RFC 8658 A+P RADIUS Attributes November 2019
Jiang, et al. Standards Track [Page]
Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF)
Standards Track
S. Jiang, Ed.
Y. Fu, Ed.
C. Xie
China Telecom
T. Li
Tsinghua University
M. Boucadair, Ed.

RFC 8658

RADIUS Attributes for Softwire Mechanisms Based on Address plus Port (A⁠+P)


IPv4-over-IPv6 transition mechanisms provide IPv4 connectivity services over IPv6 native networks during the IPv4/IPv6 coexistence period. DHCPv6 options have been defined to configure clients for Lightweight 4over6, Mapping of Address and Port with Encapsulation (MAP-E), Mapping of Address and Port using Translation (MAP-T) unicast softwire mechanisms, and multicast softwires. However, in many networks, configuration information is stored in an Authentication, Authorization, and Accounting (AAA) server, which utilizes the Remote Authentication Dial In User Service (RADIUS) protocol to provide centralized management for users. When a new transition mechanism is developed, new RADIUS attributes need to be defined correspondingly.

This document defines new RADIUS attributes to carry softwire configuration parameters based on Address plus Port from a AAA server to a Broadband Network Gateway. Both unicast and multicast attributes are covered.

Status of This Memo

This is an Internet Standards Track document.

This document is a product of the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF). It represents the consensus of the IETF community. It has received public review and has been approved for publication by the Internet Engineering Steering Group (IESG). Further information on Internet Standards is available in Section 2 of RFC 7841.

Information about the current status of this document, any errata, and how to provide feedback on it may be obtained at https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc8658.

Table of Contents

1. Introduction

Providers have started deploying and transitioning to IPv6. Several IPv4 service continuity mechanisms based on Address plus Port (A+P) [RFC6346] have been proposed for providing unicast IPv4-over-IPv6-only infrastructure, such as Mapping of Address and Port with Encapsulation (MAP-E) [RFC7597], Mapping of Address and Port using Translation (MAP-T) [RFC7599], and Lightweight 4over6 [RFC7596]. Also, [RFC8114] specifies a generic solution for the delivery of IPv4 multicast services to IPv4 clients over an IPv6 multicast network. For each of these mechanisms, DHCPv6 options have been specified for client configuration.

In many networks, user configuration information is stored in an Authentication, Authorization, and Accounting (AAA) server. AAA servers generally communicate using the Remote Authentication Dial In User Service (RADIUS) [RFC2865] protocol. In a fixed broadband network, a Broadband Network Gateway (BNG) acts as the access gateway for users. That is, the BNG acts as both a AAA client to the AAA server and a DHCPv6 server for DHCPv6 messages sent by clients. Throughout this document, the term "BNG" describes a device implementing both the AAA client and DHCPv6 server functions.

Since IPv4-in-IPv6 softwire configuration information is stored in a AAA server and user configuration information is mainly transmitted through DHCPv6 between the BNGs and Customer Premises Equipment (CEs, a.k.a., CPE), new RADIUS attributes are needed to propagate the information from the AAA servers to BNGs so that they can be provided to CEs using the existing DHCPv6 options.

The RADIUS attributes defined in this document provide the configuration to populate the corresponding DHCPv6 options for unicast and multicast softwire configurations, specifically:

The contents of the attributes defined in this document have a 1:1 mapping into the fields of the various DHCPv6 options in [RFC7598], [RFC8026], and [RFC8115]. Table 1 shows how the DHCPv6 options map to the corresponding RADIUS attribute. For detailed mappings between each DHCPv6 option field and the corresponding RADIUS attribute or field, see Appendix A.

Table 1: Mapping between DHCPv6 Options and RADIUS Attributes
DHCPv6 Option RADIUS Attribute
 OPTION_S46_RULE (89)  Softwire46-Rule
 OPTION_S46_BR (90)  Softwire46-BR
 OPTION_S46_DMR (91)  Softwire46-DMR
 OPTION_S46_V4V6BIND (92)  Softwire46-V4V6Bind
 OPTION_S46_PRIORITY (111)  Softwire46-Priority
 OPTION_V6_PREFIX64 (113)  Softwire46-Multicast

A RADIUS attribute for Dual-Stack Lite [RFC6333] is defined in [RFC6519].

This document targets deployments where a trusted relationship is in place between the RADIUS client and server.

2. Terminology

The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT", "SHOULD", "SHOULD NOT", "RECOMMENDED", "NOT RECOMMENDED", "MAY", and "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in BCP 14 [RFC2119] [RFC8174] when, and only when, they appear in all capitals, as shown here.

The reader should be familiar with the concepts and terms defined in [RFC7596], [RFC7597], [RFC7599], and [RFC8026].

The terms "multicast Basic Bridging BroadBand" element (mB4) and "multicast Address Family Transition Router" element (mAFTR) are defined in [RFC8114].

Softwire46 (S46) is used throughout to denote any of the IPv4-in-IPv6 softwire mechanisms listed above. Additionally, the following abbreviations are used within the document:

Broadband Network Gateway
Border Relay
Customer Edge
Default Mapping Rule
Embedded Address
Lightweight Address Family Transition Router
Mapping of Address and Port with Encapsulation
Mapping of Address and Port using Translation
Port Set Identifier
Type, Length, Value

3. New RADIUS Attributes

This section defines the following attributes:

  1. Softwire46-Configuration Attribute (Section 3.1):

    This attribute carries the configuration information for MAP-E, MAP-T, and Lightweight 4over6. The configuration information for each Softwire46 mechanism is carried in the corresponding Softwire46 attributes. Different attributes are required for each Softwire46 mechanism.

  2. Softwire46-Priority Attribute (Section 3.2):

    Depending on the deployment scenario, a client may support several different Softwire46 mechanisms. Therefore, a client may request configuration for more than one Softwire46 mechanism at a time. The Softwire46-Priority Attribute contains information allowing the client to prioritize which mechanism to use, corresponding to OPTION_S46_PRIORITY defined in [RFC8026].

  3. Softwire46-Multicast Attribute (Section 3.3):

    This attribute conveys the IPv6 prefixes to be used in [RFC8114] to synthesize IPv4-embedded IPv6 addresses. The BNG uses the IPv6 prefixes returned in the RADIUS Softwire46-Multicast Attribute to populate the DHCPv6 PREFIX64 Option [RFC8115].

All of these attributes are allocated from the RADIUS "Extended Type" code space per [RFC6929].

All of these attribute designs follow [RFC6158] and [RFC6929].

This document adheres to the guidance in [RFC8044] for defining new RADIUS attributes.

3.1. Softwire46-Configuration Attribute

This attribute is of type "tlv", as defined in "Remote Authentication Dial-In User Service (RADIUS) Protocol Extensions" [RFC6929]. It contains some sub-attributes, with the following requirements:

  • The Softwire46-Configuration Attribute MUST contain one or more of the following attributes: Softwire46-MAP-E, Softwire46-MAP-T, and/or Softwire46-Lightweight-4over6.
  • The Softwire46-Configuration Attribute conveys the configuration information for MAP-E, MAP-T, or Lightweight 4over6. The BNG SHALL use the configuration information returned in the RADIUS attribute to populate the DHCPv6 Softwire46 container option(s) defined in Section 5 of [RFC7598].
  • The Softwire46-Configuration Attribute MAY appear in an Access-Accept packet. It MAY also appear in an Access-Request packet to indicate a preferred Softwire46 configuration. However, the server is not required to honor such a preference.
  • The Softwire46-Configuration Attribute MAY appear in a CoA-Request packet.
  • The Softwire46-Configuration Attribute MAY appear in an Accounting-Request packet.
  • The Softwire46-Configuration Attribute MUST NOT appear in any other RADIUS packet.

The Softwire46-Configuration Attribute is structured as follows:

Indicates the total length, in bytes, of all fields of this attribute, including the Type, Length, Extended-Type, and the entire length of the embedded attributes.

Contains one or more of the following attributes. Each attribute type may appear once at most:

For configuring MAP-E clients. For the construction of this attribute, refer to Section
For configuring MAP-T clients. For the construction of this attribute, refer to Section
For configuring Lightweight 4over6 clients. For the construction of this attribute, refer to Section

The Softwire46-Configuration Attribute is associated with the following identifier: 241.9.

3.1.1. Softwire46 Attributes

The Softwire46 attributes can only be encapsulated in the Softwire46-Configuration Attribute. Depending on the deployment scenario, a client might request more than one transition mechanism at a time. There MUST be at least one Softwire46 attribute encapsulated in one Softwire46-Configuration Attribute. There MUST be at most one instance of each type of Softwire46 attribute encapsulated in one Softwire46-Configuration Attribute.

There are three types of Softwire46 attributes, namely:

  1. Softwire46-MAP-E (Section
  2. Softwire46-MAP-T (Section
  3. Softwire46-Lightweight 4over6 (Section

Each type of Softwire46 attribute contains a number of sub-attributes, defined in Section 3.1.3. The hierarchy of the Softwire46 attributes is shown in Figure 1. Section 3.1.2 describes which sub-attributes are mandatory, optional, or not permitted for each defined Softwire46 attribute.

S                      /                    |
o  /                  | 1.Softwire46-Rule --+ 2.Rule-IPv4-Prefix
f | Softwire46-MAP-E--+                     |
t |                   | 2.Softwire46-BR     | 3.EA-Length
w |                   |                      \
i |                   |                               /1.PSID-Offset
r |                   |                              |
e |                   | 3.Softwire46-PORTPARAMS -----+ 2.PSID-Len
4 |                    \                             |
6 |                                                  | 3.PSID
- |                                                   \
C |
o |                                          /1.Rule-IPv6-Prefix
n |                    /                    |
f |                   | 1.Softwire46-Rule---+ 2.Rule-IPv4-Prefix
i | Softwire46-MAP-T--+                     |
g |                   | 2.Softwire46-DMR    | 3.EA-Length
u |                   |                      \
r |                   |                               /1.PSID-Offset
a |                   |                              |
t |                   | 3.Softwire46-PORTPARAMS------+ 2.PSID-Len
i |                    \                             |
o |                                                  | 3.PSID
n |                                                   \
A |                                              /1.IPv4-Address
t |                    /                        |
t |                   | 1.Softwire46-V4V6Bind --+ 2.Bind-IPv6-Prefix
r | Softwire46-       |                          \
i | Lightweight-4over6+ 2.Softwire46-BR               /1.PSID-Offset
b  \                  |                              |
u                     | 3.Softwire46-PORTPARAMS  ----+ 2.PSID-Len
t                      \                             |
e                                                    | 3.PSID
Figure 1: Softwire46 Attribute Hierarchy Softwire46-MAP-E Attribute

The Softwire46-MAP-E attribute is designed to carry the configuration information for MAP-E. The structure of Softwire46-MAP-E is shown below:

Indicates the length of this attribute, including the TLV-Type, TLV-Length, and TLV-Value fields.

Contains a set of sub-attributes, with the following requirements:

It MUST contain Softwire46-Rule, defined in Section

It MUST contain Softwire46-BR, defined in Section

It MAY contain Softwire46-PORTPARAMS, defined in Section Softwire46-MAP-T Attribute

The Softwire46-MAP-T attribute is designed to carry the configuration information for MAP-T. The structure of Softwire46-MAP-T is shown below:

Indicates the length of this attribute, including the TLV-Type, TLV-Length, and TLV-Value fields.

Contains a set of sub-attributes, with the following requirements:

It MUST contain Softwire46-Rule, defined in Section

It MUST contain Softwire46-DMR, defined in Section

It MAY contain Softwire46-PORTPARAMS, defined in Section Softwire46-Lightweight-4over6 Attribute

The Softwire46-Lightweight-4over6 attribute is designed to carry the configuration information for Lightweight 4over6. The structure of Softwire46-Lightweight-4over6 is shown below:

Indicates the length of this attribute, including the TLV-Type, TLV-Length, and TLV-Value fields.

Contains a set of sub-attributes as follows:

It MUST contain Softwire46-BR, defined in Section

It MUST contain Softwire46-V4V6Bind, defined in Section

It MAY contain Softwire46-PORTPARAMS, defined in Section

3.1.2. Softwire46 Sub-attributes

Table 2 shows which encapsulated sub-attributes are mandatory, optional, or not permitted for each defined Softwire46 attribute.

Table 2: Softwire46 Sub-attributes
Sub-attributes MAP-E MAP-T Lightweight 4over6
Softwire46-BR  1+  0  1+
Softwire46-Rule  1  1  0
Softwire46-DMR  0  1  0
 Softwire46-V4V6Bind  0  0  1
 Softwire46-PORTPARAMS  0-1  0-1  0-1

The following list defines the meaning of the Table 2 entries.

Not permitted
Optional; zero or one instance of the attribute may be present.
Mandatory; only one instance of the attribute must be present.
Mandatory; one or more instances of the attribute may be present.

3.1.3. Specification of the Softwire46 Sub-attributes Softwire46-Rule Attribute

Softwire46-Rule can only be encapsulated in Softwire46-MAP-E (Section or Softwire46-MAP-T (Section Depending on the deployment scenario, one Basic Mapping Rule (BMR) and zero or more Forwarding Mapping Rules (FMRs) MUST be included in Softwire46-MAP-E and Softwire46-MAP-T.

Each type of Softwire46-Rule also contains a number of sub-attributes, including Rule-IPv6-Prefix, Rule-IPv4-Prefix, and EA-Length. The structure of the sub-attributes for Softwire46-Rule is defined in Section 3.1.4.

Defining multiple TLV types achieves the same design goals as the "Softwire46 Rule Flags" defined in Section 4.1 of [RFC7598]. Using a TLV type set to 5 is equivalent to setting the F flag in the OPTION_S46_RULE S46 Rule Flags field.


4 Basic Mapping Rule only (not to be used for forwarding)

5 Forwarding Permitted Mapping Rule

Indicates the length of this attribute, including the TLV-Type, TLV-Length, and TLV-Value fields.
Data Type
The attribute Softwire46-Rule is of type "tlv" (Section 3.13 of [RFC8044]).

This field contains a set of attributes as follows:

This attribute contains the IPv6 prefix for use in the MAP rule. Refer to Section
This attribute contains the IPv4 prefix for use in the MAP rule. Refer to Section
This attribute contains the Embedded Address (EA) bit length. Refer to Section Softwire46-BR Attribute

Softwire46-BR can only be encapsulated in Softwire46-MAP-E (Section or Softwire46-Lightweight-4over6 (Section

There MUST be at least one Softwire46-BR included in each Softwire46-MAP-E or Softwire46-Lightweight-4over6.

The structure of Softwire46-BR is shown below:

18 octets
Data Type
The attribute Softwire46-BR is of type "ipv6addr" (Section 3.9 of [RFC8044]).
br-ipv6-address. A fixed-length field of 16 octets that specifies the IPv6 address for the Softwire46 Border Relay (BR). Softwire46-DMR Attribute

Softwire46-DMR may only appear in Softwire46-MAP-T (Section There MUST be exactly one Softwire46-DMR included in one Softwire46-MAP-T.

The structure of Softwire46-DMR is shown below:

4 + length of dmr-ipv6-prefix specified in octets.
Data Type
The attribute Softwire46-DMR is of type "ipv6prefix" (Section 3.10 of [RFC8044]).
A variable-length (dmr-prefix6-len) field specifying the IPv6 prefix (dmr-ipv6-prefix) for the BR. This field is right-padded with zeros to the nearest octet boundary when dmr-prefix6-len is not divisible by 8. Prefixes with lengths from 0 to 96 are allowed. Softwire46-V4V6Bind Attribute

Softwire46-V4V6Bind may only be encapsulated in Softwire46-Lightweight-4over6 (Section There MUST be exactly one Softwire46-V4V6Bind included in each Softwire46-Lightweight-4over6.

The structure of Softwire46-V4V6Bind is shown below:

Indicates the length of this attribute, including the TLV-Type, TLV-Length, and TLV-Value fields.
Data Type
The attribute Softwire46-V4V6Bind is of type "tlv" (Section 3.13 of [RFC8044]).

This field contains a set of attributes as follows:

This attribute contains an IPv4 address, used to specify the full or shared IPv4 address of the CE. Refer to Section
This attribute contains an IPv6 prefix used to indicate which configured prefix the Softwire46 CE should use for constructing the softwire. Refer to Section Softwire46-PORTPARAMS Attribute

Softwire46-PORTPARAMS is optional. It is used to specify port set information for IPv4 address sharing between clients. Softwire46-PORTPARAMS MAY be included in any of the Softwire46 attributes.

The structure of Softwire46-PORTPARAMS is shown below:

Indicates the length of this attribute, including the TLV-Type, TLV-Length, and TLV-Value fields.
Data Type
The attribute Softwire46-PORTPARAMS is of type "tlv" (Section 3.13 of [RFC8044]).

This field contains a set of attributes as follows:

This attribute specifies the numeric value for the Softwire46 algorithm's excluded port range/offset bits (a bits). Refer to Section
This attribute specifies the number of significant bits in the PSID field (also known as 'k'). Refer to Section
This attribute specifies the PSID value. Refer to Section

3.1.4. Sub-attributes for Softwire46-Rule

There are two types of Softwire46-Rule: the Basic Mapping Rule and the Forwarding Mapping Rule, indicated by the value in the TLV-Type field of Softwire46-Rule (Section

Each type of Softwire46-Rule also contains a number of sub-attributes as detailed in the following subsections. Rule-IPv6-Prefix Attribute

Rule-IPv6-Prefix is REQUIRED for every Softwire46-Rule. There MUST be exactly one Rule-IPv6-Prefix encapsulated in each type of Softwire46-Rule.

Rule-IPv6-Prefix follows the framed IPv6 prefix designed in [RFC3162] and [RFC8044].

The structure of Rule-IPv6-Prefix is shown below:

4 + length of rule-ipv6-prefix specified in octets.
Data Type
The attribute Rule-IPv6-Prefix is of type "ipv6prefix" (Section 3.10 of [RFC8044]).
A variable-length field that specifies an IPv6 prefix (rule-ipv6-prefix) appearing in the MAP rule. Rule-IPv4-Prefix Attribute

This attribute is used to convey the MAP Rule IPv4 prefix. The structure of Rule-IPv4-Prefix is shown below:

4 + length of rule-ipv4-prefix specified in octets.
Data Type
The attribute Rule-IPv4-Prefix is of type "ipv4prefix" (Section 3.11 of [RFC8044]).
A variable-length field that specifies an IPv4 prefix (rule-ipv4-prefix) appearing in the MAP rule. EA-Length Attribute

This attribute is used to convey the Embedded Address (EA) bit length. The structure of EA-Length is shown below:

6 octets
Data Type
The attribute EA-Length is of type "integer" (Section 3.1 of [RFC8044]).
EA-len; 32 bits long. Specifies the Embedded Address (EA) bit length. Allowed values range from 0 to 48.

3.1.5. Attributes for Softwire46-v4v6Bind IPv4-Address Attribute

The IPv4-Address MAY be used to specify the full or shared IPv4 address of the CE.

The structure of IPv4-Address is shown below:

6 octets
Data Type
The attribute IPv4-Address is of type "ipv4addr" (Section 3.8 of [RFC8044]).
32 bits long. Specifies the IPv4 address (ipv4-address) to appear in Softwire46-V4V6Bind (Section Bind-IPv6-Prefix Attribute

The Bind-IPv6-Prefix is used by the CE to identify the correct IPv6 prefix to be used as the tunnel source.

The structure of Bind-IPv6-Prefix is shown below:

4 + length of bind-ipv6-prefix specified in octets.
Data Type
The attribute Bind-IPv6-Prefix is of type "ipv6prefix" (Section 3.10 of [RFC8044]).
A variable-length field specifying the IPv6 prefix or address for the Softwire46 CE (bind-ipv6-prefix). This field is right-padded with zeros to the nearest octet boundary when the prefix length is not divisible by 8.

3.1.6. Attributes for Softwire46-PORTPARAMS PSID-Offset Attribute

This attribute is used to convey the Port Set Identifier offset as defined in [RFC7597]. This attribute is encoded in 32 bits as per the recommendation in Appendix A.2.1 of [RFC6158].

The structure of PSID-Offset is shown below:

6 octets
Data Type
The attribute PSID-Offset is of type "integer" (Section 3.1 of [RFC8044]).

Contains the PSID-Offset (8 bits) right justified, and the unused bits in this field MUST be set to zero. This field specifies the numeric value for the Softwire46 algorithm's excluded port range/offset bits (a bits), as per Section 5.1 of [RFC7597].

Default values for this field are specific to the softwire mechanism being implemented and are defined in the relevant specification document. PSID-Len Attribute

This attribute is used to convey the PSID length as defined in [RFC7597]. This attribute is encoded in 32 bits as per the recommendation in Appendix A.2.1 of [RFC6158].

The structure of PSID-Len is shown below:

6 octets
Data Type
The attribute PSID-Len is of type "integer" (Section 3.1 of [RFC8044]).
Contains the PSID-len (8 bits) right justified, and the unused bits in this field MUST be set to zero. This field specifies the number of significant bits in the PSID field (also known as 'k'). When set to 0, the PSID field is to be ignored. After the first a bits, there are k bits in the port number representing the value of the PSID. Subsequently, the address-sharing ratio would be 2^k. PSID Attribute

This attribute is used to convey the PSID as defined in [RFC7597]. This attribute is encoded in 32 bits as per the recommendation in Appendix A.2.1 of [RFC6158].

The structure of PSID is shown below:

6 octets
Data Type
The attribute PSID is of type "integer" (Section 3.1 of [RFC8044]).

Contains the PSID (16 bits) right justified, and the unused bits in this field MUST be set to zero.

The PSID value algorithmically identifies a set of ports assigned to a CE. The first k bits on the left of this 2-octet field are the PSID value. The remaining (16-k) bits on the right are padding zeros.

3.2. Softwire46-Priority Attribute

The Softwire46-Priority Attribute includes an ordered list of Softwire46 mechanisms allowing the client to prioritize which mechanism to use, corresponding to OPTION_S46_PRIORITY defined in [RFC8026]. The following requirements apply:

  • The Softwire46-Priority Attribute MAY appear in an Access-Accept packet. It MAY also appear in an Access-Request packet.
  • The Softwire46-Priority Attribute MAY appear in a CoA-Request packet.
  • The Softwire46-Priority Attribute MAY appear in an Accounting-Request packet.
  • The Softwire46-Priority Attribute MUST NOT appear in any other RADIUS packet.

The Softwire46-Priority Attribute is structured as follows:

Indicates the length of this attribute, including the Type, Length, Extended-Type and Value fields.

The attribute includes one or more Softwire46-Option-Code TLVs: A Softwire46-Priority Attribute MUST contain at least one Softwire46-Option-Code TLV (Section 3.2.1).

Softwire46 mechanisms are prioritized in the appearance order in the Softwire46-Priority Attribute. That is, the first-appearing mechanism is most preferred.

The Softwire46-Priority Attribute is associated with the following identifier: 241.10.

3.2.1. Softwire46-Option-Code

This attribute is used to convey an option code assigned to a Softwire46 mechanism [RFC8026]. This attribute is encoded in 32 bits as per the recommendation in Appendix A.2.1 of [RFC6158].

The structure of Softwire46-Option-Code is shown below:

6 octets
Data Type
The attribute Softwire46-Option-Code is of type "integer" (Section 3.1 of [RFC8044]).
A 32-bit IANA-registered option code representing a Softwire46 mechanism (Softwire46-option-code). The codes and their corresponding Softwire46 mechanisms are listed in Section 7.3.

3.3. Softwire46-Multicast Attribute

The Softwire46-Multicast Attribute conveys the IPv6 prefixes to be used to synthesize multicast and unicast IPv4-embedded IPv6 addresses as per [RFC8114]. This attribute is of type "tlv" and contains additional TLVs. The following requirements apply:

  • The BNG SHALL use the IPv6 prefixes returned in the RADIUS Softwire46-Multicast Attribute to populate the DHCPv6 PREFIX64 Option [RFC8115].
  • This attribute MAY be used in Access-Request packets as a hint to the RADIUS server. For example, if the BNG is preconfigured for Softwire46-Multicast, these prefixes may be inserted in the attribute. The RADIUS server MAY ignore the hint sent by the BNG, and it MAY assign a different Softwire46-Multicast Attribute.
  • The Softwire46-Multicast Attribute MAY appear in an Access-Request, Access-Accept, CoA-Request, and Accounting-Request packet.
  • The Softwire46-Multicast Attribute MUST NOT appear in any other RADIUS packet.
  • The Softwire46-Multicast Attribute MAY contain ASM-Prefix64 (Section 3.3.1), SSM-Prefix64 (Section 3.3.2), and U-Prefix64 (Section 3.3.3).
  • The Softwire46-Multicast Attribute MUST include ASM-Prefix64 or SSM-Prefix64, and it MAY include both.
  • The U-Prefix64 MUST be present when SSM-Prefix64 is present. U-Prefix64 MAY be present when ASM-Prefix64 is present.

The Softwire46-Multicast Attribute is structured as follows:

This field indicates the total length in bytes of all fields of this attribute, including the Type, Length, Extended-Type, and the entire length of the embedded attributes.

This field contains a set of attributes as follows:

This attribute contains the Any-Source Multicast (ASM) IPv6 prefix. Refer to Section 3.3.1.
This attribute contains the Source-Source Multicast (SSM) IPv6 prefix. Refer to Section 3.3.2.
This attribute contains the IPv4 prefix used for address translation. Refer to Section 3.3.3.

The Softwire46-Multicast Attribute is associated with the following identifier: 241.11.

3.3.1. ASM-Prefix64 Attribute

The ASM-Prefix64 attribute is structured as follows:

16 octets. The length of asm-prefix64 must be /96 [RFC8115].
Data Type
The attribute ASM-Prefix64 is of type "ipv6prefix" (Section 3.10 of [RFC8044]).
This field specifies the IPv6 multicast prefix (asm-prefix64) to be used to synthesize the IPv4-embedded IPv6 addresses of the multicast groups in the ASM mode. The conveyed multicast IPv6 prefix MUST belong to the ASM range.

3.3.2. SSM-Prefix64 Attribute

The SSM-Prefix64 attribute is structured as follows:

16 octets. The length of ssm-prefix64 must be /96 [RFC8115].
Data Type
The attribute SSM-Prefix64 is of type "ipv6prefix" (Section 3.10 of [RFC8044]).
This field specifies the IPv6 multicast prefix (ssm-prefix64) to be used to synthesize the IPv4-embedded IPv6 addresses of the multicast groups in the SSM mode. The conveyed multicast IPv6 prefix MUST belong to the SSM range.

3.3.3. U-Prefix64 Attribute

The structure of U-Prefix64 is shown below:

4 + length of unicast-prefix. As specified in [RFC6052], the unicast-prefix prefix length MUST be set to 32, 40, 48, 56, 64, or 96.
Data Type
The attribute U-Prefix64 is of type "ipv6prefix" (Section 3.10 of [RFC8044]).
This field identifies the IPv6 unicast prefix (u-prefix64) to be used in the SSM mode for constructing the IPv4-embedded IPv6 addresses representing the IPv4 multicast sources in the IPv6 domain. It may also be used to extract the IPv4 address from the received multicast data flows.

4. A Sample Configuration Process with RADIUS

Figure 2 illustrates how the RADIUS and DHCPv6 protocols interwork to provide CE with softwire configuration information.

CE                             BNG                     AAA Server
|                               |                               |
|-------1.DHCPv6 Solicit------->|                               |
|(ORO with unicast and/or       |                               |
|    multicast container option |                               |
|    codes(s))                  |                               |
|                               |-------2.Access-Request------->|
|                               |   (Softwire46-Configuration   |
|                               |       Attribute and/or        |
|                               |Softwire46-Multicast Attribute)|
|                               |                               |
|                               |<------3.Access-Accept---------|
|                               |   (Softwire46-Configuration   |
|                               |       Attribute and/or        |
|                               |Softwire46-Multicast Attribute)|
|                               |                               |
|<----4.DHCPv6 Advertisement----|                               |
|     (container option(s))     |                               |
|                               |                               |
|-------5.DHCPv6  Request------>|                               |
|     (container option(s))     |                               |
|                               |                               |
|<--------6.DHCPv6 Reply--------|                               |
|     (container option(s))     |                               |
|                               |                               |
             DHCPv6                         RADIUS
Figure 2: Interaction between DHCPv6 and AAA Server with RADIUS Authentication
  1. The CE creates a DHCPv6 Solicit message. For unicast softwire configuration, the message includes an OPTION_REQUEST_OPTION (6) with the Softwire46 Container option code(s) as defined in [RFC7598]. OPTION_S46_CONT_MAPE (94) should be included for MAP-E, OPTION_S46_CONT_MAPT (95) for MAP-T, and OPTION_S46_CONT_LW (96) for Lightweight 4over6. For multicast configuration, the option number for OPTION_V6_PREFIX64 (113) is included in the client's Option Request Option (ORO). The message is sent to the BNG.
  2. On receipt of the DHCPv6 Solicit message, the BNG constructs a RADIUS Access-Request message containing a User-Name Attribute (1) (containing either a CE Media Access Control (MAC) address, interface-id, or both) and a User-Password Attribute (2) (with a preconfigured shared password between the CE and AAA server as defined in [RFC2865]). The Softwire46-Configuration Attribute and/or Softwire46-Multicast Attribute are also included (as requested by the client). The resulting message is sent to the AAA server.
  3. The AAA server authenticates the request. If this is successful, and a suitable configuration is available, an Access-Accept message is sent to the BNG containing the requested Softwire46-Configuration Attribute or Softwire46-Multicast Attribute. It is the responsibility of the AAA server to ensure the consistency of the provided configuration.
  4. The BNG maps the received softwire configuration into the corresponding fields in the DHCPv6 softwire configuration option(s). These are included in the DHCPv6 Advertise message, which is sent to the CE.
  5. The CE sends a DHCPv6 Request message. In the ORO, the option codes of any of the required softwire options that were received in the DHCPv6 Advertise message are included.
  6. The BNG sends a DHCPv6 Reply message to the client containing the softwire container option(s) enumerated in the ORO.

The authorization operation could be done independently after the authentication process. In this case, steps 1-5 are completed as above, then the following steps are performed:

When the BNG receives the DHCPv6 Request, it constructs a RADIUS Access-Request message, which contains a Service-Type Attribute (6) with the value "Authorize Only" (17), the corresponding Softwire46-Configuration Attribute, and a State Attribute obtained from the previous authentication process according to [RFC5080]. The resulting message is sent to the AAA server.
The AAA server checks the authorization request. If it is approved, an Access-Accept message is returned to the BNG with the corresponding Softwire46-Configuration Attribute.
The BNG sends a Reply message to the client containing the softwire container options enumerated in the ORO.

In addition to the above, the following points need to be considered:

In some deployments, the DHCP server may use the Accounting-Request to report the softwire configuration returned to a requesting host to a AAA server. It is the responsibility of the DHCP server to ensure the consistency of the configuration provided to the requesting hosts. Reported data to a AAA server may be required for various operational purposes (e.g., regulatory).

A configuration change (e.g., BR address) may result in an exchange of CoA-Requests between the BNG and the AAA server, as shown in Figure 3. Concretely, when the BNG receives a CoA-Request message containing Softwire46 attributes, it sends a DHCPv6 Reconfigure message to the appropriate CE to inform that CE that an updated configuration is available. Upon receipt of such a message, the CE sends a DHCPv6 Renew or Information-Request in order to receive the updated Softwire46 configuration. In deployments where the BNG embeds a DHCPv6 relay, CoA-Requests can be used following the procedure specified in [RFC6977].

        CE                          BNG                    AAA Server
        |                           |                            |
        |---DHCPv6 Solicit--------->|                            |
        |                           |---Access-Request---------->|
        |                           |<--Access-Accept------------|
        |                           |(Softwire46-Configuration   |
        |                           |    Attribute ...)          |
        |                           |                            |
        |                           |<-----CoA-Request-----------|
        |                           |(Softwire46-Configuration   |
        |                           |    Attribute ...)          |
        |                           |------CoA-Response--------->|
        |<--DHCPv6 Reconfigure------|                            |
        |                           |                            |
Figure 3: Change of Configuration Example

5. Table of Attributes

This document specifies three new RADIUS attributes, and their formats are as follows:

Table 3 describes which attributes may be found in which kinds of packets and in what quantity.

Table 3: Table of Attributes
Request Accept Reject Challenge Acct Req CoA-Req # Attribute
 0-1  0-1 0  0  0-1  0-1  241.9 Softwire46-​Configuration
 0-1  0-1 0  0  0-1  0-1  241.10 Softwire46-​Priority
 0-1  0-1 0  0  0-1  0-1  241.11 Softwire46-​Multicast

6. Security Considerations

Section 9 of [RFC7596] discusses security issues related to Lightweight 4over6; Section 10 of [RFC7597] discusses security issues related to MAP-E; Section 13 of [RFC7599] discusses security issues related to MAP-T; and Section 9 of [RFC8114] discusses security issues related to the delivery of IPv4 multicast services to IPv4 clients over an IPv6 multicast network.

This document does not introduce any security issues inherently different from those already identified in Section 8 of [RFC2865] and Section 6 of [RFC5176] for CoA messages. Known security vulnerabilities of the RADIUS protocol discussed in Section 7 of [RFC2607] and Section 7 of [RFC2869] apply to this specification. These well-established properties of the RADIUS protocol place some limitations on how it can safely be used, since there is some inherent requirement to trust the counterparty to not misbehave.

Accordingly, this document targets deployments where a trusted relationship is in place between the RADIUS client and server, with communication optionally secured by IPsec or Transport Layer Security (TLS) [RFC6614]. The use of IPsec [RFC4301] for providing security when RADIUS is carried in IPv6 is discussed in [RFC3162].

Security considerations for interactions between a Softwire46 CE and the BNG are discussed in Section 9 of [RFC7598] (DHCPv6 options for the configuration of Softwire46 address and port-mapped clients), Section 3 of [RFC8026] (a DHCPv6-based Softwire46 prioritization mechanism), and Section 5 of [RFC8115] (DHCPv6 options for configuration of IPv4-embedded IPv6 prefixes).

7. IANA Considerations

IANA has made new code point assignments for RADIUS attributes as described in the following subsections. The assignments should use the RADIUS registry available at <https://www.iana.org/assignments/radius-types/>.

7.1. New RADIUS Attributes

IANA has assigned the attribute types defined in this document from the RADIUS namespace as described in Section 2 (IANA Considerations) of [RFC3575], in accordance with BCP 26 [RFC8126].

IANA has registered three new RADIUS attributes from the "Short Extended Space" section of [RFC6929]. The attributes are the Softwire46-Configuration Attribute, Softwire46-Priority Attribute, and Softwire46-Multicast Attribute:

Table 4: New RADIUS Attributes
Type Description Data Type Reference
 241.9  Softwire46-Configuration  tlv Section 3.1
 241.10  Softwire46-Priority  tlv Section 3.2
 241.11  Softwire46-Multicast  tlv Section 3.3

7.2. RADIUS Softwire46 Configuration and Multicast Attributes

IANA has created a new registry called "RADIUS Softwire46 Configuration and Multicast Attributes".

All attributes in this registry have one or more parent RADIUS attributes in nesting (refer to [RFC6929]).

This registry has been initially populated with the following values:

Table 5: RADIUS Softwire46 Configuration and Multicast Attributes
Value Description Data Type Reference
 0  Reserved    
 1  Softwire46-MAP-E  tlv Section
 2  Softwire46-MAP-T  tlv Section
 3  Softwire46-Lightweight-4over6  tlv Section
 4  Softwire46-Rule (BMR)  tlv Section
 5  Softwire46-Rule (FMR)  tlv Section
 6  Softwire46-BR  ipv6addr Section
 7  Softwire46-DMR  ipv6prefix Section
 8  Softwire46-V4V6Bind  tlv Section
 9  Softwire46-PORTPARAMS  tlv Section
 10  Rule-IPv6-Prefix  ipv6prefix Section
 11  Rule-IPv4-Prefix  ipv4prefix Section
 12  EA-Length  integer Section
 13  IPv4-Address  ipv4addr Section
 14  Bind-IPv6-Prefix  ipv6prefix Section
 15  PSID-Offset  integer Section
 16  PSID-Len  integer Section
 17  PSID  integer Section
 18  Softwire46-Option-Code  integer Section 3.2.1
 19  ASM-Prefix64  ipv6prefix Section 3.3.1
 20  SSM-Prefix64  ipv6prefix Section 3.3.2
 21  U-Prefix64  ipv6prefix Section 3.3.3
 22-255  Unassigned    

The registration procedure for this registry is Standards Action as defined in [RFC8126].

7.3. Softwire46 Mechanisms and Their Identifying Option Codes

The Softwire46-Priority Attribute conveys an ordered list of option codes assigned to Softwire46 mechanisms, for which IANA has created and will maintain a new registry titled "Option Codes Permitted in the Softwire46-Priority Attribute".

Table 6 shows the initial version of allowed option codes and the Softwire46 mechanisms that they represent. The option code for DS-Lite is derived from the IANA-allocated RADIUS Attribute Type value for DS-Lite [RFC6519]. The option codes for MAP-E, MAP-T, and Lightweight 4over6 are the TLV-Type values for the MAP-E, MAP-T, and Lightweight 4over6 attributes defined in Section 3.1.1.

Table 6: Option Codes to S46 Mechanisms
Option Code Softwire46 Mechanism Reference
 1  MAP-E [RFC7597]
 2  MAP-T [RFC7599]
 3  Lightweight 4over6 [RFC7596]
 144  DS-Lite [RFC6519]

Additional option codes may be added to this list in the future using the IETF Review process described in Section 4.8 of [RFC8126].

8. References

8.1. Normative References

Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate Requirement Levels", BCP 14, RFC 2119, DOI 10.17487/RFC2119, , <https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc2119>.
Rigney, C., Willens, S., Rubens, A., and W. Simpson, "Remote Authentication Dial In User Service (RADIUS)", RFC 2865, DOI 10.17487/RFC2865, , <https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc2865>.
Aboba, B., Zorn, G., and D. Mitton, "RADIUS and IPv6", RFC 3162, DOI 10.17487/RFC3162, , <https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc3162>.
Aboba, B., "IANA Considerations for RADIUS (Remote Authentication Dial In User Service)", RFC 3575, DOI 10.17487/RFC3575, , <https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc3575>.
Nelson, D. and A. DeKok, "Common Remote Authentication Dial In User Service (RADIUS) Implementation Issues and Suggested Fixes", RFC 5080, DOI 10.17487/RFC5080, , <https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc5080>.
Chiba, M., Dommety, G., Eklund, M., Mitton, D., and B. Aboba, "Dynamic Authorization Extensions to Remote Authentication Dial In User Service (RADIUS)", RFC 5176, DOI 10.17487/RFC5176, , <https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc5176>.
Bao, C., Huitema, C., Bagnulo, M., Boucadair, M., and X. Li, "IPv6 Addressing of IPv4/IPv6 Translators", RFC 6052, DOI 10.17487/RFC6052, , <https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc6052>.
DeKok, A., Ed. and G. Weber, "RADIUS Design Guidelines", BCP 158, RFC 6158, DOI 10.17487/RFC6158, , <https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc6158>.
DeKok, A. and A. Lior, "Remote Authentication Dial In User Service (RADIUS) Protocol Extensions", RFC 6929, DOI 10.17487/RFC6929, , <https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc6929>.
Boucadair, M. and I. Farrer, "Unified IPv4-in-IPv6 Softwire Customer Premises Equipment (CPE): A DHCPv6-Based Prioritization Mechanism", RFC 8026, DOI 10.17487/RFC8026, , <https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc8026>.
DeKok, A., "Data Types in RADIUS", RFC 8044, DOI 10.17487/RFC8044, , <https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc8044>.
Boucadair, M., Qin, J., Tsou, T., and X. Deng, "DHCPv6 Option for IPv4-Embedded Multicast and Unicast IPv6 Prefixes", RFC 8115, DOI 10.17487/RFC8115, , <https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc8115>.
Cotton, M., Leiba, B., and T. Narten, "Guidelines for Writing an IANA Considerations Section in RFCs", BCP 26, RFC 8126, DOI 10.17487/RFC8126, , <https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc8126>.
Leiba, B., "Ambiguity of Uppercase vs Lowercase in RFC 2119 Key Words", BCP 14, RFC 8174, DOI 10.17487/RFC8174, , <https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc8174>.
Mrugalski, T., Siodelski, M., Volz, B., Yourtchenko, A., Richardson, M., Jiang, S., Lemon, T., and T. Winters, "Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol for IPv6 (DHCPv6)", RFC 8415, DOI 10.17487/RFC8415, , <https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc8415>.

8.2. Informative References

Xie, C., Sun, Q., Qiong, Q., Zhou, C., Tsou, T., and Z. Liu, "Radius Extension for Lightweight 4over6", Work in Progress, Internet-Draft, draft-sun-softwire-lw4over6-radext-01, , <https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-sun-softwire-lw4over6-radext-01>.
Wang, Q., Meng, W., Wang, C., and M. Boucadair, "RADIUS Extensions for IPv4-Embedded Multicast and Unicast IPv6 Prefixes", Work in Progress, Internet-Draft, draft-wang-radext-multicast-radius-ext-00, , <https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-wang-radext-multicast-radius-ext-00>.
Aboba, B. and J. Vollbrecht, "Proxy Chaining and Policy Implementation in Roaming", RFC 2607, DOI 10.17487/RFC2607, , <https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc2607>.
Rigney, C., Willats, W., and P. Calhoun, "RADIUS Extensions", RFC 2869, DOI 10.17487/RFC2869, , <https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc2869>.
Kent, S. and K. Seo, "Security Architecture for the Internet Protocol", RFC 4301, DOI 10.17487/RFC4301, , <https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc4301>.
Durand, A., Droms, R., Woodyatt, J., and Y. Lee, "Dual-Stack Lite Broadband Deployments Following IPv4 Exhaustion", RFC 6333, DOI 10.17487/RFC6333, , <https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc6333>.
Bush, R., Ed., "The Address plus Port (A+P) Approach to the IPv4 Address Shortage", RFC 6346, DOI 10.17487/RFC6346, , <https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc6346>.
Maglione, R. and A. Durand, "RADIUS Extensions for Dual-Stack Lite", RFC 6519, DOI 10.17487/RFC6519, , <https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc6519>.
Winter, S., McCauley, M., Venaas, S., and K. Wierenga, "Transport Layer Security (TLS) Encryption for RADIUS", RFC 6614, DOI 10.17487/RFC6614, , <https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc6614>.
Boucadair, M. and X. Pougnard, "Triggering DHCPv6 Reconfiguration from Relay Agents", RFC 6977, DOI 10.17487/RFC6977, , <https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc6977>.
Cui, Y., Sun, Q., Boucadair, M., Tsou, T., Lee, Y., and I. Farrer, "Lightweight 4over6: An Extension to the Dual-Stack Lite Architecture", RFC 7596, DOI 10.17487/RFC7596, , <https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc7596>.
Troan, O., Ed., Dec, W., Li, X., Bao, C., Matsushima, S., Murakami, T., and T. Taylor, Ed., "Mapping of Address and Port with Encapsulation (MAP-E)", RFC 7597, DOI 10.17487/RFC7597, , <https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc7597>.
Mrugalski, T., Troan, O., Farrer, I., Perreault, S., Dec, W., Bao, C., Yeh, L., and X. Deng, "DHCPv6 Options for Configuration of Softwire Address and Port-Mapped Clients", RFC 7598, DOI 10.17487/RFC7598, , <https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc7598>.
Li, X., Bao, C., Dec, W., Ed., Troan, O., Matsushima, S., and T. Murakami, "Mapping of Address and Port using Translation (MAP-T)", RFC 7599, DOI 10.17487/RFC7599, , <https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc7599>.
Boucadair, M., Qin, C., Jacquenet, C., Lee, Y., and Q. Wang, "Delivery of IPv4 Multicast Services to IPv4 Clients over an IPv6 Multicast Network", RFC 8114, DOI 10.17487/RFC8114, , <https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc8114>.

Appendix A. DHCPv6 to RADIUS Field Mappings

The following sections detail the mappings between the softwire DHCPv6 option fields and the relevant RADIUS attributes as defined in this document.

A.1. OPTION_S46_RULE (89) to Softwire46-Rule Sub-TLV Field Mappings

Table 7: OPTION_S46_RULE to Softwire46-Rule Sub-TLV Field Mappings
OPTION_S46_RULE Field Softwire46-Rule Name TLV Subfield
flags N/A TLV-type (4, 5)
ea-len EA-Length EA-len
prefix4-len Rule-IPv4-Prefix Prefix-Length
ipv4-prefix Rule-IPv4-Prefix rule-ipv4-prefix
prefix6-len Rule-IPv6-Prefix Prefix-Length
ipv6-prefix Rule-IPv6-Prefix rule-ipv6-prefix

A.2. OPTION_S46_BR (90) to Softwire46-BR Field Mappings

Table 8: OPTION_S46_BR to Softwire46-BR Field Mappings
OPTION_S46_BR Field Softwire46-BR Subfield
br-ipv6-address br-ipv6-address

A.3. OPTION_S46_DMR (91) to Softwire46-DMR

Table 9: OPTION_S46_DMR to Softwire46-DMR Field Mappings
OPTION_S46_DMR Field Softwire46-DMR Subfield
dmr-prefix6-len dmr-prefix6-len
dmr-ipv6-prefix dmr-ipv6-prefix

A.4. OPTION_S46_V4V6BIND (92) to Softwire46-V4V6Bind

Table 10: OPTION_S46_V4V6BIND to Softwire46-V4V6Bind Field Mappings
OPTION_S46_V4V6BIND Field Softwire46-V4V6Bind Name TLV Subfield
ipv4-address IPv4-Address ipv4-address
bindprefix6-len Bind-IPv6-Prefix Prefix-Length
bind-ipv6-prefix Bind-IPv6-Prefix bind-ipv6-prefix

A.5. OPTION_S46_PORTPARAMS (93) to Softwire46-PORTPARAMS Field Mappings

Table 11: OPTION_S46_PORTPARAMS to Softwire46-PORTPARAMS Field Mappings
offset PSID-Offset PSID-Offset
PSID-len PSID-Len PSID-len

A.6. OPTION_S46_PRIORITY (111) to Softwire46-PORTPARAMS Field Mappings

Table 12: OPTION_S46_PRIORITY to Softwire46-PORTPARAMS Field Mappings
OPTION_S46_PRIORITY Field Softwire46-Priority Attribute Subfield
s46-option-code Softwire46-option-code

A.7. OPTION_V6_PREFIX64 (113) to Softwire46-Multicast Attribute Field Mappings

Table 13: OPTION_V6_PREFIX64 to Softwire46-Multicast Field Mappings
OPTION_V6_PREFIX64 Field Softwire46-Multicast Attribute TLV Name TLV Subfield
asm-length ASM-Prefix64 Prefix-Length
ASM_mPrefix64 ASM-Prefix64 asm-prefix64
ssm-length SSM-Prefix64 Prefix-Length
SSM_mPrefix64 SSM-Prefix64 ssm-prefix64
unicast-length U-Prefix64 Prefix-Length
uPrefix64 U-Prefix64 u-prefix64


The authors would like to thank Peter Lothberg, Wojciech Dec, Ian Farrer, Suresh Krishnan, Qian Wang, Wei Meng, Cui Wang, Alan Dekok, Stefan Winter, and Yu Tianpeng for their valuable comments regarding this document.

This document was merged with [LIGHTWEIGHT-4OVER6] and [RADIUS-EXT]. Thanks to everyone who contributed to this document.

Many thanks to Al Morton, Bernie Volz, Joel Halpern, and Donald Eastlake for the review.


Bing Liu 
Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 

Email: leo.liubing@huawei.com
Peter Deacon 
IEA Software, Inc. 
United States of America 

Email: peterd@iea-software.com
Qiong Sun 
China Telecom 

Email: sunqiong@ctbri.com.cn
Qi Sun 
Tsinghua University 

Email: sunqibupt@gmail.com
Cathy Zhou 
Huawei Technologies 
Email: cathy.zhou@huawei.com
Tina Tsou 
Huawei Technologies (USA) 
United States of America 

Email: Tina.Tsou.Zouting@huawei.com
ZiLong Liu 
Tsinghua University 

Email: liuzilong8266@126.com
Yong Cui 
Tsinghua University 

Email: yong@csnet1.cs.tsinghua.edu.cn

Authors' Addresses

Sheng Jiang (editor)
Hai-Dian District, Beijing, 100095
Q14, Huawei Campus, No.156 Beiqing Road
Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Yu Fu (editor)
Hai-Dian District, Beijing, 100190
No.4 South 4th Street, Zhongguancun
Chongfeng Xie
China Telecom
Tianxiang Li
Tsinghua University
Mohamed Boucadair (editor)
35000 Rennes

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