Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF)                   M. Chandramouli
Request for Comments: 7460                                     B. Claise
Category: Standards Track                            Cisco Systems, Inc.
ISSN: 2070-1721                                             B. Schoening
                                                  Independent Consultant
                                                              J. Quittek
                                                                T. Dietz
                                                        NEC Europe, Ltd.
                                                              March 2015

            Monitoring and Control MIB for Power and Energy


   This document defines a subset of the Management Information Base
   (MIB) for power and energy monitoring of devices.

Status of This Memo

   This is an Internet Standards Track document.

   This document is a product of the Internet Engineering Task Force
   (IETF).  It represents the consensus of the IETF community.  It has
   received public review and has been approved for publication by the
   Internet Engineering Steering Group (IESG).  Further information on
   Internet Standards is available in Section 2 of RFC 5741.

   Information about the current status of this document, any errata,
   and how to provide feedback on it may be obtained at

Copyright Notice

   Copyright (c) 2015 IETF Trust and the persons identified as the
   document authors.  All rights reserved.

   This document is subject to BCP 78 and the IETF Trust's Legal
   Provisions Relating to IETF Documents
   ( in effect on the date of
   publication of this document.  Please review these documents
   carefully, as they describe your rights and restrictions with respect
   to this document.  Code Components extracted from this document must
   include Simplified BSD License text as described in Section 4.e of
   the Trust Legal Provisions and are provided without warranty as
   described in the Simplified BSD License.

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RFC 7460         Power/Energy Monitoring and Control MIB      March 2015

   Table of Contents

   1. Introduction ....................................................3
      1.1. Conventions Used in This Document ..........................3
   2. The Internet-Standard Management Framework ......................3
   3. Use Cases .......................................................4
   4. Terminology .....................................................4
   5. Architecture Concepts Applied to the MIB Modules ................5
      5.1. Energy Object Tables .......................................5
           5.1.1. ENERGY-OBJECT-MIB ...................................5
           5.1.2. POWER-ATTRIBUTES-MIB ................................7
           5.1.3. UML Diagram .........................................9
      5.2. Energy Object Identity ....................................12
      5.3. Power State ...............................................12
           5.3.1. Power State Set ....................................13
      5.4. Energy Object Usage Information ...........................13
      5.5. Optional Power Usage Attributes ...........................14
      5.6. Optional Energy Measurement ...............................14
      5.7. Fault Management ..........................................18
   6. Discovery ......................................................18
   7. Link with the Other IETF MIBs ..................................19
      7.1. Link with the ENTITY-MIB and the ENTITY-SENSOR MIB ........19
      7.2. Link with the ENTITY-STATE MIB ............................20
      7.3. Link with the POWER-OVER-ETHERNET MIB .....................21
      7.4. Link with the UPS MIB .....................................21
      7.5. Link with the LLDP and LLDP-MED MIBs ......................22
   8. Structure of the MIB ...........................................23
   9. MIB Definitions ................................................24
      9.1. The IANAPowerStateSet-MIB Module ..........................24
      9.2. The ENERGY-OBJECT-MIB MIB Module ..........................27
      9.3. The POWER-ATTRIBUTES-MIB MIB Module .......................50
   10. Security Considerations .......................................63
   11. IANA Considerations ...........................................64
      11.1. IANAPowerStateSet-MIB Module .............................65
   12. References ....................................................65
      12.1. Normative References .....................................65
      12.2. Informative References ...................................66
   Acknowledgments ...................................................68
   Contributors ......................................................68
   Authors' Addresses ................................................69

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RFC 7460         Power/Energy Monitoring and Control MIB      March 2015

1.  Introduction

   This document defines a subset of the Management Information Base
   (MIB) for use in energy management of devices within or connected to
   communication networks.  The MIB modules in this document are
   designed to provide a model for energy management, which includes
   monitoring for Power State and energy consumption of networked
   elements.  This MIB takes into account the "Energy Management
   Framework" [RFC7326], which, in turn, is based on the "Requirements
   for Energy Management" [RFC6988].

   Energy management can be applied to devices in communication
   networks.  Target devices for this specification include (but are not
   limited to) routers, switches, Power over Ethernet (PoE) endpoints,
   protocol gateways for building management systems, intelligent
   meters, home energy gateways, hosts and servers, sensor proxies, etc.
   Target devices and the use cases for Energy Management are discussed
   in Energy Management Applicability Statement [EMAN-AS].

   Where applicable, device monitoring extends to the individual
   components of the device and to any attached dependent devices.  For
   example, a device can contain components that are independent from a
   Power State point of view, such as line cards, processor cards, hard
   drives.  A device can also have dependent attached devices, such as a
   switch with PoE endpoints or a power distribution unit with attached

1.1.  Conventions Used in This Document

   The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT",
   "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in RFC
   2119 [RFC2119].

2.  The Internet-Standard Management Framework

   For a detailed overview of the documents that describe the current
   Internet-Standard Management Framework, please refer to section 7 of
   RFC 3410 [RFC3410].

   Managed objects are accessed via a virtual information store, termed
   the Management Information Base or MIB.  MIB objects are generally
   accessed through the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP).
   Objects in the MIB are defined using the mechanisms defined in the
   Structure of Management Information (SMI).  This memo specifies MIB
   modules that are compliant to SMIv2, which is described in STD 58,
   RFC 2578 [RFC2578], STD 58, RFC 2579 [RFC2579] and STD 58, RFC 2580

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3.  Use Cases

   Requirements for power and energy monitoring for networking devices
   are specified in [RFC6988].  The requirements in [RFC6988] cover
   devices typically found in communications networks, such as switches,
   routers, and various connected endpoints.  For a power monitoring
   architecture to be useful, it should also apply to facility meters,
   power distribution units, gateway proxies for commercial building
   control, home automation devices, and devices that interface with the
   utility and/or smart grid.  Accordingly, the scope of the MIB modules
   in this document are broader than that specified in [RFC6988].
   Several use cases for Energy Management have been identified in the
   "Energy Management (EMAN) Applicability Statement" [EMAN-AS].

4.  Terminology

   Please refer to [RFC7326] for the definitions of the following
   terminology used in this document.

      Energy Management
      Energy Management System (EnMS)
      Energy Monitoring
      Energy Control
      electrical equipment
      non-electrical equipment (mechanical equipment)
      power inlet
      power outlet
      provide energy
      receive energy
      meter (energy meter)
      Power Interface
      Nameplate Power
      Power Attributes
      Power Quality
      Power State
      Power State Set

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5.  Architecture Concepts Applied to the MIB Modules

   This section describes the concepts specified in the Energy
   Management Framework [RFC7326] that pertain to power usage, with
   specific information related to the MIB module specified in this
   document.  This subsection maps concepts developed in the Energy
   Management Framework [RFC7326].

   The Energy Monitoring MIB has two independent MIB modules: ENERGY-
   is focused on measurement of power and energy.  The second, POWER-
   ATTRIBUTES-MIB, is focused on power quality measurements for Energy

   Devices and their sub-components can be modeled using the containment
   tree of the ENTITY-MIB [RFC6933].

5.1.  Energy Object Tables


   The ENERGY-OBJECT-MIB module consists of five tables.

   The first table is the eoMeterCapabilitiesTable.  It indicates the
   instrumentation available for each Energy Object.  Entries in this
   table indicate which other tables from the ENERGY-OBJECT-MIB and
   POWER-ATTRIBUTES-MIB are available for each Energy Object.  The
   eoMeterCapabilitiesTable is indexed by entPhysicalIndex [RFC6933].

   The second table is the eoPowerTable.  It reports the power
   consumption of each Energy Object as well as the units, sign,
   measurement accuracy, and related objects.  The eoPowerTable is
   indexed by entPhysicalIndex.

   The third table is the eoPowerStateTable.  For each Energy Object, it
   reports information and statistics about the supported Power States.
   The eoPowerStateTable is indexed by entPhysicalIndex and

   The fourth table is the eoEnergyParametersTable.  The entries in this
   table configure the parameters of energy and demand measurement
   collection.  This table is indexed by eoEnergyParametersIndex.

   The fifth table is the eoEnergyTable.  The entries in this table
   provide a log of the energy and demand information.  This table is
   indexed by eoEnergyParametersIndex.

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   A "smidump-style" tree presentation of the MIB modules contained in
   the document is presented.  The meaning of the three symbols is a
   compressed representation of the object's MAX-ACCESS clause, which
   may have the following values:

              "not-accessible"         ->  "---"
              "accessible-for-notify"  ->  "--n"
              "read-only"              ->  "r-n"
              "read-write"             ->  "rwn"

       |   |
       |   +---r-n  BITS             eoMeterCapability

       +---eoPowerEntry(1) [entPhysicalIndex]
       |   |
       |   +---r-n Integer32         eoPower(1)
       |   +-- r-n Unsigned32        eoPowerNamePlate(2)
       |   +-- r-n UnitMultiplier    eoPowerUnitMultiplier(3)
       |   +-- r-n Integer32         eoPowerAccuracy(4)
       |   +-- r-n INTEGER           eoPowerMeasurementCaliber(5)
       |   +-- r-n INTEGER           eoPowerCurrentType(6)
       |   +-- r-n TruthValue        eoPowerMeasurementLocal(7)
       |   +-- rwn PowerStateSet     eoPowerAdminState(8)
       |   +-- r-n PowerStateSet     eoPowerOperState(9)
       |   +-- r-n OwnerString       eoPowerStateEnterReason(10)
       |      +--eoPowerStateEntry(1)
       |      |     [entPhysicalIndex, eoPowerStateIndex]
       |      |
       |      +-- --n PowerStateSet eoPowerStateIndex(1)
       |      +-- r-n Integer32         eoPowerStateMaxPower(2)
       |      +-- r-n UnitMultiplier
       |                      eoPowerStatePowerUnitMultiplier(3)
       |      +-- r-n TimeTicks         eoPowerStateTotalTime(4)
       |      +-- r-n Counter32         eoPowerStateEnterCount(5)

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       +---eoEnergyParametersEntry(1) [eoEnergyParametersIndex]
       |   +-- --n PhysicalIndex  eoEnergyObjectIndex(1)
       |   +   r-n Integer32      eoEnergyParametersIndex(2)
       |   +-- rwn TimeInterval   eoEnergyParametersIntervalLength(3)
       |   +-- rwn Unsigned32     eoEnergyParametersIntervalNumber(4)
       |   +-- rwn INTEGER        eoEnergyParametersIntervalMode(5)
       |   +-- rwn TimeInterval   eoEnergyParametersIntervalWindow(6)
       |   +-- rwn Unsigned32     eoEnergyParametersSampleRate(7)
       |   +-- rwn StorageType    eoEnergyParametersStorageType(8)
       |   +-- rwn RowStatus      eoEnergyParametersStatus(9)
       |    [eoEnergyParametersIndex,eoEnergyCollectionStartTime]
       |   +-- r-n TimeTicks      eoEnergyCollectionStartTime(1)
       |   +-- r-n Unsigned32     eoEnergyConsumed(2)
       |   +-- r-n Unsigned32     eoEnergyProvided(3)
       |   +-- r-n Unsigned32     eoEnergyStored(4)
       |   +-- r-n UnitMultiplier eoEnergyUnitMultiplier(5)
       |   +-- r-n Integer32      eoEnergyAccuracy(6)
       |   +-- r-n Unsigned32     eoEnergyMaxConsumed(7)
       |   +-- r-n Unsigned32     eoEnergyMaxProduced(8)
       |   +-- r-n TimeTicks      eoEnergyDiscontinuityTime(9)


   The POWER-ATTRIBUTES-MIB module consists of three tables.

   The first table is the eoACPwrAttributesTable.  It indicates the
   power quality available for each Energy Object.  The
   eoACPwrAttributesTable is indexed by entPhysicalIndex [RFC6933].

   The second table is the eoACPwrAttributesDelPhaseTable.  The entries
   in this table configure the parameters of energy and demand
   measurement collection.  This table is indexed by

   The third table is the eoACPwrAttributesWyePhaseTable.  For each
   Energy Object, it reports information and statistics about the
   supported Power States.  The eoPowerStateTable is indexed by
   entPhysicalIndex and eoPowerStateIndex.

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        +---eoACPwrAttributesEntry(1) [ entPhysicalIndex]
        |   |
        |   +---r-n INTEGER    eoACPwrAttributesConfiguration(1)
        |   +-- r-n Integer32  eoACPwrAttributesAvgVoltage(2)
        |   +-- r-n Unsigned32 eoACPwrAttributesAvgCurrent(3)
        |   +-- r-n Integer32  eoACPwrAttributesFrequency(4)
        |   +-- r-n UnitMultiplier
        |                eoACPwrAttributesPowerUnitMultiplier(5)
        |   +-- r-n Integer32  eoACPwrAttributesPowerAccuracy(6)
        |   +-- r-n Integer32
        |                   eoACPwrAttributesTotalActivePower(7)
        |   +-- r-n Integer32
        |                 eoACPwrAttributesTotalReactivePower(8)
        |   +-- r-n Integer32
        |                 eoACPwrAttributesTotalApparentPower(9)
        |   +-- r-n Integer32
        |                  eoACPwrAttributesTotalPowerFactor(10)
        |   +-- r-n Integer32  eoACPwrAttributesThdCurrent(11)
        |   +-- r-n Integer32  eoACPwrAttributesThdVoltage(12)
        +-- eoACPwrAttributesDelPhaseEntry(1)
        |     |   [entPhysicalIndex, eoACPwrAttributesDelPhaseIndex]
        |     |
        |     +-- r-n Integer32
        |     |    eoACPwrAttributesDelPhaseIndex(1)
        |     +-- r-n Integer32
        |     |    eoACPwrAttributesDelPhaseToNextPhaseVoltage(2)
        |     +-- r-n Integer32
        |     | eoACPwrAttributesDelThdPhaseToNextPhaseVoltage(3)
        |     |
        +-- eoACPwrAttributesWyePhaseEntry(1)
        |     |   [entPhysicalIndex, eoACPwrAttributesWyePhaseIndex]
        |     |
        |     +-- r-n Integer32
        |     |     eoACPwrAttributesWyePhaseIndex(1)
        |     +-- r-n Integer32
        |     |     eoACPwrAttributesWyePhaseToNeutralVoltage(2)
        |     +-- r-n Integer32
        |     |     eoACPwrAttributesWyeCurrent(3)
        |     +-- r-n Integer32
        |     |     eoACPwrAttributesWyeActivePower(4)

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        |     +-- r-n Integer32
        |     |     eoACPwrAttributesWyeReactivePower(5)
        |     +-- r-n Integer32
        |     |     eoACPwrAttributesWyeApparentPower(6)
        |     +-- r-n Integer32
        |     |     eoACPwrAttributesWyePowerFactor(7)
        |     +-- r-n Integer32
        |     |     eoACPwrAttributesWyeThdCurrent(9)
        |     +-- r-n Integer32
        |     |     eoACPwrAttributesWyeThdPhaseToNeutralVoltage(10)

5.1.3.  UML Diagram

   A Unified Modeling Language (UML) diagram representation of the MIB
   objects in the two MIB modules, ENERGY-OBJECT-MIB and POWER-
   ATTRIBUTES-MIB, is presented.

         | Meter Capabilities    |
         | --------------------- |
         | eoMeterCapability     |

   |---> |  Energy Object ID (*) |
   |     | --------------------- |
   |     | entPhysicalIndex      |
   |     | entPhysicalClass      |
   |     | entPhysicalName       |
   |     | entPhysicalUUID       |
   |     +-----------------------+
   |     +---------------------------+
   |---- |_ Power Table              |
   |     | ------------------------- |
   |     | eoPower                   |
   |     | eoPowerNamePlate          |
   |     | eoPowerUnitMultiplier     |
   |     | eoPowerAccuracy           |
   |     | eoPowerMeasurementCaliber |
   |     | eoPowerCurrentType        |
   |     | eoPowerMeasurementLocal   |
   |     | eoPowerAdminState         |
   |     | eoPowerOperState          |
   |     | eoPowerStateEnterReason   |
   |     +---------------------------+

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   |     +---------------------------------+
   |---- |_Energy Object State Statistics  |
   |     |-------------------------------- |
   |     | eoPowerStateIndex               |
   |     | eoPowerStateMaxPower            |
   |     | eoPowerStatePowerUnitMultiplier |
   |     | eoPowerStateTotalTime           |
   |     | eoPowerStateEnterCount          |
   |     +---------------------------------+
   |     +----------------------------------+
   |---- |    Energy ParametersTable        |
   |     | -------------------------------- |
   |     | eoEnergyObjectIndex              |
   |     | eoEnergyParametersIndex          |
   |     | eoEnergyParametersIntervalLength |
   |     | eoEnergyParametersIntervalNumber |
   |     | eoEnergyParametersIntervalMode   |
   |     | eoEnergyParametersIntervalWindow |
   |     | eoEnergyParametersSampleRate     |
   |     | eoEnergyParametersStorageType    |
   |     | eoEnergyParametersStatus         |
   |     +----------------------------------+
   |     +----------------------------------+
   |---- |    Energy Table                  |
         | -------------------------------- |
         | eoEnergyCollectionStartTime      |
         | eoEnergyConsumed                 |
         | eoEnergyProvided                 |
         | eoEnergyStored                   |
         | eoEnergyUnitMultiplier           |
         | eoEnergyAccuracy                 |
         | eoEnergyMaxConsumed              |
         | eoEnergyMaxProduced              |
         | eoDiscontinuityTime              |

      Figure 1: UML Diagram for energyObjectMib

    (*) Compliance with the ENERGY-OBJECT-CONTEXT-MIB

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   |---> |  Energy Object ID (*) |
   |     | --------------------- |
   |     | entPhysicalIndex      |
   |     | entPhysicalName       |
   |     | entPhysicalUUID       |
   |     +-----------------------+
   |     +--------------------------------------+
   |---- |  Power Attributes                    |
   |     | ------------------------------------ |
   |     | eoACPwrAttributesConfiguration       |
   |     | eoACPwrAttributesAvgVoltage          |
   |     | eoACPwrAttributesAvgCurrent          |
   |     | eoACPwrAttributesFrequency           |
   |     | eoACPwrAttributesPowerUnitMultiplier |
   |     | eoACPwrAttributesPowerAccuracy       |
   |     | eoACPwrAttributesTotalActivePower    |
   |     | eoACPwrAttributesTotalReactivePower  |
   |     | eoACPwrAttributesTotalApparentPower  |
   |     | eoACPwrAttributesTotalPowerFactor    |
   |     | eoACPwrAttributesThdCurrent          |
   |     | eoACPwrAttributesThdVoltage          |
   |     +--------------------------------------+
   |     +------------------------------------------------+
   |---- |  AC Input DEL Configuration                    |
   |     | ---------------------------------------------- |
   |     | eoACPwrAttributesDelPhaseIndex                 |
   |     | eoACPwrAttributesDelPhaseToNextPhaseVoltage    |
   |     | eoACPwrAttributesDelThdPhaseToNextPhaseVoltage |
   |     +------------------------------------------------+
   |     +----------------------------------------------+
   |---- |  AC Input WYE Configuration                  |
         | -------------------------------------------- |
         | eoACPwrAttributesWyePhaseIndex               |
         | eoACPwrAttributesWyePhaseToNeutralVoltage    |
         | eoACPwrAttributesWyeCurrent                  |
         | eoACPwrAttributesWyeActivePower              |
         | eoACPwrAttributesWyeReactivePower            |
         | eoACPwrAttributesWyeApparentPower            |
         | eoACPwrAttributesWyePowerFactor              |
         | eoACPwrAttributesWyeThdCurrent               |
         | eoACPwrAttributesWyeThdPhaseToNeutralVoltage |

        Figure 2: UML Diagram for the POWER-ATTRIBUTES-MIB

        (*) Compliance with the ENERGY-OBJECT-CONTEXT-MIB

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5.2.  Energy Object Identity

   The Energy Object identity information is specified in the ENERGY-
   OBJECT-CONTEXT-MIB module [RFC7461] primary table, i.e., the eoTable.
   In this table, Energy Object context such as domain, role
   description, and importance are specified.  In addition, the ENERGY-
   OBJECT-CONTEXT-MIB module specifies the relationship between Energy
   Objects.  There are several possible relationships between Energy
   Objects, such as meteredBy, metering, poweredBy, powering,
   aggregatedBy, and aggregating as defined in the IANA-ENERGY-RELATION-
   MIB module [RFC7461].

5.3.  Power State

   An Energy Object may have energy-conservation modes called "Power
   States".  There may be several intermediate energy-saving modes
   between the ON and OFF states of a device.

   Power States, which represent universal states of power management of
   an Energy Object, are specified by the eoPowerState MIB object.  The
   actual Power State is specified by the eoPowerOperState MIB object,
   while the eoPowerAdminState MIB object specifies the Power State
   requested for the Energy Object.  The difference between the values
   of eoPowerOperState and eoPowerAdminState indicates that the Energy
   Object is busy transitioning from eoPowerAdminState into the
   eoPowerOperState, at which point it will update the content of
   eoPowerOperState.  In addition, the possible reason for a change in
   Power State is reported in eoPowerStateEnterReason.  Regarding
   eoPowerStateEnterReason, management stations and Energy Objects
   should support any format of the owner string dictated by the local
   policy of the organization.  It is suggested that this name contain
   at least the reason for the transition change, and one or more of the
   following: IP address, management station name, network manager's
   name, location, or phone number.

   The MIB objects eoPowerOperState, eoPowerAdminState, and
   eoPowerStateEnterReason are contained in the eoPowerTable.

   eoPowerStateTable enumerates the maximum power usage in watts for
   every single supported Power State of each Power State Set supported
   by the Energy Object.  In addition, eoPowerStateTable provides
   additional statistics such as eoPowerStateEnterCount, i.e., the
   number of times an entity has visited a particular Power State, and
   eoPowerStateTotalTime, i.e., the total time spent in a particular
   Power State of an Energy Object.

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5.3.1.  Power State Set

   There are several standards and implementations of Power State Sets.
   An Energy Object can support one or multiple Power State Set
   implementations concurrently.

   There are currently three Power State Sets defined:

      IEEE1621(256) - [IEEE1621]
      DMTF(512)     - [DMTF]
      EMAN(768)     - [RFC7326]

   The Power State Sets are listed in [RFC7326] along with each Power
   State within the Power Set.  The Power State Sets are specified by
   the PowerStateSet Textual Convention (TC) as an IANA-maintained MIB
   module.  The initial version of this MIB module is specified in this

5.4.  Energy Object Usage Information

   For an Energy Object, power usage is reported using eoPower.  The
   magnitude of measurement is based on the eoPowerUnitMultiplier MIB
   variable, based on the UnitMultiplier TC.  Power measurement
   magnitude should conform to the IEC 62053-21 [IEC.62053-21] and IEC
   62053-22 [IEC.62053-22] definition of unit multiplier for the SI
   units of measure (where SI is the International System of Units).
   Measured values are represented in SI units obtained by BaseValue *
   10 raised to the power of the unit multiplier.

   For example, if current power usage of an Energy Object is 3, it
   could be 3 W, 3 mW, 3 kW, or 3 MW, depending on the value of
   eoPowerUnitMultiplier.  Note that other measurements throughout the
   two MIB modules in this document use the same mechanism, including
   eoPowerStatePowerUnitMultiplier, eoEnergyUnitMultiplier, and

   In addition to knowing the usage and magnitude, it is useful to know
   how an eoPower measurement was obtained.  A Network Management System
   (NMS) can use this to account for the accuracy and nature of the
   reading between different implementations.  eoPowerMeasurementLocal
   describes whether the measurements were made at the device itself or
   from a remote source.  The eoPowerMeasurementCaliber describes the
   method that was used to measure the power and can distinguish actual
   or estimated values.  There may be devices in the network that may
   not be able to measure or report power consumption.  For those
   devices, the object eoPowerMeasurementCaliber shall report that the
   measurement mechanism is "unavailable" and the eoPower measurement
   shall be "0".

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   The nameplate power rating of an Energy Object is specified in
   eoPowerNameplate MIB object.

5.5.  Optional Power Usage Attributes

   The optional POWER-ATTRIBUTES-MIB module can be implemented to
   further describe power attributes usage measurement.  The POWER-
   ATTRIBUTES-MIB module is aligned with the IEC 61850 7-2 standard to
   describe alternating current (AC) measurements.

   The POWER-ATTRIBUTES-MIB module contains a primary table,
   eoACPwrAttributesTable, that defines power attributes measurements
   for supported entPhysicalIndex entities, as a sparse extension of the
   eoPowerTable (with entPhysicalIndex as primary index).  This
   eoACPwrAttributesTable table contains such information as the
   configuration (single phase, DEL 3 phases, WYE 3 phases), frequency,
   power accuracy, total active/reactive power/apparent power, amperage,
   and voltage.

   In case of three-phase power, an additional table is populated with
   power attributes measurements per phase (hence, double indexed by the
   entPhysicalIndex and a phase index).  This table, describes
   attributes specific to either WYE or DEL configurations.

   In a DEL configuration, the eoACPwrAttributesDelPhaseTable describes
   the phase-to-phase power attributes measurements, i.e., voltage.  In
   a DEL configuration, the current is equal in all three phases.

   In a WYE configuration, the eoACPwrAttributesWyePhaseTable describes
   the phase-to-neutral power attributes measurements, i.e., voltage,
   current, active/reactive/apparent power, and power factor.

5.6.  Optional Energy Measurement

   It is only relevant to measure energy and demand when there are
   actual power measurements obtained from measurement hardware.  If the
   eoPowerMeasurementCaliber MIB object has values of unavailable,
   unknown, estimated, or presumed, then the energy and demand values
   are not useful.

   Two tables are introduced to characterize energy measurement of an
   Energy Object: eoEnergyTable and eoEnergyParametersTable.  Both
   energy and demand information can be represented via the
   eoEnergyTable.  Demand information can be represented.  The
   eoEnergyParametersTable consists of the parameters defining
   eoEnergyParametersIndex -- an index for the Energy Object,
   eoEnergyObjectIndex -- linked to the entPhysicalIndex of the Energy
   Object, the duration of measurement intervals in seconds,

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   (eoEnergyParametersIntervalLength), the number of successive
   intervals to be stored in the eoEnergyTable,
   (eoEnergyParametersIntervalNumber), the type of measurement technique
   (eoEnergyParametersIntervalMode), and a sample rate used to calculate
   the average (eoEnergyParametersSampleRate).  Judicious choice of the
   sampling rate will ensure accurate measurement of energy while not
   imposing an excessive polling burden.

   There are three eoEnergyParametersIntervalMode types used for energy
   measurement collection: period, sliding, and total.  The choices of
   the three different modes of collection are based on IEC standard
   61850-7-4 [IEC.61850-7-4].  Note that multiple
   eoEnergyParametersIntervalMode types MAY be configured
   simultaneously.  It is important to note that for a given Energy
   Object, multiple modes (periodic, total, sliding window) of energy
   measurement collection can be configured with the use of
   eoEnergyParametersIndex.  However, simultaneous measurement in
   multiple modes for a given Energy Object depends on the Energy Object

   These three eoEnergyParametersIntervalMode types are illustrated by
   the following three figures, for which:

      - The horizontal axis represents the current time, with the symbol
        <--- L ---> expressing the eoEnergyParametersIntervalLength and
        the eoEnergyCollectionStartTime is represented by S1, S2, S3,
        S4, eoEnergyParametersIntervalNumber.

      - The vertical axis represents the time interval of sampling and
        the value of eoEnergyConsumed can be obtained at the end of the
        sampling period.  The symbol =========== denotes the duration of
        the sampling period.

         |             |             | =========== |
         |============ |             |             |
         |             |             |             |
         |             |============ |             |
         |             |             |             |
         | <--- L ---> | <--- L ---> | <--- L ---> |
         |             |             |             |
        S1            S2            S3             S4

        Figure 3: Period eoEnergyParametersIntervalMode

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   A eoEnergyParametersIntervalMode type of 'period' specifies non-
   overlapping periodic measurements.  Therefore, the next
   eoEnergyCollectionStartTime is equal to the previous
   eoEnergyCollectionStartTime plus eoEnergyParametersIntervalLength.
   S2=S1+L; S3=S2+L, ...

                  |============ |
                  |             |
                  | <--- L ---> |
                  |             |
                  |   |============ |
                  |   |             |
                  |   | <--- L ---> |
                  |   |             |
                  |   |   |============ |
                  |   |   |             |
                  |   |   | <--- L ---> |
                  |   |   |             |
                  |   |   |   |============ |
                  |   |   |   |             |
                  |   |   |   | <--- L ---> |
                 S1   |   |   |             |
                      |   |   |             |
                      |   |   |             |
                     S2   |   |             |
                          |   |             |
                          |   |             |
                         S3   |             |
                              |             |
                              |             |

           Figure 4: Sliding eoEnergyParametersIntervalMode

   A eoEnergyParametersIntervalMode type of 'sliding' specifies
   overlapping periodic measurements.

   |                          |
   |========================= |
   |                          |
   |                          |
   |                          |
   |  <--- Total length --->  |
   |                          |

   Figure 5: Total eoEnergyParametersIntervalMode

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   An eoEnergyParametersIntervalMode type of 'total' specifies a
   continuous measurement since the last reset.  The value of
   eoEnergyParametersIntervalNumber should be (1) one and
   eoEnergyParametersIntervalLength is ignored.

   The eoEnergyParametersStatus is used to start and stop energy usage
   logging.  The status of this variable is "active" when all the
   objects in eoEnergyParametersTable are appropriate, which, in turn,
   indicates whether or not eoEnergyTable entries exist.  Finally, the
   eoEnergyParametersStorageType variable indicates the storage type for
   this row, i.e., whether the persistence is maintained across a device

   The eoEnergyTable consists of energy measurements of
   eoEnergyConsumed, eoEnergyProvided and eoEnergyStored, unit scale of
   measured energy with eoEnergyUnitMultiplier, percentage accuracy with
   eoEnergyAccuracy, and the maximum observed energy within a window in
   eoEnergyMaxConsumed, eoEnergyMaxProduced, and

   Measurements of the total energy consumed by an Energy Object may
   suffer from interruptions in the continuous measurement of energy
   consumption.  In order to indicate such interruptions, the object
   eoEnergyDiscontinuityTime is provided for indicating the time of the
   last interruption of total energy measurement.
   eoEnergyDiscontinuityTime shall indicate the sysUpTime [RFC3418] when
   the device was reset.

   The following example illustrates the eoEnergyTable and

   First, in order to estimate energy, a time interval to sample energy
   should be specified, i.e., eoEnergyParametersIntervalLength can be
   set to "900 seconds" or 15 minutes and the number of consecutive
   intervals over which the maximum energy is calculated
   (eoEnergyParametersIntervalNumber) as "10".  The sampling rate
   internal to the Energy Object for measurement of power usage
   (eoEnergyParametersSampleRate) can be "1000 milliseconds", as set by
   the Energy Object as a reasonable value.  Then, the
   eoEnergyParametersStatus is set to active to indicate that the Energy
   Object should start monitoring the usage per the eoEnergyTable.

   The indices for the eoEnergyTable are eoEnergyParametersIndex, which
   identifies the index for the setting of energy measurement collection
   Energy Object, and eoEnergyCollectionStartTime, which denotes the
   start time of the energy measurement interval based on sysUpTime
   [RFC3418].  The value of eoEnergyComsumed is the measured energy
   consumption over the time interval specified

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   (eoEnergyParametersIntervalLength) based on the Energy Object
   internal sampling rate (eoEnergyParametersSampleRate).  While
   choosing the values for the eoEnergyParametersIntervalLength and
   eoEnergyParametersSampleRate, it is recommended to take into
   consideration both the network element resources adequate to process
   and store the sample values and the mechanism used to calculate the
   eoEnergyConsumed.  The units are derived from eoEnergyUnitMultiplier.
   For example, eoEnergyConsumed can be "100" with
   eoEnergyUnitMultiplier equal to 0, the measured energy consumption of
   the Energy Object is 100 watt-hours.  The eoEnergyMaxConsumed is the
   maximum energy observed and that can be "150 watt-hours".

   The eoEnergyTable has a buffer to retain a certain number of
   intervals, as defined by eoEnergyParametersIntervalNumber.  If the
   default value of "10" is kept, then the eoEnergyTable contains 10
   energy measurements, including the maximum.

   Here is a brief explanation of how the maximum energy can be
   calculated.  The first observed energy measurement value is taken to
   be the initial maximum.  With each subsequent measurement, based on
   numerical comparison, maximum energy may be updated.  The maximum
   value is retained as long as the measurements are taking place.
   Based on periodic polling of this table, an NMS could compute the
   maximum over a longer period, e.g., a month, 3 months, or a year.

5.7.  Fault Management

   [RFC6988] specifies requirements about Power States such as "the
   current Power State", "the time of the last state change", "the total
   time spent in each state", "the number of transitions to each state",
   etc.  Some of these requirements are fulfilled explicitly by MIB
   objects such as eoPowerOperState, eoPowerStateTotalTime, and
   eoPowerStateEnterCount.  Some of the other requirements are met via
   the SNMP NOTIFICATION mechanism.  eoPowerStateChange SNMP
   notification which is generated when the value of oPowerStateIndex,
   eoPowerOperState, or eoPowerAdminState have changed.

6.  Discovery

   It is probable that most Energy Objects will require the
   implementation of the ENERGY-OBJECT-CONTEXT-MIB [RFC7461] as a
   prerequisite for this MIB module.  In such a case, the eoPowerTable
   of the EMAN-ENERGY-OBJECT-MIB is cross-referenced with the eoTable of
   ENERGY-OBJECT-CONTEXT-MIB via entPhysicalIndex.  Every Energy Object
   MUST implement entPhysicalIndex, entPhysicalClass, entPhysicalName,
   and entPhysicalUUID from the ENTITY-MIB [RFC6933].  As the primary

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   index for the Energy Object, entPhysicalIndex is used: it
   characterizes the Energy Object in the ENERGY-OBJECT-MIB and the
   POWER-ATTRIBUTES-MIB MIB modules (this document).

   The NMS must first poll the ENERGY-OBJECT-CONTEXT-MIB MIB module
   [RFC7461], if available, in order to discover all the Energy Objects
   and the relationships between those Energy Objects.  In the ENERGY-
   OBJECT-CONTEXT-MIB module tables, the Energy Objects are indexed by
   the entPhysicalIndex.

   From there, the NMS must poll the eoPowerStateTable (specified in the
   ENERGY-OBJECT-MIB module in this document), which enumerates, amongst
   other things, the maximum power usage.  As the entries in
   eoPowerStateTable table are indexed by the Energy Object
   (entPhysicalIndex) and by the Power State Set (eoPowerStateIndex),
   the maximum power usage is discovered per Energy Object, and the
   power usage per Power State of the Power State Set.  In other words,
   reading the eoPowerStateTable allows the discovery of each Power
   State within every Power State Set supported by the Energy Object.

   The MIB module may be populated with the Energy Object relationship
   information, which have its own Energy Object index value
   (entPhysicalIndex).  However, the Energy Object relationship must be
   discovered via the ENERGY-OBJECT-CONTEXT-MIB module.

   Finally, the NMS can monitor the power attributes with the POWER-
   ATTRIBUTES-MIB MIB module, which reuses the entPhysicalIndex to index
   the Energy Object.

7.  Link with the Other IETF MIBs

7.1.  Link with the ENTITY-MIB and the ENTITY-SENSOR MIB

   [RFC6933] defines the ENTITY-MIB module that lists the physical
   entities of a networking device (router, switch, etc.)  and those
   physical entities indexed by entPhysicalIndex.  From an energy-
   management standpoint, the physical entities that consume or produce
   energy are of interest.

   [RFC3433] defines the ENTITY-SENSOR MIB module that provides a
   standardized way of obtaining information (current value of the
   sensor, operational status of the sensor, and the data-unit
   precision) from sensors embedded in networking devices.  Sensors are
   associated with each index of the entPhysicalIndex of the ENTITY-MIB
   [RFC6933].  While the focus of the Monitoring and Control MIB for
   Power and Energy is on measurement of power usage of networking
   equipment indexed by the ENTITY-MIB, this MIB supports a customized

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   power scale for power measurement and different Power States of
   networking equipment and the functionality to configure the Power

   The Energy Objects are modeled by the entPhysicalIndex through the
   entPhysicalEntity MIB object specified in the eoTable in the ENERGY-

   The ENTITY-SENSOR MIB [RFC3433] does not have the ANSI C12.x accuracy
   classes required for electricity (e.g., 1%, 2%, and 0.5% accuracy
   classes).  Indeed, entPhySensorPrecision [RFC3433] represents "The
   number of decimal places of precision in fixed-point sensor values
   returned by the associated entPhySensorValue object".  The ANSI and
   IEC standards are used for power measurement and these standards
   require that we use an accuracy class, not the scientific-number
   precision model specified in RFC3433.  The eoPowerAccuracy MIB object
   models this accuracy.  Note that eoPowerUnitMultipler represents the
   scale factor per IEC 62053-21 [IEC.62053-21] and IEC 62053-22
   [IEC.62053-22], which is a more logical representation for power
   measurements (compared to entPhySensorScale), with the mantissa and
   the exponent values X * 10 ^ Y.

   Power measurements specifying the qualifier 'UNITS' for each measured
   value in watts are used in the LLDP-EXT-MED-MIB, Power Ethernet
   [RFC3621], and UPS [RFC1628] MIBs.  The same 'UNITS' qualifier is
   used for the power measurement values.

   One cannot assume that the ENTITY-MIB and ENTITY-SENSOR MIBs are
   implemented for all Energy Objects that need to be monitored.  A
   typical example is a converged building gateway, which can monitor
   other devices in a building and provides a proxy between SNMP and a
   protocol like BACnet.  Another example is the home energy controller.
   In such cases, the eoPhysicalEntity value contains the zero value,
   using the PhysicalIndexOrZero Textual Convention.

   The eoPower is similar to entPhySensorValue [RFC3433] and the
   eoPowerUnitMultipler is similar to entPhySensorScale.

7.2.  Link with the ENTITY-STATE MIB

   For each entity in the ENTITY-MIB [RFC6933], the ENTITY-STATE MIB
   [RFC4268] specifies the operational states (entStateOper: unknown,
   enabled, disabled, testing), the alarm (entStateAlarm: unknown,
   underRepair, critical, major, minor, warning, indeterminate), and the
   possible values of standby states (entStateStandby: unknown,
   hotStandby, coldStandby, providingService).

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   From a power-monitoring point of view, in contrast to the entity
   operational states of entities, Power States are required, as
   proposed in the Monitoring and Control MIB for Power and Energy.
   Those Power States can be mapped to the different operational states
   in the ENTITY-STATE MIB, if a formal mapping is required.  For
   example, the entStateStandby "unknown", "hotStandby", and
   "coldStandby" states could map to the Power State "unknown", "ready",
   "standby", respectively, while the entStateStandby "providingService"
   could map to any "low" to "high" Power State.

7.3.  Link with the POWER-OVER-ETHERNET MIB

   The Power-over-Ethernet MIB [RFC3621] provides an energy monitoring
   and configuration framework for power over Ethernet devices.  RFC
   3621 defines a port group entity on a switch for power monitoring and
   management policy and does not use the entPhysicalIndex index.
   Indeed, pethMainPseConsumptionPower is indexed by the
   pethMainPseGroupIndex, which has no mapping with the

   If the Power-over-Ethernet MIB [RFC3621] is supported, the Energy
   Object eoethPortIndex and eoethPortGrpIndex contain the
   pethPsePortIndex and pethPsePortGroupIndex, respectively.  However,
   one cannot assume that the Power-over-Ethernet MIB is implemented for
   most or all Energy Objects.  In such cases, the eoethPortIndex and
   eoethPortGrpIndex values contain the zero value, via the new
   PethPsePortIndexOrZero and PethPsePortGroupIndexOrZero TCs.

   In either case, the entPhysicalIndex MIB object is used as the unique
   Energy Object index.

   Note that, even though the Power-over-Ethernet MIB [RFC3621] was
   created after the ENTITY-SENSOR MIB [RFC3433], it does not reuse the
   precision notion from the ENTITY-SENSOR MIB, i.e., the
   entPhySensorPrecision MIB object.

7.4.  Link with the UPS MIB

   To protect against unexpected power disruption, data centers and
   buildings make use of Uninterruptible Power Supplies (UPS).  To
   protect critical assets, a UPS can be restricted to a particular
   subset or domain of the network.  UPS usage typically lasts only for
   a finite period of time, until normal power supply is restored.
   Planning is required to decide on the capacity of the UPS based on
   output power and duration of probable power outage.  To properly
   provision UPS power in a data center or building, it is important to

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   first understand the total demand required to support all the
   entities in the site.  This demand can be assessed and monitored via
   the Monitoring and Control MIB for Power and Energy.

   The UPS MIB [RFC1628] provides information on the state of the UPS
   network.  Implementation of the UPS MIB is useful at the aggregate
   level of a data center or a building.  The MIB module contains
   several groups of variables:

      - upsIdent: Identifies the UPS entity (name, model, etc.).

      - upsBattery group: Indicates the battery state (upsbatteryStatus,
        upsEstimatedMinutesRemaining, etc.)

      - upsInput group: Characterizes the input load to the UPS (number
        of input lines, voltage, current, etc.).

      - upsOutput: Characterizes the output from the UPS (number of
        output lines, voltage, current, etc.)

      - upsAlarms: Indicates the various alarm events.

   The measurement of power in the UPS MIB is in volts, amperes, and
   watts.  The units of power measurement are root mean square (RMS)
   volts and RMS amperes.  They are not based on the
   EntitySensorDataScale and EntitySensorDataPrecision of ENTITY-SENSOR-

   Both the Monitoring and Control MIB for Power and Energy and the UPS
   MIB may be implemented on the same UPS SNMP agent, without conflict.
   In this case, the UPS device itself is the Energy Object and any of
   the UPS meters or submeters are the Energy Objects with a possible
   relationship as defined in [RFC7326].

7.5.  Link with the LLDP and LLDP-MED MIBs

   The Link Layer Discovery Protocol (LLDP) is a Data Link Layer
   protocol used by network devices to advertise their identities,
   capabilities, and interconnections on a LAN network.

   The Media Endpoint Discovery is an enhancement of LLDP, known as
   LLDP-MED.  The LLDP-MED enhancements specifically address voice
   applications.  LLDP-MED covers six basic areas: capability discovery,
   LAN speed and duplex discovery, network policy discovery, location
   identification discovery, inventory discovery, and power discovery.

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   Of particular interest to the current MIB module is the power
   discovery, which allows the endpoint device (such as a PoE phone) to
   convey power requirements to the switch.  In power discovery,
   LLDP-MED has four Type-Length-Values (TLVs): power type, power
   source, power priority, and power value.  Respectively, those TLVs
   provide information related to the type of power (power sourcing
   entity versus powered device), how the device is powered (from the
   line, from a backup source, from external power source, etc.), the
   power priority (how important is it that this device has power?), and
   how much power the device needs.

   The power priority specified in the LLDP-MED MIB [LLDP-MED-MIB]
   actually comes from the Power-over-Ethernet MIB [RFC3621].  If the
   Power-over-Ethernet MIB [RFC3621] is supported, the exact value from
   the pethPsePortPowerPriority [RFC3621] is copied over into the
   lldpXMedRemXPoEPDPowerPriority [LLDP-MED-MIB]; otherwise, the value
   in lldpXMedRemXPoEPDPowerPriority is "unknown".  From the Monitoring
   and Control MIB for Power and Energy, it is possible to identify the
   pethPsePortPowerPriority [RFC3621], via the eoethPortIndex and

   The lldpXMedLocXPoEPDPowerSource [LLDP-MED-MIB] is similar to
   eoPowerMeasurementLocal in indicating if the power for an attached
   device is local or from a remote device.  If the LLDP-MED MIB is
   supported, the following mapping can be applied to the
   eoPowerMeasurementLocal: lldpXMedLocXPoEPDPowerSource fromPSE(2) and
   local(3) can be mapped to false and true, respectively.

8.  Structure of the MIB

   The primary MIB object in the energyObjectMib MIB module is the
   energyObjectMibObjects root.  The eoPowerTable table of
   energyObjectMibObjects describes the power measurement attributes of
   an Energy Object entity.  The identity of a device in terms of
   uniquely identification of the Energy Object and its relationship to
   other entities in the network are addressed in [RFC7461].

   Logically, this MIB module is a sparse extension of the ENERGY-
   OBJECT-CONTEXT-MIB module [RFC7461].  Thus, the following
   requirements that are applied to [RFC7461] are also applicable.  As a
   requirement for this MIB module, [RFC7461] SHOULD be implemented and
   as Module Compliance of ENTITY-MIB V4 [RFC6933] with respect to
   entity4CRCompliance MUST be supported, which requires four MIB
   objects: entPhysicalIndex, entPhysicalClass, entPhysicalName, and
   entPhysicalUUID MUST be implemented.

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   The eoMeterCapabilitiesTable is useful to enable applications to
   determine the capabilities supported by the local management agent.
   This table indicates the energy-monitoring MIB groups that are
   supported by the local management system.  By reading the value of
   this object, it is possible for applications to know which tables
   contain the information and are usable without walking through the
   table and querying every element that involves a trial-and-error

   The power measurement of an Energy Object contains information
   describing its power usage (eoPower) and its current Power State
   (eoPowerOperState).  In addition to power usage, additional
   information describing the units of measurement (eoPowerAccuracy,
   eoPowerUnitMultiplier), how power usage measurement was obtained
   (eoPowerMeasurementCaliber), the source of power measurement
   (eoPowerMeasurementLocal), and the type of power (eoPowerCurrentType)
   are described.

   An Energy Object may contain an optional eoEnergyTable to describe
   energy measurement information over time.

   An Energy Object may contain an optional eoACPwrAttributesTable table
   (specified in the POWER-ATTRIBUTES-MIB module) that describes the
   electrical characteristics associated with the current Power State
   and usage.

   An Energy Object may also contain optional battery information
   associated with this entity.

9.  MIB Definitions

9.1.  The IANAPowerStateSet-MIB Module

   -- ************************************************************
   -- This MIB, maintained by IANA, contains a single Textual
   -- Convention: PowerStateSet
   -- ************************************************************



   ianaPowerStateSet MODULE-IDENTITY

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RFC 7460         Power/Energy Monitoring and Control MIB      March 2015

       LAST-UPDATED "201502090000Z"    -- 9 February 2015
                     Internet Assigned Numbers Authority
                     Postal: ICANN
                     12025 Waterfront Drive, Suite 300
                     Los Angeles, CA 90094
                     United States
                     Tel: +1-310-301 5800

          "Copyright (c) 2015 IETF Trust and the persons identified as
           authors of the code.  All rights reserved.

           Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or
           without modification, is permitted pursuant to, and subject
           to the license terms contained in, the Simplified BSD License
           set forth in Section 4.c of the IETF Trust's Legal Provisions
           Relating to IETF Documents

           This MIB module defines the PowerStateSet Textual
           Convention, which specifies the Power State Sets and
           Power State Set Values an Energy Object supports.

           The initial version of this MIB module was published in
           RFC 7460; for full legal notices see the RFC itself."

       -- revision history
       REVISION "201502090000Z"     -- 9 February 2015
           "Initial version of this MIB module, as published as RFC

      ::= { mib-2 228 }

       STATUS current
           "IANAPowerState is a textual convention that describes
           Power State Sets and Power State Set Values an Energy
           Object supports.  IANA has created a registry of Power
           State supported by an Energy Object and IANA shall
           administer the list of Power State Sets and Power

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RFC 7460         Power/Energy Monitoring and Control MIB      March 2015

           The Textual Convention assumes that Power States in a
           Power State Set are limited to 255 distinct values.  For
           a Power State Set S, the named number with the value S *
           256 is allocated to indicate the Power State Set.  For a
           Power State X in the Power State Set S, the named number
           with the value S * 256 + X + 1 is allocated to represent
           the Power State.

           Requests for new values should be made to IANA via email

       SYNTAX      INTEGER {
           other(0),        -- indicates other set
           unknown(255),    -- unknown

           ieee1621(256),    -- indicates IEEE1621 set

           dmtf(512),        -- indicates DMTF set

           eman(1024),       -- indicates EMAN set

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RFC 7460         Power/Energy Monitoring and Control MIB      March 2015



   -- ************************************************************
   -- This MIB is used to monitor power usage of network
   -- devices
   -- *************************************************************


       Integer32, Counter32, Unsigned32, TimeTicks
           FROM SNMPv2-SMI
       TEXTUAL-CONVENTION, RowStatus, TimeInterval,
       TimeStamp, TruthValue, StorageType
           FROM SNMPv2-TC
           FROM SNMPv2-CONF
         FROM RMON-MIB
          FROM IANAPowerStateSet-MIB;

   energyObjectMib MODULE-IDENTITY
       LAST-UPDATED    "201502090000Z"    -- 9 February 2015
       ORGANIZATION    "IETF EMAN Working Group"
               "WG charter:

                Mailing Lists:
                General Discussion:

Chandramouli, et al.         Standards Track                   [Page 27]

RFC 7460         Power/Energy Monitoring and Control MIB      March 2015

                To Subscribe:


                Mouli Chandramouli
                Cisco Systems, Inc.
                Sarjapur Outer Ring Road
                Bangalore 560103
                Phone: +91 80 4429 2409

                Brad Schoening
                44 Rivers Edge Drive
                Little Silver, NJ 07739
                United States

                Juergen Quittek
                NEC Europe, Ltd.
                NEC Laboratories Europe
                Network Research Division
                Kurfuersten-Anlage 36
                Heidelberg  69115
                Phone: +49 6221 4342-115

                Thomas Dietz
                NEC Europe, Ltd.
                NEC Laboratories Europe
                Network Research Division
                Kurfuersten-Anlage 36
                69115 Heidelberg
                Phone: +49 6221 4342-128

                Benoit Claise
                Cisco Systems, Inc.
                De Kleetlaan 6a b1
                Degem 1831
                Phone:  +32 2 704 5622

Chandramouli, et al.         Standards Track                   [Page 28]

RFC 7460         Power/Energy Monitoring and Control MIB      March 2015

          "Copyright (c) 2015 IETF Trust and the persons identified as
           authors of the code.  All rights reserved.

           Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or
           without modification, is permitted pursuant to, and subject
           to the license terms contained in, the Simplified BSD License
           set forth in Section 4.c of the IETF Trust's Legal Provisions
           Relating to IETF Documents

           This MIB is used to monitor power and energy in

           The tables eoMeterCapabilitiesTable and eoPowerTable
           are a sparse extension of the eoTable from the
           ENERGY-OBJECT-CONTEXT-MIB.  As a requirement,
           [RFC7461] SHOULD be implemented.

           Module Compliance of ENTITY-MIB v4 with respect to
           entity4CRCompliance MUST be supported which requires
           implementation of 4 MIB objects: entPhysicalIndex,
           entPhysicalClass, entPhysicalName and entPhysicalUUID."
       REVISION "201502090000Z"     -- 9 February 2015
          "Initial version, published as RFC 7460."

      ::= { mib-2 229 }

   energyObjectMibNotifs OBJECT IDENTIFIER
       ::= { energyObjectMib 0 }

   energyObjectMibObjects OBJECT IDENTIFIER
       ::= { energyObjectMib 1 }

   energyObjectMibConform  OBJECT IDENTIFIER
       ::= { energyObjectMib 2 }

   -- Textual Conventions

   UnitMultiplier ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
       STATUS           current
          "The Unit Multiplier is an integer value that represents
          the IEEE 61850 Annex A units multiplier associated with
          the integer units used to measure the power or energy.

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          For example, when used with eoPowerUnitMultiplier, -3
          represents 10^-3 or milliwatts."
          "The International System of Units (SI), National
          Institute of Standards and Technology, Spec. Publ. 330,
          August 1991."
           yocto(-24),   -- 10^-24
           zepto(-21),   -- 10^-21
           atto(-18),    -- 10^-18
           femto(-15),   -- 10^-15
           pico(-12),    -- 10^-12
           nano(-9),     -- 10^-9
           micro(-6),    -- 10^-6
           milli(-3),    -- 10^-3
           units(0),     -- 10^0
           kilo(3),      -- 10^3
           mega(6),      -- 10^6
           giga(9),      -- 10^9
           tera(12),     -- 10^12
           peta(15),     -- 10^15
           exa(18),      -- 10^18
           zetta(21),    -- 10^21
           yotta(24)     -- 10^24

   -- Objects

   eoMeterCapabilitiesTable OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX          SEQUENCE OF EoMeterCapabilitiesEntry
       MAX-ACCESS      not-accessible
       STATUS          current
          "This table is useful for helping applications determine
          the monitoring capabilities supported by the local
          management agents.  It is possible for applications to
          know which tables are usable without going through a
          trial-and-error process."
       ::= { energyObjectMibObjects 1 }

   eoMeterCapabilitiesEntry OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX          EoMeterCapabilitiesEntry
       MAX-ACCESS      not-accessible
       STATUS          current
          "An entry describes the metering capability of an Energy
       INDEX { entPhysicalIndex }

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       ::= { eoMeterCapabilitiesTable  1 }

   EoMeterCapabilitiesEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
             eoMeterCapability          BITS

   eoMeterCapability OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX   BITS {
          powermetering(1),        -- power measurement
          energymetering(2),       -- energy measurement
          powerattributes(3)       -- power attributes
       MAX-ACCESS      read-only
       STATUS          current
          "An indication of the energy-monitoring capabilities
          supported by this agent.  This object use a BITS syntax
          and indicates the MIB groups supported by the probe.  By
          reading the value of this object, it is possible to
          determine the MIB tables supported."
       ::= { eoMeterCapabilitiesEntry 1  }

   eoPowerTable OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX          SEQUENCE OF EoPowerEntry
       MAX-ACCESS      not-accessible
       STATUS          current
          "This table lists Energy Objects."
       ::= { energyObjectMibObjects 2  }

   eoPowerEntry OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX          EoPowerEntry
       MAX-ACCESS      not-accessible
       STATUS          current
          "An entry describes the power usage of an Energy Object."
       INDEX { entPhysicalIndex }
       ::= { eoPowerTable  1 }

   EoPowerEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
       eoPower                         Integer32,
       eoPowerNameplate                Unsigned32,
       eoPowerUnitMultiplier           UnitMultiplier,
       eoPowerAccuracy                 Integer32,
       eoPowerMeasurementCaliber       INTEGER,
       eoPowerCurrentType             INTEGER,
       eoPowerMeasurementLocal         TruthValue,

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       eoPowerAdminState               PowerStateSet,
       eoPowerOperState                PowerStateSet,
       eoPowerStateEnterReason         OwnerString

   eoPower OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX          Integer32
       UNITS          "watts"
       MAX-ACCESS      read-only
       STATUS          current
          "This object indicates the power measured for the Energy
          Object.  For alternating current, this value is obtained
          as an average over fixed number of AC cycles.  This value
          is specified in SI units of watts with the magnitude of
          watts (milliwatts, kilowatts, etc.) indicated separately
          in eoPowerUnitMultiplier.  The accuracy of the measurement
          is specified in eoPowerAccuracy.  The direction of power
          flow is indicated by the sign on eoPower.  If the Energy
          Object is consuming power, the eoPower value will be
          positive.  If the Energy Object is producing power, the
          eoPower value will be negative.

          The eoPower MUST be less than or equal to the maximum
          power that can be consumed at the Power State specified
          by eoPowerState.

          The eoPowerMeasurementCaliber object specifies how the
          usage value reported by eoPower was obtained.  The eoPower
          value must report 0 if the eoPowerMeasurementCaliber is
          'unavailable'.  For devices that cannot measure or
          report power, this option can be used."
       ::= { eoPowerEntry 1 }

   eoPowerNameplate OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX          Unsigned32
       UNITS          "watts"
       MAX-ACCESS      read-only
       STATUS          current
          "This object indicates the rated maximum consumption for
          the fully populated Energy Object.  The nameplate power
          requirements are the maximum power numbers given in SI
          watts and, in almost all cases, are well above the
          expected operational consumption.  Nameplate power is
          widely used for power provisioning.  This value is
          specified in either units of watts or voltage and
          current.  The units are therefore SI watts or equivalent

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          Volt-Amperes with the magnitude (milliwatts, kilowatts,
          etc.) indicated separately in eoPowerUnitMultiplier."
       ::= { eoPowerEntry 2 }

   eoPowerUnitMultiplier OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX          UnitMultiplier
       MAX-ACCESS      read-only
       STATUS          current
          "The magnitude of watts for the usage value in eoPower
          and eoPowerNameplate."
       ::= { eoPowerEntry 3 }

   eoPowerAccuracy OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX          Integer32 (0..10000)
       UNITS           "hundredths of percent"
       MAX-ACCESS      read-only
       STATUS          current
          "This object indicates a percentage value, in hundredths of a
          percent, representing the assumed accuracy of the usage
          reported by eoPower.  For example, the value 1010 means
          the reported usage is accurate to +/- 10.1 percent.  This
          value is zero if the accuracy is unknown or not
          applicable based upon the measurement method.

          ANSI and IEC define the following accuracy classes for
          power measurement:
               IEC 62053-22 60044-1 class 0.1, 0.2, 0.5, 1  3.
               ANSI C12.20 class 0.2, 0.5"
       ::= { eoPowerEntry 4 }

   eoPowerMeasurementCaliber   OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX          INTEGER  {
                           unavailable(1) ,
                           actual(3) ,
                           static(5)                    }
       MAX-ACCESS      read-only
       STATUS          current
          "This object specifies how the usage value reported by
          eoPower was obtained:

          - unavailable(1): Indicates that the usage is not
          available.  In such a case, the eoPower value must be 0
          for devices that cannot measure or report power this

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          option can be used.

          - unknown(2): Indicates that the way the usage was
          determined is unknown.  In some cases, entities report
          aggregate power on behalf of another device.  In such
          cases it is not known whether the usage reported is
          actual, estimated, or static.

          - actual(3):  Indicates that the reported usage was
          measured by the entity through some hardware or direct
          physical means.  The usage data reported is not estimated
          or static but is the measured consumption rate.

          - estimated(4): Indicates that the usage was not
          determined by physical measurement.  The value is a
          derivation based upon the device type, state, and/or
          current utilization using some algorithm or heuristic.  It
          is presumed that the entity's state and current
          configuration were used to compute the value.

          - static(5): Indicates that the usage was not determined
          by physical measurement, algorithm, or derivation.  The
          usage was reported based upon external tables,
          specifications, and/or model information.  For example, a
          PC Model X draws 200W, while a PC Model Y draws 210W."
       ::= { eoPowerEntry 5 }

   eoPowerCurrentType OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX      INTEGER  {
       MAX-ACCESS  read-only
       STATUS      current
          "This object indicates whether the eoPower for the
          Energy Object reports alternating current 'ac', direct
          current 'dc', or that the current type is unknown."
       ::= { eoPowerEntry 6 }

   eoPowerMeasurementLocal  OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX          TruthValue
       MAX-ACCESS      read-only
       STATUS          current
          "This object indicates the source of power measurement
          and can be useful when modeling the power usage of

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          attached devices.  The power measurement can be performed
          by the entity itself or the power measurement of the
          entity can be reported by another trusted entity using a
          protocol extension.  A value of true indicates the
          measurement is performed by the entity, whereas false
          indicates that the measurement was performed by another
       ::= { eoPowerEntry 7 }

   eoPowerAdminState OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX          PowerStateSet
       MAX-ACCESS      read-write
       STATUS          current
          "This object specifies the desired Power State and the
          Power State Set for the Energy Object.  Note that other(0)
          is not a Power State Set and unknown(255) is not a Power
          State as such, but simply an indication that the Power
          State of the Energy Object is unknown.
          Possible values of eoPowerAdminState within the Power
          State Set are registered at IANA.
          A current list of assignments can be found at
       ::= { eoPowerEntry 8 }

   eoPowerOperState OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX          PowerStateSet
       MAX-ACCESS      read-only
       STATUS          current
          "This object specifies the current operational Power
          State and the Power State Set for the Energy Object.
          other(0) is not a Power State Set and unknown(255) is not
          a Power State as such, but simply an indication that the
          Power State of the Energy Object is unknown.

          Possible values of eoPowerOperState within the Power
          State Set are registered at IANA.  A current list of
          assignments can be found at
       ::= { eoPowerEntry 9 }

   eoPowerStateEnterReason OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX         OwnerString
        MAX-ACCESS     read-write
        STATUS         current
          "This string object describes the reason for the

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          eoPowerAdminState transition.  Alternatively, this string
          may contain with the entity that configured this Energy
          Object to this Power State."
        DEFVAL { "" }
        ::= { eoPowerEntry 10 }

   eoPowerStateTable OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX          SEQUENCE OF EoPowerStateEntry
       MAX-ACCESS      not-accessible
       STATUS          current
          "This table enumerates the maximum power usage, in watts,
          for every single supported Power State of each Energy

          This table has cross-reference with the eoPowerTable,
          containing rows describing each Power State for the
          corresponding Energy Object.  For every Energy Object in
          the eoPowerTable, there is a corresponding entry in this
       ::= { energyObjectMibObjects 3  }

   eoPowerStateEntry OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX          EoPowerStateEntry
       MAX-ACCESS      not-accessible
       STATUS          current
          "A eoPowerStateEntry extends a corresponding
          eoPowerEntry.  This entry displays max usage values at
          every single possible Power State supported by the Energy
          For example, given the values of a Energy Object
          corresponding to a maximum usage of 0 W at the
          state emanmechoff, 8 W at state 6 (ready), 11 W at state
          emanmediumMinus, and 11 W at state emanhigh:

                  State      MaxUsage Units
               emanmechoff       0       W
               emansoftoff       0       W
               emanhibernate     0       W
               emansleep         0       W
               emanstandby       0       W
               emanready         8       W
               emanlowMinus      8       W
               emanlow          11       W
               emanmediumMinus  11       W
               emanmedium       11       W
               emanhighMinus    11       W

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               emnanhigh        11       W

          Furthermore, this table also includes the total time in
          each Power State, along with the number of times a
          particular Power State was entered."

       INDEX { entPhysicalIndex, eoPowerStateIndex }
       ::= { eoPowerStateTable 1 }

   EoPowerStateEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
       eoPowerStateIndex              PowerStateSet,
       eoPowerStateMaxPower           Integer32,
       eoPowerStatePowerUnitMultiplier  UnitMultiplier,
       eoPowerStateTotalTime            TimeTicks,
       eoPowerStateEnterCount            Counter32

   eoPowerStateIndex OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX          PowerStateSet
       MAX-ACCESS      not-accessible
       STATUS          current
          "This object specifies the index of the Power State of
          the Energy Object within a Power State Set.  The semantics
          of the specific Power State can be obtained from the
          Power State Set definition."
       ::= { eoPowerStateEntry 1 }

   eoPowerStateMaxPower OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX          Integer32
       UNITS          "watts"
       MAX-ACCESS      read-only
       STATUS          current
          "This object indicates the maximum power for the Energy
          Object at the particular Power State.  This value is
          specified in SI units of watts with the magnitude of the
          units (milliwatts, kilowatts, etc.) indicated separately
          in eoPowerStatePowerUnitMultiplier.  If the maximum power
          is not known for a certain Power State, then the value is
          encoded as 0xFFFFFFFF.

          For Power States not enumerated, the value of
          eoPowerStateMaxPower might be interpolated by using the
          next highest supported Power State."
       ::= { eoPowerStateEntry 2  }

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   eoPowerStatePowerUnitMultiplier OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX          UnitMultiplier
       MAX-ACCESS      read-only
       STATUS          current
          "The magnitude of watts for the usage value in
       ::= { eoPowerStateEntry 3  }

   eoPowerStateTotalTime OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX      TimeTicks
       MAX-ACCESS  read-only
       STATUS      current
          "This object indicates the total time in hundredths
          of a second that the Energy Object has been in this power
          state since the last reset, as specified in the
       ::= { eoPowerStateEntry 4  }

   eoPowerStateEnterCount OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX       Counter32
       MAX-ACCESS   read-only
       STATUS       current
          "This object indicates how often the Energy Object has
          entered this power state, since the last reset of the
          device as specified in the sysUpTime."
       ::= { eoPowerStateEntry 5   }

   eoEnergyParametersTable OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX          SEQUENCE OF EoEnergyParametersEntry
       MAX-ACCESS      not-accessible
       STATUS          current
          "This table is used to configure the parameters for
          energy measurement collection in the table eoEnergyTable.
          This table allows the configuration of different
          measurement settings on the same Energy Object.
          Implementation of this table only makes sense for Energy
          Objects that an eoPowerMeasurementCaliber of actual."
       ::= { energyObjectMibObjects 4   }

   eoEnergyParametersEntry OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX          EoEnergyParametersEntry
       MAX-ACCESS      not-accessible
       STATUS          current

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          "An entry controls an energy measurement in
       INDEX { entPhysicalIndex, eoEnergyParametersIndex }
       ::= { eoEnergyParametersTable 1 }

   EoEnergyParametersEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
       eoEnergyParametersIndex            Integer32,
       eoEnergyParametersIntervalLength   TimeInterval,
       eoEnergyParametersIntervalNumber   Unsigned32,
       eoEnergyParametersIntervalMode     INTEGER,
       eoEnergyParametersIntervalWindow   TimeInterval,
       eoEnergyParametersSampleRate       Unsigned32,
       eoEnergyParametersStorageType      StorageType,
       eoEnergyParametersStatus           RowStatus

   eoEnergyParametersIndex OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX           Integer32 (1..2147483647)
       MAX-ACCESS       not-accessible
       STATUS           current
          "This object specifies the index of the Energy Parameters
          setting for collection of energy measurements for an
          Energy Object.  An Energy Object can have multiple
          eoEnergyParametersIndex, depending on the capabilities of
          the Energy Object"
       ::= { eoEnergyParametersEntry 2 }

   eoEnergyParametersIntervalLength OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX          TimeInterval
       MAX-ACCESS      read-create
       STATUS          current
          "This object indicates the length of time in hundredths
          of a second over which to compute the average
          eoEnergyConsumed measurement in the eoEnergyTable table.
          The computation is based on the Energy Object's internal
          sampling rate of power consumed or produced by the Energy
          Object.  The sampling rate is the rate at which the Energy
          Object can read the power usage and may differ based on
          device capabilities.  The average energy consumption is
          then computed over the length of the interval.  The
          default value of 15 minutes is a common interval used in
       DEFVAL { 90000 }
       ::= { eoEnergyParametersEntry 3 }

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   eoEnergyParametersIntervalNumber OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX          Unsigned32
       MAX-ACCESS      read-create
       STATUS          current
          "The number of intervals maintained in the eoEnergyTable.
          Each interval is characterized by a specific
          eoEnergyCollectionStartTime, used as an index to the
          table eoEnergyTable.  Whenever the maximum number of
          entries is reached, the measurement over the new interval
          replaces the oldest measurement.  There is one exception
          to this rule: when the eoEnergyMaxConsumed and/or
          eoEnergyMaxProduced are in (one of) the two oldest
          measurement(s), they are left untouched and the next
          oldest measurement is replaced."
          DEFVAL { 10 }
       ::= { eoEnergyParametersEntry 4 }

   eoEnergyParametersIntervalMode OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX          INTEGER  {
     MAX-ACCESS      read-create
     STATUS          current
          "A control object to define the mode of interval
          calculation for the computation of the average
          eoEnergyConsumed or eoEnergyProvided measurement in the
          eoEnergyTable table.

          A mode of period(1) specifies non-overlapping periodic

          A mode of sliding(2) specifies overlapping sliding
          windows where the interval between the start of one
          interval and the next is defined in

          A mode of total(3) specifies non-periodic measurement.
          In this mode only one interval is used as this is a
          continuous measurement since the last reset.  The value of
          eoEnergyParametersIntervalNumber should be (1) one and
          eoEnergyParametersIntervalLength is ignored."
      ::= { eoEnergyParametersEntry 5 }

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   eoEnergyParametersIntervalWindow OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX          TimeInterval
       MAX-ACCESS      read-create
       STATUS          current
          "The length of the duration window between the starting
          time of one sliding window and the next starting time in
          hundredths of seconds, used to compute the average of
          eoEnergyConsumed, eoEnergyProvided measurements in the
          eoEnergyTable table.  This is valid only when the
          eoEnergyParametersIntervalMode is sliding(2).  The
          eoEnergyParametersIntervalWindow value should be a
          multiple of eoEnergyParametersSampleRate."
       ::= { eoEnergyParametersEntry 6 }

   eoEnergyParametersSampleRate OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX          Unsigned32
      UNITS           "Milliseconds"
       MAX-ACCESS      read-create
       STATUS          current
          "The sampling rate, in milliseconds, at which the Energy
          Object should poll power usage in order to compute the
          average eoEnergyConsumed, eoEnergyProvided measurements
          in the table eoEnergyTable.  The Energy Object should
          initially set this sampling rate to a reasonable value,
          i.e., a compromise between intervals that will provide
          good accuracy by not being too long, but not so short
          that they affect the Energy Object performance by
          requesting continuous polling.  If the sampling rate is
          unknown, the value 0 is reported.  The sampling rate
          should be selected so that
          eoEnergyParametersIntervalWindow is a multiple of
          eoEnergyParametersSampleRate.  The default value is one
       DEFVAL { 1000 }
       ::= { eoEnergyParametersEntry 7 }

   eoEnergyParametersStorageType OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX          StorageType
       MAX-ACCESS      read-create
       STATUS          current
           "This variable indicates the storage type for this row."
       DEFVAL { nonVolatile }
       ::= {eoEnergyParametersEntry 8 }

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   eoEnergyParametersStatus OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX          RowStatus
       MAX-ACCESS      read-create
       STATUS          current
          "The status of this row.  The eoEnergyParametersStatus is
          used to start or stop energy usage logging.  An entry
          status may not be active(1) unless all objects in the
          entry have an appropriate value.  If this object is not
          equal to active, all associated usage-data logged into
          the eoEnergyTable will be deleted.  The data can be
          destroyed by setting up the eoEnergyParametersStatus to
       ::= {eoEnergyParametersEntry 9 }

   eoEnergyTable OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX          SEQUENCE OF EoEnergyEntry
       MAX-ACCESS      not-accessible
       STATUS          current
          "This table lists Energy Object energy measurements.
          Entries in this table are only created if the
          corresponding value of object eoPowerMeasurementCaliber
          is active(3), i.e., if the power is actually metered."
       ::= { energyObjectMibObjects 5   }

   eoEnergyEntry OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX          EoEnergyEntry
       MAX-ACCESS      not-accessible
       STATUS          current
           "An entry describing energy measurements."
       INDEX { eoEnergyParametersIndex,
               eoEnergyCollectionStartTime }
       ::= { eoEnergyTable 1 }

   EoEnergyEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
       eoEnergyCollectionStartTime       TimeTicks,
        eoEnergyConsumed                  Unsigned32,
        eoEnergyProvided                  Unsigned32,
        eoEnergyStored                    Unsigned32,
        eoEnergyUnitMultiplier            UnitMultiplier,
        eoEnergyAccuracy                  Integer32,
        eoEnergyMaxConsumed               Unsigned32,
        eoEnergyMaxProduced               Unsigned32,
        eoEnergyDiscontinuityTime         TimeStamp

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   eoEnergyCollectionStartTime OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX          TimeTicks
       UNITS          "hundredths of a second"
       MAX-ACCESS      not-accessible
       STATUS          current
          "The time (in hundredths of a second) since the
          network management portion of the system was last
          re-initialized, as specified in the sysUpTime RFC 3418.
          This object specifies the start time of the energy
          measurement sample."
         "RFC 3418: Management Information Base (MIB) for the
          Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP)"
       ::= { eoEnergyEntry 1 }

   eoEnergyConsumed OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX          Unsigned32
       UNITS           "Watt-hours"
       MAX-ACCESS      read-only
       STATUS          current
          "This object indicates the energy consumed in units of
          watt-hours for the Energy Object over the defined
          interval.  This value is specified in the common billing
          units of watt-hours with the magnitude of watt-hours
          kWh, MWh, etc.) indicated separately in
       ::= { eoEnergyEntry 2 }

   eoEnergyProvided OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX          Unsigned32
       UNITS           "Watt-hours"
       MAX-ACCESS      read-only
       STATUS          current
          "This object indicates the energy produced in units of
          watt-hours for the Energy Object over the defined

          This value is specified in the common billing units of
          watt-hours with the magnitude of watt-hours (kWh, MWh,
          etc.) indicated separately in
       ::= { eoEnergyEntry 3 }

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   eoEnergyStored OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX          Unsigned32
       UNITS           "Watt-hours"
       MAX-ACCESS      read-only
       STATUS          current
          "This object indicates the difference of the energy
          consumed and energy produced for an Energy Object in
          units of watt-hours for the Energy Object over the
          defined interval.  This value is specified in the common
          billing units of watt-hours with the magnitude of
          watt-hours (kWh, MWh, etc.) indicated separately in
       ::= { eoEnergyEntry 4 }

   eoEnergyUnitMultiplier OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX          UnitMultiplier
       MAX-ACCESS      read-only
       STATUS          current
          "This object is the magnitude of watt-hours for the
          energy field in eoEnergyConsumed, eoEnergyProvided,
          eoEnergyStored, eoEnergyMaxConsumed, and
       ::= { eoEnergyEntry 5  }

   eoEnergyAccuracy OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX          Integer32 (0..10000)
       UNITS           "hundredths of percent"
       MAX-ACCESS      read-only
       STATUS          current
          "This object indicates a percentage accuracy, in hundredths
          of a percent, of Energy usage reporting.  eoEnergyAccuracy
          is applicable to all Energy measurements in the

          For example, 1010 means the reported usage is accurate to
          +/- 10.1 percent.

          This value is zero if the accuracy is unknown."
       ::= { eoEnergyEntry 6 }

   eoEnergyMaxConsumed OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX          Unsigned32
       UNITS          "Watt-hours"
       MAX-ACCESS      read-only
       STATUS          current

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          "This object is the maximum energy observed in
          eoEnergyConsumed since the monitoring started or was
          reinitialized.  This value is specified in the common
          billing units of watt-hours with the magnitude of
          watt-hours (kWh, MWh, etc.) indicated separately in
       ::= { eoEnergyEntry 7  }

   eoEnergyMaxProduced OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX          Unsigned32
       UNITS          "Watt-hours"
       MAX-ACCESS      read-only
       STATUS          current
          "This object is the maximum energy ever observed in
          eoEnergyEnergyProduced since the monitoring started.  This
          value is specified in the units of watt-hours with the
          magnitude of watt-hours (kWh, MWh, etc.) indicated
          separately in eoEnergyEnergyUnitMultiplier."
       ::= { eoEnergyEntry 8 }

    eoEnergyDiscontinuityTime OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX       TimeStamp
       MAX-ACCESS  read-only
       STATUS      current
          "The value of sysUpTime RFC 3418 on the most recent
          occasion at which any one or more of this entity's energy
          counters in this table suffered a discontinuity:
          eoEnergyConsumed, eoEnergyProvided or eoEnergyStored.  If
          no such discontinuities have occurred since the last
          re-initialization of the local management subsystem, then
          this object contains a zero value."
          "RFC 3418: Management Information Base (MIB) for the
           Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP)"
       ::= { eoEnergyEntry 9 }

   -- Notifications

       SYNTAX          TruthValue
       MAX-ACCESS      read-write
       STATUS          current

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RFC 7460         Power/Energy Monitoring and Control MIB      March 2015

          "This object controls whether the system produces
          notifications for eoPowerStateChange.  A false value will
          prevent these notifications from being generated."
       DEFVAL { false }
       ::= { energyObjectMibNotifs 1 }

   eoPowerStateChange NOTIFICATION-TYPE
       OBJECTS       {eoPowerAdminState, eoPowerOperState,
       STATUS        current
          "The SNMP entity generates the eoPowerStateChange when
          the values of eoPowerAdminState or eoPowerOperState,
          in the context of the Power State Set, have changed for
          the Energy Object represented by the entPhysicalIndex."
       ::= { energyObjectMibNotifs 2 }

   -- Conformance

   energyObjectMibCompliances  OBJECT IDENTIFIER
       ::= { energyObjectMibConform 1 }

   energyObjectMibGroups  OBJECT IDENTIFIER
       ::= { energyObjectMibConform 2 }
   energyObjectMibFullCompliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE
       STATUS          current
          "When this MIB is implemented with support for
          read-create, then such an implementation can
          claim full compliance.  Such devices can then
          be both monitored and configured with this MIB.

          Module Compliance of RFC 6933
          with respect to entity4CRCompliance MUST
          be supported, which requires implementation
          of four MIB objects: entPhysicalIndex, entPhysicalClass,
          entPhysicalName and entPhysicalUUID."
          "RFC 6933: Entity MIB (Version 4)"
       MODULE          -- this module

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       GROUP     energyObjectMibEnergyTableGroup
             "A compliant implementation does not
              have to implement."

       GROUP    energyObjectMibEnergyParametersTableGroup
              "A compliant implementation does not
               have to implement."

       GROUP     energyObjectMibMeterCapabilitiesTableGroup
              "A compliant implementation does not
               have to implement."
       ::= { energyObjectMibCompliances 1 }

   energyObjectMibReadOnlyCompliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE
       STATUS          current
          "When this MIB is implemented without support for
          read-create (i.e., in read-only mode), then such an
          implementation can claim read-only compliance.  Such a
          device can then be monitored but cannot be
          configured with this MIB.

          Module Compliance of [RFC6933] with respect to
          entity4CRCompliance MUST be supported which requires
          implementation of 4 MIB objects: entPhysicalIndex,
          entPhysicalClass, entPhysicalName and entPhysicalUUID."
          "RFC 6933: Entity MIB (Version 4)"
       MODULE          -- this module

       ::= { energyObjectMibCompliances 2 }

   -- Units of Conformance

   energyObjectMibTableGroup OBJECT-GROUP
      OBJECTS         {

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      STATUS          current
          "This group contains the collection of all the objects
          related to the Energy Object."
      ::= { energyObjectMibGroups 1 }

   energyObjectMibStateTableGroup OBJECT-GROUP
       OBJECTS      {
       STATUS          current
          "This group contains the collection of all the objects
          related to the Power State."
       ::= { energyObjectMibGroups 2 }

   energyObjectMibEnergyParametersTableGroup OBJECT-GROUP
       OBJECTS         {
       STATUS          current
           "This group contains the collection of all the objects
           related to the configuration of the Energy Table."
       ::= { energyObjectMibGroups 3 }

   energyObjectMibEnergyTableGroup OBJECT-GROUP
       OBJECTS         {
                        -- Note that object
                      -- eoEnergyCollectionStartTime is not
                           -- included since it is not-accessible

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       STATUS          current
           "This group contains the collection of all the objects
           related to the Energy Table."
       ::= { energyObjectMibGroups 4 }

   energyObjectMibMeterCapabilitiesTableGroup OBJECT-GROUP
       OBJECTS         {
       STATUS          current
          "This group contains the object indicating the capability
          of the Energy Object"
       ::= { energyObjectMibGroups 5 }

   eoPowerEnableStatusNotificationGroup OBJECT-GROUP
       OBJECTS         { eoPowerEnableStatusNotification  }
       STATUS          current
          "The collection of objects that are used to enable
       ::= { energyObjectMibGroups 6 }

   energyObjectMibNotifGroup NOTIFICATION-GROUP
       STATUS          current
          "This group contains the notifications for
          the Monitoring and Control MIB for Power and Energy."
       ::= { energyObjectMibGroups 7 }


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   -- ************************************************************
   -- This MIB module is used to monitor power attributes of
   -- networked devices with measurements.
   -- This MIB module is an extension of energyObjectMib module.
   -- *************************************************************


       Integer32, Unsigned32
          FROM SNMPv2-SMI
           FROM SNMPv2-CONF
          FROM ENTITY-MIB;

   powerAttributesMIB MODULE-IDENTITY
       LAST-UPDATED    "201502090000Z"    -- 9 February 2015
       ORGANIZATION    "IETF EMAN Working Group"
               "WG charter:

                Mailing Lists:
                General Discussion:

                To Subscribe:


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RFC 7460         Power/Energy Monitoring and Control MIB      March 2015


                Mouli Chandramouli
                Cisco Systems, Inc.
                Sarjapur Outer Ring Road
                Bangalore 560103
                Phone: +91 80 4429 2409

                Brad Schoening
                44 Rivers Edge Drive
                Little Silver, NJ 07739
                United States

                Juergen Quittek
                NEC Europe Ltd.
                NEC Laboratories Europe
                Network Research Division
                Kurfuersten-Anlage 36
                Heidelberg  69115
                Phone: +49 6221 4342-115

                Thomas Dietz
                NEC Europe Ltd.
                NEC Laboratories Europe
                Network Research Division
                Kurfuersten-Anlage 36
                69115 Heidelberg
                Phone: +49 6221 4342-128

                Benoit Claise
                Cisco Systems, Inc.
                De Kleetlaan 6a b1
                Degem 1831
                Phone:  +32 2 704 5622

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RFC 7460         Power/Energy Monitoring and Control MIB      March 2015

          "Copyright (c) 2015 IETF Trust and the persons identified as
           authors of the code.  All rights reserved.

           Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or
           without modification, is permitted pursuant to, and subject
           to the license terms contained in, the Simplified BSD License
           set forth in Section 4.c of the IETF Trust's Legal Provisions
           Relating to IETF Documents

           This MIB is used to report AC power attributes in devices.
           The table is a sparse augmentation of the eoPowerTable table
           from the energyObjectMib module.  Both three-phase and
           single-phase power configurations are supported.

           As a requirement for this MIB module, RFC 7461 SHOULD be

           Module Compliance of ENTITY-MIB v4 with respect to
           entity4CRCompliance MUST be supported which requires
           implementation of four MIB objects: entPhysicalIndex,
           entPhysicalClass, entPhysicalName, and entPhysicalUUID."
       REVISION "201502090000Z"     -- 9 February 2015
          "Initial version, published as RFC 7460"

      ::= { mib-2 230 }

   powerAttributesMIBConform  OBJECT IDENTIFIER
       ::= { powerAttributesMIB 0 }

   powerAttributesMIBObjects OBJECT IDENTIFIER
       ::= { powerAttributesMIB 1 }

   -- Objects

   eoACPwrAttributesTable OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX          SEQUENCE OF EoACPwrAttributesEntry
       MAX-ACCESS      not-accessible
       STATUS          current
          "This table contains power attributes measurements for
          supported entPhysicalIndex entities.  It is a sparse
          extension of the eoPowerTable."
       ::= { powerAttributesMIBObjects 1 }

   eoACPwrAttributesEntry OBJECT-TYPE

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       SYNTAX          EoACPwrAttributesEntry
       MAX-ACCESS      not-accessible
       STATUS          current
          "This is a sparse extension of the eoPowerTable with
          entries for power attributes measurements or
          configuration.  Each measured value corresponds to an
          attribute in IEC 61850-7-4 for non-phase measurements
          within the object MMXN."
       INDEX { entPhysicalIndex }
       ::= { eoACPwrAttributesTable 1 }

   EoACPwrAttributesEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
       eoACPwrAttributesConfiguration      INTEGER,
       eoACPwrAttributesAvgVoltage          Integer32,
       eoACPwrAttributesAvgCurrent          Unsigned32,
       eoACPwrAttributesFrequency           Integer32,
       eoACPwrAttributesPowerUnitMultiplier UnitMultiplier,
       eoACPwrAttributesPowerAccuracy      Integer32,
       eoACPwrAttributesTotalActivePower    Integer32,
       eoACPwrAttributesTotalReactivePower  Integer32,
       eoACPwrAttributesTotalApparentPower  Integer32,
       eoACPwrAttributesTotalPowerFactor    Integer32,
       eoACPwrAttributesThdCurrent          Integer32,
       eoACPwrAttributesThdVoltage         Integer32

   eoACPwrAttributesConfiguration OBJECT-TYPE
       MAX-ACCESS      read-only
       STATUS          current
          "Configuration describes the physical configurations of
          the power supply lines:

             * alternating current, single phase (SNGL)
             * alternating current, three-phase delta (DEL)
             * alternating current, three-phase Y (WYE)

          Three-phase configurations can be either connected in a
          triangular delta (DEL) or star Y (WYE) system.  WYE
          systems have a shared neutral voltage, while DEL systems
          do not.  Each phase is offset 120 degrees to each other."
       ::= { eoACPwrAttributesEntry 1 }

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   eoACPwrAttributesAvgVoltage OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX          Integer32
       UNITS           "0.1 Volt AC"
       MAX-ACCESS      read-only
       STATUS          current
          "A measured value for average of the voltage measured
          over an integral number of AC cycles.  For a three-phase
          system, this is the average voltage (V1+V2+V3)/3.  IEC
          61850-7-4 measured value attribute 'Vol'."
       ::= { eoACPwrAttributesEntry 2 }

   eoACPwrAttributesAvgCurrent OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX          Unsigned32
       UNITS           "amperes"
       MAX-ACCESS      read-only
       STATUS          current
          "A measured value for average of the current measured
          over an integral number of AC cycles.  For a three-phase
          system, this is the average current (I1+I2+I3)/3.  IEC
          61850-7-4 attribute 'Amp'."
       ::= { eoACPwrAttributesEntry 3 }

   eoACPwrAttributesFrequency OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX          Integer32 (4500..6500)
       UNITS           "0.01 hertz"
       MAX-ACCESS      read-only
       STATUS          current
          "A measured value for the basic frequency of the AC
          circuit.  IEC 61850-7-4 attribute 'Hz'."
       ::= { eoACPwrAttributesEntry 4 }

   eoACPwrAttributesPowerUnitMultiplier OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX          UnitMultiplier
       MAX-ACCESS      read-only
       STATUS          current
          "The magnitude of watts for the usage value in
          and eoACPwrAttributesTotalApparentPower measurements.
          For three-phase power systems, this will also include
          eoACPwrAttributesWyeReactivePower, and
       ::= { eoACPwrAttributesEntry 5 }

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   eoACPwrAttributesPowerAccuracy OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX          Integer32 (0..10000)
       UNITS           "hundredths of percent"
       MAX-ACCESS      read-only
       STATUS          current
          "This object indicates a percentage value, in hundredths of a
          percent, representing the presumed accuracy of active,
          reactive, and apparent power usage reporting.  For
          example, 1010 means the reported usage is accurate to +/-
          10.1 percent.  This value is zero if the accuracy is

          ANSI and IEC define the following accuracy classes for
          power measurement: IEC 62053-22 & 60044-1 class 0.1, 0.2,
          0.5, 1, & 3.
          ANSI C12.20 class 0.2 & 0.5"
       ::= { eoACPwrAttributesEntry 6 }

   eoACPwrAttributesTotalActivePower OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX          Integer32
       UNITS           "watts"
       MAX-ACCESS      read-only
       STATUS          current
          "A measured value of the actual power delivered to or
          consumed by the load.  IEC 61850-7-4 attribute 'TotW'."
       ::= { eoACPwrAttributesEntry 7 }

   eoACPwrAttributesTotalReactivePower OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX          Integer32
       UNITS           "volt-amperes reactive"
       MAX-ACCESS      read-only
       STATUS          current
          "A measured value of the reactive portion of the apparent
          power.  IEC 61850-7-4 attribute 'TotVAr'."
       ::= { eoACPwrAttributesEntry 8 }

   eoACPwrAttributesTotalApparentPower OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX          Integer32
       UNITS           "volt-amperes"
       MAX-ACCESS      read-only
       STATUS          current
          "A measured value of the voltage and current that
          determines the apparent power.  The apparent power is the
          vector sum of real and reactive power.

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          Note: watts and volt-amperes are equivalent units and may
          be combined.  IEC 61850-7-4 attribute 'TotVA'."
       ::= { eoACPwrAttributesEntry 9 }

   eoACPwrAttributesTotalPowerFactor OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX          Integer32 (-10000..10000)
       UNITS           "hundredths"
       MAX-ACCESS      read-only
       STATUS          current
          "A measured value ratio of the real power flowing to the
          load versus the apparent power.  It is dimensionless and
          expressed here as a percentage value in hundredths.  A power
          factor of 100% indicates there is no inductance load and
          thus no reactive power.  A Power Factor can be positive or
          negative, where the sign should be in lead/lag (IEEE)
          form.  IEC 61850-7-4 attribute 'TotPF'."
       ::= { eoACPwrAttributesEntry 10 }

   eoACPwrAttributesThdCurrent OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX          Integer32 (0..10000)
       UNITS           "hundredths of percent"
       MAX-ACCESS      read-only
       STATUS          current
          "A calculated value for the current total harmonic
          distortion (THD).  Method of calculation is not
          specified.  IEC 61850-7-4 attribute 'ThdAmp'."
       ::= { eoACPwrAttributesEntry 11 }

   eoACPwrAttributesThdVoltage OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX          Integer32 (0..10000)
       UNITS           "hundredths of percent"
       MAX-ACCESS      read-only
       STATUS          current
          "A calculated value for the voltage total harmonic
          distortion (THD).  The method of calculation is not
          specified.  IEC 61850-7-4 attribute 'ThdVol'."
       ::= { eoACPwrAttributesEntry 12 }

   eoACPwrAttributesDelPhaseTable OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX          SEQUENCE OF EoACPwrAttributesDelPhaseEntry
       MAX-ACCESS      not-accessible
       STATUS          current
          "This optional table describes three-phase power attributes
          measurements in a DEL configuration with phase-to-phase

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          power attributes measurements.  Entities having single
          phase power shall not have any entities.  This is a
          sparse extension of the eoACPwrAttributesTable.

          These attributes correspond to measurements related to
          the IEC 61850-7.4 MMXU phase and measured harmonic or
          interharmonics related to the MHAI phase."
       ::= { powerAttributesMIBObjects 2 }

   eoACPwrAttributesDelPhaseEntry OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX          EoACPwrAttributesDelPhaseEntry
       MAX-ACCESS      not-accessible
       STATUS          current
          "An entry describes power measurements of a phase in a
          DEL three-phase power.  Three entries are required for each
          supported entPhysicalIndex entry.  Voltage measurements
          are provided relative to each other.

          For phase-to-phase measurements, the
          eoACPwrAttributesDelPhaseIndex is compared against the
          following phase at +120 degrees.  Thus, the possible
          values are:

          eoACPwrAttributesDelPhaseIndex    Next Phase Angle
                                0                 120
                               120                240
                               240                  0
       INDEX { entPhysicalIndex, eoACPwrAttributesDelPhaseIndex }
       ::= { eoACPwrAttributesDelPhaseTable 1}

   EoACPwrAttributesDelPhaseEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
       eoACPwrAttributesDelPhaseIndex                   Integer32,
       eoACPwrAttributesDelPhaseToNextPhaseVoltage      Integer32,
       eoACPwrAttributesDelThdPhaseToNextPhaseVoltage   Integer32

   eoACPwrAttributesDelPhaseIndex OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX          Integer32 (0..359)
       MAX-ACCESS      not-accessible
       STATUS          current
          "A phase angle typically corresponding to 0, 120, 240."
        ::= { eoACPwrAttributesDelPhaseEntry 1 }

   eoACPwrAttributesDelPhaseToNextPhaseVoltage OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX          Integer32

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       UNITS           "0.1 Volt AC"
       MAX-ACCESS      read-only
       STATUS          current
          "A measured value of phase to next phase voltages, where
          the next phase is IEC 61850-7-4 attribute 'PPV'."
       ::= { eoACPwrAttributesDelPhaseEntry 2 }

   eoACPwrAttributesDelThdPhaseToNextPhaseVoltage OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX          Integer32 (0..10000)
       UNITS           "hundredths of percent"
       MAX-ACCESS      read-only
       STATUS          current
          "A calculated value for the voltage total harmonic
          distortion for phase to next phase.  Method of calculation
          is not specified.  IEC 61850-7-4 attribute 'ThdPPV'."
       ::= { eoACPwrAttributesDelPhaseEntry 3 }

   eoACPwrAttributesWyePhaseTable OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX          SEQUENCE OF EoACPwrAttributesWyePhaseEntry
       MAX-ACCESS      not-accessible
       STATUS          current
          "This optional table describes three-phase power attributes
          measurements in a WYE configuration with phase-to-neutral
          power attributes measurements.  Entities having single
          phase power shall not have any entities.  This is a sparse
          extension of the eoACPwrAttributesTable.

          These attributes correspond to measurements related to
          the IEC 61850-7.4 MMXU phase and measured harmonic or
          interharmonics related to the MHAI phase."
       ::= { powerAttributesMIBObjects 3 }

   eoACPwrAttributesWyePhaseEntry OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX          EoACPwrAttributesWyePhaseEntry
       MAX-ACCESS      not-accessible
       STATUS          current
          "This table describes measurements of a phase in a WYE
          three-phase power system.  Three entries are required for
          each supported entPhysicalIndex entry.  Voltage
          measurements are relative to neutral.

          Each entry describes power attributes of one phase of a
          WYE three-phase power system."
       INDEX { entPhysicalIndex, eoACPwrAttributesWyePhaseIndex }

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RFC 7460         Power/Energy Monitoring and Control MIB      March 2015

       ::= { eoACPwrAttributesWyePhaseTable 1}

   EoACPwrAttributesWyePhaseEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
        eoACPwrAttributesWyePhaseIndex            Integer32,
        eoACPwrAttributesWyePhaseToNeutralVoltage  Integer32,
        eoACPwrAttributesWyeCurrent              Integer32,
        eoACPwrAttributesWyeActivePower            Integer32,
        eoACPwrAttributesWyeReactivePower          Integer32,
        eoACPwrAttributesWyeApparentPower          Integer32,
        eoACPwrAttributesWyePowerFactor            Integer32,
        eoACPwrAttributesWyeThdCurrent            Integer32,
        eoACPwrAttributesWyeThdPhaseToNeutralVoltage Integer32

   eoACPwrAttributesWyePhaseIndex OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX          Integer32 (0..359)
       MAX-ACCESS      not-accessible
       STATUS          current
          "A phase angle typically corresponding to 0, 120, 240."
        ::= { eoACPwrAttributesWyePhaseEntry 1 }

   eoACPwrAttributesWyePhaseToNeutralVoltage OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX          Integer32
       UNITS           "0.1 Volt AC"
       MAX-ACCESS      read-only
       STATUS          current
          "A measured value of phase to neutral voltage.  IEC
          61850-7-4 attribute 'PNV'."
       ::= { eoACPwrAttributesWyePhaseEntry 2 }

   eoACPwrAttributesWyeCurrent OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX          Integer32
       UNITS           "0.1 amperes AC"
       MAX-ACCESS      read-only
       STATUS          current
          "A measured value of phase currents.  IEC 61850-7-4
          attribute 'A'."
       ::= { eoACPwrAttributesWyePhaseEntry 3 }

   eoACPwrAttributesWyeActivePower OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX          Integer32
       UNITS           "watts"
       MAX-ACCESS      read-only
       STATUS          current

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          "A measured value of the actual power delivered to or
          consumed by the load with the magnitude indicated
          separately in eoPowerUnitMultiplier.  IEC 61850-7-4
          attribute 'W'."
       ::= { eoACPwrAttributesWyePhaseEntry 4 }

   eoACPwrAttributesWyeReactivePower OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX          Integer32
       UNITS           "volt-amperes reactive"
       MAX-ACCESS      read-only
       STATUS          current
          "A measured value of the reactive portion of the apparent
          power with the magnitude of indicated separately in
          eoPowerUnitMultiplier.  IEC 61850-7-4 attribute 'VAr'."
       ::= { eoACPwrAttributesWyePhaseEntry 5 }

   eoACPwrAttributesWyeApparentPower OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX          Integer32
       UNITS           "volt-amperes"
       MAX-ACCESS      read-only
       STATUS          current
          "A measured value of the voltage and current determines
          the apparent power with the indicated separately in
          eoPowerUnitMultiplier.  Active plus reactive power equals
          the total apparent power.

          Note: Watts and volt-amperes are equivalent units and may
          be combined.  IEC 61850-7-4 attribute 'VA'."
       ::= { eoACPwrAttributesWyePhaseEntry 6 }

   eoACPwrAttributesWyePowerFactor OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX          Integer32 (-10000..10000)
       UNITS           "hundredths"
       MAX-ACCESS      read-only
       STATUS          current
          "A measured value ratio of the real power flowing to the
          load versus the apparent power for this phase.  IEC
          61850-7-4 attribute 'PF'.  Power Factor can be positive or
          negative where the sign should be in lead/lag (IEEE)
       ::= { eoACPwrAttributesWyePhaseEntry 7 }

   eoACPwrAttributesWyeThdCurrent OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX          Integer32 (0..10000)
       UNITS           "hundredths of percent"

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       MAX-ACCESS      read-only
       STATUS          current
          "A calculated value for the voltage total harmonic
          distortion (THD) for phase to phase.  Method of
          calculation is not specified.
          IEC 61850-7-4 attribute 'ThdA'."
       ::= { eoACPwrAttributesWyePhaseEntry 8 }

   eoACPwrAttributesWyeThdPhaseToNeutralVoltage OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX          Integer32 (0..10000)
       UNITS           "hundredths of percent"
       MAX-ACCESS      read-only
       STATUS          current
          "A calculated value of the voltage total harmonic
          distortion (THD) for phase to neutral.  IEC 61850-7-4
          attribute 'ThdPhV'."
       ::= { eoACPwrAttributesWyePhaseEntry 9 }

   -- Conformance
   powerAttributesMIBCompliances  OBJECT IDENTIFIER
       ::= { powerAttributesMIB 2 }

   powerAttributesMIBGroups  OBJECT IDENTIFIER
       ::= { powerAttributesMIB 3 }

   powerAttributesMIBFullCompliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE
       STATUS          current
          "When this MIB is implemented with support for read-
          create, then such an implementation can claim full
          compliance.  Such devices can then be both monitored and
          configured with this MIB.

          Module Compliance of RFC 6933 with respect to
          entity4CRCompliance MUST be supported which requires
          implementation of four MIB objects: entPhysicalIndex,
          entPhysicalClass, entPhysicalName, and entPhysicalUUID."
          "RFC 6933: Entity MIB (Version 4)"

       MODULE          -- this module

       GROUP        powerACPwrAttributesOptionalMIBTableGroup

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RFC 7460         Power/Energy Monitoring and Control MIB      March 2015

          "A compliant implementation does not have
          to implement."

       GROUP       powerACPwrAttributesDelPhaseMIBTableGroup
           "A compliant implementation does not have to implement."

       GROUP       powerACPwrAttributesWyePhaseMIBTableGroup
           "A compliant implementation does not have to implement."
       ::= { powerAttributesMIBCompliances 1 }

   -- Units of Conformance

   powerACPwrAttributesMIBTableGroup OBJECT-GROUP
       OBJECTS         {
                  -- Note that object entPhysicalIndex is NOT
                    -- included since it is not-accessible
       STATUS          current
          "This group contains the collection of all the power
          attributes objects related to the Energy Object."
       ::= { powerAttributesMIBGroups  1 }

    powerACPwrAttributesOptionalMIBTableGroup OBJECT-GROUP
       OBJECTS         {
       STATUS          current
          "This group contains the collection of all the power
          attributes objects related to the Energy Object."
       ::= { powerAttributesMIBGroups  2 }

   powerACPwrAttributesDelPhaseMIBTableGroup OBJECT-GROUP

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       OBJECTS         {
                       -- Note that object entPhysicalIndex and
                       -- eoACPwrAttributesDelPhaseIndex are NOT
                       -- included since they are not-accessible
       STATUS          current
          "This group contains the collection of all power
          attributes of a phase in a DEL three-phase power system."
       ::= { powerAttributesMIBGroups 3 }

   powerACPwrAttributesWyePhaseMIBTableGroup OBJECT-GROUP
       OBJECTS         {
                          -- Note that object entPhysicalIndex and
                          -- eoACPwrAttributesWyePhaseIndex are NOT
                          -- included since they are not-accessible
       STATUS          current
          "This group contains the collection of all power
          attributes of a phase in a WYE three-phase power system."
       ::= { powerAttributesMIBGroups 4 }


10.  Security Considerations

   There are a number of management objects defined in this MIB module
   with a MAX-ACCESS clause of read-write and/or read-create.  Such
   objects may be considered sensitive or vulnerable in some network
   environments.  The support for SET operations in a non-secure
   environment without proper protection opens devices to attack.  These
   are the tables and objects and their sensitivity/vulnerability:

      - Unauthorized changes to the eoPowerOperState (via the
        eoPowerAdminState ) MAY disrupt the power settings of the
        differentEnergy Objects and, therefore, the state of
        functionality of the respective Energy Objects.

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      - Unauthorized changes to the eoEnergyParametersTable MAY disrupt
        energy measurement in the eoEnergyTable table.

   SNMP versions prior to SNMPv3 did not include adequate security.
   Even if the network itself is secure (for example by using IPsec),
   there is no control as to who on the secure network is allowed to
   access and GET/SET (read/change/create/delete) the objects in this
   MIB module.

   Implementations SHOULD provide the security features described by the
   SNMPv3 framework (see [RFC3410]), and implementations claiming
   compliance to the SNMPv3 standard MUST include full support for
   authentication and privacy via the User-based Security Model (USM)
   [RFC3414] with the AES cipher algorithm [RFC3826].  Implementations
   MAY also provide support for the Transport Security Model (TSM)
   [RFC5591] in combination with a secure transport such as SSH
   [RFC5592] or TLS/DTLS [RFC6353].

   Further, deployment of SNMP versions prior to SNMPv3 is NOT
   RECOMMENDED.  Instead, it is RECOMMENDED to deploy SNMPv3 and to
   enable cryptographic security.  It is then a customer/operator
   responsibility to ensure that the SNMP entity giving access to an
   instance of this MIB module is properly configured to give access to
   the objects only to those principals (users) that have legitimate
   rights to indeed GET or SET (change/create/delete) them.

   In certain situations, energy and power monitoring can reveal
   sensitive information about individuals' activities and habits.
   Implementors of this specification should use appropriate privacy
   protections as discussed in Section 9 of RFC 6988 and monitoring of
   individuals and homes should only occur with proper authorization.

11.  IANA Considerations

   The MIB modules in this document use the following IANA-assigned
   OBJECT IDENTIFIER values recorded in the SMI Numbers registry:

      Descriptor                   OBJECT IDENTIFIER value
      ----------                   -----------------------

      IANAPowerStateSet-MIB           { mib-2 228 }

      energyObjectMIB                 { mib-2 229 }

      powerAttributesMIB              { mib-2 230 }

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11.1.  IANAPowerStateSet-MIB Module

   The initial set of Power State Sets are specified in [RFC7326].  IANA
   maintains a Textual Convention PowerStateSet in the
   IANAPowerStateSet-MIB module (see Section 9.1), with the initial set
   of Power State Sets and the Power States within those Power State
   Sets as proposed in the [RFC7326].  The current version of
   PowerStateSet Textual Convention can be accessed

   New assignments (and potential deprecation) to Power State Sets shall
   be administered by IANA and the guidelines and procedures are
   specified in [RFC7326], and will, as a consequence, update the
   PowerStateSet Textual Convention.

12.  References

12.1.  Normative References

   [RFC2119]       Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate
                   Requirement Levels", BCP 14, RFC 2119, March 1997,

   [RFC2578]       McCloghrie, K., Ed., Perkins, D., Ed., and J.
                   Schoenwaelder, Ed., "Structure of Management
                   Information Version 2 (SMIv2)", STD 58, RFC 2578,
                   April 1999, <>.

   [RFC2579]       McCloghrie, K., Ed., Perkins, D., Ed., and J.
                   Schoenwaelder, Ed., "Textual Conventions for SMIv2",
                   STD 58, RFC 2579, April 1999,

   [RFC2580]       McCloghrie, K., Ed., Perkins, D., Ed., and J.
                   Schoenwaelder, Ed., "Conformance Statements for
                   SMIv2", STD 58, RFC 2580, April 1999,

   [RFC3414]       Blumenthal, U. and B. Wijnen, "User-based Security
                   Model (USM) for version 3 of the Simple Network
                   Management Protocol (SNMPv3)", STD 62, RFC 3414,
                   December 2002,

   [RFC3621]       Berger, A. and D. Romascanu, "Power Ethernet MIB",
                   RFC 3621, December 2003,

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   [RFC3826]       Blumenthal, U., Maino, F., and K. McCloghrie, "The
                   Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) Cipher Algorithm
                   in the SNMP User-based Security Model", RFC 3826,
                   June 2004, <>.

   [RFC5591]       Harrington, D. and W. Hardaker, "Transport Security
                   Model for the Simple Network Management Protocol
                   (SNMP)", STD 78, RFC 5591, June 2009,

   [RFC5592]       Harrington, D., Salowey, J., and W. Hardaker, "Secure
                   Shell Transport Model for the Simple Network
                   Management Protocol (SNMP)", RFC 5592, June 2009,

   [RFC6353]       Hardaker, W., "Transport Layer Security (TLS)
                   Transport Model for the Simple Network Management
                   Protocol (SNMP)", STD 78, RFC 6353, July 2011,

   [RFC6933]       Bierman, A., Romascanu, D., Quittek, J., and M.
                   Chandramouli, "Entity MIB (Version 4)", RFC 6933, May
                   2013, <>.

   [RFC7461]       Parello, J., Claise, B., and M. Chandramouli, "Energy
                   Object Context MIB", RFC 7461, March 2015,

   [LLDP-MED-MIB]  ANSI/TIA-1057, "The LLDP Management Information Base
                   extension module for TIA-TR41.4 media endpoint
                   discovery information", July 2005.

12.2.  Informative References

   [RFC1628]       Case, J., Ed., "UPS Management Information Base", RFC
                   1628, May 1994,

   [RFC3410]       Case, J., Mundy, R., Partain, D., and B. Stewart,
                   "Introduction and Applicability Statements for
                   Internet-Standard Management Framework", RFC 3410,
                   December 2002,

   [RFC3418]       Presuhn, R., Ed., "Management Information Base (MIB)
                   for the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP)",
                   STD 62, RFC 3418, December 2002,

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   [RFC3433]       Bierman, A., Romascanu, D., and K. Norseth, "Entity
                   Sensor Management Information Base", RFC 3433,
                   December 2002,

   [RFC4268]       Chisholm, S. and D. Perkins, "Entity State MIB", RFC
                   4268, November 2005,

   [RFC6988]       Quittek, J., Ed., Chandramouli, M., Winter, R.,
                   Dietz, T., and B. Claise, "Requirements for Energy
                   Management", RFC 6988, September 2013,

   [RFC7326]       Parello, J., Claise, B., Schoening, B., and J.
                   Quittek, "Energy Management Framework", RFC 7326,
                   September 2014,

   [DMTF]          DMTF, "Power State Management Profile", DSP1027,
                   Version 2.0, December 2009,

   [EMAN-AS]       Schoening, B., Chandramouli, M., and B. Nordman,
                   "Energy Management (EMAN) Applicability Statement",
                   Work in Progress, draft-ietf-eman-applicability-
                   statement-08, December 2014.

   [IEC.61850-7-4] International Electrotechnical Commission,
                   "Communication networks and systems for power utility
                   automation  -- Part 7-4: Basic communication
                   structure  -- Compatible logical node classes and
                   data object classes", March 2010.

   [IEC.62053-21]  International Electrotechnical Commission,
                   "Electricity metering equipment (a.c.) -- Particular
                   requirements -- Part 21: Static meters for active
                   energy (classes 1 and 2)", January 2003.

   [IEC.62053-22]  International Electrotechnical Commission,
                   "Electricity metering equipment (a.c.) -- Particular
                   requirements -- Part 22: Static meters for active
                   energy (classes 0,2 S and 0,5 S)", January 2003.

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   [IEEE1621]      "Standard for User Interface Elements in Power
                   Control of Electronic Devices Employed in
                   Office/Consumer Environments", IEEE 1621, December


   The authors would like to thank Shamita Pisal for her prototype of
   this MIB module and her valuable feedback.  The authors would like to
   Michael Brown for improving the text dramatically.

   The authors would like to thank Juergen Schoenwalder for proposing
   the design of the Textual Convention for PowerStateSet and Ira
   McDonald for his feedback.  Special appreciation to Laurent Guise for
   his review and input on power quality measurements.  Thanks for the
   many comments on the design of the EnergyTable from Minoru Teraoka
   and Hiroto Ogaki.

   Many thanks to Alan Luchuk for the detailed review of the MIB and his

   And finally, thanks to the EMAN chairs: Nevil Brownlee and Tom


   This document results from the merger of two initial proposals.  The
   following persons made significant contributions either in one of the
   initial proposals or in this document:

   John Parello

   Rolf Winter

   Dominique Dudkowski

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Authors' Addresses

   Mouli Chandramouli
   Cisco Systems, Inc.
   Sarjapur Outer Ring Road
   Bangalore 560103
   Phone: +91 80 4429 2409

   Benoit Claise
   Cisco Systems, Inc.
   De Kleetlaan 6a b1
   Diegem 1813
   Phone: +32 2 704 5622

   Brad Schoening
   44 Rivers Edge Drive
   Little Silver, NJ 07739
   United States

   Juergen Quittek
   NEC Europe, Ltd.
   NEC Laboratories Europe
   Network Research Division
   Kurfuersten-Anlage 36
   Heidelberg  69115
   Phone: +49 6221 4342-115

   Thomas Dietz
   NEC Europe, Ltd.
   NEC Laboratories Europe
   Network Research Division
   Kurfuersten-Anlage 36
   Heidelberg  69115
   Phone: +49 6221 4342-128

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