1.2. Organization of This Book

Depending of your level of knowledge in Linux, you can read this book from the start to finish or each chapter which may be of interest to you. Each chapter and section of this book appears in a manner that let you read only the relevant parts of your interest without the need to schedule a couple of day's reading.

Too many books available as of now take two pages to explain something that can be explained in two lines, I'm sure that many of you agree with my opinion. This book attempts a different path, in the sense, only the essential and important information that the readers are interested in knowing are explained in detail thereby eliminating all the nonsense. Though the fact that you can read this book in any order you want, there is a particular order that you could follow if something seem to be confusing for you. The steps shown below is what I recommend to facilitate a smooth reading.

Chapter 2 through Chapter 4 will guide you to do these steps:

  1. Setup Linux in your computer

  2. Remove all the unnecessary RPM package(s) during setup

  3. Install the necessary RPM package(s) for compilation

Chapter 5 through Chapter 7 will guide you with these additional steps:

  1. Secure the system in general

  2. Optimize the system in general

  3. Install, recompile and customize the Kernel

Now for this step you will need to go through the book section wise to choose what you want.

  1. Install any software you need later.

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