................20
           9.2.5. Forward-Direction mplsXCExtEntry ...................20
           9.2.6. Reverse-Direction mplsTunnelEntry ..................21
           9.2.7. Reverse-Direction mplsTunnelExtEntry ...............22
           9.2.8. Reverse-Direction mplsInSegmentEntry ...............22
           9.2.9. Reverse-Direction mplsXCEntry ......................22
           9.2.10. Reverse-Direction mplsXCExtEntry ..................23
      9.3. Example of MPLS-TP Signaled Co-routed
           Bidirectional Tunnel Setup ................................23
           9.3.1. mplsTunnelEntry ....................................23
           9.3.2. mplsTunnelExtEntry .................................24
           9.3.3. Forward-Direction mplsOutSegmentEntry ..............24
           9.3.4. Reverse-Direction mplsInSegmentEntry ...............25
           9.3.5. Forward-Direction mplsXCEntry ......................25
           9.3.6. Reverse-Direction mplsXCEntry ......................25
           9.3.7. Forward-Direction mplsXCExtEntry ...................25
           9.3.8. Reverse-Direction mplsXCExtEntry ...................25
   10. MPLS Textual Convention Extension MIB Definitions .............26
   11. MPLS Identifier MIB Definitions ...............................29
   12. MPLS LSR Extension MIB Definitions ............................34
   13. MPLS Tunnel Extension MIB Definitions .........................39
   14. Security Considerations .......................................57
   15. IANA Considerations ...........................................58
      15.1. IANA Considerations for MPLS-TC-EXT-STD-MIB ..............58
      15.2. IANA Considerations for MPLS-ID-STD-MIB ..................58
      15.3. IANA Considerations for MPLS-LSR-EXT-STD-MIB .............58
      15.4. IANA Considerations for MPLS-TE-EXT-STD-MIB ..............59
   16. References ....................................................59
      16.1. Normative References .....................................59
      16.2. Informative References ...................................60
   Acknowledgments ...................................................62
   Authors' Addresses ................................................62

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1.  Introduction

   This memo defines a portion of the Management Information Base (MIB)
   for use with network management protocols in the Internet community.
   In particular, it describes additional textual conventions and
   managed objects for tunnels, identifiers, and Label Switching Routers
   to support Multiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS) MIB modules for
   transport networks.  MIB modules defined in this document extend the
   existing MPLS MIB objects in such a way that they support the MPLS
   Transport Profile (MPLS-TP) but also other MPLS networks.  Hence,
   "MPLS-TP" is not included in the MIB module names.

   As described in the MPLS Traffic Engineering (TE) MIB definition
   [RFC3812], MPLS traffic engineering is concerned with the creation
   and management of MPLS tunnels.  This term is a shorthand for a
   combination of one or more LSPs linking an ingress and an egress LSR.
   Several types of point-to-point MPLS tunnels may be constructed
   between a pair of LSRs A and B:

      - Unidirectional with a single LSP (say, from A to B).

      - Associated bidirectional consisting of two separately routed
        LSPs, one linking A to B and the other linking B to A.
        Together, the pair provides a single logical bidirectional
        transport path.

      - Co-routed bidirectional consisting of an associated
        bidirectional tunnel but with the second LSP from B to A
        following the reverse of the path of the LSP from A to B, in
        terms of both nodes and links.

   Tunnels may be either statically configured by management action or
   dynamically created using an LSP management protocol.

   The existing MPLS TE MIB [RFC3812] and the GMPLS TE MIB [RFC4802]
   address only a subset of the combinations of statically and
   dynamically configured tunnel types, catering to statically
   configured unidirectional tunnels together with dynamically
   configured unidirectional and co-routed bidirectional tunnels.  They
   are also restricted to two endpoint LSRs identified by IP addresses.

   The MPLS-TP TE MIB defined in this document extends the MIB modules
   defined in [RFC3812] to cover all six combinations (that is, adding
   support for statically configured associated and co-routed
   bidirectional plus dynamically configured associated bidirectional
   tunnels).  It also extends support to endpoints that have identifiers
   other than IP addresses.

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   This support is provided by a suite of four MIB modules that are to
   be used in conjunction with the MIB modules defined in [RFC3812] and
   the companion document [RFC3813] for MPLS-TP tunnel management.

   At the time of writing, SNMP SET is no longer recommended as a way to
   configure MPLS networks as described in [RFC3812].  However, since
   the MIB modules specified in this document extend and are intended to
   work in parallel with the MIB modules for MPLS specified in
   [RFC3812], certain objects defined here are specified with MAX-ACCESS
   of read-write or read-create so that specifications of the base
   tables in [RFC3812] and the extensions in this document are
   consistent.  Although the examples described in Section 9 specify
   means to configure MPLS-TP Tunnels in a similar way to the examples
   in [RFC3812], this should be seen as indicating how the MIB values
   would be returned if the specified circumstances were configured by
   alternative means.

2.  The Internet-Standard Management Framework

   For a detailed overview of the documents that describe the current
   Internet-Standard Management Framework, please refer to section 7 of
   RFC 3410 [RFC3410].

   Managed objects are accessed via a virtual information store, termed
   the Management Information Base or MIB.  MIB objects are generally
   accessed through the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP).
   Objects in the MIB are defined using the mechanisms defined in the
   Structure of Management Information (SMI).  This memo specifies a MIB
   module that is compliant to the SMIv2, which is described in STD 58,
   RFC 2578 [RFC2578], STD 58, RFC 2579 [RFC2579] and STD 58, RFC 2580

3.  Overview

3.1.  Conventions Used in This Document

   The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT",
   "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in

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3.2.  Terminology

   This document uses terminology from the "Multiprotocol Label
   Switching Architecture" [RFC3031], "Multiprotocol Label Switching
   (MPLS) Traffic Engineering (TE) Management Information Base (MIB)"
   [RFC3812], "Multiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS) Label Switching
   Router (LSR) Management Information Base (MIB)" [RFC3813], and"MPLS
   Transport Profile (MPLS-TP) Identifiers" [RFC6370].

3.3.  Acronyms

   CC: Country Code
   ICC: ITU Carrier Code
   LSP: Label Switched Path
   LSR: Label Switching Router
   MPLS-TP: MPLS Transport Profile
   TE: Traffic Engineering
   TP: Transport Profile

4.  Motivations

   "Multiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS) Traffic Engineering (TE)
   Management Information Base (MIB)" [RFC3812] provides support for
   Traffic Engineering tunnels.  In MPLS, the actual transport of
   packets is provided by Label Switched Paths (LSPs).  A transport
   service may be composed of multiple LSPs.  In order to clearly
   identify the MPLS-TP service, as defined in [RFC6370], we use the
   term "MPLS-TP Tunnel" or simply "tunnel".  However, with MPLS-TP, the
   characteristics of the tunnels were enhanced.  For example, MPLS-TP
   Tunnels are bidirectional in nature and could be used with non-IP
   identifiers for the tunnel endpoints.  As the existing
   MPLS-TE-STD-MIB and GMPLS-TE-STD-MIB were defined mainly to support
   unidirectional tunnels and signaled co-routed bidirectional tunnel
   definitions, respectively, these existing MIB modules are not
   sufficient to capture all the characteristics of the tunnels.  Hence,
   enhancing the MIB modules to support MPLS-TP Tunnels is required.  As
   most of the attributes of MPLS Traffic Engineering tunnels are also
   applicable to MPLS-TP Tunnels, it is optimal to reuse and extend the
   existing MIB module definition instead of defining a new MIB module.

   This document defines four additional MIB modules, namely,
   MPLS-LSR-EXT-STD-MIB.  As these additional MIB modules are required
   for MPLS-TP functionality, these are all defined in this document,
   instead of being documented separately.

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5.  Feature List

   The MIBs in this document satisfy the following requirements and

   The MIB modules, taken together, support statically configured and
   dynamically signaled point-to-point, co-routed bidirectional and
   associated bidirectional tunnels.

      - The MPLS tunnels need not be interfaces, but it is possible to
        configure an MPLS-TP Tunnel as an interface.  The same ifType
        150, as defined in Section 8 of [RFC3812], will be used for
        MPLS-TP Tunnels as well.

      - The mplsTunnelTable [RFC3812] is also to be used for MPLS-TP

      - New MPLS-TP-specific textual conventions and identifiers are

      - The mplsTunnelTable is sparsely extended to support objects
        specific to MPLS-TP Tunnels.

      - A node configuration table (mplsTunnelExtNodeConfigTable), as
        detailed in Section 6.2.1, below, is used to translate the
        Global_ID::Node_ID or ICC_Operator_ID::Node_ID to the local
        identifier in order to index the mplsTunnelTable.

      - The mplsXCTable is sparsely extended to support objects specific
        to MPLS-TP XC (Cross Connect).

      - The MIB module supports persistent, as well as non-persistent,

6.  Outline

   Traffic Engineering support for the MPLS-TP Tunnels requires the
   setup of the co-routed or associated bidirectional tunnel.  The
   tables and MIB modules that are mentioned in the below subsections
   support the functionality described in [RFC5654] and [RFC6370].
   These tables support both IP-compatible and ICC-based tunnel

   Figure 1, below, depicts how the table references are followed in
   this MIB.

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             ^ ^      | |               |
             | |      | |-->InSeg1      |
             | |      | |-->OutSeg1     |
             | |      v                 |
             |  ------XCext1            |
             |         |                |
             V         v                |
            Tunnel2-->XC1               |
               ^      | |               |
               |      | |-->InSeg2      |
               |      | |-->OutSeg2     |
               |      v                 |

                 Figure 1: Table References of MIB Modules

6.1.  MIB Module Extensions

   Four MIB modules are extended to support MPLS-TP Tunnels, namely,
   MPLS-LSR-EXT-STD-MIB.  The following section provides the summary of

6.1.1.  Summary of MIB Module Changes

   - Node configuration table (mplsTunnelExtNodeConfigTable) for setting
     the local identifier for Tunnel Ingress and Egress identifiers.

   - Node IP map table (mplsTunnelExtNodeIpMapTable) for querying the
     local identifier for a given Global_ID and Node_ID.

   - Node ICC map table (mplsTunnelExtNodeIccMapTable) for querying the
     local identifier for a given ICC_Operator_ID and Node_ID.

   - Tunnel extension table (mplsTunnelExtTable) for setting up MPLS-TP
     Tunnels with sparse extension of mplsTunnelTable.

   - Textual conventions and object definitions for MPLS-TP Tunnels.

   - Cross-connect extension table (mplsXCExtTable) for setting up the
     MPLS-TP LSPs.

     These tables are described in the subsequent sections.

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     The TE MIB module extensions and details of the tables are
     described in the following sections.

6.2.1.  mplsTunnelExtNodeConfigTable

   The mplsTunnelExtNodeConfigTable is used to assign a local identifier
   for a given ICC_Operator_ID::Node_ID or Global_ID::Node_ID
   combination as defined in [RFC6923] and [RFC6370], respectively.  The
   CC is a string of two characters, each being an uppercase Basic Latin
   alphabetic (i.e., A-Z).  The ICC is a string of one to six
   characters, each an uppercase Basic Latin alphabetic (i.e., A-Z) or
   numeric (i.e., 0-9).  All of the characters are encoded using [T.50]
   as described in [RFC6370].

   In the IP-compatible mode, Global_ID::Node_ID, is used to uniquely
   identify a node.  For each ICC_Operator_ID::Node_ID or
   Global_ID::Node_ID, there is a unique entry in the table representing
   a node.  As the regular TE tunnels use the IP address as the LSR ID,
   the local identifier should be below the first valid IP address,
   which is 16777216[].  Every node is assigned a local
   identifier within a range of 0 to 16777215.  This local identifier is
   used for indexing into mplsTunnelTable as mplsTunnelIngressLSRId and

   For IP-compatible environments, an MPLS-TP Tunnel is indexed by
   Tunnel Index, Tunnel Instance, Source Global_ID, Source Node_ID,
   Destination Global_ID, and Destination Node_ID.

   For ICC-based environments, an MPLS-TP Tunnel is indexed by Tunnel
   Index, Tunnel Instance, Source CC, Source ICC, Source Node_ID,
   Destination CC, Destination ICC, and Destination Node_ID.

   As mplsTunnelTable is indexed by mplsTunnelIndex, mplsTunnelInstance,
   mplsTunnelIngressLSRId, and mplsTunnelEgressLSRId, the MPLS-TP tunnel
   identifiers cannot be used directly.

   The mplsTunnelExtNodeConfigTable will be used to store an entry for
   ICC_Operator_ID::Node_ID or Global_ID::Node_ID with a local
   identifier to be used as the LSR ID in mplsTunnelTable.

6.2.2.  mplsTunnelExtNodeIpMapTable

   The read-only mplsTunnelExtNodeIpMapTable is used to query the local
   identifier assigned and stored in mplsTunnelExtNodeConfigTable for a
   given Global_ID::Node_ID.  In order to query the local identifier, in

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   the IP-compatible mode, this table is indexed with
   Global_ID::Node_ID.  In the IP-compatible mode for a TP tunnel,
   Global_ID::Node_ID is used.

   A separate query is made to get the local identifier of both Ingress
   and Egress Global_ID::Node_ID identifiers.  These local identifiers
   are used as mplsTunnelIngressLSRId and mplsTunnelEgressLSRId when
   indexing mplsTunnelTable.

6.2.3.  mplsTunnelExtNodeIccMapTable

   The read-only mplsTunnelExtNodeIccMapTable is used to query the local
   identifier assigned and stored in the mplsTunnelExtNodeConfigTable
   for a given ICC_Operator_ID::Node_ID.

   A separate query is made to get the local identifier of both Ingress
   and Egress ICC_Operator_ID::Node_ID.  These local identifiers are
   used as mplsTunnelIngressLSRId and mplsTunnelEgressLSRId when
   indexing mplsTunnelTable.

6.2.4.  mplsTunnelExtTable

   This table sparsely extends the mplsTunnelTable in order to support
   MPLS-TP Tunnels with additional objects.  All the additional
   attributes specific to supporting a TP tunnel are contained in this
   extended table and could be accessed with the mplsTunnelTable

   The gmplsTunnelReversePerfTable [RFC4802] should be used to provide
   per-tunnel packet performance information for the reverse direction
   of a bidirectional tunnel.  It can be seen as supplementing the
   mplsTunnelPerfTable, which augments the mplsTunnelTable.


   This MIB module contains textual conventions for LSPs of MPLS-based
   transport networks.


   This MIB module contains identifier object definitions for MPLS
   Traffic Engineering in transport networks.

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   This MIB module contains generic object definitions (including the
   mplsXCExtTable -- cross-connect extension table -- for setting up the
   MPLS-TP LSPs with sparse extension of mplsXCTable) for MPLS LSRs in
   transport networks.

6.6.  The Use of RowPointer

   This document follows the RowPointer usage as described in Section 10
   of [RFC3812].

   A new RowPointer object, mplsTunnelExtOppositeDirPtr, is added to
   mplsTunnelExtTable of MPLS-TE-EXT-STD-MIB module.  This RowPointer
   object points to the tunnel entry in the opposite direction.

   Two additional RowPointers objects, mplsXCExtTunnelPointer and
   mplsXCExtOppositeDirXCPtr, are added to the mplsXCExtTable of
   MPLS-LSR-EXT-STD-MIB.  The RowPointer mplsXCExtTunnelPointer is a
   read-only object used to indicate the back pointer to the tunnel
   entry.  The RowPointer mplsXCExtOppositeDirXCPtr object points to the
   opposite-direction XC entry.

   If either of these RowPointers return zeroDotZero, it implies that
   there is no entry associated with the RowPointer object.

7.  MIB Modules' Interdependencies

   This section provides an overview of the relationships between the
   MPLS-TP TE MIB module and other MPLS MIB modules.

   The arrows in the following diagram show a "depends on" relationship.
   A relationship of "MIB module A depends on MIB module B" means that
   MIB module A uses an object, object identifier, or textual convention
   defined in MIB module B, or that MIB module A contains a pointer
   (index or RowPointer) to an object in MIB module B.

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          +<---- MPLS-ID-STD-MIB
          |             |
          +<---- MPLS-TE-EXT-STD-MIB
          |             |
          |             V
          |      MPLS-TE-STD-MIB
          |             |
          |             |
          |             V
          |      MPLS-LSR-STD-MIB
          |             ^
          |             |
          |             |

       Figure 2: MIB Modules' Interdependencies


      - All the new MPLS extension MIB modules depend on

      - MPLS-ID-STD-MIB contains references to objects in
        MPLS-TE-STD-MIB [RFC3812].

      - MPLS-TE-EXT-STD-MIB contains references to objects in
        MPLS-TE-STD-MIB [RFC3812].

      - MPLS-LSR-EXT-STD-MIB contains references to objects in
        MPLS-LSR-STD-MIB [RFC3813].

   The mplsTunnelExtTable sparsely extends the mplsTunnelTable of
   MPLS-TE-STD-MIB [RFC3812].  This helps in associating the reverse-
   direction tunnel information.

   The mplsXCExtTable sparsely extends the mplsXCTable of
   MPLS-LSR-STD-MIB [RFC3813].  This helps in pointing back to the
   tunnel entry for easy tunnel access from the XC entry.

   Note that all of the MIB modules shown above in the figure also have
   a dependency on MPLS-TC-STD-MIB.

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8.  Dependencies between MIB Module Tables

   The tables in MPLS-TE-EXT-STD-MIB are related as shown on the diagram
   below.  The arrows indicate a reference from one table to another.

              ^          ^       ^
              |          |       |
              |          |       |
              |          |       |
              |          |       +----------------------+
              |          |                              |
              | mplsTunnelExtNodeIpMapTable mplsTunnelExtNodeIccMapTable
              |              mplsXCExtTable
              |               |      ^
              |     +---------+      |
              |     |                |
              |     |                |
              |     V                V
         mplsTunnelTable ---->mplsXCTable

     Figure 3: Dependencies between MIB Module Tables

   An existing mplsTunnelTable uses the mplsTunnelExtNodeConfigTable
   table to map the Global_ID::Node_ID and/or ICC_Operator_ID::Node_ID
   with the local number in order to accommodate in the existing tunnel
   table's ingress/egress LSR ID.

   The new mplsTunnelExtTable provides the reverse-direction LSP
   information for the existing tunnel table so that bidirectional LSPs
   can be created.

   The mplsXCExtTable sparsely extends the mplsLsrXCTable to provide
   backward reference to tunnel entry.

9.  Example of MPLS-TP Tunnel Setup

   In this section, we provide an example of configuring MPLS-TP
   bidirectional tunnels with IP tunnel identifiers.  This example
   provides the usage of the MPLS-TP Tunnel MIB along with the extended
   MIB modules introduced in this document.

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   Do note that a MPLS-TP Tunnel could be set up statically as well as
   signaled via the control plane.  This example considers accessing MIB
   objects on a head-end for static and signaled MPLS-TP Tunnels.  This
   section shows the configuration of the forward- and reverse-direction
   MPLS-TP LSPs that run between East and West, and vice versa.  Only
   objects relevant to MPLS-TP Tunnels are illustrated here.

   In mplsTunnelExtNodeConfigTable:

   -- Non-IP Ingress LSR_ID (Index to the table)

     mplsTunnelExtNodeConfigLocalId              = 1,

     mplsTunnelExtNodeConfigGlobalId             = 1234,
     mplsTunnelExtNodeConfigNodeId               = 10,
   -- Mandatory parameters needed to activate the row go here
     mplsTunnelExtNodeConfigRowStatus         = createAndGo (4)

   -- Non-IP Egress LSR ID (Index to the table)
     mplsTunnelExtNodeConfigLocalId              = 2,
     mplsTunnelExtNodeConfigGlobalId             = 1234,
     mplsTunnelExtNodeConfigNodeId               = 20,
   -- Mandatory parameters needed to activate the row go here
     mplsTunnelExtNodeConfigRowStatus         = createAndGo (4)

   This will create an entry in the mplsTunnelExtNodeConfigTable for a
   Global_ID::Node_ID.  The Ingress and Egress LSR are represented by
   separate entries.

   The following read-only mplsTunnelExtNodeIpMapTable table is
   populated automatically upon creating an entry in
   mplsTunnelExtNodeConfigTable, and this table is used to retrieve the
   local identifier for the given Global_ID::Node_ID.

   In mplsTunnelExtNodeIpMapTable:

   -- Global_ID (Index to the table)
     mplsTunnelExtNodeIpMapGlobalId             = 1234,
   -- Node Identifier (Index to the table)
     mplsTunnelExtNodeIpMapNodeId               = 10,
     mplsTunnelExtNodeIpMapLocalId              = 1

   -- Global_ID (Index to the table)
     mplsTunnelExtNodeIpMapGlobalId             = 1234,

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   -- Node Identifier (Index to the table)
     mplsTunnelExtNodeIpMapNodeId               = 20,
     mplsTunnelExtNodeIpMapLocalId              = 2

9.1.  Example of MPLS-TP Static Co-routed Bidirectional Tunnel Setup

   The following denotes the co-routed bidirectional tunnel "head"

9.1.1.  mplsTunnelEntry

     In mplsTunnelTable:

     mplsTunnelIndex              = 1,
     mplsTunnelInstance           = 1,
   -- Local map number created in mplsTunnelExtNodeConfigTable for
   -- Ingress LSR ID
     mplsTunnelIngressLSRId       = 1,

   -- Local map number created in mplsTunnelExtNodeConfigTable for
   -- Egress LSR ID
     mplsTunnelEgressLSRId        = 2,
     mplsTunnelName               = "TP co-routed bidirectional LSP",
     mplsTunnelDescr              = "East to West",
     mplsTunnelIsIf               = true (1),
   --  RowPointer MUST point to the first accessible column
     mplsTunnelXCPointer          =
     mplsTunnelSignallingProto    = none (1),
     mplsTunnelSetupPrio          = 0,
     mplsTunnelHoldingPrio        = 0,
     mplsTunnelSessionAttributes  = 0,
     mplsTunnelLocalProtectInUse  = false (0),
   --  RowPointer MUST point to the first accessible column
     mplsTunnelResourcePointer    = mplsTunnelResourceMaxRate.5,
     mplsTunnelInstancePriority   = 1,
     mplsTunnelHopTableIndex      = 1,
     mplsTunnelIncludeAnyAffinity = 0,
     mplsTunnelIncludeAllAffinity = 0,
     mplsTunnelExcludeAnyAffinity = 0,
     mplsTunnelRole               = head (1),
   -- Mandatory parameters needed to activate the row go here
     mplsTunnelRowStatus          = createAndGo (4)

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RFC 7453                       MPLS-TP MIB                 February 2015

9.1.2.  mplsTunnelExtEntry

   -- An MPLS extension table
   In mplsTunnelExtTable:
     -- This opposite-direction tunnel pointer may point to 0.0
     -- if co-routed bidirectional tunnel is managed by single tunnel
     -- entry
     mplsTunnelExtOppositeDirTnlPtr       = 0.0
     -- Set both the Ingress and Egress LocalId objects to TRUE, as
     -- this tunnel entry uses the local identifiers.
     mplsTunnelExtIngressLSRLocalIdValid  = true,
     mplsTunnelExtEgressLSRLocalIdValid = true

   Next, we must create the appropriate in-segment and out-segment
   entries.  These are done in [RFC3813] using the mplsInSegmentTable
   and mplsOutSegmentTable.

9.1.3.  Forward-Direction mplsOutSegmentEntry

   For the forward direction:

   In mplsOutSegmentTable:
      mplsOutSegmentIndex          = 0x0000001,
      mplsOutSegmentInterface      = 13, -- outgoing interface
      mplsOutSegmentPushTopLabel   = true(1),
      mplsOutSegmentTopLabel       = 22, -- outgoing label

      -- RowPointer MUST point to the first accessible column.
      mplsOutSegmentTrafficParamPtr   = 0.0,
      mplsOutSegmentRowStatus         = createAndGo (4)

9.1.4.  Reverse-Direction mplsInSegmentEntry

     For the reverse direction:

   In mplsInSegmentTable:
      mplsInSegmentIndex           = 0x0000001
      mplsInSegmentLabel           = 21, -- incoming label
      mplsInSegmentNPop            = 1,
      mplsInSegmentInterface       = 13, -- incoming interface

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RFC 7453                       MPLS-TP MIB                 February 2015

      -- RowPointer MUST point to the first accessible column.
      mplsInSegmentTrafficParamPtr    = 0.0,
      mplsInSegmentRowStatus          = createAndGo (4)

   Next, two cross-connect entries are created in the mplsXCTable of the
   MPLS-LSR-STD-MIB [RFC3813], thereby associating the newly created
   segments together.

9.1.5.  Forward-Direction mplsXCEntry

   In mplsXCTable:
      mplsXCIndex                = 0x01,
      mplsXCInSegmentIndex       = 0x00000000,
      mplsXCOutSegmentIndex      = 0x00000001,
      mplsXCLspId                = 0x0102 -- unique ID

      -- only a single outgoing label
      mplsXCLabelStackIndex      = 0x00,
      mplsXCRowStatus            = createAndGo(4)


9.1.6.  Reverse-Direction mplsXCEntry

   In mplsXCTable:
      mplsXCIndex                = 0x01,
      mplsXCInSegmentIndex       = 0x00000001,
      mplsXCOutSegmentIndex      = 0x00000000,
      mplsXCLspId                = 0x0102 -- unique ID
      -- only a single outgoing label
      mplsXCLabelStackIndex      = 0x00,
      mplsXCRowStatus            = createAndGo(4)

   This table entry is extended by an entry in the mplsXCExtTable.  Note
   that the nature of the 'extends' relationship is a sparse
   augmentation so that the entry in the mplsXCExtTable has the same
   index values as the entry in the mplsXCTable.

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RFC 7453                       MPLS-TP MIB                 February 2015

9.1.7.  Forward-Direction mplsXCExtEntry

   In mplsXCExtTable (0x01, 0x00000000, 0x00000001)
     -- Back pointer from XC table to Tunnel table
     mplsXCExtTunnelPointer         = mplsTunnelName.
     mplsXCExtOppositeDirXCPtr         =

9.1.8.  Reverse-Direction mplsXCExtEntry

   Next, for the reverse direction:

   In mplsXCExtTable (0x01, 0x00000001, 0x00000000)
     -- Back pointer from XC table to Tunnel table
     mplsXCExtTunnelPointer         = mplsTunnelName.
     mplsXCExtOppositeDirXCPtr         =

9.2.  Example of MPLS-TP Static Associated Bidirectional Tunnel Setup

   The MPLS-TP associated bidirectional tunnel is implemented by two
   different unidirectional tunnels (Forward and Reverse LSPs), and
   these are associated together using mplsTunnelExtTable.  Two
   different tunnel entries to provide the forward and reverse
   directions MAY be used for co-routed bidirectional tunnels as well.

   The following denotes the associated bidirectional forward tunnel
   "head" entry:

9.2.1.  Forward-Direction mplsTunnelEntry

     In mplsTunnelTable:

     mplsTunnelIndex              = 1,
     mplsTunnelInstance           = 1,
   -- Local map number created in mplsTunnelExtNodeConfigTable for
   -- Ingress LSR ID
     mplsTunnelIngressLSRId       = 1,

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RFC 7453                       MPLS-TP MIB                 February 2015

   -- Local map number created in mplsTunnelExtNodeConfigTable for
   -- Egress LSR ID
     mplsTunnelEgressLSRId        = 2,
     mplsTunnelName               = "TP associated bidirectional
                                     forward LSP",
     mplsTunnelDescr              = "East to West",
     mplsTunnelIsIf               = true (1),
   --  RowPointer MUST point to the first accessible column
     mplsTunnelXCPointer          =
     mplsTunnelSignallingProto    = none (1),
     mplsTunnelSetupPrio          = 0,
     mplsTunnelHoldingPrio        = 0,
     mplsTunnelSessionAttributes  = 0,
     mplsTunnelLocalProtectInUse  = false (0),
   --  RowPointer MUST point to the first accessible column
     mplsTunnelResourcePointer    = mplsTunnelResourceMaxRate.5,
     mplsTunnelInstancePriority   = 1,
     mplsTunnelHopTableIndex      = 1,
     mplsTunnelIncludeAnyAffinity = 0,

     mplsTunnelIncludeAllAffinity = 0,
     mplsTunnelExcludeAnyAffinity = 0,
     mplsTunnelRole               = head (1),
   -- Mandatory parameters needed to activate the row go here
     mplsTunnelRowStatus          = createAndGo (4)

9.2.2.  Forward-Direction mplsTunnelExtEntry

   For the associated bidirectional forward LSP,
   in mplsTunnelExtTable:

     mplsTunnelExtOppositeDirPtr       = mplsTunnelName.
    -- Set both the Ingress and Egress LocalId objects to TRUE, as
    -- this tunnel entry uses the local identifiers.
     mplsTunnelExtIngressLSRLocalIdValid  = true,
     mplsTunnelExtEgressLSRLocalIdValid = true

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RFC 7453                       MPLS-TP MIB                 February 2015

9.2.3.  Forward-Direction mplsOutSegmentTable

   For the forward direction:

   In mplsOutSegmentTable:
      mplsOutSegmentIndex          = 0x0000001,
      mplsOutSegmentInterface      = 13, -- outgoing interface
      mplsOutSegmentPushTopLabel   = true(1),
      mplsOutSegmentTopLabel       = 22, -- outgoing label

      -- RowPointer MUST point to the first accessible column.
      mplsOutSegmentTrafficParamPtr   = 0.0,
      mplsOutSegmentRowStatus         = createAndGo (4)

9.2.4.  Forward-Direction mplsXCEntry

   In mplsXCTable:
      mplsXCIndex                = 0x01,
      mplsXCInSegmentIndex       = 0x00000000,
      mplsXCOutSegmentIndex      = 0x00000001,
      mplsXCLspId                = 0x0102 -- unique ID
      -- only a single outgoing label
      mplsXCLabelStackIndex      = 0x00,
      mplsXCRowStatus            = createAndGo(4)

9.2.5.  Forward-Direction mplsXCExtEntry

   In mplsXCExtTable (0x01, 0x00000000, 0x00000001)
     -- Back pointer from XC table to Tunnel table
     mplsXCExtTunnelPointer         = mplsTunnelName.
     mplsXCExtOppositeDirXCPtr         =

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RFC 7453                       MPLS-TP MIB                 February 2015

9.2.6.  Reverse-Direction mplsTunnelEntry

   The following denotes the configured associated bidirectional reverse
   tunnel "tail" entry:

       In mplsTunnelTable:

     mplsTunnelIndex              = 2,
     mplsTunnelInstance           = 1,
   -- Local map number created in mplsTunnelExtNodeConfigTable for
   -- Ingress LSR ID
     mplsTunnelIngressLSRId       = 2,
   -- Local map number created in mplsTunnelExtNodeConfigTable for
   -- Egress LSR ID
     mplsTunnelEgressLSRId        = 1,
     mplsTunnelName               = "TP associated bidirectional
                                     reverse LSP",
     mplsTunnelDescr              = "West to East",
     mplsTunnelIsIf               = true (1),
   --  RowPointer MUST point to the first accessible column
     mplsTunnelXCPointer          =
     mplsTunnelSignallingProto    = none (1),
     mplsTunnelSetupPrio          = 0,
     mplsTunnelHoldingPrio        = 0,
     mplsTunnelSessionAttributes  = 0,
     mplsTunnelLocalProtectInUse  = false (0),

   --  RowPointer MUST point to the first accessible column
     mplsTunnelResourcePointer    = mplsTunnelResourceMaxRate.5,
     mplsTunnelInstancePriority   = 1,
     mplsTunnelHopTableIndex      = 1,
     mplsTunnelIncludeAnyAffinity = 0,
     mplsTunnelIncludeAllAffinity = 0,
     mplsTunnelExcludeAnyAffinity = 0,
     mplsTunnelRole               = head (1),
   -- Mandatory parameters needed to activate the row go here

     mplsTunnelRowStatus          = createAndGo (4)

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RFC 7453                       MPLS-TP MIB                 February 2015

9.2.7.  Reverse-Direction mplsTunnelExtEntry

   For the associated bidirectional reverse LSP,
   in mplsTunnelExtTable:

     mplsTunnelExtOppositeDirPtr       = mplsTunnelName.
     -- Set both the Ingress and Egress LocalId objects to TRUE, as
     -- this tunnel entry uses the local identifiers.
     mplsTunnelExtIngressLSRLocalIdValid  = true,
     mplsTunnelExtEgressLSRLocalIdValid = true

9.2.8.  Reverse-Direction mplsInSegmentEntry

   Next, we must create the appropriate in-segment and out-segment
   entries.  These are done in [RFC3813] using the mplsInSegmentTable
   and mplsOutSegmentTable.

   In mplsInSegmentTable:
      mplsInSegmentIndex           = 0x0000001
      mplsInSegmentLabel           = 21, -- incoming label
      mplsInSegmentNPop            = 1,
      mplsInSegmentInterface       = 13, -- incoming interface

      -- RowPointer MUST point to the first accessible column.
      mplsInSegmentTrafficParamPtr    = 0.0,
      mplsInSegmentRowStatus          = createAndGo (4)

   Next, two cross-connect entries are created in the mplsXCTable of the
   MPLS-LSR-STD-MIB [RFC3813], thereby associating the newly created
   segments together.

9.2.9.  Reverse-Direction mplsXCEntry

   In mplsXCTable:
      mplsXCIndex                = 0x01,
      mplsXCInSegmentIndex       = 0x00000001,
      mplsXCOutSegmentIndex      = 0x00000000,
      mplsXCLspId                = 0x0102 -- unique ID
      -- only a single outgoing label
      mplsXCLabelStackIndex      = 0x00,

      mplsXCRowStatus            = createAndGo(4)

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RFC 7453                       MPLS-TP MIB                 February 2015

   This table entry is extended by an entry in the mplsXCExtTable.  Note
   that the nature of the 'extends' relationship is a sparse
   augmentation so that the entry in the mplsXCExtTable has the same
   index values as the entry in the mplsXCTable.

9.2.10.  Reverse-Direction mplsXCExtEntry

   Next, for the reverse direction:

   In mplsXCExtTable (0x01, 0x00000001, 0x00000000)
     -- Back pointer from XC table to Tunnel table
     mplsXCExtTunnelPointer         = mplsTunnelName.
     mplsXCExtOppositeDirXCPtr         =

9.3.  Example of MPLS-TP Signaled Co-routed Bidirectional Tunnel Setup

   The following denotes the co-routed bidirectional tunnel "head"
   entry.  In intermediate and tail-end nodes, the tunnel table and its
   associated tables are created by the local management subsystem
   (e.g., agent) when the MPLS-TP Tunnel is signaled successfully.
   Refer to [RFC3812] and [RFC4802] for examples of signaled tunnel
   table configuration.

9.3.1.  mplsTunnelEntry

     In mplsTunnelTable:

     mplsTunnelIndex              = 1,
     mplsTunnelInstance           = 0,
   -- Local map number created in mplsTunnelExtNodeConfigTable for
   -- Ingress LSR-Id.  For the intermediate and tail-end nodes,
   -- the local management entity is expected to pick the first
   -- available local identifier that is not used in mplsTunnelTable.
     mplsTunnelIngressLSRId       = 1,

   -- Local map number created in mplsTunnelExtNodeConfigTable for
   -- Egress LSR ID
     mplsTunnelEgressLSRId        = 2,
     mplsTunnelName               = "TP co-routed bidirectional LSP",
     mplsTunnelDescr              = "East to West",
     mplsTunnelIsIf               = true (1),

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RFC 7453                       MPLS-TP MIB                 February 2015

   --  RowPointer MUST point to the first accessible column
     mplsTunnelXCPointer          =
     mplsTunnelSignallingProto    = none (1),
     mplsTunnelSetupPrio          = 0,
     mplsTunnelHoldingPrio        = 0,
     mplsTunnelSessionAttributes  = 0,
     mplsTunnelLocalProtectInUse  = false (0),
   --  RowPointer MUST point to the first accessible column
     mplsTunnelResourcePointer    = mplsTunnelResourceMaxRate.5,
     mplsTunnelInstancePriority   = 1,
     mplsTunnelHopTableIndex      = 1,
     mplsTunnelIncludeAnyAffinity = 0,
     mplsTunnelIncludeAllAffinity = 0,
     mplsTunnelExcludeAnyAffinity = 0,
     mplsTunnelRole               = head (1),
   -- Mandatory parameters needed to activate the row go here
     mplsTunnelRowStatus          = createAndGo (4)

9.3.2.  mplsTunnelExtEntry

   -- An MPLS extension table
   In mplsTunnelExtTable:
     -- This opposite-direction tunnel pointer may point to 0.0
     -- if co-routed bidirectional tunnel is managed by a single
     -- tunnel entry
     mplsTunnelExtOppositeDirTnlPtr       = 0.0
     -- Set both the Ingress and Egress LocalId objects to TRUE, as
     -- this tunnel entry uses the local identifiers.
     mplsTunnelExtIngressLSRLocalIdValid  = true,
     mplsTunnelExtEgressLSRLocalIdValid = true

   Next, we must create the appropriate in-segment and out-segment
   entries.  These are done in [RFC3813] using the mplsInSegmentTable
   and mplsOutSegmentTable.

9.3.3.  Forward-Direction mplsOutSegmentEntry

   The forward-direction mplsOutSegmentTable will be populated
   automatically based on the information received from the signaling

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RFC 7453                       MPLS-TP MIB                 February 2015

9.3.4.  Reverse-Direction mplsInSegmentEntry

   The reverse-direction mplsOutSegmentTable will be populated
   automatically based on the information received from the signaling

   Next, two cross-connect entries are created in the mplsXCTable of the
   MPLS-LSR-STD-MIB [RFC3813], thereby associating the newly created
   segments together.

9.3.5.  Forward-Direction mplsXCEntry

   The forward-direction mplsXCEntry will be populated as soon as the
   forward-path label information is available.

9.3.6.  Reverse-Direction mplsXCEntry

   The reverse-direction mplsXCEntry will be populated as soon as the
   reverse-path label information is available.

   This table entry is extended by an entry in the mplsXCExtTable.  Note
   that the nature of the 'extends' relationship is a sparse
   augmentation so that the entry in the mplsXCExtTable has the same
   index values as the entry in the mplsXCTable.

9.3.7.  Forward-Direction mplsXCExtEntry

   Once the forward path information is negotiated using the signaling
   protocol, the forward-direction mplsXCExtEntry will be created for
   associating the opposite-direction XC entry and tunnel table entry.

9.3.8.  Reverse-Direction mplsXCExtEntry

   Once the reverse path information is negotiated using the signaling
   protocol, the reverse-direction mplsXCExtEntry will be created for
   associating the opposite-direction XC entry and tunnel table entry.

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RFC 7453                       MPLS-TP MIB                 February 2015

10.  MPLS Textual Convention Extension MIB Definitions


      MODULE-IDENTITY, Unsigned32
         FROM SNMPv2-SMI               -- RFC 2578

         FROM SNMPv2-TC                -- RFC 2579

         FROM MPLS-TC-STD-MIB          -- RFC 3811



         "201502020000Z" -- February 2, 2015
         "Multiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS) Working Group"
                Venkatesan Mahalingam
                Dell Inc,
                5450 Great America Parkway,
                Santa Clara, CA 95054, USA

                Kannan KV Sampath

                Sam Aldrin
                Huawei Technologies
                2330 Central Express Way,
                Santa Clara, CA 95051, USA

                Thomas D. Nadeau
         "This MIB module contains Textual Conventions for LSPs of MPLS-
          based transport networks.

Venkatesan, et al.           Standards Track                   [Page 26]

RFC 7453                       MPLS-TP MIB                 February 2015

          Copyright (c) 2015 IETF Trust and the persons identified as
          authors of the code.  All rights reserved.

          Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or
          without modification, is permitted pursuant to, and subject to
          the license terms contained in, the Simplified BSD License set
          forth in Section 4.c of the IETF Trust's Legal Provisions
          Relating to IETF Documents

      -- Revision history.

         "201502020000Z" -- February 2, 2015
           "MPLS Textual Convention Extensions"

      ::= { mplsStdMIB 17 }

      STATUS      current
           "This object contains the Textual Convention for an IP-based
            operator-unique identifier (Global_ID).  The Global_ID can
            contain the 2-octet or 4-octet value of the operator's
            Autonomous System Number (ASN).

            When the Global_ID is derived from a 2-octet ASN,
            the two high-order octets of this 4-octet identifier
            MUST be set to zero (0x00).  Further, ASN 0 is reserved.
            The size of the Global_ID string MUST be zero if
            the Global_ID is invalid.

            Note that a Global_ID of zero is limited to entities
            contained within a single operator and MUST NOT be used
            across a Network-to-Network Interface (NNI).  A non-zero
            Global_ID MUST be derived from an ASN owned by
            the operator."
           "MPLS Transport Profile (MPLS-TP) Identifiers, RFC 6370,
            Section 3"

   STATUS      current
        "The CC (Country Code) is a string of two characters, each
         being an uppercase Basic Latin alphabetic (i.e., A-Z).

Venkatesan, et al.           Standards Track                   [Page 27]

RFC 7453                       MPLS-TP MIB                 February 2015

         The characters are encoded using ITU-T Recommendation T.50.
         The size of the CC string MUST be zero if the CC identifier
         is invalid."
        "MPLS-TP Identifiers Following ITU-T Conventions,
         RFC 6923, Section 3.
         International Reference Alphabet (IRA) (Formerly
         International Alphabet No. 5 or IA5) - Information
         technology - 7-bit coded character set for information
         exchange, ITU-T Recommendation T.50, September 1992."

   STATUS      current
        "The ICC is a string of one to six characters, each
         an uppercase Basic Latin alphabetic (i.e., A-Z) or
         numeric (i.e., 0-9).  The characters are encoded
         using ITU-T Recommendation T.50.  The size of
         the ICC string MUST be zero if the ICC identifier
         is invalid."
        "MPLS-TP Identifiers Following ITU-T Conventions,
         RFC 6923, Section 3.
         International Reference Alphabet (IRA) (Formerly
         International Alphabet No. 5 or IA5) - Information
         technology - 7-bit coded character set for information
         exchange, ITU-T Recommendation T.50, September 1992."

      DISPLAY-HINT "d"
      STATUS      current
          "The Node_ID is assigned within the scope of
           the Global_ID/ICC_Operator_ID.

           When IPv4 addresses are in use, the value of this object
           can be derived from the LSR's IPv4 loopback address.
           When IPv6 addresses are in use, the value of this object
           can be a 32-bit value unique within the scope of
           a Global_ID.

           Note that, when IP reachability is not needed, the 32-bit
           Node_ID is not required to have any association
           with the IPv4 address space.  The value of 0 indicates
           an invalid Node_ID."

Venkatesan, et al.           Standards Track                   [Page 28]

RFC 7453                       MPLS-TP MIB                 February 2015

           "MPLS Transport Profile (MPLS-TP) Identifiers, RFC 6370,
            Section 4"
      SYNTAX  Unsigned32 (0|1..4294967295)

     -- MPLS-TC-EXT-STD-MIB module ends

11.  MPLS Identifier MIB Definitions


       FROM SNMPv2-SMI                                 -- RFC 2578
       FROM SNMPv2-CONF                                -- RFC 2580
       FROM MPLS-TC-STD-MIB                            -- RFC 3811
    MplsGlobalId, MplsCcId, MplsIccId, MplsNodeId

        "201502020000Z" -- February 2, 2015
       "Multiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS) Working Group"

              Venkatesan Mahalingam
              Dell Inc,
              5450 Great America Parkway,
              Santa Clara, CA 95054, USA

              Kannan KV Sampath

              Sam Aldrin
              Huawei Technologies
              2330 Central Express Way,
              Santa Clara, CA 95051, USA

Venkatesan, et al.           Standards Track                   [Page 29]

RFC 7453                       MPLS-TP MIB                 February 2015

              Thomas D. Nadeau
        "This MIB module contains identifier object definitions for
         MPLS Traffic Engineering in transport networks.

         Copyright (c) 2015 IETF Trust and the persons identified as
         authors of the code.  All rights reserved.

         Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or
         without modification, is permitted pursuant to, and subject to
         the license terms contained in, the Simplified BSD License set
         forth in Section 4.c of the IETF Trust's Legal Provisions
         Relating to IETF Documents

    -- Revision history.

        "201502020000Z" -- February 2, 2015
         "This MIB modules defines the MIB objects for MPLS-TP

    ::= { mplsStdMIB 18 }

    -- notifications
    mplsIdNotifications OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { mplsIdStdMIB 0 }
    -- tables, scalars
    mplsIdObjects       OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { mplsIdStdMIB 1 }
    -- conformance
    mplsIdConformance   OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { mplsIdStdMIB 2 }

    -- MPLS common objects

  mplsIdGlobalId OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX      MplsGlobalId
       MAX-ACCESS  read-write
       STATUS      current
           "This object allows the operator or service provider to
            assign a unique operator identifier, also called the MPLS-TP
            If this value is used in mplsTunnelExtNodeConfigGlobalId
            for mapping Global_ID::Node_ID with the local identifier,
            then this object value MUST NOT be changed."
      ::= { mplsIdObjects 1 }

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RFC 7453                       MPLS-TP MIB                 February 2015

  mplsIdNodeId OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX      MplsNodeId
       MAX-ACCESS  read-write
       STATUS      current
          "This object allows the operator or service provider to
           assign a unique MPLS-TP Node_ID.  The Node_ID is assigned
           within the scope of the Global_ID/ICC_Operator_ID.
           If this value is used in mplsTunnelExtNodeConfigNodeId
           for mapping Global_ID::Node_ID with the local identifier,
           then this object value SHOULD NOT be changed.
           If this value is used in mplsTunnelExtNodeConfigNodeId
           for mapping ICC_Operator_ID::Node_ID with the local
           identifier, then this object value MUST NOT be changed."
      ::= { mplsIdObjects 2 }

       SYNTAX      MplsCcId
       MAX-ACCESS  read-write
       STATUS      current
          "This object allows the operator or service provider to
           assign a Country Code (CC) to the node.  Global
           uniqueness of ICC is assured by concatenating the ICC
           with a Country Code (CC).
           If this value is used in mplsTunnelExtNodeConfigCcId
           for mapping ICC_Operator_ID::Node_ID with the local
           identifier, then this object value MUST NOT be changed."
           "MPLS-TP Identifiers Following ITU-T Conventions,
            RFC 6923, Section 3"
          ::= { mplsIdObjects 3 }

       SYNTAX      MplsIccId
       MAX-ACCESS  read-write
       STATUS      current
          "This object allows the operator or service provider to
           assign a unique MPLS-TP ITU-T Carrier Code (ICC) to
           the node.  Together, the CC and the ICC form
           the ICC_Operator_ID as CC::ICC.
           If this value is used in mplsTunnelExtNodeConfigIccId
           for mapping ICC_Operator_ID::Node_ID with the local
           identifier, then this object value MUST NOT be changed."
           "MPLS-TP Identifiers Following ITU-T Conventions,
            RFC 6923, Section 3"

Venkatesan, et al.           Standards Track                   [Page 31]

RFC 7453                       MPLS-TP MIB                 February 2015

          ::= { mplsIdObjects 4 }

   -- Module compliance.

     OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { mplsIdConformance 1 }

     OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { mplsIdConformance 2 }

  -- Compliance requirement for fully compliant implementations.

  mplsIdModuleFullCompliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE
     STATUS current
          "Compliance statement for agents that provide full
            support of the MPLS-ID-STD-MIB module."

     MODULE -- this module

        -- The mandatory group has to be implemented by all LSRs that
        -- originate, terminate, or act as transit for MPLS-TP Tunnels.

        GROUP mplsIdIpOperatorGroup
            "This group is mandatory for devices that support
             IP-based identifier configuration."

        GROUP mplsIdIccOperatorGroup
            "This group is mandatory for devices that support
             ICC-based identifier configuration."

         ::= { mplsIdCompliances 1 }

         -- Compliance requirement for read-only implementations.

        mplsIdModuleReadOnlyCompliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE
           STATUS current
                "Compliance statement for agents that only provide
                 read-only support for the MPLS-ID-STD-MIB module."

        MODULE -- this module

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RFC 7453                       MPLS-TP MIB                 February 2015

        GROUP mplsIdIpOperatorGroup
            "This group is mandatory for devices that support
             IP-based identifier configuration."

        GROUP mplsIdIccOperatorGroup
            "This group is mandatory for devices that support
             ICC-based identifier configuration."

        OBJECT   mplsIdGlobalId
        MIN-ACCESS  read-only
          "Write access is not required."

        OBJECT   mplsIdNodeId
        MIN-ACCESS  read-only
          "Write access is not required."

        OBJECT   mplsIdCc
        MIN-ACCESS  read-only
          "Write access is not required."

        OBJECT   mplsIdIcc
        MIN-ACCESS  read-only
          "Write access is not required."

        ::= { mplsIdCompliances 2 }

    -- Units of conformance.

        mplsIdIpOperatorGroup OBJECT-GROUP
              OBJECTS { mplsIdGlobalId,
              STATUS  current
                  "The objects in this group are optional for an
                   ICC-based node."
              ::= { mplsIdGroups 1 }

Venkatesan, et al.           Standards Track                   [Page 33]

RFC 7453                       MPLS-TP MIB                 February 2015

        mplsIdIccOperatorGroup OBJECT-GROUP
              OBJECTS { mplsIdNodeId,
              STATUS  current
                 "The objects in this group are optional for an
                  IP-based node."
              ::= { mplsIdGroups 2 }

   -- MPLS-ID-STD-MIB module ends

12.  MPLS LSR Extension MIB Definitions


         FROM SNMPv2-SMI                                 -- RFC 2578
         FROM SNMPv2-CONF                                -- RFC 2580
         FROM MPLS-TC-STD-MIB                            -- RFC 3811
         FROM SNMPv2-TC                                  -- RFC 2579
      mplsXCIndex, mplsXCInSegmentIndex, mplsXCOutSegmentIndex,
      mplsInterfaceGroup, mplsInSegmentGroup, mplsOutSegmentGroup,
      mplsXCGroup, mplsLsrNotificationGroup
         FROM MPLS-LSR-STD-MIB;                          -- RFC 3813

         "201502020000Z" -- February 2, 2015
         "Multiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS) Working Group"
                Venkatesan Mahalingam
                Dell Inc,
                5450 Great America Parkway,
                Santa Clara, CA 95054, USA

Venkatesan, et al.           Standards Track                   [Page 34]

RFC 7453                       MPLS-TP MIB                 February 2015

                Kannan KV Sampath

                Sam Aldrin
                Huawei Technologies
                2330 Central Express Way,
                Santa Clara, CA 95051, USA

                Thomas D. Nadeau
        "This MIB module contains generic object definitions for
         MPLS LSRs in transport networks.

         Copyright (c) 2015 IETF Trust and the persons identified as
         authors of the code.  All rights reserved.

         Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or
         without modification, is permitted pursuant to, and subject to
         the license terms contained in, the Simplified BSD License set
         forth in Section 4.c of the IETF Trust's Legal Provisions
         Relating to IETF Documents

      -- Revision history.

         "201502020000Z" -- February 2, 2015
           "MPLS LSR-specific MIB objects extension"

      ::= { mplsStdMIB 19 }

   -- notifications
   mplsLsrExtNotifications OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { mplsLsrExtStdMIB 0 }

   -- tables, scalars
   mplsLsrExtObjects       OBJECT IDENTIFIER
                            ::= { mplsLsrExtStdMIB 1 }
   -- conformance
   mplsLsrExtConformance   OBJECT IDENTIFIER
                            ::= { mplsLsrExtStdMIB 2 }

   -- MPLS LSR common objects

Venkatesan, et al.           Standards Track                   [Page 35]

RFC 7453                       MPLS-TP MIB                 February 2015

   mplsXCExtTable  OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX        SEQUENCE OF MplsXCExtEntry
       MAX-ACCESS    not-accessible
       STATUS        current
          "This table sparse augments the mplsXCTable of
           MPLS-LSR-STD-MIB (RFC 3813) to provide MPLS-TP-specific
           information about associated tunnel information"
          "Multiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS) Label Switching
           Router (LSR) Management Information Base (MIB), RFC 3813."
   ::= { mplsLsrExtObjects 1 }

   mplsXCExtEntry  OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX        MplsXCExtEntry
       MAX-ACCESS    not-accessible

       STATUS        current
          "An entry in this table sparsely extends the cross-connect
           information represented by an entry in
           the mplsXCTable in MPLS-LSR-STD-MIB (RFC 3813) through
           a sparse augmentation.  An entry can be created by
           a network operator via SNMP SET commands or in
           response to signaling protocol events."
          "Multiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS) Label Switching
           Router (LSR) Management Information Base (MIB), RFC 3813."

     INDEX { mplsXCIndex, mplsXCInSegmentIndex,
           mplsXCOutSegmentIndex }
    ::= { mplsXCExtTable 1 }

   MplsXCExtEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
      mplsXCExtTunnelPointer        RowPointer,
      mplsXCExtOppositeDirXCPtr     RowPointer

   mplsXCExtTunnelPointer OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX        RowPointer
       MAX-ACCESS    read-only
       STATUS        current
          "This read-only object indicates the back pointer to
           the tunnel entry segment.
           The only valid value for Tunnel Pointer is
           mplsTunnelTable entry."

Venkatesan, et al.           Standards Track                   [Page 36]

RFC 7453                       MPLS-TP MIB                 February 2015

          "Multiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS) Label Switching
           Router (LSR) Management Information Base (MIB), RFC 3813."
    ::= { mplsXCExtEntry 1 }

   mplsXCExtOppositeDirXCPtr OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX        RowPointer
       MAX-ACCESS    read-create
       STATUS        current
          "This object indicates the pointer to the opposite-
           direction XC entry.  This object cannot be modified if
           mplsXCRowStatus for the corresponding entry in the
           mplsXCTable is active(1).  If this pointer is not set or
           removed, mplsXCOperStatus should be set to down(2)."
          "Multiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS) Label Switching
           Router (LSR) Management Information Base (MIB), RFC 3813."
    ::= { mplsXCExtEntry 2 }

       OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { mplsLsrExtConformance 1 }

       OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { mplsLsrExtConformance 2 }

    -- Compliance requirement for fully compliant implementations.

    mplsLsrExtModuleFullCompliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE
        STATUS current
           "Compliance statement for agents that provide full support
            for MPLS-LSR-EXT-STD-MIB.
            The mandatory group has to be implemented by all LSRs
            that originate, terminate, or act as transit for
            In addition, depending on the type of tunnels supported,
            other groups become mandatory as explained below."



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RFC 7453                       MPLS-TP MIB                 February 2015

     MODULE -- this module


     ::= { mplsLsrExtCompliances 1 }

    -- Compliance requirement for implementations that provide
    -- read-only access.

     mplsLsrExtModuleReadOnlyCompliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE
       STATUS current
          "Compliance requirement for implementations that only
           provide read-only support for MPLS-LSR-EXT-STD-MIB.
           Such devices can then be monitored but cannot be
           configured using this MIB module."



     MODULE -- this module

     GROUP mplsXCExtReadOnlyObjectsGroup
           "This group is mandatory for devices that support
            opposite-direction XC configuration of tunnels."

     -- mplsXCExtTable
          OBJECT mplsXCExtOppositeDirXCPtr
          MIN-ACCESS   read-only
              "Write access is not required.
               This object indicates the pointer to the opposite-
               direction XC entry.  The only valid value for XC
               Pointer is mplsXCTable entry."
          ::= { mplsLsrExtCompliances 2 }

     -- Units of conformance.

Venkatesan, et al.           Standards Track                   [Page 38]

RFC 7453                       MPLS-TP MIB                 February 2015

     mplsXCExtGroup  OBJECT-GROUP
     OBJECTS {
     STATUS  current
         "This object should be supported in order to access
         the tunnel entry from the XC entry."
     ::= { mplsLsrExtGroups 1 }

     mplsXCExtReadOnlyObjectsGroup OBJECT-GROUP
     OBJECTS {
     STATUS  current
         "This Object is needed to associate the opposite-direction
         (forward/reverse) XC entry."
     ::= { mplsLsrExtGroups 2 }

    -- MPLS-LSR-EXT-STD-MIB module ends

13.  MPLS Tunnel Extension MIB Definitions

   This MIB module imports from [RFC2578], [RFC2579], [RFC2580],
   [RFC3289], [RFC3811], and [RFC3812].


         FROM SNMPv2-SMI                               -- RFC 2578
         FROM SNMPv2-CONF                              -- RFC 2580
      TruthValue, RowStatus, RowPointer, StorageType
         FROM SNMPv2-TC                                -- RFC 2579
         FROM DIFFSERV-MIB                             -- RFC 3289
      MplsGlobalId, MplsNodeId, MplsCcId, MplsIccId
      mplsStdMIB, MplsTunnelIndex, MplsTunnelInstanceIndex,
         FROM MPLS-TC-STD-MIB                          -- RFC 3811
      mplsTunnelIndex, mplsTunnelInstance, mplsTunnelIngressLSRId,

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RFC 7453                       MPLS-TP MIB                 February 2015

         FROM MPLS-TE-STD-MIB                          -- RFC 3812

         "201502020000Z" -- February 2, 2015
         "Multiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS) Working Group"
                Venkatesan Mahalingam
                Dell Inc,
                5450 Great America Parkway,
                Santa Clara, CA 95054, USA

                Kannan KV Sampath

                Sam Aldrin
                Huawei Technologies
                2330 Central Express Way,
                Santa Clara, CA 95051, USA

                Thomas D. Nadeau
        "This MIB module contains generic object definitions for
         extending the MPLS Traffic Engineering tunnels in transport

         Copyright (c) 2015 IETF Trust and the persons identified as
         authors of the code.  All rights reserved.

         Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or
         without modification, is permitted pursuant to, and subject to
         the license terms contained in, the Simplified BSD License set
         forth in Section 4.c of the IETF Trust's Legal Provisions
         Relating to IETF Documents

Venkatesan, et al.           Standards Track                   [Page 40]

RFC 7453                       MPLS-TP MIB                 February 2015

      -- Revision history.

       "201502020000Z" -- February 2, 2015

           "MPLS TE MIB objects extension"

      ::= { mplsStdMIB 20 }

   -- Top-level components of this MIB module.

   -- tables, scalars
   mplsTeExtObjects       OBJECT IDENTIFIER
                                    ::= { mplsTeExtStdMIB 0 }
   -- conformance
   mplsTeExtConformance   OBJECT IDENTIFIER
                                    ::= { mplsTeExtStdMIB 1 }

  -- Start of MPLS Transport Profile Node configuration table

  mplsTunnelExtNodeConfigLocalIdNext OBJECT-TYPE
   SYNTAX        IndexIntegerNextFree (0..16777215)
   MAX-ACCESS    read-only
   STATUS        current
      "This object contains an unused value for
       mplsTunnelExtNodeConfigLocalId, or a zero to indicate
       that none exist.  Negative values are not allowed,
       as they do not correspond to valid values of
    ::= { mplsTeExtObjects 1 }

    mplsTunnelExtNodeConfigTable OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX        SEQUENCE OF MplsTunnelExtNodeConfigEntry
     MAX-ACCESS    not-accessible
     STATUS        current
       "This table allows the operator to map a node or
        LSR identifier (IP-compatible [Global_ID::Node_ID] or
        ICC-based [ICC_Operator_ID::Node_ID]) with a local

        This table is created to reuse the existing
        mplsTunnelTable for MPLS-based transport network
        tunnels also.

Venkatesan, et al.           Standards Track                   [Page 41]

RFC 7453                       MPLS-TP MIB                 February 2015

        Since the MPLS tunnel's Ingress/Egress LSR identifiers'
        size (Unsigned32) value is not compatible for
        MPLS-TP Tunnel, i.e., Global_ID::Node_ID of size 8 bytes and
        ICC_Operator_ID::Node_ID of size 12 bytes, there exists a
        need to map the Global_ID::Node_ID or ICC_Operator_ID::Node_ID
        with the local identifier of size 4 bytes (Unsigned32) value
        in order to index (Ingress/Egress LSR identifier)
        the existing mplsTunnelTable."

     ::= { mplsTeExtObjects 2 }

    mplsTunnelExtNodeConfigEntry OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX        MplsTunnelExtNodeConfigEntry
     MAX-ACCESS    not-accessible
     STATUS        current
        "An entry in this table represents a mapping
        identification for the operator or service provider
        to a node or an LSR.

        As per RFC 6370, IP-compatible mapping is represented
        as Global_ID::Node_ID.

        As per RFC 6923, the CC and the ICC form the ICC_Operator_ID
        as CC::ICC, and ICC-compatible mapping is represented
        as ICC_Operator_ID::Node_ID.

        Note: Each entry in this table should have a unique
        [Global_ID and Node_ID] or [CC::ICC and Node_ID] combination."
        INDEX { mplsTunnelExtNodeConfigLocalId }
        ::= { mplsTunnelExtNodeConfigTable 1 }

    MplsTunnelExtNodeConfigEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
          mplsTunnelExtNodeConfigLocalId     MplsExtendedTunnelId,
          mplsTunnelExtNodeConfigGlobalId    MplsGlobalId,
          mplsTunnelExtNodeConfigCcId        MplsCcId,
          mplsTunnelExtNodeConfigIccId       MplsIccId,
          mplsTunnelExtNodeConfigNodeId      MplsNodeId,
          mplsTunnelExtNodeConfigIccValid    TruthValue,
          mplsTunnelExtNodeConfigStorageType StorageType,
          mplsTunnelExtNodeConfigRowStatus   RowStatus


    mplsTunnelExtNodeConfigLocalId  OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX        MplsExtendedTunnelId
       MAX-ACCESS    not-accessible
       STATUS        current

Venkatesan, et al.           Standards Track                   [Page 42]

RFC 7453                       MPLS-TP MIB                 February 2015

         "This object is used in accommodating the bigger-
          size Global_ID::Node_ID and/or the ICC_Operator_ID::Node_ID
          with the smaller-size LSR identifier in order to index
          the mplsTunnelTable.

          The local identifier is configured between 0 and 16777215,
          as the valid IP address range starts from
          This range is chosen to determine whether the
          mplsTunnelTable's Ingress/Egress LSR ID is an IP address or
          local identifier.  If the configured range is not an
          IP address, the operator is expected to retrieve the
          complete information (Global_ID::Node_ID or
          ICC_Operator_ID::Node_ID) from mplsTunnelExtNodeConfigTable.
          This way, the existing mplsTunnelTable is reused for
          bidirectional tunnel extensions for MPLS-based transport

          The local identifier allows the operator to assign
          a unique identifier to map Global_ID::Node_ID and/or
          ICC_Operator_ID::Node_ID.  As this local identifier is unique
          within the node and the same syntax of this object can be
          used for MPLS-TE tunnel also, it is up to the operator/local
          management entity to choose a non-conflicting value for
          indexing the MPLS and MPLS-TP tunnel entries."
       ::= { mplsTunnelExtNodeConfigEntry 1 }

    mplsTunnelExtNodeConfigGlobalId  OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX        MplsGlobalId
       MAX-ACCESS    read-create
       STATUS        current
         "This object indicates the Global Operator Identifier.
          This object has no meaning when
          mplsTunnelExtNodeConfigIccValid is set true."
             "MPLS Transport Profile (MPLS-TP) Identifiers, RFC 6370,
              Section 3."
       ::= { mplsTunnelExtNodeConfigEntry 2 }

    mplsTunnelExtNodeConfigCcId OBJECT-TYPE
         SYNTAX      MplsCcId
         MAX-ACCESS  read-create
         STATUS      current

Venkatesan, et al.           Standards Track                   [Page 43]

RFC 7453                       MPLS-TP MIB                 February 2015

            "This object allows the operator or service provider to
             configure a unique MPLS-TP ITU-T Country Code (CC)
             either for Ingress ID or Egress ID.

             This object has no meaning when
             mplsTunnelExtNodeConfigIccValid is set to false."
               "MPLS-TP Identifiers Following ITU-T Conventions,
               RFC 6923, Section 3"
       ::= { mplsTunnelExtNodeConfigEntry 3 }

       mplsTunnelExtNodeConfigIccId OBJECT-TYPE
            SYNTAX      MplsIccId
            MAX-ACCESS  read-create
            STATUS      current
               "This object allows the operator or service provider to
                configure a unique MPLS-TP ITU-T Carrier Code (ICC)
                either for Ingress ID or Egress ID.

                This object has no meaning when
                mplsTunnelExtNodeConfigIccValid is set to false."
               "MPLS-TP Identifiers Following ITU-T Conventions,
                RFC 6923, Section 3"
       ::= { mplsTunnelExtNodeConfigEntry 4 }

       mplsTunnelExtNodeConfigNodeId  OBJECT-TYPE
          SYNTAX        MplsNodeId
          MAX-ACCESS    read-create
          STATUS        current
             "This object indicates the Node_ID within the scope
              of a Global_ID or ICC_Operator_ID."
              "MPLS Transport Profile (MPLS-TP) Identifiers, RFC 6370,
               Section 4."
          ::= { mplsTunnelExtNodeConfigEntry 5 }

       mplsTunnelExtNodeConfigIccValid  OBJECT-TYPE
          SYNTAX        TruthValue
          MAX-ACCESS    read-create
          STATUS        current
             "Denotes whether or not this entry uses
              mplsTunnelExtNodeConfigIccId, and

Venkatesan, et al.           Standards Track                   [Page 44]

RFC 7453                       MPLS-TP MIB                 February 2015

              mplsTunnelExtNodeConfigNodeId for mapping
              the ICC-based identifiers with the local identifier.
              Note that if this variable is set to false, then the
              mplsTunnelExtNodeConfigGlobalId and
              mplsTunnelExtNodeConfigNodeId objects should have
              the valid information."
          DEFVAL { false }
            ::= { mplsTunnelExtNodeConfigEntry 6 }

       mplsTunnelExtNodeConfigStorageType OBJECT-TYPE
          SYNTAX        StorageType
          MAX-ACCESS    read-create
          STATUS        current
           "This variable indicates the storage type for this
            Conceptual rows having the value 'permanent'
            need not allow write-access to any columnar
            objects in the row."
          DEFVAL { volatile }
          ::= { mplsTunnelExtNodeConfigEntry 7 }

    mplsTunnelExtNodeConfigRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX        RowStatus
       MAX-ACCESS    read-create
       STATUS        current
          "This object allows the operator to create, modify,
           and/or delete a row in this table."
       ::= { mplsTunnelExtNodeConfigEntry 8 }

   -- End of MPLS Transport Profile Node configuration table

   -- Start of MPLS Transport Profile Node IP-compatible
   -- mapping table

  mplsTunnelExtNodeIpMapTable OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX        SEQUENCE OF MplsTunnelExtNodeIpMapEntry

     MAX-ACCESS    not-accessible
     STATUS        current
         "This read-only table allows the operator to retrieve
          the local identifier for a given Global_ID::Node_ID in an
          IP-compatible operator environment.
          This table MAY be used in on-demand and/or proactive
          OAM operations to get the Ingress/Egress LSR identifier

Venkatesan, et al.           Standards Track                   [Page 45]

RFC 7453                       MPLS-TP MIB                 February 2015

          (local identifier) from Src-Global_Node_ID
          or Dst-Global_Node_ID.  The Ingress and Egress LSR
          identifiers are used to retrieve the tunnel entry.

          This table returns nothing when the associated entry
          is not defined in mplsTunnelExtNodeConfigTable."
     ::= { mplsTeExtObjects 3 }

    mplsTunnelExtNodeIpMapEntry OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX        MplsTunnelExtNodeIpMapEntry
     MAX-ACCESS    not-accessible
     STATUS        current
           "An entry in this table represents a mapping of
            Global_ID::Node_ID with the local identifier.

            An entry in this table is created automatically when
            the local identifier is associated with Global_ID and
            Node_Id in the mplsTunnelExtNodeConfigTable.

            Note: Each entry in this table should have a unique
            Global_ID and Node_ID combination."
      INDEX { mplsTunnelExtNodeIpMapGlobalId,
      ::= { mplsTunnelExtNodeIpMapTable 1 }

    MplsTunnelExtNodeIpMapEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
          mplsTunnelExtNodeIpMapGlobalId    MplsGlobalId,
          mplsTunnelExtNodeIpMapNodeId      MplsNodeId,
          mplsTunnelExtNodeIpMapLocalId     MplsExtendedTunnelId

    mplsTunnelExtNodeIpMapGlobalId  OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX        MplsGlobalId
       MAX-ACCESS    not-accessible
       STATUS        current
         "This object indicates the Global_ID."
       ::= { mplsTunnelExtNodeIpMapEntry 1 }

    mplsTunnelExtNodeIpMapNodeId  OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX        MplsNodeId
       MAX-ACCESS    not-accessible
       STATUS        current

Venkatesan, et al.           Standards Track                   [Page 46]

RFC 7453                       MPLS-TP MIB                 February 2015

         "This object indicates the Node_ID within the
       ::= { mplsTunnelExtNodeIpMapEntry 2 }

    mplsTunnelExtNodeIpMapLocalId  OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX        MplsExtendedTunnelId
       MAX-ACCESS    read-only
       STATUS        current
         "This object contains an IP-compatible local identifier
          that is defined in mplsTunnelExtNodeConfigTable."
       ::= { mplsTunnelExtNodeIpMapEntry 3 }

    -- End MPLS Transport Profile Node IP compatible table

    -- Start of MPLS Transport Profile Node ICC based table

    mplsTunnelExtNodeIccMapTable OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX        SEQUENCE OF MplsTunnelExtNodeIccMapEntry
     MAX-ACCESS    not-accessible
     STATUS        current
        "This read-only table allows the operator to retrieve
         the local identifier for a given ICC_Operator_ID::Node_ID
         in an ICC operator environment.

         This table MAY be used in on-demand and/or proactive
         OAM operations to get the Ingress/Egress LSR
         identifier (local identifier) from Src-ICC
         or Dst-ICC.  The Ingress and Egress LSR
         identifiers are used to retrieve the tunnel entry.
         This table returns nothing when the associated entry
         is not defined in mplsTunnelExtNodeConfigTable."
     ::= { mplsTeExtObjects 4 }

    mplsTunnelExtNodeIccMapEntry OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX        MplsTunnelExtNodeIccMapEntry
     MAX-ACCESS    not-accessible
     STATUS        current
           "An entry in this table represents a mapping of
            ICC_Operator_ID::Node_ID with the local identifier.

            An entry in this table is created automatically when
            the local identifier is associated with
            ICC_Operator_ID::Node_ID in
            the mplsTunnelExtNodeConfigTable."

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RFC 7453                       MPLS-TP MIB                 February 2015

      INDEX { mplsTunnelExtNodeIccMapCcId,
              mplsTunnelExtNodeIccMapNodeId }
      ::= { mplsTunnelExtNodeIccMapTable 1 }

    MplsTunnelExtNodeIccMapEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
          mplsTunnelExtNodeIccMapCcId       MplsCcId,
          mplsTunnelExtNodeIccMapIccId      MplsIccId,
          mplsTunnelExtNodeIccMapNodeId     MplsNodeId,
          mplsTunnelExtNodeIccMapLocalId    MplsExtendedTunnelId

    mplsTunnelExtNodeIccMapCcId OBJECT-TYPE
         SYNTAX      MplsCcId
         MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
         STATUS      current
            "This object allows the operator or service provider to
             configure a unique MPLS-TP ITU-T Country Code (CC)
             either for Ingress or Egress LSR ID.

             The CC is a string of two alphabetic characters
             represented with uppercase letters (i.e., A-Z)."
         ::= { mplsTunnelExtNodeIccMapEntry 1 }

         mplsTunnelExtNodeIccMapIccId OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX      MplsIccId
              MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
              STATUS      current
                 "This object allows the operator or service provider
                  to configure a unique MPLS-TP ITU-T Carrier
                  Code (ICC) either for Ingress or Egress LSR ID.

                  The ICC is a string of one to six characters, each
                  character being either alphabetic (i.e., A-Z) or
                  numeric (i.e., 0-9) characters.  Alphabetic characters
                  in the ICC should be represented with uppercase
         ::= { mplsTunnelExtNodeIccMapEntry 2 }

         mplsTunnelExtNodeIccMapNodeId  OBJECT-TYPE
            SYNTAX        MplsNodeId
            MAX-ACCESS    not-accessible
            STATUS        current
              "This object indicates the Node_ID within the
               ICC-based operator."

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RFC 7453                       MPLS-TP MIB                 February 2015

         ::= { mplsTunnelExtNodeIccMapEntry 3}

    mplsTunnelExtNodeIccMapLocalId  OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX        MplsExtendedTunnelId
       MAX-ACCESS    read-only
       STATUS        current
         "This object contains an ICC-based local identifier
          that is defined in mplsTunnelExtNodeConfigTable."
    ::= { mplsTunnelExtNodeIccMapEntry 4 }

 -- End MPLS Transport Profile Node ICC-based table

 -- Start of MPLS Tunnel table extension

   mplsTunnelExtTable OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX        SEQUENCE OF MplsTunnelExtEntry
     MAX-ACCESS    not-accessible
     STATUS        current
       "This table represents extensions to mplsTunnelTable
        in order to support MPLS-TP Tunnels.

        As per MPLS-TP Identifiers (RFC 6370), LSP_ID for IP-based
        co-routed bidirectional tunnel:


        LSP_ID for IP based associated bidirectional tunnel:

        mplsTunnelTable is reused for forming the LSP_ID
        as follows:

        Source Tunnel_Num is mapped with mplsTunnelIndex,
        Source Node_ID is mapped with
        mplsTunnelIngressLSRId, Destination Node_ID is
        mapped with mplsTunnelEgressLSRId, and LSP_Num is mapped with

        Source Global_ID::Node_ID and/or ICC_Operator_ID::Node_ID and
        Destination Global_ID::Node_ID and/or ICC_Operator_ID::Node-ID
        are maintained in the mplsTunnelExtNodeConfigTable.
        mplsTunnelExtNodeConfigLocalId is used to create an entry
        in mplsTunnelTable."

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RFC 7453                       MPLS-TP MIB                 February 2015

           "MPLS Transport Profile (MPLS-TP) Identifiers, RFC 6370."
     ::= { mplsTeExtObjects 5 }

    mplsTunnelExtEntry OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX        MplsTunnelExtEntry
    MAX-ACCESS    not-accessible
    STATUS        current
          "An entry in this table represents additional MPLS-TP-
           specific tunnel configurations."
    INDEX {
     ::= { mplsTunnelExtTable 1 }

    MplsTunnelExtEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
         mplsTunnelExtOppositeDirPtr          RowPointer,
         mplsTunnelExtOppositeDirTnlValid     TruthValue,
         mplsTunnelExtDestTnlIndex            MplsTunnelIndex,
         mplsTunnelExtDestTnlLspIndex         MplsTunnelInstanceIndex,
         mplsTunnelExtDestTnlValid            TruthValue,
         mplsTunnelExtIngressLSRLocalIdValid  TruthValue,
         mplsTunnelExtEgressLSRLocalIdValid   TruthValue

    mplsTunnelExtOppositeDirPtr  OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX        RowPointer
       MAX-ACCESS    read-create
       STATUS        current
          "This object points to the opposite-direction tunnel entry."
    ::= { mplsTunnelExtEntry 1 }

    mplsTunnelExtOppositeDirTnlValid  OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX        TruthValue
       MAX-ACCESS    read-create
       STATUS        current
          "Denotes whether or not this tunnel uses
           mplsTunnelExtOppositeDirPtr for identifying the opposite-
           direction tunnel information.  Note that if this variable
           is set to true, then the mplsTunnelExtOppositeDirPtr should
           point to the first accessible row of the valid opposite-
           direction tunnel."

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       DEFVAL { false }
         ::= { mplsTunnelExtEntry 2 }

    mplsTunnelExtDestTnlIndex  OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX        MplsTunnelIndex
       MAX-ACCESS    read-create
       STATUS        current
          "This object is applicable only for the bidirectional
           tunnel that has the forward and reverse LSPs in the
           different tunnel entries.

           The values of this object and the
           mplsTunnelExtDestTnlLspIndex object together can be used
           to identify an opposite-direction LSP, i.e., if the
           mplsTunnelIndex and mplsTunnelInstance hold the value
           for forward LSP, this object and
           mplsTunnelExtDestTnlLspIndex can be used to retrieve
           the reverse-direction LSP and vice versa.

           This object and mplsTunnelExtDestTnlLspIndex values
           provide the first two indices of tunnel entry, and
           the remaining indices can be derived as follows:
           the Ingress and Egress Identifiers should be
           swapped in order to index the other direction tunnel."
          ::= { mplsTunnelExtEntry 3 }

    mplsTunnelExtDestTnlLspIndex  OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX        MplsTunnelInstanceIndex
       MAX-ACCESS    read-create
       STATUS        current
          "This object is applicable only for the bidirectional
           tunnel that has the forward and reverse LSPs in the
           different tunnel entries.  This object holds
           the instance index of the opposite-direction tunnel."
          ::= { mplsTunnelExtEntry 4 }

    mplsTunnelExtDestTnlValid  OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX        TruthValue
       MAX-ACCESS    read-create
       STATUS        current
          "Denotes whether or not this tunnel uses
           mplsTunnelExtDestTnlIndex and
           mplsTunnelExtDestTnlLspIndex for identifying
           the opposite-direction tunnel information.  Note that if
           this variable is set to true, then the

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           mplsTunnelExtDestTnlIndex and
           mplsTunnelExtDestTnlLspIndex objects should have
           the valid opposite-direction tunnel indices."
       DEFVAL { false }
         ::= { mplsTunnelExtEntry 5 }

    mplsTunnelExtIngressLSRLocalIdValid OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX        TruthValue
       MAX-ACCESS    read-create
       STATUS        current
        "This object denotes whether the mplsTunnelIngressLSRId
         contains the local value that is used to reference
         the complete Ingress Global_ID::Node_ID or ICC_Operator_ID
         from the mplsTunnelExtNodeConfigTable.

         If this object is set to FALSE, mplsTunnelExtNodeConfigTable
         will not contain an entry to reference the local identifier
         with Global_ID::Node_ID or ICC_Operator_ID::Node_ID value.

         This object is set to FALSE for legacy implementations like
         MPLS TE tunnels where mplsTunnelIngressId itself provides
         the complete Ingress LSR ID."
         "MPLS-TE-STD-MIB (RFC 3812), Section 11.
          mplsTunnelIngressLSRId object in mplsTunnelTable."
       DEFVAL { false }
         ::= { mplsTunnelExtEntry 6 }

    mplsTunnelExtEgressLSRLocalIdValid OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX        TruthValue
       MAX-ACCESS    read-create
       STATUS        current
        "This object denotes whether the mplsTunnelEgressLSRId
         contains the local value, which is used to reference
         the complete Egress Global_ID::Node_ID or
         ICC_Operator_ID::Node_ID from
         the mplsTunnelExtNodeConfigTable.

         If this object is set to FALSE, mplsTunnelExtNodeConfigTable
         will not contain an entry to reference the local identifier
         with Global_ID::Node_ID or ICC_Operator_ID::Node_ID value.

         This object is set to FALSE for legacy implementations like
         MPLS TE tunnels where mplsTunnelEgressId itself provides
         the complete Egress LSR ID."

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RFC 7453                       MPLS-TP MIB                 February 2015

         "MPLS-TE-STD-MIB (RFC 3812), Section 11.
          mplsTunnelEgressLSRId object in mplsTunnelTable."
       DEFVAL { false }
         ::= { mplsTunnelExtEntry 7 }

    -- End of MPLS Tunnel table extension

   -- Module compliance.

      OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { mplsTeExtConformance 1 }

      OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { mplsTeExtConformance 2 }

   -- Compliance requirement for fully compliant implementations.

   mplsTeExtModuleFullCompliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE
      STATUS current
           "Compliance statement for agents that provide full
            support the MPLS-TE-EXT-STD-MIB module."

      MODULE -- this module

         -- The mandatory group has to be implemented by all
         -- LSRs that originate/terminate MPLS-TP Tunnels.
         -- In addition, depending on the type of tunnels
         -- supported, other groups become mandatory as
         -- explained below.

         MANDATORY-GROUPS    {

         GROUP mplsTunnelExtIpOperatorGroup
             "This group is mandatory for devices that support
              configuration of IP-based identifier tunnels."

         GROUP mplsTunnelExtIccOperatorGroup
             "This group is mandatory for devices that support
              configuration of ICC based tunnels."

          ::= { mplsTeExtCompliances 1 }

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   -- Compliance requirement for read-only implementations.

   mplsTeExtModuleReadOnlyCompliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE
      STATUS current
          "Compliance statement for agents that only provide
           read-only support for the MPLS-TE-EXT-STD-MIB module."

      MODULE -- this module


   GROUP mplsTunnelExtIpOperatorGroup
       "This group is mandatory for devices that support
        configuration of IP-based identifier tunnels."

   GROUP mplsTunnelExtIccOperatorGroup
       "This group is mandatory for devices that support
        configuration of ICC-based tunnels."

   -- mplsTunnelExtTable

   OBJECT      mplsTunnelExtOppositeDirPtr
   MIN-ACCESS  read-only
         "Write access is not required."

   OBJECT      mplsTunnelExtOppositeDirTnlValid
   MIN-ACCESS  read-only
         "Write access is not required."

   OBJECT      mplsTunnelExtDestTnlIndex
   MIN-ACCESS  read-only
         "Write access is not required."

   OBJECT      mplsTunnelExtDestTnlLspIndex
   MIN-ACCESS  read-only
         "Write access is not required."

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RFC 7453                       MPLS-TP MIB                 February 2015

   OBJECT      mplsTunnelExtDestTnlValid
   MIN-ACCESS  read-only
         "Write access is not required."

   OBJECT      mplsTunnelExtIngressLSRLocalIdValid
   MIN-ACCESS  read-only
         "Write access is not required."

   OBJECT      mplsTunnelExtEgressLSRLocalIdValid
   MIN-ACCESS  read-only
         "Write access is not required."

   OBJECT      mplsTunnelExtNodeConfigGlobalId
   MIN-ACCESS  read-only
         "Write access is not required."

   OBJECT      mplsTunnelExtNodeConfigNodeId
   MIN-ACCESS  read-only
         "Write access is not required."

   OBJECT      mplsTunnelExtNodeConfigStorageType
   MIN-ACCESS  read-only
         "Write access is not required."

   OBJECT      mplsTunnelExtNodeConfigRowStatus
   SYNTAX      RowStatus { active(1) }
   MIN-ACCESS  read-only
         "Write access is not required."

   OBJECT      mplsTunnelExtNodeConfigCcId
   MIN-ACCESS  read-only
         "Write access is not required."

   OBJECT      mplsTunnelExtNodeConfigIccId
   MIN-ACCESS  read-only
         "Write access is not required."

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RFC 7453                       MPLS-TP MIB                 February 2015

   OBJECT      mplsTunnelExtNodeConfigIccValid
   MIN-ACCESS  read-only
         "Write access is not required."

        ::= { mplsTeExtCompliances 2 }

     -- Units of conformance.

     mplsTunnelExtGroup OBJECT-GROUP
        OBJECTS {

      STATUS  current
           "Necessary, but not sufficient, set of objects to
             implement tunnels.  In addition, depending on the
             operating environment, the following groups are
      ::= { mplsTeExtGroups 1 }

   mplsTunnelExtIpOperatorGroup  OBJECT-GROUP
      OBJECTS { mplsTunnelExtNodeConfigLocalIdNext,
      STATUS  current
           "Object(s) needed to implement IP-compatible tunnels."
      ::= { mplsTeExtGroups 2 }

   mplsTunnelExtIccOperatorGroup  OBJECT-GROUP
      OBJECTS { mplsTunnelExtNodeConfigLocalIdNext,

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      STATUS  current
           "Object(s) needed to implement ICC-based tunnels."
      ::= { mplsTeExtGroups 3 }

   -- MPLS-TE-EXT-STD-MIB module ends

14.  Security Considerations

   This document follows the security considerations mentioned in
   Section 12 of [RFC3812].  These security considerations are also
   applicable to the MIB objects and tables defined in this document,
   which are identified as below.

      - The common objects mplsIdGlobalId, mplsIdNodeId, mplsIdCc, and
        mplsIdIcc are used to define the identity of an MPLS-TP node for
        OAM purposes.  If write-access is allowed to these objects it
        offers the possibility for incorrect values to be entered that
        will confuse the information returned by OAM functions and
        possibly prevent OAM from operating correctly.  Furthermore,
        there is the possibility of inducing one node to impersonate
        another with confusing results.

      - mplsTunnelExtNodeConfigTable, mplsTunnelExtTable and
        mplsXCExtTable collectively contain objects to provision MPLS-TP
        Tunnels, tunnel hops, and tunnel resources.

   Some of the readable objects in this MIB module (i.e., objects with a
   MAX-ACCESS other than not-accessible) may be considered sensitive or
   vulnerable in some network environments.  It is thus important to
   control even GET and/or NOTIFY access to these objects and possibly
   to even encrypt the values of these objects when sending them over
   the network via SNMP.  These are the tables and objects and their

      - mplsTunnelExtNodeConfigTable, mplsTunnelExtTable, and
        mplsXCExtTable collectively show the characteristics of the
        MPLS-TP tunnel network topology.  If an Administrator does not
        want to reveal this information, then these tables should be
        considered sensitive/vulnerable.

   SNMP versions prior to SNMPv3 did not include adequate security.
   Even if the network itself is secure (for example by using IPsec),
   there is no control as to who on the secure network is allowed to

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RFC 7453                       MPLS-TP MIB                 February 2015

   access and GET/SET (read/change/create/delete) the objects in this
   MIB module.

   Implementations SHOULD provide the security features described by the
   SNMPv3 framework (see [RFC3410]), and implementations claiming
   compliance to the SNMPv3 standard MUST include full support for
   authentication and privacy via the User-based Security Model (USM)
   [RFC3414] with the AES cipher algorithm [RFC3826].  Implementations
   MAY also provide support for the Transport Security Model (TSM)
   [RFC5591] in combination with a secure transport such as SSH
   [RFC5592] or TLS/DTLS [RFC6353].

   Further, deployment of SNMP versions prior to SNMPv3 is NOT
   RECOMMENDED.  Instead, it is RECOMMENDED to deploy SNMPv3 and to
   enable cryptographic security.  It is then a customer/operator
   responsibility to ensure that the SNMP entity giving access to an
   instance of this MIB module is properly configured to give access to
   the objects only to those principals (users) that have legitimate
   rights to indeed GET or SET (change/create/delete) them.

15.  IANA Considerations

   As described in [RFC4221] and [RFC6639], and as requested in the
   MPLS-TC-STD-MIB [RFC3811], MPLS-related Standards Track MIB modules
   should be rooted under the mplsStdMIB subtree.  There are four MPLS
   MIB modules contained in this document; each of the following
   subsections lists a new assignment made by IANA under the mplsStdMIB
   subtree.  New assignments can only be made via a Standards Action as
   specified in [RFC5226].

15.1.  IANA Considerations for MPLS-TC-EXT-STD-MIB

   IANA has assigned the OID { mplsStdMIB 17 } to the
   MPLS-TC-EXT-STD-MIB module specified in this document.

15.2.  IANA Considerations for MPLS-ID-STD-MIB

   IANA has assigned the OID { mplsStdMIB 18 } to the MPLS-ID-STD-MIB
   module specified in this document.

15.3.  IANA Considerations for MPLS-LSR-EXT-STD-MIB

   IANA has assigned the OID { mplsStdMIB 19 } to the
   MPLS-LSR-EXT-STD-MIB module specified in this document.

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15.4.  IANA Considerations for MPLS-TE-EXT-STD-MIB

   IANA has assigned the OID { mplsStdMIB 20 } to the
   MPLS-TE-EXT-STD-MIB module specified in this document.

16.  References

16.1.  Normative References

   [RFC2119]  Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate
              Requirement Levels", BCP 14, RFC 2119, March 1997,

   [RFC2578]  McCloghrie, K., Ed., Perkins, D., Ed., and J.
              Schoenwaelder, Ed., "Structure of Management Information
              Version 2 (SMIv2)", STD 58, RFC 2578, April 1999,

   [RFC2579]  McCloghrie, K., Ed., Perkins, D., Ed., and J.
              Schoenwaelder, Ed., "Textual Conventions for SMIv2", STD
              58, RFC 2579, April 1999,

   [RFC2580]  McCloghrie, K., Ed., Perkins, D., Ed., and J.
              Schoenwaelder, Ed., "Conformance Statements for SMIv2",
              STD 58, RFC 2580, April 1999,

   [RFC3031]  Rosen, E., Viswanathan, A., and R. Callon, "Multiprotocol
              Label Switching Architecture", RFC 3031, January 2001,

   [RFC3289]  Baker, F., Chan, K., and A. Smith, "Management Information
              Base for the Differentiated Services Architecture", RFC
              3289, May 2002, <>.

   [RFC3811]  Nadeau, T., Ed., and J. Cucchiara, Ed., "Definitions of
              Textual Conventions (TCs) for Multiprotocol Label
              Switching (MPLS) Management", RFC 3811, June 2004,

   [RFC3812]  Srinivasan, C., Viswanathan, A., and T. Nadeau,
              "Multiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS) Traffic Engineering
              (TE) Management Information Base (MIB)", RFC 3812, June
              2004, <>.

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RFC 7453                       MPLS-TP MIB                 February 2015

   [RFC3813]  Srinivasan, C., Viswanathan, A., and T. Nadeau,
              "Multiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS) Label Switching
              Router (LSR) Management Information Base (MIB)", RFC 3813,
              June 2004, <>.

   [RFC4802]  Nadeau, T., Ed., and A. Farrel, Ed., "Generalized
              Multiprotocol Label Switching (GMPLS) Traffic Engineering
              Management Information Base", RFC 4802, February 2007,

   [RFC6370]  Bocci, M., Swallow, G., and E. Gray, "MPLS Transport
              Profile (MPLS-TP) Identifiers", RFC 6370, September 2011,

   [RFC6923]  Winter, R., Gray, E., van Helvoort, H., and M. Betts,
              "MPLS Transport Profile (MPLS-TP) Identifiers Following
              ITU-T Conventions", RFC 6923, May 2013,

   [T.50]     ITU-T, "International Reference Alphabet (IRA) (Formerly
              International Alphabet No. 5 or IA5) - Information
              technology - 7-bit coded character set for information
              exchange", ITU-T Recommendation T.50, September 1992.

16.2.  Informative References

   [RFC3410]  Case, J., Mundy, R., Partain, D., and B. Stewart,
              "Introduction and Applicability Statements for Internet-
              Standard Management Framework", RFC 3410, December 2002,

   [RFC3414]  Blumenthal, U. and B. Wijnen, "User-based Security Model
              (USM) for version 3 of the Simple Network Management
              Protocol (SNMPv3)", STD 62, RFC 3414, December 2002,

   [RFC3826]  Blumenthal, U., Maino, F., and K. McCloghrie, "The
              Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) Cipher Algorithm in the
              SNMP User-based Security Model", RFC 3826, June 2004,

   [RFC4221]  Nadeau, T., Srinivasan, C., and A. Farrel, "Multiprotocol
              Label Switching (MPLS) Management Overview", RFC 4221,
              November 2005, <>.

   [RFC5226]  Narten, T. and H. Alvestrand, "Guidelines for Writing an
              IANA Considerations Section in RFCs", BCP 26, RFC 5226,
              May 2008, <>.

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RFC 7453                       MPLS-TP MIB                 February 2015

   [RFC5591]  Harrington, D. and W. Hardaker, "Transport Security Model
              for the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP)", STD
              78, RFC 5591, June 2009,

   [RFC5592]  Harrington, D., Salowey, J., and W. Hardaker, "Secure
              Shell Transport Model for the Simple Network Management
              Protocol (SNMP)", RFC 5592, June 2009,

   [RFC5654]  Niven-Jenkins, B., Ed., Brungard, D., Ed., Betts, M., Ed.,
              Sprecher, N., and S. Ueno, "Requirements of an MPLS
              Transport Profile", RFC 5654, September 2009,

   [RFC6353]  Hardaker, W., "Transport Layer Security (TLS) Transport
              Model for the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP)",
              STD 78, RFC 6353, July 2011,

   [RFC6639]  King, D., Ed., and M. Venkatesan, Ed., "Multiprotocol
              Label Switching Transport Profile (MPLS-TP) MIB-Based
              Management Overview", RFC 6639, June 2012,

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RFC 7453                       MPLS-TP MIB                 February 2015


   The authors would like to thank Francesco Fondelli, Josh Littlefield,
   Agrahara Kiran Koushik, Metrri Jain, Muly Ilan, Randy Presuhn, Elwyn
   Davies, Tom Taylor, and Pete Resnick for their valuable reviews and
   comments.  A special thanks to Joan Cucchiara and Adrian Farrel for
   really getting the MIB modules into shape.

Authors' Addresses

   Venkatesan Mahalingam
   Dell Inc.
   5450 Great America Parkway,
   Santa Clara, CA 95054
   United States

   Sam Aldrin
   Huawei Technologies
   2330 Central Express Way,
   Santa Clara, CA 95051
   United States

   Thomas D. Nadeau

   Kannan KV Sampath

Venkatesan, et al.           Standards Track                   [Page 62]

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