Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF)                            P. Pan
Request for Comments: 7697                                      Infinera
Category: Standards Track                                      S. Aldrin
ISSN: 2070-1721                                             Google, Inc.
                                                           M. Venkatesan
                                                              Dell, Inc.
                                                              K. Sampath
                                                               T. Nadeau
                                                              S. Boutros
                                                            VMware, Inc.
                                                            January 2016

    MPLS Transport Profile (MPLS-TP) Operations, Administration, and
    Maintenance (OAM) Identifiers Management Information Base (MIB)


   This memo defines a portion of the Management Information Base (MIB)
   for use with network management protocols in the Internet community.
   In particular, it describes managed objects to configure the
   Operations, Administration, and Maintenance (OAM) identifiers for
   Multiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS) and the MPLS-based Transport
   Profile (TP).

Status of This Memo

   This is an Internet Standards Track document.

   This document is a product of the Internet Engineering Task Force
   (IETF).  It represents the consensus of the IETF community.  It has
   received public review and has been approved for publication by the
   Internet Engineering Steering Group (IESG).  Further information on
   Internet Standards is available in Section 2 of RFC 5741.

   Information about the current status of this document, any errata,
   and how to provide feedback on it may be obtained at

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RFC 7697                   MPLS-TP OAM ID MIB               January 2016

Copyright Notice

   Copyright (c) 2016 IETF Trust and the persons identified as the
   document authors.  All rights reserved.

   This document is subject to BCP 78 and the IETF Trust's Legal
   Provisions Relating to IETF Documents
   ( in effect on the date of
   publication of this document.  Please review these documents
   carefully, as they describe your rights and restrictions with respect
   to this document.  Code Components extracted from this document must
   include Simplified BSD License text as described in Section 4.e of
   the Trust Legal Provisions and are provided without warranty as
   described in the Simplified BSD License.

Table of Contents

   1. Introduction ....................................................3
   2. The Internet-Standard Management Framework ......................3
   3. Overview ........................................................3
      3.1. Conventions Used in This Document ..........................3
      3.2. Terminology ................................................4
      3.3. Acronyms ...................................................4
   4. Feature List ....................................................5
   5. Brief Description of MIB Objects ................................5
      5.1. mplsOamIdMegTable ..........................................5
      5.2. mplsOamIdMeTable ...........................................5
   6. MPLS OAM Identifier Configuration for MPLS LSP: Example .........6
   7. MPLS OAM Identifiers MIB Definitions ............................8
   8. Security Considerations ........................................31
   9. IANA Considerations ............................................32
      9.1. IANA Considerations for MPLS-OAM-ID-STD-MIB ...............32
   10. References ....................................................32
      10.1. Normative References .....................................32
      10.2. Informative References ...................................34
   Acknowledgments ...................................................35
   Authors' Addresses ................................................36

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RFC 7697                   MPLS-TP OAM ID MIB               January 2016

1.  Introduction

   This memo defines a portion of the Management Information Base (MIB)
   for use with network management protocols in the Internet community.
   In particular, it describes managed objects for modeling a Transport
   Profile (TP) based on Multiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS) [RFC3031].

   This MIB module should be used for performing the OAM (Operations,
   Administration, and Maintenance) operations for MPLS Tunnel LSPs
   (Label Switched Paths), Pseudowires, and Sections.

   At the time of this writing, SNMP SET is no longer recommended as a
   way to configure MPLS networks as was described in [RFC3812].
   However, since the MIB modules specified in this document are
   intended to work in parallel with the MIB modules for MPLS specified
   in [RFC3812], certain objects defined here are specified with a
   MAX-ACCESS of read-write or read-create so that specifications of the
   base tables in [RFC3812] and the new MIB modules in this document are
   consistent.  Although the example described in Section 6 specifies
   means to configure OAM identifiers for MPLS-TP Tunnels, this should
   be seen as indicating how the MIB values would be returned in the
   specified circumstances having been configured by alternative means.

2.  The Internet-Standard Management Framework

   For a detailed overview of the documents that describe the current
   Internet-Standard Management Framework, please refer to section 7 of
   RFC3410 [RFC3410].

   Managed objects are accessed via a virtual information store, termed
   the Management Information Base or MIB.  MIB objects are generally
   accessed through the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP).
   Objects in the MIB are defined using the mechanisms defined in the
   Structure of Management Information (SMI).  This memo specifies a MIB
   module that is compliant to the SMIv2, which is described in STD 58,
   RFC 2578 [RFC2578], STD 58, RFC 2579 [RFC2579] and STD 58, RFC 2580

3.  Overview

3.1.  Conventions Used in This Document

   The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT",
   "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in
   RFC 2119 [RFC2119].

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RFC 7697                   MPLS-TP OAM ID MIB               January 2016

3.2.  Terminology

   This document uses terminology from the Multiprotocol Label Switching
   Architecture [RFC3031], the MPLS Traffic Engineering (TE) MIB
   [RFC3812], the MPLS Label Switching Router (LSR) MIB [RFC3813], the
   OAM Framework for MPLS-Based Transport Networks [RFC6371], "MPLS
   Transport Profile (MPLS-TP) Identifiers" [RFC6370], MPLS-TP
   Identifiers Following ITU-T Conventions [RFC6923], and OAM in MPLS
   Transport Networks [RFC5860].

3.3.  Acronyms

   BFD: Bidirectional Forwarding Detection

   ICC: ITU Carrier Code

   IP: Internet Protocol

   LSP: Label Switched Path

   LSR: Label Switching Router

   ME: Maintenance Entity

   MEG: Maintenance Entity Group

   MEP: Maintenance Entity Group End Point

   MIB: Management Information Base

   MIP: Maintenance Entity Group Intermediate Point

   MP: Maintenance Point

   MPLS: Multiprotocol Label Switching

   MPLS-TP: MPLS Transport Profile

   PW: Pseudowire

   TE: Traffic Engineering

   TP: Transport Profile

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4.  Feature List

   The MPLS transport profile OAM identifiers MIB module is designed to
   satisfy the following requirements and constraints:

   -  The MIB module supports configuration of OAM identifiers for MPLS
      point-to-point Tunnels, point-to-multipoint LSPs, co-routed
      bidirectional LSPs, associated bidirectional LSPs, and

5.  Brief Description of MIB Objects

   The objects described in this section support the functionality
   described in [RFC5654] and [RFC6370].  The tables support both
   IP-compatible and ICC-based OAM identifiers configurations for MPLS
   Tunnels, LSPs, and Pseudowires.

5.1.  mplsOamIdMegTable

   The mplsOamIdMegTable is used to manage one or more Maintenance
   Entities (MEs) that belong to the same transport path.

   When a new entry is created with mplsOamIdMegOperatorType set to
   ipCompatible (1), then as per [RFC6370] (MEG_ID for an LSP is LSP_ID,
   and MEG_ID for a PW is PW_Path_ID), MEP_ID can be automatically

   For an ICC-based transport path, the user is expected to configure
   the ICC identifier explicitly in this table for MPLS Tunnels, LSPs,
   and Pseudowires.

5.2.  mplsOamIdMeTable

   The mplsOamIdMeTable defines a relationship between two points
   (source and sink) of a transport path to which maintenance and
   monitoring operations apply.  The two points that define an ME are
   called Maintenance Entity Group End Points (MEPs).

   In between MEPs, there are zero or more intermediate points, called
   Maintenance Entity Group Intermediate Points (MIPs).  MEPs and MIPs
   are associated with the MEG and can be shared by more than one ME in
   a MEG.

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6.  MPLS OAM Identifier Configuration for MPLS LSP: Example

   In this section, we provide an example of the OAM identifier
   configuration for an MPLS co-routed bidirectional LSP.

   This example provides usage of MEG and ME tables for management and
   monitoring operations of an MPLS LSP.

   This example considers the OAM identifiers configuration on a
   head-end LSR to manage and monitor an MPLS LSP.  Only relevant
   objects that are applicable for IP-based OAM identifiers of MPLS
   co-routed bidirectional LSPs are illustrated here.

      In the mplsOamIdMegTable:

        -- MEG index (Index to the table)
        mplsOamIdMegIndex                 = 1,
        mplsOamIdMegName                  = "MEG1",
        mplsOamIdMegOperatorType          = ipCompatible (1),
        mplsOamIdMegServicePointerType    = lsp (1),
        mplsOamIdMegMpLocation            = perNode (1),
      -- Mandatory parameters needed to activate the row go here

        mplsOamIdMegRowStatus             = createAndGo (4),
                             = coRoutedBidirectionalPointToPoint (2)

      This will create an entry in the mplsOamIdMegTable to manage and
      monitor the MPLS Tunnel.

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      The following ME table is used to associate the path information
      to a MEG.

         In the mplsOamIdMeTable:

         -- ME index (Index to the table)
          mplsOamIdMeIndex                  = 1,

         -- MP index (Index to the table)
          mplsOamIdMeMpIndex                = 1,
          mplsOamIdMeName                   = "ME1",
          mplsOamIdMeMpIfIndex              = 0,
         -- The source MEP ID is derived from the IP-compatible MPLS LSP
          mplsOamIdMeSourceMepIndex         = 0,
         -- The sink MEP ID is derived from the IP-compatible MPLS LSP
          mplsOamIdMeSinkMepIndex           = 0,
          mplsOamIdMeMpType                 = mep (1),
          mplsOamIdMeMepDirection           = down (2),
         --  RowPointer MUST point to the first accessible column of an
         --  MPLS LSP
          mplsOamIdMeServicePointer         = mplsTunnelName.,
         -- Mandatory parameters needed to activate the row go here
          mplsOamIdMeRowStatus              = createAndGo (4)

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7.  MPLS OAM Identifiers MIB Definitions


             FROM SNMPv2-SMI                   -- RFC 2578
             FROM SNMPv2-CONF                  -- RFC 2580
          RowStatus, RowPointer, StorageType
             FROM SNMPv2-TC                    -- RFC 2579
             FROM SNMP-FRAMEWORK-MIB           -- RFC 3411
             FROM DIFFSERV-MIB                 -- RFC 3289
             FROM MPLS-TC-STD-MIB              -- RFC 3811
          InterfaceIndexOrZero, ifGeneralInformationGroup,
             FROM IF-MIB;                      -- RFC 2863

            "201601070000Z" -- January 07, 2016
            "Multiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS) Working Group"
            "Sam Aldrin
             Google, Inc.
             1600 Amphitheatre Parkway
             Mountain View, CA  94043

             Thomas D. Nadeau

             Venkatesan Mahalingam
             Dell, Inc.
             5450 Great America Parkway
             Santa Clara, CA  95054

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RFC 7697                   MPLS-TP OAM ID MIB               January 2016

             Kannan KV Sampath

             Ping Pan

             Sami Boutros
             VMware, Inc.
             3401 Hillview Ave.
             Palo Alto, CA  94304

            "Copyright (c) 2016 IETF Trust and the persons identified
             as authors of the code.  All rights reserved.

             Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or
             without modification, is permitted pursuant to, and subject
             to the license terms contained in, the Simplified BSD
             License set forth in Section 4.c of the IETF Trust's
             Legal Provisions Relating to IETF Documents

             This MIB module contains generic object definitions for
             MPLS OAM identifiers."

         -- Revision history

            "201601070000Z" -- January 07, 2016
            "MPLS OAM Identifiers MIB objects for Tunnels, LSPs,
             Pseudowires, and Sections."

         ::= { mplsStdMIB 21 }

      -- Top-level components of this MIB module

      -- notifications
                   OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { mplsOamIdStdMIB 0 }
      -- tables, scalars
      mplsOamIdObjects  OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { mplsOamIdStdMIB 1 }

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      -- conformance
                   OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { mplsOamIdStdMIB 2 }

       -- Start of MPLS Transport Profile MEG table

      mplsOamIdMegIndexNext OBJECT-TYPE
         SYNTAX        IndexIntegerNextFree (0..4294967295)
         MAX-ACCESS    read-only
         STATUS        current
           "This object contains an unused value for
            mplsOamIdMegIndex, or a zero to indicate
            that none exist.  Negative values are not allowed,
            as they do not correspond to valid values of
         ::= { mplsOamIdObjects 1 }

      mplsOamIdMegTable OBJECT-TYPE
         SYNTAX        SEQUENCE OF MplsOamIdMegEntry
         MAX-ACCESS    not-accessible
         STATUS        current
           "This table contains information about the Maintenance
            Entity Groups (MEGs).

            A MEG, as mentioned in the MPLS-TP OAM framework, defines
            a set of one or more Maintenance Entities (MEs).
            MEs define a relationship between any two points of a
            transport path in an OAM domain to which maintenance and
            monitoring operations apply."
         ::= { mplsOamIdObjects 2 }

       mplsOamIdMegEntry OBJECT-TYPE
          SYNTAX        MplsOamIdMegEntry
          MAX-ACCESS    not-accessible
          STATUS        current
            "An entry in this table represents an MPLS-TP MEG.
             An entry can be created by a network administrator
             or by an SNMP agent as instructed by an MPLS-TP OAM

             When a new entry is created with
             mplsOamIdMegOperatorType set to ipCompatible (1),
             then as per RFC 6370 (MEG_ID for an LSP is LSP_ID, and
             MEG_ID for a PW is PW_Path_ID), MEP_ID can be
             automatically formed.

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             For a co-routed bidirectional LSP, MEG_ID is

             For an associated bidirectional LSP, MEG_ID is

             For an LSP, MEP_ID is formed using

             For a PW, MEG_ID is formed using AGI::

             For a PW, MEP_ID is formed using

             MEP_ID is retrieved from the mplsOamIdMegServicePointer
             object based on the mplsOamIdMegServicePointerType value.
             The ICC MEG_ID for an LSP and a PW is formed using the
             objects mplsOamIdMegIdIcc and mplsOamIdMegIdUmc.

             MEP_ID can be formed using MEG_ID::MEP_Index."
            "1. RFC 5860: Requirements for Operations, Administration,
                and Maintenance (OAM) in MPLS Transport Networks,
                May 2010.
             2. RFC 6371: Operations, Administration, and Maintenance
                Framework for MPLS-Based Transport Networks,
                September 2011, Section 3.
             3. RFC 6370: MPLS Transport Profile (MPLS-TP) Identifiers,
                September 2011.
             4. RFC 6923: MPLS Transport Profile (MPLS-TP) Identifiers
                Following ITU-T Conventions, May 2013."
          INDEX { mplsOamIdMegIndex }
          ::= { mplsOamIdMegTable 1 }

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          MplsOamIdMegEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
             mplsOamIdMegIndex                 Unsigned32,
             mplsOamIdMegName                  SnmpAdminString,
             mplsOamIdMegOperatorType          INTEGER,
             mplsOamIdMegIdCc                  SnmpAdminString,
             mplsOamIdMegIdIcc                 SnmpAdminString,
             mplsOamIdMegIdUmc                 SnmpAdminString,
             mplsOamIdMegServicePointerType    INTEGER,
             mplsOamIdMegMpLocation            INTEGER,
             mplsOamIdMegPathFlow              INTEGER,
             mplsOamIdMegOperStatus            INTEGER,
             mplsOamIdMegSubOperStatus         BITS,
             mplsOamIdMegRowStatus             RowStatus,
             mplsOamIdMegStorageType           StorageType

       mplsOamIdMegIndex  OBJECT-TYPE
          SYNTAX        Unsigned32 (1..4294967295)
          MAX-ACCESS    not-accessible
          STATUS        current
            "Index for the conceptual row identifying a MEG within
             this MEG table.  Managers should obtain new values for row
             creation in this table by reading mplsOamIdMegIndexNext."
          ::= { mplsOamIdMegEntry 1 }

       mplsOamIdMegName  OBJECT-TYPE
          SYNTAX        SnmpAdminString (SIZE(0..48))
          MAX-ACCESS    read-create
          STATUS        current
            "Each MEG has a unique name amongst all those used or
             available to a service provider or operator.  It
             facilitates easy identification of administrative
             responsibility for each MEG."
          ::= { mplsOamIdMegEntry 2 }

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       mplsOamIdMegOperatorType OBJECT-TYPE
          SYNTAX        INTEGER {
                            ipCompatible (1),
                            iccBased (2)
          MAX-ACCESS    read-create
          STATUS        current
            "Indicates the operator type for the MEG.  Conceptual rows
             having 'iccBased' as the operator type MUST have valid
             values for the objects mplsOamIdMegIdIcc and
             mplsOamIdMegIdUmc when the row status is active."
            "1. RFC 6370: MPLS Transport Profile (MPLS-TP) Identifiers,
                September 2011.
             2. RFC 6923: MPLS Transport Profile (MPLS-TP) Identifiers
                Following ITU-T Conventions, May 2013, Section 3.1."
          DEFVAL { ipCompatible }
          ::= { mplsOamIdMegEntry 3 }

       mplsOamIdMegIdCc OBJECT-TYPE
          SYNTAX        SnmpAdminString (SIZE(0..2))
          MAX-ACCESS    read-create
          STATUS        current
            "Global uniqueness is assured by concatenating the ICC
             with a Country Code (CC).  The Country Code (alpha-2)
             is a string of two alphabetic characters represented
             with uppercase letters (i.e., A-Z).

             This object MUST contain a non-null value if
             the MplsOamIdMegOperatorType value is iccBased (2);
             otherwise, a null value with octet size 0
             should be assigned."
            "RFC 6923: MPLS Transport Profile (MPLS-TP) Identifiers
             Following ITU-T Conventions, May 2013, Section 3."
          DEFVAL {""}
          ::= { mplsOamIdMegEntry 4 }

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       mplsOamIdMegIdIcc OBJECT-TYPE
          SYNTAX        SnmpAdminString (SIZE(0..6))
          MAX-ACCESS    read-create
          STATUS        current
            "Unique code assigned to a network operator or service
             provider; maintained by the ITU-T.  This is the
             ITU Carrier Code used to form the MEGID.

             This object MUST contain a non-null value if
             the MplsOamIdMegOperatorType value is iccBased (2);
             otherwise, a null value with octet size 0
             should be assigned."
            "RFC 6923: MPLS Transport Profile (MPLS-TP) Identifiers
             Following ITU-T Conventions, May 2013, Section 3.1."
          DEFVAL {""}
          ::= { mplsOamIdMegEntry 5 }

       mplsOamIdMegIdUmc OBJECT-TYPE
          SYNTAX        SnmpAdminString (SIZE(0..7))
          MAX-ACCESS    read-create
          STATUS        current
            "Unique code assigned by a network operator or service
             provider.  This code is appended to mplsOamIdMegIdIcc to
             form the MEGID.
             This object MUST contain a non-null value if
             the MplsOamIdMegOperatorType value is iccBased (2);
             otherwise, a null value with octet size 0
             should be assigned."
            "RFC 6923: MPLS Transport Profile (MPLS-TP) Identifiers
             Following ITU-T Conventions, May 2013, Section 7.1."
          DEFVAL {""}
          ::= { mplsOamIdMegEntry 6 }

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       mplsOamIdMegServicePointerType OBJECT-TYPE
          SYNTAX        INTEGER {
                            tunnel (1),
                            lsp (2),
                            pseudowire (3),
                            section (4)
          MAX-ACCESS    read-create
          STATUS        current
            "Indicates the service type for the MEG.
             If the service type indicates tunnel (1), the service
             pointer in the mplsOamIdMeTable points to an entry in
             the point-to-point mplsTunnelTable (RFC 3812).

             If the service type indicates lsp (2), the service pointer
             in the mplsOamIdMeTable points to an entry in
             the co-routed or associated bidirectional mplsTunnelTable.

             If the value is the pseudowire (3) service type, the
             service pointer in the mplsOamIdMeTable points to an entry
             in the pwTable (RFC 5601).

             If the value is the section (4) service type, the service
             pointer in the mplsOamIdMeTable points to an entry in
             the mplsTunnelTable (RFC 3812)."
            "1. RFC 3812: Multiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS)
                Traffic Engineering (TE) Management Information
                Base (MIB), June 2004.
             2. RFC 5601: Pseudowire (PW) Management Information
                Base (MIB), July 2009."
          DEFVAL { lsp }
          ::= { mplsOamIdMegEntry 7 }

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       mplsOamIdMegMpLocation OBJECT-TYPE
          SYNTAX        INTEGER {
                            perNode (1),
                            perInterface (2)
          MAX-ACCESS    read-create
          STATUS        current
            "Indicates the MP location type for this MEG.

             If the value is perNode, then the MEG in the LSR supports
             only perNode MEPs/MIPs, i.e., only one MEP/MIP in an LSR.

             If the value is perInterface, then the MEG in the LSR
             supports perInterface MEPs/MIPs, i.e., two MEPs/MIPs in
             an LSR."
            "RFC 6371: Operations, Administration, and Maintenance
             Framework for MPLS-Based Transport Networks,
             September 2011."
          DEFVAL { perNode }
          ::= { mplsOamIdMegEntry 8 }

       mplsOamIdMegPathFlow OBJECT-TYPE
          SYNTAX        INTEGER {
                            unidirectionalPointToPoint (1),
                            coRoutedBidirectionalPointToPoint (2),
                            associatedBidirectionalPointToPoint (3),
                            unidirectionalPointToMultiPoint (4)
          MAX-ACCESS    read-create
          STATUS        current
            "Indicates the transport path flow for this MEG.
             In the case of a unidirectional point-to-point transport
             path, a single unidirectional ME is defined to monitor it.
             In the case of associated bidirectional point-to-point
             transport paths, two independent unidirectional MEs are
             defined to independently monitor each direction.
             In the case of co-routed bidirectional point-to-point
             transport paths, a single bidirectional ME is defined to
             monitor both directions congruently.
             In the case of unidirectional point-to-multipoint transport
             paths, a single unidirectional ME for each leaf is defined
             to monitor the transport path from the root to that leaf."

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            "RFC 6371: Operations, Administration, and Maintenance
             Framework for MPLS-Based Transport Networks,
             September 2011."
          DEFVAL { coRoutedBidirectionalPointToPoint }
          ::= { mplsOamIdMegEntry 9 }

       mplsOamIdMegOperStatus OBJECT-TYPE
          SYNTAX       INTEGER {
                           up (1),
                           down (2)
          MAX-ACCESS   read-only
          STATUS       current
            "This object specifies the operational status of the
             Maintenance Entity Group (MEG).  This object is used to
             send the notification to the SNMP manager about the MEG.

             The value up (1) indicates that the MEG and its monitored
             path are operationally up.  The value down (2) indicates
             that the MEG is operationally down.

             When the value of mplsOamIdMegOperStatus is up (1),
             all the bits of mplsOamIdMegSubOperStatus must be cleared.
             When the value of mplsOamIdMegOperStatus is down (2),
             at least one bit of mplsOamIdMegSubOperStatus must be set."
          ::= { mplsOamIdMegEntry 10 }

       mplsOamIdMegSubOperStatus OBJECT-TYPE
          SYNTAX       BITS {
                        megDown (0),
                        meDown (1),
                        oamAppDown (2),
                        pathDown (3)
          MAX-ACCESS   read-only
          STATUS       current
            "This object specifies the reason why the MEG operational
             status, as indicated by the object mplsOamIdMegOperStatus,
             is down.  This object is used to send the notification to
             the SNMP manager about the MEG.

             The bit 0 (megDown) indicates that the MEG is down.
             The bit 1 (meDown) indicates that the ME table is down.
             The bit 2 (oamAppDown) indicates that the OAM application
             (LSP or PW) monitored by this MEG is down.  Currently, BFD

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RFC 7697                   MPLS-TP OAM ID MIB               January 2016

             is the only supported OAM application.
             The bit 3 (pathDown) indicates that the underlying
             LSP or PW is down."
          ::= { mplsOamIdMegEntry 11 }

       mplsOamIdMegRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE
          SYNTAX        RowStatus
          MAX-ACCESS    read-create
          STATUS        current
             "This variable is used to create, modify, and/or delete
              a row in this table.  When a row in this table is in the
              active(1) state, no objects in that row can be modified
              by the agent except mplsOamIdMegRowStatus."
          ::= { mplsOamIdMegEntry 12 }

       mplsOamIdMegStorageType OBJECT-TYPE
          SYNTAX        StorageType
          MAX-ACCESS    read-create
          STATUS        current
            "This variable indicates the storage type for this
             Conceptual rows having the value 'permanent'
             need not allow write access to any columnar
             objects in the row."
          DEFVAL { volatile }
          ::= { mplsOamIdMegEntry 13 }

       -- End of MPLS Transport Profile MEG table

       -- Start of MPLS Transport Profile ME table

       mplsOamIdMeIndexNext OBJECT-TYPE
          SYNTAX        IndexIntegerNextFree (0..4294967295)
          MAX-ACCESS    read-only
          STATUS        current
            "This object contains an unused value for
             mplsOamIdMeIndex, or a zero to indicate
             that none exist.  Negative values are not allowed,
             as they do not correspond to valid values of
          ::= { mplsOamIdObjects 3 }

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       mplsOamIdMeMpIndexNext OBJECT-TYPE
          SYNTAX        IndexIntegerNextFree (0..4294967295)
          MAX-ACCESS    read-only
          STATUS        current
            "This object contains an unused value for
             mplsOamIdMeMpIndex, or a zero to indicate
             that none exist.  Negative values are not allowed,
             as they do not correspond to valid values of
          ::= { mplsOamIdObjects 4 }

       mplsOamIdMeTable OBJECT-TYPE
          SYNTAX        SEQUENCE OF MplsOamIdMeEntry
          MAX-ACCESS    not-accessible
          STATUS        current
            "This table contains MPLS-TP ME information.

             The ME is some portion of a transport path that requires
             management bounded by two points (called MEPs), and the
             relationship between those points to which maintenance
             and monitoring operations apply.

             This table is generic enough to handle MEP and MIP
             information within a MEG."
          ::= { mplsOamIdObjects 5 }

       mplsOamIdMeEntry OBJECT-TYPE
          SYNTAX        MplsOamIdMeEntry
          MAX-ACCESS    not-accessible
          STATUS        current
            "An entry in this table represents an MPLS-TP ME.  This
             entry represents the ME if the source and sink MEPs are

             An ME is a point-to-point entity.  One ME has two such
             MEPs.  A MEG is a group of one or more MEs.  One MEG can
             have two or more MEPs.

             For a point-to-point LSP, one MEG has one ME, and this ME
             is associated with two MEPs (source and sink MEPs) within
             a MEG.  Each mplsOamIdMeIndex value denotes the ME within
             a MEG.

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             In the case of unidirectional point-to-point transport
             paths, a single unidirectional ME is defined to monitor
             it, and mplsOamIdMeServicePointer points to a
             unidirectional point-to-point path.

             In the case of associated bidirectional point-to-point
             transport paths, two independent unidirectional
             MEs are defined to independently monitor each direction,
             and each mplsOamIdMeServicePointer MIB object points to a
             unique unidirectional transport path.
             This has implications for transactions that terminate at
             or query a MIP, as a return path from a MIP to a source
             MEP does not necessarily exist within the MEG.

             In the case of co-routed bidirectional point-to-point
             transport paths, a single bidirectional ME is defined to
             monitor both directions congruently, and the
             mplsOamIdMeServicePointer MIB object points to a co-routed
             bidirectional point-to-point transport path.

             In the case of unidirectional point-to-multipoint transport
             paths, a single unidirectional ME for each leaf is defined
             to monitor the transport path from the root to that leaf,
             and each leaf has different transport path information in
             the mplsOamIdMeServicePointer MIB object.  Note that the
             MplsOamIdMeEntry should be created manually once the MEG
             is configured for OAM operations."
             INDEX { mplsOamIdMegIndex,
             ::= { mplsOamIdMeTable 1 }

           MplsOamIdMeEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
              mplsOamIdMeIndex                  Unsigned32,
              mplsOamIdMeMpIndex                Unsigned32,
              mplsOamIdMeName                   SnmpAdminString,
              mplsOamIdMeMpIfIndex              InterfaceIndexOrZero,
              mplsOamIdMeSourceMepIndex         Unsigned32,
              mplsOamIdMeSinkMepIndex           Unsigned32,
              mplsOamIdMeMpType                 INTEGER,
              mplsOamIdMeMepDirection           INTEGER,
              mplsOamIdMeServicePointer         RowPointer,
              mplsOamIdMeRowStatus              RowStatus,
              mplsOamIdMeStorageType            StorageType

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       mplsOamIdMeIndex  OBJECT-TYPE
          SYNTAX        Unsigned32 (1..4294967295)
          MAX-ACCESS    not-accessible
          STATUS        current
            "Uniquely identifies an ME index within a MEG.  Managers
             should obtain new values for row creation in this table by
             reading mplsOamIdMeIndexNext."
          ::= { mplsOamIdMeEntry 1 }

       mplsOamIdMeMpIndex  OBJECT-TYPE
          SYNTAX        Unsigned32 (1..4294967295)
          MAX-ACCESS    not-accessible
          STATUS        current
            "Indicates the Maintenance Point (MP) index that is used to
             create multiple MEPs in a node of a single ME.  The value
             of this object can be the MEP index or the MIP index.
             Managers should obtain new values for row creation in this
             table by reading mplsOamIdMeMpIndexNext."
          ::= { mplsOamIdMeEntry 2 }

       mplsOamIdMeName  OBJECT-TYPE
          SYNTAX        SnmpAdminString (SIZE(1..48))
          MAX-ACCESS    read-create
          STATUS        current
            "This object denotes the ME name.  Each ME has a unique
             name within a MEG."
          ::= { mplsOamIdMeEntry 3 }

       mplsOamIdMeMpIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE
          SYNTAX        InterfaceIndexOrZero
          MAX-ACCESS    read-create
          STATUS        current
            "Indicates the MP interface.
             If the mplsOamIdMegMpLocation object value
             is perNode (1), the MP interface index should point
             to the incoming interface or outgoing interface, or
             be zero (to indicate that the MP OAM packets are initiated
             from the forwarding engine).

             If the mplsOamIdMegMpLocation object value is
             perInterface (2), the MP interface index should point to
             the incoming interface or outgoing interface."

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            "1. RFC 6371: Operations, Administration, and Maintenance
                Framework for MPLS-Based Transport Networks,
                September 2011.
             2. RFC 2863: The Interfaces Group MIB, June 2000."
          DEFVAL { 0 }
          ::= { mplsOamIdMeEntry 4 }

       mplsOamIdMeSourceMepIndex  OBJECT-TYPE
          SYNTAX        Unsigned32
          MAX-ACCESS    read-create
          STATUS        current
            "Indicates the source MEP index of the ME.  This object
             should be configured if the mplsOamIdMegOperatorType object
             in the mplsOamIdMegEntry is configured as iccBased (2).
             If the MEG is configured for an IP-based operator,
             the value of this object should be set to zero, and the
             MEP ID will be automatically derived from the service
             identifiers (MPLS-TP LSP/PW Identifier)."
          DEFVAL { 0 }
          ::= { mplsOamIdMeEntry 5 }

       mplsOamIdMeSinkMepIndex  OBJECT-TYPE
          SYNTAX        Unsigned32
          MAX-ACCESS    read-create
          STATUS        current
            "Indicates the sink MEP index of the ME.  This object
             should be configured if the mplsOamIdMegOperatorType object
             in the mplsOamIdMegEntry is configured as iccBased (2).
             If the MEG is configured for an IP-based operator,
             the value of this object should be set to zero, and the
             MEP ID will be automatically derived from the service
             identifiers (MPLS-TP LSP/PW Identifier)."
          DEFVAL { 0 }
          ::= { mplsOamIdMeEntry 6 }

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       mplsOamIdMeMpType OBJECT-TYPE
          SYNTAX        INTEGER {
                            mep (1),
                            mip (2)
          MAX-ACCESS    read-create
          STATUS        current
            "Indicates the MP type within the MEG.

             The object should have the value mep (1) only in the
             ingress or egress nodes of the transport path.

             The object can have the value mip (2) in the
             intermediate nodes and possibly in the egress nodes
             of the transport path."
          DEFVAL { mep }
          ::= { mplsOamIdMeEntry 7 }

       mplsOamIdMeMepDirection OBJECT-TYPE
          SYNTAX        INTEGER {
                            up (1),
                            down (2),
                            notApplicable (3)
          MAX-ACCESS    read-create
          STATUS        current
            "Indicates the direction of the MEP.  This object
             should be configured if mplsOamIdMeMpType is configured
             as mep (1); otherwise, notApplicable (3) is set."
          DEFVAL { down }
          ::= { mplsOamIdMeEntry 8 }

       mplsOamIdMeServicePointer OBJECT-TYPE
          SYNTAX        RowPointer
          MAX-ACCESS    read-create
          STATUS        current
            "This variable represents a pointer to the MPLS-TP
             transport path.  This value MUST point at an entry in the
             mplsTunnelEntry if mplsOamIdMegServicePointerType
             is configured as tunnel (1), lsp (2), or section (4),
             or at an entry in the pwEntry if
             mplsOamIdMegServicePointerType is configured
             as pseudowire (3).

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             Note: This service pointer object is placed in the ME table
             instead of the MEG table, since it will be useful in the
             point-to-multipoint case, where each ME will point to
             different branches of a point-to-multipoint tree."
          ::= { mplsOamIdMeEntry 9 }

       mplsOamIdMeRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE
          SYNTAX        RowStatus
          MAX-ACCESS    read-create
          STATUS        current
            "This variable is used to create, modify, and/or delete
             a row in this table.  When a row in this table is in the
             active(1) state, no objects in that row can be modified
             by the agent except mplsOamIdMeRowStatus."
          ::= { mplsOamIdMeEntry 10 }

       mplsOamIdMeStorageType OBJECT-TYPE
          SYNTAX        StorageType
          MAX-ACCESS    read-create
          STATUS        current
            "This variable indicates the storage type for this object.
             Conceptual rows having the value 'permanent'
             need not allow write access to any columnar
             objects in the row."
          DEFVAL { volatile }
          ::= { mplsOamIdMeEntry 11 }

       -- End of MPLS Transport Profile ME table

       -- End of MPLS-TP OAM tables

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   -- Notification definitions of MPLS-TP identifiers

       mplsOamIdDefectCondition NOTIFICATION-TYPE
          OBJECTS      {
          STATUS       current
            "This notification is sent whenever the operational
             status of the MEG is changed."
          ::= { mplsOamIdNotifications 1 }

   -- End of notifications

   -- Module compliance

      OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { mplsOamIdConformance 1 }

      OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { mplsOamIdConformance 2 }

   -- Compliance requirement for fully compliant implementations

   mplsOamIdModuleFullCompliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE
      STATUS       current
      DESCRIPTION "Compliance statement for agents that provide full
                   support for the MPLS-TP-OAM-STD-MIB.  Such devices
                   can then be monitored and also be configured
                   using this MIB module."

      MODULE IF-MIB -- The Interfaces Group MIB, RFC 2863

      MODULE -- this module

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      GROUP        mplsOamIdNotificationObjectsGroup
      DESCRIPTION "This group is only mandatory for those
                   implementations that can efficiently implement
                   the notifications contained in this group."

      GROUP        mplsOamIdNotificationGroup
      DESCRIPTION "This group is only mandatory for those
                   implementations that can efficiently implement
                   the notifications contained in this group."

      ::= { mplsOamIdCompliances 1 }

        -- Compliance requirement for read-only implementations

         mplsOamIdModuleReadOnlyCompliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE
            STATUS current
                "Compliance statement for agents that only provide
                 read-only support for the MPLS-TP-OAM-STD-MIB module."

            MODULE -- this module

         MANDATORY-GROUPS    {

      GROUP        mplsOamIdNotificationObjectsGroup
      DESCRIPTION "This group is only mandatory for those
                   implementations that can efficiently implement
                   the notifications contained in this group."

      GROUP        mplsOamIdNotificationGroup
      DESCRIPTION "This group is only mandatory for those
                   implementations that can efficiently implement
                   the notifications contained in this group."

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         -- mplsOamIdMegTable

         OBJECT      mplsOamIdMegName
         MIN-ACCESS  read-only
               "Write access is not required."

         OBJECT      mplsOamIdMegOperatorType
         MIN-ACCESS  read-only
               "Write access is not required."

         OBJECT      mplsOamIdMegIdCc
         MIN-ACCESS  read-only
               "Write access is not required."

         OBJECT      mplsOamIdMegIdIcc
         MIN-ACCESS  read-only
               "Write access is not required."

         OBJECT      mplsOamIdMegIdUmc
         MIN-ACCESS  read-only
               "Write access is not required."

         OBJECT      mplsOamIdMegServicePointerType
         MIN-ACCESS  read-only
               "Write access is not required."

         OBJECT      mplsOamIdMegMpLocation
         MIN-ACCESS  read-only
               "Write access is not required."

         OBJECT      mplsOamIdMegPathFlow
         MIN-ACCESS  read-only
               "Write access is not required."

         OBJECT      mplsOamIdMegRowStatus
         SYNTAX      RowStatus { active(1) }
         MIN-ACCESS  read-only
               "Write access is not required."

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         OBJECT      mplsOamIdMegStorageType
         MIN-ACCESS  read-only
               "Write access is not required."

         -- mplsOamIdMeTable

         OBJECT      mplsOamIdMeName
         MIN-ACCESS  read-only
               "Write access is not required."

         OBJECT      mplsOamIdMeMpIfIndex
         MIN-ACCESS  read-only
               "Write access is not required."

         OBJECT      mplsOamIdMeSourceMepIndex
         MIN-ACCESS  read-only
               "Write access is not required."

         OBJECT      mplsOamIdMeSinkMepIndex
         MIN-ACCESS  read-only
               "Write access is not required."

         OBJECT      mplsOamIdMeMpType
         MIN-ACCESS  read-only
               "Write access is not required."

         OBJECT      mplsOamIdMeMepDirection
         MIN-ACCESS  read-only
               "Write access is not required."

         OBJECT      mplsOamIdMeServicePointer
         MIN-ACCESS  read-only
               "Write access is not required."

         OBJECT      mplsOamIdMeRowStatus
         SYNTAX      RowStatus { active(1) }
         MIN-ACCESS  read-only
               "Write access is not required."

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         OBJECT      mplsOamIdMeStorageType
         MIN-ACCESS  read-only
               "Write access is not required."

      ::= { mplsOamIdCompliances 2 }

   -- Units of conformance

   mplsOamIdMegGroup OBJECT-GROUP
      OBJECTS {

      STATUS  current
            "Collection of objects needed for MPLS MEG information."
      ::= { mplsOamIdGroups 1 }

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   mplsOamIdMeGroup  OBJECT-GROUP
      OBJECTS {
      STATUS  current
            "Collection of objects needed for MPLS ME information."
      ::= { mplsOamIdGroups 2 }

   mplsOamIdNotificationObjectsGroup  OBJECT-GROUP
      OBJECTS {
      STATUS  current
            "Collection of objects needed to implement notifications."
      ::= { mplsOamIdGroups 3 }

   mplsOamIdNotificationGroup NOTIFICATION-GROUP
      STATUS  current
            "Set of notifications implemented in this module."
      ::= { mplsOamIdGroups 4 }


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8.  Security Considerations

   This MIB relates to a system that will provide network connectivity
   and packet forwarding services.  As such, improper manipulation of
   the objects represented by this MIB may result in denial of service
   to a large number of end-users.

   There are a number of management objects defined in this MIB module
   with a MAX-ACCESS clause of read-write and/or read-create.  Such
   objects may be considered sensitive or vulnerable in some network
   environments.  The support for SET operations in a non-secure
   environment without proper protection opens devices to attack.

   Some of the readable objects in this MIB module (i.e., objects with a
   MAX-ACCESS other than not-accessible) may be considered sensitive or
   vulnerable in some network environments.  It is thus important to
   control even GET and/or NOTIFY access to these objects and possibly
   to even encrypt the values of these objects when sending them over
   the network via SNMP.  These are the tables and objects and their

   - The mplsOamIdMegTable and the mplsOamIdMeTable collectively show
     the MPLS OAM characteristics.  If an administrator does not want to
     reveal this information, then these tables should be considered

   SNMP versions prior to SNMPv3 did not include adequate security.
   Even if the network itself is secure (for example by using IPsec),
   there is no control as to who on the secure network is allowed to
   access and GET/SET (read/change/create/delete) the objects in this
   MIB module.

   Implementations SHOULD provide the security features described by the
   SNMPv3 framework (see [RFC3410]), and implementations claiming
   compliance to the SNMPv3 standard MUST include full support for
   authentication and privacy via the User-based Security Model (USM)
   [RFC3414] with the AES cipher algorithm [RFC3826].  Implementations
   MAY also provide support for the Transport Security Model (TSM)
   [RFC5591] in combination with a secure transport such as SSH
   [RFC5592] or TLS/DTLS [RFC6353].

   Further, deployment of SNMP versions prior to SNMPv3 is NOT
   RECOMMENDED.  Instead, it is RECOMMENDED to deploy SNMPv3 and to
   enable cryptographic security.  It is then a customer/operator
   responsibility to ensure that the SNMP entity giving access to an
   instance of this MIB module is properly configured to give access to
   the objects only to those principals (users) that have legitimate
   rights to indeed GET or SET (change/create/delete) them.

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9.  IANA Considerations

   As described in [RFC4221] and [RFC6639], and as requested in the
   MPLS-TC-STD-MIB [RFC3811], MPLS-related Standards Track MIB modules
   should be rooted under the mplsStdMIB subtree.  The following
   subsection lists a new assignment that has been made by IANA under
   the mplsStdMIB subtree for the MPLS-OAM-ID-STD-MIB module defined in
   this document.  New assignments can only be made via a Standards
   Action as specified in [RFC5226].

9.1.  IANA Considerations for MPLS-OAM-ID-STD-MIB

   IANA has to assign the OID { mplsStdMIB 21 } to the
   MPLS-OAM-ID-STD-MIB module specified in this document.

10.  References

10.1.  Normative References

   [RFC2119]  Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate
              Requirement Levels", BCP 14, RFC 2119,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC2119, March 1997,

   [RFC2578]  McCloghrie, K., Ed., Perkins, D., Ed., and J.
              Schoenwaelder, Ed., "Structure of Management Information
              Version 2 (SMIv2)", STD 58, RFC 2578,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC2578, April 1999,

   [RFC2579]  McCloghrie, K., Ed., Perkins, D., Ed., and J.
              Schoenwaelder, Ed., "Textual Conventions for SMIv2",
              STD 58, RFC 2579, DOI 10.17487/RFC2579, April 1999,

   [RFC2580]  McCloghrie, K., Ed., Perkins, D., Ed., and J.
              Schoenwaelder, Ed., "Conformance Statements for SMIv2",
              STD 58, RFC 2580, DOI 10.17487/RFC2580, April 1999,

   [RFC2863]  McCloghrie, K. and F. Kastenholz, "The Interfaces Group
              MIB", RFC 2863, DOI 10.17487/RFC2863, June 2000,

   [RFC3031]  Rosen, E., Viswanathan, A., and R. Callon, "Multiprotocol
              Label Switching Architecture", RFC 3031,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC3031, January 2001,

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   [RFC3289]  Baker, F., Chan, K., and A. Smith, "Management Information
              Base for the Differentiated Services Architecture",
              RFC 3289, DOI 10.17487/RFC3289, May 2002,

   [RFC3411]  Harrington, D., Presuhn, R., and B. Wijnen, "An
              Architecture for Describing Simple Network Management
              Protocol (SNMP) Management Frameworks", STD 62, RFC 3411,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC3411, December 2002,

   [RFC3414]  Blumenthal, U. and B. Wijnen, "User-based Security Model
              (USM) for version 3 of the Simple Network Management
              Protocol (SNMPv3)", STD 62, RFC 3414,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC3414, December 2002,

   [RFC3826]  Blumenthal, U., Maino, F., and K. McCloghrie, "The
              Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) Cipher Algorithm in the
              SNMP User-based Security Model", RFC 3826,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC3826, June 2004,

   [RFC5591]  Harrington, D. and W. Hardaker, "Transport Security Model
              for the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP)",
              STD 78, RFC 5591, DOI 10.17487/RFC5591, June 2009,

   [RFC5592]  Harrington, D., Salowey, J., and W. Hardaker, "Secure
              Shell Transport Model for the Simple Network Management
              Protocol (SNMP)", RFC 5592, DOI 10.17487/RFC5592,
              June 2009, <>.

   [RFC5601]  Nadeau, T., Ed., and D. Zelig, Ed., "Pseudowire (PW)
              Management Information Base (MIB)", RFC 5601,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC5601, July 2009,

   [RFC6353]  Hardaker, W., "Transport Layer Security (TLS) Transport
              Model for the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP)",
              STD 78, RFC 6353, DOI 10.17487/RFC6353, July 2011,

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10.2.  Informative References

   [RFC3410]  Case, J., Mundy, R., Partain, D., and B. Stewart,
              "Introduction and Applicability Statements for Internet-
              Standard Management Framework", RFC 3410,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC3410, December 2002,

   [RFC3811]  Nadeau, T., Ed., and J. Cucchiara, Ed., "Definitions of
              Textual Conventions (TCs) for Multiprotocol Label
              Switching (MPLS) Management", RFC 3811,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC3811, June 2004,

   [RFC3812]  Srinivasan, C., Viswanathan, A., and T. Nadeau,
              "Multiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS) Traffic Engineering
              (TE) Management Information Base (MIB)", RFC 3812,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC3812, June 2004,

   [RFC3813]  Srinivasan, C., Viswanathan, A., and T. Nadeau,
              "Multiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS) Label Switching
              Router (LSR) Management Information Base (MIB)", RFC 3813,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC3813, June 2004,

   [RFC4221]  Nadeau, T., Srinivasan, C., and A. Farrel, "Multiprotocol
              Label Switching (MPLS) Management Overview", RFC 4221,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC4221, November 2005,

   [RFC5226]  Narten, T. and H. Alvestrand, "Guidelines for Writing an
              IANA Considerations Section in RFCs", BCP 26, RFC 5226,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC5226, May 2008,

   [RFC5654]  Niven-Jenkins, B., Ed., Brungard, D., Ed., Betts, M., Ed.,
              Sprecher, N., and S. Ueno, "Requirements of an MPLS
              Transport Profile", RFC 5654, DOI 10.17487/RFC5654,
              September 2009, <>.

   [RFC5860]  Vigoureux, M., Ed., Ward, D., Ed., and M. Betts, Ed.,
              "Requirements for Operations, Administration, and
              Maintenance (OAM) in MPLS Transport Networks", RFC 5860,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC5860, May 2010,

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RFC 7697                   MPLS-TP OAM ID MIB               January 2016

   [RFC6370]  Bocci, M., Swallow, G., and E. Gray, "MPLS Transport
              Profile (MPLS-TP) Identifiers", RFC 6370,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC6370, September 2011,

   [RFC6371]  Busi, I., Ed., and D. Allan, Ed., "Operations,
              Administration, and Maintenance Framework for MPLS-Based
              Transport Networks", RFC 6371, DOI 10.17487/RFC6371,
              September 2011, <>.

   [RFC6639]  King, D., Ed., and M. Venkatesan, Ed., "Multiprotocol
              Label Switching Transport Profile (MPLS-TP) MIB-Based
              Management Overview", RFC 6639, DOI 10.17487/RFC6639,
              June 2012, <>.

   [RFC6923]  Winter, R., Gray, E., van Helvoort, H., and M. Betts,
              "MPLS Transport Profile (MPLS-TP) Identifiers Following
              ITU-T Conventions", RFC 6923, DOI 10.17487/RFC6923,
              May 2013, <>.


   We wish to thank Muly Ilan, Adrian Farrel, Joan Cucchiara, Weiying
   Cheng, Mach Chen, Peter Yee, and Tina TSOU for their valuable
   comments on this document.

   The coauthors of this document, the working group chairs, the
   document shepherd, the responsible AD, and the MPLS Working Group
   wish to dedicate this RFC to the memory of our friend and colleague
   Ping Pan, in recognition for his devotion and hard work at the IETF.

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Authors' Addresses

   Ping Pan

   Sam Aldrin
   Google, Inc.
   1600 Amphitheatre Parkway
   Mountain View, CA  94043
   United States


   Venkatesan Mahalingam
   Dell, Inc.
   5450 Great America Parkway
   Santa Clara, CA  95054
   United States


   Kannan KV Sampath


   Thomas D. Nadeau


   Sami Boutros
   VMware, Inc.
   3401 Hillview Ave.
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Aldrin, et al.               Standards Track                   [Page 36]

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