dvi2bitmap  dvi2bitmap1.0
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Bitmap::const_iterator Class Reference

Iterator class. More...

#include <Bitmap.h>

Public Member Functions

Byteoperator* () throw (DviError)
 Returns the current member of the set of rows returned by the iterator. More...
const_iteratoroperator++ () throw (DviError)
 Increments the iterator. More...
bool operator== (const const_iterator &it) const
bool operator!= (const const_iterator &it) const
 ~const_iterator ()


class Bitmap

Detailed Description

Iterator class.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

Bitmap::const_iterator::~const_iterator ( )

Member Function Documentation

bool Bitmap::const_iterator::operator!= ( const const_iterator it) const
Byte * Bitmap::const_iterator::operator* ( )
throw (DviError

Returns the current member of the set of rows returned by the iterator.

This returns a pointer to an array of Byte, with elements [0..W-1] being guaranteed to be valid, where W is the width of the bitmap. If the bitmap is uncropped, this is the total width of the bitmap as returned by method getWidth; if cropped, the width is the difference of the [2] and [0] elements of the array returned by boundingBox.

pointer to an array of Byte
DviErrorif the iterator is dereferenced after it has come to the end
Bitmap::const_iterator & Bitmap::const_iterator::operator++ ( )
throw (DviError

Increments the iterator.

If the bitmap is uncropped, all the rows in the bitmap will eventually be iterator over, namely the number of rows returned by method getHeight; if it is cropped, the number of rows returned will be the difference between the [3] and [1] elements of the boundingBox array.

the iterator
DviErrorif the iterator is incremented after it has come to the end
bool Bitmap::const_iterator::operator== ( const const_iterator it) const

Friends And Related Function Documentation

friend class Bitmap

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