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16    <title abbrev="BGP-Prefix SID in large-scale DCs">BGP-Prefix Segment in
17    large-scale data centers</title>
18    <seriesInfo name="Internet-Draft" value="draft-ietf-spring-segment-routing-msdc-11"/>
19    <author fullname="Clarence Filsfils" initials="C." role="editor" surname="Filsfils">
20      <organization>Cisco Systems, Inc.</organization>
21      <address>
22        <postal>
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29        <email>cfilsfil@cisco.com</email>
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31    </author>
32    <author fullname="Stefano Previdi" initials="S." surname="Previdi">
33      <organization>Cisco Systems, Inc.</organization>
34      <address>
35        <postal>
36          <street/>
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39          <country>Italy</country>
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41        <email>stefano@previdi.net</email>
42      </address>
43    </author>
44    <author fullname="Gaurav Dawra" initials="G." surname="Dawra">
45      <organization>LinkedIn</organization>
46      <address>
47        <postal>
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49          <city/>
50          <code/>
51          <country>USA</country>
52        </postal>
53        <email>gdawra.ietf@gmail.com</email>
54      </address>
55    </author>
56    <author fullname="Ebben Aries" initials="E." surname="Aries">
57      <organization>Juniper Networks</organization>
58      <address>
59        <postal>
60          <street>1133 Innovation Way</street>
61          <city>Sunnyvale</city>
62          <code>CA 94089</code>
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64        </postal>
65        <email>exa@juniper.net</email>
66      </address>
67    </author>
68    <author fullname="Petr Lapukhov" initials="P." surname="Lapukhov">
69      <organization>Facebook</organization>
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73          <city/>
74          <code/>
75          <country>US</country>
76        </postal>
77        <email>petr@fb.com</email>
78      </address>
79    </author>
80    <date year="2018"/>
81    <workgroup>Network Working Group</workgroup>
82    <abstract>
83      <t>This document describes the motivation and benefits for applying
84      segment routing in BGP-based large-scale data-centers. It describes the
85      design to deploy segment routing in those data-centers, for both the
86      MPLS and IPv6 dataplanes.</t>
87    </abstract>
88  </front>
89  <middle>
90    <section anchor="INTRO" numbered="true" toc="default">
91      <name>Introduction</name>
92      <t>Segment Routing (SR), as described in <xref target="I-D.ietf-spring-segment-routing" format="default"/> leverages the source routing
93      paradigm. A node steers a packet through an ordered list of
94      instructions, called segments. A segment can represent any instruction,
95      topological or service-based. A segment can have a local semantic to an
96      SR node or global within an SR domain. SR allows to enforce a flow
97      through any topological path while maintaining per-flow state only at
98      the ingress node to the SR domain. Segment Routing can be applied to the
99      MPLS and IPv6 data-planes.</t>
100      <t>The use-cases described in this document should be considered in the
101      context of the BGP-based large-scale data-center (DC) design described
102      in <xref target="RFC7938" format="default"/>. This document extends it by applying SR
103      both with IPv6 and MPLS dataplane.</t>
104    </section>
105    <section anchor="LARGESCALEDC" numbered="true" toc="default">
106      <name>Large Scale Data Center Network Design Summary</name>
107      <t>This section provides a brief summary of the informational document
108      <xref target="RFC7938" format="default"/> that outlines a practical network design
109      suitable for data-centers of various scales:</t>
110      <ul spacing="normal">
111        <li>Data-center networks have highly symmetric topologies with
112          multiple parallel paths between two server attachment points. The
113          well-known Clos topology is most popular among the operators (as
114          described in <xref target="RFC7938" format="default"/>). In a Clos topology, the
115          minimum number of parallel paths between two elements is determined
116          by the "width" of the "Tier-1" stage. See <xref target="FIGLARGE" format="default"/>
117          below for an illustration of the concept.</li>
118        <li>Large-scale data-centers commonly use a routing protocol, such as
119          BGP-4 <xref target="RFC4271" format="default"/> in order to provide endpoint
120          connectivity. Recovery after a network failure is therefore driven
121          either by local knowledge of directly available backup paths or by
122          distributed signaling between the network devices.</li>
123        <li>Within data-center networks, traffic is load-shared using the
124          Equal Cost Multipath (ECMP) mechanism. With ECMP, every network
125          device implements a pseudo-random decision, mapping packets to one
126          of the parallel paths by means of a hash function calculated over
127          certain parts of the packet, typically a combination of various
128          packet header fields.</li>
129      </ul>
130      <t>The following is a schematic of a five-stage Clos topology, with four
131      devices in the "Tier-1" stage. Notice that number of paths between Node1
132      and Node12 equals to four: the paths have to cross all of Tier-1
133      devices. At the same time, the number of paths between Node1 and Node2
134      equals two, and the paths only cross Tier-2 devices. Other topologies
135      are possible, but for simplicity only the topologies that have a single
136      path from Tier-1 to Tier-3 are considered below. The rest could be
137      treated similarly, with a few modifications to the logic.</t>
138      <section anchor="REFDESIGN" numbered="true" toc="default">
139        <name>Reference design</name>
140        <figure anchor="FIGLARGE">
141          <name>5-stage Clos topology</name>
142          <artwork name="" type="" align="left" alt=""><![CDATA[                                Tier-1
143                               +-----+
144                               |NODE |
145                            +->|  5  |--+
146                            |  +-----+  |
147                    Tier-2  |           |   Tier-2
148                   +-----+  |  +-----+  |  +-----+
149     +------------>|NODE |--+->|NODE |--+--|NODE |-------------+
150     |       +-----|  3  |--+  |  6  |  +--|  9  |-----+       |
151     |       |     +-----+     +-----+     +-----+     |       |
152     |       |                                         |       |
153     |       |     +-----+     +-----+     +-----+     |       |
154     | +-----+---->|NODE |--+  |NODE |  +--|NODE |-----+-----+ |
155     | |     | +---|  4  |--+->|  7  |--+--|  10 |---+ |     | |
156     | |     | |   +-----+  |  +-----+  |  +-----+   | |     | |
157     | |     | |            |           |            | |     | |
158   +-----+ +-----+          |  +-----+  |          +-----+ +-----+
159   |NODE | |NODE | Tier-3   +->|NODE |--+   Tier-3 |NODE | |NODE |
160   |  1  | |  2  |             |  8  |             | 11  | |  12 |
161   +-----+ +-----+             +-----+             +-----+ +-----+
162     | |     | |                                     | |     | |
163     A O     B O            <- Servers ->            Z O     O O
165        </figure>
166        <t>In the reference topology illustrated in <xref target="FIGLARGE" format="default"/>,
167        It is assumed:</t>
168        <ul spacing="normal">
169          <li>
170            <t>Each node is its own AS (Node X has AS X). 4-byte AS numbers
171            are recommended (<xref target="RFC6793" format="default"/>).</t>
172            <ul spacing="normal">
173              <li>For simple and efficient route propagation filtering,
174                Node5, Node6, Node7 and Node8 use the same AS, Node3 and Node4
175                use the same AS, Node9 and Node10 use the same AS.</li>
176              <li>In case of 2-byte autonomous system numbers are used and
177                for efficient usage of the scarce 2-byte Private Use AS pool,
178                different Tier-3 nodes might use the same AS.</li>
179              <li>Without loss of generality, these details will be
180                simplified in this document and assume that each node has its
181                own AS.</li>
182            </ul>
183          </li>
184          <li>Each node peers with its neighbors with a BGP session. If not
185            specified, eBGP is assumed. In a specific use-case, iBGP will be
186            used but this will be called out explicitly in that case.</li>
187          <li>
188            <t>Each node originates the IPv4 address of its loopback interface
189            into BGP and announces it to its neighbors. </t>
190            <ul spacing="normal">
191              <li>The loopback of Node X is 192.0.2.x/32.</li>
192            </ul>
193          </li>
194        </ul>
195        <t>In this document, the Tier-1, Tier-2 and Tier-3 nodes are referred
196        to respectively as Spine, Leaf and ToR (top of rack) nodes. When a ToR
197        node acts as a gateway to the "outside world", it is referred to as a
198        border node.</t>
199      </section>
200    </section>
201    <section anchor="OPENPROBS" numbered="true" toc="default">
202      <name>Some open problems in large data-center networks</name>
203      <t>The data-center network design summarized above provides means for
204      moving traffic between hosts with reasonable efficiency. There are few
205      open performance and reliability problems that arise in such design:
206      </t>
207      <ul spacing="normal">
208        <li>ECMP routing is most commonly realized per-flow. This means that
209          large, long-lived "elephant" flows may affect performance of
210          smaller, short-lived "mouse" flows and reduce efficiency
211          of per-flow load-sharing. In other words, per-flow ECMP does not
212          perform efficiently when flow lifetime distribution is heavy-tailed.
213          Furthermore, due to hash-function inefficiencies it is possible to
214          have frequent flow collisions, where more flows get placed on one
215          path over the others.</li>
216        <li>Shortest-path routing with ECMP implements an oblivious routing
217          model, which is not aware of the network imbalances. If the network
218          symmetry is broken, for example due to link failures, utilization
219          hotspots may appear. For example, if a link fails between Tier-1 and
220          Tier-2 devices (e.g. Node5 and Node9), Tier-3 devices Node1 and
221          Node2 will not be aware of that, since there are other paths
222          available from perspective of Node3. They will continue sending
223          roughly equal traffic to Node3 and Node4 as if the failure didn't
224          exist which may cause a traffic hotspot.</li>
225        <li>Isolating faults in the network with multiple parallel paths and
226          ECMP-based routing is non-trivial due to lack of determinism.
227          Specifically, the connections from HostA to HostB may take a
228          different path every time a new connection is formed, thus making
229          consistent reproduction of a failure much more difficult. This
230          complexity scales linearly with the number of parallel paths in the
231          network, and stems from the random nature of path selection by the
232          network devices.</li>
233      </ul>
234      <t>First, it will be explained how to apply SR in the DC, for MPLS and
235      IPv6 data-planes.</t>
236    </section>
237    <section anchor="APPLYSR" numbered="true" toc="default">
238      <name>Applying Segment Routing in the DC with MPLS dataplane</name>
239      <section anchor="BGPREFIXSEGMENT" numbered="true" toc="default">
240        <name>BGP Prefix Segment (BGP-Prefix-SID)</name>
241        <t>A BGP Prefix Segment is a segment associated with a BGP prefix. A
242        BGP Prefix Segment is a network-wide instruction to forward the packet
243        along the ECMP-aware best path to the related prefix.</t>
244        <t>The BGP Prefix Segment is defined as the BGP-Prefix-SID Attribute
245        in <xref target="I-D.ietf-idr-bgp-prefix-sid" format="default"/> which contains an
246        index. Throughout this document the BGP Prefix Segment Attribute is
247        referred as the BGP-Prefix-SID and the encoded index as the
248        label-index.</t>
249        <t>In this document, the network design decision has been made to
250        assume that all the nodes are allocated the same SRGB (Segment Routing
251        Global Block), e.g. [16000, 23999]. This provides operational
252        simplification as explained in <xref target="SINGLESRGB" format="default"/>, but this
253        is not a requirement.</t>
254        <t>For illustration purpose, when considering an MPLS data-plane, it
255        is assumed that the label-index allocated to prefix 192.0.2.x/32 is X.
256        As a result, a local label (16000+x) is allocated for prefix
257        192.0.2.x/32 by each node throughout the DC fabric.</t>
258        <t>When IPv6 data-plane is considered, it is assumed that Node X is
259        allocated IPv6 address (segment) 2001:DB8::X.</t>
260      </section>
261      <section anchor="eBGP8277" numbered="true" toc="default">
262        <name>eBGP Labeled Unicast (RFC8277)</name>
263        <t>Referring to <xref target="FIGLARGE" format="default"/> and <xref target="RFC7938" format="default"/>, the following design modifications are
264        introduced:</t>
265        <ul spacing="normal">
266          <li>Each node peers with its neighbors via a eBGP session with
267            extensions defined in <xref target="RFC8277" format="default"/> (named "eBGP8277"
268            throughout this document) and with the BGP-Prefix-SID attribute
269            extension as defined in <xref target="I-D.ietf-idr-bgp-prefix-sid" format="default"/>.</li>
270          <li>The forwarding plane at Tier-2 and Tier-1 is MPLS.</li>
271          <li>The forwarding plane at Tier-3 is either IP2MPLS (if the host
272            sends IP traffic) or MPLS2MPLS (if the host sends MPLS-
273            encapsulated traffic).</li>
274        </ul>
275        <t><xref target="FIGSMALL" format="default"/> zooms into a path from server A to server
276        Z within the topology of <xref target="FIGLARGE" format="default"/>.</t>
277        <figure anchor="FIGSMALL">
278          <name>Path from A to Z via nodes 1, 4, 7, 10 and 11</name>
279          <artwork name="" type="" align="left" alt=""><![CDATA[                   +-----+     +-----+     +-----+    
280       +---------->|NODE |     |NODE |     |NODE |
281       |           |  4  |--+->|  7  |--+--|  10 |---+  
282       |           +-----+     +-----+     +-----+   |  
283       |                                             |  
284   +-----+                                         +-----+ 
285   |NODE |                                         |NODE |
286   |  1  |                                         | 11  |
287   +-----+                                         +-----+ 
288     |                                              |     
289     A                    <- Servers ->             Z  
291        </figure>
292        <t>Referring to <xref target="FIGLARGE" format="default"/> and <xref target="FIGSMALL" format="default"/> and assuming the IP address with the AS and
293        label-index allocation previously described, the following sections
294        detail the control plane operation and the data plane states for the
295        prefix (loopback of Node11)</t>
296        <section anchor="CONTROLPLANE" numbered="true" toc="default">
297          <name>Control Plane</name>
298          <t>Node11 originates in BGP and allocates to it a
299          BGP-Prefix-SID with label-index: index11 <xref target="I-D.ietf-idr-bgp-prefix-sid" format="default"/>.</t>
300          <t>Node11 sends the following eBGP8277 update to Node10:</t>
301          <artwork name="" type="" align="left" alt=""><![CDATA[. IP Prefix:
302. Label: Implicit-Null
303. Next-hop: Node11’s interface address on the link to Node10
304. AS Path: {11}
305. BGP-Prefix-SID: Label-Index 11
307          <t>Node10 receives the above update. As it is SR capable, Node10 is
308          able to interpret the BGP-Prefix-SID and hence understands that it
309          should allocate the label from its own SRGB block, offset by the
310          Label-Index received in the BGP-Prefix-SID (16000+11 hence 16011) to
311          the NLRI instead of allocating a non-deterministic label out of a
312          dynamically allocated portion of the local label space. The
313          implicit-null label in the NLRI tells Node10 that it is the
314          penultimate hop and must pop the top label on the stack before
315          forwarding traffic for this prefix to Node11.</t>
316          <t>Then, Node10 sends the following eBGP8277 update to Node7:</t>
317          <artwork name="" type="" align="left" alt=""><![CDATA[. IP Prefix:
318. Label: 16011
319. Next-hop: Node10’s interface address on the link to Node7
320. AS Path: {10, 11}
321. BGP-Prefix-SID: Label-Index 11
323          <t>Node7 receives the above update. As it is SR capable, Node7 is
324          able to interpret the BGP-Prefix-SID and hence allocates the local
325          (incoming) label 16011 (16000 + 11) to the NLRI (instead of
326          allocating a "dynamic" local label from its label
327          manager). Node7 uses the label in the received eBGP8277 NLRI as the
328          outgoing label (the index is only used to derive the local/incoming
329          label).</t>
330          <t>Node7 sends the following eBGP8277 update to Node4:</t>
331          <artwork name="" type="" align="left" alt=""><![CDATA[. IP Prefix:
332. Label: 16011
333. Next-hop: Node7’s interface address on the link to Node4
334. AS Path: {7, 10, 11}
335. BGP-Prefix-SID: Label-Index 11
337          <t>Node4 receives the above update. As it is SR capable, Node4 is
338          able to interpret the BGP-Prefix-SID and hence allocates the local
339          (incoming) label 16011 to the NLRI (instead of allocating a
340          "dynamic" local label from its label manager). Node4
341          uses the label in the received eBGP8277 NLRI as outgoing label (the
342          index is only used to derive the local/incoming label).</t>
343          <t>Node4 sends the following eBGP8277 update to Node1:</t>
344          <artwork name="" type="" align="left" alt=""><![CDATA[. IP Prefix:
345. Label: 16011
346. Next-hop: Node4’s interface address on the link to Node1
347. AS Path: {4, 7, 10, 11}
348. BGP-Prefix-SID: Label-Index 11
350          <t>Node1 receives the above update. As it is SR capable, Node1 is
351          able to interpret the BGP-Prefix-SID and hence allocates the local
352          (incoming) label 16011 to the NLRI (instead of allocating a
353          "dynamic" local label from its label manager). Node1
354          uses the label in the received eBGP8277 NLRI as outgoing label (the
355          index is only used to derive the local/incoming label).</t>
356        </section>
357        <section anchor="DATAPLANE" numbered="true" toc="default">
358          <name>Data Plane</name>
359          <t>Referring to <xref target="FIGLARGE" format="default"/>, and assuming all nodes
360          apply the same advertisement rules described above and all nodes
361          have the same SRGB (16000-23999), here are the IP/MPLS forwarding
362          tables for prefix at Node1, Node4, Node7 and
363          Node10.</t>
364          <figure anchor="NODE1FIB">
365            <name>Node1 Forwarding Table</name>
366            <artwork align="center" name="" type="" alt=""><![CDATA[-----------------------------------------------
367Incoming label    | outgoing label | Outgoing 
368or IP destination |                | Interface       
370     16011        |      16011     | ECMP{3, 4}
371   |      16011     | ECMP{3, 4}
373          </figure>
374          <figure anchor="NODE4FIB">
375            <name>Node4 Forwarding Table</name>
376            <artwork align="center" name="" type="" alt=""><![CDATA[
378Incoming label    | outgoing label | Outgoing 
379or IP destination |                | Interface       
381     16011        |      16011     | ECMP{7, 8}
382   |      16011     | ECMP{7, 8}
384          </figure>
385          <figure anchor="NODE7FIB">
386            <name>Node7 Forwarding Table</name>
387            <artwork align="center" name="" type="" alt=""><![CDATA[
389Incoming label    | outgoing label | Outgoing 
390or IP destination |                | Interface       
392     16011        |      16011     |    10
393   |      16011     |    10
395          </figure>
396          <artwork align="center" name="" type="" alt=""><![CDATA[
398Incoming label    | outgoing label | Outgoing 
399or IP destination |                | Interface       
401     16011        |      POP       |    11
402   |      N/A       |    11
404        </section>
405        <section anchor="VARIATIONS" numbered="true" toc="default">
406          <name>Network Design Variation</name>
407          <t>A network design choice could consist of switching all the
408          traffic through Tier-1 and Tier-2 as MPLS traffic. In this case, one
409          could filter away the IP entries at Node4, Node7 and Node10. This
410          might be beneficial in order to optimize the forwarding table
411          size.</t>
412          <t>A network design choice could consist in allowing the hosts to
413          send MPLS-encapsulated traffic based on the Egress Peer Engineering
414          (EPE) use-case as defined in <xref target="I-D.ietf-spring-segment-routing-central-epe" format="default"/>. For example,
415          applications at HostA would send their Z-destined traffic to Node1
416          with an MPLS label stack where the top label is 16011 and the next
417          label is an EPE peer segment (<xref target="I-D.ietf-spring-segment-routing-central-epe" format="default"/>) at Node11
418          directing the traffic to Z.</t>
419        </section>
420        <section anchor="FABRIC" numbered="true" toc="default">
421          <name>Global BGP Prefix Segment through the fabric</name>
422          <t>When the previous design is deployed, the operator enjoys global
423          BGP-Prefix-SID and label allocation throughout the DC fabric.</t>
424          <t>A few examples follow:</t>
425          <ul spacing="normal">
426            <li>Normal forwarding to Node11: a packet with top label 16011
427              received by any node in the fabric will be forwarded along the
428              ECMP-aware BGP best-path towards Node11 and the label 16011 is
429              penultimate-popped at Node10 (or at Node 9).</li>
430            <li>Traffic-engineered path to Node11: an application on a host
431              behind Node1 might want to restrict its traffic to paths via the
432              Spine node Node5. The application achieves this by sending its
433              packets with a label stack of {16005, 16011}. BGP Prefix SID
434              16005 directs the packet up to Node5 along the path (Node1,
435              Node3, Node5). BGP-Prefix-SID 16011 then directs the packet down
436              to Node11 along the path (Node5, Node9, Node11).</li>
437          </ul>
438        </section>
439        <section anchor="INCRDEP" numbered="true" toc="default">
440          <name>Incremental Deployments</name>
441          <t>The design previously described can be deployed incrementally.
442          Let us assume that Node7 does not support the BGP-Prefix-SID and let
443          us show how the fabric connectivity is preserved.</t>
444          <t>From a signaling viewpoint, nothing would change: even though
445          Node7 does not support the BGP-Prefix-SID, it does propagate the
446          attribute unmodified to its neighbors.</t>
447          <t>From a label allocation viewpoint, the only difference is that
448          Node7 would allocate a dynamic (random) label to the prefix
449 (e.g. 123456) instead of the "hinted" label as
450          instructed by the BGP-Prefix-SID. The neighbors of Node7 adapt
451          automatically as they always use the label in the BGP8277 NLRI as
452          outgoing label.</t>
453          <t>Node4 does understand the BGP-Prefix-SID and hence allocates the
454          indexed label in the SRGB (16011) for</t>
455          <t>As a result, all the data-plane entries across the network would
456          be unchanged except the entries at Node7 and its neighbor Node4 as
457          shown in the figures below.</t>
458          <t>The key point is that the end-to-end Label Switched Path (LSP) is
459          preserved because the outgoing label is always derived from the
460          received label within the BGP8277 NLRI. The index in the
461          BGP-Prefix-SID is only used as a hint on how to allocate the local
462          label (the incoming label) but never for the outgoing label.</t>
463          <figure anchor="NODE7FIBINC">
464            <name>Node7 Forwarding Table</name>
465            <artwork align="center" name="" type="" alt=""><![CDATA[------------------------------------------
466Incoming label     | outgoing | Outgoing 
467or IP destination  |  label   | Interface        
469     12345         |  16011   |   10
471          </figure>
472          <figure anchor="NODE4FIBINC">
473            <name>Node4 Forwarding Table</name>
474            <artwork align="center" name="" type="" alt=""><![CDATA[------------------------------------------
475Incoming label     | outgoing | Outgoing 
476or IP destination  |  label   | Interface        
478     16011         |  12345   |   7
480          </figure>
481          <t>The BGP-Prefix-SID can thus be deployed incrementally one node at
482          a time.</t>
483          <t>When deployed together with a homogeneous SRGB (same SRGB across
484          the fabric), the operator incrementally enjoys the global prefix
485          segment benefits as the deployment progresses through the
486          fabric.</t>
487        </section>
488      </section>
489      <section anchor="iBGP3107" numbered="true" toc="default">
490        <name>iBGP Labeled Unicast (RFC8277)</name>
491        <t>The same exact design as eBGP8277 is used with the following
492        modifications:</t>
493        <ul empty="true" spacing="normal">
494          <li>All nodes use the same AS number.</li>
495          <li>Each node peers with its neighbors via an internal BGP session
496            (iBGP) with extensions defined in <xref target="RFC8277" format="default"/> (named
497            "iBGP8277" throughout this document).</li>
498          <li>Each node acts as a route-reflector for each of its neighbors
499            and with the next-hop-self option. Next-hop-self is a well known
500            operational feature which consists of rewriting the next-hop of a
501            BGP update prior to send it to the neighbor. Usually, it's a
502            common practice to apply next-hop-self behavior towards iBGP peers
503            for eBGP learned routes. In the case outlined in this section it
504            is proposed to use the next-hop-self mechanism also to iBGP
505            learned routes.</li>
506          <li>
507            <figure anchor="IBGPFIG">
508              <name>iBGP Sessions with Reflection and Next-Hop-Self</name>
509              <artwork name="" type="" align="left" alt=""><![CDATA[
510                               Cluster-1  
511                            +-----------+
512                            |  Tier-1   |
513                            |  +-----+  |
514                            |  |NODE |  |
515                            |  |  5  |  |
516                 Cluster-2  |  +-----+  |  Cluster-3
517                +---------+ |           | +---------+
518                | Tier-2  | |           | |  Tier-2 |
519                | +-----+ | |  +-----+  | | +-----+ |
520                | |NODE | | |  |NODE |  | | |NODE | |
521                | |  3  | | |  |  6  |  | | |  9  | | 
522                | +-----+ | |  +-----+  | | +-----+ |
523                |         | |           | |         |
524                |         | |           | |         |
525                | +-----+ | |  +-----+  | | +-----+ |
526                | |NODE | | |  |NODE |  | | |NODE | |
527                | |  4  | | |  |  7  |  | | |  10 | |
528                | +-----+ | |  +-----+  | | +-----+ |
529                +---------+ |           | +---------+
530                            |           |
531                            |  +-----+  |         
532                            |  |NODE |  |      
533          Tier-3            |  |  8  |  |         Tier-3       
534      +-----+ +-----+       |  +-----+  |      +-----+ +-----+ 
535      |NODE | |NODE |       +-----------+      |NODE | |NODE | 
536      |  1  | |  2  |                          | 11  | |  12 | 
537      +-----+ +-----+                          +-----+ +-----+ 
538                            ]]></artwork>
539            </figure>
540          </li>
541          <li>
542            <t>For simple and efficient route propagation filtering and as
543            illustrated in <xref target="IBGPFIG" format="default"/>: </t>
544            <ul spacing="normal">
545              <li>Node5, Node6, Node7 and Node8 use the same Cluster ID
546                (Cluster-1)</li>
547              <li>Node3 and Node4 use the same Cluster ID (Cluster-2)</li>
548              <li>Node9 and Node10 use the same Cluster ID (Cluster-3)</li>
549            </ul>
550          </li>
551          <li>The control-plane behavior is mostly the same as described in
552            the previous section: the only difference is that the eBGP8277
553            path propagation is simply replaced by an iBGP8277 path reflection
554            with next-hop changed to self.</li>
555          <li>The data-plane tables are exactly the same.</li>
556        </ul>
557      </section>
558    </section>
559    <section anchor="IPV6" numbered="true" toc="default">
560      <name>Applying Segment Routing in the DC with IPv6 dataplane</name>
561      <t>The design described in <xref target="RFC7938" format="default"/> is reused with one
562      single modification. It is highlighted using the example of the
563      reachability to Node11 via spine node Node5.</t>
564      <t>Node5 originates 2001:DB8::5/128 with the attached BGP-Prefix-SID for
565      IPv6 packets destined to segment 2001:DB8::5 (<xref target="I-D.ietf-idr-bgp-prefix-sid" format="default"/>).</t>
566      <t>Node11 originates 2001:DB8::11/128 with the attached BGP-Prefix-SID
567      advertising the support of the SRH for IPv6 packets destined to segment
568      2001:DB8::11.</t>
569      <t>The control-plane and data-plane processing of all the other nodes in
570      the fabric is unchanged. Specifically, the routes to 2001:DB8::5 and
571      2001:DB8::11 are installed in the FIB along the eBGP best-path to Node5
572      (spine node) and Node11 (ToR node) respectively.</t>
573      <t>An application on HostA which needs to send traffic to HostZ via only
574      Node5 (spine node) can do so by sending IPv6 packets with a Segment
575      Routing header (SRH, <xref target="I-D.ietf-6man-segment-routing-header" format="default"/>). The destination
576      address and active segment is set to 2001:DB8::5. The next and last
577      segment is set to 2001:DB8::11.</t>
578      <t>The application must only use IPv6 addresses that have been
579      advertised as capable for SRv6 segment processing (e.g. for which the
580      BGP prefix segment capability has been advertised). How applications
581      learn this (e.g.: centralized controller and orchestration) is outside
582      the scope of this document.</t>
583    </section>
584    <section anchor="COMMHOSTS" numbered="true" toc="default">
585      <name>Communicating path information to the host</name>
586      <t>There are two general methods for communicating path information to
587      the end-hosts: "proactive" and "reactive", aka "push" and "pull" models.
588      There are multiple ways to implement either of these methods. Here, it
589      is noted that one way could be using a centralized controller: the
590      controller either tells the hosts of the prefix-to-path mappings
591      beforehand and updates them as needed (network event driven push), or
592      responds to the hosts making request for a path to specific destination
593      (host event driven pull). It is also possible to use a hybrid model,
594      i.e., pushing some state from the controller in response to particular
595      network events, while the host pulls other state on demand.</t>
596      <t>It is also noted, that when disseminating network-related data to the
597      end-hosts a trade-off is made to balance the amount of information Vs.
598      the level of visibility in the network state. This applies both to push
599      and pull models. In the extreme case, the host would request path
600      information on every flow, and keep no local state at all. On the other
601      end of the spectrum, information for every prefix in the network along
602      with available paths could be pushed and continuously updated on all
603      hosts.</t>
604    </section>
605    <section anchor="BENEFITS" numbered="true" toc="default">
606      <name>Additional Benefits</name>
607      <section anchor="MPLSIMPLE" numbered="true" toc="default">
608        <name>MPLS Dataplane with operational simplicity</name>
609        <t>As required by <xref target="RFC7938" format="default"/>, no new signaling protocol
610        is introduced. The BGP-Prefix-SID is a lightweight extension to BGP
611        Labeled Unicast <xref target="RFC8277" format="default"/>. It applies either to eBGP or
612        iBGP based designs.</t>
613        <t>Specifically, LDP and RSVP-TE are not used. These protocols would
614        drastically impact the operational complexity of the Data Center and
615        would not scale. This is in line with the requirements expressed in
616        <xref target="RFC7938" format="default"/>.</t>
617        <t>Provided the same SRGB is configured on all nodes, all nodes use
618        the same MPLS label for a given IP prefix. This is simpler from an
619        operation standpoint, as discussed in <xref target="SINGLESRGB" format="default"/></t>
620      </section>
621      <section anchor="MINFIB" numbered="true" toc="default">
622        <name>Minimizing the FIB table</name>
623        <t>The designer may decide to switch all the traffic at Tier-1 and
624        Tier-2's based on MPLS, hence drastically decreasing the IP table size
625        at these nodes.</t>
626        <t>This is easily accomplished by encapsulating the traffic either
627        directly at the host or the source ToR node by pushing the
628        BGP-Prefix-SID of the destination ToR for intra-DC traffic, or the
629        BGP-Prefix-SID for the the border node for inter-DC or
630        DC-to-outside-world traffic.</t>
631      </section>
632      <section anchor="EPE" numbered="true" toc="default">
633        <name>Egress Peer Engineering</name>
634        <t>It is straightforward to combine the design illustrated in this
635        document with the Egress Peer Engineering (EPE) use-case described in
636        <xref target="I-D.ietf-spring-segment-routing-central-epe" format="default"/>.</t>
637        <t>In such case, the operator is able to engineer its outbound traffic
638        on a per host-flow basis, without incurring any additional state at
639        intermediate points in the DC fabric.</t>
640        <t>For example, the controller only needs to inject a per-flow state
641        on the HostA to force it to send its traffic destined to a specific
642        Internet destination D via a selected border node (say Node12 in <xref target="FIGLARGE" format="default"/> instead of another border node, Node11) and a
643        specific egress peer of Node12 (say peer AS 9999 of local PeerNode
644        segment 9999 at Node12 instead of any other peer which provides a path
645        to the destination D). Any packet matching this state at host A would
646        be encapsulated with SR segment list (label stack) {16012, 9999}.
647        16012 would steer the flow through the DC fabric, leveraging any ECMP,
648        along the best path to border node Node12. Once the flow gets to
649        border node Node12, the active segment is 9999 (because of PHP on the
650        upstream neighbor of Node12). This EPE PeerNode segment forces border
651        node Node12 to forward the packet to peer AS 9999, without any IP
652        lookup at the border node. There is no per-flow state for this
653        engineered flow in the DC fabric. A benefit of segment routing is the
654        per-flow state is only required at the source.</t>
655        <t>As well as allowing full traffic engineering control such a design
656        also offers FIB table minimization benefits as the Internet-scale FIB
657        at border node Node12 is not required if all FIB lookups are avoided
658        there by using EPE.</t>
659      </section>
660      <section anchor="ANYCAST" numbered="true" toc="default">
661        <name>Anycast</name>
662        <t>The design presented in this document preserves the availability
663        and load-balancing properties of the base design presented in <xref target="I-D.ietf-spring-segment-routing" format="default"/>.</t>
664        <t>For example, one could assign an anycast loopback and
665        associate segment index 20 to it on the border Node11 and Node12 (in
666        addition to their node-specific loopbacks). Doing so, the EPE
667        controller could express a default "go-to-the-Internet via any border
668        node" policy as segment list {16020}. Indeed, from any host in the DC
669        fabric or from any ToR node, 16020 steers the packet towards the
670        border Node11 or Node12 leveraging ECMP where available along the best
671        paths to these nodes.</t>
672      </section>
673    </section>
674    <section anchor="SINGLESRGB" numbered="true" toc="default">
675      <name>Preferred SRGB Allocation</name>
676      <t>In the MPLS case, it is recommend to use same SRGBs at each node.</t>
677      <t>Different SRGBs in each node likely increase the complexity of the
678      solution both from an operational viewpoint and from a controller
679      viewpoint.</t>
680      <t>From an operation viewpoint, it is much simpler to have the same
681      global label at every node for the same destination (the MPLS
682      troubleshooting is then similar to the IPv6 troubleshooting where this
683      global property is a given).</t>
684      <t>From a controller viewpoint, this allows us to construct simple
685      policies applicable across the fabric.</t>
686      <t>Let us consider two applications A and B respectively connected to
687      Node1 and Node2 (ToR nodes). A has two flows FA1 and FA2 destined to Z.
688      B has two flows FB1 and FB2 destined to Z. The controller wants FA1 and
689      FB1 to be load-shared across the fabric while FA2 and FB2 must be
690      respectively steered via Node5 and Node8.</t>
691      <t>Assuming a consistent unique SRGB across the fabric as described in
692      the document, the controller can simply do it by instructing A and B to
693      use {16011} respectively for FA1 and FB1 and by instructing A and B to
694      use {16005 16011} and {16008 16011} respectively for FA2 and FB2.</t>
695      <t>Let us assume a design where the SRGB is different at every node and
696      where the SRGB of each node is advertised using the Originator SRGB TLV
697      of the BGP-Prefix-SID as defined in <xref target="I-D.ietf-idr-bgp-prefix-sid" format="default"/>: SRGB of Node K starts at value
698      K*1000 and the SRGB length is 1000 (e.g. Node1's SRGB is [1000,
699      1999], Node2's SRGB is [2000, 2999], ...).</t>
700      <t>In this case, not only the controller would need to collect and store
701      all of these different SRGB's (e.g., through the Originator SRGB
702      TLV of the BGP-Prefix-SID), furthermore it would need to adapt the
703      policy for each host. Indeed, the controller would instruct A to use
704      {1011} for FA1 while it would have to instruct B to use {2011} for FB1
705      (while with the same SRGB, both policies are the same {16011}).</t>
706      <t>Even worse, the controller would instruct A to use {1005, 5011} for
707      FA1 while it would instruct B to use {2011, 8011} for FB1 (while with
708      the same SRGB, the second segment is the same across both policies:
709      16011). When combining segments to create a policy, one need to
710      carefully update the label of each segment. This is obviously more
711      error-prone, more complex and more difficult to troubleshoot.</t>
712    </section>
713    <section anchor="IANA" numbered="true" toc="default">
714      <name>IANA Considerations</name>
715      <t>This document does not make any IANA request.</t>
716    </section>
717    <section anchor="MANAGE" numbered="true" toc="default">
718      <name>Manageability Considerations</name>
719      <t>The design and deployment guidelines described in this document are
720      based on the network design described in <xref target="RFC7938" format="default"/>.</t>
721      <t>The deployment model assumed in this document is based on a single
722      domain where the interconnected DCs are part of the same administrative
723      domain (which, of course, is split into different autonomous systems).
724      The operator has full control of the whole domain and the usual
725      operational and management mechanisms and procedures are used in order
726      to prevent any information related to internal prefixes and topology to
727      be leaked outside the domain.</t>
728      <t>As recommended in <xref target="I-D.ietf-spring-segment-routing" format="default"/>,
729      the same SRGB should be allocated in all nodes in order to facilitate
730      the design, deployment and operations of the domain.</t>
731      <t>When EPE (<xref target="I-D.ietf-spring-segment-routing-central-epe" format="default"/>) is used (as
732      explained in <xref target="EPE" format="default"/>, the same operational model is
733      assumed. EPE information is originated and propagated throughout the
734      domain towards an internal server and unless explicitly configured by
735      the operator, no EPE information is leaked outside the domain
736      boundaries.</t>
737    </section>
738    <section anchor="SEC" numbered="true" toc="default">
739      <name>Security Considerations</name>
740      <t>This document proposes to apply Segment Routing to a well known
741      scalability requirement expressed in <xref target="RFC7938" format="default"/> using the
742      BGP-Prefix-SID as defined in <xref target="I-D.ietf-idr-bgp-prefix-sid" format="default"/>.</t>
743      <t>It has to be noted, as described in <xref target="MANAGE" format="default"/> that the
744      design illustrated in <xref target="RFC7938" format="default"/> and in this document,
745      refer to a deployment model where all nodes are under the same
746      administration. In this context, it is assumed that the operator doesn't
747      want to leak outside of the domain any information related to internal
748      prefixes and topology. The internal information includes prefix-sid and
749      EPE information. In order to prevent such leaking, the standard BGP
750      mechanisms (filters) are applied on the boundary of the domain.</t>
751      <t>Therefore, the solution proposed in this document does not introduce
752      any additional security concerns from what expressed in <xref target="RFC7938" format="default"/> and <xref target="I-D.ietf-idr-bgp-prefix-sid" format="default"/>. It
753      is assumed that the security and confidentiality of the prefix and
754      topology information is preserved by outbound filters at each peering
755      point of the domain as described in <xref target="MANAGE" format="default"/>.</t>
756    </section>
757    <section anchor="Acknowledgements" numbered="true" toc="default">
758      <name>Acknowledgements</name>
759      <t>The authors would like to thank Benjamin Black, Arjun Sreekantiah,
760      Keyur Patel, Acee Lindem and Anoop Ghanwani for their comments and
761      review of this document.</t>
762    </section>
763    <section anchor="Contributors" numbered="true" toc="default">
764      <name>Contributors</name>
765      <artwork name="" type="" align="left" alt=""><![CDATA[Gaya Nagarajan
769Email: gaya@fb.com]]></artwork>
770      <artwork name="" type="" align="left" alt=""><![CDATA[Gaurav Dawra
771Cisco Systems
774Email: gdawra.ietf@gmail.com]]></artwork>
775      <artwork name="" type="" align="left" alt=""><![CDATA[Dmitry Afanasiev
779Email: fl0w@yandex-team.ru]]></artwork>
780      <artwork name="" type="" align="left" alt=""><![CDATA[Tim Laberge
784Email: tlaberge@cisco.com]]></artwork>
785      <artwork name="" type="" align="left" alt=""><![CDATA[Edet Nkposong
786Salesforce.com Inc.
789Email: enkposong@salesforce.com]]></artwork>
790      <artwork name="" type="" align="left" alt=""><![CDATA[Mohan Nanduri
794Email: mnanduri@microsoft.com]]></artwork>
795      <artwork name="" type="" align="left" alt=""><![CDATA[James Uttaro
799Email: ju1738@att.com]]></artwork>
800      <artwork name="" type="" align="left" alt=""><![CDATA[Saikat Ray
804Email: raysaikat@gmail.com]]></artwork>
805      <artwork name="" type="" align="left" alt=""><![CDATA[Jon Mitchell
809Email: jrmitche@puck.nether.net]]></artwork>
810    </section>
811  </middle>
812  <back>
813    <references>
814      <name>References</name>
815      <references>
816        <name>Normative References</name>
817        <reference anchor="RFC2119" target="https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc2119" xml:base="https://xml2rfc.tools.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.2119.xml">
818          <front>
819            <title>Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate Requirement Levels</title>
820            <seriesInfo name="DOI" value="10.17487/RFC2119"/>
821            <seriesInfo name="RFC" value="2119"/>
822            <seriesInfo name="BCP" value="14"/>
823            <author initials="S." surname="Bradner" fullname="S. Bradner">
824              <organization/>
825            </author>
826            <date year="1997" month="March"/>
827            <abstract>
828              <t>In many standards track documents several words are used to signify the requirements in the specification.  These words are often capitalized. This document defines these words as they should be interpreted in IETF documents.  This document specifies an Internet Best Current Practices for the Internet Community, and requests discussion and suggestions for improvements.</t>
829            </abstract>
830          </front>
831        </reference>
832        <reference anchor="RFC8277" target="https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc8277" xml:base="https://xml2rfc.tools.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.8277.xml">
833          <front>
834            <title>Using BGP to Bind MPLS Labels to Address Prefixes</title>
835            <seriesInfo name="DOI" value="10.17487/RFC8277"/>
836            <seriesInfo name="RFC" value="8277"/>
837            <author initials="E." surname="Rosen" fullname="E. Rosen">
838              <organization/>
839            </author>
840            <date year="2017" month="October"/>
841            <abstract>
842              <t>This document specifies a set of procedures for using BGP to advertise that a specified router has bound a specified MPLS label (or a specified sequence of MPLS labels organized as a contiguous part of a label stack) to a specified address prefix.  This can be done by sending a BGP UPDATE message whose Network Layer Reachability Information field contains both the prefix and the MPLS label(s) and whose Next Hop field identifies the node at which said prefix is bound to said label(s).  This document obsoletes RFC 3107.</t>
843            </abstract>
844          </front>
845        </reference>
846        <reference anchor="RFC4271" target="https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc4271" xml:base="https://xml2rfc.tools.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.4271.xml">
847          <front>
848            <title>A Border Gateway Protocol 4 (BGP-4)</title>
849            <seriesInfo name="DOI" value="10.17487/RFC4271"/>
850            <seriesInfo name="RFC" value="4271"/>
851            <author initials="Y." surname="Rekhter" fullname="Y. Rekhter" role="editor">
852              <organization/>
853            </author>
854            <author initials="T." surname="Li" fullname="T. Li" role="editor">
855              <organization/>
856            </author>
857            <author initials="S." surname="Hares" fullname="S. Hares" role="editor">
858              <organization/>
859            </author>
860            <date year="2006" month="January"/>
861            <abstract>
862              <t>This document discusses the Border Gateway Protocol (BGP), which is an inter-Autonomous System routing protocol.</t>
863              <t>The primary function of a BGP speaking system is to exchange network reachability information with other BGP systems.  This network reachability information includes information on the list of Autonomous Systems (ASes) that reachability information traverses. This information is sufficient for constructing a graph of AS connectivity for this reachability from which routing loops may be pruned, and, at the AS level, some policy decisions may be enforced.</t>
864              <t>BGP-4 provides a set of mechanisms for supporting Classless Inter-Domain Routing (CIDR).  These mechanisms include support for advertising a set of destinations as an IP prefix, and eliminating the concept of network "class" within BGP.  BGP-4 also introduces mechanisms that allow aggregation of routes, including aggregation of AS paths.</t>
865              <t>This document obsoletes RFC 1771.  [STANDARDS-TRACK]</t>
866            </abstract>
867          </front>
868        </reference>
869        <reference anchor="RFC7938" target="https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc7938" xml:base="https://xml2rfc.tools.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.7938.xml">
870          <front>
871            <title>Use of BGP for Routing in Large-Scale Data Centers</title>
872            <seriesInfo name="DOI" value="10.17487/RFC7938"/>
873            <seriesInfo name="RFC" value="7938"/>
874            <author initials="P." surname="Lapukhov" fullname="P. Lapukhov">
875              <organization/>
876            </author>
877            <author initials="A." surname="Premji" fullname="A. Premji">
878              <organization/>
879            </author>
880            <author initials="J." surname="Mitchell" fullname="J. Mitchell" role="editor">
881              <organization/>
882            </author>
883            <date year="2016" month="August"/>
884            <abstract>
885              <t>Some network operators build and operate data centers that support over one hundred thousand servers.  In this document, such data centers are referred to as "large-scale" to differentiate them from smaller infrastructures.  Environments of this scale have a unique set of network requirements with an emphasis on operational simplicity and network stability.  This document summarizes operational experience in designing and operating large-scale data centers using BGP as the only routing protocol.  The intent is to report on a proven and stable routing design that could be leveraged by others in the industry.</t>
886            </abstract>
887          </front>
888        </reference>
889        <reference anchor="I-D.ietf-spring-segment-routing" target="http://www.ietf.org/internet-drafts/draft-ietf-spring-segment-routing-15.txt">
890          <front>
891            <title>Segment Routing Architecture</title>
892            <seriesInfo name="Internet-Draft" value="draft-ietf-spring-segment-routing-15"/>
893            <author initials="C" surname="Filsfils" fullname="Clarence Filsfils">
894              <organization/>
895            </author>
896            <author initials="S" surname="Previdi" fullname="Stefano Previdi">
897              <organization/>
898            </author>
899            <author initials="L" surname="Ginsberg" fullname="Les Ginsberg">
900              <organization/>
901            </author>
902            <author initials="B" surname="Decraene" fullname="Bruno Decraene">
903              <organization/>
904            </author>
905            <author initials="S" surname="Litkowski" fullname="Stephane Litkowski">
906              <organization/>
907            </author>
908            <author initials="R" surname="Shakir" fullname="Rob Shakir">
909              <organization/>
910            </author>
911            <date month="January" day="25" year="2018"/>
912            <abstract>
913              <t>Segment Routing (SR) leverages the source routing paradigm.  A node steers a packet through an ordered list of instructions, called segments.  A segment can represent any instruction, topological or service-based.  A segment can have a semantic local to an SR node or global within an SR domain.  SR allows to enforce a flow through any topological path while maintaining per-flow state only at the ingress nodes to the SR domain.  Segment Routing can be directly applied to the MPLS architecture with no change on the forwarding plane.  A segment is encoded as an MPLS label.  An ordered list of segments is encoded as a stack of labels. The segment to process is on the top of the stack.  Upon completion of a segment, the related label is popped from the stack.  Segment Routing can be applied to the IPv6 architecture, with a new type of routing header.  A segment is encoded as an IPv6 address.  An ordered list of segments is encoded as an ordered list of IPv6 addresses in the routing header.  The active segment is indicated by the Destination Address of the packet.  The next active segment is indicated by a pointer in the new routing header.</t>
914            </abstract>
915          </front>
916        </reference>
917        <reference anchor="I-D.ietf-idr-bgp-prefix-sid" target="http://www.ietf.org/internet-drafts/draft-ietf-idr-bgp-prefix-sid-27.txt">
918          <front>
919            <title>Segment Routing Prefix SID extensions for BGP</title>
920            <seriesInfo name="Internet-Draft" value="draft-ietf-idr-bgp-prefix-sid-27"/>
921            <author initials="S" surname="Previdi" fullname="Stefano Previdi">
922              <organization/>
923            </author>
924            <author initials="C" surname="Filsfils" fullname="Clarence Filsfils">
925              <organization/>
926            </author>
927            <author initials="A" surname="Lindem" fullname="Acee Lindem">
928              <organization/>
929            </author>
930            <author initials="A" surname="Sreekantiah" fullname="Arjun Sreekantiah">
931              <organization/>
932            </author>
933            <author initials="H" surname="Gredler" fullname="Hannes Gredler">
934              <organization/>
935            </author>
936            <date month="June" day="26" year="2018"/>
937            <abstract>
938              <t>Segment Routing (SR) leverages the source routing paradigm.  A node steers a packet through an ordered list of instructions, called segments.  A segment can represent any instruction, topological or service-based.  The ingress node prepends an SR header to a packet containing a set of segment identifiers (SID).  Each SID represents a topological or a service-based instruction.  Per-flow state is maintained only on the ingress node of the SR domain.  An SR domain is defined as a single administrative domain for global SID assignment.  This document defines an optional, transitive BGP attribute for announcing BGP Prefix Segment Identifiers (BGP Prefix-SID) information and the specification for SR-MPLS SIDs.</t>
939            </abstract>
940          </front>
941        </reference>
942        <reference anchor="I-D.ietf-spring-segment-routing-central-epe" target="http://www.ietf.org/internet-drafts/draft-ietf-spring-segment-routing-central-epe-10.txt">
943          <front>
944            <title>Segment Routing Centralized BGP Egress Peer Engineering</title>
945            <seriesInfo name="Internet-Draft" value="draft-ietf-spring-segment-routing-central-epe-10"/>
946            <author initials="C" surname="Filsfils" fullname="Clarence Filsfils">
947              <organization/>
948            </author>
949            <author initials="S" surname="Previdi" fullname="Stefano Previdi">
950              <organization/>
951            </author>
952            <author initials="G" surname="Dawra" fullname="Gaurav Dawra">
953              <organization/>
954            </author>
955            <author initials="E" surname="Aries" fullname="Ebben Aries">
956              <organization/>
957            </author>
958            <author initials="D" surname="Afanasiev" fullname="Dmitry Afanasiev">
959              <organization/>
960            </author>
961            <date month="December" day="21" year="2017"/>
962            <abstract>
963              <t>Segment Routing (SR) leverages source routing.  A node steers a packet through a controlled set of instructions, called segments, by prepending the packet with an SR header.  A segment can represent any instruction topological or service-based.  SR allows to enforce a flow through any topological path while maintaining per-flow state only at the ingress node of the SR domain.  The Segment Routing architecture can be directly applied to the MPLS dataplane with no change on the forwarding plane.  It requires a minor extension to the existing link-state routing protocols.  This document illustrates the application of Segment Routing to solve the BGP Egress Peer Engineering (BGP-EPE) requirement.  The SR-based BGP-EPE solution allows a centralized (Software Defined Network, SDN) controller to program any egress peer policy at ingress border routers or at hosts within the domain.</t>
964            </abstract>
965          </front>
966        </reference>
967      </references>
968      <references>
969        <name>Informative References</name>
970        <reference anchor="RFC6793" target="https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc6793" xml:base="https://xml2rfc.tools.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.6793.xml">
971          <front>
972            <title>BGP Support for Four-Octet Autonomous System (AS) Number Space</title>
973            <seriesInfo name="DOI" value="10.17487/RFC6793"/>
974            <seriesInfo name="RFC" value="6793"/>
975            <author initials="Q." surname="Vohra" fullname="Q. Vohra">
976              <organization/>
977            </author>
978            <author initials="E." surname="Chen" fullname="E. Chen">
979              <organization/>
980            </author>
981            <date year="2012" month="December"/>
982            <abstract>
983              <t>The Autonomous System number is encoded as a two-octet entity in the base BGP specification.  This document describes extensions to BGP to carry the Autonomous System numbers as four-octet entities.  This document obsoletes RFC 4893 and updates RFC 4271.  [STANDARDS-TRACK]</t>
984            </abstract>
985          </front>
986        </reference>
987        <reference anchor="I-D.ietf-6man-segment-routing-header" target="http://www.ietf.org/internet-drafts/draft-ietf-6man-segment-routing-header-21.txt">
988          <front>
989            <title>IPv6 Segment Routing Header (SRH)</title>
990            <seriesInfo name="Internet-Draft" value="draft-ietf-6man-segment-routing-header-21"/>
991            <author initials="C" surname="Filsfils" fullname="Clarence Filsfils">
992              <organization/>
993            </author>
994            <author initials="D" surname="Dukes" fullname="Darren Dukes">
995              <organization/>
996            </author>
997            <author initials="S" surname="Previdi" fullname="Stefano Previdi">
998              <organization/>
999            </author>
1000            <author initials="J" surname="Leddy" fullname="John Leddy">
1001              <organization/>
1002            </author>
1003            <author initials="S" surname="Matsushima" fullname="Satoru Matsushima">
1004              <organization/>
1005            </author>
1006            <author initials="d" surname="daniel.voyer@bell.ca" fullname="daniel.voyer@bell.ca">
1007              <organization/>
1008            </author>
1009            <date month="June" day="13" year="2019"/>
1010            <abstract>
1011              <t>Segment Routing can be applied to the IPv6 data plane using a new type of Routing Extension Header.  This document describes the Segment Routing Extension Header and how it is used by Segment Routing capable nodes.</t>
1012            </abstract>
1013          </front>
1014        </reference>
1015      </references>
1016    </references>
1017  </back>
1<reference anchor="RFC2119" target="https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc2119" xml:base="https://xml2rfc.tools.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.2119.xml">
3<title>Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate Requirement Levels</title>
4<author initials="S." surname="Bradner" fullname="S. Bradner"><organization/></author>
5<date year="1997" month="March"/>
6<abstract><t>In many standards track documents several words are used to signify the requirements in the specification.  These words are often capitalized. This document defines these words as they should be interpreted in IETF documents.  This document specifies an Internet Best Current Practices for the Internet Community, and requests discussion and suggestions for improvements.</t></abstract>
8<seriesInfo name="BCP" value="14"/>
9<seriesInfo name="RFC" value="2119"/>
10<seriesInfo name="DOI" value="10.17487/RFC2119"/>
1<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
3<reference  anchor='RFC8277' target='https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc8277'>
5<title>Using BGP to Bind MPLS Labels to Address Prefixes</title>
6<author initials='E.' surname='Rosen' fullname='E. Rosen'><organization /></author>
7<date year='2017' month='October' />
8<abstract><t>This document specifies a set of procedures for using BGP to advertise that a specified router has bound a specified MPLS label (or a specified sequence of MPLS labels organized as a contiguous part of a label stack) to a specified address prefix.  This can be done by sending a BGP UPDATE message whose Network Layer Reachability Information field contains both the prefix and the MPLS label(s) and whose Next Hop field identifies the node at which said prefix is bound to said label(s).  This document obsoletes RFC 3107.</t></abstract>
10<seriesInfo name='RFC' value='8277'/>
11<seriesInfo name='DOI' value='10.17487/RFC8277'/>
1<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
3<reference  anchor='RFC4271' target='https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc4271'>
5<title>A Border Gateway Protocol 4 (BGP-4)</title>
6<author initials='Y.' surname='Rekhter' fullname='Y. Rekhter' role='editor'><organization /></author>
7<author initials='T.' surname='Li' fullname='T. Li' role='editor'><organization /></author>
8<author initials='S.' surname='Hares' fullname='S. Hares' role='editor'><organization /></author>
9<date year='2006' month='January' />
10<abstract><t>This document discusses the Border Gateway Protocol (BGP), which is an inter-Autonomous System routing protocol.</t><t>The primary function of a BGP speaking system is to exchange network reachability information with other BGP systems.  This network reachability information includes information on the list of Autonomous Systems (ASes) that reachability information traverses. This information is sufficient for constructing a graph of AS connectivity for this reachability from which routing loops may be pruned, and, at the AS level, some policy decisions may be enforced.</t><t>BGP-4 provides a set of mechanisms for supporting Classless Inter-Domain Routing (CIDR).  These mechanisms include support for advertising a set of destinations as an IP prefix, and eliminating the concept of network &quot;class&quot; within BGP.  BGP-4 also introduces mechanisms that allow aggregation of routes, including aggregation of AS paths.</t><t>This document obsoletes RFC 1771.  [STANDARDS-TRACK]</t></abstract>
12<seriesInfo name='RFC' value='4271'/>
13<seriesInfo name='DOI' value='10.17487/RFC4271'/>
1<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
3<reference  anchor='RFC7938' target='https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc7938'>
5<title>Use of BGP for Routing in Large-Scale Data Centers</title>
6<author initials='P.' surname='Lapukhov' fullname='P. Lapukhov'><organization /></author>
7<author initials='A.' surname='Premji' fullname='A. Premji'><organization /></author>
8<author initials='J.' surname='Mitchell' fullname='J. Mitchell' role='editor'><organization /></author>
9<date year='2016' month='August' />
10<abstract><t>Some network operators build and operate data centers that support over one hundred thousand servers.  In this document, such data centers are referred to as &quot;large-scale&quot; to differentiate them from smaller infrastructures.  Environments of this scale have a unique set of network requirements with an emphasis on operational simplicity and network stability.  This document summarizes operational experience in designing and operating large-scale data centers using BGP as the only routing protocol.  The intent is to report on a proven and stable routing design that could be leveraged by others in the industry.</t></abstract>
12<seriesInfo name='RFC' value='7938'/>
13<seriesInfo name='DOI' value='10.17487/RFC7938'/>
1<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
3<reference  anchor='RFC6793' target='https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc6793'>
5<title>BGP Support for Four-Octet Autonomous System (AS) Number Space</title>
6<author initials='Q.' surname='Vohra' fullname='Q. Vohra'><organization /></author>
7<author initials='E.' surname='Chen' fullname='E. Chen'><organization /></author>
8<date year='2012' month='December' />
9<abstract><t>The Autonomous System number is encoded as a two-octet entity in the base BGP specification.  This document describes extensions to BGP to carry the Autonomous System numbers as four-octet entities.  This document obsoletes RFC 4893 and updates RFC 4271.  [STANDARDS-TRACK]</t></abstract>
11<seriesInfo name='RFC' value='6793'/>
12<seriesInfo name='DOI' value='10.17487/RFC6793'/>
  • <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
  • <!DOCTYPE rfc SYSTEM "rfc2629-xhtml.ent">
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  • <rfc category="info" docName="draft-ietf-spring-segment-routing-msdc-11" ipr="trust200902" obsoletes="" updates="" submissionType="IETF" xml:lang="en" version="3" consensus="true" number="9999" tocInclude="true" symRefs="true" sortRefs="true">
    • <-- xml2rfc v2v3 conversion 2.23.0 -->
    • <front>
      • <title abbrev="BGP-Prefix SID in large-scale DCs">
        • BGP-Prefix Segment in large-scale data centers
        • </title>
      • <seriesInfo name="Internet-Draft" "RFC" value="draft-ietf-spring-segment-routing-msdc-11" "9999" />
      • <author fullname="Clarence Filsfils" initials="C." role="editor" surname="Filsfils">
        • <organization>
          • Cisco Systems, Inc.
          • </organization>
        • <address>
          • <postal>
            • <street/>
            • <city>
              • Brussels
              • </city>
            • <region/>
            • <code/>
            • <country>
              • BE
              • </country>
            • </postal>
          • <email>
            • cfilsfil@cisco.com
            • </email>
          • </address>
        • </author>
      • <author fullname="Stefano Previdi" initials="S." surname="Previdi">
        • <organization>
          • Cisco Systems, Inc.
          • </organization>
        • <address>
          • <postal>
            • <street/>
            • <city/>
            • <code/>
            • <country>
              • Italy
              • </country>
            • </postal>
          • <email>
            • stefano@previdi.net
            • </email>
          • </address>
        • </author>
      • <author fullname="Gaurav Dawra" initials="G." surname="Dawra">
        • <organization>
          • LinkedIn
          • </organization>
        • <address>
          • <postal>
            • <street/>
            • <city/>
            • <code/>
            • <country>
              • USA
              • </country>
            • </postal>
          • <email>
            • gdawra.ietf@gmail.com
            • </email>
          • </address>
        • </author>
      • <author fullname="Ebben Aries" initials="E." surname="Aries">
        • <organization>
          • Juniper Networks
          • </organization>
        • <address>
          • <postal>
            • <street>
              • 1133 Innovation Way
              • </street>
            • <city>
              • Sunnyvale
              • </city>
            • <code>
              • CA 94089
              • </code>
            • <country>
              • US
              • </country>
            • </postal>
          • <email>
            • exa@juniper.net
            • </email>
          • </address>
        • </author>
      • <author fullname="Petr Lapukhov" initials="P." surname="Lapukhov">
        • <organization>
          • Facebook
          • </organization>
        • <address>
          • <postal>
            • <street/>
            • <city/>
            • <code/>
            • <country>
              • US
              • </country>
            • </postal>
          • <email>
            • petr@fb.com
            • </email>
          • </address>
        • </author>
      • <date year="2018" "2019" month="July"/>
      • <workgroup>
        • Network Working Group
        • </workgroup>
      • <abstract>
        • <t>
          • This document describes the motivation and benefits for applying segment routing in BGP-based large-scale data-centers. It describes the design to deploy segment routing in those data-centers, for both the MPLS and IPv6 dataplanes.
          • </t>
        • </abstract>
      • </front>
    • <middle>
      • <section anchor="INTRO" numbered="true" toc="default">
        • <name>
          • Introduction
          • </name>
        • <t>
          • Segment Routing (SR), as described in <xref xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude" target="I-D.ietf-spring-segment-routing" format="default"/> leverages the source routing paradigm. A node steers a packet through an ordered list of instructions, called segments. A segment can represent any instruction, topological or service-based. A segment can have a local semantic to an SR node or global within an SR domain. SR allows to enforce a flow through any topological path while maintaining per-flow state only at the ingress node to the SR domain. Segment Routing can be applied to the MPLS and IPv6 data-planes.
          • </t>
        • <t>
          • The use-cases described in this document should be considered in the context of the BGP-based large-scale data-center (DC) design described in <xref xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude" target="RFC7938" format="default"/>. This document extends it by applying SR both with IPv6 and MPLS dataplane.
          • </t>
        • </section>
      • <section anchor="LARGESCALEDC" numbered="true" toc="default">
        • <name>
          • Large Scale Data Center Network Design Summary
          • </name>
        • <t>
          • This section provides a brief summary of the informational document <xref xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude" target="RFC7938" format="default"/> that outlines a practical network design suitable for data-centers of various scales:
          • </t>
        • <ul spacing="normal">
          • <li>
            • Data-center networks have highly symmetric topologies with multiple parallel paths between two server attachment points. The well-known Clos topology is most popular among the operators (as described in <xref xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude" target="RFC7938" format="default"/>). In a Clos topology, the minimum number of parallel paths between two elements is determined by the "width" of the "Tier-1" stage. See <xref xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude" target="FIGLARGE" format="default"/> below for an illustration of the concept.
            • </li>
          • <li>
            • Large-scale data-centers commonly use a routing protocol, such as BGP-4 <xref xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude" target="RFC4271" format="default"/> in order to provide endpoint connectivity. Recovery after a network failure is therefore driven either by local knowledge of directly available backup paths or by distributed signaling between the network devices.
            • </li>
          • <li>
            • Within data-center networks, traffic is load-shared using the Equal Cost Multipath (ECMP) mechanism. With ECMP, every network device implements a pseudo-random decision, mapping packets to one of the parallel paths by means of a hash function calculated over certain parts of the packet, typically a combination of various packet header fields.
            • </li>
          • </ul>
        • <t>
          • The following is a schematic of a five-stage Clos topology, with four devices in the "Tier-1" stage. Notice that number of paths between Node1 and Node12 equals to four: the paths have to cross all of Tier-1 devices. At the same time, the number of paths between Node1 and Node2 equals two, and the paths only cross Tier-2 devices. Other topologies are possible, but for simplicity only the topologies that have a single path from Tier-1 to Tier-3 are considered below. The rest could be treated similarly, with a few modifications to the logic.
          • </t>
        • <section anchor="REFDESIGN" numbered="true" toc="default">
          • <name>
            • Reference design
            • </name>
          • <figure anchor="FIGLARGE">
            • <name>
              • 5-stage Clos topology
              • </name>
            • <artwork name="" type="" align="left" alt="">
              •                                 Tier-1
                                               |NODE |
                                            +->|  5  |--+
                                            |  +-----+  |
                                    Tier-2  |           |   Tier-2
                                   +-----+  |  +-----+  |  +-----+
                     +------------>|NODE |--+->|NODE |--+--|NODE |-------------+
                     |       +-----|  3  |--+  |  6  |  +--|  9  |-----+       |
                     |       |     +-----+     +-----+     +-----+     |       |
                     |       |                                         |       |
                     |       |     +-----+     +-----+     +-----+     |       |
                     | +-----+---->|NODE |--+  |NODE |  +--|NODE |-----+-----+ |
                     | |     | +---|  4  |--+->|  7  |--+--|  10 |---+ |     | |
                     | |     | |   +-----+  |  +-----+  |  +-----+   | |     | |
                     | |     | |            |           |            | |     | |
                   +-----+ +-----+          |  +-----+  |          +-----+ +-----+
                   |NODE | |NODE | Tier-3   +->|NODE |--+   Tier-3 |NODE | |NODE |
                   |  1  | |  2  |             |  8  |             | 11  | |  12 |
                   +-----+ +-----+             +-----+             +-----+ +-----+
                     | |     | |                                     | |     | |
                     A O     B O            <- Servers ->            Z O     O O
              • </artwork>
            • </figure>
          • <t>
            • In the reference topology illustrated in <xref xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude" target="FIGLARGE" format="default"/>, It is assumed:
            • </t>
          • <ul spacing="normal">
            • <li>
              • <t xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude">Each node is its own AS (Node X has AS X). 4-byte AS numbers are recommended (<xref target="RFC6793" format="default"/></t><ul xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude" spacing="normal"><li>For simple and efficient route propagation filtering, Node5, Node6, Node7 and Node8 use the same AS, Node3 and Node4 use the same AS, Node9 and Node10 use the same AS.</li><li>In case of 2-byte autonomous system numbers are used and for efficient usage of the scarce 2-byte Private Use AS pool, different Tier-3 nodes might use the same AS.</li><li>Without loss of generality, these details will be simplified in this document and assume that each node has its own AS.</li></ul>
              • </li>
            • <li>
              • Each node peers with its neighbors with a BGP session. If not specified, eBGP is assumed. In a specific use-case, iBGP will be used but this will be called out explicitly in that case.
              • </li>
            • <li>
              • <t xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude">Each node originates the IPv4 address of its loopback interface into BGP and announces it to its neighbors. </t><ul xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude" spacing="normal"><li>The loopback of Node X is 192.0.2.x/32.</li></ul>
              • </li>
            • </ul>
          • <t>
            • In this document, the Tier-1, Tier-2 and Tier-3 nodes are referred to respectively as Spine, Leaf and ToR (top of rack) nodes. When a ToR node acts as a gateway to the "outside world", it is referred to as a border node.
            • </t>
          • </section>
        • </section>
      • <section anchor="OPENPROBS" numbered="true" toc="default">
        • <name>
          • Some open problems in large data-center networks
          • </name>
        • <t>
          • The data-center network design summarized above provides means for moving traffic between hosts with reasonable efficiency. There are few open performance and reliability problems that arise in such design:
          • </t>
        • <ul spacing="normal">
          • <li>
            • ECMP routing is most commonly realized per-flow. This means that large, long-lived "elephant" flows may affect performance of smaller, short-lived "mouse" flows and reduce efficiency of per-flow load-sharing. In other words, per-flow ECMP does not perform efficiently when flow lifetime distribution is heavy-tailed. Furthermore, due to hash-function inefficiencies it is possible to have frequent flow collisions, where more flows get placed on one path over the others.
            • </li>
          • <li>
            • Shortest-path routing with ECMP implements an oblivious routing model, which is not aware of the network imbalances. If the network symmetry is broken, for example due to link failures, utilization hotspots may appear. For example, if a link fails between Tier-1 and Tier-2 devices (e.g. Node5 and Node9), Tier-3 devices Node1 and Node2 will not be aware of that, since there are other paths available from perspective of Node3. They will continue sending roughly equal traffic to Node3 and Node4 as if the failure didn't exist which may cause a traffic hotspot.
            • </li>
          • <li>
            • Isolating faults in the network with multiple parallel paths and ECMP-based routing is non-trivial due to lack of determinism. Specifically, the connections from HostA to HostB may take a different path every time a new connection is formed, thus making consistent reproduction of a failure much more difficult. This complexity scales linearly with the number of parallel paths in the network, and stems from the random nature of path selection by the network devices.
            • </li>
          • </ul>
        • <t>
          • First, it will be explained how to apply SR in the DC, for MPLS and IPv6 data-planes.
          • </t>
        • </section>
      • <section anchor="APPLYSR" numbered="true" toc="default">
        • <name>
          • Applying Segment Routing in the DC with MPLS dataplane
          • </name>
        • <section anchor="BGPREFIXSEGMENT" numbered="true" toc="default">
          • <name>
            • BGP Prefix Segment (BGP-Prefix-SID)
            • </name>
          • <t>
            • A BGP Prefix Segment is a segment associated with a BGP prefix. A BGP Prefix Segment is a network-wide instruction to forward the packet along the ECMP-aware best path to the related prefix.
            • </t>
          • <t>
            • The BGP Prefix Segment is defined as the BGP-Prefix-SID Attribute in <xref xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude" target="I-D.ietf-idr-bgp-prefix-sid" format="default"/> which contains an index. Throughout this document the BGP Prefix Segment Attribute is referred as the BGP-Prefix-SID and the encoded index as the label-index.
            • </t>
          • <t>
            • In this document, the network design decision has been made to assume that all the nodes are allocated the same SRGB (Segment Routing Global Block), e.g. [16000, 23999]. This provides operational simplification as explained in <xref xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude" target="SINGLESRGB" format="default"/>, but this is not a requirement.
            • </t>
          • <t>
            • For illustration purpose, when considering an MPLS data-plane, it is assumed that the label-index allocated to prefix 192.0.2.x/32 is X. As a result, a local label (16000+x) is allocated for prefix 192.0.2.x/32 by each node throughout the DC fabric.
            • </t>
          • <t>
            • When IPv6 data-plane is considered, it is assumed that Node X is allocated IPv6 address (segment) 2001:DB8::X.
            • </t>
          • </section>
        • <section anchor="eBGP8277" numbered="true" toc="default">
          • <name>
            • eBGP Labeled Unicast (RFC8277)
            • </name>
          • <t>
            • Referring to <xref xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude" target="FIGLARGE" format="default"/> and <xref xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude" target="RFC7938" format="default"/>, the following design modifications are introduced:
            • </t>
          • <ul spacing="normal">
            • <li>
              • Each node peers with its neighbors via a eBGP session with extensions defined in <xref xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude" target="RFC8277" format="default"/> (named "eBGP8277" throughout this document) and with the BGP-Prefix-SID attribute extension as defined in <xref xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude" target="I-D.ietf-idr-bgp-prefix-sid" format="default"/>.
              • </li>
            • <li>
              • The forwarding plane at Tier-2 and Tier-1 is MPLS.
              • </li>
            • <li>
              • The forwarding plane at Tier-3 is either IP2MPLS (if the host sends IP traffic) or MPLS2MPLS (if the host sends MPLS- encapsulated traffic).
              • </li>
            • </ul>
          • <t>
            • <xref xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude" target="FIGSMALL" format="default"/> zooms into a path from server A to server Z within the topology of <xref xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude" target="FIGLARGE" format="default"/>.
            • </t>
          • <figure anchor="FIGSMALL">
            • <name>
              • Path from A to Z via nodes 1, 4, 7, 10 and 11
              • </name>
            • <artwork name="" type="" align="left" alt="">

              •                    +-----+     +-----+     +-----+    
                       +---------->|NODE |     |NODE |     |NODE |
                       |           |  4  |--+->|  7  |--+--|  10 |---+  
                       |           +-----+     +-----+     +-----+   |  
                       |                                             |  
                   +-----+                                         +-----+ 
                   |NODE |                                         |NODE |
                   |  1  |                                         | 11  |
                   +-----+                                         +-----+ 
                     |                                              |     
                     A                    <- Servers ->             Z  
              • </artwork>
            • </figure>
          • <t>
            • Referring to <xref xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude" target="FIGLARGE" format="default"/> and <xref xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude" target="FIGSMALL" format="default"/> and assuming the IP address with the AS and label-index allocation previously described, the following sections detail the control plane operation and the data plane states for the prefix (loopback of Node11)
            • </t>
          • <section anchor="CONTROLPLANE" numbered="true" toc="default">
            • <name>
              • Control Plane
              • </name>
            • <t>
              • Node11 originates in BGP and allocates to it a BGP-Prefix-SID with label-index: index11 <xref xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude" target="I-D.ietf-idr-bgp-prefix-sid" format="default"/>.
              • </t>
            • <ul empty="true">
              • <tli>
                • Node11 <t xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude">Node11 sends the following eBGP8277 update to Node10:</t><dl xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude" spacing="compact"><dt>IP Prefix:</dt><dd></dd><dt>Label:</dt><dd>Implicit-Null</dd><dt>Next-hop:</dt><dd>Node11's interface address on the link to Node10: Node10</dd><dt>AS Path:</dt><dd>{11}</dd><dt>BGP-Prefix-SID:</dt><dd>Label-Index 11</dd></dl>
                • </t>
              • </ul>
            • <artwork name="" type="" align="left" alt="">
              • . IP Prefix:
                . Label: Implicit-Null
                . Next-hop: Node11’s interface address on the link to Node10
                . AS Path: {11}
                . BGP-Prefix-SID: Label-Index 11
              • </artwork>
            • <t>
              • Node10 receives the above update. As it is SR capable, Node10 is able to interpret the BGP-Prefix-SID and hence understands that it should allocate the label from its own SRGB block, offset by the Label-Index received in the BGP-Prefix-SID (16000+11 hence 16011) to the NLRI instead of allocating a non-deterministic label out of a dynamically allocated portion of the local label space. The implicit-null label in the NLRI tells Node10 that it is the penultimate hop and must pop the top label on the stack before forwarding traffic for this prefix to Node11.
              • </t>
            • <ul empty="true">
              • <tli>
                • Then, <t xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude">Then, Node10 sends the following eBGP8277 update to Node7:</t><dl xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude" spacing="compact"><dt>IP Prefix:</dt><dd></dd><dt>Label:</dt><dd>16011</dd><dt>Next-hop:</dt><dd>Node10's interface address on the link to Node7: Node7</dd><dt>AS Path:</dt><dd>{10, 11}</dd><dt>BGP-Prefix-SID:</dt><dd>Label-Index 11</dd></dl>
                • </t>
              • </ul>
            • <artwork name="" type="" align="left" alt="">
              • . IP Prefix:
                . Label: 16011
                . Next-hop: Node10’s interface address on the link to Node7
                . AS Path: {10, 11}
                . BGP-Prefix-SID: Label-Index 11
              • </artwork>
            • <t>
              • Node7 receives the above update. As it is SR capable, Node7 is able to interpret the BGP-Prefix-SID and hence allocates the local (incoming) label 16011 (16000 + 11) to the NLRI (instead of allocating a "dynamic" local label from its label manager). Node7 uses the label in the received eBGP8277 NLRI as the outgoing label (the index is only used to derive the local/incoming label).
              • </t>
            • <ul empty="true">
              • <tli>
                • Node7 <t xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude">Node7 sends the following eBGP8277 update to Node4:</t><dl xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude" spacing="compact"><dt>Label:</dt><dd>16011</dd><dt>Next-hop:</dt><dd>Node7's interface address on the link to Node4: Node4</dd><dt>AS Path:</dt><dd>{7, 10, 11}</dd><dt>BGP-Prefix-SID:</dt><dd>Label-Index 11</dd></dl>
                • </t>
              • </ul>
            • <artwork name="" type="" align="left" alt="">
              • . IP Prefix:
                . Label: 16011
                . Next-hop: Node7’s interface address on the link to Node4
                . AS Path: {7, 10, 11}
                . BGP-Prefix-SID: Label-Index 11
              • </artwork>
            • <t>
              • Node4 receives the above update. As it is SR capable, Node4 is able to interpret the BGP-Prefix-SID and hence allocates the local (incoming) label 16011 to the NLRI (instead of allocating a "dynamic" local label from its label manager). Node4 uses the label in the received eBGP8277 NLRI as outgoing label (the index is only used to derive the local/incoming label).
              • </t>
            • <ul empty="true">
              • <tli>
                • Node4 <t xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude">Node4 sends the following eBGP8277 update to Node1:</t><dl xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude" spacing="compact"><dt>IP Prefix:</dt><dd></dd><dt>Label:</dt><dd>16011</dd><dt>Next-hop:</dt><dd>Node4's interface address on the link to Node1: Node1</dd><dt>AS Path:</dt><dd>{4, 7, 10, 11}</dd><dt>BGP-Prefix-SID:</dt><dd>Label-Index 11</dd></dl>
                • </t>
              • </ul>
            • <artwork name="" type="" align="left" alt="">
              • . IP Prefix:
                . Label: 16011
                . Next-hop: Node4’s interface address on the link to Node1
                . AS Path: {4, 7, 10, 11}
                . BGP-Prefix-SID: Label-Index 11
              • </artwork>
            • <t>
              • Node1 receives the above update. As it is SR capable, Node1 is able to interpret the BGP-Prefix-SID and hence allocates the local (incoming) label 16011 to the NLRI (instead of allocating a "dynamic" local label from its label manager). Node1 uses the label in the received eBGP8277 NLRI as outgoing label (the index is only used to derive the local/incoming label).
              • </t>
            • </section>
          • <section anchor="DATAPLANE" numbered="true" toc="default">
            • <name>
              • Data Plane
              • </name>
            • <t>
              • Referring to <xref xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude" target="FIGLARGE" format="default"/>, and assuming all nodes apply the same advertisement rules described above and all nodes have the same SRGB (16000-23999), here are the IP/MPLS forwarding tables for prefix at Node1, Node4, Node7 and Node10.
              • </t>
            • <figure anchor="NODE1FIB">
              • <table anchor="NODE1FIB" align="center">
                • <name>
                  • Node1 Forwarding Table
                  • </name>
                • <artwork align="center" name="" type="" alt="">
                  • <thead>
                    • <tr>
                      • <th align="center">
                        • -----------------------------------------------
                          Incoming label    | outgoing label | Outgoing 
                          or IP destination |                | Interface       
                               16011        |      16011     | ECMP{3, 4}
                     |      16011     | ECMP{3, 4}
                          ------------------+----------------+-----------*Incoming label or IP destination
                        • </th>
                      • <th align="center">
                        • Outgoing label
                        • </th>
                      • <th align="center">
                        • Outgoing Interface
                        • </th>
                      • </tr>
                    • </thead>
                  • </artwork>
                • <tbody>
                  • <tr>
                    • <td align="center">
                      • 16011
                      • </td>
                    • <td align="center">
                      • 16011
                      • </td>
                    • <td align="center">
                      • ECMP{3, 4}
                      • </td>
                    • </tr>
                  • <tr>
                    • <td align="center">
                      • </td>
                    • <td align="center">
                      • 16011
                      • </td>
                    • <td align="center">
                      • ECMP{3, 4}
                      • </td>
                    • </tr>
                  • </tbody>
                • </table>
              • </figure>
            • <figure anchor="NODE4FIB">
              • <table anchor="NODE4FIB" align="center">
                • <name>
                  • Node4 Forwarding Table
                  • </name>
                • <artwork align="center" name="" type="" alt="">
                  • <thead>
                    • <tr>
                      • <th align="center">

                        • -----------------------------------------------
                          Incoming label    | outgoing label | Outgoing 
                          or IP destination |                | Interface       
                               16011        |      16011     | ECMP{7, 8}
                     |      16011     | ECMP{7, 8}
                          ------------------+----------------+-----------*Incoming label or IP destination
                        • </th>
                      • <th align="center">
                        • Outgoing label
                        • </th>
                      • <th align="center">
                        • Outgoing Interface
                        • </th>
                      • </tr>
                    • </thead>
                  • </artwork>
                • <tbody>
                  • <tr>
                    • <td align="center">
                      • 16011
                      • </td>
                    • <td align="center">
                      • 16011
                      • </td>
                    • <td align="center">
                      • ECMP{7, 8}
                      • </td>
                    • </tr>
                  • <tr>
                    • <td align="center">
                      • </td>
                    • <td align="center">
                      • 16011
                      • </td>
                    • <td align="center">
                      • ECMP{7, 8}
                      • </td>
                    • </tr>
                  • </tbody>
                • </table>
              • </figure>
            • <figure anchor="NODE7FIB">
              • <table anchor="NODE7FIB" align="center">
                • <name>
                  • Node7 Forwarding Table
                  • </name>
                • <artwork align="center" name="" type="" alt="">
                  • <thead>
                    • <tr>
                      • <th align="center">

                        • -----------------------------------------------
                          Incoming label    | outgoing label | Outgoing 
                          or IP destination |                | Interface       
                               16011        |      16011     |    10
                     |      16011     |    10
                          ------------------+----------------+-----------*Incoming label or IP destination
                        • </th>
                      • <th align="center">
                        • Outgoing label
                        • </th>
                      • <th align="center">
                        • Outgoing Interface
                        • </th>
                      • </tr>
                    • </thead>
                  • </artwork>
                • <tbody>
                  • <tr>
                    • <td align="center">
                      • 16011
                      • </td>
                    • <td align="center">
                      • 16011
                      • </td>
                    • <td align="center">
                      • 10
                      • </td>
                    • </tr>
                  • <tr>
                    • <td align="center">
                      • </td>
                    • <td align="center">
                      • 16011
                      • </td>
                    • <td align="center">
                      • 10
                      • </td>
                    • </tr>
                  • </tbody>
                • </table>
              • </figure>
            • <artwork align="center" name="" type="" alt="">
              • <table align="center">
                • <name/>
                • <thead>
                  • <tr>
                    • <th align="center">

                      • -----------------------------------------------
                        Incoming label    | outgoing label | Outgoing 
                        or IP destination |                | Interface       
                             16011        |      POP       |    11
                   |      N/A       |    11
                        ------------------+----------------+-----------*Incoming label or IP destination
                      • </th>
                    • <th align="center">
                      • Outgoing label
                      • </th>
                    • <th align="center">
                      • Outgoing Interface
                      • </th>
                    • </tr>
                  • </thead>
                • <tbody>
                  • <tr>
                    • <td align="center">
                      • 16011
                      • </td>
                    • <td align="center">
                      • POP
                      • </td>
                    • <td align="center">
                      • 11
                      • </td>
                    • </tr>
                  • <tr>
                    • <td align="center">
                      • </td>
                    • <td align="center">
                      • N/A
                      • </td>
                    • <td align="center">
                      • 11
                      • </td>
                    • </tr>
                  • </tbody>
                • </table>
              • </artwork>
            • </section>
          • <section anchor="VARIATIONS" numbered="true" toc="default">
            • <name>
              • Network Design Variation
              • </name>
            • <t>
              • A network design choice could consist of switching all the traffic through Tier-1 and Tier-2 as MPLS traffic. In this case, one could filter away the IP entries at Node4, Node7 and Node10. This might be beneficial in order to optimize the forwarding table size.
              • </t>
            • <t>
              • A network design choice could consist in allowing the hosts to send MPLS-encapsulated traffic based on the Egress Peer Engineering (EPE) use-case as defined in <xref xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude" target="I-D.ietf-spring-segment-routing-central-epe" format="default"/>. For example, applications at HostA would send their Z-destined traffic to Node1 with an MPLS label stack where the top label is 16011 and the next label is an EPE peer segment (<xref xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude" target="I-D.ietf-spring-segment-routing-central-epe" format="default"/>) at Node11 directing the traffic to Z.
              • </t>
            • </section>
          • <section anchor="FABRIC" numbered="true" toc="default">
            • <name>
              • Global BGP Prefix Segment through the fabric
              • </name>
            • <t>
              • When the previous design is deployed, the operator enjoys global BGP-Prefix-SID and label allocation throughout the DC fabric.
              • </t>
            • <t>
              • A few examples follow:
              • </t>
            • <ul spacing="normal">
              • <li>
                • Normal forwarding to Node11: a packet with top label 16011 received by any node in the fabric will be forwarded along the ECMP-aware BGP best-path towards Node11 and the label 16011 is penultimate-popped at Node10 (or at Node 9).
                • </li>
              • <li>
                • Traffic-engineered path to Node11: an application on a host behind Node1 might want to restrict its traffic to paths via the Spine node Node5. The application achieves this by sending its packets with a label stack of {16005, 16011}. BGP Prefix SID 16005 directs the packet up to Node5 along the path (Node1, Node3, Node5). BGP-Prefix-SID 16011 then directs the packet down to Node11 along the path (Node5, Node9, Node11).
                • </li>
              • </ul>
            • </section>
          • <section anchor="INCRDEP" numbered="true" toc="default">
            • <name>
              • Incremental Deployments
              • </name>
            • <t>
              • The design previously described can be deployed incrementally. Let us assume that Node7 does not support the BGP-Prefix-SID and let us show how the fabric connectivity is preserved.
              • </t>
            • <t>
              • From a signaling viewpoint, nothing would change: even though Node7 does not support the BGP-Prefix-SID, it does propagate the attribute unmodified to its neighbors.
              • </t>
            • <t>
              • From a label allocation viewpoint, the only difference is that Node7 would allocate a dynamic (random) label to the prefix (e.g. 123456) instead of the "hinted" label as instructed by the BGP-Prefix-SID. The neighbors of Node7 adapt automatically as they always use the label in the BGP8277 NLRI as outgoing label.
              • </t>
            • <t>
              • Node4 does understand the BGP-Prefix-SID and hence allocates the indexed label in the SRGB (16011) for
              • </t>
            • <t>
              • As a result, all the data-plane entries across the network would be unchanged except the entries at Node7 and its neighbor Node4 as shown in the figures below.
              • </t>
            • <t>
              • The key point is that the end-to-end Label Switched Path (LSP) is preserved because the outgoing label is always derived from the received label within the BGP8277 NLRI. The index in the BGP-Prefix-SID is only used as a hint on how to allocate the local label (the incoming label) but never for the outgoing label.
              • </t>
            • <figure anchor="NODE7FIBINC">
              • <table anchor="NODE7FIBINC" align="center">
                • <name>
                  • Node7 Forwarding Table
                  • </name>
                • <artwork align="center" name="" type="" alt="">
                  • <thead>
                    • <tr>
                      • <th align="center">
                        • ------------------------------------------
                          Incoming label     | outgoing | Outgoing 
                          or IP destination  |  label   | Interface        
                               12345         |  16011   |   
                          10*Incoming label or IP destination
                        • </th>
                      • <th align="center">
                        • Outgoing label
                        • </th>
                      • <th align="center">
                        • Outgoing interface
                        • </th>
                      • </tr>
                    • </thead>
                  • </artwork>
                • <tbody>
                  • <tr>
                    • <td align="center">
                      • 12345
                      • </td>
                    • <td align="center">
                      • 16011
                      • </td>
                    • <td align="center">
                      • 10
                      • </td>
                    • </tr>
                  • </tbody>
                • </table>
              • </figure>
            • <figure anchor="NODE4FIBINC">
              • <table anchor="NODE4FIBINC" align="center">
                • <name>
                  • Node4 Forwarding Table
                  • </name>
                • <artwork align="center" name="" type="" alt="">
                  • <thead>
                    • <tr>
                      • <th align="center">
                        • ------------------------------------------
                          Incoming label     | outgoing | Outgoing 
                          or IP destination  |  label   | Interface        
                               16011         |  12345   |   
                          7*Incoming label or IP destination
                        • </th>
                      • <th align="center">
                        • Outgoing label
                        • </th>
                      • <th align="center">
                        • Outgoing interface
                        • </th>
                      • </tr>
                    • </thead>
                  • </artwork>
                • <tbody>
                  • <tr>
                    • <td align="center">
                      • 16011
                      • </td>
                    • <td align="center">
                      • 12345
                      • </td>
                    • <td align="center">
                      • 7
                      • </td>
                    • </tr>
                  • </tbody>
                • </table>
              • </figure>
            • <t>
              • The BGP-Prefix-SID can thus be deployed incrementally one node at a time.
              • </t>
            • <t>
              • When deployed together with a homogeneous SRGB (same SRGB across the fabric), the operator incrementally enjoys the global prefix segment benefits as the deployment progresses through the fabric.
              • </t>
            • </section>
          • </section>
        • <section anchor="iBGP3107" numbered="true" toc="default">
          • <name>
            • iBGP Labeled Unicast (RFC8277)
            • </name>
          • <t>
            • The same exact design as eBGP8277 is used with the following modifications:
            • </t>
          • <ul empty="true" spacing="normal">
            • <li>
              • All nodes use the same AS number.
              • </li>
            • <li>
              • Each node peers with its neighbors via an internal BGP session (iBGP) with extensions defined in <xref xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude" target="RFC8277" format="default"/> (named "iBGP8277" throughout this document).
              • </li>
            • <li>
              • Each node acts as a route-reflector for each of its neighbors and with the next-hop-self option. Next-hop-self is a well known operational feature which consists of rewriting the next-hop of a BGP update prior to send it to the neighbor. Usually, it's a common practice to apply next-hop-self behavior towards iBGP peers for eBGP learned routes. In the case outlined in this section it is proposed to use the next-hop-self mechanism also to iBGP learned routes.
              • </li>
            • <li>
              • <figure xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude" anchor="IBGPFIG"><name>iBGP Sessions with Reflection and Next-Hop-Self</name><artwork name="" type="" align="left" alt=""><![CDATA[
                | Tier-1 |
                | +-----+ |
                | |NODE | |
                | | 5 | |
                Cluster-2 | +-----+ | Cluster-3
                +---------+ | | +---------+
                | Tier-2 | | | | Tier-2 |
                | +-----+ | | +-----+ | | +-----+ |
                | |NODE | | | |NODE | | | |NODE | |
                | | 3 | | | | 6 | | | | 9 | |
                | +-----+ | | +-----+ | | +-----+ |
                | | | | | |
                | | | | | |
                | +-----+ | | +-----+ | | +-----+ |
                | |NODE | | | |NODE | | | |NODE | |
                | | 4 | | | | 7 | | | | 10 | |
                | +-----+ | | +-----+ | | +-----+ |
                +---------+ | | +---------+
                | |
                | +-----+ |
                | |NODE | |
                Tier-3 | | 8 | | Tier-3
                +-----+ +-----+ | +-----+ | +-----+ +-----+
                |NODE | |NODE | +-----------+ |NODE | |NODE |
                | 1 | | 2 | | 11 | | 12 |
                +-----+ +-----+ +-----+ +-----+
              • </li>
            • <li>
              • <t xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude">For simple and efficient route propagation filtering and as illustrated in <xref target="IBGPFIG" format="default"/></t><ul xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude" spacing="normal"><li>Node5, Node6, Node7 and Node8 use the same Cluster ID (Cluster-1)</li><li>Node3 and Node4 use the same Cluster ID (Cluster-2)</li><li>Node9 and Node10 use the same Cluster ID (Cluster-3)</li></ul>
              • </li>
            • <li>
              • The control-plane behavior is mostly the same as described in the previous section: the only difference is that the eBGP8277 path propagation is simply replaced by an iBGP8277 path reflection with next-hop changed to self.
              • </li>
            • <li>
              • The data-plane tables are exactly the same.
              • </li>
            • </ul>
          • </section>
        • </section>
      • <section anchor="IPV6" numbered="true" toc="default">
        • <name>
          • Applying Segment Routing in the DC with IPv6 dataplane
          • </name>
        • <t>
          • The design described in <xref xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude" target="RFC7938" format="default"/> is reused with one single modification. It is highlighted using the example of the reachability to Node11 via spine node Node5.
          • </t>
        • <t>
          • Node5 originates 2001:DB8::5/128 with the attached BGP-Prefix-SID for IPv6 packets destined to segment 2001:DB8::5 (<xref xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude" target="I-D.ietf-idr-bgp-prefix-sid" format="default"/>).
          • </t>
        • <t>
          • Node11 originates 2001:DB8::11/128 with the attached BGP-Prefix-SID advertising the support of the SRH for IPv6 packets destined to segment 2001:DB8::11.
          • </t>
        • <t>
          • The control-plane and data-plane processing of all the other nodes in the fabric is unchanged. Specifically, the routes to 2001:DB8::5 and 2001:DB8::11 are installed in the FIB along the eBGP best-path to Node5 (spine node) and Node11 (ToR node) respectively.
          • </t>
        • <t>
          • An application on HostA which needs to send traffic to HostZ via only Node5 (spine node) can do so by sending IPv6 packets with a Segment Routing header (SRH, <xref xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude" target="I-D.ietf-6man-segment-routing-header" format="default"/>). The destination address and active segment is set to 2001:DB8::5. The next and last segment is set to 2001:DB8::11.
          • </t>
        • <t>
          • The application must only use IPv6 addresses that have been advertised as capable for SRv6 segment processing (e.g. for which the BGP prefix segment capability has been advertised). How applications learn this (e.g.: centralized controller and orchestration) is outside the scope of this document.
          • </t>
        • </section>
      • <section anchor="COMMHOSTS" numbered="true" toc="default">
        • <name>
          • Communicating path information to the host
          • </name>
        • <t>
          • There are two general methods for communicating path information to the end-hosts: "proactive" and "reactive", aka "push" and "pull" models. There are multiple ways to implement either of these methods. Here, it is noted that one way could be using a centralized controller: the controller either tells the hosts of the prefix-to-path mappings beforehand and updates them as needed (network event driven push), or responds to the hosts making request for a path to specific destination (host event driven pull). It is also possible to use a hybrid model, i.e., pushing some state from the controller in response to particular network events, while the host pulls other state on demand.
          • </t>
        • <t>
          • It is also noted, that when disseminating network-related data to the end-hosts a trade-off is made to balance the amount of information Vs. the level of visibility in the network state. This applies both to push and pull models. In the extreme case, the host would request path information on every flow, and keep no local state at all. On the other end of the spectrum, information for every prefix in the network along with available paths could be pushed and continuously updated on all hosts.
          • </t>
        • </section>
      • <section anchor="BENEFITS" numbered="true" toc="default">
        • <name>
          • Additional Benefits
          • </name>
        • <section anchor="MPLSIMPLE" numbered="true" toc="default">
          • <name>
            • MPLS Dataplane with operational simplicity
            • </name>
          • <t>
            • As required by <xref xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude" target="RFC7938" format="default"/>, no new signaling protocol is introduced. The BGP-Prefix-SID is a lightweight extension to BGP Labeled Unicast <xref xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude" target="RFC8277" format="default"/>. It applies either to eBGP or iBGP based designs.
            • </t>
          • <t>
            • Specifically, LDP and RSVP-TE are not used. These protocols would drastically impact the operational complexity of the Data Center and would not scale. This is in line with the requirements expressed in <xref xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude" target="RFC7938" format="default"/>.
            • </t>
          • <t>
            • Provided the same SRGB is configured on all nodes, all nodes use the same MPLS label for a given IP prefix. This is simpler from an operation standpoint, as discussed in <xref xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude" target="SINGLESRGB" format="default"/>
            • </t>
          • </section>
        • <section anchor="MINFIB" numbered="true" toc="default">
          • <name>
            • Minimizing the FIB table
            • </name>
          • <t>
            • The designer may decide to switch all the traffic at Tier-1 and Tier-2's based on MPLS, hence drastically decreasing the IP table size at these nodes.
            • </t>
          • <t>
            • This is easily accomplished by encapsulating the traffic either directly at the host or the source ToR node by pushing the BGP-Prefix-SID of the destination ToR for intra-DC traffic, or the BGP-Prefix-SID for the the border node for inter-DC or DC-to-outside-world traffic.
            • </t>
          • </section>
        • <section anchor="EPE" numbered="true" toc="default">
          • <name>
            • Egress Peer Engineering
            • </name>
          • <t>
            • It is straightforward to combine the design illustrated in this document with the Egress Peer Engineering (EPE) use-case described in <xref xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude" target="I-D.ietf-spring-segment-routing-central-epe" format="default"/>.
            • </t>
          • <t>
            • In such case, the operator is able to engineer its outbound traffic on a per host-flow basis, without incurring any additional state at intermediate points in the DC fabric.
            • </t>
          • <t>
            • For example, the controller only needs to inject a per-flow state on the HostA to force it to send its traffic destined to a specific Internet destination D via a selected border node (say Node12 in <xref xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude" target="FIGLARGE" format="default"/> instead of another border node, Node11) and a specific egress peer of Node12 (say peer AS 9999 of local PeerNode segment 9999 at Node12 instead of any other peer which provides a path to the destination D). Any packet matching this state at host A would be encapsulated with SR segment list (label stack) {16012, 9999}. 16012 would steer the flow through the DC fabric, leveraging any ECMP, along the best path to border node Node12. Once the flow gets to border node Node12, the active segment is 9999 (because of PHP on the upstream neighbor of Node12). This EPE PeerNode segment forces border node Node12 to forward the packet to peer AS 9999, without any IP lookup at the border node. There is no per-flow state for this engineered flow in the DC fabric. A benefit of segment routing is the per-flow state is only required at the source.
            • </t>
          • <t>
            • As well as allowing full traffic engineering control such a design also offers FIB table minimization benefits as the Internet-scale FIB at border node Node12 is not required if all FIB lookups are avoided there by using EPE.
            • </t>
          • </section>
        • <section anchor="ANYCAST" numbered="true" toc="default">
          • <name>
            • Anycast
            • </name>
          • <t>
            • The design presented in this document preserves the availability and load-balancing properties of the base design presented in <xref xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude" target="I-D.ietf-spring-segment-routing" format="default"/>.
            • </t>
          • <t>
            • For example, one could assign an anycast loopback and associate segment index 20 to it on the border Node11 and Node12 (in addition to their node-specific loopbacks). Doing so, the EPE controller could express a default "go-to-the-Internet via any border node" policy as segment list {16020}. Indeed, from any host in the DC fabric or from any ToR node, 16020 steers the packet towards the border Node11 or Node12 leveraging ECMP where available along the best paths to these nodes.
            • </t>
          • </section>
        • </section>
      • <section anchor="SINGLESRGB" numbered="true" toc="default">
        • <name>
          • Preferred SRGB Allocation
          • </name>
        • <t>
          • In the MPLS case, it is recommend to use same SRGBs at each node.
          • </t>
        • <t>
          • Different SRGBs in each node likely increase the complexity of the solution both from an operational viewpoint and from a controller viewpoint.
          • </t>
        • <t>
          • From an operation viewpoint, it is much simpler to have the same global label at every node for the same destination (the MPLS troubleshooting is then similar to the IPv6 troubleshooting where this global property is a given).
          • </t>
        • <t>
          • From a controller viewpoint, this allows us to construct simple policies applicable across the fabric.
          • </t>
        • <t>
          • Let us consider two applications A and B respectively connected to Node1 and Node2 (ToR nodes). A has two flows FA1 and FA2 destined to Z. B has two flows FB1 and FB2 destined to Z. The controller wants FA1 and FB1 to be load-shared across the fabric while FA2 and FB2 must be respectively steered via Node5 and Node8.
          • </t>
        • <t>
          • Assuming a consistent unique SRGB across the fabric as described in the document, the controller can simply do it by instructing A and B to use {16011} respectively for FA1 and FB1 and by instructing A and B to use {16005 16011} and {16008 16011} respectively for FA2 and FB2.
          • </t>
        • <t>
          • Let us assume a design where the SRGB is different at every node and where the SRGB of each node is advertised using the Originator SRGB TLV of the BGP-Prefix-SID as defined in <xref xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude" target="I-D.ietf-idr-bgp-prefix-sid" format="default"/>: SRGB of Node K starts at value K*1000 and the SRGB length is 1000 (e.g. Node1's SRGB is [1000, 1999], Node2's SRGB is [2000, 2999], ...).
          • </t>
        • <t>
          • In this case, not only the controller would need to collect and store all of these different SRGB's (e.g., through the Originator SRGB TLV of the BGP-Prefix-SID), furthermore it would need to adapt the policy for each host. Indeed, the controller would instruct A to use {1011} for FA1 while it would have to instruct B to use {2011} for FB1 (while with the same SRGB, both policies are the same {16011}).
          • </t>
        • <t>
          • Even worse, the controller would instruct A to use {1005, 5011} for FA1 while it would instruct B to use {2011, 8011} for FB1 (while with the same SRGB, the second segment is the same across both policies: 16011). When combining segments to create a policy, one need to carefully update the label of each segment. This is obviously more error-prone, more complex and more difficult to troubleshoot.
          • </t>
        • </section>
      • <section anchor="IANA" numbered="true" toc="default">
        • <name>
          • IANA Considerations
          • </name>
        • <t>
          • This document does not make any IANA request.
          • </t>
        • </section>
      • <section anchor="MANAGE" numbered="true" toc="default">
        • <name>
          • Manageability Considerations
          • </name>
        • <t>
          • The design and deployment guidelines described in this document are based on the network design described in <xref xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude" target="RFC7938" format="default"/>.
          • </t>
        • <t>
          • The deployment model assumed in this document is based on a single domain where the interconnected DCs are part of the same administrative domain (which, of course, is split into different autonomous systems). The operator has full control of the whole domain and the usual operational and management mechanisms and procedures are used in order to prevent any information related to internal prefixes and topology to be leaked outside the domain.
          • </t>
        • <t>
          • As recommended in <xref xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude" target="I-D.ietf-spring-segment-routing" format="default"/>, the same SRGB should be allocated in all nodes in order to facilitate the design, deployment and operations of the domain.
          • </t>
        • <t>
          • When EPE (<xref xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude" target="I-D.ietf-spring-segment-routing-central-epe" format="default"/>) is used (as explained in <xref xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude" target="EPE" format="default"/>, the same operational model is assumed. EPE information is originated and propagated throughout the domain towards an internal server and unless explicitly configured by the operator, no EPE information is leaked outside the domain boundaries.
          • </t>
        • </section>
      • <section anchor="SEC" numbered="true" toc="default">
        • <name>
          • Security Considerations
          • </name>
        • <t>
          • This document proposes to apply Segment Routing to a well known scalability requirement expressed in <xref xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude" target="RFC7938" format="default"/> using the BGP-Prefix-SID as defined in <xref xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude" target="I-D.ietf-idr-bgp-prefix-sid" format="default"/>.
          • </t>
        • <t>
          • It has to be noted, as described in <xref xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude" target="MANAGE" format="default"/> that the design illustrated in <xref xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude" target="RFC7938" format="default"/> and in this document, refer to a deployment model where all nodes are under the same administration. In this context, it is assumed that the operator doesn't want to leak outside of the domain any information related to internal prefixes and topology. The internal information includes prefix-sid and EPE information. In order to prevent such leaking, the standard BGP mechanisms (filters) are applied on the boundary of the domain.
          • </t>
        • <t>
          • Therefore, the solution proposed in this document does not introduce any additional security concerns from what expressed in <xref xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude" target="RFC7938" format="default"/> and <xref xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude" target="I-D.ietf-idr-bgp-prefix-sid" format="default"/>. It is assumed that the security and confidentiality of the prefix and topology information is preserved by outbound filters at each peering point of the domain as described in <xref xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude" target="MANAGE" format="default"/>.
          • </t>
        • </section>
      • <section anchor="Acknowledgements" numbered="true" toc="default">
        • <name>
          • Acknowledgements
          • </name>
        • <t>
          • The authors would like to thank Benjamin Black, Arjun Sreekantiah, Keyur Patel, Acee Lindem and Anoop Ghanwani for their comments and review of this document.
          • </t>
        • </section>
      • <section anchor="Contributors" numbered="true" toc="default">
        • <name>
          • Contributors
          • </name>
        • <artwork name="" type="" align="left" alt="">
          • Gaya Nagarajan

            Email: gaya@fb.com
          • </artwork>
        • <artwork name="" type="" align="left" alt="">
          • Gaurav Dawra
            Cisco Systems

            Email: gdawra.ietf@gmail.com
          • </artwork>
        • <artwork name="" type="" align="left" alt="">
          • Dmitry Afanasiev

            Email: fl0w@yandex-team.ru
          • </artwork>
        • <artwork name="" type="" align="left" alt="">
          • Tim Laberge

            Email: tlaberge@cisco.com
          • </artwork>
        • <artwork name="" type="" align="left" alt="">
          • Edet Nkposong
            Salesforce.com Inc.

            Email: enkposong@salesforce.com
          • </artwork>
        • <artwork name="" type="" align="left" alt="">
          • Mohan Nanduri

            Email: mnanduri@microsoft.com
          • </artwork>
        • <artwork name="" type="" align="left" alt="">
          • James Uttaro

            Email: ju1738@att.com
          • </artwork>
        • <artwork name="" type="" align="left" alt="">
          • Saikat Ray

            Email: raysaikat@gmail.com
          • </artwork>
        • <artwork name="" type="" align="left" alt="">

          • Gaya Nagarajan

            Email: gaya@fb.com

            Gaurav Dawra
            Cisco Systems

            Email: gdawra.ietf@gmail.com

            Dmitry Afanasiev

            Email: fl0w@yandex-team.ru

            Tim Laberge

            Email: tlaberge@cisco.com

            Edet Nkposong
            Salesforce.com Inc.

            Email: enkposong@salesforce.com

            Mohan Nanduri

            Email: mnanduri@microsoft.com

            James Uttaro

            Email: ju1738@att.com

            Saikat Ray

            Email: raysaikat@gmail.com

            Jon Mitchell

            Email: jrmitche@puck.nether.net

          • </artwork>
        • </section>
      • </middle>
    • <back>
      • <references>
        • <name>
          • References
          • </name>
        • <references>
          • <name>
            • Normative References
            • </name>
          • <reference anchor="RFC2119" target="https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc2119" xml:base="https://xml2rfc.tools.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.2119.xml">
            • <front>
              • <title>
                • Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate Requirement Levels
                • </title>
              • <seriesInfo name="DOI" value="10.17487/RFC2119"/>
              • <seriesInfo name="RFC" value="2119"/>
              • <seriesInfo name="BCP" value="14"/>
              • <author initials="S." surname="Bradner" fullname="S. Bradner">
                • <organization/>
                • </author>
              • <date year="1997" month="March"/>
              • <abstract>
                • <t>
                  • In many standards track documents several words are used to signify the requirements in the specification. These words are often capitalized. This document defines these words as they should be interpreted in IETF documents. This document specifies an Internet Best Current Practices for the Internet Community, and requests discussion and suggestions for improvements.
                  • </t>
                • </abstract>
              • </front>
            • </reference>
          • <reference anchor="RFC8277" target="https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc8277" xml:base="https://xml2rfc.tools.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.8277.xml">
            • <front>
              • <title>
                • Using BGP to Bind MPLS Labels to Address Prefixes
                • </title>
              • <seriesInfo name="DOI" value="10.17487/RFC8277"/>
              • <seriesInfo name="RFC" value="8277"/>
              • <author initials="E." surname="Rosen" fullname="E. Rosen">
                • <organization/>
                • </author>
              • <date year="2017" month="October"/>
              • <abstract>
                • <t>
                  • This document specifies a set of procedures for using BGP to advertise that a specified router has bound a specified MPLS label (or a specified sequence of MPLS labels organized as a contiguous part of a label stack) to a specified address prefix. This can be done by sending a BGP UPDATE message whose Network Layer Reachability Information field contains both the prefix and the MPLS label(s) and whose Next Hop field identifies the node at which said prefix is bound to said label(s). This document obsoletes RFC 3107.
                  • </t>
                • </abstract>
              • </front>
            • </reference>
          • <reference anchor="RFC4271" target="https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc4271" xml:base="https://xml2rfc.tools.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.4271.xml">
            • <front>
              • <title>
                • A Border Gateway Protocol 4 (BGP-4)
                • </title>
              • <seriesInfo name="DOI" value="10.17487/RFC4271"/>
              • <seriesInfo name="RFC" value="4271"/>
              • <author initials="Y." surname="Rekhter" fullname="Y. Rekhter" role="editor">
                • <organization/>
                • </author>
              • <author initials="T." surname="Li" fullname="T. Li" role="editor">
                • <organization/>
                • </author>
              • <author initials="S." surname="Hares" fullname="S. Hares" role="editor">
                • <organization/>
                • </author>
              • <date year="2006" month="January"/>
              • <abstract>
                • <t>
                  • This document discusses the Border Gateway Protocol (BGP), which is an inter-Autonomous System routing protocol.
                  • </t>
                • <t>
                  • The primary function of a BGP speaking system is to exchange network reachability information with other BGP systems. This network reachability information includes information on the list of Autonomous Systems (ASes) that reachability information traverses. This information is sufficient for constructing a graph of AS connectivity for this reachability from which routing loops may be pruned, and, at the AS level, some policy decisions may be enforced.
                  • </t>
                • <t>
                  • BGP-4 provides a set of mechanisms for supporting Classless Inter-Domain Routing (CIDR). These mechanisms include support for advertising a set of destinations as an IP prefix, and eliminating the concept of network "class" within BGP. BGP-4 also introduces mechanisms that allow aggregation of routes, including aggregation of AS paths.
                  • </t>
                • <t>
                  • This document obsoletes RFC 1771. [STANDARDS-TRACK]
                  • </t>
                • </abstract>
              • </front>
            • </reference>
          • <reference anchor="RFC7938" target="https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc7938" xml:base="https://xml2rfc.tools.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.7938.xml">
            • <front>
              • <title>
                • Use of BGP for Routing in Large-Scale Data Centers
                • </title>
              • <seriesInfo name="DOI" value="10.17487/RFC7938"/>
              • <seriesInfo name="RFC" value="7938"/>
              • <author initials="P." surname="Lapukhov" fullname="P. Lapukhov">
                • <organization/>
                • </author>
              • <author initials="A." surname="Premji" fullname="A. Premji">
                • <organization/>
                • </author>
              • <author initials="J." surname="Mitchell" fullname="J. Mitchell" role="editor">
                • <organization/>
                • </author>
              • <date year="2016" month="August"/>
              • <abstract>
                • <t>
                  • Some network operators build and operate data centers that support over one hundred thousand servers. In this document, such data centers are referred to as "large-scale" to differentiate them from smaller infrastructures. Environments of this scale have a unique set of network requirements with an emphasis on operational simplicity and network stability. This document summarizes operational experience in designing and operating large-scale data centers using BGP as the only routing protocol. The intent is to report on a proven and stable routing design that could be leveraged by others in the industry.
                  • </t>
                • </abstract>
              • </front>
            • </reference>
          • <reference anchor="I-D.ietf-spring-segment-routing" target="http://www.ietf.org/internet-drafts/draft-ietf-spring-segment-routing-15.txt">
            • <front>
              • <title>
                • Segment Routing Architecture
                • </title>
              • <seriesInfo name="Internet-Draft" value="draft-ietf-spring-segment-routing-15"/>
              • <author initials="C" surname="Filsfils" fullname="Clarence Filsfils">
                • <organization/>
                • </author>
              • <author initials="S" surname="Previdi" fullname="Stefano Previdi">
                • <organization/>
                • </author>
              • <author initials="L" surname="Ginsberg" fullname="Les Ginsberg">
                • <organization/>
                • </author>
              • <author initials="B" surname="Decraene" fullname="Bruno Decraene">
                • <organization/>
                • </author>
              • <author initials="S" surname="Litkowski" fullname="Stephane Litkowski">
                • <organization/>
                • </author>
              • <author initials="R" surname="Shakir" fullname="Rob Shakir">
                • <organization/>
                • </author>
              • <date month="January" day="25" year="2018"/>
              • <abstract>
                • <t>
                  • Segment Routing (SR) leverages the source routing paradigm. A node steers a packet through an ordered list of instructions, called segments. A segment can represent any instruction, topological or service-based. A segment can have a semantic local to an SR node or global within an SR domain. SR allows to enforce a flow through any topological path while maintaining per-flow state only at the ingress nodes to the SR domain. Segment Routing can be directly applied to the MPLS architecture with no change on the forwarding plane. A segment is encoded as an MPLS label. An ordered list of segments is encoded as a stack of labels. The segment to process is on the top of the stack. Upon completion of a segment, the related label is popped from the stack. Segment Routing can be applied to the IPv6 architecture, with a new type of routing header. A segment is encoded as an IPv6 address. An ordered list of segments is encoded as an ordered list of IPv6 addresses in the routing header. The active segment is indicated by the Destination Address of the packet. The next active segment is indicated by a pointer in the new routing header.
                  • </t>
                • </abstract>
              • </front>
            • </reference>
          • <reference anchor="I-D.ietf-idr-bgp-prefix-sid" target="http://www.ietf.org/internet-drafts/draft-ietf-idr-bgp-prefix-sid-27.txt">
            • <front>
              • <title>
                • Segment Routing Prefix SID extensions for BGP
                • </title>
              • <seriesInfo name="Internet-Draft" value="draft-ietf-idr-bgp-prefix-sid-27"/>
              • <author initials="S" surname="Previdi" fullname="Stefano Previdi">
                • <organization/>
                • </author>
              • <author initials="C" surname="Filsfils" fullname="Clarence Filsfils">
                • <organization/>
                • </author>
              • <author initials="A" surname="Lindem" fullname="Acee Lindem">
                • <organization/>
                • </author>
              • <author initials="A" surname="Sreekantiah" fullname="Arjun Sreekantiah">
                • <organization/>
                • </author>
              • <author initials="H" surname="Gredler" fullname="Hannes Gredler">
                • <organization/>
                • </author>
              • <date month="June" day="26" year="2018"/>
              • <abstract>
                • <t>
                  • Segment Routing (SR) leverages the source routing paradigm. A node steers a packet through an ordered list of instructions, called segments. A segment can represent any instruction, topological or service-based. The ingress node prepends an SR header to a packet containing a set of segment identifiers (SID). Each SID represents a topological or a service-based instruction. Per-flow state is maintained only on the ingress node of the SR domain. An SR domain is defined as a single administrative domain for global SID assignment. This document defines an optional, transitive BGP attribute for announcing BGP Prefix Segment Identifiers (BGP Prefix-SID) information and the specification for SR-MPLS SIDs.
                  • </t>
                • </abstract>
              • </front>
            • </reference>
          • <reference anchor="I-D.ietf-spring-segment-routing-central-epe" target="http://www.ietf.org/internet-drafts/draft-ietf-spring-segment-routing-central-epe-10.txt">
            • <front>
              • <title>
                • Segment Routing Centralized BGP Egress Peer Engineering
                • </title>
              • <seriesInfo name="Internet-Draft" value="draft-ietf-spring-segment-routing-central-epe-10"/>
              • <author initials="C" surname="Filsfils" fullname="Clarence Filsfils">
                • <organization/>
                • </author>
              • <author initials="S" surname="Previdi" fullname="Stefano Previdi">
                • <organization/>
                • </author>
              • <author initials="G" surname="Dawra" fullname="Gaurav Dawra">
                • <organization/>
                • </author>
              • <author initials="E" surname="Aries" fullname="Ebben Aries">
                • <organization/>
                • </author>
              • <author initials="D" surname="Afanasiev" fullname="Dmitry Afanasiev">
                • <organization/>
                • </author>
              • <date month="December" day="21" year="2017"/>
              • <abstract>
                • <t>
                  • Segment Routing (SR) leverages source routing. A node steers a packet through a controlled set of instructions, called segments, by prepending the packet with an SR header. A segment can represent any instruction topological or service-based. SR allows to enforce a flow through any topological path while maintaining per-flow state only at the ingress node of the SR domain. The Segment Routing architecture can be directly applied to the MPLS dataplane with no change on the forwarding plane. It requires a minor extension to the existing link-state routing protocols. This document illustrates the application of Segment Routing to solve the BGP Egress Peer Engineering (BGP-EPE) requirement. The SR-based BGP-EPE solution allows a centralized (Software Defined Network, SDN) controller to program any egress peer policy at ingress border routers or at hosts within the domain.
                  • </t>
                • </abstract>
              • </front>
            • </reference>
          • </references>
        • <references>
          • <name>
            • Informative References
            • </name>
          • <reference anchor="RFC6793" target="https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc6793" xml:base="https://xml2rfc.tools.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.6793.xml">
            • <front>
              • <title>
                • BGP Support for Four-Octet Autonomous System (AS) Number Space
                • </title>
              • <seriesInfo name="DOI" value="10.17487/RFC6793"/>
              • <seriesInfo name="RFC" value="6793"/>
              • <author initials="Q." surname="Vohra" fullname="Q. Vohra">
                • <organization/>
                • </author>
              • <author initials="E." surname="Chen" fullname="E. Chen">
                • <organization/>
                • </author>
              • <date year="2012" month="December"/>
              • <abstract>
                • <t>
                  • The Autonomous System number is encoded as a two-octet entity in the base BGP specification. This document describes extensions to BGP to carry the Autonomous System numbers as four-octet entities. This document obsoletes RFC 4893 and updates RFC 4271. [STANDARDS-TRACK]
                  • </t>
                • </abstract>
              • </front>
            • </reference>
          • <reference anchor="I-D.ietf-6man-segment-routing-header" target="http://www.ietf.org/internet-drafts/draft-ietf-6man-segment-routing-header-21.txt">
            • <front>
              • <title>
                • IPv6 Segment Routing Header (SRH)
                • </title>
              • <seriesInfo name="Internet-Draft" value="draft-ietf-6man-segment-routing-header-21"/>
              • <author initials="C" surname="Filsfils" fullname="Clarence Filsfils">
                • <organization/>
                • </author>
              • <author initials="D" surname="Dukes" fullname="Darren Dukes">
                • <organization/>
                • </author>
              • <author initials="S" surname="Previdi" fullname="Stefano Previdi">
                • <organization/>
                • </author>
              • <author initials="J" surname="Leddy" fullname="John Leddy">
                • <organization/>
                • </author>
              • <author initials="S" surname="Matsushima" fullname="Satoru Matsushima">
                • <organization/>
                • </author>
              • <author initials="d" surname="daniel.voyer@bell.ca" fullname="daniel.voyer@bell.ca">
                • <organization/>
                • </author>
              • <date month="June" day="13" year="2019"/>
              • <abstract>
                • <t>
                  • Segment Routing can be applied to the IPv6 data plane using a new type of Routing Extension Header. This document describes the Segment Routing Extension Header and how it is used by Segment Routing capable nodes.
                  • </t>
                • </abstract>
              • </front>
            • </reference>
          • </references>
        • </references>
      • </back>
    • </rfc>
1<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
2<!DOCTYPE rfc SYSTEM "rfc2629-xhtml.ent">
4<rfc xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude" category="info"
5     ipr="trust200902" obsoletes="" updates="" submissionType="IETF"
6     consensus="true" number="9999" xml:lang="en" tocInclude="true" symRefs="true" sortRefs="true" version="3">
8  <!-- xml2rfc v2v3 conversion 2.23.0 -->
10  <front>
11    <title abbrev="BGP-Prefix SID in large-scale DCs">BGP-Prefix Segment in
12    large-scale data centers</title>
13    <seriesInfo name="RFC" value="9999"/>
14    <author fullname="Clarence Filsfils" initials="C." role="editor" surname="Filsfils">
15      <organization>Cisco Systems, Inc.</organization>
16      <address>
17        <postal>
18          <street/>
19          <city>Brussels</city>
20          <region/>
21          <code/>
22          <country>BE</country>
23        </postal>
24        <email>cfilsfil@cisco.com</email>
25      </address>
26    </author>
27    <author fullname="Stefano Previdi" initials="S." surname="Previdi">
28      <organization>Cisco Systems, Inc.</organization>
29      <address>
30        <postal>
31          <street/>
32          <city/>
33          <code/>
34          <country>Italy</country>
35        </postal>
36        <email>stefano@previdi.net</email>
37      </address>
38    </author>
39    <author fullname="Gaurav Dawra" initials="G." surname="Dawra">
40      <organization>LinkedIn</organization>
41      <address>
42        <postal>
43          <street/>
44          <city/>
45          <code/>
46          <country>USA</country>
47        </postal>
48        <email>gdawra.ietf@gmail.com</email>
49      </address>
50    </author>
51    <author fullname="Ebben Aries" initials="E." surname="Aries">
52      <organization>Juniper Networks</organization>
53      <address>
54        <postal>
55          <street>1133 Innovation Way</street>
56          <city>Sunnyvale</city>
57          <code>CA 94089</code>
58          <country>US</country>
59        </postal>
60        <email>exa@juniper.net</email>
61      </address>
62    </author>
63    <author fullname="Petr Lapukhov" initials="P." surname="Lapukhov">
64      <organization>Facebook</organization>
65      <address>
66        <postal>
67          <street/>
68          <city/>
69          <code/>
70          <country>US</country>
71        </postal>
72        <email>petr@fb.com</email>
73      </address>
74    </author>
75    <date month="July" year="2019"/>
76    <workgroup>Network Working Group</workgroup>
77    <abstract>
78      <t>This document describes the motivation and benefits for applying
79      segment routing in BGP-based large-scale data-centers. It describes the
80      design to deploy segment routing in those data-centers, for both the
81      MPLS and IPv6 dataplanes.</t>
82    </abstract>
83  </front>
84  <middle>
85    <section anchor="INTRO" numbered="true" toc="default">
86      <name>Introduction</name>
87      <t>Segment Routing (SR), as described in <xref target="I-D.ietf-spring-segment-routing" format="default"/> leverages the source routing
88      paradigm. A node steers a packet through an ordered list of
89      instructions, called segments. A segment can represent any instruction,
90      topological or service-based. A segment can have a local semantic to an
91      SR node or global within an SR domain. SR allows to enforce a flow
92      through any topological path while maintaining per-flow state only at
93      the ingress node to the SR domain. Segment Routing can be applied to the
94      MPLS and IPv6 data-planes.</t>
95      <t>The use-cases described in this document should be considered in the
96      context of the BGP-based large-scale data-center (DC) design described
97      in <xref target="RFC7938" format="default"/>. This document extends it by applying SR
98      both with IPv6 and MPLS dataplane.</t>
99    </section>
100    <section anchor="LARGESCALEDC" numbered="true" toc="default">
101      <name>Large Scale Data Center Network Design Summary</name>
102      <t>This section provides a brief summary of the informational document
103      <xref target="RFC7938" format="default"/> that outlines a practical network design
104      suitable for data-centers of various scales:</t>
105      <ul spacing="normal">
106        <li>Data-center networks have highly symmetric topologies with
107          multiple parallel paths between two server attachment points. The
108          well-known Clos topology is most popular among the operators (as
109          described in <xref target="RFC7938" format="default"/>). In a Clos topology, the
110          minimum number of parallel paths between two elements is determined
111          by the "width" of the "Tier-1" stage. See <xref target="FIGLARGE" format="default"/>
112          below for an illustration of the concept.</li>
113        <li>Large-scale data-centers commonly use a routing protocol, such as
114          BGP-4 <xref target="RFC4271" format="default"/> in order to provide endpoint
115          connectivity. Recovery after a network failure is therefore driven
116          either by local knowledge of directly available backup paths or by
117          distributed signaling between the network devices.</li>
118        <li>Within data-center networks, traffic is load-shared using the
119          Equal Cost Multipath (ECMP) mechanism. With ECMP, every network
120          device implements a pseudo-random decision, mapping packets to one
121          of the parallel paths by means of a hash function calculated over
122          certain parts of the packet, typically a combination of various
123          packet header fields.</li>
124      </ul>
125      <t>The following is a schematic of a five-stage Clos topology, with four
126      devices in the "Tier-1" stage. Notice that number of paths between Node1
127      and Node12 equals to four: the paths have to cross all of Tier-1
128      devices. At the same time, the number of paths between Node1 and Node2
129      equals two, and the paths only cross Tier-2 devices. Other topologies
130      are possible, but for simplicity only the topologies that have a single
131      path from Tier-1 to Tier-3 are considered below. The rest could be
132      treated similarly, with a few modifications to the logic.</t>
133      <section anchor="REFDESIGN" numbered="true" toc="default">
134        <name>Reference design</name>
135        <figure anchor="FIGLARGE">
136          <name>5-stage Clos topology</name>
137          <artwork name="" type="" align="left" alt=""><![CDATA[                                Tier-1
138                               +-----+
139                               |NODE |
140                            +->|  5  |--+
141                            |  +-----+  |
142                    Tier-2  |           |   Tier-2
143                   +-----+  |  +-----+  |  +-----+
144     +------------>|NODE |--+->|NODE |--+--|NODE |-------------+
145     |       +-----|  3  |--+  |  6  |  +--|  9  |-----+       |
146     |       |     +-----+     +-----+     +-----+     |       |
147     |       |                                         |       |
148     |       |     +-----+     +-----+     +-----+     |       |
149     | +-----+---->|NODE |--+  |NODE |  +--|NODE |-----+-----+ |
150     | |     | +---|  4  |--+->|  7  |--+--|  10 |---+ |     | |
151     | |     | |   +-----+  |  +-----+  |  +-----+   | |     | |
152     | |     | |            |           |            | |     | |
153   +-----+ +-----+          |  +-----+  |          +-----+ +-----+
154   |NODE | |NODE | Tier-3   +->|NODE |--+   Tier-3 |NODE | |NODE |
155   |  1  | |  2  |             |  8  |             | 11  | |  12 |
156   +-----+ +-----+             +-----+             +-----+ +-----+
157     | |     | |                                     | |     | |
158     A O     B O            <- Servers ->            Z O     O O
160        </figure>
161        <t>In the reference topology illustrated in <xref target="FIGLARGE" format="default"/>,
162        It is assumed:</t>
163        <ul spacing="normal">
164          <li>
165            <t>Each node is its own AS (Node X has AS X). 4-byte AS numbers
166            are recommended (<xref target="RFC6793" format="default"/>).</t>
167            <ul spacing="normal">
168              <li>For simple and efficient route propagation filtering,
169                Node5, Node6, Node7 and Node8 use the same AS, Node3 and Node4
170                use the same AS, Node9 and Node10 use the same AS.</li>
171              <li>In case of 2-byte autonomous system numbers are used and
172                for efficient usage of the scarce 2-byte Private Use AS pool,
173                different Tier-3 nodes might use the same AS.</li>
174              <li>Without loss of generality, these details will be
175                simplified in this document and assume that each node has its
176                own AS.</li>
177            </ul>
178          </li>
179          <li>Each node peers with its neighbors with a BGP session. If not
180            specified, eBGP is assumed. In a specific use-case, iBGP will be
181            used but this will be called out explicitly in that case.</li>
182          <li>
183            <t>Each node originates the IPv4 address of its loopback interface
184            into BGP and announces it to its neighbors. </t>
185            <ul spacing="normal">
186              <li>The loopback of Node X is 192.0.2.x/32.</li>
187            </ul>
188          </li>
189        </ul>
190        <t>In this document, the Tier-1, Tier-2 and Tier-3 nodes are referred
191        to respectively as Spine, Leaf and ToR (top of rack) nodes. When a ToR
192        node acts as a gateway to the "outside world", it is referred to as a
193        border node.</t>
194      </section>
195    </section>
196    <section anchor="OPENPROBS" numbered="true" toc="default">
197      <name>Some open problems in large data-center networks</name>
198      <t>The data-center network design summarized above provides means for
199      moving traffic between hosts with reasonable efficiency. There are few
200      open performance and reliability problems that arise in such design:
201      </t>
202      <ul spacing="normal">
203        <li>ECMP routing is most commonly realized per-flow. This means that
204          large, long-lived "elephant" flows may affect performance of
205          smaller, short-lived "mouse" flows and reduce efficiency
206          of per-flow load-sharing. In other words, per-flow ECMP does not
207          perform efficiently when flow lifetime distribution is heavy-tailed.
208          Furthermore, due to hash-function inefficiencies it is possible to
209          have frequent flow collisions, where more flows get placed on one
210          path over the others.</li>
211        <li>Shortest-path routing with ECMP implements an oblivious routing
212          model, which is not aware of the network imbalances. If the network
213          symmetry is broken, for example due to link failures, utilization
214          hotspots may appear. For example, if a link fails between Tier-1 and
215          Tier-2 devices (e.g. Node5 and Node9), Tier-3 devices Node1 and
216          Node2 will not be aware of that, since there are other paths
217          available from perspective of Node3. They will continue sending
218          roughly equal traffic to Node3 and Node4 as if the failure didn't
219          exist which may cause a traffic hotspot.</li>
220        <li>Isolating faults in the network with multiple parallel paths and
221          ECMP-based routing is non-trivial due to lack of determinism.
222          Specifically, the connections from HostA to HostB may take a
223          different path every time a new connection is formed, thus making
224          consistent reproduction of a failure much more difficult. This
225          complexity scales linearly with the number of parallel paths in the
226          network, and stems from the random nature of path selection by the
227          network devices.</li>
228      </ul>
229      <t>First, it will be explained how to apply SR in the DC, for MPLS and
230      IPv6 data-planes.</t>
231    </section>
232    <section anchor="APPLYSR" numbered="true" toc="default">
233      <name>Applying Segment Routing in the DC with MPLS dataplane</name>
234      <section anchor="BGPREFIXSEGMENT" numbered="true" toc="default">
235        <name>BGP Prefix Segment (BGP-Prefix-SID)</name>
236        <t>A BGP Prefix Segment is a segment associated with a BGP prefix. A
237        BGP Prefix Segment is a network-wide instruction to forward the packet
238        along the ECMP-aware best path to the related prefix.</t>
239        <t>The BGP Prefix Segment is defined as the BGP-Prefix-SID Attribute
240        in <xref target="I-D.ietf-idr-bgp-prefix-sid" format="default"/> which contains an
241        index. Throughout this document the BGP Prefix Segment Attribute is
242        referred as the BGP-Prefix-SID and the encoded index as the
243        label-index.</t>
244        <t>In this document, the network design decision has been made to
245        assume that all the nodes are allocated the same SRGB (Segment Routing
246        Global Block), e.g. [16000, 23999]. This provides operational
247        simplification as explained in <xref target="SINGLESRGB" format="default"/>, but this
248        is not a requirement.</t>
249        <t>For illustration purpose, when considering an MPLS data-plane, it
250        is assumed that the label-index allocated to prefix 192.0.2.x/32 is X.
251        As a result, a local label (16000+x) is allocated for prefix
252        192.0.2.x/32 by each node throughout the DC fabric.</t>
253        <t>When IPv6 data-plane is considered, it is assumed that Node X is
254        allocated IPv6 address (segment) 2001:DB8::X.</t>
255      </section>
256      <section anchor="eBGP8277" numbered="true" toc="default">
257        <name>eBGP Labeled Unicast (RFC8277)</name>
258        <t>Referring to <xref target="FIGLARGE" format="default"/> and <xref target="RFC7938" format="default"/>, the following design modifications are
259        introduced:</t>
260        <ul spacing="normal">
261          <li>Each node peers with its neighbors via a eBGP session with
262            extensions defined in <xref target="RFC8277" format="default"/> (named "eBGP8277"
263            throughout this document) and with the BGP-Prefix-SID attribute
264            extension as defined in <xref target="I-D.ietf-idr-bgp-prefix-sid" format="default"/>.</li>
265          <li>The forwarding plane at Tier-2 and Tier-1 is MPLS.</li>
266          <li>The forwarding plane at Tier-3 is either IP2MPLS (if the host
267            sends IP traffic) or MPLS2MPLS (if the host sends MPLS-
268            encapsulated traffic).</li>
269        </ul>
270        <t><xref target="FIGSMALL" format="default"/> zooms into a path from server A to server
271        Z within the topology of <xref target="FIGLARGE" format="default"/>.</t>
272        <figure anchor="FIGSMALL">
273          <name>Path from A to Z via nodes 1, 4, 7, 10 and 11</name>
274          <artwork name="" type="" align="left" alt=""><![CDATA[
275                   +-----+     +-----+     +-----+    
276       +---------->|NODE |     |NODE |     |NODE |
277       |           |  4  |--+->|  7  |--+--|  10 |---+  
278       |           +-----+     +-----+     +-----+   |  
279       |                                             |  
280   +-----+                                         +-----+ 
281   |NODE |                                         |NODE |
282   |  1  |                                         | 11  |
283   +-----+                                         +-----+ 
284     |                                              |     
285     A                    <- Servers ->             Z  
287        </figure>
288        <t>Referring to <xref target="FIGLARGE" format="default"/> and <xref target="FIGSMALL" format="default"/> and assuming the IP address with the AS and
289        label-index allocation previously described, the following sections
290        detail the control plane operation and the data plane states for the
291        prefix (loopback of Node11)</t>
292        <section anchor="CONTROLPLANE" numbered="true" toc="default">
293          <name>Control Plane</name>
294          <t>Node11 originates in BGP and allocates to it a
295          BGP-Prefix-SID with label-index: index11 <xref target="I-D.ietf-idr-bgp-prefix-sid" format="default"/>.</t>
296<ul empty="true">
297<li><t>Node11 sends the following eBGP8277 update to Node10:</t>
298<dl spacing="compact">
299<dt>IP Prefix:</dt><dd></dd>
301<dt>Next-hop:</dt><dd>Node11's interface address on the link to Node10</dd>
302<dt>AS Path:</dt><dd>{11}</dd>
303<dt>BGP-Prefix-SID:</dt><dd>Label-Index 11</dd>
308          <t>Node10 receives the above update. As it is SR capable, Node10 is
309          able to interpret the BGP-Prefix-SID and hence understands that it
310          should allocate the label from its own SRGB block, offset by the
311          Label-Index received in the BGP-Prefix-SID (16000+11 hence 16011) to
312          the NLRI instead of allocating a non-deterministic label out of a
313          dynamically allocated portion of the local label space. The
314          implicit-null label in the NLRI tells Node10 that it is the
315          penultimate hop and must pop the top label on the stack before
316          forwarding traffic for this prefix to Node11.</t>
317<ul empty="true">
318<li><t>Then, Node10 sends the following eBGP8277 update to Node7:</t>
319<dl spacing="compact">
320<dt>IP Prefix:</dt><dd></dd>
322<dt>Next-hop:</dt><dd>Node10's interface address on the link to Node7</dd>
323<dt>AS Path:</dt><dd>{10, 11}</dd>
324<dt>BGP-Prefix-SID:</dt><dd>Label-Index 11</dd>
328          <t>Node7 receives the above update. As it is SR capable, Node7 is
329          able to interpret the BGP-Prefix-SID and hence allocates the local
330          (incoming) label 16011 (16000 + 11) to the NLRI (instead of
331          allocating a "dynamic" local label from its label
332          manager). Node7 uses the label in the received eBGP8277 NLRI as the
333          outgoing label (the index is only used to derive the local/incoming
334          label).</t>
335<ul empty="true">
336<li><t>Node7 sends the following eBGP8277 update to Node4:</t>
337<dl spacing="compact">
339<dt>Next-hop:</dt><dd>Node7's interface address on the link to Node4</dd>
340<dt>AS Path:</dt><dd>{7, 10, 11}</dd>
341<dt>BGP-Prefix-SID:</dt><dd>Label-Index 11</dd>
345          <t>Node4 receives the above update. As it is SR capable, Node4 is
346          able to interpret the BGP-Prefix-SID and hence allocates the local
347          (incoming) label 16011 to the NLRI (instead of allocating a
348          "dynamic" local label from its label manager). Node4
349          uses the label in the received eBGP8277 NLRI as outgoing label (the
350          index is only used to derive the local/incoming label).</t>
352<ul empty="true">
353<li><t>Node4 sends the following eBGP8277 update to Node1:</t>
354<dl spacing="compact">
355<dt>IP Prefix:</dt><dd></dd>
357<dt>Next-hop:</dt><dd>Node4's interface address on the link to Node1</dd>
358<dt>AS Path:</dt><dd>{4, 7, 10, 11}</dd>
359<dt>BGP-Prefix-SID:</dt><dd>Label-Index 11</dd>
364          <t>Node1 receives the above update. As it is SR capable, Node1 is
365          able to interpret the BGP-Prefix-SID and hence allocates the local
366          (incoming) label 16011 to the NLRI (instead of allocating a
367          "dynamic" local label from its label manager). Node1
368          uses the label in the received eBGP8277 NLRI as outgoing label (the
369          index is only used to derive the local/incoming label).</t>
370        </section>
371        <section anchor="DATAPLANE" numbered="true" toc="default">
372          <name>Data Plane</name>
373          <t>Referring to <xref target="FIGLARGE" format="default"/>, and assuming all nodes
374          apply the same advertisement rules described above and all nodes
375          have the same SRGB (16000-23999), here are the IP/MPLS forwarding
376          tables for prefix at Node1, Node4, Node7 and
377          Node10.</t>
378          <table anchor="NODE1FIB" align="center">
379            <name>Node1 Forwarding Table</name>
380            <thead>
381              <tr>
382                <th align="center">Incoming label or IP destination</th>
383                <th align="center">Outgoing label</th>
384                <th align="center">Outgoing Interface</th>
385              </tr>
386            </thead>
387            <tbody>
388              <tr>
389               <td align="center">16011</td>
390               <td align="center">16011</td>
391               <td align="center">ECMP{3, 4}</td>
392              </tr>
393              <tr>
394               <td align="center"></td>
395               <td align="center">16011</td>
396               <td align="center">ECMP{3, 4}</td>
397              </tr>
398            </tbody>
399          </table>
401          <table anchor="NODE4FIB" align="center">
402            <name>Node4 Forwarding Table</name>
403            <thead>
404              <tr>
405                <th align="center">Incoming label or IP destination</th>
406                <th align="center">Outgoing label</th>
407                <th align="center">Outgoing Interface</th>
408              </tr>
409            </thead>
410            <tbody>
411              <tr>
412               <td align="center">16011</td>
413               <td align="center">16011</td>
414               <td align="center">ECMP{7, 8}</td>
415              </tr>
416              <tr>
417               <td align="center"></td>
418               <td align="center">16011</td>
419               <td align="center">ECMP{7, 8}</td>
420              </tr>
421            </tbody>
422          </table>
424          <table anchor="NODE7FIB" align="center">
425            <name>Node7 Forwarding Table</name>
426            <thead>
427              <tr>
428                <th align="center">Incoming label or IP destination</th>
429                <th align="center">Outgoing label</th>
430                <th align="center">Outgoing Interface</th>
431              </tr>
432            </thead>
433            <tbody>
434              <tr>
435               <td align="center">16011</td>
436               <td align="center">16011</td>
437               <td align="center">10</td>
438              </tr>
439              <tr>
440               <td align="center"></td>
441               <td align="center">16011</td>
442               <td align="center">10</td>
443              </tr>
444            </tbody>
445          </table>
447          <table align="center">
448            <name/>
449            <thead>
450              <tr>
451                <th align="center">Incoming label or IP destination</th>
452                <th align="center">Outgoing label</th>
453                <th align="center">Outgoing Interface</th>
454              </tr>
455            </thead>
456            <tbody>
457              <tr>
458               <td align="center">16011</td>
459               <td align="center">POP</td>
460               <td align="center">11</td>
461              </tr>
462              <tr>
463               <td align="center"></td>
464               <td align="center">N/A</td>
465               <td align="center">11</td>
466              </tr>
467            </tbody>
468          </table>
469        </section>
470        <section anchor="VARIATIONS" numbered="true" toc="default">
471          <name>Network Design Variation</name>
472          <t>A network design choice could consist of switching all the
473          traffic through Tier-1 and Tier-2 as MPLS traffic. In this case, one
474          could filter away the IP entries at Node4, Node7 and Node10. This
475          might be beneficial in order to optimize the forwarding table
476          size.</t>
477          <t>A network design choice could consist in allowing the hosts to
478          send MPLS-encapsulated traffic based on the Egress Peer Engineering
479          (EPE) use-case as defined in <xref target="I-D.ietf-spring-segment-routing-central-epe" format="default"/>. For example,
480          applications at HostA would send their Z-destined traffic to Node1
481          with an MPLS label stack where the top label is 16011 and the next
482          label is an EPE peer segment (<xref target="I-D.ietf-spring-segment-routing-central-epe" format="default"/>) at Node11
483          directing the traffic to Z.</t>
484        </section>
485        <section anchor="FABRIC" numbered="true" toc="default">
486          <name>Global BGP Prefix Segment through the fabric</name>
487          <t>When the previous design is deployed, the operator enjoys global
488          BGP-Prefix-SID and label allocation throughout the DC fabric.</t>
489          <t>A few examples follow:</t>
490          <ul spacing="normal">
491            <li>Normal forwarding to Node11: a packet with top label 16011
492              received by any node in the fabric will be forwarded along the
493              ECMP-aware BGP best-path towards Node11 and the label 16011 is
494              penultimate-popped at Node10 (or at Node 9).</li>
495            <li>Traffic-engineered path to Node11: an application on a host
496              behind Node1 might want to restrict its traffic to paths via the
497              Spine node Node5. The application achieves this by sending its
498              packets with a label stack of {16005, 16011}. BGP Prefix SID
499              16005 directs the packet up to Node5 along the path (Node1,
500              Node3, Node5). BGP-Prefix-SID 16011 then directs the packet down
501              to Node11 along the path (Node5, Node9, Node11).</li>
502          </ul>
503        </section>
504        <section anchor="INCRDEP" numbered="true" toc="default">
505          <name>Incremental Deployments</name>
506          <t>The design previously described can be deployed incrementally.
507          Let us assume that Node7 does not support the BGP-Prefix-SID and let
508          us show how the fabric connectivity is preserved.</t>
509          <t>From a signaling viewpoint, nothing would change: even though
510          Node7 does not support the BGP-Prefix-SID, it does propagate the
511          attribute unmodified to its neighbors.</t>
512          <t>From a label allocation viewpoint, the only difference is that
513          Node7 would allocate a dynamic (random) label to the prefix
514 (e.g. 123456) instead of the "hinted" label as
515          instructed by the BGP-Prefix-SID. The neighbors of Node7 adapt
516          automatically as they always use the label in the BGP8277 NLRI as
517          outgoing label.</t>
518          <t>Node4 does understand the BGP-Prefix-SID and hence allocates the
519          indexed label in the SRGB (16011) for</t>
520          <t>As a result, all the data-plane entries across the network would
521          be unchanged except the entries at Node7 and its neighbor Node4 as
522          shown in the figures below.</t>
523          <t>The key point is that the end-to-end Label Switched Path (LSP) is
524          preserved because the outgoing label is always derived from the
525          received label within the BGP8277 NLRI. The index in the
526          BGP-Prefix-SID is only used as a hint on how to allocate the local
527          label (the incoming label) but never for the outgoing label.</t>
528<table anchor="NODE7FIBINC" align="center">
529              <name>Node7 Forwarding Table</name>
530              <thead>
531                <tr>
532                  <th align="center">Incoming label or IP destination</th>
533                  <th align="center">Outgoing label</th>
534                  <th align="center">Outgoing interface</th>
535                        </tr>
536              </thead>
537              <tbody>
538                <tr>
539                  <td align="center">12345</td>
540                  <td align="center">16011</td>
541                  <td align="center">10</td>
542                        </tr>
543              </tbody>
545<table anchor="NODE4FIBINC" align="center">
546              <name>Node4 Forwarding Table</name>
547              <thead>
548                <tr>
549                  <th align="center">Incoming label or IP destination</th>
550                  <th align="center">Outgoing label</th>
551                  <th align="center">Outgoing interface</th>
552                </tr>
553              </thead>
554              <tbody>
555                <tr>
556                  <td align="center">16011</td>
557                  <td align="center">12345</td>
558                  <td align="center">7</td>
559                </tr>
560              </tbody>
562          <t>The BGP-Prefix-SID can thus be deployed incrementally one node at
563          a time.</t>
564          <t>When deployed together with a homogeneous SRGB (same SRGB across
565          the fabric), the operator incrementally enjoys the global prefix
566          segment benefits as the deployment progresses through the
567          fabric.</t>
568        </section>
569      </section>
570      <section anchor="iBGP3107" numbered="true" toc="default">
571        <name>iBGP Labeled Unicast (RFC8277)</name>
572        <t>The same exact design as eBGP8277 is used with the following
573        modifications:</t>
574        <ul empty="true" spacing="normal">
575          <li>All nodes use the same AS number.</li>
576          <li>Each node peers with its neighbors via an internal BGP session
577            (iBGP) with extensions defined in <xref target="RFC8277" format="default"/> (named
578            "iBGP8277" throughout this document).</li>
579          <li>Each node acts as a route-reflector for each of its neighbors
580            and with the next-hop-self option. Next-hop-self is a well known
581            operational feature which consists of rewriting the next-hop of a
582            BGP update prior to send it to the neighbor. Usually, it's a
583            common practice to apply next-hop-self behavior towards iBGP peers
584            for eBGP learned routes. In the case outlined in this section it
585            is proposed to use the next-hop-self mechanism also to iBGP
586            learned routes.</li>
587          <li>
588            <figure anchor="IBGPFIG">
589              <name>iBGP Sessions with Reflection and Next-Hop-Self</name>
590              <artwork name="" type="" align="left" alt=""><![CDATA[
591                               Cluster-1  
592                            +-----------+
593                            |  Tier-1   |
594                            |  +-----+  |
595                            |  |NODE |  |
596                            |  |  5  |  |
597                 Cluster-2  |  +-----+  |  Cluster-3
598                +---------+ |           | +---------+
599                | Tier-2  | |           | |  Tier-2 |
600                | +-----+ | |  +-----+  | | +-----+ |
601                | |NODE | | |  |NODE |  | | |NODE | |
602                | |  3  | | |  |  6  |  | | |  9  | | 
603                | +-----+ | |  +-----+  | | +-----+ |
604                |         | |           | |         |
605                |         | |           | |         |
606                | +-----+ | |  +-----+  | | +-----+ |
607                | |NODE | | |  |NODE |  | | |NODE | |
608                | |  4  | | |  |  7  |  | | |  10 | |
609                | +-----+ | |  +-----+  | | +-----+ |
610                +---------+ |           | +---------+
611                            |           |
612                            |  +-----+  |         
613                            |  |NODE |  |      
614          Tier-3            |  |  8  |  |         Tier-3       
615      +-----+ +-----+       |  +-----+  |      +-----+ +-----+ 
616      |NODE | |NODE |       +-----------+      |NODE | |NODE | 
617      |  1  | |  2  |                          | 11  | |  12 | 
618      +-----+ +-----+                          +-----+ +-----+ 
619                            ]]></artwork>
620            </figure>
621          </li>
622          <li>
623            <t>For simple and efficient route propagation filtering and as
624            illustrated in <xref target="IBGPFIG" format="default"/>: </t>
625            <ul spacing="normal">
626              <li>Node5, Node6, Node7 and Node8 use the same Cluster ID
627                (Cluster-1)</li>
628              <li>Node3 and Node4 use the same Cluster ID (Cluster-2)</li>
629              <li>Node9 and Node10 use the same Cluster ID (Cluster-3)</li>
630            </ul>
631          </li>
632          <li>The control-plane behavior is mostly the same as described in
633            the previous section: the only difference is that the eBGP8277
634            path propagation is simply replaced by an iBGP8277 path reflection
635            with next-hop changed to self.</li>
636          <li>The data-plane tables are exactly the same.</li>
637        </ul>
638      </section>
639    </section>
640    <section anchor="IPV6" numbered="true" toc="default">
641      <name>Applying Segment Routing in the DC with IPv6 dataplane</name>
642      <t>The design described in <xref target="RFC7938" format="default"/> is reused with one
643      single modification. It is highlighted using the example of the
644      reachability to Node11 via spine node Node5.</t>
645      <t>Node5 originates 2001:DB8::5/128 with the attached BGP-Prefix-SID for
646      IPv6 packets destined to segment 2001:DB8::5 (<xref target="I-D.ietf-idr-bgp-prefix-sid" format="default"/>).</t>
647      <t>Node11 originates 2001:DB8::11/128 with the attached BGP-Prefix-SID
648      advertising the support of the SRH for IPv6 packets destined to segment
649      2001:DB8::11.</t>
650      <t>The control-plane and data-plane processing of all the other nodes in
651      the fabric is unchanged. Specifically, the routes to 2001:DB8::5 and
652      2001:DB8::11 are installed in the FIB along the eBGP best-path to Node5
653      (spine node) and Node11 (ToR node) respectively.</t>
654      <t>An application on HostA which needs to send traffic to HostZ via only
655      Node5 (spine node) can do so by sending IPv6 packets with a Segment
656      Routing header (SRH, <xref target="I-D.ietf-6man-segment-routing-header" format="default"/>). The destination
657      address and active segment is set to 2001:DB8::5. The next and last
658      segment is set to 2001:DB8::11.</t>
659      <t>The application must only use IPv6 addresses that have been
660      advertised as capable for SRv6 segment processing (e.g. for which the
661      BGP prefix segment capability has been advertised). How applications
662      learn this (e.g.: centralized controller and orchestration) is outside
663      the scope of this document.</t>
664    </section>
665    <section anchor="COMMHOSTS" numbered="true" toc="default">
666      <name>Communicating path information to the host</name>
667      <t>There are two general methods for communicating path information to
668      the end-hosts: "proactive" and "reactive", aka "push" and "pull" models.
669      There are multiple ways to implement either of these methods. Here, it
670      is noted that one way could be using a centralized controller: the
671      controller either tells the hosts of the prefix-to-path mappings
672      beforehand and updates them as needed (network event driven push), or
673      responds to the hosts making request for a path to specific destination
674      (host event driven pull). It is also possible to use a hybrid model,
675      i.e., pushing some state from the controller in response to particular
676      network events, while the host pulls other state on demand.</t>
677      <t>It is also noted, that when disseminating network-related data to the
678      end-hosts a trade-off is made to balance the amount of information Vs.
679      the level of visibility in the network state. This applies both to push
680      and pull models. In the extreme case, the host would request path
681      information on every flow, and keep no local state at all. On the other
682      end of the spectrum, information for every prefix in the network along
683      with available paths could be pushed and continuously updated on all
684      hosts.</t>
685    </section>
686    <section anchor="BENEFITS" numbered="true" toc="default">
687      <name>Additional Benefits</name>
688      <section anchor="MPLSIMPLE" numbered="true" toc="default">
689        <name>MPLS Dataplane with operational simplicity</name>
690        <t>As required by <xref target="RFC7938" format="default"/>, no new signaling protocol
691        is introduced. The BGP-Prefix-SID is a lightweight extension to BGP
692        Labeled Unicast <xref target="RFC8277" format="default"/>. It applies either to eBGP or
693        iBGP based designs.</t>
694        <t>Specifically, LDP and RSVP-TE are not used. These protocols would
695        drastically impact the operational complexity of the Data Center and
696        would not scale. This is in line with the requirements expressed in
697        <xref target="RFC7938" format="default"/>.</t>
698        <t>Provided the same SRGB is configured on all nodes, all nodes use
699        the same MPLS label for a given IP prefix. This is simpler from an
700        operation standpoint, as discussed in <xref target="SINGLESRGB" format="default"/></t>
701      </section>
702      <section anchor="MINFIB" numbered="true" toc="default">
703        <name>Minimizing the FIB table</name>
704        <t>The designer may decide to switch all the traffic at Tier-1 and
705        Tier-2's based on MPLS, hence drastically decreasing the IP table size
706        at these nodes.</t>
707        <t>This is easily accomplished by encapsulating the traffic either
708        directly at the host or the source ToR node by pushing the
709        BGP-Prefix-SID of the destination ToR for intra-DC traffic, or the
710        BGP-Prefix-SID for the the border node for inter-DC or
711        DC-to-outside-world traffic.</t>
712      </section>
713      <section anchor="EPE" numbered="true" toc="default">
714        <name>Egress Peer Engineering</name>
715        <t>It is straightforward to combine the design illustrated in this
716        document with the Egress Peer Engineering (EPE) use-case described in
717        <xref target="I-D.ietf-spring-segment-routing-central-epe" format="default"/>.</t>
718        <t>In such case, the operator is able to engineer its outbound traffic
719        on a per host-flow basis, without incurring any additional state at
720        intermediate points in the DC fabric.</t>
721        <t>For example, the controller only needs to inject a per-flow state
722        on the HostA to force it to send its traffic destined to a specific
723        Internet destination D via a selected border node (say Node12 in <xref target="FIGLARGE" format="default"/> instead of another border node, Node11) and a
724        specific egress peer of Node12 (say peer AS 9999 of local PeerNode
725        segment 9999 at Node12 instead of any other peer which provides a path
726        to the destination D). Any packet matching this state at host A would
727        be encapsulated with SR segment list (label stack) {16012, 9999}.
728        16012 would steer the flow through the DC fabric, leveraging any ECMP,
729        along the best path to border node Node12. Once the flow gets to
730        border node Node12, the active segment is 9999 (because of PHP on the
731        upstream neighbor of Node12). This EPE PeerNode segment forces border
732        node Node12 to forward the packet to peer AS 9999, without any IP
733        lookup at the border node. There is no per-flow state for this
734        engineered flow in the DC fabric. A benefit of segment routing is the
735        per-flow state is only required at the source.</t>
736        <t>As well as allowing full traffic engineering control such a design
737        also offers FIB table minimization benefits as the Internet-scale FIB
738        at border node Node12 is not required if all FIB lookups are avoided
739        there by using EPE.</t>
740      </section>
741      <section anchor="ANYCAST" numbered="true" toc="default">
742        <name>Anycast</name>
743        <t>The design presented in this document preserves the availability
744        and load-balancing properties of the base design presented in <xref target="I-D.ietf-spring-segment-routing" format="default"/>.</t>
745        <t>For example, one could assign an anycast loopback and
746        associate segment index 20 to it on the border Node11 and Node12 (in
747        addition to their node-specific loopbacks). Doing so, the EPE
748        controller could express a default "go-to-the-Internet via any border
749        node" policy as segment list {16020}. Indeed, from any host in the DC
750        fabric or from any ToR node, 16020 steers the packet towards the
751        border Node11 or Node12 leveraging ECMP where available along the best
752        paths to these nodes.</t>
753      </section>
754    </section>
755    <section anchor="SINGLESRGB" numbered="true" toc="default">
756      <name>Preferred SRGB Allocation</name>
757      <t>In the MPLS case, it is recommend to use same SRGBs at each node.</t>
758      <t>Different SRGBs in each node likely increase the complexity of the
759      solution both from an operational viewpoint and from a controller
760      viewpoint.</t>
761      <t>From an operation viewpoint, it is much simpler to have the same
762      global label at every node for the same destination (the MPLS
763      troubleshooting is then similar to the IPv6 troubleshooting where this
764      global property is a given).</t>
765      <t>From a controller viewpoint, this allows us to construct simple
766      policies applicable across the fabric.</t>
767      <t>Let us consider two applications A and B respectively connected to
768      Node1 and Node2 (ToR nodes). A has two flows FA1 and FA2 destined to Z.
769      B has two flows FB1 and FB2 destined to Z. The controller wants FA1 and
770      FB1 to be load-shared across the fabric while FA2 and FB2 must be
771      respectively steered via Node5 and Node8.</t>
772      <t>Assuming a consistent unique SRGB across the fabric as described in
773      the document, the controller can simply do it by instructing A and B to
774      use {16011} respectively for FA1 and FB1 and by instructing A and B to
775      use {16005 16011} and {16008 16011} respectively for FA2 and FB2.</t>
776      <t>Let us assume a design where the SRGB is different at every node and
777      where the SRGB of each node is advertised using the Originator SRGB TLV
778      of the BGP-Prefix-SID as defined in <xref target="I-D.ietf-idr-bgp-prefix-sid" format="default"/>: SRGB of Node K starts at value
779      K*1000 and the SRGB length is 1000 (e.g. Node1's SRGB is [1000,
780      1999], Node2's SRGB is [2000, 2999], ...).</t>
781      <t>In this case, not only the controller would need to collect and store
782      all of these different SRGB's (e.g., through the Originator SRGB
783      TLV of the BGP-Prefix-SID), furthermore it would need to adapt the
784      policy for each host. Indeed, the controller would instruct A to use
785      {1011} for FA1 while it would have to instruct B to use {2011} for FB1
786      (while with the same SRGB, both policies are the same {16011}).</t>
787      <t>Even worse, the controller would instruct A to use {1005, 5011} for
788      FA1 while it would instruct B to use {2011, 8011} for FB1 (while with
789      the same SRGB, the second segment is the same across both policies:
790      16011). When combining segments to create a policy, one need to
791      carefully update the label of each segment. This is obviously more
792      error-prone, more complex and more difficult to troubleshoot.</t>
793    </section>
794    <section anchor="IANA" numbered="true" toc="default">
795      <name>IANA Considerations</name>
796      <t>This document does not make any IANA request.</t>
797    </section>
798    <section anchor="MANAGE" numbered="true" toc="default">
799      <name>Manageability Considerations</name>
800      <t>The design and deployment guidelines described in this document are
801      based on the network design described in <xref target="RFC7938" format="default"/>.</t>
802      <t>The deployment model assumed in this document is based on a single
803      domain where the interconnected DCs are part of the same administrative
804      domain (which, of course, is split into different autonomous systems).
805      The operator has full control of the whole domain and the usual
806      operational and management mechanisms and procedures are used in order
807      to prevent any information related to internal prefixes and topology to
808      be leaked outside the domain.</t>
809      <t>As recommended in <xref target="I-D.ietf-spring-segment-routing" format="default"/>,
810      the same SRGB should be allocated in all nodes in order to facilitate
811      the design, deployment and operations of the domain.</t>
812      <t>When EPE (<xref target="I-D.ietf-spring-segment-routing-central-epe" format="default"/>) is used (as
813      explained in <xref target="EPE" format="default"/>, the same operational model is
814      assumed. EPE information is originated and propagated throughout the
815      domain towards an internal server and unless explicitly configured by
816      the operator, no EPE information is leaked outside the domain
817      boundaries.</t>
818    </section>
819    <section anchor="SEC" numbered="true" toc="default">
820      <name>Security Considerations</name>
821      <t>This document proposes to apply Segment Routing to a well known
822      scalability requirement expressed in <xref target="RFC7938" format="default"/> using the
823      BGP-Prefix-SID as defined in <xref target="I-D.ietf-idr-bgp-prefix-sid" format="default"/>.</t>
824      <t>It has to be noted, as described in <xref target="MANAGE" format="default"/> that the
825      design illustrated in <xref target="RFC7938" format="default"/> and in this document,
826      refer to a deployment model where all nodes are under the same
827      administration. In this context, it is assumed that the operator doesn't
828      want to leak outside of the domain any information related to internal
829      prefixes and topology. The internal information includes prefix-sid and
830      EPE information. In order to prevent such leaking, the standard BGP
831      mechanisms (filters) are applied on the boundary of the domain.</t>
832      <t>Therefore, the solution proposed in this document does not introduce
833      any additional security concerns from what expressed in <xref target="RFC7938" format="default"/> and <xref target="I-D.ietf-idr-bgp-prefix-sid" format="default"/>. It
834      is assumed that the security and confidentiality of the prefix and
835      topology information is preserved by outbound filters at each peering
836      point of the domain as described in <xref target="MANAGE" format="default"/>.</t>
837    </section>
838    <section anchor="Acknowledgements" numbered="true" toc="default">
839      <name>Acknowledgements</name>
840      <t>The authors would like to thank Benjamin Black, Arjun Sreekantiah,
841      Keyur Patel, Acee Lindem and Anoop Ghanwani for their comments and
842      review of this document.</t>
843    </section>
844    <section anchor="Contributors" numbered="true" toc="default">
845      <name>Contributors</name>
847Gaya Nagarajan
851Email: gaya@fb.com
854Gaurav Dawra
855Cisco Systems
858Email: gdawra.ietf@gmail.com
861Dmitry Afanasiev
865Email: fl0w@yandex-team.ru
868Tim Laberge
872Email: tlaberge@cisco.com
875Edet Nkposong
876Salesforce.com Inc.
879Email: enkposong@salesforce.com
882Mohan Nanduri
886Email: mnanduri@microsoft.com
889James Uttaro
893Email: ju1738@att.com
896Saikat Ray
900Email: raysaikat@gmail.com
902Jon Mitchell
906Email: jrmitche@puck.nether.net
909    </section>
910  </middle>
911  <back>
912    <references>
913      <name>References</name>
914      <references>
915        <name>Normative References</name>
917        <reference anchor="RFC2119"
918    target="https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc2119"
919    xml:base="https://xml2rfc.tools.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.2119.xml">
920          <front>
921            <title>Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate Requirement
922     Levels</title>
923            <seriesInfo name="DOI" value="10.17487/RFC2119"/>
924            <seriesInfo name="RFC" value="2119"/>
925            <seriesInfo name="BCP" value="14"/>
926            <author initials="S." surname="Bradner" fullname="S. Bradner">
927              <organization/>
928            </author>
929            <date year="1997" month="March"/>
930            <abstract>
931              <t>In many standards track documents several words are used to
932       signify the requirements in the specification.  These words are
933       often capitalized. This document defines these words as they
934       should be interpreted in IETF documents.  This document
935       specifies an Internet Best Current Practices for the Internet
936       Community, and requests discussion and suggestions for improvements.</t>
937            </abstract>
938          </front>
939        </reference>
940        <reference anchor="RFC8277"
941    target="https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc8277"
942    xml:base="https://xml2rfc.tools.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.8277.xml">
943          <front>
944            <title>Using BGP to Bind MPLS Labels to Address Prefixes</title>
945            <seriesInfo name="DOI" value="10.17487/RFC8277"/>
946            <seriesInfo name="RFC" value="8277"/>
947            <author initials="E." surname="Rosen" fullname="E. Rosen">
948              <organization/>
949            </author>
950            <date year="2017" month="October"/>
951            <abstract>
952              <t>This document specifies a set of procedures for using BGP to
953       advertise that a specified router has bound a specified MPLS
954       label (or a specified sequence of MPLS labels organized as a
955       contiguous part of a label stack) to a specified address prefix.
956       This can be done by sending a BGP UPDATE message whose Network
957       Layer Reachability Information field contains both the prefix
958       and the MPLS label(s) and whose Next Hop field identifies the
959       node at which said prefix is bound to said label(s).  This
960       document obsoletes RFC 3107.</t> 
961            </abstract>
962          </front>
963        </reference>
964        <reference anchor="RFC4271"
965    target="https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc4271"
966    xml:base="https://xml2rfc.tools.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.4271.xml">
967          <front>
968            <title>A Border Gateway Protocol 4 (BGP-4)</title>
969            <seriesInfo name="DOI" value="10.17487/RFC4271"/>
970            <seriesInfo name="RFC" value="4271"/>
971            <author initials="Y." surname="Rekhter" fullname="Y. Rekhter" role="editor">
972              <organization/>
973            </author>
974            <author initials="T." surname="Li" fullname="T. Li" role="editor">
975              <organization/>
976            </author>
977            <author initials="S." surname="Hares" fullname="S. Hares" role="editor">
978              <organization/>
979            </author>
980            <date year="2006" month="January"/>
981            <abstract>
982              <t>This document discusses the Border Gateway Protocol (BGP),
983       which is an inter-Autonomous System routing protocol.</t>
984              <t>The primary function of a BGP speaking system is to exchange
985       network reachability information with other BGP systems.  This
986       network reachability information includes information on the
987       list of Autonomous Systems (ASes) that reachability information
988       traverses. This information is sufficient for constructing a
989       graph of AS connectivity for this reachability from which
990       routing loops may be pruned, and, at the AS level, some policy
991       decisions may be enforced.</t> 
992              <t>BGP-4 provides a set of mechanisms for supporting Classless
993       Inter-Domain Routing (CIDR).  These mechanisms include support
994       for advertising a set of destinations as an IP prefix, and
995       eliminating the concept of network "class" within BGP.  BGP-4
996       also introduces mechanisms that allow aggregation of routes,
997       including aggregation of AS paths.</t> 
998              <t>This document obsoletes RFC 1771.  [STANDARDS-TRACK]</t>
999            </abstract>
1000          </front>
1001        </reference>
1003        <reference anchor="RFC7938"
1004    target="https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc7938"
1005    xml:base="https://xml2rfc.tools.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.7938.xml">
1006          <front>
1007            <title>Use of BGP for Routing in Large-Scale Data Centers</title>
1008            <seriesInfo name="DOI" value="10.17487/RFC7938"/>
1009            <seriesInfo name="RFC" value="7938"/>
1010            <author initials="P." surname="Lapukhov" fullname="P. Lapukhov">
1011              <organization/>
1012            </author>
1013            <author initials="A." surname="Premji" fullname="A. Premji">
1014              <organization/>
1015            </author>
1016            <author initials="J." surname="Mitchell" fullname="J. Mitchell" role="editor">
1017              <organization/>
1018            </author>
1019            <date year="2016" month="August"/>
1020            <abstract>
1021              <t>Some network operators build and operate data centers that
1022       support over one hundred thousand servers.  In this document,
1023       such data centers are referred to as "large-scale" to
1024       differentiate them from smaller infrastructures.  Environments
1025       of this scale have a unique set of network requirements with an
1026       emphasis on operational simplicity and network stability.  This
1027       document summarizes operational experience in designing and
1028       operating large-scale data centers using BGP as the only routing
1029       protocol.  The intent is to report on a proven and stable
1030       routing design that could be leveraged by others in the
1031       industry.</t> 
1032            </abstract>
1033          </front>
1034        </reference>
1035        <reference anchor="I-D.ietf-spring-segment-routing"
1036    target="http://www.ietf.org/internet-drafts/draft-ietf-spring-segment-routing-15.txt">
1037          <front>
1038            <title>Segment Routing Architecture</title>
1039            <seriesInfo name="Internet-Draft"
1040 value="draft-ietf-spring-segment-routing-15"/>
1041            <author initials="C" surname="Filsfils" fullname="Clarence Filsfils">
1042              <organization/>
1043            </author>
1044            <author initials="S" surname="Previdi" fullname="Stefano Previdi">
1045              <organization/>
1046            </author>
1047            <author initials="L" surname="Ginsberg" fullname="Les Ginsberg">
1048              <organization/>
1049            </author>
1050            <author initials="B" surname="Decraene" fullname="Bruno Decraene">
1051              <organization/>
1052            </author>
1053            <author initials="S" surname="Litkowski" fullname="Stephane Litkowski">
1054              <organization/>
1055            </author>
1056            <author initials="R" surname="Shakir" fullname="Rob Shakir">
1057              <organization/>
1058            </author>
1059            <date month="January" day="25" year="2018"/>
1060            <abstract>
1061              <t>Segment Routing (SR) leverages the source routing paradigm.
1062       A node steers a packet through an ordered list of instructions,
1063       called segments.  A segment can represent any instruction,
1064       topological or service-based.  A segment can have a semantic
1065       local to an SR node or global within an SR domain.  SR allows to
1066       enforce a flow through any topological path while maintaining
1067       per-flow state only at the ingress nodes to the SR domain.
1068       Segment Routing can be directly applied to the MPLS
1069       architecture with no change on the forwarding plane.  A segment
1070       is encoded as an MPLS label.  An ordered list of segments is
1071       encoded as a stack of labels. The segment to process is on the
1072       top of the stack.  Upon completion of a segment, the related
1073       label is popped from the stack.  Segment Routing can be applied
1074       to the IPv6 architecture, with a new type of routing header.  A
1075       segment is encoded as an IPv6 address.  An ordered list of
1076       segments is encoded as an ordered list of IPv6 addresses in the
1077       routing header.  The active segment is indicated by the
1078       Destination Address of the packet.  The next active segment is
1079       indicated by a pointer in the new routing header.</t>
1080            </abstract>
1081          </front>
1082        </reference>
1084        <reference anchor="I-D.ietf-idr-bgp-prefix-sid"
1085    target="http://www.ietf.org/internet-drafts/draft-ietf-idr-bgp-prefix-sid-27.txt">
1086          <front>
1087            <title>Segment Routing Prefix SID extensions for BGP</title>
1088            <seriesInfo name="Internet-Draft"
1089 value="draft-ietf-idr-bgp-prefix-sid-27"/>
1090            <author initials="S" surname="Previdi" fullname="Stefano Previdi">
1091              <organization/>
1092            </author>
1093            <author initials="C" surname="Filsfils" fullname="Clarence Filsfils">
1094              <organization/>
1095            </author>
1096            <author initials="A" surname="Lindem" fullname="Acee Lindem">
1097              <organization/>
1098            </author>
1099            <author initials="A" surname="Sreekantiah" fullname="Arjun Sreekantiah">
1100              <organization/>
1101            </author>
1102            <author initials="H" surname="Gredler" fullname="Hannes Gredler">
1103              <organization/>
1104            </author>
1105            <date month="June" day="26" year="2018"/>
1106            <abstract>
1107              <t>Segment Routing (SR) leverages the source routing paradigm.
1108       A node steers a packet through an ordered list of instructions,
1109       called segments.  A segment can represent any instruction,
1110       topological or service-based.  The ingress node prepends an SR
1111       header to a packet containing a set of segment identifiers
1112       (SID).  Each SID represents a topological or a service-based
1113       instruction.  Per-flow state is maintained only on the ingress
1114       node of the SR domain.  An SR domain is defined as a single
1115       administrative domain for global SID assignment.  This document
1116       defines an optional, transitive BGP attribute for announcing BGP
1117       Prefix Segment Identifiers (BGP Prefix-SID) information and the
1118       specification for SR-MPLS SIDs.</t>
1119            </abstract>
1120          </front>
1121        </reference>
1122        <reference anchor="I-D.ietf-spring-segment-routing-central-epe"
1123    target="http://www.ietf.org/internet-drafts/draft-ietf-spring-segment-routing-central-epe-10.txt"> 
1124          <front>
1125            <title>Segment Routing Centralized BGP Egress Peer
1126     Engineering</title>
1127            <seriesInfo name="Internet-Draft"
1128 value="draft-ietf-spring-segment-routing-central-epe-10"/>
1129            <author initials="C" surname="Filsfils" fullname="Clarence Filsfils">
1130              <organization/>
1131            </author>
1132            <author initials="S" surname="Previdi" fullname="Stefano Previdi">
1133              <organization/>
1134            </author>
1135            <author initials="G" surname="Dawra" fullname="Gaurav Dawra">
1136              <organization/>
1137            </author>
1138            <author initials="E" surname="Aries" fullname="Ebben Aries">
1139              <organization/>
1140            </author>
1141            <author initials="D" surname="Afanasiev" fullname="Dmitry Afanasiev">
1142              <organization/>
1143            </author>
1144            <date month="December" day="21" year="2017"/>
1145            <abstract>
1146              <t>Segment Routing (SR) leverages source routing.  A node steers
1147       a packet through a controlled set of instructions, called
1148       segments, by prepending the packet with an SR header.  A segment
1149       can represent any instruction topological or service-based.  SR
1150       allows to enforce a flow through any topological path while
1151       maintaining per-flow state only at the ingress node of the SR
1152       domain.  The Segment Routing architecture can be directly
1153       applied to the MPLS dataplane with no change on the forwarding
1154       plane.  It requires a minor extension to the existing link-state
1155       routing protocols.  This document illustrates the application of
1156       Segment Routing to solve the BGP Egress Peer Engineering
1157       (BGP-EPE) requirement.  The SR-based BGP-EPE solution allows a
1158       centralized (Software Defined Network, SDN) controller to
1159       program any egress peer policy at ingress border routers or at
1160       hosts within the domain.</t> 
1161            </abstract>
1162          </front>
1163        </reference>
1164      </references>
1166      <references>
1167        <name>Informative References</name>
1168        <reference anchor="RFC6793"
1169    target="https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc6793"
1170    xml:base="https://xml2rfc.tools.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.6793.xml">
1171          <front>
1172            <title>BGP Support for Four-Octet Autonomous System (AS) Number
1173     Space</title>
1174            <seriesInfo name="DOI" value="10.17487/RFC6793"/>
1175            <seriesInfo name="RFC" value="6793"/>
1176            <author initials="Q." surname="Vohra" fullname="Q. Vohra">
1177              <organization/>
1178            </author>
1179            <author initials="E." surname="Chen" fullname="E. Chen">
1180              <organization/>
1181            </author>
1182            <date year="2012" month="December"/>
1183            <abstract>
1184              <t>The Autonomous System number is encoded as a two-octet entity
1185       in the base BGP specification.  This document describes
1186       extensions to BGP to carry the Autonomous System numbers as
1187       four-octet entities.  This document obsoletes RFC 4893 and
1188       updates RFC 4271.  [STANDARDS-TRACK]</t>
1189            </abstract>
1190          </front>
1191        </reference>
1192        <reference anchor="I-D.ietf-6man-segment-routing-header"
1193    target="http://www.ietf.org/internet-drafts/draft-ietf-6man-segment-routing-header-21.txt">
1194          <front>
1195            <title>IPv6 Segment Routing Header (SRH)</title>
1196            <seriesInfo name="Internet-Draft"
1197 value="draft-ietf-6man-segment-routing-header-21"/>
1198            <author initials="C" surname="Filsfils" fullname="Clarence Filsfils">
1199              <organization/>
1200            </author>
1201            <author initials="D" surname="Dukes" fullname="Darren Dukes">
1202              <organization/>
1203            </author>
1204            <author initials="S" surname="Previdi" fullname="Stefano Previdi">
1205              <organization/>
1206            </author>
1207            <author initials="J" surname="Leddy" fullname="John Leddy">
1208              <organization/>
1209            </author>
1210            <author initials="S" surname="Matsushima" fullname="Satoru Matsushima">
1211              <organization/>
1212            </author>
1213            <author initials="d" surname="daniel.voyer@bell.ca"
1214     fullname="daniel.voyer@bell.ca">
1215              <organization/>
1216            </author>
1217            <date month="June" day="13" year="2019"/>
1218            <abstract>
1219              <t>Segment Routing can be applied to the IPv6 data plane using a
1220       new type of Routing Extension Header.  This document describes
1221       the Segment Routing Extension Header and how it is used by
1222       Segment Routing capable nodes.</t>
1223            </abstract>
1224          </front>
1225        </reference>
1227      </references>
1228    </references>
1229  </back>
1<reference anchor="RFC2119" target="https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc2119" xml:base="https://xml2rfc.tools.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.2119.xml">
3<title>Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate Requirement Levels</title>
4<author initials="S." surname="Bradner" fullname="S. Bradner"><organization/></author>
5<date year="1997" month="March"/>
6<abstract><t>In many standards track documents several words are used to signify the requirements in the specification.  These words are often capitalized. This document defines these words as they should be interpreted in IETF documents.  This document specifies an Internet Best Current Practices for the Internet Community, and requests discussion and suggestions for improvements.</t></abstract>
8<seriesInfo name="BCP" value="14"/>
9<seriesInfo name="RFC" value="2119"/>
10<seriesInfo name="DOI" value="10.17487/RFC2119"/>
1<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
3<reference  anchor='RFC8277' target='https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc8277'>
5<title>Using BGP to Bind MPLS Labels to Address Prefixes</title>
6<author initials='E.' surname='Rosen' fullname='E. Rosen'><organization /></author>
7<date year='2017' month='October' />
8<abstract><t>This document specifies a set of procedures for using BGP to advertise that a specified router has bound a specified MPLS label (or a specified sequence of MPLS labels organized as a contiguous part of a label stack) to a specified address prefix.  This can be done by sending a BGP UPDATE message whose Network Layer Reachability Information field contains both the prefix and the MPLS label(s) and whose Next Hop field identifies the node at which said prefix is bound to said label(s).  This document obsoletes RFC 3107.</t></abstract>
10<seriesInfo name='RFC' value='8277'/>
11<seriesInfo name='DOI' value='10.17487/RFC8277'/>
1<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
3<reference  anchor='RFC4271' target='https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc4271'>
5<title>A Border Gateway Protocol 4 (BGP-4)</title>
6<author initials='Y.' surname='Rekhter' fullname='Y. Rekhter' role='editor'><organization /></author>
7<author initials='T.' surname='Li' fullname='T. Li' role='editor'><organization /></author>
8<author initials='S.' surname='Hares' fullname='S. Hares' role='editor'><organization /></author>
9<date year='2006' month='January' />
10<abstract><t>This document discusses the Border Gateway Protocol (BGP), which is an inter-Autonomous System routing protocol.</t><t>The primary function of a BGP speaking system is to exchange network reachability information with other BGP systems.  This network reachability information includes information on the list of Autonomous Systems (ASes) that reachability information traverses. This information is sufficient for constructing a graph of AS connectivity for this reachability from which routing loops may be pruned, and, at the AS level, some policy decisions may be enforced.</t><t>BGP-4 provides a set of mechanisms for supporting Classless Inter-Domain Routing (CIDR).  These mechanisms include support for advertising a set of destinations as an IP prefix, and eliminating the concept of network &quot;class&quot; within BGP.  BGP-4 also introduces mechanisms that allow aggregation of routes, including aggregation of AS paths.</t><t>This document obsoletes RFC 1771.  [STANDARDS-TRACK]</t></abstract>
12<seriesInfo name='RFC' value='4271'/>
13<seriesInfo name='DOI' value='10.17487/RFC4271'/>
1<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
3<reference  anchor='RFC7938' target='https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc7938'>
5<title>Use of BGP for Routing in Large-Scale Data Centers</title>
6<author initials='P.' surname='Lapukhov' fullname='P. Lapukhov'><organization /></author>
7<author initials='A.' surname='Premji' fullname='A. Premji'><organization /></author>
8<author initials='J.' surname='Mitchell' fullname='J. Mitchell' role='editor'><organization /></author>
9<date year='2016' month='August' />
10<abstract><t>Some network operators build and operate data centers that support over one hundred thousand servers.  In this document, such data centers are referred to as &quot;large-scale&quot; to differentiate them from smaller infrastructures.  Environments of this scale have a unique set of network requirements with an emphasis on operational simplicity and network stability.  This document summarizes operational experience in designing and operating large-scale data centers using BGP as the only routing protocol.  The intent is to report on a proven and stable routing design that could be leveraged by others in the industry.</t></abstract>
12<seriesInfo name='RFC' value='7938'/>
13<seriesInfo name='DOI' value='10.17487/RFC7938'/>
1<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
3<reference  anchor='RFC6793' target='https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc6793'>
5<title>BGP Support for Four-Octet Autonomous System (AS) Number Space</title>
6<author initials='Q.' surname='Vohra' fullname='Q. Vohra'><organization /></author>
7<author initials='E.' surname='Chen' fullname='E. Chen'><organization /></author>
8<date year='2012' month='December' />
9<abstract><t>The Autonomous System number is encoded as a two-octet entity in the base BGP specification.  This document describes extensions to BGP to carry the Autonomous System numbers as four-octet entities.  This document obsoletes RFC 4893 and updates RFC 4271.  [STANDARDS-TRACK]</t></abstract>
11<seriesInfo name='RFC' value='6793'/>
12<seriesInfo name='DOI' value='10.17487/RFC6793'/>

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